Alice explained her latest complaint with her neighbor. As Mr. White had thought, the business with the pipes and the plumbing turned out to be nasty, but he held his tongue and said he'd do what he could. This satisfied Mrs. Long.
"Come, let's have a drink in the back, on the sun porch. You haven't seen it since I remodeled it. I've put in that kind of glass through which you can see only one way-if you know what I mean,” she giggled. Alice had long known about the secret see-thru paneling in his office. This had initially been a sore spot with Mr. White but, as time passed, he hadn't thought about it much.
"Yes,” Mr. White answered perfunctorily. He wasn't in the mood to suffer any embarrassment at her hands. Especially where his highly stylized penchant for voyeurism was concerned.
"It's just great,” Alice exclaimed. She strode ahead of him, offering a full view of her nakedness beneath the gossamer gown. The sunlight was now filtering through it in a spectacular fashion, outlining every curve of her handsome, full buttocks and thighs, which were even more plump than he'd guessed. She paused for a moment, and he caught a perfectly marvelous view of her breasts outlined in shadow. The effect was dramatic.
He suddenly realized she had been addressing him for some time. “You see, Homer,” she went on, “I can parade around nude, and actually take sun baths back here,” she explained as her high heels tapped tapped over the stone floor of the sun porch. “No one can see in. Isn't that just splendid? It cost a fortune."
"I imagine it did,” he replied, marveling at the construction. It looked very comfortable. He admired the view of her garden, which more than once had been written up in the better lifestyle magazines. It cost her a fortune to keep it beautiful, but it was worth every cent. It was the finest in the neighborhood.
"I'll ring for the maid. She's new. Suzy, from Shanghai. A genuine imported China doll,” Alice laughed. “And I don't have to be shy around her."
Mr. White saw what Alice meant the moment Suzy entered. She was almost naked herself. She was lithe and very lovely, with almond Chinese girl eyes, but some Caucasian features as well. She looked more Eurasian than anything else. She wore a pretty maid's apron, which reached just below her crotch, and a pair of clinging, pale green panties. The thin diamond-shaped covering they gave was so sparse that it aroused Mr. White immediately. When Suzy turned to leave for the kitchen to get their drinks, Mr. White gasped.
Suzy's lovely buttocks were pink and fully exposed. The thin strap of panty that slipped between her luscious, smooth ass cheeks, made the sight even more enticing.
He watched her buttocks rising and falling against her thighs as she walked. Halfway out of the room, she bent down to pick something up from the floor, and again, he gasped. With her buttocks spread fully open, he could see her dark hole in all it's beauty. His cock throbbed at the sight. When she stood upright again, she tossed her long hair over her shoulders and turned to look at Mr. White, catching him completely off-guard. She smiled.
"Isn't she just darling?"
"My God, yes!” he exclaimed. “Where in the world…?"
"She's a refugee. Our committee suggested I employ her.” Mrs. Long was on every kind of social committee imaginable. She was a joiner. She belonged to so many clubs that her social whirl would have dizzied others.
"But alas,” said Mrs. Long. “Poor Suzy has very small breasts.” As she said this, she cupped her own breasts through the sheer material of her gown. Mr. White gulped. What had gotten into Alice Long? Instantly he thought of Wanda.
Perhaps there was some kind of sexy cloud hovering over Greenwich Village that rained lust? In a million years, he would never have imagined that Alice Long would stand before him dressed as she was. He could clearly see her pussy, her nipples and the curves of her breasts and thighs with no difficulty at all. It was outrageous!
"I hadn't noticed,” came his reply. His penis was throbbing madly. Once he actually caught Alice's eyes traveling experimentally over his crotch. He was shocked.
"Oh, by the way,” he began, crossing his legs, “I believe we know someone in common.” He was having difficulty avoiding the view of Alice's private parts. Each time he looked, she would shift her position slightly and this would have the unnerving effect of causing her breasts to ripple or her gown to shift and expose more white flesh.
"Oh, really?” Alice was inserting a cigarette into a long, polished silver cigarette holder with an ivory tip. “Who?” She tilted her head, waiting for him to offer to light her cigarette.
"A certain Wanda… I don't know her last name."
Alice smiled broadly. “Oh, yes, really? Wanda?"
For the next few moments, Mr. White explained only those details of his meeting with Wanda that he thought necessary. He was interrupted when Suzy returned in her high-heeled, open-toed sandals to serve them cocktails.
He noticed that Alice was right. Suzy's little breasts were no larger than small apples, but he found them exciting nonetheless. She had very large, pointed pink nipples. Suzy finished serving and disappeared smiling. Her buttocks swayed and wobbled delightfully as she departed. Mr. White couldn't tear his eyes away until once more, she did a little spin and tossed her hair over her shoulders.
"She's really something."
"I'm pleased you like her. I thought it might add some spice to your obviously-neglected sex life, Homer."
He let this remark pass and hurriedly sipped from his glass. He didn't want to be impolite, but neither did he want to miss Wanda when she returned. She would probably take the first apartment she saw, right there on Christopher Street.
He rose to leave. Alice Long held out her arms. As she did, the long billowy sleeves of the transparent gown slid open exposing the length of her naked arms and sides of her large, naked breasts. “Help me up,” she said with a tiny laugh. “I'm so sorry you must go. I guess I'm a little too immodest for you, eh Homer?"
He shook his head. “No, not really. But can't the neighbors see?"
"You're forgetting what I said about the glass being one-way.” A small grin of invitation spread over her face.
He looked uncertainly toward the hallway.
"Suzy?” she giggled. “Oh, don't worry about her, Homer. She's one of the family."
"No,” he said firmly, drawing back his shoulders. “I must go, Alice. I have an appointment."
Alice pouted. She stood before him, making no effort to close the half-opened gown. He could see the cleft between her breasts, and the rounded, brown edges of her nipples. Her belly was exposed, a soft hill which moved up and down with her breathing. Just below that, her belt pulled the two halves of her gown together so that her cunt was only vaguely visible through the fabric. In order to speak intelligibly, he had to close his eyes.
"I must go, Alice. I must.” He didn't want to get into a discussion about this. The fact was, she was simply coming on too strong at the wrong time. He hadn't had time to prepare himself.
He had to admit though, with some degree of surprise, that her invitation did stimulate him. At least his cock was interested. He moved closer to her, only meaning to say goodbye. He put his strong arms around her and she stepped into his body, pressing her groin against his.
"Feels nice, doesn't it, Homer?” she cooed. “I'd love you to stay. We could all have a little party-you, me and Suzy.” She was whispering, rotating her hips slowly against him. She could feel the pressure of his stiffening cock against her lower belly.
"No… no, Alice. Perhaps another time.” He broke away, squeezing her wrists and looking into her pale blue eyes with as sincere an expression as he could muster.
"Suzy's really quite sexy, Homer."
"I would think so,” he replied. He turned, starting toward the door that led from the glassed-in sun porch to the darkened shadows of the hallway and the front of the house.
"By the way…” Alice called after him while seating herself in the chaise lounge. This time, Mr. White could see her transparent gown was entirely open above the waist. The casual exposure of her luscious breasts seemed almost obscene to Mr. White. She massaged them idly, twirling her forefinger around and around her erect nipple as she smiled up at him.
"Why don't you tell Wanda that I live around the corner from you?"
"She knows that."
"Tell her to give me a buzz. Even better, tell her to stop by when she's finished her business with you. Oh, by the way, Homer, whatever her rent is, cut it in half and I'll pay the difference. But say nothing to Wanda."
"I understand."
"And Homer?"
"Yes?” In the moment in which he'd turned to leave at last, then turned again when she called, she had risen and taken her gown completely off. She sat again, raising one knee to clasp it with her folded hands. The view of her vagina, with its mass of thick, curly brown hair, was excellent. He could see the lips of her cunt, pink and purplish, and very fleshy. He imagined them to be wet, but he could not be sure from the distance.
"I do wish you could stay for only a little. You surely see how amorous I am, Homer. And you are a dear old friend."
He smiled. “I wish I could. But I promise you-another time.” Homer White couldn't believe he was actually turning down his second sexual adventure in one day, and with a woman as attractive as Alice. Especially when she was so obviously hot and hungry, with such a craving for his prick.
He turned and made his way through the corridor up to the front of the house. Suzy, still half-naked, smiled prettily as she opened the large oak door and closed it gently behind him.
In the street, Mr. White stood quietly for some moments trying to regulate his breathing and waiting for his erection to melt.
He kept shaking his head and grinning foolishly. Something really dramatic was happening to him and he couldn't understand it. What sort of luck was this that had brought the delicious Wanda to his door? What sort of mad irony was behind Alice Long's sudden need for him? He could scarcely believe that she'd exhibited all her womanly charms so vividly.
But more than that, what had she meant about a party with Suzy, the maid? Had she possibly intended to perform with Suzy? The idea overwhelmed him.
Mr. White had always considered Alice Long to be quiet and self-possessed. The shameless sexual abandon of the performance he'd just witnessed had shown him a whole new side of Alice's character.
In fact, her behavior had excited him enormously, almost against his will. He stood on the sidewalk, unsure of his next step, feeling rather dizzy and in need of either a sedative or a stiff drink.
He glanced up to the sky and closed his eyes, feeling the sun beaming down on them through his eyelids.
Opening his eyes, he saw a couple sitting in a parked car nearby. They were necking frantically, the girl half-nude. Her golden breasts expanded as her lover's eager fingers fondled them. He blinked and looked closer, squinting his eyes. He saw a small boy juggling two grapefruit as his mother stood close by, gossiping with a neighbor on her way home from Balducci's.