For the rest of the weekend, Shari thought and thought about her experience with Mike. Some things became clear to her. She was a very horny girl, and she wanted a lot more sex. She couldn't wait much longer to lose her virginity.

So she decided to give it away-but not to Mike.

All along Shari had been telling Mike a little lie. She'd said she was saving her cherry for marriage, but that wasn't true. She was just saving it for exactly the right man, whether she was married to him or not.

Shari was determined that her first fuck was going to be perfect. That meant it had to be with a guy she was wild about, not just a good pal like Mike. She wanted to lose her virginity with the man of her dreams-and she'd already found him.

For months Shari had had a heavy crush on her math teacher, Mr. David Stone. A lot of the kids thought Stone was a nerd, but not Shari. She couldn't take her eyes off him in class. She creamed her jeans when she thought about him.

She never had the nerve to talk to him, except about class work, but she decided it was time to take action. She could hardly wait to fuck, and Mr. Stone was the man she wanted to do it with. Now all she had to do was let him know.

She could hardly wait for Monday, when she'd see Mr. Stone again. Mike called and wanted her to go out Saturday night, but she turned him down. All she could think about now was her math teacher and the big surprise she had for him.

Monday came at last, but Shari still had to wait, because math was her last class of the day.

Finally she was there, in her usual front row seat, and Mr. Stone walked into the room. Shari almost squealed with excitement.

Most girls wouldn't have found Mr. Stone very attractive. He was in his late twenties, tall and lanky and even awkward. He had light blond hair and wore wire-rimmed glasses and a boring navy blue suit. In fact he looked like a very boring guy.

He acted like one, too. He was always mumbling to himself, tripping over the waste basket, breaking the chalk, and losing his notes. He blushed a lot, especially when girls talked to him. He'd never had a date as far as anyone knew. He was really bashful.

But Shari didn't see all that. She saw a man who could be really cute without his glasses and without that dumb suit. He was a nice guy, too, and he'd been a big help to her with math. Now he could be a big help to her in another way.

As he began talking, Shari kept meeting his eyes and smiling. That made him blush and stammer more than ever. Shari had worn very tight jeans and a low-cut shirt, so he could look right down the front and see the ripe curve of her high-riding tits. He could see every curve of her nice little body in those tight clothes.

But he didn't seem to notice. He just went droning on about math, although he did turn red every time Shari smiled at him. She could see that she wasn't getting through to him. After class, she lingered till the other kids had gone.

"Mr. Stone," she purred, "may I talk to you?"

He turned even redder than usual. "W-Why, of course, Shari," he stuttered. "Having problems?"

"You could say that," Shari smiled. "I was wondering if you could give me a few private lessons after school."

"Certainly," he said, "but not today. I have to go to a faculty meeting in just a few minutes. Could we start tomorrow?"

"That'd be great, Mr. Stone," Shari beamed. "See you then."

She went home grinning to herself. She'd created a chance to be alone with the man of her dreams, and she'd be able to let him know exactly how she felt about him and what she wanted. She wasn't going to be a virgin much longer.

But it was hard to wait even for twenty-four hours. Shari felt restless and horny that evening, and finally she told her folks that she was going for a walk. She wasn't sure where she was going till she got out of the house, and then she realized that she was headed for Mr. Stone's place.

The sun was just setting, and it would be dark by the time she got to Stone's house, which was across town. She'd passed it before, fantasizing about him, so she knew right where it was. When she arrived, she sneaked into the back yard and saw a lighted window with no curtains drawn.

Shari crept up to the window and peeked inside. It was Mr. Stone's bedroom. That made her feel really hot and excited. She looked at the double bed and imagined herself in it with Stone. They'd be naked, kissing, caressing, then fucking.

She creamed through her panties. Her virgin slit swelled and got fever-hot. She wanted to knock at the back door and make some excuse to go inside, but while she was still getting up her nerve, Mr. Stone walked into the bedroom.

Shari held her breath. He'd obviously just gotten out of the shower, because all he was wearing was a bath towel wrapped around his lower body. He had a nice body, nicer than she'd dreamed. He must have worked out every day.

She gazed hungrily at his muscular arms and legs, at the thick blond hair mat on his chest. He sure didn't look like a nerd now. But to her disappointment, he picked up his glasses off the bedside table and put them on. He'd be so cute if he didn't wear those dumb glasses.

Stone plumped up the pillows and sat down on the bed. He opened a drawer of the table and took out a magazine. So he was going to spend the evening reading? Shari had much more exciting plans for him, but she was too timid to go to the door and knock.

No, tonight she'd just spy on him. She moved closer to the window, till she was fogging it with her breath. Stone wasn't looking her way. His whole attention was on that magazine. Now Shari could see the magazine more clearly.

"Oh, my gosh!" she gasped.

She could tell right away that it was a naughty magazine. There was hardly any print. Stone was flipping through it, and there was page after page of color photos, pictures of naked women,, The pictures weren't exactly artistic.

Stone stopped and studied one of the photos.

It showed a petite brunette, a girl who looked a lot like Shari. She was stark naked, sitting in a chair with her legs thrown up over the arms.

Her whole pussy was exposed.

Shari reddened and felt a little shocked, but at the same time she was very curious. She stared at the girl's cute triangular bush and pretty furfringed gash. The flesh was light pink and glistening, beaded with cream.

The girl had a very naughty expression on her face. She was running her wet pink tongue around her lips and staring right at Stone. Shari got the message. The girl was telling the reader that she was very horny and that she wanted him to fuck her. Stone stared and stared at the picture.

The girl was cupping her tits, squeezing them lightly, and her small red nipples were stiff. Shari couldn't understand it, but that picture was making her really lusty. More molten cream dripped from her virgin twat and seeped into her panties.

Mr. Stone's handsome face was flushed, his eyes hot, as he studied that naughty photo. The girl looked so much like Shari, it was uncanny.

She even had the same short curly brown hair, the same big blue eyes. Had Mr. Stone noticed the resemblance?

And what was he thinking? Was he thinking about how Shari had smiled at him in class, and was he imagining her sitting naked and coming on to him? The idea made Shari really excited. Maybe she'd gotten through to him after all.

The window was open just a crack, because it was a hot night, and Shari could hear her teacher breathing louder and louder as he ogled the sexy photo. She just wished she could read his thoughts. She was really beginning to think they were about her.

Then Mr. Stone removed his towel. It was all Shari could do to keep from squealing with excitement. He was totally naked now as he tossed the towel aside. The lusty girl stared at his cock. It was enormous, even bigger than Mike's, and it was stiff and hard and drooling.

Thick globs of cream were oozing from the dark cleft of his cock and running down the blue-veined shaft. Shari recalled how Mike's cock had drooled that way when she pumped it. Mr. Stone's prick was rigid and creaming. He was horny out of his mind.

Shari smothered a giggle. It was funny to think of her shy, awkward math teacher as horny. But it was very exciting to see. She just wished she was right beside him, playing with his cock. She wanted to jack him off like she'd done with Mike.

Then she realized that Mr. Stone was going to do the job himself.

Staring intently at the picture, at the naked girl who looked so much like Shari, Stone wrapped his fingers around his mammoth dick and started pumping it. He gave a low hoarse groan as he began masturbating.

Shari groaned, too, then clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle the sound. She mustn't be caught now. Mr. Stone would be furious with her, and that would ruin all her plans. With wild arousal she watched him pumping his drooling prick.

Oh, Mr. Stone, honey, she thought, I'd love to do that for you.

Well, maybe tomorrow she would. Meanwhile she was having a very exciting time spying on her teacher. Stone began pumping his meat slowly, sensuously, never taking his eyes off that photo. What was he thinking?

Shari was positive now that he was thinking about her. Today in class he'd noticed her tight clothes and her flirtatious smiles, and he couldn't get her out of his mind. Maybe he was even fantasizing them fucking.

That really turned Shari on. She creamed more heavily than ever. %4r. Stone just might be as hot for her as she was for him. She caught herself rubbing her thighs together, just like she'd done when Mike got her aroused.

Mr. Stone was pumping his cock faster now, and he was panting loudly. He never took his eyes off that naughty photo. Thick streams of juice were running from his piss hole, and he rubbed the hot cream all over his big hard cock.

"Ohhhh, Jesus! Yes!" he groaned.

Shari almost moaned right along with him. Maybe he was fantasizing that he had his cock in her hot little box. She felt molten cream seeping through her jeans. She wished she could jump in the window and make his horny daydream come true.

But she knew that would be a wrong move. Mr. Stone was so shy with women, he'd probably panic. She'd have to approach him a lot more carefully than that. Tomorrow, after school, she'd get her chance.

Tomorrow seemed a long time off, though. She was going crazy with lust right now. Without realizing it, she slid her hand down and cupped her soaked crotch. She started squeezing the swollen flesh through her clothes, and she felt hot rushes of pleasure. She went on rubbing herself like that as she spied on her handsome math teacher.

"Yes, yes, take my cock!" Stone panted.

His fist was really flying now. Obviously he was fantasizing about fucking somebody, but was it Shari? She was dying to know. Her fingers kept pace with his, massaging her hot wet pussy through her jeans.

She wondered why she was doing that. She'd never played with herself before. But it felt so damned good, she just couldn't bear to stop. The pleasure grew as he squeezed and stimulated her engorged gash and watched Mr. Stone.

His eyes were rolling, and his nostrils were flared. Finally he got so carried away, he dropped the magazine. He fell back on the bed and jerked his prick like mad. He was groaning steadily and hoarsely.

"Unnnnhhhh, Jesus! Aaaagggghhhh!" he roared.

Thick wads of cream shot from his cock. They went high into the air, then splattered down on him and the bed. Shari knew what that meant, because she'd seen Mike come, too. Mr. Stone groaned in ecstasy as he shot his thick load all over the place. Then he lay there still and panting.

He was blushing hard now, as if ashamed of himself. He caught his breath, grabbed the magazine, and stuffed it back in the drawer. Then he reached for a math book and started reading it, looking like his usual prim self.

Shari realized the show was over, and she crept from the back yard and started home. She'd learned a lot. Mr. Stone was interested in sex, all right. He was as horny as the next guy. That was something Shari could work with.

As soon as she got home, she said goodnight to her folks and went to her room. She'd discovered something else while spying on her teacher, and she wanted to find out more about it. She undressed and slipped under the covers, then slid her hand between her legs.

It sure had felt good when she played with herself. It still did. She cupped and squeezed the hot wet flesh of her gash, just like she'd done while spying on Mr. Stone. She wondered why she hadn't discovered this interesting trick before.

Experimenting, she touched her whole pussy, finding out where it was most sensitive. The small hooded lump of her clit was definitely the most responsive and tender. That was where Mike had touched her when he got her off. She even remembered how he'd done it.

She rubbed her index finger stiffly over the throbbing nub, and it felt fantastically good. She started moaning with pleasure, then reminded herself to be quiet. She didn't want her folks to hear her. She sensed they wouldn't approve of this.

She did her best to stifle her whimpers and moans of delight as she sawed her stiff finger over her clit. That pulsating button was so sensitive, she could hardly believe it. It made her feel so horny to rub herself there.

"Mmmmmm, shit! Ooooooh!" she gurgled.

She felt sizzling cream spurting from her virgin cunt and soaking her sawing finger. The more horny she got, the more heavily she juiced. Her pussy felt like it was on fire. She had a frantic urge to come.

Well, if Mike could get her off, she could copy him and do the job alone. She was sure of it. Closing her eyes, shutting out all other sensations, the lusty teenage girl grasped her clit between her thumb and forefinger and started kneading it.

"Ooooooh, shit! Yesssss!" she moaned.

This was what Mike had done to her, and it worked just as well when she did it herself. Hot stabs of pleasure ripped through her pussy, and she creamed furiously. She felt herself climbing steadily toward the orgasm she craved.

How had she gotten to be a high-school senior without masturbating? Shari didn't know, but she was sure going to make up for lost time. Gurgling with delight, she rolled her wildly throbbing clit between her fingers. The pleasure built till she couldn't contain it a second longer.

At the last second she realized she was going to come and that she was going to scream with ecstasy. She buried her face in the pillow and beat off. Hot jolts of pleasure rocked her petite body, and she yelled into the pillow.

"Unnnnhhhh, God! Yesssss! Whaaahhhhh!" she howled.

It felt so incredibly good to come. She kept kneading her clit, milking it for every drop of pleasure she could get. The wonderful sensations went on and on. She was hooked on coming, that was for sure.

Her lust temporarily satisfied, she fell asleep fast, and her last thoughts were of her teacher. Tomorrow would be her big chance with Mr. Stone.
