Karen didn't resist or complain as Antonella dragged her across the room by her leash and dumped her in a sunken tub. She felt her battered, overstrained muscles easing with the soothing influence of the hot water. Antonella dumped soap over her and made her wash herself. By the time she stepped from the tub she felt almost like a human being.

The bath had washed the filth and slime from her body, but nothing could take away the things she'd experienced during the last few hours, the things she'd found out about herself. She was a rutting, wanton animal, and it hadn't taken that much of an effort on the part of her captors to bring out the slut that dwelled inside her. She had cum more often and more powerfully than any of the people abusing her. She was nothing more than a dirty whore.

She wondered at the idea that she'd thought she could run her husband's company. That kind of thing seemed a million miles away from her now. Mark could do those kind of things, and Antonella. She was a fuck, a dumping ground for jism and pussy-cream and piss. The office they'd given her was nothing more than her own private whore house.

"We're going to dress you up so pretty," Antonella cooed mockingly in Karen's ear as she led her out of the tub and made her stand up straight at the edge of the pool. "We're going to dress you up like a pretty little whore so all the men will want to fuck you. Won't you like that?"

Karen wasn't sure what Antonella was talking about. She tried to stand very still, though, as the sexy brunette wrapped a thin leather band tightly around her tits and lifted her feet one at a time to pull lacy black panties up over her hips. She knew that if her lady wanted her to move, she'd say so. Antonella pulled the leather top so tightly around the blonde's slender frame that Karen groaned with pain and the silky white flesh of her tits squeezed out at the top and bottom of the strap. And the panties were little more than a V-shaped strip of cloth, barely covering the blonde mound of her cunt and cutting between the firm cheeks of her ass as soon as Antonella pulled them into place.

After that, the cruel brunette slipped high heels on Karen's feet and made up her face. The high heels hurt Karen's feet but she didn't dare complain. And Antonella brushed Karen's cheeks with dark rouge and colored her eyelids purple and painted her lips with thick red lipstick. Karen knew that Antonella was dressing her up like a whore, but she didn't protest. She was a whore, wasn't she?

"This way, piggie," Antonella said with a laugh, leading Karen by her leash to a device that looked like the outline of a seesaw. She made Karen lean down over it and hooked her feet in tight stirrups at the bottom. "Can you oink for me, piggie? Just a little oink, please?"

Antonella's long, sharp fingernails bit into Karen's nipples as she asked the question and the confused blonde widow knew that she was going to be hurt unless she did as the cruel brunette asked.

She oinked for her, bleating as she guessed a pig would. Antonella smiled her approval and lifted Karen's hands over her head to cuff them securely on the far end of the seesaw. Karen was now locked into place on the metal structure, her weight balanced on the railing beneath her feet.

Antonella felt a wave of lust sizzle through her body as she looked at the helpless blonde bitch strapped to the seesaw. With her arms lifted over her head her tits stood out even higher and more full than usual, and the sharp inward curve of her waist was accentuated. And on the seesaw, all of her orifices were left available while she was completely helpless. The men who worked at the plant, or a few dozen of them anyway, were in for a treat of a lifetime today.

"Do you like your new toy, piggie?" Antonella asked, tickling her cruel nails teasingly over Karen's helpless body. "It's just like a real seesaw, except that we can flip you all the way around. And there's a hinge in the middle we can snap loose if we want to bend you over. And see how your feet are bound together? Well that makes your pink little blonde cunt so much tighter than already is that you and the men are just going to scream. You're probably going to scream a little bit louder."

"What men?" Karen asked, mustering all the courage she could.

"Why, your new co-workers," Antonella answered, looking surprised. "Mark, Wayne, you can bring them in now."

Terror tore through Karen as the words Antonella had spoken began to sink in. She twisted her head to see the door of her office swing open. Mark smiled as the spacious room began to fill with men. Karen was certain she was staring into the face of her own death.

They came in all sizes and ages. Some of them leered openly at her sexy, bound body, others sneaked furtive glances at her as they filed into the room. Some of the men called her names or talked to others about some aspect of her face or body they found interesting while others studied her in lustful silence. Soon the office was filled and Karen could hear dozens more in the hallway outside the room. Had they invited the entire plant to be a part of her degradation?

Karen couldn't believe what was happening.

"I assume you all know who this is," Mark said simply, a path clearing for him as he made his way over to stand next to Antonella. "Most of you hated this blonde bitch's husband for years. I'll bet every man of you who saw this tight-assed whore has had wet-dreams about her. Well, I told you that things were going to be different around here once I took over. Karen here is the first proof of that. You guys can consider yourselves off for the rest of the day, with pay. She'll be here for you from now on, so don't fight over her. Everybody's going to get their turns."

For an instant none of the men spoke. Even seeing the luscious, lithe body of the blonde widow spread helplessly before them they couldn't seem to believe their good luck. A couple of them started to step forward, but when they was that their fellow workers weren't following suit, they held back. Karen wondered if she were going to be saved from the inhuman gang-rape Mark had planned for her.

Then Antonella stepped forward. She grabbed the top of the seesaw and pulled it over, and Karen was sent spinning in tight circles. The sexy brunette let Karen spin around a dozen times, then stopped her again.

Karen was dizzy and felt a little sick to her stomach. Her mouth hung limply open as Antonella clamped her own over it.

"Kiss me, bitch!" Antonella hissed as she speared her tongue deeply into Karen's throat. "Suck on my spit!"

Antonella jammed her hand roughly between Karen's legs, squeezing her fingers between her thighs and scratching them over the fat, pink lips of Karen's cunt. Her other hand twisted in Karen's hair, turning her head so all the men who surrounded them could see the perverse kiss they were sharing. Karen felt her whole body flush with shame, but her pussy began to squirm under Antonella's rough caress.

"Come and get a feel, guys!" Antonella shouted, pulling her mouth off Karen's, turning to stare at the assembled men with fire in her eyes. "You've got to get the stuck-up bitch screaming for cock before you start feeding it to her. Touch her, kiss her, suck her! Make her hot, you stupid bastards!"

"Right," Wayne growled. "First off get her begging for cock, then…"

Mark cut in mildly: "I do think you men ought to get started. Time's wasting, and I'm willing to offer a thousand-dollar bonus to the first man who makes Karen scream her little slut's ass off."

At Mark's words the men surged forward as one, and Antonella had to duck out of their way to avoid being crushed by them. Karen couldn't escape, and she watched through slitted eyes as the men came at her from every direction. There were so many of them, and they all wanted to fuck her. She didn't know how she would ever survive.

Hands closed over her leather-bound tits, and hands squeezed the firm cheeks of her ass. Her hair was wrapped in five or six different hands and her head was pulled first in one direction and then another. A hand stroked the sleek curve of her collared throat. Fingers tickled the sensitive soles of her feet.

Hands played along the plush valley of her stomach and the slender curves of her thighs and the satiny hillocks of her flanks. A hand traced her ripe red lips and a finger twisted her nose this way and that.

Karen opened her mouth to scream, but a pair of hands invaded her mouth before she could and began to stroke her teeth and tongue.

Karen thrashed in her bonds but she was tied so tightly on the seesaw that she barely moved. There were hundreds of hands pawing on her body now, pulling her tender flesh. The tight leather strap was pulled down from over her nipples and fingers immediately went to work on the nubs, twisting and crushing them.

Pain flared from her tits. Other hands were hard at work on the panties Antonella had fitted her with. They were pulled out from her body and the men groaned in a collective burst of lust at their first peek of Karen's pink-lipped, blonde-furred cunt. In an instant a dozen sets of hands fought for position in the tiny valley of her crotch.

"She's so fucking sexy," someone muttered close by her ear. A moment later she felt a tongue in that same ear, slurping over the gentle outer curve before a set of teeth bit hard on the same spot. "You're such a sexy bitch. I've wanted to fuck your creamy ass ever since the first time your old man brought you swinging it in here!"

Karen wanted to cry out to the men, to beg them to stop, but all forms of communication had been robbed from her. Now other men began to fasten their mouths as well as their hands on her body, and Karen screamed in agony. Four or five mouths were locked onto each quivering cheek of her ass. Her nipples were popped into two mouths, and others circled the nipple suckers, biting and licking the bulging flesh of her tits.

Mouths bit into the shuddering flesh of her belly and the sensitive hollows of her arms and knees. Teeth nibbled at her shuddering tanned thighs and slender, shapely arms. Mouth after mouth clamped over her red-streaked lips, and tongue after tongue was forced down her throat. Mouths slobbered over her cheeks and nose and ears and chin. Mouths suckled at her toes and fingers.

"Please…" Karen whimpered in between the penetrating kisses the men were forcing on her. "I can't take this. No woman could survive this."

"Sure you can!" a fat man husked as he clamped his mouth over hers. He smelled of alcohol and tobacco and his tongue was like a fat, stubby worm as it probed inside her sweet mouth. "A nympho cunt like you should be able to go weeks straight without a break!"

"And you're going to get a chance to prove it, you fucking hot-assed cow!" Another man added as he replaced the fat man's mouth with his own.

Karen couldn't breathe, couldn't think. Five tongues were wiggling over the pink lips of her cunt, three from the front and two from behind. Fingers from four different hands sloshed up inside her. Fingers from two other hands were pistoning in and out of her clasping asshole, and tongues were washing her ass-crack while others bit deeply into the cheeks. Juice was pouring from her in response to all the action, but Karen was beyond excitement.

The feeling of being pawed and abused by a hundred men at once put the blonde widow beyond fuck-lust, beyond any feeling besides that of being completely overwhelmed by sensation.

And yet Karen was getting hot. Her cunt was twitching as pussy-cream flowed down her thighs, and her ass-cheeks were flexing with each agonizing bite of a workman's teeth into her silky skin. Her tits were swollen with lust and she urged them toward the hordes of mouths that descended on them to bite and slobber, the hands that came to maul and twist. And she kissed the men back freely now, her tongue wrapping about the ones that invaded her mouth, her throat gulping down the spit that each man fed her.

"She's getting turned on," Mark observed from the sidelines. He was toying with Antonella's big tits while she stroked his cock. "Keep it up. Drive her out of her mind!"

Karen wondered crazily why Mark would tell them to do something that they'd already done. She wiggled her hips back and forth and wondered why all the men were so intent on hurting her. They bit her and slapped her and pinched her tender flesh. They twisted her from one side to the other as though she were a rag doll instead of a woman. Suddenly a man fastened his lips to her blonde cunt-hair and pulled out a thatch, causing Karen to shriek in anguish. Then they all began to bite out her pussy-fur.

Karen screamed in torment, her eyes opening wide, her face twisted into a mask of unbelievable pain. She jerked her body frantically against her bonds and threw her head from side to side. Each mouthful of cunt-hair that was ripped out of her sent a dagger of molten pain through her pussy. Her cunt went into seizures and spurted juice in an effort to ease the suffering. Her limber body contorted in its bonds as her satiny skin glistened with sweat.

Cocks began to appear around her, surrounding her sweat-drenched face, pointing like spears at her captive body. The men tilted the seesaw until they could rub their cocks over her pretty face. The man driving his tongue down her unresisting throat pulled away and immediately a dozen cocks smudged the caked red lipstick over her face.

Karen shut her mouth tight for an instant, terrified at the thought of all those cocks fighting for a spot inside her tiny throat, but then a man took another bite of her golden pussy-fur and Karen screamed. A cock slid into her mouth and almost instantly began to shoot.

Karen choked on the unexpected burst of jism. She tried to turn her head away from the spasming cock but the men saw what was happening and several of them grabbed her shining blonde hair and forced her face back around. The workman's cum filled Karen's mouth and trickled down her cheeks and chin. She tried to swallow it, but less got down her throat than slid over her upturned face. The men hooted and jeered, and as soon as the man had finished spurting, the jism he'd shot over her face was smeared in by a rush of hard male cock.

Most of Karen's cunt-hair was gone now, scattered on the floor of her office or over her trembling flesh. Her cunt-mound was red and bare and mouths were still working at it. Her pussy-juice was licked up almost as soon as she spurted it, so her crotch was kept clean in spite of her drooling cunt. Karen thought she was cumming but the pain and pleasure were so mixed up in her mind now that she wasn't really sure.

She knew that her clit was buzzing, and her heart almost stopped when one of the men clamped his sharp teeth on it and bit her hard. And she was drooling pussy-juice in a steady stream while her cunt clamped in a never-ending series of quakes.

But no woman could enjoy this, she thought dimly. No woman could enjoy being mauled and battered by dozens of men. Her pussy-hair had been pulled out, strand by strand. Her tits were covered with teeth marks and her tanned ass-cheeks were trickling blood in spots from where they'd been bitten too hard.

Her cunt was being worked over by five mouths and ten fingers. Twenty cocks swished across the rise and fall of her pretty face. No woman could cum while being mowed under by these men.

But she was.

"The cunt's getting off," one of the men shouted. Karen could feel his breath on her ass as he spoke so she guessed it must be his three fingers that suddenly popped into her ass-chute. "Miss high-class-boss-wife is getting off."

The men cheered and called her names and called her names and a couple leaned in and spat in her face. Karen cringed, but she couldn't stop the wriggling of her body. The men were right, she was cumming. They were driving her out of her mind. Another cock began to shoot in her face, and its owner didn't even try to stuff it in her mouth. He just let his jism throb out over her eyebrows and into the shiny mass of golden hair. The remaining men smeared the cum into an even gloss on her face. Karen squeezed her thighs tightly together as another climax slammed through her body.

Without warning, a man straddled her and smashed her tenderized tits together around his cock. Karen's breath caught in her throat and she howled with pain as the additional weight pulled at her bound wrists and ankles. Other men stepped closer and steered the leaking heads of their cocks around her erect pink nipples. Karen felt the cool trickle of pre-cum on her heaving tits and knew that all three men were close to cumming.

The man reaming her asshole with his fingers added a fourth, and Karen groaned in pain. Fear froze her mind as she realized what was next, but her body continued to squirm as the man formed his hand into a fist and began to ram it up her ass. Karen shrieked and twisted in delirium against her steel bonds. Her cunt blasted pussy-juice so forcefully into the faces of the men tonguing her that they drew back, thinking she was pissing.

Karen's body was a sheen of glistening sweat as she strained hopelessly against the metal seesaw. Her face was a living contortion of agony and ecstasy. She gasped for breath hoarsely and bleated at the men who engulfed her. The man fucking between her tits came, showering the valley of her throat with his cum, and the two men at her nipples followed him instants later, leaving streamers of oozing white slime to decorate her bouncing tits.

The fist up her asshole was tearing her apart. It was as bad as fucking Mark's cock, worse even, because at least Mark's horrible cock had been fucking a hole that was meant to be fucked. Now a fist bludgeoned into her cunt too, and Karen writhed helplessly between the two battering intrusions. Her cunt gobbled at the fist in her cunt, and she shrieked like a dying cat as a whirlwind orgasm blew through her.

"Fuck me!" she screamed, and a cock blasted in her face, webbing her lips together and painting her tongue silver. "Fuck my cunt and ass and mouth! Fuck me a thousand times!"

Mark smiled at her, catching her eye as he nodded for the men to let her loose.

"They will," he said, and his words made Karen convulse with lust. Five hundred men worked in her dead husband's plant. Karen wondered how many of them were going to get to use her body.
