Chapter Seven

Maggie spent the next week trying not to obsess about Mac. When he wasn’t ripping her a new one for some imagined infraction at the gym, she didn’t see him. Both relieved and upset about it, she threw herself into work. She hadn’t lied to Mimi and the others about needing to deliver.

She had three projects near completion, and two she’d recently turned over to Kim. With only two weeks left until Christmas and so much more to do, Maggie shouldn’t have had time to worry about a man she didn’t classify as date-worthy, even if she had been in a dating frame of mind. Mac would be great at sex, but she couldn’t see him catering to a woman’s emotional needs. Though he’d surprised her by being deeper than she’d first assumed, she still couldn’t envision going to a movie or a bookstore with him as anything but painful.

From what she’d seen, he was a man’s man. A tits and ass, muscles and fitness ex Marine who liked cars and guy things—which still baffled Maggie. The Speed Channel and vehicular fun had never done a thing for her.

And why the hell am I thinking about him again? She huffed a frustrated breath and finished with her latest sculpture, a shifting piece in blues and greens that made her think of the ocean. Maggie did her own framing, and she finished tacking a nail into the back of her frame and set it with the others.

One down, two to go. A glance at the clock convinced her to take a break until tomorrow. After she trudged back inside her apartment and had a quick shower, she threw on her robe and dried her hair, unable to sleep on a wet head during the winter. She hadn’t done much more than blow it dry. A glance in the mirror showed a sleepy looking blue-eyed blond in a soft but tattered purple robe that all but swallowed her in it. Pleased she would make her deadline next week, she decided to treat herself to some wine. Looking forward to her first free Saturday in a month, she decided to celebrate.

She’d poured herself a glass and started a fire. Her favorite television show aired in another ten minutes, and for once she wasn’t asleep or behind on work, so she’d enjoy it.

Settling under a warm blanket with the wine by her side on the table and the low murmur of the television, she’d found Nirvana.

And then someone knocked at the door.

“Damn.” Probably Shelby wanting to hang out. Shane must have ditched her. The guy spent every waking moment with Shelby as it was, so Maggie didn’t begrudge him his private time. But that left Shelby at loose ends, and Maggie had really been looking forward to having her own space tonight.

The knock came again.

“Hold on,” she called out and tossed off her blanket. She trudged to the floor in wool socks and peered through the peep hole. She froze. After a moment, she opened the door. “Yes?”

Mac Jameson stood in the communal hallway of the aging Victorian looking edible in jeans and a black leather jacket. In the hall lighting, his bright blue eyes glinted with some indefinable emotion.

“Here. These are for you.” He held out a bouquet of pink roses.

“Ah, what?”

The intensity on his face faded, and a smile took place of his frown. “That is one ugly robe.”


He stepped forward and would have trampled her if she hadn’t moved back. Before she knew it, he’d entered her apartment and closed and locked the door behind him.

“Nice trick.”

“It’s called being persuasive.” He put the flowers in her hand and closed her fingers over the smooth stems.

“You brought me flowers?” Mystified, she didn’t know what to think. Was this another part of his nonsexual dating technique?

“You want them or not?”

“Yes, yes.” She hugged them to her when he moved to take them back. Flowers. When was the last time a man had brought her roses? “Such an ungrateful gift giver. Thank you. I love them.”

She turned and rummaged in the kitchen for a vase. After she’d arranged and watered them, she put them in the center of her dining table. “So pretty.” She glanced up to see Mac right in front of her. “Mac?”

“Yeah. So pretty,” he rumbled and tugged her to him using her belt.

Her robe parted just as he planted a warm, hungry kiss on her mouth. Maggie could only kiss him back, caught up in an inferno of unfulfilled desire. Everything inside her hungered for the magic of a man who didn’t hesitate to take what he wanted.

He broke the kiss and ran his mouth down her neck. “What are you wearing under this?”


He tensed and pulled back. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

“I just took a shower.” She frowned, wondering what it took to break the man’s resolve.

“I am so screwed,” she thought she heard him mutter under his breath. In a louder voice, he said, “I came over to say hi. You’ve been avoiding me this week, and I wanted to make sure we were still good.”

“I was only keeping my distance from a crabby boss with control issues.”

“Yeah, about those issues… Thing is, I want to fuck you.”

“O-kay.” The man’s thoughts shifted like the wind. “And this makes you crabby because…?”

“Because what I want from you is a little different from what you’re probably used to. I want us to get to know each other better so you’ll feel better about sleeping with me, my way.”

She caught her breath. “Spell it out. What exactly do you want me to do with you?”

“Everything I want, exactly the way I want it.” He tilted her chin up so that he could look straight into her eyes. “I want to play games with you. Ones where we need a safeword. Where you call me Sir and you obey me.” He kissed her again, and she felt her robe begin to open. Then his hands were inside, stroking her heated flesh. “I want to own your body in bed. Would you be willing to let me do that?”

“All this for some roses?” she replied while trying to make sense of her dreams suddenly meshing with reality.

He chuckled. “Nah. The roses were to show you I was thinking of you.” He cupped her breasts, and his eyes darkened. “But this is way more than I’d planned on asking for.” He fully parted her robe and stared down at her. Slowly, he bent his head and took a flushed, pert nipple in his mouth.

He sucked hard, and her knees buckled. She moaned and hung on to him for dear life.

Mac turned his attention to her other breast and teased and nipped until she teetered on an orgasm. She’d never been so sensitive before, but moisture coated the insides of her thighs.

“Yeah. This is what I want. You helpless in my arms.” He kissed her, his tongue penetrating while his hands moved down to cage her waist. “Maggie… fuck. I wanted to wait, but no more. I want you, but I’ll go easy with my demands.” He gripped her tight and kissed her again. “What do you think?”

She stared up at him when he pulled away. Her robe hung open, but he looked only at her eyes.

“I think… I think we should go back to my bedroom.” She tugged him with her, sure only that the time had come to finally have Mac Jameson. Tomorrow could take care of itself. Tonight belonged to her.

Maggie drew him into her bedroom and stood, uncaring about her near nudity.

Mac’s gaze wandered from her head to her toes and lingered in between. “You are fucking gorgeous.”

She flushed, pleased and embarrassed with the praise. She’d always had a nice figure and attractive face, but her workouts had toned her body into an especially tight form.

“So you’re good with doing things my way?” he ventured when he met her gaze again. “I’m not kidding around. I don’t want to hurt you or anything, but I’d like to see if we fit the way I’d imagined.”

He’d thought about her. Fantasized about her. She wondered if they had the same kinds of needs. “This isn’t a joke, is it?”

His gaze softened. “No, honey. I want you, but I’m not an easy lover. I could pretend I like it simple, the way I normally do. But it’s not enough, and lately, I need something more. I like to be in control, to take and demand. But I need to know if you can handle that. If you can’t, it’s okay.” But she could sense the disappointment waiting behind her potential refusal. “I still want you. I just thought this might be something we’d both enjoy.”

“Why would you think that?”

“You like me bossing you around. I’ve seen the way you react.”


“Your nipples get hard. You flush, those cheeks turning a pretty pink. And your pupils get bigger—all signs of arousal. You want to be mussed and controlled, don’t you, Maggie?”

She did. And now he knew. She let out a breath. “What do you want me to do?”

He didn’t smile or nod. He lost the easiness of expression and growled, “Take off your robe.”

She shrugged out of it, and it pooled to the floor. Mac remained in his coat, completely dressed. The disparity wasn’t lost on her. He wanted control, and God, she wanted to give it to him. Vulnerable and naked, she looked even smaller next to his powerful body.

“Now come and take off my jacket.” He waited.

She swallowed and approached, feeling timid yet powerful at the same time. So strange.

She unzipped his coat, and the sound was overly loud in the quiet room. He watched her while she undressed him. She put the jacket on the chair next to her bed and waited.

Mac kissed her, so suddenly and with so much feeling she could barely hold on. She gripped his arms and held tight while he plundered her mouth. Against her, his clothing scratched. His body had no give, his mouth no regret.

He pulled back and looked at her with a mean smile. “This is going to take a while. You don’t have anywhere to go tomorrow, do you?”

“No,” she said between pants. “My day off.”

“Good.” He kissed his way to her breasts before looking back at her, and she saw a new side to Mac she hadn’t seen before. A sexually controlling master.

She shivered.

“Cold?” he asked.


“Wet?” He didn’t let her answer but pushed a finger between her folds and into her. “I guess I’m not the only one wanting this.”

Dear Lord. “I never said you were.”

Sir. I never said you were, Sir.”

She bit her lip and moaned, “Sir.”

“That’s nice.” He sighed and kissed her until she wanted to melt all over him. “Take off my shirt. I want your hands on my skin and your mouth on my nipples.”

She liked him telling her what to do. Even better, she liked following his orders. He ground his pelvis against her and drew her attention to the raging erection beneath the denim.

Mac wanted her, no question.

Maggie drew his shirt off and placed it next to his jacket. She couldn’t look away from his chest, those huge biceps and corded forearms. The man was seriously built, enough that it would be easy for him to hold her down and do whatever he wanted to her.

“What’s that look?” he asked.

“You’re so strong,” she whispered. “So much bigger than me.”

“Sir,” he added, teasing.

“Sir.” She kissed his chest, past the smattering of hair to the coppery disks of his nipples. She traced his muscles with her hands, loving the feel of his straining pectorals and ripped abdomen honed by hundreds of sit-ups and countless workouts at the gym. She drew on his nipples and kissed and licked, wanting to make him as crazy as she felt, until he yanked her back by her hair. The small bite of pain intrigued her, because she’d never thought she’d be into hurting at all.

The experience felt unreal, the way she’d imagined it so many times. It was like she’d conjured him out of her darkest fantasies.

He was no longer Mac, she no longer Maggie. Instead, Sir and his submissive played their fun and games. She moaned, losing herself in the woman she’d always wanted to be.

“I said let go,” he growled.

She hadn’t heard him. “Sorry, Sir. I didn’t hear you.”

“Being bad already? I think we need that safeword.”

Maggie nodded, unable to look away from him. Punishment? She’d dreamed about that since she’d first read it in a novel. Spankings, pinches, maybe even a little biting. She’d never tried the kinkier stuff with any of her lovers, but she’d imagined doing it. So many times.

“Pick a word, Maggie.” Mac pulled her closer by her hair, tilting her chin back to expose her neck. He sucked at her pulse and nibbled his way to her cheek. The small bites stung and made her wetter.

“Strawberry,” she whispered. “That’s my safeword.”

“Good. You say that if you feel like we need to stop. I’ll respect that boundary.” He stared into her eyes. “I’m not bullshitting about that. You say no, I’ll keep going. Stop, wait, those don’t mean anything. The minute you say strawberry, I’ll cease, no question. Say it for me.”


“And don’t be afraid to say it. I don’t think you’ll need it tonight, but I want to be safe.” He paused. “And speaking of safe… You on birth control?”

She nodded, glad to have this conversation. A lot of guys felt weird about condoms, but she’d rather be protected from the onset.

“I know you haven’t had sex in a while.”

She frowned at his grin.

“Now, now. Don’t be embarrassed.” His grin faded. “I haven’t gotten laid in four long-ass months.” He glared at her. “Some tight ass at the gym has been messing with my head.”

She blinked at him. “Really?”

“Really, Sir.” He pinched her nipple.

Sir,” she breathed.

“That hurt. And you liked it, didn’t you?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir.”

Mac closed his eyes for a moment then opened them. “Jesus, Maggie. You’re incredible.” He took a deep breath then let it out. “I’ve always worn a condom. Well, with the women I’ve been with in the past. I won’t lie. I’ve dated a good bit. But nothing lasted.” His eyes darkened. “I want to come inside you. You okay with that? I’m clean, but you can’t know for sure. So if you want me to wear a rubber, I will.”

“I trust you.” She didn’t have to think about it. With her safety, her job, even sex, she trusted him. That he wouldn’t hurt her emotionally was a completely different story. But she wouldn’t have to worry about that if they just had sex. Not making love, just sliding tab B into slot A. Period.

“Thank God.” He grinned. “Now, little sub, get back to what you were doing. Touch me. And then we’ll get started on my pants.”

Mac swore as she embraced her role. Maggie Doran had been starring in his nightly fantasies for a while. But the reality far surpassed his imagination. She hungrily sucked his nipples, and he’d been sporting a hard-on that could split wood since he’d seen her in that ugly robe. Fuck, but he’d been hard pressed not to ram himself in her and just come.

He needed the respite, but this torturous road to pleasure felt so much better. He liked depriving himself. Plus it let him see how much of her he could take.

The woman played hell on his control. He’d never been so close to losing it from some heavy petting and kissing. For that reason he’d remained dressed long after he would have gotten naked with anyone else.

He ordered her to stop, and she pulled away looking dazed. Those tits swayed, and she panted, in lust. For him. “Now my pants. I want you to take your time. You’re not to touch my cock. Just get my clothes off.”

Or he’d lose it. Coming in two seconds wouldn’t impress her. And he needed to show her he was worthy of ordering her around. He remained still, lifting his legs only to help her after she removed his shoes and socks. When her hands moved to his fly, it was all he could do to remain still. She finally had his jeans around his knees. But when she shifted to completely remove them, her cheek brushed against his underwear, sliding down his erection.

A damp spot clearly indicated how much he wanted her. His slit had been wet since he’d seen her large nipples. And that taut belly… Her pussy was drool-worthy. She had a thin strip of hair on her mound, making for easy access when he ate her out. In the next two seconds if she didn’t hurry.

“Quit playing, Maggie.”

She took off his jeans and underwear and turned to put them on the chair. He wouldn’t let her turn back around.

“Don’t move. That’s it. Bend over the chair and spread your legs.”

“Yes, Sir.” Man, her breathy voice really did it for him.

“More. Thrust your hips back. That’s it.” Christ, he could see her wet thighs and pussy. All that cream just for him.

He couldn’t wait any longer. Mac covered her like a stallion and slid his cock between her folds. Not inside her, but against her, and the friction only whetted his appetite for more.

She bucked under him, and he held her still with his much larger frame. “Ever been ass fucked, little sub?” He wanted to take that small hole in the worst way. Because it, and every other part of her, was his. Anal with other women had never been a big deal. With Maggie, it made claiming her that much more complete.

“No, Sir.”

“Then we’ll have to remedy that. But not tonight.” He humped her, sliding between her cleft but not penetrating. Not yet. “You’re so hot and wet. You feel good.”

He hugged her, cupping her breasts and making sure to graze her clit with each pass of his cock.

“Please, Mac. God, more.”

“What’s that?”

“I mean Sir.”

“Naughty.” And time for him to back off before he came. He let her go. “Get on the bed on your back. Spread your legs wide.”

She hurried to obey. Nothing timid about her now. She wanted to be fucked. Needed to be ridden, hard. But he wasn’t about to stop playing yet.

Mac let her have a good look at him. “See this?” He held himself and stroked a few times, aware she bit her lower lip with desire. So sexy. He wanted her to suck his dick but knew if she did their time would be over before it began. “This is all for you, Maggie. For my little sub.”

“I want you inside me, Sir.”

You want?” He shook his head. “It’s what I want that matters.”

She quickly nodded. “Yes, Sir. Whatever you want.”

“I want to taste you.”

Her eyes widened.

“That’s right.” He released his hold on his cock and joined her on the bed, kneeling between her legs. “I want to eat my pussy. Show me where it aches, sub.”

Maggie moaned, arched her head back, and put her hand over her pussy. “Here, Sir.”

“No, don’t point to it. Touch yourself. Let me see that clit. Hold yourself open for me.”

She spread her lower lips, showing her glistening, engorged clitoris. “Please, Sir.”

“Good girl.” Mac levered closer and closed his mouth over her. She tasted wild, a spice that went straight to his head and made him dizzy with the need to take. She cried out and fisted the bed, and he sucked harder, wanting to make her crazed. “Don’t come yet, sub. Wait for Master to let you.”

She moaned, and he knew she was as into the fantasy as he was. Giving and taking, sharing the dream of possession that swung both ways.

He’d been right not to rush this. From the first moment he’d seen her, he’d wanted her. But she hadn’t known him at all. He couldn’t imagine she’d have let him fuck her like this. Yet now he had her under him, writhing for his mouth.

He sucked harder, flicking her clit with his tongue and nibbling with his teeth. He gripped her inner thighs hard, grazing the tender flesh as he slid his fingers toward her ass. Her thighs were slick from the moisture coating her pussy, and he eased his thumb through her natural lube and settled the tip of his thumb at her asshole.

While he nipped her clit with his teeth, he pushed into her ass.

“Please. More,” she begged, breathless.

Yet in her passion, she failed to call him by name. He pulled back and slapped her pussy hard enough to shock but not hard enough to actually hurt. Then he shoved two fingers inside her.

Maggie cried out and came, coating him with a rush of slick release. Her moans and mewls of pleasure sent a rush of hunger through his blood.

“That’s fucking hot. Even if you are a bad sub,” Mac growled. “You weren’t told you could come yet, were you?” Excited at the thought of punishing her, he removed his fingers, aware she tried to clamp down on them.

“I’m sorry…Sir,” She said as she tried to catch her breath.

“Not sorry enough.” The woman looked like a goddamn angel, flushed with repletion, her eyes cloudy, her lips rosy red and swollen from his kisses. “You ever deep-throated, sub?”

She swallowed hard, and the action had his cock jerking. “Y-yes, Sir.”

“You were a bad girl. And bad girls get punished.”

“I’m sorry, Sir. I deserve to be punished.”

“You don’t look sorry.” She looked fucking sexy as hell. Mac straddled her body and walked on his knees up her frame, so that he stopped with his balls just over her mouth. “Suck me.”

She didn’t argue at all, but latched onto him and laved him with her tongue while sucking as ordered. She gripped his thighs with her hands, holding on while she worshipped him with her mouth. Fuck if he could think of anything but taking her everywhere. He wanted to come in her mouth, pussy and ass at the same time. Completely impossible, but the thought nearly did him in.

He rocked over her, trying desperately to hang on. “No,” he said hoarsely and pulled back. “Open up. Take me to the back of your throat, and feel free to gag,” he ordered, wondering if this would push her too far. He hesitated, wanting to give her time to use that safeword if she needed to, while every part of his oversensitive body protested the delay.

“Yes, Master,” she whispered and opened her mouth wide.

Master. “Shit.” Mac angled over her and inched his way inside her mouth. “Breathe through your nose,” he rasped and continued to thrust. “Swallow me. Draw me in. I’m coming down your throat, pretty sub. So fucking hard.”

He wanted to last, but he could still taste her on his lips. And as he stared down at her, those red lips hugging his cock, he lost it. Mac pumped twice before ramming hard and coming. He groaned as he jetted into her mouth, loving the tiny gagging sound she made while swallowing him.

To know she wasn’t comfortable yet obeyed anyway gave him a heady sense of relief. They could do this. Play and fuck and enjoy one another. He withdrew on a shudder and wiped a few drops of leftover cum onto her lips.

“Lick it off,” he said in a deep voice and watched with pleasure as she arched her head off the pillow to take one more drop off his cock. She wiped her lips clean with that soft pink tongue, the one he wanted to feel licking his slit again. Mac controlled a shudder. “You okay?”

“You’re big, Sir.” She blew out a breath. “But taking you like that was really sexy. I liked it.” She paused and blushed. “Sir.”

That shyness in contrast with the stacked blond supplicant beneath him… Her demure expression screamed submissive, and he wanted like hell to own her for more than tonight, but a lot longer than that.

More than was healthy, no doubt.

Mac stared down at her, wondering what to do next. He hadn’t brought any of his favorite toys to use on her, because he hadn’t figured they’d have sex tonight. But hell. On the off chance she changed her mind tomorrow, he wanted to experience all that he could. He had to.

“That was just foreplay, baby. Now how about you turn over and show Master that fine ass.”
