The airport was jammed. Gray Hendricks moved his huge, athletic body lithely through the crowd towards the VIP lounge. He had no idea what the Countess LeBarron looked like, but if she was anything like his employees usual guests, she was short, fat and ugly. Just once he would like to see a guest of the Boyles, particularly female, under fifty.
He entered the lounge and stood by the door. With his obvious chauffeur's uniform, and the Boyle crest on his cap, he was sure her highness, or whatever she was, would find him. Several women passed him with several kinds of looks. Some glanced at the uniform and dismissed him as part of the furniture. Gray didn't mind, he was used to that. Being a driver for rich old couples in the summer gave him money to ski all winter. And that's all he really wanted out of life anyway – himself and snow. Anything below five thousand feet was shit.
A trim little brunette, about twenty, with heavy swaying tits, walked by where he stood and paused for a moment. She looked put the uniform to the wide, heavily developed shoulders, trim waist and hips, and the almost perfect features topped with a full head of curly blond hair.
She obviously liked what she saw.
She smiled. Gray smiled back and started to speak when a voice at his shoulder halted him.
He turned as the brunette's smile went sour. He only heard the click of her heels as she walked away. His eyes were very occupied with the woman in front of him. She was excitingly beautiful, with aquiline features, jet-black hair, and a well-developed and proportioned figure on a frame only a few inches shorter than his own six feet. Gray guessed her age at about thirty, but was sure that she could pass for early twenties if she were in soft light and totally nude.
"Yes, ma'am. Are you…?"
"The Countess Donea LeBarron. You seemed surprised, or does your mouth always hang open like that?"
"No, ma'am," he said, regaining all of his composure at once and smiling. "I was just expecting someone a great deal older."
"I suppose that's a compliment," she said, turning away from him. "I have only one bag… there. Shall we go?"
He guided her to the exit and held the door. His heart jumped a few quick beats when they stepped into the bright sunlight of the vast parking lot. It was very obvious that the Countess was not wearing a slip. He could clearly see the outlines of her trim, full thighs through the thin material of her dress. As they walked and his eyes became more adjusted to the light, he also noticed that the dress molded too perfectly to her rounded butt-cheeks and the cleft between them. He realized that the Countess wore no underwear at all.
She took his arm in hers and again his breath caught in his throat. The side of a huge, firm tit, unhindered by a bra, rubbed like a soft flame against his bicep. As she adjusted the shoulder bag on her other side, the tit did wild, crazy things up and down his arm. He was glad the coat he wore was longer than normal in the front. His cock was rock-hard.
"I'll sit in front with you," she said, as he unlocked the big luxury car.
Gray handed her into the front seat on the passenger side. He thought her actions very strange and familiar for a Countess, but he enjoyed the view of the long, tapering bare legs as she allowed her skirt to carelessly ride up when she slid into the seat.
"It's a big car," she said.
"Mrs. Boyle likes a lot of comfort," Gray said. He almost added, "when she fucks her chauffeur in the woods," but he didn't.
He deposited the single flight bag in the boot and eased his tall frame under the wheel on the driver's side. As he started the engine, he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. She was leaning back in the seat, her head resting tilted back, against the support.
His eyes floated downward over the smooth swell of her tits as the powerful motor roared into life. The calves of her legs were drawn back against the seat and her knees had slumped apart. The hem of her dress had ridden far up those sleek thighs. It rested only inches from her cunt-mound.
She didn't seem to notice or care. Gray knew if he leaned just a little forward, he could see it all.
The hell with it, he thought. The snow was only a couple of months away. It wasn't worth the risk.
Carefully, he wheeled the big car through the parking lot and into the rush of traffic. Soon they were on the main highway heading towards the distant mountains and the Boyle estate.
The Countess was silent for several miles, and Gray thought that she had fallen asleep. His mind had adjusted to the wealth of bare flesh being exposed beside him to such a degree that the bulge in his pants had almost disappeared.
When he swung off the main highway into a smaller road that wound for miles up into the hills, she spoke. "Is there anyplace we could stop for a drink? I'd love one."
"There's a pull-out bar in the back of the front seat," he replied. "The glasses are under the armrest. I'll pull over up ahead."
"Never mind," she said. "Keep driving. I'll get it myself."
She swiveled in the seat and slid up on her knees. As she strained her body into the back seat, he leaned back and turned his head slightly to take in the view. The farther she strained, the higher went her skirt. He had been wrong. She did have panties on, but they were so minuscule that he could clearly see the dark outline of her beaver and the even crease of her ass through the flimsy material.
His cock leaped to attention once again. He turned his head a little more. A tiny bit of material had gathered in the slot between her cuntlips and some of her dark hair had crawled outside the crotchband of the white panties. Her buttcheeks were twin globes of firm flesh that folded under in matching lines that formed a cross with the back of her thighs. At the center of the cross was the dark patch of her cunt.
He yearned to lean over and slide his tongue between her cheeks.
"Do you want one?" she asked.
"What? Oh, no, thank you," he replied, shifting his eyes back to the road as she turned back around.
This time she didn't face completely forward in the seat. She was leaning her back against the passenger door.
Her left foot was planted in the seat, her right still rested on the floor. Her knees were splayed apart and he could see up those smooth thighs to the rich roundness of her crotch. Tendrils of curly black cunt hair escaped around the leg hems of her silk undies. The thick labes were fully defined. Every curve was etched clearly into the double ply of panties.
He bit his lip as he let his eyes travel sideways and down to the exposed area of her cunt. He could see her muscles twitching up and down the smooth inner flesh of her thighs. He was sure he could make out the pink flesh of her slit through the stretched material of her panties.
Tiny beads of sweat popped out on his forehead as his eyes traveled up to meet hers. Her dark eyes were flashing merrily. She was laughing at him.
Jesus, he thought, did she want him to lay her? Or was this some kind of silly, fucking game she liked to play?
"Sure you don't want to have a drink with me, Hendricks?"
"I… uh… can't while I'm working," he said.
"Do you like your work, Hendricks?"
She was baiting him far some reason, and he knew it. He longed to sway his head back around and feast his eyes again on the near-naked perfection between her splayed legs. "It's all right, and it's bread-money. I mean."
"What do you do with your money?"
"I guess you'd call me a ski bum. I work all summer and ski all winter."
"Then you pursue your pleasure at all costs," she said.
"I guess you could say that."
"So do I," she said, her voice becoming slightly more strident. "Only, the pleasure I pursue is sex." He smiled, but didn't reply. "How many times a week do you have to fuck the fat one to keep your job?"
The car swerved, one wheel hitting the soft gravel of the shoulder before he could right it. His palms were suddenly sweaty. "I… I don't know what you mean, Countess."
"The hell you don't. I mean fat Emma Boyle. I know all about it. We've been friends for years. She's written me all about this year's find – the young, fabulous stud she hired for the summer. That's why I'm here. I didn't come to visit the Boyles; I came to see you."
"Why me?" he asked suddenly, for some reason feeling very young and very foolish with this mature, beautiful woman.
"For the same reason as Emma. You've got a beautiful hard-on."
Gray slowed the big car and looked down at himself. Sure enough, his cock was like a tent pole in the front of his pants. He glanced over at her. She was caressing her right inner thigh. The fingers played up and down the flesh going a little lower, towards the cunt, with each movement. He could see that a splotch of creamy moisture had seeped from her cuntal slit to moisten her panties.
He was too hot to cool down and he knew it. The only cunt he'd fucked for almost a month was fat Emma Boyle, and she was nothing compared to the beautiful woman who was now sitting beside him, practically shoving her snatch in his face.
He took a chance. "There's a lane off to the right up here," he said. "It goes way back into the woods."
"Is that where you go when Emma wants to get laid?"
"Take it!" she said, calmly smiling and taking another sip of her drink.
She arched her arms over her head so Gray could see her hard-tipped nipples. The proud flesh of her boobs rode high and firm and he could see the dark areolas around her nipples through her dress, shadows the size of silver dollars.
He turned into the lane and her body lurched across the seat towards him. She dragged her hand across the front of his pants and moaned. "Nice," she said. "I need some more ice."
Once again she mounted the seat, back and exposed her ass. He looked and his mouth watered. He wanted to rip off those panties, mount her from behind, and plow a furrow up her royal asshole.
He pressed down on the accelerator, anxious to get quickly into the haven of the woods. She turned back and slid down beside him in the seat.
"What are you," she said, "some kind of self-control specialist?"
"Because I stick my ass and my cunt in your face and you don't do a damn thing. How can you not touch me? I can hardly keep my hands off your cock, but it's not very ladylike to play with you before you even make a play for me."
He was hot as hell and ready. The further down the road they went the darker it became. The road was shielded by tall trees that hung over and nearly met above the bouncing car.
"Soon," he said, "very soon."
"Soon, hell," she replied. "Now!" She leaned towards him and grasped his cock through his pants. "Are you going to fuck me or not? I want that prick shoved up me!"
Up ahead was the entrance to a second, even narrower lane that he was looking for. It wound down towards a river. He swerved the car and sent it bouncing through the trees into a secluded cove.
Almost before the car came to a complete stop, she was on top of him. The fingers of one hand tore at the buttons of his coat and shirt. The other hand attacked his belt and pulled the zipper of his pants downward.
"Get out!" she panted, following him across the seat and out the door. She peeled down his clothes, careful not to touch his sizzling skin. He lifted his feet one at a time, and let her work his pants and shorts free. He tossed his shirt onto the hood.
He turned to face her. She was staring at him and was slowly unbuttoning her dress down the front. Buttons ran all the way from the valley between her tits to the hem.
"God! What a magnificent man!" she panted, twisting out of her only garment.
Her tits bobbed up and down, back and forth, and Gray pined to curl his tongue around the blunt sweetness of the saucy nipples. Her tummy, covered with coarse, curly hair was almost flat. The slit of her cunt was totally obscured by the magnificent forest of pussy growth.
"Do you want to fuck me on the ground, bent over, on the fender, or in the back seat?" she breathed, stepping close, digging her gorgeous boobs into his chest and kissing him. She bit his lips and gored her long, red tongue into his mouth, almost all the way down his throat.
"Where do you want it?" he said.
Gray caught his breath as she ground her belly against his cock, crushing it between her thighs and his.
"Fuck me while I lean over the front fender!" she moaned, offering her body to him for quick caresses, kisses and sucks before she turned away from him.
She pulled her panties down and flipped them to the ground. In practically the same motion, she leaned over the car and spread her legs wide. She braced herself with straight arms and hunched her beautiful naked ass into the air in front of his cock.
Gray crouched until he was just under the twin globes of her ass. He reached down and parted the cheeks with his thumbs. Her asshole was extended, relaxed, willing to take his prick. Below it, the pouch of her cunt spread also with invitation. Its thick, hairy lips oozed the juice of her passion.
He grasped his cock and swirled up and down the length of her slit from her asshole to her clit.
"If you want to stick it up my ass, it's okay," she sighed. "But get it good and juicy in my cunt first."
Gray didn't wait for a second offer. He ground the head of his cock around and around the lubricated lips of her sweet pussy. Then he shoved it in her twat until the hilt was home and his balls slopped lovingly against her clit.
"Oh, yeah, you got a cock, baby!" she wailed, grinding her ass and cunt backward into his body. "I only hope I can handle you in the other hole."
Gray continued to fuck her pussy until his cock was slick with the wet sweetness of her cunt-juice. He clutched the satiny bulges of her ass-cheeks, one in each hand, as he drove his prick in and out of her clutching cunt-hole.
"Squeeze 'em, baby!" she cried. "Squeeze 'em till they ache!"
He caressed and tore at her ass, spreading the cheeks and jamming a finger in the puckered hole just above his hammering cock. With the edge of his finger he could feel the rigid, slamming head of his prick through the thin membrane that separated her cunt from her slit-hole.
"Oh, damn, that feels great. Oh, Jesus, do I love cock. Do you think you can get your cock in there? In my asshole? Will it fit?"
"Let's find out, Countess," Gray said. "Hold still!"
He lowered his cock from her cunt and grasped it with his right hand. Then he lifted his body until all his weight rested on the balls of his feet. He warmed the rubbery head between the cheeks of her ass and into her tight shitter. The head was all he could get in without exerting a lot of pressure.
"You're right," he said.
"Just for you, baby," she said. "Shove it in my ass." She shivered and spread her legs wider.
"It's liable to hurt," he said.
"The mere thought of being fucked in the butt makes me dizzy," she breathed. "I don't care if it hurts, feed it to me."
Gary gathered all of his strength in his loins. Then he lunged, propelling his prick forward. He figured he'd be lucky to achieve, on the first drive, an inch or so.
She had a pleasant surprise for him. Her ass-flesh parted easily, and his big cock slithered at last three inches up her butt on the opening thrust.
It wouldn't hurt her at all, he realized.
He resumed his advance after a momentary pause to reassemble the power in his hips. Farther and farther, he pushed his cock home. Wave upon wave of erotic sensations swarmed over him as her butthole opened and welcomed his invasion.
"You're taking it," he moaned. "Christ, you're takin' my whole cock up your ass!"
"Don't you think I know it," she replied, reaching between her legs and grinding two knuckles against her clit. "You got a big cock, lover. It feels wonderful. Feed that meat up my ass!"
He surged forward, sending the last inch of his thick dong up her shitter. He groaned with delighted joy as he felt the head of his cock hammer her guts. He looked down. He could see none of his rod, only the hair of his groin mashed into the crease of her delectable ass. "You got a royal ass, honey. It feels great."
"I feel stuffed," she cried, "and, shit, it's a wonderful feeling!"
Gray agreed with her; it felt like the best he'd ever had. To his prick, it was like being jammed between two massive boobs. His cock was sizzling! His hands sped around her waist and leaped to her jugs. He filled his palms with them, making small circular motions to stimulate the nipples. They didn't need much stimulation. The tips expanded immediately, trembling beneath his manipulations.
He dug his fingers into the bags of flesh brutally, and the nipples burned holes in his palms. Then, still squeezing her tits, he commenced fucking. His hips jerked back and forth, whipping his cock in and out of the Countess' finely textured asshole. The ass-passage was hot and spongy. It became looser and looser as he throttled it, but it remained tight enough to afford them both sufficient friction.
She grunted and cried out expressions of extreme joy whenever his hot hands squashed her up too energetically.
They stayed glued together for a long time, his prick driving deeply into her ass time and time again. Her legs weakened and threatened to buckle.
He sensed the problem and suggested they get into the car. "The back seat pulls out just like a bed."
"Yes, yes! I want to! But don't take it out. Please, don't take your cock out!"
He promised her he wouldn't. Still locked together, like two fucking dogs, they managed to pull the seat out and crawl up into the car. His cock stayed inside her asshole and his hands quickly returned to grasp and fondle her marvelous tits.
"Now," he said, "get on your hands and knees!" Obeying she crouched as far as she could without breaking the coupling, then she fell, ever so gently, face forward onto the car seat. He rode her down. His cock slipped out almost to the knob, but he managed to keep it inside her hot buns.
Once he was sure she was steady, he again impaled her asshole with a giant thrust. His prick returned to the very depths of her belly, but his lunge had been so strong that it propelled her forward and down until she was flat on her stomach with her arms and legs spread eagled around her.
He didn't even pause. "Now you're really gonna get some cock!" he shouted.
"It's all right… it's all right!" she wailed. "I can take it, all of it! Give it to me! Fuck me! FUCK ME!"
Over and over he hammered her. The fury of his plunges shook the car. She twisted like an insect impaled on a pin. She twisted and grunted and shivered and emitted a series of broken, incomprehensible words.
The storm gathered in his thighs. He pumped faster and faster. His hands tore into her tits. The storm became more and more urgent, then it broke. He was drenched in a downpour of pure, sweet ecstasy.
She screamed and cried out with joy as she felt his hot cum shoot up the tunnel of her ass to bathe her bowels with fire. She tore at her clit and soon she, too, was writhing in the ecstasy of her own come.
Her long, wailing moan told Gray that she was getting her rocks off. He fucked her in unrelenting fury, still pouring his white jizz into her asshole.
Together they roared through the climax and fell in a pile on the seat. He eased his cock out of her wet asshole and reclined on the seat beside her, gazing up at the upholstered roof of the car. Neither of them spoke for a long time.
"Jesus," he said at last, "that was fantastic."
"How would you like to do that to me again while a beautiful woman sat on your face at the same time?"
He rolled his head around and met her gaze.
"As beautiful as you?"
"Better… and younger," she replied.
"I'd love it," he said.
"I thought you would," she said, and pulled an envelope from her purse. She handed it to him and whispered in his ear, "Thank you. I won't be able to put my ass in a chair for a week, but it was worth every second."
She crawled out of the car and started dressing while he ripped open the envelope and started reading.
My dear Mr. Hendricks:
By this time I'm sure you have experienced the wonderment of my wife's delectable sexual charms. If you would like to renew the coupling, we are having a little group together…
He was built like a stallion, with the biggest cock anyone, including herself, had ever seen. It was completely hard and yet it still crawled down his inner thigh almost to his knees. Lori had measured it many times out of sheer curiosity. It was a full fourteen inches long and so thick she couldn't get her hand around it when it was fully erect.
"Let's fuck," she said. "I'm too fired up to eat."
"Aw, Lori," he said, "we gotta fuck each other in the first scene after lunch. I gotta save it."
"Save, shit. I want it now."
"But what about the scene?"
"We'll fuck again in the scene."
"But what if I can't get it up again for the scene?" he said, smiling.
"You never had a time in your life you couldn't get that monster up," she replied, and fell on her hands and knees in front of his chair. "Now fill me up, Mark, I need it bad."
He felt for her just as she felt for him. He not only loved her, but he loved to fuck her – morning, noon, and night. Shrugging his robe from his shoulders, he dropped to his knees behind her. His cock had jumped to complete attention.
When he pressed his cock into her cunt, she wailed in ecstasy. Every time he fucked her was like the first time. She didn't know if she loved him or not. She had never really been sure. But one thing she definitely knew: she loved his cock. When he had the full length of his massive prick up her cunt and started to ream her pussy in earnest, her wails turned into screams. She would get it again in two hours and then they would be paid two hundred dollars apiece for it. And she would enjoy it just as much, all over again. But right now she was doing it for free, for him, and for herself, and she screamed at the top of her lungs, letting him know how much pleasure he was giving her.
The huge barrel of his cock skewered her cunt; the head drove clear up into her belly. It felt as though his prick was rearranging her insides and she screwed her ass back into his groin, urging him to give her even more.
Fucking dog-fashion with any man other than Mark was a waste of time. They never got her off. But his prick could reach her clit from any angle and bring her, almost immediately, to the verge of orgasm: "Oh, baby, you're gettin' it," he shouted from behind her. "I'm breakin' your sweet ass in half!"
"Oooohhhh… yes, yes, yes! It's so good, yes! Don't stop, darling! Fuck me hard! Harder! Oh, God! I'm coming! I'm coming! Fuck the shit out of me! Tear me in half!"
Her long hair trailed the floor as she knelt on all fours, her naked squirming ass dancing wildly as she ground her tight, savagely sucking pussy-lips hard against her husband's frantic thrusts.
Her body convulsed in rippling waves of wanton fulfillment, tides of ecstatic passion that raced along her naked spine from the furrow of her sweat-glistened butt to the tips of her young boobs as they danced beneath her, swinging from side to side and bouncing together as she writhed and squirmed.
A constant, moaning purr oozed from her lips. She felt his last spastic thrust, reveled in the warmness of his hot load as it spurted deep up into her pussy, mingling with the thick, hot sperm she'd already drained from her dog-lover.
At last it was over and her brain and body reeled to a halt. She felt her pussy-lips release their captive, heard the soft wet plop as his rubbery deflated prick slipped from her lightly locked cunt. A cool rush of air blasted between her gleaming thighs and filled the sperm-flooded tunnel deep inside her.
"Here," she said, swinging around and burying her head in his lap. "Let me clean your cock off. You came so good." She had just popped the huge head of his cock into her mouth when Roy came through the door.
"Hey, I didn't know you guys had a royal fan club!"
"What are you talkin' about?" Mark said, pushing her head gently down over his cock.
"You got a telegram from some Count. Here!"