Tina shrieked as the belt whistled through the thickening air, smacking dryly against her tits. She arched her spine, pressed her head against the bench as the awful pain throbbed through her thirty-six-inch tits.

She stared up through tear stained eyes and saw Bart smacking his lips as he looked down at her bound body. He was between her widely spread legs now, smoothing his fingers along her inner thighs, making her feel like a filthy slut.

No one had ever seen her pussy before. And now this man had her pried open, her cunt completely exposed. He was staring at it hungrily, the belt hanging threateningly from his right hand. He brought it over his head once more, sending it down in a broad arc.

Tina screamed before it touched her, already feeling the awful burn against her flesh. And when the black leather curled around her inner thigh, bringing up a red meaty welt from the surrounding white flesh, the teen squealed till her throat was raw. She bounced her ass against the stool, puffing at the straps which held her wrists.

"Stop it! God God, stop it!" Tina gasped, breathless with agony.

But Bart seemed just in the middle of his excitement. He brought the belt up once more, snapping it down across her tits once again. This time the leather sizzled over her nipples, hammering the pink nubs into the surrounding flesh.

Tina shrieked, her muscles bulging against her sweaty-damp flesh while her head whipped from side to side. Another blow slashed across her tits, making the girl believe that Bart was going to beat her to death.


He brought the belt down twice rapidly, forming a blood-red cross on her belly. Curling and doubling the belt, Bart moved up a little closer, rubbing the leather up and down her cunt slit.

Tina opened her eyes, peering over her huge tits and seeing the instrument of torture snugged up against her pussy. She shook her head from side to side.

Beads of cold perspiration dotted her forehead as a shiver raced through her body, making her shake as if she were in a fit. That leather, the pressure of the cool, smooth surface of the belt was doing something to her. It was a feeling Tina had never had before in her young life.

In spite of the agonizing pain from her beating, the young blonde teen started to feel an itchy, concentrated warmth beginning to fire in her pussy. She wrinkled her forehead, confused at the sensation as she lay there strapped to the stool. A low moan escaped from her lips as she closed her eyes tightly, drinking in the new, delicious feeling.

Bart could see the change in her attitude, and he smiled, nodding his head up and down knowingly. He brought the buckled end down to her clit, letting the cold bras rub over the partially erect nub. Her clit stiffened, making Tina throw her shoulders back and cry out.

"You little whore! You like having this done to you, don't you? Man, you're a hot little number!"

"No, no!"

Tina didn't know what she was. She felt the sexual heat start up between her white, shivering legs, radiating up and down like a tiny electrical shock until her cunt began to pucker in with excitement. That kind of feeling was wrong, she knew. But she couldn't help it.

Tina began to feel her skin tighten and glow, while her pussy grew very hot and very wet. Bart noticed the pussyjuice sucking his belt. With a snap, he brought the doubled belt down lightly over her cunt.

Tina jerked as if someone had touched her with a hot poker. She fell back against the stool, yammering and shouting while she jerked her legs against the restraining thongs. Her tits rolled and jiggled against one another while Bart brought the belt down again, this time a little to the right of her cunt.

Sparks shot into the young girl's pussy, her tiny muscles quivering and spuming with excitement. Again he swung the belt over his head, the leather sizzling through the air. Again he brought it down between her splayed thighs, the force of the blow yanking her cunthole out of shape.

Tina shrieked, her ass jerking up from the stool, then bouncing up and down frantically. He was going to kill her, going to ruin her. She would never be able to have a normal sex life after he finished with her pussy. Tina screamed out her despair, begging him to leave her alone. She jerked against the thongs, feeling the leather cut into her flesh, leaving long pink marks from the rubbing.

Bart was starting to sweat from the effort of beating her. He brought the belt down once more against her nipples, sliding the black leather over the nubs.

Tina swallowed a lump of fear, grateful that at least he had left her cunt alone. Then the belt slipped up her chest, sliding over her smooth white flesh until it was at the base of her throat. She gulped in a lungful of air and held it. Just at that point, Bart brought the belt down over her windpipe.

Tina groaned her eyes popping open with fear while her legs and arms spasmed against their restraints. He was strangling her. She could feel the leather against her windpipe, pressing it shut. He nostrils burned, and her head throbbed. Sheer terror bleached her mind of any thought except survival.

The girl felt spit gathering up the base of her throat while her lungs burned, begging for oxygen. Her tongue wriggled out, wagging over her cracked lips as her eyes started even more from her head. Tina felt the room starting to fade from focus. She was spinning downward, a black veil starting to shade everything as the belt pressed rentlessly against her throat. The clawing movements of her fingers decreased as she fell into unconsciousness.

"Ain't gonna let you die baby," Bart said, taking the belt from her threat at just the right moment.

Tina coughed, turning her head to one side and gagging as she gulped in lungful of air. The rush of oxygen. What a horrid, dangerous man! She looked up at him.

Bart let her gasp for a moment, then unzipped his fly, pushing his Levi's down to his knees.

Tina stared wide-eyed at what sprang up from between his legs. She is seen pictures of cocks of cows. Sex education class had taken are of that. But this was the first time she had seen a cock hard.

His prick was big, way bigger than anything she had seen in her dumb books. And the cockhead! It had to be at least two inches across, she thought. He scratched his cock and balls, letting her study his prick for a moment before leaning forward.

"No, no, don't don't do that to me!" she cried, her eyes widening with fear. "Don't touch me with that thing!"

"You don't wanna get fucked by this mother?" Bart asked. "Most women would beg for something like this sawin' up into their pussy. You're gonna be wanting it every day by the time I get through with you!"

Tina could feel the bloated cockhead rubbing up against he cunt. He would savage her with that cock, tear her pussy into ruin. She felt the pressure against her cuntlips, felt them flattening back while Bart leaned heavily against her, his hands pressing against her shoulders. It was going in! God in heaven, it was going in! She could feel her cunt giving way, the tiny muscles relaxing while her pussylips stretched thin.

"No no!"

Her cries were growing weaker, the cords sticking from her neck as she rolled her head from side to side. He was making headway, pushing his prick into her while digging his fingernails into her shoulders. She felt the thick, hot boring mass burn through her, making her lift her ass from the bench.

Tina sobbed wildly, growing hysterical as Bart pulled back, then fucked forward with a wild grunt. Tina felt the cockhead pushing down, burrowing into her cunt until it touched the thin cherry membrane stretched across her pussy.

Tina shrieked, shaking her head violently from side to side and tugging against the thongs holding her prisoner.

"Man, you're cherry all right! Nice! I like pokin' a virgin. Nice to know you're the first, right? Man, the first in this little bitch! Bet I won't be the last, not after we get you good and trained."

"No!" Tina groaned, snapping her head back, feeling the thin membrane start to rip under the pressure. It was an agony she had never felt before. It radiated out from her cunt, smashing up her spine and tearing into her brain. She thought for a moment she would pass out as her raspy breaths turned into strangled cries.

Bart pulled back, shaking the sweat from his forehead. She could feel his fingers gripping her more firmly, his knees rubbing against her upturned ass. His cockhead moved back, then pushed forward relentlessly, smashing against her cherry without stopping. It was as if he had a burning knife and were tearing her cunt to pieces with it. The young girl screamed and shrieked her throat raw, spit flying from her mouth as Bart pushed down and finally ripped through the tiny membrane.

Tina threw back her head and shrilled out a terrible scream, bright-yellow lights popping behind her eyes. It felt as if he had driven a knife right into her cunt. The girl's eyes rolled up into her head while she continued screaming as loudly as she could. Even Bart's constant backhanding across her face couldn't reach her. He had fucked her, really fucked her!

Tina rolled her head from side to side, coughing and gagging on her spit as she felt her cuntwalls snugging up against Bart's prick. Oh God! She had never, never thought getting fucked would be so painful!

"Man, you're tight! I mean, like a fist!" Bart gasped, licking her throat, then catching her head and forcing his tongue through her lips. Tina thought about biting his tongue. But she knew better, sensing Bart would hurt her even more if she tried something like that.

Lying there, Tina could feel his hard cock throbbing deep inside her, starting to slide back and forth, the top rubbing up against her clit. He pulled his tongue from her mouth, watching her closely as he began sliding his prick back and forth.

"UHHuhhh! Uhhhh!"

The girl writhed her shoulder blades against the bench each time he pulled back, then shoved in once again, rocking his hips from side to side. To her surprise, Tina felt her body starting to stretch around the fat cock, accommodating the thick-muscled meat as he began fucking her in earnest. Bart started increasing his ramming length, leaning forward slightly so his cock would continuously rub against the teen's clit.

Tina started feeling something starting up between her spread thighs, something that stopped her screams and groans, something that made her grunt each time the big stud fed her his cock. Screwing up her forehead, Tina vowed she wouldn't let Bart excite her. Surely she couldn't be feeling delight at what was happening to her. He had roped her, beaten her, and now was raping her. He had torn away her cherry!

But Tina couldn't deny what was starting to happen. The juice was starting to run thick from her cunt, coating her curly hair, seeping over her thighs and wetting Bart's balls. He could feel the slickness starting and he laughed down at her, tugging at the girl's hair and making her squeal.

"Man, when you've got it coming outta you that bad, you're really hot! So much for all that virgin shit, right? You can't get enough now, huh?"

"No, no, you're lying!"

But Tina couldn't deny the truth. He mind had snapped somewhere during the rape. She could smell the sweet odor of fucking that was heavy in the room. She could feel the hardness of Bart's body pressing into her as he clutched at her, fucking down deep. And then he shoved his cock all the way in after having nearly pulled it all the way out. His strokes were getting longer, deeper, slower. Tina felt herself taking all the cock she could.

"You're real slippery down there! Shit, I could get my fist up there if I wanted!"

Tina felt her pussy tremble, then tighten up, squeezing his cock as it penetrated her body. She could feel his huge cockhead as it worked its way down, back up, then down again. The hard prick was making the full length of her cunt tremor and shake. When the shivers began to become regular, Tina knew she was going to cum soon.


Her fingers worked against one another as she arched her spine, writhing as best she could against the bench. Bart was fucking faster now, his cock pushing through her cunt like a hot branding iron through butter. As the spasms of her cunt became stronger, she could feel her cunt starting to twist and shiver, sparks showering into her pussy.

Tina opened her mouth to say something. But the only thing escaping her lips was a long, steady moan. Her eyes glazed over as she felt Bart's teeth biting down hard on her right nipple. He was tearing at the sensitive flesh, lifting her tit and shaking it from side to side the way a dog shook a rabbit he'd just caught.

Tina loved the pain, and her cunt tightened up hard and started to milk at the fucking prick.

The only things she could think of were his prick, the ropes holding her arms prisoner to the stool, and the thongs spreading her legs out, hiking them high so Bart could fuck her all the better.


He was sucking hard on her other nipple now, his hands gripping her upper arms while his hips slammed again and again against he thighs. Her pussy was hot, sore, and stretched. She wouldn't be able to piss for a week, she thought, as her cunt gripped onto the fucking cock and held on.

Tina could feel her clit about to blast apart, throbbing so hard she thought it would tear off. She had never, never felt anything like it, even in the most wild imaginings in he bedroom, when she touched herself and thought of guys fucking her.

"Man! You're uhhh too much, slut! Real good, real ahhhhh!"

Bart stiffened, his body jerking as he fucked deep into her body. Tina moaned, biting her lower lip until it bled. The girl strangled the cry in her throat as she whipped her legs against him. He had locked himself tightly around her, lifting her from the bench with every move he made. She could feel her cunt shiver, then break into orgasmic spasms as he pulled back.

Tina screamed, feeling her pussy walls clench down on the throbbing prick. The power of her spasms nearly knocked her out as explosions shot through her brain. Her squishy cunt widened a bit for Bart's cock, then snapped shut. Tina sobbed and groaned, twisting her ass around. It was horrible. She had disgraced herself under this man, rutting like a street bitch when she should have been screaming for him to stop.


Bart's cum started shooting, burning down the tube of his cock like burning oil. His load poured out, jetting into the exploding heat of Tina's cunt.

The tremendous climax that shook through the teen's cunt sent her floating away, moaning and sighing as she wiggled against his hairy body. Her pussy jerked in rhythm to her beating clit as she felt the jetting streams of his cum spatter against her pussy walls. He was sucking at her mouth and ears hard, biting into her flesh like a raging animal while fucking deep into her body.

Tina wanted to smile at the waves of satisfaction washing through her body, but somehow that didn't seem proper. Groaning, the blonde teen lay there, feeling her cunt hold tightly onto the shooting cock while the final shots of cum spat out from Bart's cockhead.

Tina felt exhausted, drained of all will. Bart was still making little fucking motions with his hips, working them around, digging his cockhead against her cuntwalls and enjoying her startled little cries.

He pulled back slowly, bracing his hands against her shoulders, watching her pussy pucker out as his prick kept scooping out the mix of her juices and his spunk. When he was all the way out, he knelt down next to her, fingering her tits and laughing at the degraded teen.

"Now, you're gonna do me some favors. You're gonna get me that friend of yours and maybe even your mother! Yeah," Bart said, rubbing his stubbly chin thoughtfully. "That'd be real nice."

"No! I won't!" Tina gasped.

"You ain't got a choice. Maybe some more persuasion's what you need. That little cunt next to you seemed pretty fucking spunky. Wouldn't mind having her under my legs. And you could bring her. But it looks like you're gonna have to get a little more persuasion, huh?"

"No, stop, don't!"

But it was too late. Bart already had something in mind for her as he began unfastening the thongs around her ankles.
