Chapter Three

For a split second, Treasure thought Soren’s eyes mutedly glowed again. But it disappeared before she could convince herself it wasn’t a trick of her mind. She soon forgot about it when he shifted closer and touched her. His big hand stroked along her shoulder and down across the top of her breasts. She sucked in a breath as one of his fingers circled her nipple through her bra.

Wanting to see more of Soren, she took hold of the bottom of his t-shirt and lifted it.

Once she reached his chin he took over, roughly yanking it off over his head. She ran an appreciative gaze over his bare chest. He was beautiful with his well-defined pecs and cut abs. She couldn’t wait to touch all that naked skin. Soren put all her past boyfriends to shame.

“I have to see more of you, Treasure,” he said, his voice gruff.

“And I want to see more of you,” she said softly in return.

Soren took her lips again, kissing her passionately. His hands came around her back and undid the clasp on her bra. He brushed the straps down her arms and Treasure let it fall to their feet. She gave it a little kick out of the way.

While he plucked at one nipple, Soren flicked the other with his tongue. Treasure pushed her chest closer, a silent plea for him to suck on her breast. He laved the taut peak, then gently blew on it before he sucked it into his mouth.

Treasure held onto his shoulders to keep her balance as Soren drew on her nipple.

Her pussy clenched and wetness leaked into her thong. He switched to her other breast, giving it the same attention. He didn’t seem to be in a hurry, taking her nipple in slow, hard sucks.

She ran a hand through his short, blond hair, holding him to her. Waves of pleasure shot through her, her arousal becoming more intense. Soren released her breast and worked his way down to her stomach, going on his knees before her. His large hands circled her waist as his tongue dipped into her bellybutton.

Treasure’s legs shook as Soren went lower. His firm grip on her waist kept her steady. His tongue followed the top of her thong, making her stomach quiver.

Dropping a hand to the inside of her thighs, he gently pushed them farther apart and rubbed his cheek against her mound. Her breathing became harsh as she tightened with anticipation.

She clutched his shoulders hard when his tongue dragged along her pussy through the lacy material of her thong. What sounded like a rumbling growl pushed out of Soren, vibrating against her clit. Treasure couldn’t hold back a low moan.

“More, Soren,” she gasped. “Touch me.”

“I will, but first let’s get rid of these.”

His hands trailed down the outside of her legs until he reached her ankles.

Grasping the back of her high heels, he took each one off and tossed them aside. That done, he focused on her pussy. His tongue lapped at her, wetting her thong even more.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more of his teasing, Soren used a finger to pull aside the material over her sex. He then feasted on her, licking her from bottom to top and stiffening his tongue to push inside her slick opening.

Feeling a climax build, Treasure couldn’t stop herself from grinding against Soren’s mouth. What he did just felt too good. She panted, her body coiling tighter. Her fingers dug into the tops of his shoulders as he alternated between licking and sucking on her clit. But it wasn’t until he pushed a finger, and then another, inside her pussy while he continued to stimulate her clit did she feel her climax racing up to meet her.

With a strangled cry, she continued to rock against his mouth, her inner walls clutching at the finger inside her as she found her release. Soren didn’t stop pumping until the last wave of pleasure receded.

They were both breathing hard as Soren wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his face to her stomach. Treasure pulled at his shoulders. “Now I get to do to you what you did to me.”

Not sure her legs would keep holding her up, she quickly undid Soren’s jeans and yanked them down past his hips before she nudged him toward the bed. He kicked off his pants and climbed onto the mattress. She shimmied out of her thong, then joined him.

Settling at his side, she stroked her fingers across his hairless chest and down his sculptured abs. She saw he had his eyes closed when she looked at him to gauge his reaction to her touch. His fully engorged cock stuck out straight from his body. He was thick and long. As she watched, a bead of pre-cum appeared on the very tip. Treasure gathered it on her fingertip and brought it to her mouth before she licked it off.

Fisting her hand around his shaft, Treasure pumped it up and down. Soren moaned and clutched at the comforter beneath him as he lifted his hips, matching her strokes.

More pre-cum welled from the slit. This time she bent and licked it off. He made another animal-like growl.

“You’re going to kill me, Treasure,” he said in a strained voice.

“I’m not done yet,” she said. “I plan to do a lot more than this.”

Straddling Soren’s lower legs, she kept hold of his cock and swirled her tongue around the thick head. She took it inside her mouth. Sucking, Treasure slid him in and out. What she couldn’t handle, she stroked with her fist.

Soren moaned, his hips lifting off the bed as he matched her rhythm. She took his cock as far back as she could, the tip almost touching the back of her throat. He hardened even more.

“Christ,” he groaned. “Almost… I’m going to…ahh…come.”

Treasure didn’t stop pleasuring him. She wanted him to, wanted everything he had to give her. She sucked harder, squeezing the base of his shaft. Soren’s loud moans of release filled the room as he arched his back and came. She didn’t let go until he had nothing left to give. Much to her pleased surprise, his cock didn’t soften.

Still straddling his body, Treasure crawled up the bed. She stopped when her mouth hovered over his. Even though Soren had made her come earlier, that had just been a small taste. She now wanted the whole thing.

She settled on top of his body, trapping his cock between them. “I’m glad to feel you’re still ready to go,” she said, her voice dropped to a husky timbre. “Because I definitely want more.”

Treasure would have lowered her mouth to his, but she noticed his face had suddenly gone pale with almost a greenish tinge to it. He took some quick breaths through his nose, then shook his head.

He roughly shoved her off and bolted out of bed, heading for the en suite bathroom. The door slammed behind him, and the next thing Treasure heard was the sound of Soren getting sick.

* * *

With a shaky hand, Soren collected some of the water that ran out of the tap. He brought it to his mouth and swished it around before he spat in the sink. Next he splashed water on his face. He used one of the hand towels on the rack to dry it.

Another wave of queasiness hit him and he braced his hands on the counter, concentrating on breathing through his nose. He’d been so sure he’d be okay. While holding Treasure in his arms, touching her, tasting her, he hadn’t felt bad. It wasn’t until after he’d come that what he’d always suffered while on any kind of water vessel slammed into him.

He felt his stomach roll. He was not going to puke again. It was bad enough he’d already done it once. There was one thing he could say about seasickness—it sure as hell blocked out the mating urge. Male werewolves could keep an erection for hours, even after coming several times. Well, Soren was no longer hard, and didn’t think he’d be able to get it up again until after his stomach settled, which he felt pretty sure wasn’t going to happen as long as he stayed on the yacht.

He heard a soft tap on the door just before Treasure stepped inside the small bathroom. Any other time, Soren would have been hungrily staring at her, since she was still as naked as he, but he had to concentrate on not throwing up.

“Soren, are you okay?” she asked, stepping beside him.

He met her gaze in the mirror above the sink and gave her a short nod.

She gnawed on her bottom lip. “I don’t think you are. You’re looking awfully pale.

You were sick, weren’t you?”

At the reminder, his stomach did another roll, and this time he couldn’t stop it. He pushed Treasure out of his way and bent over as he heaved into the toilet. He didn’t stop until he’d lost the last of his dinner.

A cool, wet washcloth was pressed to the back of his neck. He flushed the toilet and straightened. Treasure wiped his forehead and mouth. She ran the water in the sink and rinsed the cloth before she used it on the rest of his face.

“You get seasick, huh?” she asked softly. “That’s why you seemed reluctant to come on the yacht. You should have said something.”

“Yeah, I do,” he croaked. Soren cleared his throat. “I hoped it wouldn’t be too bad since we’re docked. I guess I was wrong.”

“Are you feeling any better?”

He shook his head. “Not really.” His stomach was more than a bit queasy.

“Well, you know the cure for that. You’re going to have to get back on dry land.”

“Sorry for wrecking your night.”

She smiled. “There is nothing to apologize for. It’s not as if you planned to get sick.

We just know for next time we’ll have to go somewhere else.”

“So I haven’t turned you off by puking my guts up?”

Treasure chuckled. “Lucky for you I’m not one of those people who get sick when they see someone else doing it. And I don’t suffer from seasickness. No, I definitely want to see you again. But right now, I think we need to get you dressed and off the yacht before you feel much worse.”

He gave her a sheepish look. “I hate to say it, but I think you’re right. This wasn’t exactly how I wanted to see our date end.”

“We’ll do better next time.”

“When?” Soren felt his stomach working up for another bout over the toilet. He had to get out of there before that happened.

Treasure gave his forehead one last wipe before she put the damp washcloth on the side of the sink. She looked back at him. “Well, for the next few days I’m busy with appointments and viewings, so closer to the end of the week. I’ll wait until you have possession of your penthouse and I’ll come over with a housewarming present.”

Soren swallowed, still fighting his traitorous stomach. Even though it would only give his family’s lawyer four days, he would have no problem closing on the penthouse by then. His family paid him very well, and they were his top clients. With the mating urge riding him it would seem like forever. The longer he waited to claim her, and the more time he spent away from her, the worse it would be. He expected he’d be able to at least see Treasure every day until he felt comfortable telling her about him being a werewolf. And he’d thought it would be a lot sooner than four days. But he was stuck.

He didn’t want Treasure to think he was some kind of stalker, needing to be with her every day. By the end of the four days, his control would be holding on by a thread. He hoped he’d be able to hold back long enough to tell her everything before he couldn’t stop himself from claiming her.

He nodded. “All right. Come to my penthouse on Friday, any time you want. I’ll be there.”

Treasure smiled. “It’s a date. Now let’s get you out of here. You’re definitely not looking any better.”

Soren followed her out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He collected his clothes as Treasure went to the dresser and pulled out a pair of capri pants and a t-shirt.

After he put on his jeans, he had to sit down on the end of the bed as he fought the urge to get sick again. Now dressed, she must have noticed his distress, because she picked up his shirt where it lay next to him and helped him put it on. Next she took hold of his hands and helped him stand.

With his fingers linked with Treasure’s, Soren allowed her to lead him back to the main cabin and then up the small flight of stairs to the deck above. He made sure he kept his gaze off the water and horizon, concentrating on his feet instead. Once on the dock, he breathed a little easier.

At the marina’s parking lot, Treasure stopped under one of the tall lights and looked at him closely. “You’re already looking a bit better, but I think a walk is in order before you get into your car.”

He took a deep breath, feeling some of the queasiness recede a little. “I think you’re right.”

They held hands as they walked out of the parking lot. Even though it was dark, they headed for one of the small parks next to the marina. Not that the darkness bothered him. Being a werewolf, he was able to see as if it were daylight. They only saw a few other people who seemed to be enjoying the summer air. At least it still wasn’t humid. The heat wave they’d had for the last few days had abated with the rain they’d gotten the day before.

By the time Treasure and he had done a short circuit around the park, Soren felt like himself again. And the mating urge once more rode him hard. Even though Treasure had brought him to release with her mouth, it really hadn’t done anything to relieve him. If anything, oral sex made it worse, and would be even more so if he came that way again. Since he wouldn’t be seeing Treasure for four days, it definitely meant he couldn’t become intimate with her like that again. It would only push the limits of his control.

Back at the parking lot, Soren pulled Treasure into a hug and kissed the top of her head. She fit nicely in his arms. After a few seconds, he released her with a sigh. “I guess I’ll see you on Friday then.”

She nodded. “Yes, but you can call me before that if you want. I might be too busy to see you, but I can still fit in a phone call. My cell phone number is on the business card I stapled to your copy of the offer.”

“I’ll do that.” He kissed her forehead. “Talk to you later.”

Hating having to leave his soon-to-be mate behind, Soren got into his car and drove away. Friday would seem a long time in coming.

* * *

After Soren’s car disappeared down the street, Treasure turned and headed back to the yacht. She hated to see him go, but it wouldn’t have been fair to let him suffer any more than he had. She winced inwardly when she thought about how sick Soren had been. Maybe she should have told him where she was staying while they were still at the restaurant once she’d invited him over. It might have saved him a bout of seasickness. But the thought that he would suffer from it had never crossed her mind.

The few friends and family she had over didn’t get seasick.

Treasure stepped onto the yacht and went below deck. She headed straight for the wet bar, put some ice in a glass and poured a shot of rum into it before she added some cola. With drink in hand, she went and sat on the couch and switched on the large LCD TV. It wasn’t all that late, and she wasn’t tired.

Thoughts of what she’d shared with Soren, before he’d gotten sick, kept flashing through her head. She really liked him. A lot. And the way he touched her, kissed her, she would have had no problem asking him to stay the night with her. Not only was he a nice guy who she wanted to get to know better, but he also rocked in bed.

Treasure took a sip of her drink and sighed. She could see herself easily falling for Soren. So far she couldn’t find anything wrong with him. And that he didn’t mind waiting until Friday to see her, because of her busy schedule, it just put him in better standing. Maybe he would be the one who stuck around for a while. She knew she wanted him to.

* * *

Soren closed his bedroom door behind him and blew out a breath. After he’d arrived at his parents’ mansion he’d told them the good news about having bought his very own penthouse. Much to his surprise, they hadn’t seemed all that thrilled with the idea of him moving out, especially his mother. It had been hard seeing the tears she’d held back, making her eyes glassy, as he’d told them about his new place. Shit, he was nine hundred years old. His mom had to expect he’d eventually move out. But he had a feeling he knew why she’d been so emotional. He was her youngest—his two older sisters were already mated and lived in their own homes—and only son. His mother was going to have a hard time letting him go. He couldn’t imagine how she’d take the news that he’d found his mate.

As he walked toward his bed, his cell phone rang. Soren pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the display. It wasn’t Treasure calling, it was his friend, Kian.

He flipped open his cell, and said, “Hello, Kian. I thought you’d be too busy spending time with your mate to call me.”

Kian chuckled. “Hey, I had to, to see how your appointment to view that penthouse went.”

“It went well.”


“And you can stop teasing the shit out of me about living at home.”

“You bought it?”

“Yeah, I did.”

“I guess that means you’re finally growing up, since you won’t be living with Mommy and Daddy anymore,” Kian said with a laugh.

“If this is how the conversation is going to go, I’m hanging up.” Soren let a little growl seep into his voice.

“Relax already. I had to take one last pot shot at you. Why I’m calling is Jorja and I are going to Niagara Falls for the weekend. Her lease on her apartment is up on Sunday, so we’re going to clear out the rest of her stuff. While we’re there we thought we’d hit the casino as well. And I figured you might like to tag along.”

“Ah, I can’t. I get possession of the penthouse on Friday.” Soren hoped Kian wouldn’t push it. But of course that didn’t happen.

“So what…” his friend said. “You told me the place was fully furnished. It’s not as if you will have a lot of work to get the place set up. Since you have to be around for the closing on Friday, we’ll leave for Niagara Falls on Saturday instead.”

“No, I think I’ll pass.”

“Soren, I’m going to be blunt here, but since when do you turn down a weekend at a casino? The last time we went you spent the majority of the time at the blackjack table.

There would have to be something better than moving into your own place to get you to pass.”

This was what Soren had hoped to avoid. But knowing Kian, he wouldn’t let this go until he was satisfied with the answer, which meant Soren would have to tell him the truth just to get Kian to leave him in peace.

“It’s something better. Like, life-changing better,” Soren said.

“Well, I’ll be damned. You found your mate. Where did you meet her?”

“She was the real estate agent who had the penthouse listed. So that’s why I won’t be going to Niagara Falls with you and Jorja.”

“Understandable,” Kian said. He paused for a few seconds, then continued. “Hey, it’s not that late. Why aren’t you with your mate? I know you aren’t, because we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now, since she’s a mortal. She is one, isn’t she? Right?”

Soren groaned to himself. “Yes, she’s mortal. And before you can ask, she doesn’t know I’m a werewolf yet. And I’m not with her.”


“What do you mean why?”

“There has to be a reason why you’re not with her. I know what it’s like to be in the throes of the mating urge, remember? It would have taken wild horses to drag me away from Jorja.”

Soren snorted. “That’s because like a drunken ass you claimed her the night you met her. You didn’t exactly give the girl a chance, now did you?”

“Hey, no turning it on me. We’re discussing why you aren’t with your mate. So what happened? Did she take one look at your ugly mug and tell you to hit the road?”

“Hardly. I did buy the penthouse through her.”

“Okay. Maybe she tolerated you being around only long enough to make the sale, then told you to get lost.”

“That didn’t happen either. I took Treasure out for dinner after we finished the paperwork.”

“Treasure?” Kian asked. “Her name is Treasure?”

Soren growled. “Yes. What of it?”

“Nothing. It’s just not a common one. No need to be so touchy. So if she did all that with you, then why are you not with her?”

“Kian,” Soren said, “can’t you keep your nose out of my business just this once? I swear you’re as bad as an old woman looking for gossip.”

His friend laughed. “Why would I do that? How else would I come up with things to ride you about? So you might as well tell me.”

Soren growled again. “Fine,” he said through clenched teeth. “You want to know why I’m not with Treasure? She’s living on a friend’s yacht at one of the Harbourfront marinas. After dinner we went back to her place.” He waited for Kian to put two and two together. It didn’t take him very long.

“A yacht? Let me get this straight. You went to the yacht with your soon-to-be mate?”


“You got seasick, didn’t you? And you probably got sick on her.”

“Well, not exactly on her. I managed to make it to the toilet before it was too late, though it wasn’t perfect timing, since we’d been fooling around in bed.”

Kian’s howling laughter loudly filled Soren’s ear. Once he got himself back under control, he said, “I’m sure that will be one date she never forgets.”

“Shut the fuck up. I knew I shouldn’t have told you.”

“So when are you going to see her again, on dry land?”

“Umm…not until the penthouse closes.”

There was a short stretch of silence. “Ah, Soren, you do realize what kind of shape you’re going to be in by then, right? The mating urge is going to ride your ass harder as each day passes and you don’t claim her.”

“I know that. But what can I do? She’s busy with appointments and such. She doesn’t know what I’m going through. I would hate for her to think I’m too clingy and dump my ass.”

“You do have a point there. Just don’t let it get too bad. Go to her with some kind of excuse if you have to before Friday rolls around.”

“I’ll manage,” Soren said. “Now talking about Friday, since you won’t be going to Niagara Falls until Saturday, you can help me move. I’m going to hit up Atticus as well.”

“Fine, I’ll tell Jorja we’ll go a day later. I should get you to return the favor by helping us move my mate’s things, but I doubt you’ll be in any condition to be of much use.”

“Whatever. I’ll call you closer to the day.”

After saying goodbye, Soren snapped his phone closed. He glanced at his bed. He doubted he’d get much sleep tonight, or any of the following ones, if he could fall asleep at all. Thanks to the mating urge, if he did manage it, he’d have one erotic dream after another about Treasure. He had a feeling he’d have blue balls before the end of the week.
