Chapter Fifteen

A week had passed without Maggie, and Friday morning arrived. With it came the notion that Mac had lost the best thing that had ever happened to him. He couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, and had barely functioned through Shane and Shelby’s New Year’s Eve party, which he’d left early. His uncle kept trying to counsel him, as if Mac needed another pep talk. The one he’d gotten when Julie had left had done nothing but make his uncle break down in useless tears.

Stupid to be thinking about shit that had gone down nearly twenty years ago, but old wounds lingered. He realized with some surprise that he’d never had a steady girlfriend in all that time. Lots of friends, some with benefits, some not. Much of his time in the Corps had been on the go, and he’d been happy to bond with male Marines in dangerous places, facing life or death situations. Sex on the side came in handy to relieve stress, but otherwise Mac had little time for softness in life.

Then his forced retirement had led him back to Seattle, where he’d figured on putting down roots. With Shane and his family, then Ian, now Shelby and her family, he’d found a new group, new connections. And Maggie.

He rubbed his chest, wishing like hell he could stop thinking about her. She’d called and texted a lot the first day she’d been gone, letting him know she’d extended her stay in Philly. More business meetings and some lawyer she had to talk to. He’d been too hung-over to answer her call, but he’d read her messages. He’d sent her one, telling her good luck, and to remember to knee that dickhead in the balls if he messed with her. They’d chatted via text about New Years, about the East Coast, what Shane and Shelby were up to. But as much as Mac wanted to let her know how much he missed her, he couldn’t say it.

A few days passed, and then she’d stopped sending him anything.

He’d heard a few of her phone messages since then, but then it became too hard to hear her voice. He realized the mistake he’d made in thinking he might have a shot at normalcy. And he—

“Christ on a crutch, get your head out of your ass already.” Ian shoved past him and made a beeline for the coffee pot. “What’s this? Too depressed to even make coffee now? Fuck me.”

A husky feminine voice said, “I thought I did that last night.”

Mac groaned and buried his head in his hands on the kitchen counter, where he’d been trying to get the gumption to go into work today. Instead he now possessed the knowledge that his uncle and Mimi had bumped uglies in his house last night, in the guest bed he’d now have to burn.

“Hey, honey. How about making us some coffee?” Ian smiled at Mimi, and after rolling her eyes at him, she searched for coffee beans and started making the brew. “Now, nephew, we need to talk.”

“Shoot me now.” He refused to look up until his uncle grabbed him by the hair and yanked. “Fuck. What the hell was that?”

“Watch your mouth. Lady present.” He nodded at Mimi, who wore Ian’s long flannel robe like a queen playing dress up.

“Sorry,” Mac muttered. “I’ll go back to bed. I think I’m coming down with something.”

“No, Mac. I’m sorry,” Mimi surprised him by apologizing. “What with Ron getting so cozy with Justin and me shacking up with your uncle, we’ve all completely left you and Maggie to yourselves. Such a shame.”

Ian nodded. “It’s our fault. No, make that my fault. If you weren’t such a dumbass, if I’d raised a smarter kid, you’d have spent New Year’s Eve breaking in the New Year with Maggie instead of pouting like a two-year-old because you can’t have your favorite treat.”

Mac stared at his uncle in astonishment. “Are you high? First of all, I don’t need your help. I never needed it.”

“Yes, you do,” Ian and Mimi said together.

He ignored them. “Second, Maggie and I had a little fun. We dated a few times, end of story. We’re good. I’m good.”

“Oh?” Mimi raised a brow. “Is that why Maggie’s been calling Shelby asking for advice about you? Is that why my precious blond angel is stressing about you and your feelings when she should be focusing on her career? How selfish.”

Ian nodded. “Selfish.”

“Fu—shove off.” Mac stood up, not needing to hear anymore. He felt bad enough as it was. Now he was to blame because Maggie couldn’t enjoy her success.

Ian yanked him back down, and only the fact that Mimi stood so close curbed Mac’s impulse to smash his fist into his uncle’s face. They’d had a couple of knock-down drag-out fights when he was younger, but he felt more than ready to take the old man on again, and he wouldn’t feel bad about breaking bones this time either. Well, he would, but he’d block off that stupid pity that made him such a pussy. Shit. He used to be tougher than this.

“You’ll sit and listen.” Ian’s eyes shone, and Mac stared, shocked to see unshed tears there.

“I know I made some mistakes with you. Your father was a dumbass who took too many chances. Instead of taking care of his boy, he was out gambling and found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Mac, it could easily have been him mowing someone down in a DUI instead of going under.

“Then your mother, never a strong person to begin with, left. Good riddance, I still say.”

Mimi put her hand comfortingly on Ian’s shoulder.

“But when Julie left,” Ian continued in a shaky voice, “I should have kept it together more. I was stressed and tired and having a hard time when she took off. I didn’t handle things right, and you saw more than a young kid should have.”

“You did your best,” Mac offered, not wanting to talk about any of this. He just wanted to sleep.

“But my best wasn’t good enough. Look son, I’m trying to tell you, I know what this is. People who love you leave you, right? That’s what you’re thinking. Your father dies, your mother deserts you, then on the heels of that Julie, another mother-type, does the same fucking thing.”

Mac still heard the anger in his uncle’s voice.

“None of it was because of you, Mac. And Maggie hasn’t left you either.”

He shrugged. “I know that. There was nothing to leave, anyway. We’re just friends.”

“Bullshit,” Mimi swore. “You and that girl are the best things to happen to each other since… Well, since Shelby and Shane. Ron and I did the cards before we got preoccupied with love.” She kissed Ian smack on the lips, then rolled up her sleeves and started poking Mac in the chest with each word. “The Tarot doesn’t lie. That girl loves you. Maggie is stubborn. She’s been hurt plenty. You think it was easy for her to give you a chance? The great Romeo of Jameson’s Gym?”

“Mac, really.” Ian frowned.

“What? That wasn’t my doing. Romeo’s not a nickname to be proud of unless you’re a seventeen-year-old.” Like Geo, who truly fit the description. “And she doesn’t love me.” Could she? Did she really? Then why had she taken off? Why couldn’t she stay?

“But Maggie did give you a chance,” Mimi continued. “She worked for you because she liked you. Then she fell in love with you.”

“Love.” Mac scoffed, but inside he wanted to flee. He hated these kinds of discussions, and the thought of Maggie loving him scared the shit out of him, because he wanted it so much. “She and I had a few good times. She’s a good person.” His throat closed up, and his eyes burned. She couldn’t possibly love him. He wasn’t all that loveable.

“Oh Mac.” Mimi gave him a pitying glance.

He swore if she threw her arms around him he’d—“Hey.” He rubbed the back of his head where she’d smacked him.

“If you’re that thickheaded that you don’t see Maggie for the wonderful angel she is, you don’t deserve her. She’s coming back to town tomorrow. We’re throwing her a surprise party at six. I suggest you pick her up from the airport with a damn good excuse as to why you’re shutting her out. It’s one thing to say you don’t like talking or texting, but if you don’t show up to welcome her home, she’ll know you were just using her for sex.”

“I was not using her for anything,” he growled.

“Oh? So the girl gets successful and all of a sudden you two are done? Is that why she asked Trevor to look out for you? She’s worried, you idiot. She thought you might have been hurt because you weren’t talking to Shane and we hadn’t seen you either. So she asked her brother to involve himself in her personal life, something she’s never done.”

Mac swore. He knew he’d felt someone watching him the other day, but then he’d gotten sidetracked feeling sorry for himself.

“Maggie asked Shelby to tell Shane to butt in. She knows something’s wrong because you aren’t talking to him either, and she’s worried about you. Poor, poor Mac.” Mimi kicked him in the shin. “Grow up.”


Ian grinned. “Nice one, sweetheart.”

“Thank you, sexy.”

“Stop. My ears are bleeding.” Mac still felt miserable, but his load had lightened. “Look, she won’t want to see me anyway. I was a dick about her going to Philly. She’ll be happier without me there.”

“Oh? So you want nothing to do with her?”

“No, I didn’t say that. She and I are friends. We agreed we wouldn’t get weird for Shelby and Shane’s sake.”

“How nice.” Mimi smiled, and he inwardly cringed. She looked predatory and scary, for all that she was old enough to be his mother. “Then I suppose I should invite Brent and a few of the single men I know to her party. No time like the present for her to make new friends. Ian, get my phone, would you?”

All right.” Mac stood up so fast his stool flew back. “I’ll fucking pick her up at the airport. Send the damn directions. And I’m sorry I’m fucking cursing, okay?” He stomped out of the kitchen into his room and slammed the door. And that’s the last time I’m inviting Ian to spend the night. Jesus, he’s banging Shelby’s mother under my roof. How pathetic am I that my uncle is getting more tail than me?

God knew it wasn’t for lack of opportunity. As if they could sense his vulnerability, women seemed to be fawning over him lately. At the gym, Megan had become a real problem. His favorite coffee shop and a few local hangouts had netted him more phone numbers and offers than he could handle. In the six days Maggie had been gone, he’d been offered sexual ease from half a dozen women. It was weird.

But he couldn’t feel any excitement for anyone but his little sub.

I fucking love her. Shit. As he showered, he couldn’t help wondering if that stuff about his mother and Julie affected him now. Was he really letting his fucked up mother and that bitch Julie ruin a decent relationship? He’d served in the friggin’ USMC. He could handle a pint-sized blond and the emotional rat nest that came with her, right? He was no pussy.

The day flew by in a rush while he tried to come up with some excuse for acting like an idiot. In retrospect, being so down just because she’d gone away for a few days made him look like a fucking dick. His girlfriend—he thought and took a deep breath—had just been handed the best news of her life, and instead of supporting her, he’d turned sulky and acted like one of her many exes.

Later that evening he sat down at the local watering hole, not surprised when Trevor joined him on one side and Shane took the other stool.

“Well what do you know, Shane,” Trevor said with false cheer. “Pussies-R-Us must be meeting here, because lo and behold, it’s the president. Hey Mac.”

“Fuck you.”

“Mimi called me,” Trevor said.

“And Ian called me.” Shane sighed. “We’re here to talk to you.”

Mac groaned. “Please. No more talking, okay? I’m fine. I’m picking up Maggie from the airport tomorrow. Then we’re going back to my place so I can apologize and we can have hot monkey sex with leather and chains. Good enough for you?” He glared at Trevor.

Trevor nodded. “Sounds fine.” His fist shot out before Mac could duck, and the next thing Mac knew, Shane was picking him up off the floor.

Trevor stared at him with disdain. “That’s it? That’s all you’ve got? And you think you’re good enough for my sister?”

Mac flew at him. They knocked several chairs and tables around, and only the fact that the sleet outside kept bar practically empty stopped them from hurting anyone but themselves in the scuffle. Mac nailed Trevor in the face and gut and took a few more punches. But in his state of rage, he didn’t feel much.

Then his old bouncer buddy Jonas, Shane, and two other men pulled him and Trevor apart.

“Sorry, Jonas,” Mac heard Shane explain. “Woman trouble.”

“The blond from before, right? Maggie?” Jonas asked.

“My sister,” Trevor said coldly.

Jonas looked at him, then at Mac’s swelling eye and sighed. To Mac he asked, “I’m guessing you’re not pressing charges?”

“No. Tell Andy I’ll pay for the damages.”

Jonas and the others left while they sat at a table they hadn’t managed to knock over.

Trevor opened his big mouth and said, “According to Mimi, you’re messed up, Jameson. But at least you can hit. For a minute there, I wondered.” He paused. “Maggie hasn’t said much about you to me, but I know my sister. She likes you. A lot.”

“I like her too,” Mac admitted quietly.

Trevor grunted. “Stop being an asshole and talk to her. She won’t stop nagging me until I convince her you’re okay. At first I thought you might be fucking her over with some other woman, but I can see you’re too pathetic to score.”

“Nice one.” Shane nodded. “I would have said it’s sad to see a Marine taken down by a petite blond. Especially because she’s been nothing but nice to you while you sulk like a baby because she left you alone.”

“Dick,” Mac growled. His head fucking hurt.

“But then I realized, when you love someone, you can act totally stupid. Because women mess you up faster than any drug ever could.”

Trevor sighed. “Amen.”

“I don’t…” Mac couldn’t say it. He did love her. “I was stupid, okay?”

“Oh yeah.” Shane’s smugness was going to cost him later. Mac intended on making him pay. “He’s in love.”

“Shut up,” Mac ordered.

To which Trevor replied, “Don’t make me regret giving you a chance to make her happy.”

Mac groaned. “Will you two shut up already? All this love shit is hurting my head.”

“No,” Shane said slowly. “That would be Trevor’s large fists. Make fun of my running skills all you want, but I would have ducked and run from that attack. Only to come back with a chair, mind you. You took that pounding like a heavy punching bag. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone beat you up before. It’s a novel experience.”

“Shut up, dickhead. He didn’t beat me up.”

“This is your best friend?” Trevor asked Shane.

“I know. He’s pathetic, right?” Shane sighed. “My boy is in love, and it’s hard for him. Expressing his feelings is not Mac’s strong suit.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Mac rasped. “I think I expressed my feelings to Trevor well enough.”

To his surprise, Trevor chuckled. “He’s got you there, Shane. Well, I’m tired. I’m turning in. I’ll see you two ladies tomorrow at the party.” He glared at Mac to make his point, then left.

“I don’t know if I like him or hate him,” Shane said.

“I feel you. But he’s Maggie’s brother, so I’m leaning toward like.”

“And toward love when it comes to Maggie, right?”

Mac groaned.

“I know, I know. No more love talk.” Shane shook his head. “Been there, done that, buddy. At least Maggie has no idea what a moron you’ve been. She just thinks you’re bad at communication. But dude, this is her time to shine. Don’t ruin it for her.”

Mac felt like a total shit. “I know. I get it. I was wrong, okay?”

Shane slapped him on the back, right where Trevor had landed a punch.

Mac sucked in a breath. “Easy.”

“Come on, lunkhead. Let’s get you home before you pick a fight with someone who lands you in jail.” Just as Shane finished warning him, they headed into the parking lot toward Mac’s car. He’d had all of half a beer and had no problem driving. Except Wilson and two of his huge friends stood in the way, uncaring of the weather, apparently.

“Better run, Tinkerbelle,” Mac said to Shane. “I have the feeling dickhead and his girlfriends want to play.”

“You see what I’m saying?” Wilson told his friends. “Nice eye, Jameson. Why don’t my friends and I give you another to match?”

Shane rolled up his sleeves. “Man, it’s been a while since I did this.”

“Just don’t have Shelby blaming me for your injuries,” Mac warned and turned to meet Wilson head on.

The next day at the airport, Mac felt like a huge bundle of nerves. He’d heard big news from his uncle on his way to Sea-Tac. Of all the times for Ian to disclose such an important decision, it had to be today. His uncle wanted Mac to take over at the gym. Mac had to think about it. He would have said yes if he’d been asked before Maggie, but now, he didn’t know what to do.

She stepped into view looking tired but happy. She glanced around, but when she saw him she lit up like a Christmas tree. His heart hammered, and he knew right then and there that she made everything right in his world.

Before she could launch herself over three nuns and a passel of kids who’d broken away from their mother, Mac reached her and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her long and hard, until one of the nuns tapped him on the shoulder.

He flushed. “Oh, sorry.”

The woman smiled. “Love is blind, but children aren’t.”

He tugged her away from the small crowd.

“What happened to your face?” Maggie asked, shocked to see his black eye and bruised cheek, no doubt.

“I ran into Wilson again. This time he had a few friends. But hey, problem solved. Trust me.” He didn’t feel the need to talk about Trevor’s part in his bruises if he could help it.

Maggie cursed Wilson in a low voice as Mac dragged her toward baggage claim. It took forever to get her suitcase, and while they waited, she filled him in on her triumph.

But her comment about an alternative plan stopped him short. “Wait. Say that again?”

“Eric wants me to move out there.”

Mac swallowed hard. “So, are you going to move out to Philly? You lived on the East Coast in DC, right? Probably pretty similar.”

She sighed. “Too much the same. My life is out here, and I like it.” She gave him a look he couldn’t figure out.

“Where the hell is your bag?” He wanted to talk to her in private, away from all these people.


“Yeah?” She’s said her bag was red. Was that it?

“Do you want me to stay here?”

He met her gaze, not sure what to say. He didn’t want to hamper her dreams, but he wanted her to want to stay with him.

When he didn’t answer right away, she turned to the baggage wheel. “I see.”

Fuck. “No, you don’t.” He grabbed her hand and dragged her toward the restrooms. He spied a mother and son coming out of the family door and dragged Maggie inside the single room.

“Um, Mac? I don’t have to go.”

“I don’t want you to leave, okay?” The pressure to confess about being a selfish jerk took hold, and the truth came spilling free. “I shouldn’t have ignored your calls and texts. I should have been there for you. I could have flown out, you know?”

He stared at himself in the mirror instead of looking at her. He didn’t want to see her when she told him to kiss off. Yet he couldn’t not look at her.

“Why were you so mad at me?” She stood next to him, so pretty yet confused. He hated the hint of sadness in her eyes, especially since he’d put it there.

“I was never mad. I was scared.” He blew out a breath. “Maggie, you have so much going for you. You should make your dreams come true. Be that big-time artist. Live where it will do you the most good. Go to Philly if you need to.” It hurt to say, but it needed to be said.

“Why didn’t you come with me, Mac?”

“Because I fucking love you, okay?” he snarled.


“I’m a pussy. I admit it.” He couldn’t believe he was saying all this in a public restroom, for God’s sake. “I love you, and it scares the shit out of me. I have a bad track record with women I care for. My mother took off, and my aunt left the same way. I have—according to my uncle and Mimi—a problem committing because I’m scared everyone’s going to leave me.”

Her eyes softened, and he had little enough pride left that he’d use that.

“I’m happy for you. I am. I just don’t want to lose you, and that’s selfish. God, I hate myself for wanting to keep you here. I don’t… I want to be with you. All the time.” He felt freer as he rushed the truth. “You make me happy. No one gets me like you do. You don’t take my shit. You’re a really bad loser. You’re mean. And you turn me on like no one ever has.” He swallowed hard. “I love you, Maggie. And if you need to move out East to make a go of things, I, uh, I could go with you. For support.”

She stared at him, wide-eyed.

Someone knocked on the door.

“I’ll be out in a minute,” Maggie yelled. To Mac, she cupped his face and drew him down to her for a tender kiss. “I have never seen you this scared Mac. And it’s not a pretty look on you,” she teased.

He didn’t take offense, because the smile in her voice and joy in her eyes took his breath away.

“I was abandoned at birth. I transitioned through foster families, so I know what it’s like to be left behind.”

He blinked, not wanting to cry and look even worse to her.

“It took a lot of work for me not to feel that same way. I had Trevor, and I had some great people to help me along the way. And then I found Shelby. She’s my family. Mimi, Ron, now Shane. And you.”

He closed his eyes and let out a huge breath of relief.

“I was afraid too. I dated a lot of losers. Then you came along. Gruff, powerful, domineering. Just my type. I didn’t want to let you in on my dirty secrets, but you learned them anyway. My private kinks. How the heck was I so lucky to find someone to accept me for who I am?”

“I do, you know.” He cleared his throat. “You’re so beautiful to me, inside and out.”

“God Mac.” She wiped a tear from her eye and laughed. “You have the worst timing. We’re in a bathroom at the airport.”

“Shit. I know. This is probably the most unromantic declaration of love you’ve ever heard, right?”

“The only one that matters.” She kissed him again. “I love you too, you know.” She yanked him to her by his shirt. “Sir.”

He groaned. “You don’t know how happy it makes me to hear you say that. Maggie, it’s been hell without you here. I’m so sorry I didn’t come out there with you.”

“Actually, it was good I went alone. I stood on my own two feet. The one thing that’s scared me is how much I like when you take charge of me. I worry that I’ll like it so much I’ll let you take over all the time.”

He shook his head. “Nope. I don’t have any desire to boss you 24/7. Just in bed, where it’s the most fun.”

Someone knocked again, and Maggie gave what sounded like a giggle.

“Christ. Promise you won’t tell anyone I told you I love you at a public toilet.” He opened the door and apologized to a lady with three kids.

The woman stared, slack-jawed, at him and Maggie.

“He loves me,” Maggie said simply and hugged his arm as he dragged her back to the luggage belt.

He found her bag and dragged it and her to his car in record time. But instead of driving home, he pulled into the closest hotel he could find. The place cost an arm and a leg, but he didn’t want to wait any longer.

He ignored Maggie’s questions and entered their room with her behind him. Then he tugged off their jackets.

“Here, Mac? You couldn’t wait until we got home?”

“You talk too much,” he growled.


Mac shut her up with a kiss. While Maggie’s ears rung, he stepped back and pulled something out of his back pocket.

“I had this to give you at Christmas, to go with the earrings.” Mac opened the case and held a beautiful sapphire choker. “I want to collar you, Maggie. Permanently.”

She blinked at the piece. “Wait. Collar?”

“Yeah. Something you’ll always wear, like a ring but better.” He stroked her collar bone. “I love what’s between us. I’m not an easy guy, but I’m loyal. I don’t… I’ve never asked anyone to wear my collar. But I want you to have it, little sub. Wear it and think of me.”

Maggie stared at it, in awe of what it represented. “So you’re good with me being your sub…forever?”

He nodded.

“Just our little secret,” she whispered. “And you’re sure it doesn’t bother you about what I need? Like, the spankings and the bondage sometimes? The submission? I mean, it turns me on,” she said while blushing, needing him to truly understand this meant everything to her.

Mac fit his hand around her throat and squeezed, and she shivered, in lust and in love. “I need the same things only you can give me. This isn’t a game for me, Maggie. I need you in my life. In my bed. Telling me what to do at the gym.” He swallowed and took his hand away. “Ian finally offered to give me full control.”

“What did you tell him?”

“I wanted to talk to you about it first. Oh, and he and Mimi are a thing now. I ran into them one morning at my place. The morning after.”

Maggie grinned. “You poor thing. I bet Mimi scared you.”

“You have no idea.” He paused. “But about Ian’s offer. What do you think?”

“You need to boss people around. It suits you.”

“You suit me.” Mac picked up the collar. “Will you accept this?”

“I do.” The words made her shiver. “So are you trying to get out of an engagement ring?”

He chuckled as he fastened the silver chain around her throat. It fit perfectly. “No. I figured we’d take it slow. If I don’t drive you insane with my bad habits, and I can handle you being perky in the morning, I figure we could make a go of it.”

“Make a go of it?”

He shrugged. “Get married, have kids, everything.” He stared down at the choker. “I’ve never asked anyone for so much before, Maggie. But I’m asking you.”

“Mac.” She smiled through tears.

He smiled with her, relief there in his deep blue eyes. “It looks right on you, baby. My little sub.”

She touched the choker, and a huge ball of joy filled her. “My Master.”

“We have this room. A big bed, all to ourselves for”…Mac squinted at the clock…”another four hours until your surprise party.”

“Surprise party?”

“Act surprised.”

“I will. But we have so much time right now. What shall we do?” She stripped naked.

“That’s a very good start.”

“Can I give my master a suggestion?”

“As long as it involves me coming in your mouth, pussy or ass, sure thing.”

She rolled her eyes.

“I saw that. Oh yeah, you’re in sore need of some discipline.”

“Take the job at the gym. I’ll move into your place.” Was she rushing them?

“You can use the garage for your art studio.” Apparently not. He stared at her breasts. “I measured. It has plenty of room to store your equipment, and I could seal it in and heat the place to make it more comfortable for you.”

He wants me with him. Maggie knelt before him and took him out of his pants. She licked the underside of his shaft.


“Yes, Master. We need to fuck. I’ve been empty without you.” She licked and sucked on his cock while he rocked into her mouth.

“No,” he rasped and drew her to her feet, then tossed her on the bed as if she weighed nothing.

She loved when he did that.

“We do this my way.” He shucked out of his clothes then mounted her and thrust deep. “That’s it. Right there. Yeah. We come together, sub. I love you, Maggie.”

“I love you too, Sir.”

“Even though you have yet to beat me at anything, I love you,” he taunted between thrusts.

Maggie clenched him tightly between her legs. Then she turned her attention to his chest and gave in to the urge to suck and bite his nipples.

She noticed his reaction and sucked his nipples harder.

Mac’s thrusts grew wilder, his breaths faster. He grazed her clit with each pass, and she rode the passion between them, conscious that his pleasure made everything better.

“Yes, Master. Let me pleasure you, Sir,” she begged, on fire to have him. “Come in your willing sub.”

“My dirty little sub,” he growled and came hard, just before she did.

After some time, she roused to feel him stroking her hair. “Dirty, huh?”

“Well, it sounded nicer than naughty slut.” He grabbed her hand before she could slap his chest, and chuckled. “Whatever you are, you belong to me, so it’s all okay,” he said softly. “Fuck, but I missed you, Maggie.”

She nodded. “Me too.” Then she grinned as something dawned on her. “I won.”


She rolled him onto his back and sat over him. “Ha! You came first. I won. I beat you.”

He shook his head. “I beat you, Sir. Now I have to spank that ass, because how can my sub look so fine wearing her collar if Master doesn’t give her the discipline and love she needs?”

She blinked down at him and lowered her head. But her smile bloomed bright. “Yes, Master. I love you too.”
