After their exhausting sex, Mr. White began to dress. Wanda called up the store where she'd bought all her furniture (except the Castro) and asked them to deliver her purchases.
She thought that she had definitely made the right decision in choosing this apartment. Wanda loved the idea that the neighbors she'd just met via the windows were as open-minded as they seemed. This meant a lot. Now she wouldn't have to bother about wearing clothes around the house.
Mr. White finally got his pants back on, but only after professing a great need to lick and kiss her from head to toe, “every luscious tasty inch.” He hurried off, looking back over his shoulder, almost tripping on the carpeted stairs down to the street.
Wanda sighed. At last she had a few minutes to relax. She was looking forward to her first orgy that evening over at Mrs. Long's.
Wanda knew that Alice had invited that healthy Greek delivery boy. Alice had gone on and on about his monstrous cock and his delicious balls. It seems he liked to pick Mrs. Long up in his beautiful Greek arms and bounce her up and down on his impaling cock as he held her up off the floor, her long, naked legs clasped around his slender waist.
Alice also regaled Wanda with stories of how this Greek boy, Jimmy, loved to have his asshole played with. Knowing this and anticipating doing it, drove Wanda dizzy with lust and desire. She couldn't understand why she'd gotten so deeply into assholes so quickly. Maybe it was the influence of that hot porn novel. She didn't know.
After the furniture was all delivered, along with the expensive rug that Mr. White had whispered he would pay for as a special housewarming gift, the brand-new electric kitchen was delivered while the plumbers were taking out the old refrigerator, stove and sink. Now Wanda had a dishwasher and a washing machine and dryer combination right in her own kitchen, just like Angela.
Sometimes, as she puttered around and tried to stay out of the way of the moving people, she would get to wondering if there had ever really been an Angela.
Camped in the bedroom on the convertible sofa-bed while the tile men were fixing up the bathroom and the kitchen, she leaned back. It wasn't as comfortable as she liked her bed to be, but it would surely save a lot of space. Through her half-closed eyes, she saw another neighbor, one floor up.
He was standing, nude, a few feet from his window. He was good-looking. Wanda could see him jerking off what looked to be a monstrous cock. His face was contorted and his breathing swift.
Then Wanda noticed something startling. The hands fondling and jerking off his prick weren't his own. Whosewere they?
Craning her neck, she was able to see another naked figure. This person was standing behind the one in front. Was it a woman or a man?
God!Wanda shrieked to herself.It is another man! “Oh wow,” she sighed, and began to masturbate her clitoris in full view of the man who was now smiling in obvious enjoyment of getting fucked up his ass by his friend. He was also jerking off his huge cock for Wanda's benefit.
Oh, yes, Wanda had such nice neighbors! She was thrilled to death. She got up on her hands and knees and pulled her skirt up to her waist in order to bare her lovely naked buttocks so that the couple fucking on the next floor could see her cunt. She wanted them to see how hairy it was, and how soaking wet it was from the terrible fierce orgasms she'd had while Homer White was fucking her so beautifully up her own ass.
Wanda wondered if these men had seen her getting a cock up her ass? If they had, they knew how very much she had enjoyed it. Oh God, yes. Wanda had loved every stroke of Mr. White's cock, how it had bombarded her, how it had pounded up inside her hot nether hole, and how, when it had exploded, the violence had been so great that Wanda felt every spasm of the prick as it blasted hot sperm into her bowels. Wanda knew that Mr. White's come was still buried deep in her ass. The idea excited her very much.
She suddenly wished she were with the two men who were fucking across the courtyard. She'd be down on her knees so she could see the prick going into the asshole. And maybe, as Alice liked to do, she would lick and kiss the wet cock as it moved in and out of the man's ass. And when the man getting fucked was about to come, she would swivel around in front of him, to take his sweet cock into her mouth so he could come down her throat. Then the other man, the one whose cock was driving into the other's asshole, would come, his fingers digging into the man's hips, his expression agonized. He would bend over the other man's back and give a long moan into his neck. Then she'd smear both men's come over her breasts and belly and face. Oh God, she was coming again… oh wow!
Afterwards, she put on a pair of tight, crotch-hugging panties and a thin, transparent brassiere. She slipped her dainty feet into a pair of high-heeled spikes with tiny thongs of leather crossing her delicate white toes.
Over this she put on a clinging robe that reached down to her thighs and just covered the swollen curves of her magnificent buttocks. Oh, what a lovely ass Wanda had! And she knew it. She stood appraising its alluring contours in the new three-way mirror she'd bought along with other pieces for her bedroom.
As she was modeling her ass, so to speak, she caught another person watching her from his window. This was an older man and he, too, was naked.Oh God, oh wow! she hummed to herself. Wanda knew that moving to the Village was the best thing she'd ever done. As she fondled her behind, twisting this way and that, and flashed her bare thighs and even opened the chiffon shortie to expose her lovely white silky-smooth breasts to the strange neighbor, she could see how much he appreciated it. He kept blowing her kisses after brushing his lips over his closed fingers the way elegant French men do. Maybe he was French. A lot of French people lived in Greenwich Village. There were sure a lot of French restaurants, she'd noticed.
In the kitchen where she stood posed in the doorway, one of the laborers glanced up and caught his breath. “Oh God, you're gorgeous,” he exclaimed.
Wanda giggled. Obviously, he was alone. She smiled at him. She loved how his eyes swept over her stunning body, how they lingered on her half-exposed breasts, but mostly she loved how he stared so candidly at her crotch. Her tight panties hugged her mound and the lips of her cunt were quite visible through the clinging material of the panties, which was so thin as to be transparent in certain lights.
"I'll bet you'd like a taste, wouldn't you?” she giggled, brushing her fingers over her cunt mound, wiggling her body slightly and squirming licentiously. “Wouldn't you, honey man?"
"Lady, I'd give my right arm,” he said in a hoarse voice, glancing around. “Want me to?"
"Yes,” she said matter-of-factly, and led the way into her bedroom. She smiled at him as she lay down on the bed on her back so that she was facing the open windows.
"Can anyone see in, huh?” he wanted to know.
Without a word, he kneeled down on the floor and, as Wanda put her high heels up on his shoulders and let him sniff along her white, naked thighs until she could feel his warm breath on her opening pussy mound, she could suddenly see faces, some more hidden than others, slowly appearing at the many different windows.
When the workman-filthy in his work clothes, with his fingers all stained, callused and dirty from work-began to slide her lily-white panties down to expose her stunning pink cunt, Wanda was sure she could hear gasps and muffled cries of approval from the hidden faces.
When she spread her thighs wide and felt his tongue prying open her cunt lips, she began to thrust back at him and cover her mouth with her little hand in order to stifle the squeals that she knew would soon be calling more and more strangers to their open windows.
"Can you see my asshole?” she whispered.
"It was just fucked."
He looked up sharply. “It was?” he asked, he eyes wide.
"Uh huh, yep."
"Yes, and I love it. I love my ass getting fucked. When you're in the neighborhood sometime, honey, you'll have to ring me up."
"Lady, you ain't for real,” the workman breathed through nostrils that glistened with Wanda's cunt juices. “Oh, but this is sweet like pie, Lady."
This was when they both heard a loud crashing noise out in the hall. Wanda's front door was wide open because workmen and deliverymen and carpet layers were busy coming and going.
The working man leaped up. “Gosh, we'll get caught."
"Maybe,” Wanda purred and, as he raised his head, she sat up and leaned into him, kissing his mouth, licking her juices from his lips, even sticking her tongue up one of his nostrils. He loved it!
Wanda also heard a clapping of hands from the courtyard. Obviously someone else loved it, too.
Later, when dusk was settling over Greenwich Village and Wanda's apartment was looking so nice and homey, and she was quite all alone for the first time that very busy day, she lay in her new bathtub and soaked her beautiful body.
Oh God, she thought to herself as she reached for the dirty book by Mary Love, parts of which she'd been rereading while she bathed and rested,I've never felt hornier or more sexy. She began to tweak and pinch her clitoris under the water.
After she showered, washed her hair and blew it dry, she walked around her apartment. She was quite nude, except for her high heels, which she thought were fitting for the occasion because she'd just polished her dainty, delicate toes.
She had deliberately turned off all the lights. In the bedroom, with an evening breeze whipping her new filmy white curtains (another expensive gift from Mr. White), she sat on the closed Castro convertible.
Crossing her legs, she stretched and sat back. Through her open windows she could see several different vignettes taking place, seemingly right in front of her eyes. Each of the acts in the different windows were being played utterly for her benefit. Nothing was accidental.
The two men who had fucked earlier now had a third in their apartment and they were kneeling in front and in back of him, their tongues flashing for Wanda to see.
A naked couple was fucking, standing up inside their apartment, but backed away from the window for protection. The woman with the younger woman was with a man now and he was jerking her off, his fingers up her cunt as she looked out of her window with a pair of binoculars.
When the telephone rang, her first call, Wanda knew it had to be Mr. White, and she answered it quickly.
She couldn't wait until they got to Alice Long's orgy. In the bathroom, she inserted three sourballs up her cunt, put on the sanitary belt and a Kotex, threw her raincoat over her naked body and went downstairs to wait for Mr. White to pick her up.
The party was everything Alice had hoped it would be. She had invited Homer-who'd been the first to arrive-Suzy, of course, Wanda and the delivery boy from earlier that day. They'd sat around sipping drinks casually as if they were there for dinner and nothing else. That something else was, however, in the forefront of each person's mind all evening until the time Alice clapped her hands quickly together, led them to the sun porch, and proceeded to undress as a way of starting things off.
By then, they were all a little drunk, and whatever inhibitions they might have had were diluted to the point of nonexistence. Everyone was extremely aroused.
Wanda squealed in delight upon seeing Alice disrobe and proceeded to do so herself, revealing to all present her long silk-sheathed legs, and the leather garters she'd worn especially for the occasion. Suzy gasped when she saw them; they looked especially nice around Wanda's legs, the band of dark leather contrasting perfectly with her white flesh. Next Suzy undressed, showing everyone her shaved cunt and pearly skin. The delivery boy stood with his mouth agape. He had never seen such a variety of beauty in his life. Even Homer White was quite nice-looking for an old man, he thought. But Jimmy certainly had never been one to turn down the amorous affections of men; he'd just never had one before who was as old as Mr. White.
And just as he was thinking about that, Mr. White began to undress, whipping off his dinner jacket and pulling aside the buttoned flap of his trousers. In no time at all he was naked, walked over to his hostess and planted a kiss firmly on her opened mouth. They stood kissing for some time. Jimmy, the only one in clothes, didn't know quite what to do, but he knew that if he did nothing, Alice would shortly give him instructions.
It was Wanda who walked over to Jimmy to undress him.
"You're not shy, are you?” she asked, knowing the answer. As she stepped up to him, she took hold of his hand and placed it to her breast, squeezing her hand over his. This caused his cock to rise inside his trousers immediately. Wanda moved to undo his trousers. He kept his hand to her breast. Then Suzy walked over to them. She got behind Jimmy and pulled down his trousers from behind, with Wanda lifting his shirt over his head. When he was naked, the two girls sandwiched him between them. Suzy wrapped her arms around his wide body and her hands just reached the back of Wanda, who did the same. It was Wanda who could feel the magnificent hardness of Jimmy's cock rubbing against her flesh, and Suzy who could feel his full buttocks pressing into hers. Jimmy was in heaven. He could feel Wanda's breasts against his chest and Suzy's smaller ones upon his back.
As he and Wanda kissed, Suzy got down on her knees to kiss his buttocks and inner thighs. She reached out her tongue and licked his balls, so that he moaned into Wanda's mouth. Then Wanda got down on her knees and took his cock into her mouth.
When Alice withdrew from Homer, she looked over to see both girls on their knees at Jimmy's feet. Jimmy looked as if he were experiencing utter ecstasy, one hand on each girl's head as they enthusiastically took to the various parts of his body.
It was not long before he thrust his hips forward, the tip of his cock touching the back of Wanda's throat, and shot his fluids into Wanda's mouth. She did not swallow them, but let them flow from her mouth, over her lips and down her chin. Alice walked over to her and began to kiss her and to alternately lick Jimmy's sperm from Wanda's face. Homer, who was watching this, was rubbing his cock with his hand. He had never had a boy before, but had always fantasized about it. This seemed to him to be the perfect opportunity, all things being equal.
He went tentatively over to Jimmy, who looked tired but like he could easily be infused with new vigor. Very slowly, Homer leaned forward and kissed the boy on his mouth. Jimmy drew Homer's body into his, the hardness of his youthful chest pressing against Homer's. Their kiss grew passionate and Jimmy's cock rose to meet Homer's. Homer's cock was longer than Jimmy's but less thick. The sight of them intermingling was painfully erotic to all three women, who stopped what they were doing to witness the two men's activities.
"Look at how their balls push into one another's,” Wanda said in amazement.
"Isn't it beautiful, their two cocks playing with each other,” said Suzy, giggling.
"Homer, dear, why don't you take him from behind. Jimmy likes that, don't you Jimmy?” Alice's voice was only slightly taunting.
Jimmy moaned and turned so that his back faced Homer. He bent over and spread his buttocks wide with his hands. Homer looked upon the boy's ass with wonderment. How badly he had always wanted to take a boy from behind. And now it was being offered to him. He couldn't believe it. He placed the tip of his cock into the boy's ass and, after placing his hands on the boy's back as if it were a table, he slid them down to his sides. Then he grabbed hold of him and drove in, nearly hurling Jimmy forward onto his stomach.
The boy's asshole was tight and Homer could see the muscles quivering in his strong back as he took in each thrust of his incoming cock. Alice and Wanda were in paroxysms of delight, mindlessly fondling one another's breasts and legs. Suzy was masturbating; having sat upon the ground and spread her legs, she had taken her fingers to her sex and was working them furiously around it while she watched the two men fucking. Wanda, unmindful of Alice's fingers in her cunt, got up and walked over in front of Jimmy. She knelt below him and took his cock into her mouth.
"I want you to come deep into my mouth,” she said, her voice hoarse, “and when you do, I'm going to release it from my mouth, as I did a few minutes ago, dribble it over Alice's cunt, and you can lick it off of her. Would you like that, Jimmy?” She didn't wait for an answer but wrapped her lips firmly around the tip of his cock and slipped it into her mouth, sucking down to the base of it and slowly letting it up. She gently squeezed both his and Homer's balls with her hands.
When she heard Homer groan and felt a strange quiver go through his balls, she increased the pressure of her tongue to Jimmy's cock so that he would come with Homer. The two men came together, just as Wanda would have wished. Just as promised, she gathered Jimmy's come into her mouth without swallowing it, went over to Alice and spread her thighs, and opened her mouth and let the come pour out into Alice's cunt. But it was Suzy who came to lick it off, causing Alice to mix her own fluids with Jimmy's. Everyone else sat and watched while Suzy greedily nuzzled at Alice's cunt.
Then, when they'd all been momentarily sated, they drank more wine and planned the next round, which, briefly, had something to do with Homer fucking Suzy from behind while Alice fucked Homer with the dildo and Wanda and Jimmy pursued the same pleasures on their own.
It was at this party that Wanda's life stopped following that of Angela, the character in the book, and began to blossom in novel ways-which, she guessed, could never have been imagined by even a writer as imaginative as Mary Love. Wanda set aside the book for safekeeping and promised herself that she would never look at it again, except, perhaps, one day to remember fondly this part of her life.