They all assembled in the living room at the appointed time for cocktails. The Count joined them first. "My wife is preparing herself for dinner. I… uh… present her to you shortly."
"Daphne won't be down for dinner, Count LeBarron," Claire said.
"Dom… please call me Dom," he replied.
"Very well, Dom. She says she doesn't feel well."
"A pity," he said. "But somehow I expected she wouldn't be up to very much this evening. Please bring your drinks. The dining room is this way."
They followed him from the room and down a long wide hall to the rear of the house. As if on some signal, two huge, arched doors opened just as he reached them.
The first shock, when they entered the room, was the two servants on either side of the door. They were both very blond, very beautiful, and very naked.
"This is Connie and Dirk. They are my servants but, as you can see, we are all very familiar here, so we all stay on a first-name basis. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is my wife, the Countess Donea."
All eyes followed his sweeping arm to the table. There, serving as a centerpiece, was the Countess, totally naked. Gray was the only one who didn't voice surprise and awe at the woman's body and position. He had almost expected something like what he saw, and he had already seen everything the Countess was now displaying.
But he couldn't deny that she was truly a sight. Her full-titted, full-hipped, Amazonic body took up nearly half the length of the table. She was lying spread-eagled, and even though she was on her back her tits were so large they still filled the air above her.
The dark thatch of her pussy-mound could barely be seen around the mass of whipped cream and custard covering it. Mashed potatoes with melted cheese was arranged on her belly and bowls of hors d'oeuvres and cheese with crackers were placed between her arms and her sides.
Huge crackers acted as bra cups round the sides of her massive tits and inside them, over the tits themselves, was the salad, complete with dressing.
The Countess was smiling. "We don't have to be introduced. I already know you all, and now you know me, in fact, you all now know me all the way. I'm afraid the only meat entree we have this evening is me, underneath all this. So if you want some of the entree, you will just have to eat your way down to it. Bon appetit!"
"Sonofabitch!" Claire said. "This party gets better all the time." She dropped to one of the cushions that ringed the low table and unceremoniously leaned her face over to a salad-covered boob. With her tongue she plucked one of the cherries off a nipple and started lapping up the salad dressing.
One by one they joined in, with only Gray and Allison holding back. Biting their lips they looked at one another.
"I'd rather eat you," he said.
"Ditto," she replied, "me to you."
"But it is exciting. If this is the Count's way of breaking down everyone's inhibitions and getting us all to swing together, it's a Goddamn good one."
"She is beautiful, isn't she?" Allison said. "Prom the look on your face, I'd say that you've probably already fucked her. Right?"
"Yes," he replied.
"Well," Allison said, "what the hell. We're guests, and we came on our own, knowing what the hell it was going to be all about. Go ahead, Gray! Dive in!"
Gray's cock was already rock-hard. He dropped his pants and then his shorts. Then he leaned over the table and rubbed his dick profusely in the mashed potatoes. "I'm sure, Donea, that you're a little hungry, too."
"Ravished," she said, smiling as she opened her mouth and accepted a thick wad of the potatoes along with half of his cock down her throat.
"I'm for a little of this dessert," Mark said as he shoved his face into the whipped cream covering her cunt. His tongue had barely found its way through the gooey mess and into the Countess' glued-up pussy when he felt someone undoing his fly and pulling his cock into freedom. He baked down between his legs. It was Connie, the young blonde serving-girl.
"Servants get hungry, too," she said, and ovaled her lips around the huge head of his cock.
She was lying with her head under his cock and her body stretched out on the table beyond his legs. The Count had gotten between her legs and was preparing to shove his stiff prick up her cunt while she, in turn, sucked Mark off.
Meanwhile, Allison had decided to join the fray. She had quickly removed all her clothing and stretched out on the floor by the table, with one of the larger cushions under her ass. "Hey, what was your name?" she said to the blond boy.
"Dirk," replied the handsome blond man who stood over her and looked down at her seething, oozing pussy while he fisted his cock into hardness.
"Well, Dirk," Allison said, taking a handful of coleslaw and mashing it against her cunt. "Wouldn't you like to… eat?" He willingly buried his face in her gooey snatch, just as Lori appeared over her face. "Speaking of eating," Lori said, her cunt dripping its own juices and the cum Mark had so recently deposited in it, all over Allison's face and tits.
"Sit right down!" Allison said, smiling and opening her mouth to catch as much of the goo dripping from the pussy as possible.
Lori hunched down over Allison's face until she felt the girl's long tongue enter her cunt. She jammed herself down hard and started riding the blonde's face and tongue to climax.
The room filled with the sounds of organized lust, body on body sounds of sucking, eating, and fucking. There they were, nine lust-drunk, sex-crazed people engaged in an orgy that would have shocked a home for wayward perverts. But the Count knew of such things, it was his livelihood, and the wish of the master.
The eroticism in all of them had been pushed to the edge, nearly past the point of no return. Humping and sweating, their actions grew even more wanton as tongues and cocks became possessed, hypnotized with the pure freedom of wanton, abandoned flesh.
Soon their frantic, combined actions had created the desired goal. Gray came first. As his sperm seared Donea's throat, her own cunt erupted in orgasm. It was caused by Mark's plunging tongue.
Lori was screaming as she ground her cunt down over Allison's face. "Oh, do it! Do it good, Allison! Lick my pussy good! Love my fuck-hole with your tongue! Cunt! My cunt's so damn hot it's gushing over with my juices!"
And it was.
Her pussy-juice ran in streams over Allison's face and down her neck. But Allison didn't feel it. All sights and sounds, indeed all thoughts, were blotted out as Lori's moist cunt settled farther over her face, searching, demanding, as it squirmed over the blonde's mouth, her eyes, even over her nose. It was lodged clear up in the redhead's juicy pussy.
In turn her own cunt was being devoured by the blond youngster, Dirk. He was a good, experienced cunt-sucker even though he was so young.
And he was loving it. He could taste Allison's warm juices as his tongue exploring the walls of her cunt and his lips sucked her clitoris. The little bud hardened in his mouth, causing her to moan in unbridled passion and wind her fingers in his curls. She pulled his tongue ever further into her clasping pussy.
Connie, had never seen or sucked a cock as big as Mark's. That, combined with the Count's cock, which was fucking her cunt, had her in boiling ecstasy. She contracted her cunt muscles and threw her legs around the Count's ass as she felt the warm gush of his jizz flood her twitching pussy.
And then, with a convulsive shudder, she felt Mark's cock fill her throat with his animal-like cum. It came in torrents and she had to swallow rapidly in order not to choke.
"Wonderful!" shouted the Count as the sounds of lust ebbed. "Absolutely wonderful. I knew you would all join in the flavor of the weekend. Did everyone come?"
There was a general chorus of agreement and the Count stood. "Then let's all adjourn to the living room. We can start over again there."
"I didn't come," Claire said.
"You will, my dear," Domino said, smiling. "You will, believe me."
They had barely settled in, back in the living room, before Claire went into one of her dances. The Count, of course, had seen it before. But, for the others, it was a wholly new treat.
Her body was breathtaking as she gyrated in the center of the room in naked wonderment. She was tall, sensuous, and glistening with the sweat of her labored dancing.
Still bumping and grinding her hips, she threw herself to the floor and splayed her legs wide to expose the pink, juicy gash of her cunt. She seemed to crawl on her back like a snake as she fucked the air with her pussy. Closer and closer she came to her sex-hungry audience.
Soon she was within inches of the crowd.
Everyone was breathing heavily and all the men had throbbing hard-ons.
"Jesus," the Countess exclaimed, "if there's one thing I like almost as much as getting fucked, it's watching someone else fuck. Somebody screw her!"
Mark screamed in glee and fell to the floor. "I'll fuck you good, baby!" he shouted.
With a smile and a nod of her head, Claire beckoned him, her cunt quivering with anticipation at having that huge cock again. She threw her legs over his head as Mark's sensual, sucking mouth rose to meet her burning cunt-hole. His tongue flicked out to answer her sexual demands.
"Oh, suck it… then fuck it!" the big redhead crooned, grabbing him by the ears and drawing him farther into her burning hole.
Mark was in sexual heaven. He could feel her juices flow, then spurt, as he struggled to capture and swallow all the come. It became a continuous flood as her legs pressured tighter and tighter against the sides of his head, causing the blood to pound in his temples and in his huge cock.
Just when he was sure he couldn't swallow any more, she lifted her crotch from his face and slithered down over his chest and stomach.
Claire grasped his hard meat and hungrily devoured it in her mouth. It seemed to grow to even greater proportions as she tongued the head and fondled his balls.
"How do you want to come?" she gasped. "Tell me, Mark, tell me!"
Without words Mark grasped her by the hips and lifted her ass until her undulating cunt was directly over his cock. She lowered herself onto it like a hungry animal. The whole crowd ohhed and awwed when they saw every inch of his mammoth cock go up in her cunt in one smooth, bone-jarring thrust.
Then their cries mingled in wanton togetherness. Claire began writhing on the hugeness of his jerking prick. Everyone could hear the sucking, slapping sounds as she worked her burning cunt up and down on his cum-slick cock and shoved one other lust-hardened tits into his sucking mouth.
It didn't take long. Claire was the first cunt Mark had ever fucked who could really handle the unbearable pressure of all his cock and fuck him hard at the same time. In a matter of moments he couldn't contain himself any longer. With a wild surge of his hips, he let himself go. He could feel his cum course into her orgasming cunt and mingle with her juices.
"He came," the Countess said, sighing heavily. "It was beautiful. I mean, it was really a beautiful fucking come."
With a final thrust, Mark expended the last of his wad and fell back to the floor, completely exhausted. Claire, also satiated, crumpled on top of him.
By the time Mark finished dumping his load in Claire's big, beautiful box, nearly everyone also in the room was back in the act of fucking and sucking. As Claire and Mark lay there, gulping in air, they could hear the sounds of sex vibrating throughout the room.
Each person could hear the gasps, the moans, the sounds of flesh lapping on naked flesh, and it served to spur each of them on to heighten their own experience.
Back in her room after the bout with Lori on the downstairs sofa, Daphne downed two double scotches and sprawled across the bed. She lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling. There was a crack that ran out from the corner to the light fixture in the center of the room. It looked like a meandering river viewed from a plane high in the sky.
Jesus, she thought, she was probably the only one with a room that had a crack in the ceiling. The Count really knew where to put the outcast. She didn't know what she wanted or who she wanted. She was afraid of everyone except Claire. She had even been afraid of her husband every time they had sex. She had never told Claire about it. She was afraid to tell her, because Claire wasn't really a lesbian.
Claire just liked sex – all sex, with anybody, anytime. Daphne wished she did. It would be a lot easier to cope with her desires if that were the case. Because desires she did have, probably greater than Claire. She just didn't know what to do about them.
She lay awake, still thinking, for almost an hour, before she rolled to her side, facing the wall, turning her back on the white light. She didn't realize she'd fallen asleep until she heard the noise. But the noise wasn't in the room, it was in her dream.
Tom was with her. There was no Claire. There never had been, only Tom, her husband. They were fucking and Daphne was on the verge of an orgasm. Just as she was about to come, she opened her eyes to discover that Tom's head had turned to that of a snake. His tongue was long, black and forked, and it flicked out at her. She tried to roll away, to keep it from touching her face. His fingers had become talons that raked her skin, peeling it in bloody strips from her body. And instead of hating it, she was loving it. The more pain he caused in her body the more she loved it and the closer and closer she came to having her orgasm.
His cock was strange. It was enormous and covered with sharp-edged little spikes that tore at the tender walls of her cunt as he pounded it in and out faster and faster. He was a demon and she was a witch and they were fucking for the love of Satan.
She was about to explode with a bunting climax when Claire shook her awake.
"Hey… hey… wake up, Daph. You're having a nightmare."
"Huh? Oh… yeah, I'm all right… I think."
"It's time for dinner. C'mon."
"No, you go ahead. I… I don't feel very well."
"You better come down," Claire urged. "Unless I miss my guess, there's gonna be a lot of sex for dessert."
"Claire… please. Let's leave here… now," Daphne urged.
"You're crazy. Not on your fucking life. This place is great. You may only love one woman, but I love a lot… and men, too. And hell, a home, if they got one around here I can handle."
"Oh, Jesus, Claire, don't say that. Please don't say things like that," Daphne called after her, but the redhead was gone, laughing her way down the corridor.
Daphne lay back on the bed, fingers laced behind her head, her big, ice-blue eyes staring, unblinking at the overhead light and the crack in the ceiling.
She thought about Claire and then about her dream, and it made her hot all over again. She touched her knees and then ran her fingers up her thighs.
God, oh God, it was good. Her hands rested on the front of her legs, but in a few moments they slipped under her skirt.
Yes, yes! her mind screamed. If no one else will fuck you, fuck yourself!
Yes. How wonderful.
She wasn't thinking straight and she knew it. AU she had to do was go downstairs and any of them would be only too happy to fuck her. But they might hurt her. Tom had hurt her once. Hurt her very bad. She tried to remember it, but she couldn't. She had long ago blocked it from her mind.
Fuck yourself!
Her fingers toyed with the delicate skin of her cuntlips through her panties. She snaked two of them under the elastic crotchband and played with the light fuzz over her pussy-mound.
I should shave, she thought. It's been days.
She let a fingertip worm its way between the soft lips of her cunt. Then too it was good, too good to stop. Too wonderful not to complete.
Daphne sat up and swung her bare feet to the floor. She hurried to the door and locked it. She then moved back to the center of the room and stripped. She fondled her vast, overflowing jugs and smoothed her wide hips and nearly hairless pussy.
The bitch, she thought, the dumb, stupid bitch, not wanting to taste and eat such a good aunt as mine. All she wanted was her husband's big cock when he probably couldn't give her half the come I gave her with my mouth.
Daphne rolled the thick, pliable lips of her cunt between two fingers, savoring the intense, pulsing pleasure that charged up into her belly.
A spasm rattled her whole body as her juices started to flow from the quickly moistening opening.
Swiftly, she masturbated, plunging the two fingers of one hand in and out of her twat. Her hips, working rapidly, helped to bring on the scalding tongues of flame in her belly and in her cunt.
"There is no GOD!" she screamed. "There isn't if my life is like this. Oh, fuck, it's so good, but it could be so much better!"
She spurred herself on, convulsing as the liquid fire burned her veins and flowed out of her, painful yet sweet, cleansing her of all desire.
After a while, Daphne straightened, still in the throes of heated lust, and looked in the mirror at her big tits, shivering like jelly.
She was still beautiful. The rounded peaks of her firm tits stood up defiantly and she could look down through the canyon between them to the soft golden pussy triangle at the base of her belly.
She placed her palms under her full boobs and lifted them still higher until they stood out in two bullet-like cones. She held their nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. She squeezed them gently into erection.
It was exciting to remember that Tom had done the same with his strong, warmly working fingers many times in the past. The recollection of it aroused her even more.
Her hands moved down from her tits to the smoothness of her stomach, through the soft sparse hair over her cunt.
Then she remembered. Tom had hurt her and she had liked it. She inserted the first two fingers of each hand in her cunt. Four fingers, clear to the last knuckle, up her scalded snatch. Then she started pulling, wider and wider and wider. Tears of pain popped out of her eyes.
Still wider.
It felt as if she were ripping her cunt apart.
It felt wonderful.
At the head of the bed there was a tiny table. She opened the top drawer. Surely they would have to have them in every room. It was an old house with undependable power.
She found one in the second drawer. It was a taper. Too thin. She dropped it back in the drawer and rushed to the bureau. She found another. This one was long, hard, and as thick as her wrist. She thanked her luck that it was not a stub, but a healthy thing almost a foot long.
She carried it back to her bed and lay on her back. At once she placed the candle against her cunt and, holding it in both hands, she pushed with a very slow but firm thrust. The candle slid into her cunt and she felt her labes suck around it before spreading to allow its passage.
"Yes…" She was surprised that she could speak at all. The pain was wild.
She pushed and the candle sank deeper in her hole. Soon, it was almost halfway into her box and she loved the waxy feeling as the walls of her cunt pressed around it.
"It hurts. Oh, Jesus, it hurts!" she cried out. "It feels like it's splitting my whole fucking body apart. It hurts like hell… I LOVE IT!"
Then she put a fist over her mouth and bit it. But the other hand kept pushing. Soon the candle was two-thirds of the way into her cunt and she came up against the base of her cervix. She paused, knowing there was no need to wait. The thing wasn't going to come for her. It wasn't alive. It wasn't a wonderful cock she had jammed inside her cunt.
She moved her hips and the candle shifted. Slowly, she flexed the cheeks of her ass and the candle was thrust a fraction of an inch deeper. She flexed again and then she braced her toes against the iron at the foot of the bed so she could get some traction.
Her hips came off the mattress and then she eased them down so that the candle was pushed hard into her cunt, and then allowed to slip out a few inches.
She did it again… and then again… and again.
Now she had the fuck-rhythm going with the candle plunging in and out of her cunt. She worked steadily for several minutes. She had to put all her mind to it before she could feel the stirring in the pit of her belly. She thrust again and again, grunting with the effort. She hoped her powerful body wouldn't snap the candle before she was finished and the wax cock had finally done its strange job.
Then her cunt was convulsing with orgasm. She heaved and gasped, loving the joy of the thing she was doing. She thrust the candle and clutched it with both hands throughout her climax.
Then she sank back on the mattress. She lay with her eyes squeezed shut for several minutes before she opened them. She looked down at the red stick of wax poking into the air from between her legs. She pulled it from her cunt and hurled it across the room to thud against the door.
Daphne moaned and shivered. She pulled the blanket over herself and closed her eyes. She didn't want to see any part of her sinful body. It was ugly to her all of a sudden.
Goddamn Claire!
Goddamn Lori!
Goddamn… the whole Goddamn fucking world she was forced to live in.