White Trash Damaged White Trash 2 by Teresa Mummert

This book is dedicated to my amazing husband, Joshua Mummert.

Not only did he take over the house while I spent hours on my laptop but he also listened to me ramble on endlessly about my story. If it wasn’t for his continuous support, I would never have started writing. Every time I’ve wanted to give up he has talked me down from the ledge. I appreciate him more than I could ever put into words.

Thank you for everything.

You are an amazing husband, father, and friend.


IF SOMEONE ASKED me a few months ago if I would ever make it out of the trailer park alive, I would have smiled and told them the lie I told myself every day: I will make it out and have a better life for myself. I don’t know if I ever honestly believed it, but it was the one thing that kept me from breaking down and giving up on life. Physically, I’ve left the trailer park and all of the things that were slowly killing me. But it is all still with me.

I stared off at the charred remains of my past. The ground was scorched and dead. All of my memories and the horrors that went on inside those four walls eviscerated with a tiny flame that flickered inside of my heart for Tucker.

It was time to rebuild my life from the ground up, starting from those burnt remnants. I had to move on from the death of my mother and my unborn child. I had to forgive Jackson for taking everything from me. In truth, I may have never been able to escape had he not destroyed everything I was holding on to. I would never understand why he did the things he did, and maybe I wasn’t meant to. But regardless of all that, I could no longer live in the past. I needed to move forward and become the person I wanted to be.
