Chapter Four

Treasure’s cell phone beeped, and she smiled when she saw she had one unheard message. She figured Soren had left it. He’d made a point of calling her every day for the last two days. He mostly called around now, later in the afternoon and close to the evening, but this time she’d had a viewing that had turned into an offer. She’d just finished placing a counteroffer that had been accepted in the end.

Listening to the message from Soren, she felt a thrill go through her at the sound of his voice. She could listen to his deep baritone all day and never get sick of it.

About ready to finally leave her office for the day, Treasure quickly texted Soren to tell him she’d call him back as soon as she got home. Since their phone calls tended to run on the long side, there was no point in calling him now.

On board the yacht, she hurried below deck and went to her bedroom to change. It didn’t take her long to replace her skirt and short-sleeved blouse with a pair of shorts and a tank top. Back in the main cabin, she debated whether or not she should get something to eat first before she called Soren, since the last time she’d eaten had been at lunch. Deciding she could wait a little longer, she sat on the couch with her cell phone in hand.

Soren picked up after the second ring. “So how did your day go?” he asked after saying hello.

“Busy,” she replied. “But I sold one of my properties.”

“Then you had a good day.”


Treasure settled more comfortably on the couch. Soren didn’t mind when she talked about her work. He was usually quick to praise and ask questions none of her previous boyfriends would have. Soren seemed completely interested in all aspects of her life. Their phone calls lasted an hour or more. They’d talked so much about each other, she felt as if she’d known him for a very long time. She found it hard to believe she’d only seen him in person that one day, and the rest had just been phone conversations.

She did miss seeing him, and counted the days until Friday arrived. Soren didn’t know it yet, but she planned to spend the night with him. With no seasickness to interrupt them, there would be nothing stopping them from taking things to the very end.

“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” Soren said.

Treasure smiled. “And I’ve thought of you. Is it Friday yet?”

He chuckled. “I feel the same way. Talking to you on the phone is nice and all, but it doesn’t beat holding you in my arms. I’d invite you over to the mansion, but then I’d have to put you through the whole ‘meet my parents’ kind of thing. I don’t think either of us is ready for that yet.”

“No,” she said. “It’s a little early for that.”

Treasure had been a bit surprised to hear Soren had never before moved out of his parents’ house. But hearing how well-to-do they were, it made a bit of sense. Families with money tended to stay together, some having their children remain in the family home even after they’d gotten married. Personally, she couldn’t have done it. She loved her parents and all, but she liked being on her own.

“So what do you have on?” Soren asked in a husky voice.

She laughed. “Is this your attempt at starting some phone sex?”

“What if I were to say yes?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never done it before,” she said, grinning, even though Soren couldn’t see her. She really didn’t know if he was joking with her or not.

“Then I guess that would make us a couple of phone sex virgins.”

Getting into the game, Treasure said, “Okay. If we were to do this, how would you start?”

“I’d probably tell you how I would picture myself kissing you, tasting you, letting you know how much I thought of doing it. I’d kiss you until I had you moaning and pressing yourself as close to me as you could get.”

Treasure licked her lips, easily able to imagine the kind of kiss Soren talked about.

She could almost feel his mouth moving on hers. “And after that?”

“I’d slowly strip you out of your clothes, making sure I learned every inch of skin with my lips and tongue before I focused on your breasts. Those, I’d suck on until you begged me for more.” Soren’s voice sounded strained.

She squirmed on the couch, squeezing her legs together to try to alleviate the ache that built deep inside her pussy. She felt herself grow wet. “And what would I do to you? Would I undo the button and zipper on your jeans? If I did, I’d reach in and pull out your cock, which would already be hard for me. I’d stroke you, making you even harder until you begged to be put inside me.”

“Oh god, enough. This is just making it harder,” Soren said in a tight voice.

“What is harder? Your cock?”

“We have to stop, Treasure.” A loud animalistic growl sounded on the other end.

This time, not swept away on a wave of passion, it registered as strange. “Soren?

Did you just growl like some kind of animal?”

“No. It was something on my television. I have on a documentary about wolves.”

“It sounded a lot closer than coming from a TV.”

Treasure could tell the difference between background noise and something that was done directly into the phone. The growl had sounded too clear.

“It really was the TV. I’ve turned it off now.”

“I could go for a documentary, and I do like wolves. What channel is it on?”

“Ah, I don’t remember.”

“Well, turn the TV back on. It’ll still be set to the same channel.” Why was she getting the impression Soren fibbed to her?

“It won’t be,” he said. “While we talked I channel-surfed, so I’d have to flip through them all to find it again.”

Feeling the tension that suddenly built between them, Treasure tried to lighten the mood. “What? You were sex-talking me and you channel-surfed at the same time? I don’t know if I should be insulted,” she said with a small laugh. It ended up working.

“Hey, I had to do something to distract myself, or I would have made a mess in my pants,” he replied, the strain in his voice not as pronounced.

She was about to say something else when her stomach growled—loudly. “Now I’m doing some growling of my own.”

“What?” Soren asked, unease in his tone.

“My stomach growled. I haven’t had dinner yet.”

“Oh,” he said with a chuckle. “Then I’d better let you go so you can eat something.

It’s getting late.”

“All right. Will you call me tomorrow? I shouldn’t be as late getting home.”

“I will. Have a good night. I’ll be thinking of you.”

“And I’ll be thinking of you. Bye.”

Treasure hung up and smiled, hugging her arms around her middle. She really hoped Soren would be the one man who’d want something lasting with her. At thirty, she was ready to settle down when she found the right guy. And more and more she thought Soren was that man. Time would only tell, but she’d do her best to get him to think she could be his one.

* * *

Soren tossed his cell phone on the bed next to him. That had been a close one. And could he have thought up a more stupid excuse than saying he watched a wolf documentary? And then when she called him on it, he’d said he had channel-surfed while he’d phone-sexed her. He wouldn’t blame Treasure if she thought he was an idiot.

But he hadn’t been able to come up with anything better that quickly. He’d thought he’d have some fun with Treasure with the sexy talk over the phone. Only it had backfired on him. He’d become so turned-on it had the mating urge riding him as if there were no tomorrow. If he’d come, which he had been pretty damn close to doing, it would have made it almost unbearable.

The last two days it had reached the point where he couldn’t think about anything else except for Treasure. The erotic dreams he had each time he fell asleep left him aching with arousal. He didn’t even want to think about what shape he’d be in when Friday rolled around. It was going to be pure torture to hold off making love to Treasure to tell her what he was. He could just imagine himself falling on her as soon as she walked through the penthouse door. That was something he couldn’t allow to happen.

Letting out a long breath, Soren picked up the remote to the TV that sat in a wall unit at the end of his bed. He hadn’t had the damn thing on when he talked to Treasure, but he now needed the distraction it would give him. He just hoped there was a documentary about wolves on somewhere, or his soon-to-be mate would think he’d lied to her.

He flipped the channels and breathed a sigh of relief when he did find one. Soren looked over the pack of wild wolves that were on the screen and decided his fur while in wolf form looked a lot better than theirs.

* * *

Soren opened the door to the mansion and then stepped back to allow the two men who stood on the other side to come in. It was finally Friday and Atticus and Kian had come to help him move out. A fourteen-foot rental truck sat already parked out front just waiting to be loaded. Once that was done, he had to wait for the final word from his lawyer that the penthouse had closed, then he could go get the keys.

Kian gave Soren a close look as he walked past. “I have to say you appear a bit strung out. Don’t you think he does, Atticus?”

The other man stepped inside and nodded. “I’d say more than a little,” Atticus said with a chuckle.

Soren narrowed his eyes at them and snarled his lip. “Ha ha. You both can laugh at my expense. Where are your mates? You wouldn’t have left them behind, since you’d be suffering from the separation.”

“They’re outside,” Kian replied. “They thought they’d wait until we saw what condition you were in, whether you were in any mood to have females around.”

He rolled his eyes. “More like you two were worried the sight of anything female would have me jumping your mates or something. As if that would happen. Being mated, you both should know I only want to jump one woman, and she isn’t either of your mates.”

“We weren’t so much worried about that,” Atticus said. “More to the point of you being in such a foul mood you’d snap at them.”

Soren shook his head. “My mood might not be great, but I won’t snap at Rylee and Jorja.” Seeing his friends’ doubtful looks, he said, “Forget it. Tell your mates they can come in, so we can get started on putting things on the truck. I’m expecting the lawyer to call in an hour to let me know I can pick up the keys from his office.”

Atticus stepped through the still-open door and waved the two women in. Rylee and Jorja greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. They then stood beside their mates.

“See,” Jorja said to Kian. “Soren didn’t try to bite my head off or anything. I knew you two made Rylee and me wait outside for nothing.” She looked at Soren. “How are you holding up?”

“As well as can be expected,” he replied. “I’ll just be glad to have the mating urge stop riding my ass. Hopefully by the end of tonight.”

“You plan to tell Treasure everything then?”

“Yeah. Tonight is the night.”

“What will you do if she rejects you?” Rylee asked. “I know I had a hard time accepting Atticus for what he was right after I found out.”

Soren grimaced. “I don’t even want to think about it. I’m hoping since we’ve gotten to know each other a lot better with all our phone conversations, Treasure will take the news better than if I hadn’t waited.”

“Well, I didn’t wait with Jorja and in the end she was fine with me being a werewolf.” Kian grunted when his mate elbowed him in the ribs. “What did I do now?”

Jorja frowned. “Don’t be comparing how I was. The only reason why you didn’t give me a choice was because you were shitfaced drunk. I never stood a chance.” She gave Kian a kiss on the lips. “Not that I’m complaining now, but it was not fun having to go through separation anxiety with no clue as to what the hell was wrong with me.”

“Right,” Soren said. “Enough mate talk. It’s not exactly helping me any. It’s just making me think of Treasure. Let’s get to work. My parents went to the lake house for the weekend, so we don’t have to worry about disturbing them.”

He led them upstairs to his bedroom where there was a collection of boxes already packed and ready to go. Soren really didn’t have that many things he would take with him. Since he’d bought the bedroom furniture himself, he wasn’t leaving it behind, which meant once they were in the penthouse he’d have to get Kian and Atticus to help him move the things already in what would be his bedroom to one of the spare rooms.

He’d then deal with getting rid of it at a later date.

The physical labor helped distract Soren from the ever-present mating urge, though it was hard seeing Atticus and Kian with their mates. Each couple couldn’t seem to stop touching their other halves in some small way every few minutes.

Once the truck was loaded, Soren passed out bottled water to everyone as he waited for his lawyer to call. A bit earlier than expected, it came through. He left his friends at the mansion as he drove to the lawyer’s office and picked up the keys for the penthouse.

After he returned to his parents’ house, it was decided the three men would ride in the truck together while the women took the car the couples had arrived in. Soren’s car was already parked at the penthouse. He’d dropped it off there on the way back from the lawyer’s office and had taken a taxi back to the mansion.

Making sure he didn’t lose the women, Soren drove in front. He stuck his hand out the truck’s window when they arrived at the building and directed them toward the visitors’ parking while he continued on to the back where there was access to the moving elevator.

They waited for the women to join them before Soren opened the back of the truck and they got to work putting his things in the elevator. Once they were down to the last few boxes, he set Kian and Atticus to work dismantling the bed already in the master bedroom while he and the women went for the remaining items on the truck.

Soren had just set down the box he carried in the living room when a scent hit him like a ton of bricks. He whirled around and saw Treasure standing in the entranceway talking to Rylee, who obviously had let her into the penthouse.

Jorja snapped her fingers in front of his face and broke his gaze. “You’d better get a grip on yourself,” she said quietly. “Your eyes are glowing. You don’t want to let the cat, or should I say wolf, out of the bag just yet.”

He reined himself back. It was a struggle, but he just managed. Drawn to Treasure like a magnet to metal, Soren walked past Jorja and went to greet his soon-to-be mate.

She looked at him and smiled, and his cock went rock hard. Soren tugged at the bottom of his t-shirt to hide his erection, thankful it was a little on the long side. With Treasure near, he knew he’d be in a constant state of arousal.

“Hi,” she said as her gaze met his.

“Hi back. I see you met Rylee.”

“Yes. She told me she’s married to one of your best friends.”

“And I’m Jorja, the wife of his other,” Jorja said as she joined them.

His would-be mate smiled, and said, “Hi, Jorja. I’m Treasure.”

Rylee cleared her throat. “I think Jorja and I should go see how the guys are managing with that bedroom furniture.” She gave Jorja a pointed look.

Kian’s mate nodded. “Good idea.”

Once the two women were gone, Treasure chuckled. “I guess that was Rylee’s subtle way of giving us a chance to be alone together.”

“It would appear so. We might as well not waste it.”

Soren had to keep tight control over himself as he pulled Treasure into his arms and kissed her. The feel and taste of her had him wanting to take her to the floor and claim her as his mate. The mating urge demanded he do it, not caring there were other people just in the other room. He deepened the kiss as Treasure clung to him, her throaty moan filling his ears while she rubbed up against him.

“Hey, enough of that,” Kian said loudly. “We still have to get the bed set up before we leave.”

He silently thanked his friend as he broke contact with Treasure’s lips and turned to see Kian and Atticus carrying out a headboard. If not for the interruption, Soren knew he would have let things get out of hand.

“You also didn’t tell us which room you want us to put the furniture you don’t want in,” Atticus said.

Taking Treasure by the hand, Soren led her through the living room and to the hallway where Atticus and Kian stood. “This is Treasure. Treasure, this is Atticus and Kian.” Each man nodded in her direction when he said their name. “You can put this in the bedroom closest to the master.”

Now that Treasure was here, he wanted the others to leave. Between Kian, Atticus and himself, it didn’t take very long to finish moving the rest of the furniture out and have his bed set up. A few minutes after that, Soren ushered his friends and their mates out the door with Atticus agreeing to return the rental truck for him.

Alone with Treasure, Soren knew he rode too close to the edge, his mating urge pushing him to make her his. He had to put them in a situation where he couldn’t act on his impulses. Turning away from the door to face her, he asked, “How about we go get something to eat?”

She nodded. “I could go for some food. Where do you want to go?”

“How about we go to the CN Tower’s 360 restaurant?”

“All right. I haven’t been there in ages.”

They decided he’d drive. The elevator ride down to the parking garage just about killed him, but Soren somehow managed. Being inside his car with her so close didn’t do him any favors, either. After they arrived at the base of the CN Tower, he drew in big gulps of air, diluting Treasure’s enticing scent.

The trip up to the restaurant—which was three hundred and fifty-one meters straight up—didn’t take very long in the fast-moving elevator. But it was still long enough to mess with Soren’s control. At least this time they didn’t ride alone.

Having not thought of calling ahead to see if there would be a table open, they were lucky one was. They were seated at a table for two that flanked the glass windows.

Soren turned his head to look outside. The restaurant slowly revolved around the top of the tower, giving a spectacular view of Toronto, hence the name 360.

Unlike the first time they’d gone out for dinner, Soren had a hard time concentrating on what Treasure said. His mating urge rode him harder than it had the last few days, all because he was in the presence of his unclaimed mate.

Even though the food was known to be excellent, Soren had no idea what he ordered, or how it tasted. His gaze kept locking on Treasure’s mouth as he pictured what it would feel like to have her lush lips wrapped around his cock. He must have been able to say the appropriate things, because not once did she question him.

The meal finished, they stood at the elevator doors, waiting for the car to arrive.

Treasure nudged him, the contact causing him to bite back a growl of need.

“Do you want to stop at the level that has the glass floor?” she asked. “I like the thrill of being able look straight down from so high up.”

He turned his gaze on her and let some of what he felt show in his eyes. “Maybe another time. How about we go back to my penthouse and finish getting my bed together?”

She swallowed, the scent of her arousal permeating the air. “I think I’d enjoy that more.”

“I know I would,” Soren replied huskily.

The elevator ride passed in a blur, as did the drive back to his penthouse. He let Treasure inside and told her to go ahead to his room, that he would join her in a minute.

Soren went to the kitchen and took out a bottle of water. His control was slowly slipping by degrees. After drinking half the bottle, he felt somewhat better that he could behave around his would-be mate without jumping her the instant he saw her.

Treasure had only managed to slip the fitted sheet on the mattress by the time he reached the bedroom. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pulled her back hard enough against him so she’d feel just how aroused he was. She pushed into him, causing Soren to bite back a growl.

Her arm snaked up and her hand wrapped around the back of his neck as he bent his head to nibble on her ear. “Mmm,” she said. “I’ve been waiting all week to see you again. I’d thought I’d help you unpack a bit before we got to the making up for lost time, but I don’t want to wait any longer.”

Treasure withdrew her hand and turned in his arms. Her hands fisted in the front of his t-shirt as she pulled him closer and went on tiptoe to kiss him. Soren knew he should slow things down, but he was too hungry for her. He needed to have a taste of her now. He wouldn’t go all the way, he’d satisfy her with his mouth first, then he’d tell her everything. He could control himself that much.

Desperate to get her naked, he wasted no time stripping Treasure out of her clothes in between kisses. She did the same for him. They were both undressed in no time flat.

Picking her up, Soren turned toward the bed and laid her on the middle of the mattress.

He climbed up beside her, partially covering her body with his.

Leaving her mouth, he worked his way down to her breasts. He circled a taut nipple with the tip of his tongue before he sucked it past his lips. Treasure arched her back, pushing it deeper. Her breath came in pants, and the scent of her arousal had his dick even harder.

As he switched to her other breast, Soren trailed his fingers down her flat stomach to the apex of her legs. She spread her thighs to give him better access. He stroked her with a fingertip and found her wet. He released her nipple and kissed a path down her body until he’d wedged his shoulders between Treasure’s legs. He focused on her pussy, loving the sight of her all wet and swollen for him. His tongue flicked out and stroked her clit. She moaned, lifting her hips off the bed.

“Yes, Soren,” she panted. “More.”

He licked her again. “I could taste you all night.”

Spreading her pussy, he delved inside with his stiffened tongue. Treasure rocked against his mouth, her throaty moans filling his ears. Wanting to make her come, Soren sucked on her clit as he pushed two fingers inside her slick opening. He pumped them in and out. He felt her inner walls clutching the digits as he worked her.

Soren rubbed his aching cock against the mattress. He stroked her faster, then she was there. Whimpering his name, Treasure climaxed, her inner muscles clutching his fingers as he continued to move them in and out of her.

Once she settled, he rolled over onto his back and put his arm over his eyes. His chest rapidly rose and fell as he fought to catch his breath and resist claiming Treasure.

He heard and felt her shift on the bed beside him. Soren kept his eyes closed and from her sight. They had to be mutedly glowing.

“Soren?” she asked tentatively.

“I’m okay,” he said. “I’m just trying to calm down a bit. I’d hate to finish too soon, if you know what I mean.” Not that that was the real problem. Being able to keep hard after coming meant ejaculating early wouldn’t ruin lovemaking.

She shifted closer. “Maybe I can help with that.”

Soren groaned as Treasure took his cock in hand and stroked him. It probably wasn’t a good idea to let her pleasure him in any way before they had their talk, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop her. It felt too good. Instead, he focused on his control.

At first he was so focused on Treasure stroking him and maintaining the tight rein on his mating urge, Soren didn’t know what she was up to. It wasn’t until he felt the warm wetness of her pussy closing around his cock that he realized Treasure had straddled him to take him inside her. Feeling her taking every inch of him, Soren knew it was too late for both of them. There would be no stopping what would happen next.

His control shattered like a rock thrown at a window.
