"Kill me!" Karen whimpered as Wayne loosened the tie that circled her elbows. "Just kill me and get it over with."

"Kill you?" Wayne sounded truly surprised. "But Karen, we're having so much fun."

Mark walked the two boys to the door and spoke to them for a minute before they left. Wayne untied Karen's arms and she buckled over, her piss-soaked blonde hair curtaining her face. She watched fat drops of piss fall from her hair.

"The whole section?" one of the boys asked loudly, and Karen tilted her head a little to look toward him.

"At afternoon break," Mark answered, his voice so low that Karen hardly heard him.

Karen didn't care. What could the running of a major company have to do with a slut whose body was beaded with droplets of four men's piss, whose tits had been beaten until they were fiery red, whose nipples stood out like hard pencil erasers and whose cunt leaked a steady stream of sex-juice even when none of the men were touching her?

"Okay now," Wayne said, stepping away from her and grinning. "You do the rest. Untie yourself, you lazy slut!"

Mark walked back across the room, stripping his clothes off as he crossed past Karen. He sat on the edge of a fancy four-poster bed and stroked his monster cock. It jutted like a spear from his muscular belly.

"Come on, piss-sucker!" Wayne growled, stripping his clothes off.

His body rippled with muscles. His cock was only half hard, but it grew more erect as he watched her. "Untie your fucking legs. Or do you like sitting like that? We could arrange to leave you there for a long time!"

"No!" Karen cried, lifting her head to peer at the two men. Her arms were numb from the way they'd been tied, but she brought them around and tried to unfasten the tie that locked her left knee to the arm of the chair. "No, please. I'll untie myself. I'll get down!"

Karen worked frantically at the tie, her fingers feeling cold and useless as she pulled at the knotted fabric. Wayne tapped his foot impatiently for a moment, then walked to the far wall of the room and took a long metal rod down off a set of hooks. He hit a button on it and it began go buzz. Karen's eyes grew large with terror and she tore the tie loose from her knee.

"Bravo!" Mark said snidely as Karen's knee slipped precariously low over the arm of the chair and the chair began to tilt. "Give her some encouragement, Wayne."

Karen worked frantically at the knot holding her ankle, twisting her body painfully to reach it, trying to ignore the pain that flared from her ankle and thigh now that the front rope was no longer there to support her weight. She balanced uneasily on her other leg as she pulled the second tie free.

With both ties on her left leg loose, Karen's weight shifted suddenly to her right side and the chair started to tip. She waved her arms and tried to throw herself to her left, but at that moment Wayne poked the lip of her navel with the metal rod he held. Pain exploded through Karen's body and the chair toppled over.

"Good shot!" Mark laughed.

"Lazy fucking sleaze," Wayne muttered.

Karen's body shook uncontrollably on the floor. Electricity short-circuited her muscular control and she flopped like a dying fish. She barely felt the pain of her hard landing on the floor. It was nothing compared to the fire that was rushing down her veins. Wayne stepped forward to touch her again.

"Get to work, cum-sucker!" He touched the metal rod to the quivering fullness of Karen's lips.

It felt as though her head had been blasted off her body. Karen's arms shook, her fingers clutching at air. Saliva ran freely from her mouth. Her eyes bugged, then fluttered shut.

She twisted like a dying snake against the hard wood floor.

She thought that they must be killing her now, that this was how they'd decided to end it. Certainly that was what the cruel electrical prod was doing. She tried to speak, to beg them for her life, but only gibberish came out. She could no longer control her lips or tongue.

"Untie yourself, Karen," Mark said. "Wayne loves to use the shock stick, and he's very good with it. It could be twenty or thirty minutes before he even knocks you out."

Karen wanted to plead them for death now. She couldn't conceive of suffering this kind of pain for that long. She put her hands on the rope that held her right knee, but her arms were so much dead weight. With two doses of electricity still coursing through her and the time she'd spent being bound to the chair, she had no strength left.

"Bitch!" Wayne stuck the stick against the golden-furred mound of Karen's cunt. "Lazy bitch. When you get an order follow it!"

Wayne leaned on the stick, forcing the head inside the mouth of Karen's cunt. Her body vibrated with the shock, her eyes glazing over and saliva pouring from her mouth. Desperately her fingernails tore at the tie on her knee, ripping the cloth away from her skin.

Her cunt juices poured from her to coat the stick, pulsing from inside her in waves. Her ass-cheeks flexed over and over, her asshole dilating with the shockwaves.

Wayne drove the stick in deeper, watching the muscles of her stomach flexing out of control and her nipples fill with blood. Her tongue lolled from her mouth and her head thrashed, but her hands were ripping at the tie that held her right thigh. Driven to the brink of unconsciousness, she had almost freed herself.

Wayne leaned harder on the stick, driving half a foot of it into her cunt. Her pussy-lips fluttered like a butterfly's wings, and the wrenching of her cunt almost tore the stick from Wayne's hand. Her freed left leg was kicking wildly in the air, the silky flesh of her thigh tensed over knotted muscles.

Karen slammed her head against the floor and her eyes rolled back in her head and Wayne pushed harder yet, fucking her with the stick.

Karen freed her leg from the chair.

Wayne pulled the stick from her cunt, a sour look on his face. Karen continued to shimmy on the floor, though, her body twitching wildly on the bare wood. Her hand snaked down to her leaking cunt and she plunged two fingers deep inside herself, moaning low in her throat. Wayne and Mark exchanged a shocked glance. Karen added a third finger to the first two and drove them fully up inside her.

Karen was still shaking with the electricity. Her cunt-lips were vibrating with excitement. Was the stick still inside her? No, it was her fingers. She drove them in deeper, her hand shaking with shock and excitement. She scratched her buzzing clit with her fingernails and came again. All that mattered was cumming. All that mattered.

"Fuck, Mark, she's a crazy bitch," Wayne said, a little awed at the display Karen was putting on.

Her legs still hung limp, their muscles knotted with cramps, but both of her hands clawed at her cunt. Her pussy-lips were dark red now, filled with blood. She pulled at them with one hand while she speared fingers from the other deep inside her cunt. And she moaned, long low wails that sounded more animal than woman. Pussy-cream belched from her cunt.

"Come on, Karen, it's time for us to fuck," Mark said mildly. Karen ignored him, continuing to tear at her cunt with her fingers. "Wayne, you're going to have to pull her hands off that slimy cunt if she's ever going to listen."

Wayne nodded and grabbed a leather case off the wall. Pulling Karen's hands away from her pussy and holding them trapped in one hand, he slipped the case down over her arms. When he zipped it shut, Karen's two arms had become one, trapped together in front of her by the elbow-length leather glove. It was as though a long leather sock had been forced over her hands. She hit her cunt with it, but all she could do was rub the leather over her inflamed pussy-lips.

"Karen!" Mark said. "Look over here. Look what I have for you."

Karen twisted groggily, trying to focus her eyes on Mark. She saw his cock and a groan escaped her lips. Her cunt was itching, burning, alive with hunger. His cock was almost as big as her arm. Her mouth began to water for his prick, and saliva trickled over her full lips.

"Come and get it, Karen," Mark said. "If you walk over here, I'll let you have it."

"Yes," Karen gurgled. A tiny reasonable part of her mind was horrified, but the pain and lust in her cunt overwhelmed it. "Yes."

Karen rocked herself slowly to her feet, unable to find her balance with her arms bound together in front of her. Finally she stood up, weaving, her pussy-cream running down her tanned thighs and her tits heaving with lust. When she tried to take a step, she fell though, the knotted muscles in her legs refusing to carry her. She fell on her face and began to cry, the burning in her cunt out of control, her clit buzzing as though all the electricity Wayne had shot into her had gathered there.

"Lazy bitch!" Wayne shouted and kicked her in the silken curve of her ass. "Move it, scum-cunt! Drag your sleazy ass over there!"

Karen tried to stand up again and fell down. Her legs just wouldn't respond. She was so tired, more tired than she could ever remember being, but her cunt was itching so badly it was driving her mad and she had to have something to scratch it.

She began to squirm toward Mark, unable to use her arms because of the way Wayne had bound them, unable to use her legs because of the pain that still flared through them. She slithered like a snake, using her shoulders and stomach and hips to undulate her way to Mark and his massive cock.

The reasonable part of her brain, the tiny bit of Karen that hadn't been overwhelmed by the lust that Wayne had forced on her with the stick tried to stop her from this humiliation.

But that part of her brain didn't control her body. She whined and slobbered and her cunt convulsed on air and squeezed a trail of sizzling juice out behind her as she inched across the floor. Wayne touched her with the stick again, this time pressing it between the cheeks of her ass, and Karen squealed as her body bounced against the floor and a tiny orgasm peaked inside her. Her ass-cheeks went numb but she kept crawling. Mark was only a foot in front of her and she raised up on her knees to make her final lunge for his cock.

Mark raised his leg and put his foot against her shoulder, pushing her back. He looked her over and smiled. Her hair was a tangle of gold stained with piss and cum now, more like the mane of a wild animal. There were still traces of dried cum on her face and tits, and a long smear of what looked like dried snot on her arm. Cunt-cream dribbled from her pussy and her cunt-lips hung fat and red. Her tits were swollen and her nipples fat and hard. Her eyes were glazed with lust and her lips were even fuller than they'd been. She was slobbering for cock she wanted it so bad, saliva trickling from both sides of her mouth.

"Why are you here?" he asked, feigning surprise.

She looked helplessly at his huge cock, held back from it by his foot. Tears welled up in her eyes and she clamped her mouth shut.

"Boss asked you a question!" Wayne said, dropping to one knee beside her and pulling a couple of hairs from her cunt. "It's impolite not to answer."

Karen sobbed uncontrollably, her cunt squirming with the pain of Wayne pulling her hairs out. She wanted Mark's cock, needed Mark's cock. But she couldn't beg them for it. That would be too much. They'd already degraded her in every way possible.

They'd fucked her and made her suck them and pissed in her face and mouth. They'd beaten her into servility, hit her with belts and whips and straps and cattle prods. But this would be the final debasement. To beg for that freak cock to destroy her body was too much. She wouldn't do it.

"I want your cock," she whispered, tears tracking down her soiled face.

"Where?" Mark asked, jerking it off slowly. He winked at Wayne.

"In my cunt," Karen whimpered. She could see the contempt in their faces. "Would you please put your cock in my cunt."

"I want to piss on you," Mark said, aiming his cock at her.

Karen sobbed. Her cunt was doing flip-flops. She rubbed her silky thighs together, greasing them with the juices of her cunt. She wanted to lower her head so that she wouldn't have to see the looks of amused disgust on Mark and Wayne's faces, but she couldn't tear her gaze away from the magnificent cock Mark was pointing at her. The need of her cunt was too much. She could deny them nothing.

"Piss on me please!" she begged.

"Suck my ass," Mark said, taking his foot off her shoulder and rolling up on the bed. "Stick your face between my ass-cheeks and stick your tongue up my asshole."

Karen shook with sorrow and lust. She crawled forward and stared at Mark's ass-crack. It was dark and lined with black hair. She wondered if she could try for his cock, but he was holding it away from her. He wasn't even spreading his cheeks apart, and with her hands bound she couldn't either.

"Now Karen!" Mark said.

Karen let herself fall forward, burying her face in the crack of Mark's ass. She braced herself with her bound hands and nuzzled her way into the dank crack of Mark's ass. She was almost overpowered by the shitty smell, but she pushed on, driven by the desperate lust that burned inside her. The hair that lined his ass scratched her cheeks and something moist and humid smeared her nose. Only the unholy excitement that controlled her kept Karen from throwing up, kept her digging toward the dark, tight bud of Mark's asshole.

"You know, boss, her asshole doesn't look too bad itself." Wayne dropped to his knees behind her, staring at the creamy, taut cheeks of her ass. "I don't want to kiss her ass, but I wouldn't mind fucking it."

"Wouldn't mind?" Mark laughed as he held his cock out of the reach of Karen's mouth. "Well, I wouldn't want to put you out, but if it won't be too much of a bother I guess you could ream her out for me."

Karen quaked with terror, wanting to pull her head out of Mark's ass and beg them not to fuck her ass. But she'd worked her way to his asshole, and her mouth clamped around it instead, and her tongue licked around its mouth. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to have a cock up her ass. It might even help scratch the terrible itch in her cunt. Besides, she wasn't going to give up Mark's asshole now that she had her mouth glued to it.

Wayne spread Karen's tight, ass-cheeks and whistled to himself. Her asshole was a pretty pink bud that was drawn up tighter than any asshole he'd ever seen. He jammed his little finger in and listened to her whine. Her asshole contracted against his finger so powerfully that he began to wonder if he shouldn't just shove it up her cunt.

Karen groaned against the ring of Mark's ass. It wasn't that bad being fucked up the ass, she thought. A little uncomfortable, but it didn't hurt nearly as bad as she'd thought it would. She drilled her tongue deep inside Mark's asshole and clamped her lips tightly around it. She had to drive Mark to fuck her. If she didn't, she was going to lose her mind. She didn't even mind the taste of his ass in her mouth. Everything was turning her on now.

"Boy, she's tight," Wayne said, scooping a handful of her juice off the floor and rubbing it all over his cock. "She can barely take my little finger."

Wayne grinned as he placed the head of his cock against the tight pink bud of Karen's asshole and locked his big hands around her hips. His hands completely encircled her narrow waist.

Karen's face was buried too deep in Mark's ass for her to pull free, but she screamed into his humid asshole when she heard Wayne's words. She'd thought his little finger was his cock. Now she realized that she was in for another dose of terrible pain. Even the crazed lust that had overcome her faded a little at the thought of her asshole being torn by Wayne's ten-inch cock.

"Smile, ass-sucker!" Wayne grunted and yanked back on her waist as he drove forward.

Karen screamed, but only a muffled groan escaped the tight, dank confines of Mark's ass-crack. Karen squirmed, but she was trapped between Mark's ass and Wayne's cock, her waist held tight by Wayne's strong hands and her face trapped between the muscular flexings of Mark's ass-cheeks. She contracted her asshole as tightly as she could, but that only made the pain that much worse as the mushroom head of Wayne's cock popped inside her.

"She loves it," Wayne said between clenched teeth, heaving his hips forward while he pulled her back. The head of his cock had already bulled its way into Karen's throbbing asshole, now another two inches slid slowly inside. "This hot cunt'll take anything as long as it hurts a little."

Karen writhed desperately as Wayne pressured his cock up her ass, but it wasn't from pleasure. She wanted to pull her face free from Mark's ass, tell Wayne that it didn't hurt a little, that it hurt a whole lot and that she didn't like it. She wanted to tell him that it was killing her, sending lightning bolts of pain all the way up her back, making her shoulders hurt, making her stomach feel as though something was tearing it apart. She wanted to tell him that she thought he was ripping her asshole as he plowed inside her. She wanted to tell him anything to get him to pull his terrible cock out of her ass.

She felt the scratch of his groin on the trembling cheeks of her ass a moment before his pelvic bone struck her. She jolted against Mark, wedging her face more tightly inside his ass. He clenched his ass-cheeks powerfully, trapping half of Karen's pretty face inside the humid crevice. Karen could hardly breathe with her nose pressed flat inside Mark's asshole. All she could smell was the scent of his shit and her face was damp with the dank sweat of his ass-crack. Behind her, Wayne pulled back for another thrust.

Karen had never felt anything so wonderful as the terrible intrusion of Wayne's cock being removed from her asshole. She sighed in relief, squirming and contracting her ass to aid his exit. She knew that he was about to drive back inside her, but at the moment it was enough that he had pulled out for an instant.

"Fuck her ass hard, Wayne," Mark said quietly. "She sucks my ass better when she's got something in her own ass to think about."

"She's a sleazy slut all right," Wayne said in an offhand way as he slapped the quivering cheeks of Karen's ass. "Who'd have figured her for a cock-hungry whore?"

Karen's lust was cooling now, and the depth of her humiliation was striking home with every word that Wayne uttered. They considered her a cheap whore now, and were they wrong? She'd responded to every terrible thing they'd done to her, squirmed and screamed and begged for more. She guessed she deserved everything they did.

Wayne drove back in and Karen screamed into the bud of Mark's ass. The pain was tremendous, ripping up her back. It felt as though he were splitting her body in half with every powerful plunge. Her knees began to slide out from under her and Wayne followed her down, pushing her with the punishing thickness of his cock until her belly kissed the floor and her knees were spread out on either side of her. She screamed again, and her spit began to drool down the crack of Mark's ass, pooling on the floor by the bed.

Her face began to slip out of Mark's ass, and Mark released his giant cock to grab Karen by her hair. While Wayne fucked her virgin ass, Mark mashed her face into his, rubbing her face up and down his slick ass-crack and delighting in the fact that she kept her tongue wagging even now. He had almost broken her spirit completely. It wouldn't take much more now.

Wayne couldn't believe the way Karen was spread out beneath him, but it turned him on even more, and he fucked her ass faster, jerking out and thrusting in as fast as his hips could propel him. He rammed his palm into the small of her back, pushing her even farther into the floor, and began to slap her ass with his other hand. She oinked like a pig in the dirty trough of Mark's ass and wallowed on the floor with every shove, slap and fuck-thrust Wayne gave her.

Karen couldn't stop screaming. Her spine was bent in a curve. She was flat against the floor up to her navel and then tilted up unnaturally to Mark's flexing ass. And her knees were pointing in opposite directions straight out from her body, her thighs flush with the floor. Wayne was tearing her asshole apart with his ravaging cock and Mark was tearing her hair out of her head as he pulled her face back and forth inside his ass.

Wayne fucked her faster yet, his ass a blur as he pounded her into the floor. He watched her spit dribble out of Mark's ass and splatter the floor, watched her tanned ass-cheeks blaze crimson in the imprint of his whipping hand. Most of all, he watched the flutter of her helpless asshole against his plunging cock. He knew she was in agony and it turned him on. He slapped her and fucked her harder, and felt his cum begin to boil in his balls.

Karen lashed her tongue up and down the tight crack of Mark's ass, her rational mind once more slipping away as the pain and humiliation grew too great to bear.

"Oh, fuck me!" she whimpered into Mark's dilating asshole as the passion overwhelmed her reason.

She began to grind back against Wayne's savaging cock, her hips rotating in tight hard circles on the hard floor. Pain flared from her asshole with every move she made, but she couldn't stop herself. There was something so degrading about her obscene defilement at the hands of the two men that she lost control.

"Fuck, she's going to make me cum if she keeps that up!" Mark said with something like wonder in his voice.

"You aren't the only one, Mr. Drey," Wayne agreed. "The scuzzy little slut's gone crazy again."

Gone crazy. Yes, Karen thought as she lathered her tongue up and down the spit-soaked crack of Mark's ass, she had gone crazy. That was why she was driving her ass back at Wayne's cock every time he rammed it up her battered ass. They had forced her to do these horrible things and it had driven her crazy. That was why she was enjoying herself while Wayne tore into her ass-chute like it was a cunt.

Fresh pussy-cream speckled the lips of her cunt. Her fat cunt-lips began to shudder as she drove herself back against Wayne's cock. She fucked him harder, hoping, praying that she might climax. Karen locked her lips on Mark's asshole again and sucked with all her might, thrusting her tongue deep inside while she drew out the musky taste of his ass. She flipped her shuddering ass back harder against Wayne, impaling her brutalized ass-chute on his massive cock. She was teetering on the brink.

"Fuck!" Wayne shouted, his cock jerking deep inside her ass. He began to spurt inside her, his cum blasting so far into her ass that she felt jism heat in her stomach. "Fuck you bitch, grind that sweet ass on my cock!"

Blast after blast of his cum rocketed into Karen's asshole and she launched herself back at him, urging his cock deeper and deeper inside her.

Her clit was doing a dance inside her cunt, her pussy-muscles were convulsing in ecstasy. Another plunge of his cock and she'd be over the edge.

Wayne yanked his cock out of her asshole and wiped himself clean on the satin curve of her ass. Mark brought his feet down hard on Karen's shoulders and knocked her flat on the floor. Her face hit the wood hard. For an instant Karen was sure she was going to pass out.

"Nooooo!" she whined, shuddering and thrashing at their feet. She rubbed her shaking thighs frantically together, hit at her cunt-lips with her leather-bound hands. "Make me cum! Make me cum! I've got to cum!"

Mark's cock stood rock-hard at a right angle to his body. It was like a fleshy cannon, long and fat and lined with veins. He held it over Karen's flushed face and watched a slimy strand of pre-cum slip from its tip to stain her cheek. She thought she was ready, but she wasn't. He was going to show her what sex was all about.

"Fuck me, Mark!" she cried, and Mark smiled. She was pleading for a new cock to fill the hole her husband had left vacant. "I licked your ass out. I sucked it good. Please fuck me, please!"

"Are you my slave?" Mark asked. He watched Wayne's jism slip from her asshole, her own juices bubble from her cunt.

"Yes," she nodded her head quickly, pitiful in her desperation.

"Okay." Mark sat back down on the bed. "Wayne, get her ready."

And Karen felt a chill go through her superheated body. Mark was going to fuck her.
