Chapter Nine

Maggie wiped the sweat off her face with a towel and smiled her goodbyes to the group leaving the workout studio. All in all, she’d had a stellar few days. She’d finished all but one of her paper sculptures for Kim and had been working out like a mad woman for Mac. Her added income would help with the Christmas shopping she planned to nail tomorrow. One shot shopping.

Her list had grown considerably from last year. She had her brother, Shelby, Mimi and Ron, and now Shane. Maggie glanced through the glass wall of the workout room and spied Mac laughing with two other guys by the free weights. She couldn’t decide whether to get him something or not. She wanted to but she feared he might take her gift the wrong way. He was her boss, they’d been lovers—hell, she’d called him Master and liked it—but she wanted them to remain casual friends. The thought of a relationship excited her way too much, so she quashed the idea before she could act on it.

Imagining herself crying over Mac the way she’d cried over too many exes reinforced her notion to stay away. They’d have sex again, because they both wanted the physical gratification, but the emotional thing scared her. She wasn’t ready to go down that road again.

“Well, well. If it isn’t my favorite aerobics instructor.”

She turned to blink up at George Collins, Shane’s younger brother. She smiled with true affection. “Geo. How have you been?” She accepted his bear hug and wheezed. “A little tight.”

“Oh. Sorry.” He let her go, then studied her from head to toe wearing the same smile his older brother wore when looking at Shelby.

Maggie gripped the ends of the towel to cover her breasts. The kid was seventeen, for God’s sake. “You know, staring at a woman’s breasts is not considered a form of flattery.”

“It is in high school.” He winked at her. “Besides, I’m no lecher. I think you’re beautiful. You need someone who truly appreciates you.”

“Oh?” Maggie decided to play. “And what exactly can you do for me that men my age can’t?”

Apparently the opening he’d been waiting for. “Great question.” Geo led her toward the bench where she’d stashed her gear and fetched her water bottle for her. “I’d take care of you. I mean, those older guys, they don’t have any stamina.”

She choked on her water. Please tell me he’s not talking about sex.

“You’d maybe get a dinner out of them, but they’d fall asleep before you hit the end of a movie afterward.” Geo made a face. “Shane can barely work ten hours then stay up for poker night. And now that he’s with Shelby, he’s always tired.”

Maggie stifled a grin. “Oh?”

“Yeah. He never wants to go out anymore. Always needing his sleep at night. Guy is like a thirty-two year old Boy Scout. It’s embarrassing to the Collins name.”

Shane wants to sleep with Shelby, more like. She cleared her throat. “That’s too bad.”

“Then you have guys like Brent, Tom and Mac.” Geo pointed at the three of them still talking by the weights. “I mean, sure, they’d do you. No question. But after that first time, it’s all downhill. Men peak at eighteen. Heard it in biology class.”

“Wonderful what they’re teaching you in school.”

He grinned. He had the same dark hair and green eyes as Shane. He’d be a lady killer in no time, especially since he had charm all but tattooed to his forehead.

“You know, Geo. You should give Mac lessons in how to deal with women. I think you’re on to something.”

Geo brightened. “That’s what I’ve been telling him. But Mr. I’m-God’s-Gift-to-Women doesn’t think so.”

She laughed with Geo. Especially when they noticed Mac look over at them and frown.

“What’s this?” A deep voice with a slight brogue preceded Ian, Mac’s uncle. Another charmer who would have been hell to deal with in his day. Even now she felt like she had to keep on her toes around the older man.

“Hey Ian.” Geo took the hardy slap on the back from Mac’s uncle with fortitude. “You know Maggie, right?”

“Of course. How are things, Maggie?” Ian smiled at her, and Maggie saw Mac in that broad grin.

Wow. They sure made the Jamesons F-I-N-E fine. Black Irish and built like a tank. If Mac would like this in another twenty years, she wondered what kept her from signing up. “Things are good,” she hastened to say, aware she’d been staring. She fought a blush when Ian gave her a more subtle onceover than Geo’s scrutiny. “How are you, Mr. Jameson?”

“Ian, girl. Call me Ian.” He sighed. “Things are well enough, I suppose.” He threw an arm around Geo. “With Christmas only a few days away, I confess I’m much behind on my shopping.”

“Not me. I finished last week.” Geo shook his head. “You can’t wait last minute or all the good stuff is gone. Besides that, Mom lets me take a day off to do my shopping. If I wait, I lose the free time with Christmas vacation.” Geo smiled. “And I’m not stupid.”

“No, you’re a smart one. Unlike my stubborn nephew. Boy still hasn’t gotten his shit—er, stuff—together. I know he hasn’t gotten me that ratchet set I’ve been wanting, and I all but put the coupon for it in front of his face.”

Maggie grinned. “He’s a little clueless, isn’t he?”

“You can say that again.” Geo scoffed. “Guy turned down Megan and Wendy again today. I mean, how often does he think he’s gonna get a shot at, uh…” He flushed and looked away from Maggie. “I mean, he doesn’t seem to be dating lately. Shane thinks it’s a woman. I think he’s mid life crisis.”

“You think?” Ian asked, but his gaze on Maggie warned her to tread warily.

Uh oh. “You could be right. He’s forty, isn’t he?”

Geo shrugged. “Thirty, forty, he’s old.”

Ian glared at him. “The boy is thirty-six. Forty isn’t old. Neither is sixty, for that matter.”

“Sorry, old man. Truth hurts. Suck it up.”

Ian snorted. “You’re just like your father and brother. Suck it up, my ass. You need to get through school and sign up, Lieutenant Collins.”

Geo surprised Maggie when he nodded. “I’m going ROTC through school. Already talked to Dad and Mom about it. And I’m going to be a general. That way I’ll outrank Shane and Dad.” Geo gave Ian a calculated grin. “And you and Mac too. You guys will have to salute me.”

“With pride, boy.” Ian ruffled his hair, then put Geo in a headlock.

Maggie watched the play with fascination, not having realized how affectionate Ian would be, considering Mac seemed standoffish unless wanting sex. Then again, that same man had cuddled with her on the couch after offering her a hug. He made her brain hurt trying to figure him out.

“What’s that look, Maggie?” Ian asked.

“You seem very different than Mac. He’s domineering and standoffish.” At work. “But you’re…not.”

“That’s because you’re looking at superior genetics.” Ian flexed the arm around Geo’s neck, and Geo choked. “Oh, sorry. There you go.” He let Geo go.

Geo glared at him, fingered his throat, then sighed. “I have to run. Got a date with Andrea.” He looked at the clock overhead. “And it’s already seven. Later, Ian. See you at Shelby’s party, Maggie. Merry Christmas!” He took off like a shot.

“I’d love to have half his energy,” Ian said with a groan. He turned a speculative glance back on her. “So what are you up to this holiday season? Got plans? Family, boyfriend? The boy said you’d be at Shelby’s party?”

A bit intrusive, but he was her boss. “I usually spend the holidays with Shelby and her family, which this year includes Shane.”

“That sounds nice. Shane’s a good man, and from what I’ve heard about Shelby, she seems like a good fit. Mac likes her well enough, and she’s done wonders for his knee.” Ian looked through the glass at Mac again.

Mac noticed them looking, frowned, and turned back to his friends.

“Boy is a pain in my ass,” Ian muttered.

Mine too.

“But he’s family. I love him. We’re actually going to Shelby’s party as well.”

Damn. So much for avoiding Mac at Christmas. Now she’d have to get him a present. She felt better about the fact, because she’d been trying to rationalize why getting him something wouldn’t break any of her no-dating rules. “So I’ll be seeing you both at Shane’s house in a few days. Now if we could just get the sleet and rain to turn to snow, we might get a white Christmas.”

“Gotta love the Seattle weather, eh?” They laughed together before Ian noted the clock. “Guess I’d better get going as well. I’d like to say I have a hot date like Geo, but the truth is I have a business appointment.”

“This late at night? Bummer.”

“Yeah. But some things can’t keep. It was nice talking to you, Maggie.”

“You too, Ian.” She smiled at him, liking the softness in his gaze when he glanced back at Mac. The clear love she heard in his voice for his nephew spoke well of him. As did the remembrance that he’d given up his career to raise Mac. “Mac is lucky to have you.”

Ian beamed. “Feel free to remind him of that whenever you like.” He left, passing Mac in the doorway.

They exchanged something she couldn’t quite make out, then Ian moved away while Mac approached her. “You.”

“You.” She dragged on sweats over her gym clothes.

“I need a ride home.”

She waited with a raised brow. “I need a raise.”


“What’s the magic word?”

He blew out a breath, and she fought the urge not to laugh. “Would you please give me a ride home?”

“Hmm. What’s in it for me?” A glance over his shoulder showed Megan pouting as she stared at Mac. Was it wrong that Maggie took joy in the woman’s obvious jealousy?

“How about a bonus?”

“What kind of bonus?”

“Drive me home and I’ll think of something.”

“Please. Drive me home, please.”

Mac snarled, “You’re on my last friggin’ nerve, Doran. So help me, I’m gonna take this out on your ass later.”

She shivered and cooed, “Oh, I can’t wait.” Not smart to bait the tiger, but the flare of interest he couldn’t hide made it worth it.

“I am really going to enjoy taming you.” He leaned closer to whisper, “Little Sub.”

She forced herself not to lean into his heat and took a hasty step back, aware of the glass wall so close. “Yes, well.” She coughed and cleared her throat. “That’s not appropriate here.”

“Why?” He smirked. “Going to claim sexual harassment?”

“No. But I’d think you’d be embarrassed to walk around with a hard-on.” She smirked back at him and added in a whisper, “Because when I remind you that I know what you taste like and what you feel like in my snug ass and tight, wet pussy, you’ll be thinking about what we did and how hard it made you.” The sudden bulge at his shorts showed her she’d improved her dirty talk.

He sat on the bench and lowered his head in his hands, leaning over his lap and effectively hiding his arousal. “Enough, you little witch.” He chuckled, surprising her. “Would you wait for me in my office for a minute? I’ll walk you out… as soon as I’m able.”

She snickered and left. On the way to his office, she passed several of his fan girls.

“Oh my God. What did Mac say to you?” Megan asked. “Did he mention me?”

Maggie wanted to hate the woman, but the pathetic need in her eyes stopped her. Maggie had been there, so wrapped up in a man she couldn’t see straight. And then, inevitably, she’d suffer disappointment. “He was talking about the holiday schedule. Sorry, no mention of anyone but his uncle and staff.”

Megan frowned. “He looked upset after talking to you.”

“Probably.” Inspiration struck. A bonus indeed. “I have plans on Christmas Eve and the week after. He’s having a hard time filling the slot. Know anyone who could help?”

Megan perked up. “Oh. Maybe I could step in. See you.” The woman raced around Maggie back toward the aerobics room.

Maggie would have felt bad about siccing Megan on Mac except she knew he had no interest in her. Hearing Geo talk about Mac turning women down had pleased Maggie to no end. He hadn’t lied about that, at least. He’d stated plainly that he only dated one woman at a time. He’d had sex with her, so that might not qualify as a date. But he didn’t seem to be having sex with anyone other than her. And though he didn’t seem that pleased to see her lately, he acted annoyed with everyone in general, so she didn’t take it personally.

A typical Mac mood consisted of grunts, a few growls, and orders. He saved his smiles for the gym patrons. A good thing, because if he smiled at her, she might break down and beg him to continued what they’d started Friday night. Despite wanting to keep her heart safe, she couldn’t stop thinking about Mac, what he was doing, how he felt, if he thought about her.

God, now I sound like Megan. It’s just great sex. Snap out of it. She’d have an easier time believing that it she hadn’t seen him looking at her the last few days with a strange expression on his face. Almost like frustration and longing, which made little sense. The guy constantly had women all over him. Maggie didn’t need a man like that. She’d been with boyfriends not half as good looking, and they’d disappointed her time and time again. Mac had easy access to any woman he wanted. Why should Maggie expose herself to trouble she didn’t need?

As she made her way to his office and waited, she continued to force herself to look at him with detachment. He was funny and charming when he wanted to be. So what? He had a big cock and knew how to use it. The ability to turn her on and keep her revved during sex more than satisfied her. Why complicate things with a relationship, one he hadn’t even asked for? Typical Maggie.

She entered his office and closed the door behind her. He wasn’t around, so she sat in his big chair and kicked her feet up on his desk. She closed her eyes and concentrated on not liking him more than she had to. Who knew Mac Jameson would be so hard to deny?

* * *

Out in the main gym lobby, Ian stood with his hands in his pockets and stared out at the dark, wet night. He had a chill in his bones but a spark in his brain. He hadn’t missed how Maggie had looked at Mac, or how his nephew had studied Maggie like he was starving for her.

Ian couldn’t blame him. Maggie had outward beauty, no doubt. Petite but curved in all the right places. That light blond hair and blue eyes, her milky skin over clearly defined muscle packed a knockout punch, and then hearing her soft voice and watched her interact with others… She had charm, personality, and a giving heart—exactly what Mac needed.

Seeing her with Geo had reminded him about the last time someone had interfered in a man’s personal life. Geo had filled Ian in on the gory details of Geo’s lame matchmaking attempts between Shane and Shelby.

Yet the pair seemed tighter than ever. If not for Geo’s, Mac’s and Shelby’s parents’ involvement, Shelby might still be languishing as a single woman without love on the horizon.

Ian just had to figure out how to get his nephew on board the love train. He grinned at the thought of it.

“My, my. They do make them handsome out here, don’t they?”

He turned to see a gorgeous creature in a fuchsia workout getup so bright he feared his retinas had been scarred. A mature woman with dark red hair frosted with white, merry green eyes, and rings covering all of her fingers, smiled at him.

He had a hard time breathing. Magnificent didn’t come close to describing her. The woman had presence, something he hadn’t come across in years. “And who might you be?” he asked, unable to disguise his interest.

“Oh my God. That accent. I think I’m in love.” She stepped closer and held out a hand. “I’m Mimi Vanzant. A friend of Maggie’s. She’s an instructor here.”

He knew that name, Vanzant. Ian took her hand and brought it to his lips. “A pleasure.”

She flushed and withdrew her hand, but if anything she stepped closer. “Mine as well.”

“So you’re here to see Maggie, eh?”

“I am. You know her?”

He realized he hadn’t introduced himself. “Ian Jameson. You might know Mac, my nephew.” Pieces connected in his mind, and he understood fate had dropped this woman in his lap. “You’re Shelby’s mother, aren’t you?” The same woman who’d interfered in her daughter’s life and snagged her a man. Ian’s grin broadened when she nodded. “Mimi, why don’t I treat you to dinner, and we can talk. I’ve got a problem I think you’re more than qualified to help me with.”

She stared at him with wide eyes. “Really?”

Realizing she might have mistaken his intent, he hurried to reassure her. “Strictly a platonic dinner. I have a nephew who could use some help. Like the kind you gave Shelby and Shane.”

Mimi nodded. “Sounds right up my alley.”

Ian had to add, “And after that, well, I’d like to take you out on the town. Been a while since I’ve had such a striking woman on my arm.” He intensified his brogue because she seemed to like it.

Her eyes sparkled. “I don’t know how I could refuse such a charming offer from a gentleman.” She grabbed the hand he held for her and let him tuck it into the crook of his elbow. “Mac’s uncle, hmm? I think you and I might already be working toward the same goal. I’m Maggie’s spiritual mother, you know.”

“You don’t say.” Ian escorted her to his BMW. After he’d closed the door after her, he took a deep breath and let it out, reminding himself not to blow this. He was a bit rusty when it came to dating, but it hadn’t been so long that he’d forgotten how to handle a woman as sexy as this one. He joined her in the car. “Now where would you like to go, my dear?”

“Hmm. I think I have just the place. It’s quiet, the food is good, and if I’m right, we’ll need the backup.” She took out her phone and called someone named Ron. After she gave him directions, she sat back and sighed. “This car is wonderful. I love the smell of leather.”

“Me too.” He paused. “So that Ron. Not your boyfriend, is he?”

She laughed, rich, honest amusement she didn’t try to cage. He liked her more already. “Ron is my business partner and best friend. We’re going to his and his boyfriend’s new apartment for dinner and some planning. Will that work?”

Ian smiled. “Sounds perfect.” Her best friend had a boyfriend. Outstanding. Now he had a shot at not only snagging a woman for his nephew, but maybe a girlfriend for himself as well. A glance at her widened his grin. “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, Mimi.”

She rested her hand on his shoulder, and he felt a flare of heat all the way to his toes. “I think you may be right.”
