When Wanda came to the last question, which asked for references from people outside of her intimate family, she filled in all the lines but one. She wanted to use Alice Long's name but wasn't sure that Alice would reply if Mr. White wrote to her for a reference. Alice was probably still mad.
The longer she pondered listing Alice's name, the more engrossed she became in memories of her. The memories were so powerful, so fresh in her mind that just thinking about them was like stepping back into her recent past.
Alice Long was a middle-aged dowager of great wealth. She was as beautiful as she was withdrawn. She lived in Greenwich Village on West Ninth Street in a lovely-and very expensive-three-story brownstone.
Wanda had met Mrs. Long, as she called herself, at the graduation ceremonies of her college. Mrs. Long was an alumna and a sponsor of several girls majoring in history, of whom Wanda was the most promising.
The two women had liked each other immensely from the beginning. Wanda found Mrs. Long ("please call me Alice, won't you, Wanda?") pleasant, inspiring and an excellent conversationalist. She also found her terribly sexy and exciting.
Wanda, try as she did, was unable to deny the wild sensations that flowed over her body at the mere thought of being intimate with Mrs. Long… with Alice.
Wanda noticed that, in Alice's presence, her breasts and her cunt reacted strongly. Especially in their last week together on campus.
Once, when they were both traveling to a meeting of the graduates in an inn downtown from the university, they were seated quite close together in the back seat of the car. Wanda's elbow had more than once casually and, of course, accidentally brushed across the sloping curve of Alice's firm, almost pointed breast. Alice had looked at Wanda from the corner of her eyes only to catch her looking back. Both grinned.
On another occasion that very week, Alice visited Wanda in her dormitory. She had come a little early, and had the opportunity to catch Wanda in her panties and brassiere.
"Oh,” Alice said, making a circle of her lips, “you've a lovely body, m'dear."
"Why, thank you,” Wanda replied demurely, half-blushing. She felt Alice's penetrating eyes as they lingered on the flesh-colored bra, which cupped two perfectly molded, virginal breasts, whose delectable nipples were visible through the transparent material of the sexy brassiere. Alice's eyes moved slowly down to gaze on Wanda's pubic mound.
"Really, dear, it's delicious,” Alice Long repeated before sitting down on the little couch in Wanda's private room.
"You really think so?"
"Oh yes… but yes. When I was your age, Wanda, and honestly,” she laughed softly, “it wasn't all that long ago, though I make it sound as if it were, my body was nearly as perfect. Especially my breasts."
Wanda's eyes moved slowly over Mrs. Long's breasts, which were concealed under the black silk dress she wore. The bodice of the dress molded her firm, swollen breasts and emphasized their magnificent proportions. They were larger than Wanda's.
"They're still very attractive,” said Wanda, licking her lips.
"Well,” said Mrs. Long, “I don't mean to say that they have fallen apart altogether,” she smiled, cupping her breasts with both hands and massaging them gently.
"They certainly haven't."
Mrs. Long shifted uncomfortably in her position on the couch. Her skirt, so silky, slid up to expose a good expanse of nyloned leg above her perfect knees.
"And your legs are lovely,” Wanda said, now sitting on the edge of the bed. Wanda was making no further effort to dress. After all, there was really no hurry.
"Are they? Oh, do you really think so, dear?"
"Oh yes.” Wanda stretched out her long slender legs. Of course, they were bare as were her little feet, her tiny toes painted bright scarlet red.
"I like yours, too,” said Alice, smiling as Wanda wiggled her toes. “They're strong and healthy,” she added.
"Oh yes. I love to run. I like my legs. I really do,” she said. She stood and turned to show the back of her long curvy legs and ankles to Mrs. Long.
"Oh, I love your bottom,” Mrs. Long crooned. “You have a heavenly ass, Wanda,” she laughed softly, “if you don't mind my using the word ‘ass.’”
Wanda laughed. “No. Don't be silly. I love the word. It's so explicit,” she said. Wanda turned and sat down on the bed again, this time drawing up one knee to clasp it with both hands as she began to sway lazily back and forth.
Alice Long's eyes began to turn misty and liquid as she stared at Wanda's body. Wanda's luscious breasts were undulating in a quiet sexy rhythm inside her tight brassiere.
The mound between her thighs, which Mrs. Long could plainly see, seemed more plump than ever. Alice Long could see the delicious crease, the split between Wanda's pussy-lips, the slight, curly tendrils of cunt hair sticking from the panty edge.
Alice's eyes seemed glued to Wanda's crotch and Wanda could feel the warmth spreading there as they looked quite candidly, between her white, silky thighs.
It made Wanda a bit nervous and she felt herself flushing. Suddenly, Mrs. Alice Long closed her eyes and shuddered, the spell she'd cast seeming to evaporate.
"Wanda, dear, my I ask you a serious question?"
Wanda smiled and lay back on the bed, raising both dimpled knees. Now her lovely bottom, encased in pale yellow clinging panties, which provocatively outlined and molded Wanda's adorable crotch, was never more attractive.
Wanda crossed one knee over the other and then clasped her hands behind her neck to raise her head up a bit. She looked over at Alice Long and saw that the older woman was quite flushed. She was breathing heavily now. Her large breasts were moving inside the silky dress and Wanda was certain she could see Mrs. Long's nipples becoming excited.
"Of course you may ask me any thing, Mrs. Long, I mean, Alice,” she corrected herself. “After all, you are my sponsor. And I'm so grateful to you… for everything."
"Well, dear, think nothing of it. What's past is past and I was only too happy to sponsor a girl as intelligent and pretty as you.” She paused and idly caressed her own breast. Wanda's eyes followed her nimble fingers as they drew together slowly to close over her nipple. “And I do find you especially pretty today,” she grinned, “rather sexy, if I may say so."
Wanda sat up and crossed her arms over her breasts. For some dumb reason she was suddenly upset and embarrassed. She was suddenly unsure of feeling sexy in front of this presumably sedate, morally inclined dowager.
"Oh dear,” cried Alice Long. “There's something wrong, isn't there, dear? Have I shocked you… by admiring your beauty?"
Wanda had her legs half-crossed, and was still clasping her folded arms across her partially exposed breasts. She felt almost naked. She was ashamed and excited at the same time.
"I guess. A little, I suppose."
"Oh, I am sorry, my darling. I am,” said Alice. She got up and moved toward the bed on which sat Wanda. She held out her open arms in invitation, which Wanda understood clearly to be a kind of motherly embrace offered by an older woman to a much younger girl.
Wanda let her upper body become enfolded in Mrs. Long's embrace with her face buried on Alice's shoulder. But within seconds, Wanda found herself unable to believe what was happening.
Alice's darling fingers, so eager and seemingly so experienced, were crawling, at first languidly, and then with determined strokes, all over her bare back and shoulders.
When Wanda felt Alice's sharp, but manicured, fingernails scratching gently over her shoulder blades, a wild shiver and then a series of tremors attacked her body, warming her loins. Wanda felt herself pressing closer to Alice's body.
Alice gripped Wanda's neck and held her head up. She peered intently into Wanda's eyes.
"Wanda, am I embarrassing you by holding you this way, rubbing my breasts against yours?"
Wanda shivered again. She could feel hot sexy blood rising behind her nipples, circulating frantically in her excited crotch. And then she felt her pussy beginning to leak. She became embarrassed by her excitement.
"A little bit,” she muttered.
Alice laughed. “Only a little, Wanda? Only a little bit, my dear?” she repeated. Now Alice was actively rubbing her belly against Wanda's and Wanda, despite her misgivings and fears, was rubbing back.
"Oh God,” Wanda moaned under her breath. She could feel Alice's pubic bone pressing against her own, and Alice's pert nipples were rubbing against her own. She was falling in love with the perfume of Alice's body, and the heat between them began to increase as Alice writhed and rotated her hips against Wanda's as if they were a man and woman dancing very close and intimately in a shadowy, candle-lit cocktail lounge.
Wanda loved Alice's hands, which were traveling up and down her bare back. She could feel them trailing slowly, but purposefully, over her buttocks, brushing the silky material of her clinging panties.
"Oh God, Alice, I don't know what's happening to me,” she moaned as Alice brushed her tender moist lips across Wanda's mouth and inserted the tip of her sweet tongue into her mouth.
Wanda let out a long sigh.
"Alice, what's happening to me? I've got the strangest feeling all over me."
"All over, dear?” came the husky voice of the older woman.
"Yes. All over Alice. Oh God."
"But they feel good, don't they?"
"Just delicious. I've never felt this way,” she whimpered as Mrs. Long hugged her tighter, crushing her large breasts against Wanda's.
"Oh, I love this,” she said, pushing back a bit to smile at Alice who returned the smile. She grabbed the young girl tighter and began to grind her hips into the girl's body, holding them with her strong fingers.
"Wanda,” crooned Mrs. Long. “Wanda, my dear, I love being with you. You're so nice and sweaty. I love the smell of you, darling."
Wanda was now kissing Alice's ears, her face and her lips. She slid her mouth down to her neck and pushed her full lips deep into the hollow of her throat. Alice's flesh was soft, sweet and warm. The older woman swayed back and forth against Wanda's body and threw back her head to let her neck be kissed. Her breasts throbbed against Wanda's.
"Oh darling,” said Mrs. Long, “let's move over to your nice little bed and sit a moment… shall we?"
"Yes… yes.” Wanda's own voice sounded miles away.
"And I'll take this dress off. We wouldn't want to get it all wrinkled, would we?” she smiled prettily.
"No,” came Wanda's reply. Her eyes widened when she saw Mrs. Long wasn't wearing panties. “Oh God,” she gasped. “You're so lovely, so beautiful… oh God!"