Chapter Two

Soren walked Treasure to her car out in the parking lot at the front of the building.

Hers was just about as expensive as his own sports model.

“I’ll follow you,” he said once she unlocked the driver’s door.

“Okay. It’s not too far from here. And there is parking nearby.”

He hurried over to his own car and got in. He had the engine started by the time Treasure drove past on her way to the parking lot exit. Soren pulled in behind her.

As he followed her out onto the street, he thought about all that Treasure meant to him over and over in his head. A mate, he’d actually found his mate. His friends, Atticus and Kian, had recently found theirs. Soren hadn’t expected to find the woman meant for him quite so soon. He’d known it would happen eventually, but it still had taken him by surprise.

Now that he had found Treasure, there was no way he’d let her go. He’d claim her as his mate, but it was just a question of how long he could fight the mating urge. Her being mortal would add extra strain, since he’d have to be careful he didn’t give away what he was until he’d told her. And telling her he was a werewolf wasn’t something he particularly relished. She’d be the first mortal he told. Even though his pack had lived in Toronto among mortals for years, they’d kept what they were from them.

Soren licked his lips and caught the taste of Treasure that still lingered there. It was just as heady as her scent. Kissing her had left him desperate and wanting. He didn’t think he’d ever get enough of her. His cock throbbed painfully in response to his thoughts. He wouldn’t be getting much relief any time soon. He couldn’t fully make love to her yet. If he were to do so it would have their souls joining, bonding them to the point they wouldn’t be able to stand to be apart from each other. They’d go through separation anxiety with their minds playing tricks on them. They’d think something bad had happened to the other, and an hour apart would feel like a month. No, he couldn’t bond with Treasure until she knew exactly what she’d gotten herself into. It wouldn’t be fair to her.

That only left heavy petting and oral sex, which he hoped to hell he’d get some of before the night was over. It wouldn’t do him any favors, since penetration was the only thing that would ease his mating urge, and anything else would just make it worse. But Soren was willing to pay that price. He wanted to make Treasure come with his fingers, his mouth, any way he could, while she called his name in passion.

Noticing they were near Treasure’s office, since she’d given him the address before leaving the penthouse, Soren pushed all the carnal thoughts out of his head. It wouldn’t do to walk into where she worked with a massive erection. Her coworkers would think he was some kind of pervert. It would be bad enough he’d have to walk around semi-aroused most of the time until he claimed Treasure as his, anyway.

He followed behind Treasure’s car as she pulled into the Green P municipal parking. They managed to find two parking spots side by side. Soren turned off his car and got out. He waited as Treasure collected the briefcase on her passenger seat before she joined him.

After pushing the remote to lock her car, she walked with him toward the stairs that would take them to street level. “It’s not too far of a walk from here,” she said with a smile.

It could have been a ten-mile hike that he had to make barefoot in blistering sun and Soren still would have gone with her. “Lead on.”

Once out on the sidewalk, Treasure turned left. Soren kept pace with her by shortening his strides. She had long legs, but being a foot shorter than him, his were longer. He would have taken her hand until they reached her office building, except for the fact she carried her briefcase with it. He could have shifted to her other side to hold her free one, but he didn’t want to come across as too needy. She really didn’t know him yet, after all.

Inside the corporate building, it was another agonizing ride in an elevator up a couple of floors to where the offices for the real estate company were located. Soren didn’t know how many more of those rides he’d be able to take with her before he lost all his senses and took her against the elevator’s wall.

Soren followed Treasure past the front desk and down a long stretch of carpet that had offices lining either side of it. There weren’t many, since this real estate company wasn’t one of the larger, well-known ones. It only had high-end listings that the average middle-class person couldn’t afford. He’d gotten that much from their website once he’d found the listing for the penthouse on the MLS website.

After stopping halfway down the row, Treasure unlocked her office door and pushed it open. She walked around the desk and placed her briefcase on top of it. She pulled out the chair and motioned for him to take one of the ones on the other side.

Once he sat, she took out some papers from a desk drawer.

“So you still want to offer the full asking price and have a closing date for the end of this week?” she asked, all professional-like.

The woman who had passionately kissed him back at the penthouse was no longer there. In her place was one totally focused on the business at hand. Soren had no idea how Treasure did it. Just being near her had his blood heating.

“Yes,” he said. “My lawyer who will handle the closing can get it done by that time.

I haven’t changed my mind. Unless you’ve changed yours about going out to dinner with me?”

Treasure looked up from the papers in front of her, and for a split second, Soren saw a flash of desire in her dark-green eyes. Maybe she hadn’t been able to completely shut off the desire she felt. He must have gotten to her. Bad. Her scent had said so.

Her gaze flicked to his mouth before she met his. “No, I haven’t. I’ll finish filling out the offer, you can sign it and then I’ll call the owners about faxing it to them.”

Soren nodded, then watched as Treasure bent her head and concentrated on the papers on the desk. He couldn’t help tracing her features with his gaze as she worked.

At her lips, he remembered the feel of them moving under his. He wanted, no needed, to taste them again. Preferably in a place where he could explore the rest of her body.

Treasure took another pen from her desk drawer, then placed it in front of him as she turned the papers his way. He forced his gaze off her mouth and looked down at them. He gave it a cursory look before he signed and initialed where she indicated. That done, she took them back and added her own signature.

“Now to call the owners,” she said.

Soren sat back in the chair and watched her make the phone call. He listened as she spoke to the person on the other end. The conversation wasn’t very long.

She hung up and stood, taking the papers with her. “I’ll just be a few minutes while I go fax these.”

He nodded and she left the office. Alone, Soren looked around. With Treasure in the room, he hadn’t done much of that earlier. He’d been more interested in looking at her. The desk was a heavy piece of furniture found in any corporate office. She had a small file cabinet in the back corner. A desktop computer sat on one side of the desk. On the other, Soren noticed a framed picture. He leaned forward and picked it up to turn it his way. It was a picture of Treasure with an older couple, probably her parents. They stood on a dock on a lake. The picture could have been taken up north in Muskoka. He wondered if her family had a cottage up there.

Personally, he loved going to Muskoka to spend some weekends out of the summer at his parents’ lake house. He’d go wolf and take a run through the bush without having to worry about any mortals seeing him, since the nearest neighbor was over a mile away. Soren put the picture back.

A minute or so later, Treasure returned. She sat behind her desk before she spoke.

“We shouldn’t have too long of a wait to get an answer on your offer.”

Soren sat on the edge of the chair and reached across the desk to take Treasure’s hand. “Good. While we wait, we can decide where we’re going to eat.”

“I thought maybe we could go to a place on the Harbourfront, since it’s close by.

Maybe seafood or steak.”

“Or both,” Soren said. “Why don’t we go to that steak house restaurant? They serve seafood as well.”


Silence fell between them. Soren stared at Treasure, wanting nothing more than to pull her on top of her desk and pick up where their earlier kiss had left off. The way she looked back at him, he didn’t think she’d refuse. He stroked the top of her hand with his thumb, caressing back and forth. Treasure breathed a little faster. Using their joined hands, he pulled her toward him as he slowly leaned farther over the desk.

Just before their lips had a chance to meet, the phone sitting next to the computer rang, causing them both to sit back in their chairs. Treasure let go of his hand and answered it.

Once she hung up, she said, “The owners have faxed the offer back. I’ll just go get it.”

Treasure left and Soren took a deep breath. His mating urge rode him hard, and it would only get worse the longer he held off claiming her as his mate. She returned and sat once more. The smile she gave him had to mean the fax was good news.

“They accepted my offer?” he asked.

She nodded. “Yes. The penthouse is yours. I just need you to pay the down payment and you’ll be well on your way to owning it.”

Soren fished his wallet out of his jeans back pocket and took out the blank check he’d put there before going to see the property. Treasure told him who to make it out to and then he passed it over once he signed it.

After giving it a final look, Treasure slipped the check into the file folder where she’d put the accepted offer. She held out her hand. “Congratulations, Soren. You’re now the almost proud owner of a penthouse.”

He wrapped his hand around hers and shook it. Before he released it, he brought her fingers to his mouth and kissed each one. Treasure’s breath quickened. “Thanks.

Now we can go celebrate.”

Gaining his feet, he gathered his copy of the offer together and picked up the sheets of paper. He then waited for Treasure to come around her desk and join him with briefcase in hand. He let her lead as they walked out of her office and past the reception area, through the double doors and to the bank of elevators.

They stepped into the car when it arrived, and Soren prepared for another assault of Treasure’s scent to his senses that would mess with his control. To try to distract himself, he asked, “Shall we take your car or mine?”

Treasure turned her head to look at him. “Actually, I’d prefer to drive my own. I already pay enough for parking as is. Plus it would be less of a hassle for me if I don’t have to come and get it later.”

“I wasn’t thinking about the parking,” he said.

Outside the building, they walked to the Green P parking. He ended up being in the lead as they drove to the restaurant. Since it was still on the early side for dinner, they were quickly seated. Their waitress came to take their drink order, and Soren would have had a beer, except Treasure ordered a tonic water, so he settled for an iced tea instead.

As if she’d sensed his reluctance in not ordering something alcoholic, Treasure said, “You could have had something else to drink. I don’t drink and drive.”

Being a werewolf, it took a shitload of alcohol to get him drunk. He actually had to really work at it. The last time he’d done that was almost a month ago when he’d gone to Niagara Falls with Kian for their gambling weekend at the Fallsview Casino Resort.

That was also the weekend Kian met his mate, Jorja.

“It’s okay,” he said. “I can have a drink anytime. It’s probably better if I don’t.”

Not that one drink would ever make him go over the limit. But he should keep a clear head, so he wouldn’t do something stupid like claim his mate without explaining anything about what it meant to be one to a werewolf. Kian had been pissed to the gills when he’d claimed Jorja, and he’d ended up suffering through the separation anxiety when she’d left once he’d fallen asleep.

After ordering their food and having it arrive, Soren ate his steak with relish as Treasure and he talked. He found out she’d been a real estate agent for the last five years, and had done well for herself from the start. He also learned she was an only child and was very close to her parents who also lived in the city. By the end of the meal, the professional woman was gone and he felt as if he knew Treasure a bit better.

He also enjoyed being with her. She could carry on a witty conversation as well as set him to laughing. She was comfortable to be around, and he was attracted not only to her physically, but to the whole package.

Soren didn’t want their evening to end after they left the restaurant. He walked with her to their cars. Reaching the driver’s side of hers, he did what he’d been dying to do almost the entire time they ate. He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly against him as he took her mouth in a heated kiss. Standing this close, he knew she’d be able to feel how hard his cock was, but he didn’t care. He swept the inside of her mouth with his tongue, stroking it along hers. He moaned low in his throat when Treasure put her arms around his waist and kissed him back.

With reluctance, Soren broke their kiss first. The parking lot of a restaurant in the middle of downtown wasn’t exactly a romantic place to heat things up between them.

He met her gaze with his. Treasure’s eyes had dilated, telling him she wasn’t unaffected by his nearness.

“I’d ask you back to my place,” he said, “but I don’t have it yet.”

Treasure bit her bottom lip. “There is always mine.”

He’d hoped she’d say that, but hadn’t wanted to ask. Soren knew Treasure was the one for him and she didn’t. He didn’t want to rush things and push her away. He’d hoped what time they had spent together so far would have had her trusting him.

Soren gently brushed her lips with his. “I thought you’d never ask,” he said with a smile.

She grinned. “I’m glad I didn’t disappoint then. You can follow me this time.”

He dropped his arms from around her waist and Treasure unlocked her car. Soren quickly got into his. He drove behind her, at first not knowing where exactly she led him. But when she pulled into the parking lot of the nearby marina, he had a sinking feeling.

His fears were confirmed when Treasure waited for him to join her, then led the way down to where different-sized boats and yachts were docked. Oh god, please don’t make it so Treasure’s place is one of these boats. Soren’s fears turned into a waking nightmare a few seconds later when she stopped at a docked yacht.

She turned to face him and smiled. “I hope you don’t mind being on a yacht. I’m in between apartments myself and a friend of mine, who also happens to be a client, has let me stay here until I find a new place.”

Soren swallowed. Fuck, what was he going to do? He didn’t want to tell Treasure he got seasick, and that he avoided anything that floated on water. That would end the evening right there and then. He looked at the yacht. It had to be at least fifty-six feet, so it wasn’t exactly a small one. And it was also securely docked, which he could only hope would help cut down on any seasickness he experienced.

Mustering a smile, Soren looked at Treasure. “No, I don’t mind.” He swallowed again. “Lead on.”

She gave him a quizzical look. “Are you sure? You don’t look so certain.”

To reassure her, Soren leaned in and kissed her, letting out some of the hunger the mating urge caused. He pulled away once they were both breathing hard. “I’m sure.”

Treasure nodded and turned toward the yacht. Soren followed her, hoping like hell this didn’t turn out with him embarrassing himself by puking his guts up. Wouldn’t that be romantic if he threw up all over his mate?

Taking a quick look behind her to make sure Soren followed, Treasure stepped on board the yacht. He might have said he was okay with being on it, but his expression had said otherwise. His face had gone pale, and the way he’d looked at the boat, she could tell he really didn’t want to go anywhere near it.

But since he’d said he was okay with it, she wasn’t going to suggest they go somewhere else. She wanted to be alone with Soren. During dinner, she’d really enjoyed his company. They’d gotten on so well, she felt as if she’d known him a lot longer than half a day. Then there was the desire that seemed to sizzle between them, always hovering near the surface. Treasure definitely wanted to explore that further.

Holding onto the rail, she led Soren to the main cabin below deck. There was a sitting area complete with a wet bar. She crossed over to it, then turned to face him.

“Would you like something to drink? There’s a fully stocked bar here.”

Soren swallowed audibly. “No, I’m good.”

“Okay,” she said slowly. “Then is there anything else I can offer you?”

Treasure licked her lips and pointedly looked Soren up and down. She wasn’t one to pussyfoot around when she wanted something. And she wanted Soren. It only took a few steps for her to stand in front of him. She went up on tiptoe and lightly kissed him.

He hauled her up against his chest and deepened the kiss.

She opened her mouth to allow his tongue entrance when he licked the seam of her lips. Treasure sucked on it, causing Soren to let out a deep moan. She shoved her fingers into the sides of his hair and increased the pressure of her lips. Liquid heat pooled in her pussy. Her breasts rubbed against his hard chest, and her nipples drew into tight buds.

Soren ground his hips into her. His cock felt thick and long, pressing into her belly.

The feel of it made the ache between her legs grow even stronger. She wanted him.

Wanted his cock buried deep inside her pussy, wanted the length of it moving in and out of her as he rode her to climax. He aroused her with the simplest of touches.

Treasure released his hair and placed her hands on his broad shoulders. She then ran them down his chest to his stomach. She lifted the bottom of his t-shirt and shoved her hands up inside it. Her fingers glided across well-defined abs. Remaining on her tiptoes, she stretched to kiss a trail to his square jaw and down the side of Soren’s neck.

He stiffened, a large hand cupping the back of her head, when she reached where his shoulder and neck met. He pressed her mouth closer as she dragged her tongue across his skin. A low, almost animalistic growl punched out of him.

“God, Treasure,” he said huskily. “You’re driving me crazy. I have to touch you.”

In answer, she took Soren by the hand and led him to the bedroom. Once they reached it, Treasure undid the hidden zipper at her side and then pulled her dress off over her head. Standing only in her high heels, bra and thong, she let the garment fall from her hand onto the floor. Soren’s gaze seemed to eat her up as it trailed over every inch of her.

Pushing her hair over her shoulder, she said, “Touch me, Soren. Make me come.”
