It became a ritual, led by the Count and the Countess. They way they went about it was precise and methodical, as if they had done it many, many times before. Connie and Dirk carefully dressed Daphne's bleeding body in something between a dress and a ceremonial robe. They even put underwear on her. Then they took her up to a strange room in the attic, dimly lit and hung with black and red drapes.

The four of them seemed to be chanting something as they carried Daphne between them, with the others trailing along behind.

At the end of the room, under an arched canopy, was a strange kind of altar. In front of the altar, coming down through the canopy, was a long, golden chain. The Count, with the help of the two children, attached Daphne's wrists to the chain and hoisted her off the floor.

Everyone else stood and watched in muted awe and expectation. They were all still naked and their hands continued to fondle and caress themselves and each other even though their eyes never left the blonde beauty hanging slightly off the floor in front of them.

As she was lifted from the floor, Daphne seemed to wake up to some realization of what was happening to her. Her body arched but, more importantly, she saw the strangeness in the Count and Countess' eyes. She also saw the glint of lust in the others' eyes.

She saw no help from any of them.

Daphne's wide, blue eyes became horror-filled saucers of fear. Her body trembled. She looked up and then down at her bloodied, suspended body and wondered why she was dressed so strangely. Her wrists were attached to a chain and her feet were suspended about six inches off the floor.


"Don't worry, my dear," the Count said. "It will be glorious for you, the culmination of every hidden desire you have ever had. Many would envy you."

He moved to a table against the wall. The top of it was covered with different instruments of torture. He returned to Donea's side carrying a leather, many-pronged whip and a pair of scissors.

The rest of them watched.

"Hold this," the Count said, handing Donea the whip. "We must disrobe her for the master… in view of the master."

He began carefully cutting off pieces, and then hunks, of Daphne's robe-like dress. He cut the shoulders first and then the sides. The top of her dress fell away. Two more rapid snips and her bra straps were severed.

The men in the room were getting hard-ons.

Mark stepped forward. "I wanna feel her tits."

There was no objection. Mark examined her breasts as though he had never seen any before. He cupped one in each hand and noted their weight and the texture of the skin both on the fleshy globe and on the nipple.

"Heavy tits… nice tits," Mark chanted, studying them like a man possessed.

As if on some impulse beyond his own reasoning, he viciously squeezed both tits, hard. Daphne yelled. He squeezed them again and scratched his nails across the nipples.

"Can I have one?" Claire said, coming up to stand beside him.

He smiled and released one of Daphne's breasts.

"Claire… please," Daphne begged.

"You like it," Claire said. "I can tell, Daph, you cunt, you love it."

Claire assumed control of one tit while Mark continued to torture the other.

"Do you like our party?" the Count said. "There's always something about a beautiful, defenseless woman at mercy, that briny out the wont in everyone."

"Man and woman alike," Claire echoed as she brought another scream to Daphne's ups by biting her nipple. "You love it, Daphne, you love it. Tell me how you love it! I've watched you, you bitch." Lowering her head, Claire planted several painful bites on Daphne's nipple.

Mark copied the redhead's action on the boob in his hands.

"Oh, God, please don't. Don't! Oh, Jesus, it hurts like hell!"

"It is hell," the Countess cried. "Sweet, wonderful, beautiful hell. I love it, too, Daphne. The sacrifice is always the best part of the weekend."

"For God's sake, don't! Please don't!" Daphne repeated, feeling the strange sensations coming back to her, the sensations she had started to feel when she had been so cruelly abused by Gray. She hated them, she hated them, she kept telling herself. But, somehow, her body started responding to them.

Mark and Claire ignored her screams. They continued to torment her tits until both the heavy globes were crimson and swollen.

The Count scissored a straight line up the side of her dress, from the hem to the waist, and the shredded material fell to the floor.

That left only her panties. Hands came from everywhere to shred the flimsy nylon garment into as many pieces.

She was then completely naked to the eyes of her lust-crazed tormentor. The raw, red, swollen lips of her pussy still dripped Gray's cum as she twisted in her bonds, trying to wrench free of their biting teeth and their clawing hands.

The Countess jammed her face into the seeping pussy between Daphne's thighs. She spooned the cum and cunt-juice from the hairless pussy with her tongue. And, all the while she worked, she chanted. "Clean… clean… she must be clean… she must do the master with a clean cunt."

"Yes… cleanse her," the Count said.

He pulled the whip from Donea's hand and stepped around, behind Daphne's hanging body. He carefully gauged the distance from the end of his arm to the two solid, neatly rounded moons of Daphne's ivory-fleshed asscheeks.

The Count swung the lash in a wide arc. The blow landed across her buttocks and she screamed. The whip sang a second time and blood spurted in its wake.

Daphne released a deafening scream.

Suddenly, hurting Daphne, causing the greatest amount of pain they could, became the ultimate in everyone's mind.

Claire dropped to her knees between the blonde's legs. She made a fist of her hand and cruelly jammed it clear to the wrist in the blonde's tender cunt. Lori took Claire's place at the vacated breast and took great pleasure in twisting and biting the breast's soft flesh.

The harder Claire tortured her cunt the more Daphne's juices flowed and the less insistent were the screams from her mouth to stop the punishment. Eventually they ended completely and were replaced by moans and sighs of pleasure.

Eventually Claire's hand sloshed easily in the moisture gushing from Daphne's cunt. At the same time, Mark moved around behind her, bent below the singing whip and prepared to stick his huge cock up her asshole.

Her back and her buttocks bled profusely from the crisscrossing red welts. Suddenly the horrible sight of her partially mutilated flesh became appetizing to them all. They all became obsessed by a sexual demon.

Kneeling, Mark pressed his face into her ass. His tongue lapped the sores and dipped in and out of her asshole.

Gray slid his hard cock along side Claire's hand and up into Daphne's cunt along with it. It split at the top and she started bleeding from there as well as her other wounds. Mark, meanwhile, abandoned his licking and stood up behind her.

He inserted the huge head of his cock in her asshole. He pressed hard. She groaned in pain but concentrated on relaxing her ass muscles. He exerted more pressure, grunting and shoving his burning hard-on up her ass with all his might.

Two inches tore into her, ripping the skin. He shoved and shoved. More tight flesh surrendered to his advance, engulfing his prick with heat.

Daphne moaned, loud and uninhibited. Her body was a bloody mass from the biting teeth and the stinging whip, all of which continued. She was beyond protesting. She was in another world filled with weird and painful, but powerfully sexual, sensations.

Mark rammed his cock at her asshole, loosening the passage with each powerful thrust. The final few inches that he parted brought even more blood to his hammering cock. Finally, to his delight, he was able to plumb her to the very depths of her belly. He started fucking her asshole in a series of deep, wildly sexual thrusts.

Above her hand, and Gray's cock, Claire had taken Daphne's clitoris in her teeth. She pulled and bit at it like an animal. She gouged it with her teeth until the flesh let go and she had the tiny button in her mouth. Back into the cunt she went with her tongue, making slurping, sucking, sounds.

The excitement of the raw, tight asshole took its toll quickly on Mark. It rushed him to a wild climax. He jackhammered his cock into her with fervor and lust. He emptied his balls into her and still his cock wanted more. He found a table and stood on it. He parted her gasping lips and buried the full length of his huge cock down her gasping throat.

On and on it went as if the torture and the mass hysteria were heading for only one end.

And then that end came.

Mark emptied yet another load of his heated sperm into her gagging throat and pulled his blood-drenched cock from her face.

With a powerful, climactic scream, Daphne's whole body shuddered in one, last, final orgasm and went slack in the chain that bound her. Her head fell down, nearly reaching her mutilated breasts.

The Count, his eyes full of a strange, otherworldly rapture, dropped the whip and came around her body. Quickly he examined her and then stepped away from her lifeless form.

"She's dead," he said.

"But she lives," intoned the blond children.

"Bless her," the Countess said, standing by her side, her own, naked body drenched with Daphne's blood. "She is now with the master."
