Karen buried her face into the swampy slash of her cunt. At first she wanted to throw up as Mark's cooling sperm, mixed with the thinner more pungent fluid of her cunt, dribbled into her mouth and up her nose.

She wanted to pull her face away, scream at the vile monsters who were forcing her to degrade herself. She wanted to get away and spend the next year of her life locked in a hot shower. Instead, she locked her lips around the slimy mouth of her cunt and lashed her tongue inside its creamy, heated depths.

"Look at that bitch," Wayne said, his cock soft but his eyes glittering. "She's starving for it. What a hot fucking whore!"

"She'll do anything we want now," Mark observed simply. His cock was still a rock-solid pole jutting almost two feet out from his stomach. "She needs fucking now and she knows it. She needs other things, too. She needs to be hurt. She needs to be humiliated. Don't you, Karen? Doesn't it get really hot when we make you cry?"

Karen sobbed but she drove her face farther into her steaming pussy. She collected every trace of Mark's and Wayne's cum with her flicking tongue. Now she was nipping at her clit and smooching at the lips of her cunt. Her ass-cheeks and tightly muscled thighs shuddered with the pleasure she was giving herself.

"Put a finger up your asshole, Karen!" Mark slapped her ass-cheek to punctuate the command, leaving a sizzling red handprint on her tanned ass. "And keep feeling your tits. Do it, bitch!"

Karen groaned helplessly and closed one hand over her tits. Her other hand reached slowly around the sleek curve of her hip, her fingers splaying out over the trembling cheeks of her ass. She scratched at the fevered skin of her ass, digging welts into her flesh, puffing her ass-cheeks far apart. She cried at the depth of her enslavement, but she slowly teased her fingers into the crack of her tender ass.

Her cunt damped spastically against her burrowing face, squirting pussy-juice into her eyes and up her nose. Karen sputtered and choked and screamed as a massive orgasm shattered her trembling body. She bit her clit hard and then slithered her tongue as far into the spasming reaches of her cunt as she could. She plucked at her nipples wildly, as though she wanted to tear them from her body. And she slammed two fingers into the loosened grommet of her ass.

"Fucking whore," Wayne muttered.

Another orgasm tore through Karen as her fingers penetrated her asshole. A fresh wave of sweat broke out on her twisting, tortured body and animal cries sounded from her cunt-stuffed mouth. The muscles of her flat stomach roiled and her ass-cheeks clamped like a vise around her violating fingers. She sucked her clit into her mouth and worried it as a dog would a bone. Her cunt gushed pussy-cream down over her already-slimy face.

The world was spinning away from her. Karen could feel crashing waves of lust batter through her, one hitting her body as the last was just pulling away. She twisted against her bonds and yelped like a dog. She tried to force her head completely into her cunt. One of her legs tore free from the ropes that held it, and she kicked wildly through the air, hanging now by one foot and her waist. With her foot loosened, Karen's cunt began to raise away from her face, but she locked her arms around the backs of her thighs and pulled it back down, engulfing it with her mouth.

"She's really getting it now," Mark said, satisfaction coloring his voice. "Every inch of her body's coming unglued."

"I can see it," Wayne agreed. "The sleazy cunt's really getting off!"

Karen wished that she had more hands. Three or four, anyway, so that she could crush both her tits and use hands on her cunt and asshole at the same time. She sawed her fingers back and forth inside the damp tunnel of her ass and slurped hungrily at her squeezing cunt. Her entire frame was shuddering with the strain of her pleasure. She wondered if she was going to survive this orgasm, but that was a tiny concern placed against the hellish ecstasy that was tearing through her body now.

"There's someone I want you to meet, Karen," Mark said, and Wayne looked up with a smirk as Mark hit the buzzer by the door of Karen's office. "Since you're going to be so important to the running of the company from now on, I thought that you'd want a personal assistant, and I was nice enough to hire you one. Wasn't that nice of me? Answer, Karen!"

"Yes. Ohhh, yessss!" Karen pulled her face away from her convulsing cunt for just an instant, but it was long enough to see the change in her face. "Yesss!"

Her eyes were rimmed with red now and dilated with lust. Her face glistened with her cunt-juice. It ran into her golden hair and puddled in the hollows of her throat and ears. Her lips were scratched red and swollen with sexual excitement. Mark knew that she was almost reduced to the thing he wanted to make of her.

Karen buried her face back into her cunt, unmindful of what Mark was saying, uncaring that he was going to bring in a stranger to view her debasement. Her body was ravaged by the orgasms that whirled through her, her mind destroyed by the waves of agonizing pleasure that burned through every neuron. She could feel the procession of climaxes begin to weaken now, and she strained, wanting to squeeze all the pleasure she could out of her body.

"Karen," Mark said theatrically. "I want you to meet your new assistant." He flung open the door.

"Hello, Miss Antonella," Wayne said.

"Hello, Wayne," the newcomer replied with a sweet smile. Her face turned hard when she looked at Karen. "Hello, Karen, I'm here to assist you in your new job. You can call me Mistress. But only when I give you permission."

Karen's face fell away from her cunt, the back of her head striking the hard surface of the bed. Her arms dropped limply to her sides as the maddened pleasure of her orgasms subsided. Wayne cunt her other foot loose and she fell flat on the bed, still secured to it by the leash of rope around her stomach. She had never before felt the kind of shame she experienced now.

Mark had brought in a woman to witness her debauchment, and not just any woman. The sexy brunette standing at the foot of Karen's bondage bed was a woman Karen had met before. The bitch was a negotiator, a professional go-between for the big companies, and a few years before she'd worked on a deal with Karen's husband. She'd tried to work her way into his pants as well. It had ended with Karen calling her a slut and slapping her in the middle of a party, and Karen had tried very hard to put her out of her mind ever since. Mark had brought her back, to both Karen's mind and life.

Karen had never seen her like this before. She was dressed in a leather corset that slimmed her already-narrow waist and lifted and thrust out her big, firm tits. A pair of black leather panties bulged with the lush cheeks of her ass and outlined the mound of her cunt so tightly that Karen could see even the cleft of Antonella's fat-lipped cunt. Her long, shapely legs were packed into sleek black nylons and she stood atop five-inch spiked heels. Even through the haze of her pain and hatred Karen could not help admiring the wild sensuality of the woman who stood before her.

"It's been a long time, Karen." There were other things different about Antonella as well. Three-inch-long, black-polished, razor-edged fingernails clicked at the ends of her fingers now. And a black whip tipped with dozens of shining metal hooks curled in her hand. "I'm going to make you scream, cunt. I'm going to break you into a whimpering little slut slave. I fucked your limp-dicked husband for the last three years just so I'd be around when he died and you'd be alone. I've always wanted your sexy ass, bitch, and that slap you gave me made me want to hear you scream!"

Karen looked up wearily, unable to muster even the energy to respond to the ravishing woman. The string of orgasms she'd just experienced had wracked her, wrecked her, and now she was almost too exhausted to even be ashamed of the lewd way she was displayed for Antonella's inspection. The day's beating and fucking and bondage had reduced her to near insensibility.

"You stink, cunt!" Antonella said, sounding only mildly disgusted at the state Karen was in. She stepped closer and loosened the rope from around the blonde widow's waist. "You're filthy as a pig. Is that what you are, Karen? A filthy little pig?"

Karen tried to rouse herself to answer, but she couldn't. The pain was overwhelming. All she could do was watch through lidded eyes as Antonella pulled off the stray scraps of her clothing that remained on her body. Antonella let her hands wander freely as she finished the job of denuding the young blonde. She pinched her red, sore cunt-lips and scratched the reddened cheeks of her ass. She tweaked stiff nipples with her sharpened fingernails and even traced an inquisitive finger around the red, scum-smeared oval of Karen's lips.

Karen could deny her nothing, had neither the energy or will to protest. She tried to knock the dark-haired woman's hands away from her cunt when Antonella pinched her there, but it was so much effort just to raise her arm that Karen let it fall limply back to the bed. The hours of straining at the bonds Mark and Wayne had confined her in had taken their toll. She was battered from their fucking, bruised from their beatings. She was broken. She would deny Antonella nothing.

"What pretty blonde hair," Antonella said mockingly, drawing it away from Karen's neck while she slipped a collar around her. Karen saw, with a pang of humiliation, that there was a leash connected to her new, metal collar. "What a pretty blonde piggie. Does the piggie want to have a nice bath or lie here and wallow?"

Karen's cunt was so much tenderized meat, her asshole felt loose and wet and ruined. She was afraid of what the water would do to her, but she wanted the smell of cum and piss cleansed from her body. She knew that Antonella was expecting an answer, but she wasn't sure what to say.

Tears trickled from her eyes when she realized that they had broken her will so completely that she couldn't even decide whether to take a bath or not.

"Come on, piggie, it's bath time," Antonella sighed at last, yanking on her end of the leash that was wrapped tight around Karen's slender throat. Karen was pulled up slightly, but she still couldn't urge her body to move her off the bed. "Come on, piggie. Move your stinking ass!"

Karen felt anger fire through her, but she knew she couldn't act on it. Here was this woman who claimed to have been having an affair with her husband for the last three years of his life, a slut who'd steal another woman's husband, and she was acting like she was the better of the two of them. Karen suddenly hated Antonella more deeply and fiercely than either of the two men who had placed her in this bondage.

"Do it, you slimy, dirty, pig!" Antonella screeched, her calm dissolving to rage in an instant. She jerked on the leash so hard that Karen couldn't draw a breath. "Move your hot little ass off that bed!"

Karen screamed, surprising even herself with the sudden strength and rage that flared through her body. She came off the bed in a lurch and rushed the dark-haired beauty who held her trapped.

A look of concern flashed over Antonella's face, and Karen felt a grim rush of satisfaction. The two men might hold her in their power, but she wasn't about to let this whore tell her what to do.

Antonella watched coolly as the dumb blonde bitch rushed her. She'd hoped to goad that slinky little cunt into attacking her, had hungered for a chance to really unload on the high-classed bitch.

She'd wanted the cunt's husband for years, wanted the power and wealth that she could wangle from the old man, but all she'd ever managed to get were the kind of scraps a man tossed a part-time mistress.

Now she was going to have it all, and she was going to have the cunt who'd stood in her way for her plaything.

Antonella ducked just as Karen reached her and slammed her fist into the bronzed surface of Karen's flat belly. Then, before the blonde could buckle, Antonella jerked back on her leash, pulling her upright, and dug her long, sharp fingernails into the sensitized lips of Karen's cunt. She closed her fist tight, a handful of pink cunt-flesh trapped inside, and the abused blonde widow began to scream.

"Bitch!" Antonella hissed as she choked Karen with one hand and tortured her cunt with the other. "Pig! Don't ever try that again or I'll tear your stuck-up little cunt to pieces. Do you hear me?"

Karen knew that the weakness of her body had let Antonella beat her so easily. Battered and exhausted as she was she should have known that she'd be no match for the fresh woman and the terrible claws she had at her disposal.

She nodded her head, her spirit crumbling, accepting the terrible fact that her dead husband's mistress was now her master.

"Oink if you hear me, Karen." The brunette roughly pulled the blonde's lithe body against her own.

She ducked her head and sucked the tender whiteness of Karen's throat on either side of the cruel leather collar she'd fitted her with. "Oink like a pig if you hear me. Oink like a little bitch piggie who wants to take a bath and suck a lady's cunt."

"Please…" Karen whimpered, leaning her body against Antonella, barely able to stand now that the adrenaline burst that had fueled her rush at the dark-haired woman was fading. "Please… I'm sorry, Mistress. I won't do anything like it again."

"Sweet thing," Antonella cooed, her voice all light and happiness once more. She was biting her way over the proud thrust of Karen's shoulder now, leaving red tracers that would fade to bruises in her wake. "Sweet little blonde piggie. Do you want to take a bath?"

"Please…" It felt like the sexy brunette was tearing her cunt-lips to pieces. "I would like that very much, Mistress. Oh, please."

"Do you want to suck my cunt?" Antonella asked innocently, biting down the flawless flesh of Karen's right arm. She was working her way around to the inside of the arm, where the flesh was less tanned and more sweet. "You want to lick and suck my cunt and tell me how sweet it is, don't you?"

"Please…" Karen didn't know what else to say. She could deny the evil woman nothing, but she couldn't oink like a pig. She couldn't demean herself so completely in front of the two men. "Let me suck your cunt, please! I want to suck your cunt until you come!"

"Then oink like a pig, bitch!" Antonella hissed and bit into the tender flesh of Karen's armpit until a scream jittered from the tormented widow's lips and a trickle of blood flowed down her side. "Oink, pig! Oink!"

Karen collapsed, her legs buckling beneath her. Antonella backed away, relinquishing her grips on the woman but not the one on the leash, and let her fall. Karen landed in a tangle of arms and legs and splashing blonde hair, whimpering wordlessly at the high-heeled feet of the sadistic brunette. She knew that she looked like a cowering animal at the feet of its master.

"Oink!" Antonella commanded, sounding almost bored now. She jabbed the spiked heel of her right shoe into the bouncing firmness of Karen's left tit. "Oink like a pig, piggie, or I'll have to punish!"

Karen looked up at the whip Antonella had curled around her right forearm. She knew it could flay the flesh from her bones. She knew that even without it Antonella was her mistress, and she must obey her. She opened her mouth and bleated like a broken animal.

"That's the best you can do?" Antonella asked almost sadly. She prodded Karen's cheek with her foot. "Lick my shoe a little, piggie. It got smudged when you fell down."

Karen still oinked as she opened her mouth and flapped her tongue over the leather slickness of Antonella's high-heeled shoe. She was mindful of the fact that Antonella hadn't told her she could stop.

The first touch of her tongue against the shining leather made her feel a little sick, but she didn't let it stop her. Oinking like a pig, Karen licked the shoe until it shone with her spit.

It occurred to Karen now just how beautiful Antonella was. She was so dark, so exotic, so perfectly formed. Her figure was like an hourglass, full-breasted and wide-hipped, and her legs were so long and shapely, her waist so perfectly narrow.

Karen felt ashamed of her own slender figure, her blonde hair and thin face. It was no wonder that her husband had wanted to sleep with this woman. Karen was barely worthy to lick her shoes.

"Oh yes, honey, that's the way to do it!" Antonella was rubbing at the clearly outlined lips of her cunt now, dragging the hard butt of the whip up and down over the leather that encased them. "Don't forget the bottoms. Suck on the heel honey, just like it was a big, fat prick."

Karen slurped over the dirty bottom of Antonella's shoe, then took the cruel spike of the heel between her lips. She sucked it into her mouth and ran her tongue up and down its shaft. She flicked her tongue at its cold leather surface the way she would have teased along the throbbing hot length of a cock. Her mouth began to water and her cunt began to heat up. She was getting hot being forced to lick the filthy soles of a woman's shoe.

"Look at her cunt!" Wayne shouted from the other side of the room. "She's getting hot again!"

"Is piggie getting hot?" Antonella asked, a look of concern draping its way across her face. "Oh, my poor little piggie. Licking my shoes gets you all hot in your slimy cunt? Then I guess I'll have to let you lick the other one!"

Karen shuddered with shame and lust as Antonella lifted her other foot and wiggled the spiked heel in her face. Karen knew how she looked groveling at the feet of the sexy brunette bitch, but she didn't care anymore. Her cunt was beginning to squirm and the pain and fatigue were beginning to fade from her body. She eagerly sucked the spike of the second shoe into her mouth, and she crawled her lips around the dirty sole as if she were kissing the face of her husband.

"So good," Antonella whispered. She was pinching her nipples now as she tilted her foot this way and that, making sure that Karen got every inch of its surface wet with her spit. "So good, piggie. Keep oinking. Lick up over my stockings!"

Karen's eyes flashed to the lusting woman's cunt. Karen could still see its form, the fat lips and short, narrow gash between them. She could make out the lush crop of hair that was almost pressed flat from the sweaty embrace of the leather. Karen knew that Antonella's cunt was going to be the target where her mouth was guided, but that didn't matter. She had never sucked a woman's cunt before, the thought of lesbianism had always been horrible to her, but that didn't matter either. She was a slave here, no better than a pet dog at the feet of her masters. Antonella wanted her to worship at her cunt, and so she would.

She oinked like a pig as she lathed her tongue over the thin material of the brunette's stockings. She licked over both shapely, sexy ankles. Her own ankles had never struck her as beautiful, but lolling her tongue over Antonella's made her gasp with pleasure. She licked higher, over the little humps of Antonella's calves, making sure the gauzy material of her stockings was evenly moist with her spit. And she made her mistress yelp with sudden pleasure when she fastened her lips to the back of first one knee and then the other. She remembered the dark-haired woman's vicious bite at her own tender cavity. But she gave no thought to reciprocating. She was a dirty slut and deserved the bite. Antonella was a Goddess.

"She's going nuts again!" Wayne marveled. "I thought she'd be out for days after the workout we gave her, but here she is up and going again. Fuck, she's got more stamina than I do!"

"There's no big accomplishment, is it, piggie?" Antonella groaned as Karen licked her way over the shivering lushness of her thighs. "How many times did he stick it into you, piggie? Three times? Two? Maybe only one?"

"Now, now. 'Nella," Mark broke in with a smile. His cock was stiff and dripping and red. "We all know that Wayne's always good for three times. A month."

"You guys," Wayne said crossly as the other two laughed. His cock was almost as hard as Mark's. "I'm ready to go again right now."

"Wait your turn!" Antonella hissed in response, but the smile didn't leave her face. She watched expectantly as Karen's tongue lapped near the tops of her stockings. She was waiting for the first electric touch of the cunt's tongue against her bare flesh.

Karen felt more inferior at the way they talked. They could all laugh and joke with each other, but she was only the slut they fucked and hurt. She was more a pet than a participant. Her cunt squeezed together at the thought and she licked over the buckle of her dark-haired captor's garter.

"Yes, piggie!" Antonella jerked on Karen's leash and ground her hips forward as the blonde's tongue laved over her bare heated flesh. "You know where to go now, piggie. Keep oinking. Lick my cunt!"

Karen could smell the thick musk of Antonella's cunt now, the damp stench of her leather-bound excitement. It made her sick, but her cunt was clutching at itself and her blonde cunt-hair was sparkling with the fresh juice of her excitement. She tongued her way over the firm alabaster flesh of Antonella's thighs and slurped her way onto the leather that nestled tightly against her cunt.

"Look at her!" Wayne muttered. He was jacking his cock steadily, staring fixedly at the action going on between the two girls. "She's sucking her off right through those panties. What a fucking sleazy slut!"

Karen could hear Wayne's words, hear the filthy way he was talking about her, and it made her more excited yet. Yes, she was suckling at the pooching leather pouch around Antonella's cunt, yes she was soaking it with her spit and trying to suck it whole into her mouth. Yes, her tongue was trying to squeeze inside at its edges, was straining to shift the leather and reveal the heated bare flesh of Antonella's cunt. She was gasping for breath and squirming with excitement and oinking in pleasure.

Antonella began to cum as the slavish blonde flailed her tongue over the leather-bound lips of her cunt. She could feel the leather fill with her cunt-juice and squirmed deliciously against the smacking mouth of her sex-crazed slave. She had always known that this wanton slut lived inside the prim and snobbish woman Karen had been. She was exulted at the chance to bring it out.

She grinned at the thought of her leather panties ballooning with her juices and what it would look like when she let it all flow out over Karen's pretty slave face in one tidal wave of pussy-cream.

"Is she getting you hot, 'Nella?" Mark asked. Both he and Wayne had stepped closer now, were jerking their massive hard cocks just inches from the action. "She doesn't need encouragement to improve her action, does she?"

"Noooo!" Antonella was doing a slow buck-and-grind against Karen's munching mouth and she stared lustfully at the big cocks the two men were pointing in her general direction.

Suddenly a perverse idea sprang into her head and she waved them toward the beds that lay to either side of the action. "Get up on the beds. Stand up. I want to suck your beautiful cocks!"

Neither man needed to be asked twice. Wayne and Mark jumped atop the beds that stood on either side of the leather-clad brunette and brandished their cocks in front of her face.

She cooed sexily at them, her fingers plucking at her stiff, dark nipples while Karen sucked her cunt through the leather purse that held it. She reached out a hand to both the monster cocks and guided them toward her beautiful, lust-filled face.

"Suck, piggie!" she sighed and spread her legs so that Karen would have more room to work with. Karen had managed to thrust her tongue just beneath the crotch-band and had gotten her first taste of another woman's cunt. Her body ignited with pleasure. "I'm cumming, you little slut, I'm cumming!"

Karen bit through the leather of the panties, sucked the brunette's pussy-lips into her mouth and gnawed on them. Then she found a hard nub dancing at the center of the leather panties and she pulled it into her mouth instead, and ran her teeth and tongue around it roughly.

Antonella screamed insanely and brought both of the giant cocks she held toward her open, waiting mouth. She stuffed first one in and then the other, only taking a couple of inches of either of the big cocks inside her mouth but whipping her tongue around their heads and shafts with an artist's inspiration. She jerked on them frantically too, her skilled hands raising the boil of cum in the dangling sacs of their balls.

"You're going to make us cum too fast," Wayne complained as she held his cock in front of her mouth and slurped around its fat head with her tongue and lips. "I wanted to fuck somebody with this."

"Fuck yourself!" Antonella wheezed as she turned her head from his cock to Mark's. She popped the monstrous head of Mark's prick easily into her mouth and then squeezed her tongue out beneath it to lick at the shaft that stuck out of her face. "I've got plans for your cum."

Karen guessed that those plans had something to do with her. It would be something obscene, something debasing, and she licked harder over the blistering hot leather of Antonella's panties. Knowing that she was disobeying one of her masters but unable to stop herself, Karen reached up to pull down the brunette's panties. She had to have a taste of her juicy cunt. She had to feel the creamy, heated flesh of the magnificent woman's gorgeous pussy against her lips and tongue.

Antonella was squeezing out one orgasm after another, building toward an explosion she knew would devastate her. She'd never had her cunt eaten like this and it was driving her wild. She knew that she had both the men just instants away from spurting. She wanted them to cum just as she was hitting her peak. She shrieked with lust and surprise when Karen yanked down her panties and fastened her mouth against her.

The instant that Karen pulled Antonella's panties down, a flood of juicy pussy-cream flooded her face. Karen hunched down lower so that more of the juice would hit her face. She wagged her tongue this way and that and savored the taste of Antonella's hot, salty cum-juice.

Then she moved her face up and began to slurp on the twitching brown lips of the dark-haired woman's cunt. Karen's nose was buried in a thick thatch of wiry black hair and her mouth was encompassed by creamy hot cunt-flesh.

Her chin rested in the soaked crotch of Antonella's panties where they stretched tight around her quivering thighs. Her senses were filled with the taste, smell and feel of her lady's cunt. Karen was in bliss.

She found her own cunt with her hands and knifed three fingers inside her while her other hand stretched the lips of her cunt. Her pussy-juices streamed out over her hands and wrists. Her legs were splattered with her juice. She came with every muscular pulsing of the cunt her mouth worked on. It was as if she were sucking her own cunt again, but even more exciting because of the groaning and humping Antonella was doing.

"Four fingers!" Antonella hissed to her slave, seeing the blonde's fingers pistoning in and out of her pussy. "Four fingers, piggie! And keep oinking!"

Karen groaned with pain, but she slipped her little finger in beneath the others and continued fucking herself. Her hips flipped about on the floor and pain and ecstasy knifed through her. The fat intrusion of all four of her fingers reopened the injuries that Mark had done her with his massive cock, but her cunt sucked and spasmed around them all the same.

And Antonella's cunt was squeezing just as wildly on the tongue Karen was pistoning deep inside her. She dropped one hand from the cocks she was sucking and pushed Karen's face deeper into her cunt, jerking on the leash and pulling her fluffy blonde hair. Pussy-cream erupted from her in gushes, sliming Karen's spluttering, servicing face. Antonella rasped her tongue over the nerve bundle on the underside of Wayne's already-jerking cock and triggered his orgasm in her mouth.

"Five fingers, piggie!" she hissed down at Karen in the instant before Wayne's jism filled her mouth. "Five fingers. Stuff your whole hand in your piggish cunt! And keep oinking, piggie!"

The piggie did as she was told. Karen wailed in agony as she cupped her thumb under her fingers and formed a tight fist to ram inside her already-brutalized cunt. She twisted about wildly with pain as she drove her fist deep inside her. She could feel the torn, stretched fabric of her pussy straining against the fist she was driving inside her, but she could also feel the vibrating bud of her clit rubbing against the back of her hand. Pussy-juice coursed down over her arm and dribbled off her elbow. She fucked herself hard with her fist.

Wayne's jism almost filled Antonella's mouth but she didn't swallow a drop of it. Instead she tore her mouth from his cock and tilted her head back as she opened her mouth wide. She was cumming so violently that it was hard to keep control of what she was doing, but Antonella used all her willpower not to spill or swallow a drop of the salty, luscious cock-cream that filled her mouth. She pointed Mark's gigantic cock right at her open, cum-filled mouth instead, flickering her silver-coated tongue out to bring him over the edge.

"Damn 'Nella!" he husked as his cock began to spurt thick plumes of jism into her beslimed mouth. "What the hell are you doing? You trying to stock a lake in there?"

Antonella hardly heard him speak. Her hips were flipping against the blonde slave's slavering face, and she was dragging the bitch's head back and forth over the creaming gash of her pussy. Karen's slobber speckled Antonella's dark pussy-fur and mixed with her cunt-juice as it slid down over the prone girl's face and tits. Antonella was cumming nonstop with such powerful muscular contractions that she was capturing Karen's tongue inside her cunt with each hard squeeze. Karen slurped at her pussy-lips and worried her clit as a dog would a bone. She seemed to be trying to wash every inch of Antonella's twitching cunt with her dexterous tongue.

Karen could feel Antonella's climaxes cresting just as her own began to build. She worked more frantically at the brunette's cunt and drove her fist into her own cunt harder and faster. The lust and agony were driving her wild. Her body shivered uncontrollably and she plied Antonella's cunt as though she wanted to devour it. She was losing herself entirely in giving the cruel woman the pleasure she wanted.

"Oh shit, 'Nella, you're wild!" Wayne groaned as he saw the sexy brunette's pretty cheeks swell with the added cum Mark was showering into her mouth. "What are you going to do with that? You guys!"

Antonella's cheeks were bursting with the two heavy loads of cream. The mix of their cum was drooling out over the corners of her mouth and was starting to curtain over her whole lower lip. If not for the fact that they'd both cum several times already, she could never have held it all. Now, as her orgasms began to fade slightly, she knew it was time to give her little blonde piggie her prize.

Karen gasped with surprise and pain when Antonella slammed one high-heeled foot into the soft incline of her stomach. She reared back from the dark-haired woman, and then Antonella landed the sharp tip of one high heel into the soft firmness of her right tit. The tearing pain made Karen scream as she fell over.

Antonella dived on the hapless blonde like a bird of prey, grabbing her head and pulling it up as she slammed her mouth against the gasping one of her victim.

She let the cum boil from her mouth into Karen's and began to climax all over again as she stared into the panic-stricken, lust-crazed eyes of her pet bitch. Karen began to choke and struggle, but her heaving body couldn't dislodge the powerful grip Antonella had her locked in.

"Fuck!" Mark said, his voice filled with admiration, his cock, impossibly, filling with steel once more. "I'd never guessed this. Antonella, you're a genius. I could almost love you!"

Antonella smiled as she spat Mark's cum into the mouth of her blonde victim because she knew she's already entrapped Mark almost as fully as the piggish blonde cunt beneath her. She grabbed the slender wrist that Karen slammed into her bedraggled cunt and hurried its motion, driving Karen's arm deeper and harder into her body. She watched the jerk of muscle in the poor girl's twisted arm and hoped she wasn't doing any permanent damage. She wanted to be able to go on hurting Karen for a very long time.

Karen wasn't sure she existed anymore. Someone had just torn her arm from its socket, and Antonella's wondrous mouth must have just grown two cocks because she was feeding a double dose of juicy, sticky cum down her throat. Karen choked and coughed, but Antonella knew that she really wanted it all and kept their mouths locked firmly together. She wasn't going to let Karen lose one drop of the lip-smacking good jism, and Karen burned with pride that he lady would take such good care of her.

And more than that. Antonella was pulling it, twisting it, turning it until it could go farther into her pussy. And she was helping her fuck her fist in a bit. She must have known that however much I hurt, however much it felt as though her cunt was being perforated, that she wanted it harder, wanted it meaner, wanted it to hurt just a little bit worse.

Antonella fucked Karen's arm murderously into her blonde cunt, watching the arm turn silver and red as she plunged it more savagely inside the girl with every thrust. She sucked Karen's tongue inside her mouth so the girl could clean away the last of the cum she'd held there, and she spat into the girl's open mouth to give her any of the jism that might have slithered farther down her throat. She wrapped her long, lush legs around one of Karen's longer, slimmer ones and rubbed her cunt against the widow slave's svelte, satiny thigh. She raked the vicious fingernails of one hand over Karen's bouncy, heaving tits and flat, silky stomach. She came over and over and over again. She wanted to torture this stuck-up blonde cunt forever.

"You piggish, sluttish cunt!" Antonella screamed right into Karen's ear as she finally pulled her mouth away. She untwisted herself from the blonde's body and let go of her arm and rolled away from her. She let her rage flow through her now, wanting to work herself into the state of excitement she'd need to use her whip just right.

Karen was a fucking beauty. Even now, stained with every kind of sex-juice and soaked with piss, with her body bruised and scratched and her hair hanging limp and matted, she was ravishing. Her tits, scratched and dirtied and reddened, were firm as big rubber balls. Her quivering, flat tummy was covered by the sweetest down, and her ass-cheeks were perfectly round and firm and muscled. And her cunt, even after Mark had ravaged it with his horse cock, even while Karen ground half her arm inside it, was sweet and hot. Karen might be a slut and a pig and a whore, but she was also a beauty.

"You pig!" Antonella shrieked, uncoiling her killer whip and admiring Karen's rutting, sexy body. She hoped she got the chance to do all sorts of nasty things to it. "I've hated you for years, pig. And now you're not oinking. You're not even fucking oinking!"

Karen felt a chill of panic go through her along with a burst of shame at having failed to do what her lady asked. She wanted to explain that it was impossible to oink when her mouth was full of cum, but she knew that it was a poor excuse. She quivered in fear of her just punishment. And she kept plugging her forearm into her pussy, cumming without end.

"Bitch pig!" Antonella screamed. She straddled Karen's stained, panting face and flailed the whip against the helpless woman's quivering thighs. "Oink, you rotten slut. Oink and beg me to whip your ass!"

"Mistress…" Karen pleaded, but then her voice was cut off as Antonella let loose a flood of piss into her face.

Antonella whipped Karen brutally as she pissed into her face. She let the metal tips of the whip scour the long, lean, thoroughbred legs of the deranged blonde, then played them more lightly across her trembling stomach and jouncing tits. She was frustrated in her attempts to give Karen's cunt a good whipping because of the way the widow's fist was spearing into her pussy, so she had to content herself with ripping the golden hair from the straining bitch's sensitive pussy-mound. Soon Karen's helplessly thrashing body was blotched with the angry red wounds the whip inflicted.

Karen cried in pain and lust, wondering what terrible thing she'd done to make her deserve what was happening. Her body blazed with pain and her cunt felt like one great festering wound, but she was still cumming madly and she couldn't force herself to pull her fist, her own fist, from her body.

She drank down Antonella's piss as if it were the most priceless champagne in the world. She gargled with it and cupped it in her tongue and wallowed in it. She wished she were dead.

And even after the pissing stopped, Antonella kept beating her, and she kept driving her hand inside her demolished, spasming cunt. The men laughed and Karen called her names, and the first time the cruel whip bit into the skin of her pretty face, Karen's cunt clasped so tightly around her hand that she could no longer move it.

Pussy-juice squirted out around the plug of her wrist and her hips shot above the floor as her fist pounded remorselessly on. And she didn't even hear the plant's dozens of workers begin to gather outside.
