"Wh-where's my daughter?" Francine asked, hoping to take their attention from her for a moment. Her thighs cramped with tension while her feet dug into the ground around her.
"You wanna see her? You gotta wait for that! You bring anybody with you here?"
Francine shook her head, looking down again at her singed pussy. She'd been able to piss and put out the flames before they had done any real damage.
"We gotta be sure! You lying?" Bart's voice grew loud.
"No! I swear it!"
"Get that board over here," Bart said, nodding in the direction of a small pile of wood at the end of the porch.
One of the men picked up a four-foot length and pulled it forward, dropping it over Francine's foot. She let out a sharp cry of pain, drawing back and looking at Bart. He laughed, swinging a doubled fist into her belly and knocking the wind from her lungs.
Francine's eyes nearly popped from her head, her jaws slackening as she doubled over, holding tightly onto her injured belly.
Pulling her hands from her stomach, Bart kept her in the bent-over position, forcing her arms out to either side of the board. Max bound them with two pieces of rope, laying the rope around her wrists, the board, and her ankles until she was bound tightly to the board.
Francine swallowed a lump of fear, feeling her pussy part stickily from the tension of her position. Her fists swung forward, hanging obscenely as if waiting for someone to grab and suck them. She kept her face down, grateful for the way her hair was curtaining her flushed, shamed face.
The men were making lewd remarks and lining up as if they were going to have a chance to fuck her. The thought rushed through her mind like a hot poker blazing through gasoline. It had been years since anyone had even touched her. And now these strangers were stripping her. She felt a thrill of excitement rush up and down her spine, her asscheeks clenching and unclenching while her toes curled into the soft dirt.
"C'mon, walk!" Bart snapped, slapping her hard on her ass.
Carefully Francine moved her right foot, then her left, waddling forward, the board cutting into the fronts of her ankles. It was slow, painful work, with Bart slapping and kicking her every step of the way. He kept asking her about others following her, and about the police she might have notified. Again and again she denied his accusations, screaming out that she'd been too horrified at what she'd heard over the phone to call anyone.
Sweat glistened over her body as they marched her to a far field. It was where she'd seen her daughter come out with the two men – haggard, worked-over, and obviously raped. And now they were going to treat her the same way.
"No, no! Please, no!"
She didn't want pain, didn't want the humiliation. Bart laughed, raising one foot and placing the toe right up against her ass hole. Francine squirmed, feeling the filthy leather working its way against her puckered shitter. She was about to shout out a protest when he shoved her forward.
There was no way the woman could have fought for her balance. She pulled at her arms, trying to free her hands. But the ropes held fast.
Francine tumbled head-first, falling against her neck and shoulder, then rolling around until she found herself on her ass, her legs and arms high in the air and spread wide apart. The men were standing over her, laughing as she struggled like a turtle on its back trying to regain its footing.
"Problem? Too bad," Bart said, reaching down and opening his zipper.
Francine shook her head from side to side, her mind reeling at what was about to happen. But Bart was just standing there, his cock in his right hand. He rolled the cockhead from left to right, not trying to get it hard.
The woman screamed, her spine arching as she dug her head into the ground under her. He was pissing on her, directing the thin, twisting yellowish stream over her belly.
Francine froze, not believing what was happening to her. She lay there quietly for a moment, letting the piss spatter over her navel, gathering in a slick, oily pool before trickling down either side and hissing into the cold ground under her ass.
Then she screamed through her clenched teeth, a feeling of nausea sweeping over her mind. It was unbelievable that another human being would do this to her! She wriggled her ass against the dirt, feeling the filth invading her asscrack. Still Bart followed her, moving his spray up to her nipples, the piss stinging her tit tips. Droplets bounced off her tits and spattered on her face.
Francine let out a shriek, shaking her head violently, trying to get the filth from her cheeks and forehead as more and more pies coated her helpless body.
"Stop! I've told you everything! Stop this!" she screamed, her voice echoing through the woods behind her.
"Man, she's a mover just like her daughter."
Francine rolled her hips away, cursing the ugly stud. He finally went dry.
"Hey, man, what about me!"
Others shouldered their way forward, knocking their way forward. Francine blinked, feeling her body broiling in the piss all around her. She opened her mouth to shout at them and was rewarded by a stream of piss splashing against her teeth.
Gagging, Francine tried arching back away from the piss. But another, and then another, current of filthy urine spattered over her face and body. She sucked in deep breaths, her tits slapping against one another as the men began dumping their piss onto her body. She felt one spray stinging along her lips, her tongue, her chin, then up to her eyes. They were pissing all over her. Then Bart signaled for them to stop.
"Whew! You wanna bring down the health department on my ass?"
He kicked Francine away from them, nudging her farther and farther, until the woman found herself rolling into the mud. Wildly, she twisted from the pool, barely keeping her head above the filthy surface. They were laughing at her and calling her all sorts of filthy names. She lay there, feeling safe for the first time in hours. At least, she thought, the mud had cleansed her flesh of piss.
Closing her eyes in defeat, Francine wished she had phoned the police before foolishly having come out to save her daughter. Now they were all in danger, and there was nothing anyone could do to help them.
Back in the basement, Tina was growing more and more disturbed. The rope around her wrist was cutting deeply, rubbing the flesh until a small trickle of blood began to ooze from her stretched arm. She pushed herself up several times against the painful triangle, braving the agony of the point against her arch to relieve the aching pull against her wrist and shoulder.
The dildo still sent the low amount of voltage into her cunt, bringing her off again and again. She could see Kathy had also experienced climaxes, although the brunette looked more and more uncomfortable as the minutes ticked by.
Kathy's thighs were ridged, her flesh damp with perspiration while her forehead creased with every throb of current shooting into her cunt. The wires jiggled against her legs as she writhed from side to side, pulling at the bonds on her arms and legs.
At times, Tina thought she could hear the men laughing and shouting. She thought of her mother and wondered what kind of show they were making her put on. She concentrated on the voltage rushing through her pussy. That would make her forget about her mother, about the shame she was enduring.
And then the shouting stopped. There was only silence. For a moment Tina wondered if they had all left for some reason. Then there were the sounds of shuffling feet, sounding like an army tramping through the rooms overhead. She could hear a woman's shouts.
The door flew open with a bang. Francine screamed an obscenity, beating her hands uselessly against Max's chest. They had untied her, hosed off the mud, then thrown her into the house.
Francine could see that she was in danger of being pushed down the stairs. Wheeling around, the woman padded quickly down the narrow wooden stairs, bracing herself heavily against the handrail.
"Oh God! Tina! Kathy!"
She stopped in honor, looking at the two girls strung up from the ceiling, their bodies jerking rhythmically with the pulsing current generated from the machine between them. Bart was down at her side in a moment, pushing her toward a earnest post opposite Tina.
"Surprised? You think we were gonna let 'em watch TV while we fucked around with you?"
"No no, no!" Francine moaned, her eyes wide with honor and disbelief.
She looked at her daughter as they shoved her against the cement column, circling a leather strap around her waist and cinching it tightly. Someone pulled both of her arms back, tying them together with what felt like rough hemp rape. It didn't matter.
She watched her daughter, watched as the dude shoved in Tina's pussy bobbed up and down. The girl's cunt muscles worked against the invader, milking it whenever a particularly hard spasm rushed through her pussy and made her shiver against her bonds.
Francine dropped her eyes. It was revolting. It was terrible seeing her own daughter like that. The thought made her sick.
Tina watched her mother with growing interest. Max drew cords under Francine's armpits, up over her shoulders, crossed them behind her, then knotted them tightly together. In a moment, the girl saw her mother fixed to the post, her tits thrust out provocatively. Bart used two firm bands that circled both her ankles and the post, one leg on either side of the post so they were slightly spread.
"No! What are you doing? God in heaven, I told you the truth! No one's here except me! Let them go! Let us go!" Francine shrieked.
"Gag her like the others," Bart said in exasperation. "She's gonna yelp her fuckin' head off if we don't!"
Francine looked pleadingly at Tina, as if her daughter could somehow help her. There was nothing she could do.
Max slipped out of sight for a moment, returning with a long piece of leather. Francine gave up her struggle, reining against the tight-fitting ropes as the big man wrapped the material around her skull and tied it in a double knot behind her head. The woman began concentrating on the ropes now chafing her flesh until it bled.
Turning her eyes, Francine saw her daughter wriggling against her own bonds. And there was Kathy, the girl, she thought, who had started it all with her wild ideas and slutty ways. She wanted to give the girl a good piece of her mind.
But the scratchy feeling of the hemp against her body told her just what kind of position she was in.
"Now, then, we've got a fuckin' full crew here," Bart said, cracking his knuckles and rocking back and forth on his heels.
He was standing next to Francine, stroking her ass, his fingers caressing the smooth white flesh and making the woman tremble.
"It'd be a real shame to let any of it go to waste. And," she added, slipping one finger into the asscrack and jabbing the tip against her skitter, "it'll be even more interesting to watch you watch each other!"
Bart scratched his chin, then moved to Tina. The girl was praying he would go for her mother, or even start walking toward Kathy.
Bart lowered her to the floor, unfastening the cuff binding her ankle to her wrist. Loosening the rope attaching her to the overhead pulley, Bart dragged her to her feet, steadying the naked young teen against his body when she began swaying back and forth.
"The guys are upstairs gettin' drunk. That's about all they do in life. You wanna go upstairs and party with them?" he asked.
Tina shook her head from side to side. They would fuck her until she was nothing more than a piece of raw meat. The thought did have an exciting edge, but then reality set in. She wouldn't give in to these men again, not with her mother watching!
Tina folded one leg modestly aver her cunt, drawing her upper arms in as she turned away from her mother. Upstairs she could hear noise, and she thought of how they would paw her, feel her, then fuck her. Tina shivered, driving the thought from her mind.
"Why not show your mom what you can do? She's hot, lady! I mean it! Hot enough to boil a cock when she gets going!"
Tina flushed, trembling with rage and shame as she watched her mother's face flush silently. The girl was about to strike Bart when she felt him grab her by the wrist and drag her in Kathy's direction. Francine muttered through her gag, her eyes round, her body strained against the ropes.
"I didn't wanna keep you hangin' around like that not with your old lady here and all that. It ain't polite, right? So we're gonna work out something a little different for you! Just like Mom!"
He threw her against another post. Max made sure her arms were well behind her, her wrists folded one over the other. Tina sighed. At least she wasn't hanging from the overhead beam, her nerve endings pulling apart from the terrible weight. Her legs felt better as Max roped her ankles to the pillar, then bound her wrists one to the other with a double knot.
Tina stood there, facing her mother, feeling as if something dreadful was about to take place, something more awful than all she had had to endure so far. It happened when Bart rolled out the generator again. The woman all sucked in ragged breaths, their eyes focusing on the dial, on the wires dangling from the back.
"I've had to modify it a little," Bart said, stroking the machine lovingly. "But I think I've done it so I can take care of all three of you! Hey Max, take off their gags!"
Tina's was the first. She spat out the vile mixture of rubber and spit, coughing violently, then slowly regaining her breath. She wanted to say something, to vindicate herself in front of her mother and her friend. But that was impossible.
Francine could only repeat her daughter's name again and again, while Kathy moaned, feeling more alone than ever. Bart uncoiled the wires once more, stringing them out, then moving back up to Tina. She moaned. Her nipples were sore already from all the puffing and biting. Again she saw the clamps opening and brushing up against her sensitive nipples. Again she felt the nibbling teeth biting into the pink flesh, distending the tiny nub with its weight.
Tina jerked her head back, her jaw set, her teeth biting into her pouty lower lip. Squirming, feeling her ass rubbing against the pillar behind her, the girl curled her toes until they cramped against the cold floor. Bart attached another metal clamp to her left tit, bringing a third around and rubbing it up against her clit.
"No, not there, not not there!"
Tina shrieked, feeling the awful teeth biting into the super-sensitive flesh of her clit. It was as if a dozen knives had begun to cut her cunt to pieces.
Her screams grew more shrill, bouncing off the walls as Kathy and Francine joined in, crying out for the men to stop.