One week, and her mother still wouldn't let her go out.

Word had gotten out that Tina and Kathy had been partying in disreputable places and her wings had been clipped.

Tina hadn't heard a word from Bart. He had forced her phone number from her, but he hadn't called. Her mother had been grim-faced around her, keeping conversation at a minimum and refusing to hear any excuses from her. Tina was miserable. She shuffled around the house and actually found her homework a blessing.

All that fucking! All that cocksucking! She remembered the way he had stripped her and thrown her onto those cunt-splitting instruments that made her feel so deliciously naughty and good.

On the evening of the seventh day, Tina was lying en her tummy in bed, her legs crossed behind her as she squinted at the various geometrical figures in her math book. The phone rang. Thinking, it was Kathy, Tina answered.

"I'm gonna come and see you," Bart said. "I've been waitin' to hear from you. Don't forget, I've got those fuckin' pictures. You want 'em on campus?"

Tina felt as if someone had pushed an electric dildo up her cunt again. She uncrossed her legs, wheeling around on the bed and sitting up on the edge.

"You can't come to see me!" she gasped.

"I'm gonna do all those nice things to your body. I'm gonna strip you, baby, then start biting those nipples. You like that. You liked it before, the way I was chewing on them nubs while I fingered your cunt."

Tina flushed. She was starting to feel worked up between her thighs.

"Don't? Don't call here. Please, my mother my mother might hear and and I don't know what I'd do," she stammered.

"Bring her along! I'd like to fuck both of you! She'd probably look real nice hanging from the ceiling with a whip shoved up her ass!"

Tina flinched. Somehow his talking about her mother that way seemed terribly wrong. But he went on about her, repeating all the things he had done to her and what he was going to do now.

Biting her pouty lower lip and repressing a moan, Tina wriggled off her blue shorts, lying back on the pillow and starting to touch herself. In a moment, she was pushing back the sloppy folds of her cunt and pressing one fingertip against her dripping clit.

Tina sucked in a ragged breath, her thighs spread, her knees raised as she pictured Bart jerking his cock while talking to her.

"Man, I'm gonna fuck you fuck you better than that damned dildo did! When I get through with you, bitch, there won't be a fuckin' virgin pore in your body! You're gonna beg me for more! You're gonna beg me to put in my cock!"

"No, please, hangup! I'll call back later! My mother"

"Fuck your mother! You're gonna come over here right now tonight, or I'll send those pictures to your old lady and your school! I've got four, baby. They'll blow those old fuckin' minds, understand?"

Tina sobbed, the tears welling up in her eyes as she pushed one finger through her soppy cunthole and felt the muscles milk down on it gently.

"And one more thing. You bring that little Kathy along! I liked the way she looked! You know, I can get into that little bitch real nice!"

"But… but…"

"You heard me," Bart said, his voice threatening.

Tina felt her cunt edging up to climax as he kept talking dirty to her. Her pussy was feverish and swollen. She bobbed her ass around in circles as her fingers brought her closer and closer to the hot rush of excitement. She was coming. Her calves cramped while she dug her heels frantically against the bed.

Tina groaned just as Bart talked about fucking her in the ass. She beard his voice, but it seemed to be coming from a tunnel. Arching her back, she jerked her ass from the bed, pushing her finger deep into her tight, soppy pussy. She could feel the cuntjuice oozing down her thighs and ass. "And you remember, baby, you come over soon! I've got some real nasty surprises for you if you don't!"

Tina wanted to protest, but couldn't. She knew that it would be futile. Bart had made up his mind, and had threatened to use the awful pictures to get his way. Her voice had been paralyzed by her climax, a climax so hot it had taken her breath away.

Hesitating only for a moment, Kathy rolled over, picked up the phone, and started dialing Kathy's number. She would be creative. She had to be. Bart was sitting there waiting for them.

Kathy was home, and believed Tina that there were some neat guys who wanted to party that night. The perky brunette agreed to pick up Tina on the corner of her street.

Slipping away from the house was easier than the girl had thought it would be. Her mother appeared to have fallen asleep in front of the television. Her heart was beating fast as she slipped down the curving stairs, past the TV room, then out through the kitchen.

Vague images of Bart were floating through Tina's head, images intensified by the joy that had blasted convulsingly through her cunt earlier. She was trembling, feeling tingly and excited. She wondered why. She was going to a man who had abused her. But something else had happened with him, something that drew Tina to the big stud like a moth to a flame. She felt hungry for his body. She didn't really know how to interpret the trickly, weird sensations between her legs.

Tina laughed, slipping through the kitchen doorway. All she could think of was the way her nipples were pushing out against her halter.

Tina could hardly breathe as she tiptoed through the back yard toward the corner. There in the dark she could see Kathy's car. Her heart felt heavy, and she could hardly swallow. Kathy was in there, opening the door for her.

As Kathy's car sped away, another followed, keeping a good distance behind but staying on their tail. Behind the wheel was Francine Mathis. She had suspected something was happening, something involving Kathy. She thought her daughter was being ruined by Kathy. The filthy call she'd listened in on had confirmed her worst fears. She would have prevented Tina from making one move, but she thought she would catch them all in their little filthy nest, expose them all and drag Tina back home where she belonged!

Francine turned the corner, drawing back a little farther and letting Kathy's car speed ahead. She would give them time, then spring on them. Biting her lower lip and gripping the steering wheel, Francine wondered where on earth she'd gone wrong.

That man's words, that Bart she thought his name was, had made her shiver. He knew her daughter all too well. She had felt close to orgasm while listening to the filthy conversation between Bart and her daughter. It had been all she could do to calm down and act as if nothing had happened when Tina had crept down the stairs and sneaked out.

Now she could catch them, she thought. Her attractive face was strained, her eyes staring straight ahead as she guided her car along and thought of what she would say to the lot of them.

"This is creepy. Are you sure this is the way?" Kathy asked, slamming her door shut.

Tina was already halfway up the path, feeling guilty about the whole affair. She saw lights inside and knew Bart had watched them pull up. She could always turn around and save Kathy at the expense of her reputation. But the thought of the shame, combined with the rising excitement she had felt initially as they turned down the street overcame any misgivings she had.

"Sure, really! This is where we went after that bar! Come on!"

The door opened. Bart was there, and so were some others. She hadn't really lied. There would be some others there others she hadn't met, but whom she guessed would be mirror copies of Bart.

Tina stepped in first, seeing Bart at the far end of the room smiling at her. Kathy followed, stopping dead in her tracks three feet into the room. She started to turn, but the door slammed shut behind her and was locked.

"Tina, what's going on?"

"You'll find out soon enough, baby! Come on, take them clothes off so we can get a good look at you," one tall redhead said, grabbing Tina and pulling her in his direction.

Tina shrank back from the touch, drawing closer to Kathy.

"It's out of my control!" she gasped.

"What are you talking about? What's happening?" Kathy asked, her voice growing sharper.

"She brought you here. She should have told you," another man growled, moving closer to her.

He had a switchblade knife out, holding it in front of his eyes. He looked a little crazy, his eyes big and round, a leer on his face. His short-cropped hair reminded Tina of the punkers she'd seen on TV. But he was older, more savage, his flat nose and thick lips making his poorly shaven face remarkably ugly.


Kathy was screaming hysterically, jerking away from the man with the knife. He was tearing her skirt into long strips with the blade. The girl looked around, her fingers gripping Tina's shoulders like talons. She stared dully at her.

Tina was about to say something when she felt fingers gripping her white blouse. She had opened her mouth and started to scream when the room was filled with the sound of tearing material.

"Man, nice big tits! You were right, Bart! This bitch is stacked!"

Tina bent over, flinging her arms around her tits as Kathy backed away in horror. Kathy dropped her purse, but was too frightened to bend down to pick it up. The short-haired maniac with the knife pulled Kathy to one side, twisting her wrist around and bringing her right arm up behind the small of her back. The girl doubled over, her face contorting with pain. He laughed sharply, hysterically, pushing the knife against her throat, then flinging her to the floor.


"Tina, help me!"

The man was on top of her, clawing at her face, kissing and sucking at her mouth as she beat him with her fists. Tiring of the game, he brought the knife down to her chest. For a moment Tina thought he would stab her to death.

Then there was a tearing sound. He had ripped the buttons of her blouse off, tearing the garment open, then slicing her bra in two with the sharp knife. Both girls were naked from the waist up now, staggering in front of the leering men.

"They're strong enough to take it! They gotta be broken, though blondie over there looks like she's been through this with Bart once or twice," one man said.

"Push 'em out back. Ain't nobody around to see'em. Into the dirt, sluts!"

Bart took Tina by her hair, twisting it around, jerking her behind him. Kathy followed, two men pawing her tits as she threw back her head an howled in pain. Tina saw that they were being moved outdoors.

Bart purposely slammed Tina against the refrigerator, then the stove, kicking her through the screen door with his foot. She stumbled forward, sweeping the hair from her eyes. She run hard into a porch railing, wrapping her anus around it for balance and turning around just in time to see Kathy lose her skirt to the wild-eyed maniac with the knife.


The man booted Kathy through the doorway, making her lose her balance and fall to her knees. The brunette skinned herself as she slid to the first step, her panties tangled around her thighs. Quickly. Kathy pulled them up.

Tina noticed that her friend's hips were almost like those of a woman, wide and full, while her ass was firm and taut. Kathy was bigger-boned than Tina, and always looked years above her real age.

The man with the knife came up to Kathy, pushing the blade up against her neck. The girl screamed, scrambling up and rushing over to Tina. The man looked a little disappointed, but soon his lips curled into a sick, sardonic smile. It was only Bart's intervention, Tina thought, that kept her friend from winding up dead.

"Let's see you walk through that," Bart said, prying Tina's fingers from the railing and flinging her off the porch, Kathy followed, not wanting to be knocked to the ground a second time. The crazy man was behind them, pricking their asses with his knife.

"Come on, faster, faster, move it!"

The ground was muddy, turned into a sea of slime by a heavy rain three days before. The girls slogged through the slop, their feet sticking in the muck while the maniac behind them moved easily.

Twice, Tina felt the sharp tip of the blade slip between her thighs and prick the soft, sensitive flesh of her cunt. A razored tingling ran through her body, sweeping up her crotch and making her cunt pucker. It was an icy fear, punctuated by wild, perverse pleasure.

The maniac seemed like the kind of person who mixed fantasy and the real world, but was unsure of which was which. With another prick [missing text].

Oh, oh, it was wretched! Tina thought of the knife, wondering what it would be like having the polished metal sliding in and out of her clenched cuntlips. They would resist, she thought, puckering in and growing bloody while the steel insisted in cutting its way through. It was sick to think like that.

Tina shook her head as if she could push the ideas from her mind. But there they were. She couldn't help them. What was worse, her cunt was growing hotter and wetter the longer she mucked her way through the muddy yard.

"Nice walk?" Bart asked, raising his half emptied beer can to the girls.

"He's stabbing me!"

Kathy cried out with a wail, stumbling through the mud. The girls had made one wide, complete circle, feeling like prisoners on a death march. Tina was exhausted, her legs filthy with slime while her body shone with perspiration.

Then Max moved up, putting his paw-like hands on her narrow shoulders. Kathy screamed and stopped, her eyes wide with fear.

"Don't stop! You do and I'll cut them tits off real slow!"

He had his knife in one hand, pressing the flat of the blade against her throat. Kathy nodded her head up and down to let bin know she understood.

Like a monkey, Max swung up on Kathy's back, throwing hus arms around her shoulders and and chest. The girl teetered back from the added weight, her knees bending while she let out a long scream.

"You drop the two of us in the mud and I'll cut off your clit!" Max screamed.

He was fiddling with his zipper, opening his jeans, pulling out his cock and rubbing it up against Kathy's back. He dropped himself down a little, hanging from her shoulders as the girl tried desperately to move.

In a moment, Tina saw what his target was. He was going to fuck Kathy in the ass. He was jabbing his prick against her asscrack, positioning himself for a hot penetration while the brunette moved slowly through the mud.
