ZetaTalk: Pole Shift
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[Note: for For recent ZetaTalk on the 7 of 10 scenarios, Dark Twin and Venus looming, Wobble progress and related subjects check the
Q&A chats.]
The Zetas talk about cataclysmic changes described in a Zeta Vision given to Nancy; that a Sudden Impact is
predictable but there is Millennium Denial in spite of Millennium Fever that the government will not Sound the Alarm;
that the Earth stands witness to Past Cataclysms and Wandering Poles; how the Prior Shift during the Jewish Exodus
and Passover relate; how flash froze Mastodons and Asteroid Traffic are proof. Why books by authors Velikovsky and
Sitchin and many Prophets and Differing Prophecies and Future Maps seem to contradict; how there were Lost
Records and Calendars and Clocks adjusted. The Zetas state that Emotional Adjustments to the news inevitably occur; that Resistance exists so that a Subtle Message is often best; that there will be Crop Failure for years going into the shift with Crop Adjustments and Diet Adjustments; that Threats of War and a Financial Freeze is possible, and a
Market Crash will occur with a varied Crash Impact likely. The Zetas explain why the Mayan Calendar or a planetary alignment on May 5, 2000 are not clues, and why Precision is difficult in determining the Pole Shift Timeline; how
New Orleans, a Preview and Disaster Movies portent. The Zetas say that in spite of Manifest Clues there will be diversionary False Alarms; and hiding the truth behind Cataclysm Masks even though Proof Existed many years before with Heralding of an approach with harbingers such as Green Meteors, Space Trash, a New Moon, Permafrost Quakes,
Moon Halos, Black Water, a Lowered Jet Stream, and signs such as Deformed Frogs and Big Birds and increasing incidence of Deep Quakes. The Zetas talk about whether Atlantis and the Land of Mu exist; whether The Flood
occurred and why Noah anticipated this; how Moses was guided; whether Tales such as the Red Sea Parting and Jonah
and the whale describe Pole Shifts; why there are Submerged Roads near Bermuda; what Ancient Maps reveal; and what the Loch Ness Monster and the Yeti and Brainerd Lake have to do with Pole Shifts.
The Zetas talk about how the Comet's Tail first sweeps the Earth with Red Dust and Tail Debris, Warning the shift is near; then the approaching comet causes the Earth to Stop Rotation for a few days due a Magnetic Grip, causing a
Long Day/Night, while Groaning in protest; then gigantic Lightning Bolts occur in the upper atmosphere, Violent
Winds occur, and petrochemicals formed in the skies rain down in Firestorms; then, as the core of the Earth attempts to align magnetically with the giant comet, there is a Pole Shift with Continental Rip, Mountain Building in certain
Mountain Ranges, and Sinking and Rising land; how Pre-Existing plate alignment dictates a Scripted Drama; how gigantic Tidal Waves and Climbing Water assault the coasts in a Flood Tide, though Water Movement began when rotation stopped, and an Ocean Vortex can form; how plate shifts can result in a Sinking Atlantic floor, affecting the surrounding shorelines, and New Land near Antartica; but how the Other Planets will be little affected. The Zetas talk about how Rotation Returns within a day after the shift; how the Pole Shift will result in new poles and a new equator, a New Geography; how the Earth will undergo Climate Changes; how there will be a New Climate and fewer Deserts
but the Prevailing Winds will re-establish themselves; how later there will be inundations from the oceans due to
Melting Ice Caps with Rising Seas; how the Earth will experience a Rebirth as it has in the past; that the Seed of
Rebirth are in the wilderness we are maintaining as refuges today though some species may become Endangered
Species; that life will be on the rebound with oxygen from the Ocean Life and Inland Lakes will often prosper, and though a Nuclear Winter will not occur, but a Return to Normalcy may take several decades.
The Zetas talk about How to Prepare, what First Steps to take, what What Mindset to have for that Most Terible Day
and the Last Weeks Countdown and How to Identify the hour of the shift; what general Safety Measures can be taken but why the people of India should Prepare for Death; the severity of the Earthquakes and Volcanoes such as
Yellowstone that will occur and how to Survive the Quakes and Rapid Shift and Rampaging Water and why a Shallow
Trench works best; how long the Gloom and rise in Sea Level and Atmosphere Loss will last; how the Seasons Shift
and when to Restart Gardens; what are Safe Places and Safe Structures; what dry lake beds like the Salt Flats offer;
that not all water will be Safe Water; that where there is local danger from Nuclear Stockpiles that Pollutants will have dissipated; that we should prepare ahead of time to avoid a Last Minute Panic but the Level of Preparation and when http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p00.htm[2/5/2012 9:54:43 AM]
ZetaTalk: Zeta Vision
Note: written prior to July 15, 1995
Begin Nancy's Vision
I am looking down on the Earth, from space, but I am just far enough out to be able to see all horizons at once,
essentially. Positioned over North America, I see a line moving from the North Pole to just off the bulge of Brazil, out
in the Atlantic Ocean. Then the Earth turns beneath me toward the east, until I am positioned somewhere over the
Pacific Ocean, so that I can see the end point of a line moving from the South Pole to the center of India.
Now over India, the Earth turns so I am taking a trip in the skies back toward North America. As I pass over Southeast
Asia, I notice that the land along the sea coasts is disappearing, being eaten away as it were, by the water. This is
happening all along the coast line, as far as my view can record, from north of Korea to Indonesia. Indonesia
essentially disappears in this manner. Australia has been affected even before the eating away of the coastline started,
as the entire western half appears to be under water.
As the western coast of North America hooves into view, I see that the entire coastline of North America from (what I
assume to be) California up into Canada is raised sharply above the water line. Central America is under water. Where
(I assume) San Francisco to be, there is a water fall. This coast line is not green, but appears a beige color. As I pass
over the United States, I see the southeastern coast being eaten away in the same manner as Southeast Asia. Florida is
gone, as is the eastern coast all the way into the Appalachian mountains. The deep south is under water.
Now the vision changes the position of the Earth as it turns beneath me, so that I pass along familiar land masses. As I
pass up through Canada and over the landmass of Greenland I see that Europe appears to be a series of islands.
Moving along over the continent, I see India, or where it used to be, already frosting over. India is completely under
water. Then I pass over a land mass I don't recognize (Antarctica?), which has no greenery whatsoever.
Following this I am given a vision of a house in what seems to be a hot, desert like place, with a dry wind blowing. I
am told this will occur in the late spring or early summer of the year 2003. The earth will be hot and still. I can see in
the vision that there is a red glow over everything. I am told that there will be crop failures, worldwide, due to drought,
for 3 years in a row at this time.
End Nancy's Vision
Our emissary, Nancy, has relayed the vision we gave to her regarding the cataclysms. The cataclysms result from the
magnetic pull of a giant comet, which is in fact a planet of your Solar System. The body of this planet surpasses, in
mass, that of Earth. The comet will pass, on its first swing through your Solar System, between the Earth and the Sun.
No collision is possible, as the orbits do not intersect. However, coming in from outer space as it were, the comet is
not magnetically aligned with the close-knit group orbiting the Sun. The comet is aligned with the larger arena, where
it spends most of its cycle, some 3,657 years, on average. As the comet approaches your Solar System, it speeds up, so
it retains its magnetic alignment when whizzing through. Being of greater mass than the Earth, it is not affected by
Earth's magnetic alignment. The Earth is not so fortunate.
The first pass will occur, by our calculations, early in the year 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation]. All the cataclysms expected will occur during this pass - tidal waves, earthquakes of a magnitude 15 Richter point, and a cloud of
volcanic dust that will make the atmosphere dense as dusk for decades. A second pass will occur some 7 or more years
later, approximately 2011. This second pass brings the comet outside of your Solar System, but a second set of
cataclysms will occur at that time.
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ZetaTalk: Zeta Vision
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ZetaTalk: Sudden Impact
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ZetaTalk: Sudden Impact
Note: written during the Apr 12, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
During many predictions made by ourselves regarding events to unfold, we have differentiated between geological
changes that can be predicted and those in the hands of man. Geological changes are likewise divided, by ourselves,
into those we can speak about and those we are not allowed to address. We are not allowed, for instance, to predict
what city will be affected by a quake, on what date. We are not allowed to relay our awareness of what volcano might
erupt, within the next few days. We can only relay general earth changes to occur, or would be set packing by the
Council of Worlds, as this Earth is man's school house and such predictions interfere with the nature of this
Those issues in the hands of man encompass false reports in the media, such as failing to report increases in quakes,
weather irregularities, exploding factories, and rising seas. The economy fails, no good news, but chirping is done on
the news about various predictions that all will be well soon. If the reality is withheld from the public, and what is
reported counters our predictions, then this is an issue in the hands of man. The hands of man also control whether
nuclear power plants will be shut down, whether bridges will be blown up to prevent cities from escaping into the
countryside, and whether martial law will be imposed in this or that country. These issues could change in a heartbeat,
and is always in the hands of man. That said, what is likely to unfold over the weeks before rotation stops, that has not
already been addressed by ZetaTalk.
We will divide this into two sections, those not in the hands of man, and those in the hands of man. What astonishes
those who have been following ZetaTalk is that a pole shift of the ferocity we have described will affect the Earth in a
short time, but the Earth seems to be trucking along as usual today. This is of course not true, as the slowing rotation
has already been noted as several leap seconds per day, by those doing careful clocking, and the weather is wildly out
of step with what it should be. Temperature swings during the seasons are so wide, world wide, and erratic, that
sowing and reaping crops is something that farmers have come to view as a gamble. Yet, no explanation for this, and
not treatment of this in the news. For those wondering why the Earth is not shuttering with quakes, the oceans washing
over land, some weeks before a major pole shift, we would suggest this practice.
Consider that your planets pass by each other, in their orbits, pass each other at closer proximity than the Planet
X is today to Earth, with no measurable effects. Do you notice it coming, or going? You may be informed that
this is the state, the planets lining up or some such, but the man on the street does not notice as there is no effect!
The silly prediction made for May 5, 2000 that planets lining up in a row would cause all manner of effect on
Earth, which we discounted as a false worry, correctly, did not cause any notice on Mother Earth whatsoever!
So why should the approaching Planet X cause the catastrophes some demand should be occurring if it is to
cause a pole shift soon?
Planet X is causing effects in the slowing rotation, the magnetic diffusion and the weather irregularities only
because it is a large magnet, where the other planets are not. Mercury is magnetic, but is closer to the Sun,
which dominates the field with its magnetic field, so is negated. It is the influence on the Earth's core, which
allows Planet X to affect the Earth. After pondering that the passing planets in orbit round and round the Sun do
not affect each other during passage, do this practice.
Nail a small magnet on the table top, so that it can turn freely, the nail in the center. Line a second magnet,
larger, up with the smaller, so that both North Poles point in the same direction. Push the larger magnet toward
the smaller, North Pole to South Pole, but with a very slight offset so the larger can pass the smaller. Note that
the smaller does not notice, or seem to notice, the larger until a point of passage when it will suddenly overcome
the friction of the table top, and turn with the larger.
This is what we are referring to when we report that until the week or rotation stoppage, there will be little effect on
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ZetaTalk: Sudden Impact
Earth that can be called dramatic. The quakes will continue to be lineal as an increase, the weather will continue to be
more erratic, on a lineal scale, and the slowing rotation will be gradual so that not an hour a day will be lost except for
the last day before rotation stops. Thus, for those looking for trumpets from heaven, announcements loudly made, earth
changes that are sure, they will not come. As regards matters in the hands of man, they continue to be something we
cannot accurately predict, because they are in the hands of man.
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ZetaTalk: Millennium Denial
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ZetaTalk: Millennium Denial
Note: written prior to July 15, 1995
The Earth will go through physical cataclysms in the near future. This is related to the millennium, but is not precisely
what the Bible, or Nostradamus, or the various seers of this time are predicting. There is truth in the rumors of what is
called the 12th Planet, a giant comet. There is truth in what has been reported about violent geological changes,
renting continents apart and heaving mountains high. The deluge occurred during just such a time. Pole shifts are
common during these times. The Earth's crust slides over the soft molten core, the crust pulled in one direction and the
core, which is more magnetically inclined, in another. Such a time of violent geological upheaval is pending for
There will be much death. Most of the people on Earth at this time will be unaware. They may be aware of drought, of
a reddish glow during the heat of the day, perhaps even a reddish dust coloring their water and giving a bitter taste to
their drinking water. Most of the people on Earth have so many problems existing, day-to-day, that they will scarcely
take notice. Even those who might take notice can scarce do anything about it. Can a man who can barely feed his
family take flight? What would they live on, should they even manage to get to a safe place? And what would such a
safe place be? This is an unknown experience. There is no precedence in memory. Denial is high. The authorities will
not encourage the propagation of information, wishing calm and for the status quo to continue.
Even where there is awareness, there will be little action. Many will look about them, and debate their lifestyle should
they take action. Leave the home, the comforts of familiar places and people who represent a support structure? How
would they live? Should they be forced to become beggars, they may stay in their own, familiar, surroundings. Then
there are those who will cling to their material goods. Even with choices, where a place would be made for them in
safer surroundings, they will find they are bonded to their material goods and unable to divorce them whatever the risk.
They will die with their material items, clinging to these things as lovers. Most faced with these grim choices will deal
with the situation by denial.
Between the unaware, the unfortunate, and the reluctant, lie most of humanity. Those who survive the massive
earthquakes, which will level cities to dust, and the massive tidal waves, which will inundate coast lines for hundreds
of miles inland, will be either fortunate or assisted. Since the Earth is to become a home for Service-to-Other entities,
those humans operating in this orientation will have a choice to remain in their human form or reincarnate later. If the
human form is chosen, then these humans will be assisted during the hours of calamities. They will be unaware of the
assist, but will find themselves, clinging to floating material after the flood has passed, or regaining consciousness after
the earthquakes. Many will move to safe areas and set up communes, operating in the Service-to-Others mode of the
future. These areas will be rural, essentially primitive, and they will not rely on civilization as they now know it either
before or after the cataclysms.
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ZetaTalk: Millennium Fever
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ZetaTalk: Millennium Fever
Note: written prior to July 15, 1995.
There will be many debates within the scientific communities as the changes we and others have predicted steadily
take place. Millennium fever would take place in any case because of the prophetic warnings that have piled up from
many sources, even if no actual physical or spiritual Earth changes were to take place. The millennium fever will get
white hot as the Earth's climate becomes universally hot, droughty, or endlessly soaked by rains in turn, and reports of
a faintly glowing star that seems to be moving and drawing nigh abound. Where the establishment will issue
reassurances that the climatic changes are periodic in the Earth's history, just a normal cycle, or that this is the
Greenhouse effect and can be reversed, many will not be subdued. Discussions will be lively, and the debates never
resolved. This will surely be much in the news, as it effects everyone on a daily basis, and for many worry and concern
will be their daily companions.
One issue hotly discussed will be prophesied dates, and as they come and go, there will be relief for some. In
particular, as the millennium date itself passes, there will be many who feel the discussions should be put to an end, as
continued discussion only seems to feed panic. However, the debates and news reports will only acerbate.
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ZetaTalk: Sound the Alarm
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ZetaTalk: Sound the Alarm
Note: written prior to July 15, 1995
How the populace will respond is, in fact, less a burning question than a hypothetical question, as the governments will
not tell the people they govern. They will dither, and argue, and agonize, but they will not speak. It is up to people, in
networks such as the Internet, to spread the word. Those who wish to hear will listen. Those who cannot deal with the
issue will deny. Those who would be unable to adjust, in any case, will also not listen, but will resign themselves. We
will get specific.
Talk of the end of the world, the millennium and what it means, has been about for centuries. For at least the past two
hundred years, men have been predicting that the end is to arrive at such or such a date. The dates have come and
gone. People are inured of such talk, and in general just smile when they hear it. Therefore, regardless of by whom or
how loudly the announcement is made, the vast majority of humanity will ignore the announcement. Even when the
12th Planet is visible, and drawing nigh, people will brush off such talk as yet another alarmist.
There is not much that any individual human could do to change this. Better your efforts are turned to establishing a
place for you and your friends, for your families and loved ones. Better you devote yourself to preserving the
technology of today, and preparing to feed your small group, so that something can survive, than trying to ignite the
masses. Else, your time will be wasted.
We are telling you, that even if the governments of the world were to shrill the alarm, starting today, that the people
they govern would brush off the truth. How does one prove the proposition? By pointing to geological changes?
Scientists have done this, over the centuries and decades coming to the present, with little effect. In fact, as with all
bearers of unpleasant facts, they are ridiculed. Those who can listen, do so, and those (who are in the vast majority)
who refuse to do so, close their minds. Even as the 12th Planet is becoming visible in the sky, by day or night,
mankind will brush this aside as a normal occurrence. Look how our space ships, seen by masses, are seen consciously
by only some. The others simply chose not to see.
Regarding whether there will be aggression in those who learn too late that a pole shift is imminent. We predict that
there will be gaiety, as gaiety is often the form of denial when doom is nigh. Parties will be held. Some will empty
their saving accounts, spend even the rent or house payment, to distract themselves in gaiety.
Where individual human action can make a difference is in the Aftertime, when survivors, young and old, know not
what to do or where to go. Prepare for injuries, and shock, and orphans in pitiable condition. Prepare to retrain
stragglers who come into your midst undernourished, unable to speak of the horror they have seen, with injuries
unattended and festering. These, you can attend to, as they will respond and listen to your voice.
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ZetaTalk: Past Cataclysms
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ZetaTalk: Past Cataclysms
Note: written on Feb 15, 1996.
The Earth bears witness to the cataclysms in her past and their periodic occurrence. Beyond her deep wound in the
Pacific basin, and beyond the drift of her continents, there are scars more palpable by man.
Mountain cliffs, which rise sheer in many cases thousands of feet, represent tearing of solid rock. These stands
before mankind, who even make a hobby of scaling their heights, ignored in their deeper meaning. Have any
experiments been done to determine how much force would be required to tear rock of this depth? None have.
The reason lies in the equally deep desire of mankind to avoid thinking about the Earth's past cataclysms.
Beneath the sea in the Bahamas lies evidence of civilizations that went under the waves - highways and highway
markers, clearly manmade. These areas have been explored by many fortune hunters, recorded by camera, and
published in full color repeatedly. Likewise ancient Incan cities stand so high in altitude that the cities could not
have been built, much less lived in. Yet the scientific community continues to claim that Earth changes happen
gently, inch by inch, at the pace experienced during the memory of their current civilization.
Antarctica bears witness to her past as a steamy swamp, and likewise the North Seas, where oil is extracted.
Likewise the temperate regions are scared by what is termed the Ice Ages, where these regions were as snow
and ice packed as the poles. A clue to these changes lies in the magnetism frozen in hardened lava, which
demonstrates that Magnetic North and South changed now and then. Has any adequate explanation been
proffered by the scientific community? None has, as all the explanations have the Earth's thin crust remaining in
place, as the thought that they are standing on a raft that can move on the sea of magma beneath them is too
frightening to contemplate.
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ZetaTalk: Wandering Poles
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ZetaTalk: Wandering Poles
Note: written on Feb 15, 2002.
Confusion exists over why the ice in Antarctica dates back, apparently, for many pole shift periods. If one analyses the
last few shifts, it becomes apparent that the South Pole was either over, part way, Antarctica, or nearby in the ocean.
When a pole is over water, near land, the land mass retains its ice, under the influence of this large block of ice afloat.
This is due to cold water washing against the land mass, as well as air currents. As we have stated in ZetaTalk, the
prior shift moved the North Pole from Greenland to its present location. Prior to that, it was over the East Siberian Sea,
having pulled Siberia northward where the largest number of mammoth dieoff occurred. Tracing the North Pole over
the past few shifts, one sees that it spent a time over Scandinavia where it resided between the 4th and 5th shift back.
When it moved from Scandinavia into the Arctic north of Siberia, Europe warmed up, its glaciers melting. Prior to
Scandinavia, the North Pole centered over North America.
The Flood occurred because during the time the North Pole was over North America, the South Pole was over the
ocean south of India. When the North Pole moved to Scandinavia, the South Pole repositioned on the other side of
Antarctica. However, being over water, the former South Pole melted from the bottom, floating on the water in a
honeycombed shape. It retained a lot of cold, as the ocean water coming from Antarctica distributed this cold, so the
ice melt was not complete. A subsequent shift lurched this honeycombed ice and fractured it, so it dropped into the
ocean creating a displacement wave - the Flood. This water roared up toward Arabia and elsewhere north of this
splash. Narrowing into the waterways between Africa and Asia/Europe, water does what it does when under pressure,
it went into tidal bore. This caused more sea level rise in the area Noah lives in, described in the Bible as the Flood.
This water did not cover the rest of the world to this height, thus, as most coastlines allowed the splash to distribute,
not bore.
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ZetaTalk: Wandering Poles
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ZetaTalk: Prior Shift
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ZetaTalk: Prior Shift
Note: written on Mar 15, 1998. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
You will not find the prior South Pole, as there, out over water, a 3,600 old melt and rebuilding left no trace. But the
prior North Pole should leave no doubt, as the Island of Greenland, with volcanoes melting the glaciers away in great
floods, is still more heavy with ice than all that has accumulated over the current water born poles to date, within the
past 3,600 years. Prior to the last pole shift there was a slightly colder Europe, a slightly warmer Russia.
And why did the continents rend, so that the oceans dropped such a significant degree into the rifts, during the last
shift? Because the passage was closer than will occur this coming time. The exact date and time when the Earth finds
itself distressed, and the passage occurs for the 12th, are not on the same clock! The speed, therefore, of the shift, was
enough to wrench the continents apart, in that the shift was barely moving before the Earth tried to pull into alignment
with the rapidly passing 12th, rather than in opposition. The crust was therefore jerked to and fro, rapidly. The violent
passage also was enough to heave the floor of the Red Sea, and to heap the waters up into glass mountains, so a
desperate band of Jews could dash forward to safety, with this dash their only choice other than a brutal and vengeful
death for all, as they well understood.
Note: below added during the Dec 28, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Dr. Herbert Illig made scientific investigations and presented proofs that 300 years were added into our
history by King Constantin in the past, creating history on paper for the years AD 614 - AD 911.
#zetatalk channel
In the past, following the last pole shift, record keeping stopped and did not re-institute for centuries. In some areas,
there was record keeping by some means that or another, such as counting the days that passed, the number of seasons
that passed, and eventually these records came to the attention of those with time to muse on these issues. Where one
civilization failed to record during this or that period, another perhaps stepped into the void and kept reasonable
records. Thus, putting all this together, it became clear that some centuries were missing here or there, and to keep all
in sync, these missing centuries should be inserted. In fact, they did not insert enough time, but were trying to be
conservative. Thus, there is utter confusion, in human record keeping, on the timing of the last pole shift, which is seen
as occurring too close to the birth of Christ to fit the 3,600 model arriving at 2003. [Note: see 2003 Date explanation.]
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ZetaTalk: Jewish Exodus
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ZetaTalk: Jewish Exodus
Note: written on Nov 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
The last passage of the 12th Planet is best remembered as the time of the Jewish exodus from Egypt, but what is not
well known is the reason for the exodus. Slaves do not just walk away from their masters, and in particular a large
group of slaves, old women and children among them, do not get miles away from their masters in a desert area where
lookouts can see for miles. The institution of slavery is maintained by cruelty and punishment, and slaves attempting
to escape are punished in a manner that will serve as a lesson to others contemplating such an escape attempt. Hands
and feet are chopped off when the slave wanders or reaches where they are not to go, eyes poked out when the slave
looks when they were supposed to drop their eyes, and tongues cut out when the speech of the slave is considered too
Thus, the Jewish exodus did not occur because this large group just decided to take a stroll one day, anticipating
nothing worse than a whipping as the comeuppance should they be discovered. The exodus occurred because their
masters were devastated and distracted by problems so severe as to take their minds entirely off their slaves. Would
this have been a flooded Nile or a plague of locusts or even celebration where all got drunk? Nothing in the normal
course of Egyptian society would have created a situation where the Jews could have left, en mass, or even a situation
where they all would have had the courage to leave. They left because the passage of the 12th Planet imposed first a
long night and then horrendous earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in nearby volcanoes.
Chaos reigned, the very type of chaos that governments throughout the world fear lies in their near future. Guards left
their posts, and household servants stole from their masters and crept away in the seemingly never-ending night. The
rulers held their heads in worry and discussed among themselves how they might placate the gods. The military elite,
used to utter control and tolerating no challenges to their orders, react to chaos by trying to re-establish order.
Hysterical troops, unable to comprehend what was happening to them, were in no mood to placate their superiors, and
thus the military was engaged with internal battles for some time. It was not until the rotation of the Earth was re-
established that the Egyptian rulers and their military leaders were able to regain control of the troops. By that time, as
history well tells, the Jewish exodus was a success!
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ZetaTalk: Passover
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ZetaTalk: Passover
written Apr 5, 2004
Passover is mentioned in the Book of Exodus as coming before the exodus and after the
plagues of locusts. Does this imply that the Passage of Planet X occurs in the Spring? The
Book of Exodus and related Egyptian scribes mentioned some grain crops cut down by hail,
others not yet with grain set so spared. This again sounds like Spring or early Summer time
for the last pole shift period.
As one can note by the weather over the past year, when Spring flowers bloomed in the Fall in the northern hemisphere
in many countries, and the seasons almost alternating within the span of a week all over the globe, there is confusion
going into a pole shift on just what season is in place. Yet where droughts and plagues are mentioned in both Hebrew
and Egyptian texts, not given to anything but a religiously exacting portrayal, there is no mention of the stars being
wrong for the seasons, the seasons coming after one another out of turn, or a season lasting too long. Thus, to both
Hebrew and Egyptian scribes, both these cultures noted only weather extremes and their results. The frozen bodies of
mammoths also speak to a Spring season in the Siberian grasslands, with spring flowers found in their frozen guts.
Then there is the Nebra disc, which shows constellations surrounding the Sun as they would be in March, or even as
viewed somewhat later for a tilted and leaning Earth.
Does this mean that the last pole shift, during the Jewish Exodus, happened under circumstances similar to what the
Earth finds itself in now? It does.
Planet X takes its sling orbit in a retrograde orbit around one side of the Sun, and one side only, on its way out into
dark space again, passing through the solar system in what is closer to a straight line than any other depiction. For at
least the last thousand passages, Planet X has always come in from the direction of Orion, always reacted to the
sweeping arms of the Sun such that it started to hop them and assumeed a retrograde orbit, always dropped to a 32°
position below the Ecliptic to avoid the crowded Ecliptic as it plunged toward the Sun, and always, thus, is in the
Earth’s orbit to create havoc where the Earth would be in the fall and early Winter, not the Spring. So why the Spring
flowers and grain set during the time of the Jewish Exodus? Planet X has also always captured the Earth in a head-on
staring contest when it happened to be on that side of its orbit when Planet X was passing through, and thus when a
cataclysmic pole shift is reported, it can be assumed that the Earth went into a halted orbit and tilted and leaning
stance, as it is today.
When the Earth in on the safe side of the Sun during a passage, Planet X zooms past, with no Repulsion Force conflicts
to cause it to creep along, and if the Earth comes near an encounter at the Summer Solstice, is slows there, staying out
of the traffic lane, while Planet X passes. During the Jewish Exodus, when the last pole shift occurred, the Earth
arrived late to the posture it is in now, and thus Planet X had already risen up to the Ecliptic, had gained momentum,
and passed quickly and at close proximity to the Earth, thus causing a quick jerk to and fro, as we have described, and not the long standoff that has occurred this time, though a slowed orbit and tilted inclination simulating a move into
Spring did occur. Passover, thus, was assumed to be in the spring, with the first grain crop having set grain heads but
others yet to do so, when the hail cut them down. On this current passage, the Earth was blocking the road as Planet X
was rising to the Ecliptic, Venus and Mars were rounding the corner to crowd the roadway shortly thereafter, and
Earth’s dark twin will have time to bring up the rear, all intensifying the Repulsion Force conflicts creating the staring
contest ongoing.
Just when this ends, we will not say, as the establishment, despite plans for corrective action, have still not informed
the public of what they know, nor do they have any plans for regular updates when the public has become informed. If
the common man cannot hear the news we have to bring, simultaneously, then the elite will continue to be denied too.
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ZetaTalk: Mastodons
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ZetaTalk: Mastodons
Note: written on Jul 15, 2001 during the sci.astro debates.
The Mastodon is a species that went extinct during the past few pole shifts, primarily when the grasslands they
browsed in Siberia were drawn rapidly into the new polar circle. But where drawn into water and drown, and then far
enough north, the Mastodons were flash frozen. If the Mastodons were not flash frozen, they would be in some sort of
state of decay - perhaps the skin preserved, but the internal organs a mush. This is not the case, as your recent
documentaries on the frozen state of these preserved beasts shows! So if flash frozen, and frozen steadily since that
date, then how did the Mastodons get green grass and buttercups in their stomachs? A fast trot to the Arctic Circle?
Does anyone presume they ate snow? These were herbivors! Their grasslands were moved during poles shifts. The
remains of Mastodons that were not far enough into the polar circle to be completely frozen are bones and the ivory
that has been harvested from the Ivory Islands for centuries. The bodies rotted, the Ivory did not. A wealth of ivory,
with no flesh to disturb those shipping the tusks off to become piano keys. The permafrost only goes so deep, and just
as in temperate areas, frost goes only so many inches of at most feet deep. There is soil, and mud, and decaying matter
where decay proceeded with or without oxygen, just as it does in your gut where methane gas is generated daily.
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ZetaTalk: Asteroid Traffic
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ZetaTalk: Asteroid Traffic
Note: written on Jul 15, 2001 during the sci.astro debates.
What happens after a major earthquake? Aftershocks, and some of these not mild. Can you imagine life after a
wrenching pole shift, where the ocean rifts have been ripped apart to the extent that the oceans of the world dropped in
sea level some 16-20 feet, worldwide? What happens to cause aftershocks, which we are still experiencing from the
last pole shift? After a pole shift, the plates come to rest, but there are inequities where pressure is constant against
this or that point, the weight of one plate pressing against another, or pressing to move in a direction. They are restless
in this regard, a long way from quiescence. They are held together by friction along the plate edged, or where they lay
atop one another in the case of subducting plates. As any engineer will tell you, bridges and skyscrapers and that
expensive new car you purchased will last only so long. There is wear and tear, stress fractures, changes in the
chemistry of supporting structures over time, and finally - snap! When a snap, or earthquake, occurs, the plates move
to a new position, and once again the process starts.
Beyond aftershocks, there is the effect of what is termed Near Earth Asteroids, dragged into the vicinity of Earth by a
close passage of Planet X, where they follow the planet as it comes through the Asteroid Belt and then get pulled into
some sort of orbit that includes Earth. Objects, viewed form Earth, are relative in size, in that a distant Mars can appear
tiny but a close asteroid can loom large. Meteors are described as shooting stars, or flaming objects streaking across
the skies on their way to a thud on the ground, somewhere. It is not in the recent documentation of man that larger
objects have fallen to Earth, but those events were recorded after the last pole shift, as Velikovsky has documented.
Since the greater part of Earth is water, and many places are virtually uninhabited in vast deserts or the frozen
wastelands of the poles, the likelihood of a large object dropping near a civilized and populated area is slight. Such a
disaster happening even in a slightly populated locale would wipe out all witnesses close by, leaving only those at
some distance as witnesses.
Space shuttles and satellites put up by man regularly flame upon re-entry, so heat from the friction against increasing
atmospheric pressure is obviously a factor. Lightning occurs during simple thundershowers due likewise to friction,
where the electronic charge between air masses becomes different and is adjusted. Why would such lightning not
occur during the fall of a minor asteroid to Earth? Is friction and heat and all the electronic repercussions that come
from that in the atmosphere not present, as they are during thunderstorms? What are the plate impacts that occur when
a minor asteroid does not burn up completely, upon falling to Earth? If an earthquake can result in many aftershocks,
is this not a shock? Are nearby volcanoes subject to pressure on the lava beneath them not activated? A thud on a plate
results in immediate pressure from above on the plate, which has an immediate effect upon any volcanoes subject to
lava pressure from below on that plate. The pressure on the plate likewise changes the dynamics on the tenuous plate
edges, so that quakes from this source occur too, along with the aftershocks.
This is what Velikovsky documented, in the very true reports from several centuries after the last shift. The
forthcoming pole shift in 2003 [see 2003 explanation] is less likely to invoke minor asteroid passages of this sort, but as the core will shift farther without being drawn into an immediate alignment jerk, it will change the geographic in a more
radical fashion. In addition, the sloshing of the oceans will create greater flood tides than the prior shift. Thus, this
pole shift is anticipated to have a greater impact, and die-off, than the prior.
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ZetaTalk: Velikovsky
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ZetaTalk: Velikovsky
Note: written on Aug 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Immanuel Velikovsky was a genius on par with Einstein, which is a fact seldom mentioned by his detractors. Both he
and Einstein were Star Children, and indeed were friends who engaged in the type of friendly argument only two
geniuses could engage in. Velikovsky's Mission was to set mankind to thinking about the periodic cataclysms that have
so dramatically left their Mark on the Earth and human history. Like Einstein, he was berated for presenting what most
of mankind does not want to think about - bad news.
Mountains obviously thrown skyward under extreme pressure, the Ruins of great civilizations with no reason for
demise, flash frozen carcasses of healthy Mastodons with no evident cause of death - all this is put over the wall and
not dealt with. Research into uncharted territory seldom results in solid conclusions all around. Theories based on
theories don't have a solid base. That any of the theories prove out, under these circumstances, is a wonder. Thus, some
of Velikovsky's theories as to the cause of the Earth's cosmic near-collisions are unfounded. Where the planet Venus
was sent into an irregular orbit after one recent pole shift, the upheavals on Earth were caused only by the passage of
the 12th Planet - the major ingredient in the brew. Unlike Einstein's theories of relativity, Velikovsky's theories cannot
be effectively proved until the Red Star, the 12th Planet, returns to savage this Solar System again. Unfortunately for
those unwilling to listen to Velikovsky or contemplate the evidence he so poetically presents, they will be learning the
truth of his theories - too late!
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ZetaTalk: Sitchin
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ZetaTalk: Sitchin
NOte: written on Aug 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Zecharia Sitchin early on in his career as an archeologist discovered patterns that intrigued him. He had a penchant for
solving puzzles that could be analyzed in this way, that presented patterns, and the more data he gathered the more
intrigued he became. He was hooked. Mankind exhibits a kind of collective amnesia in regard to past pole shifts.
Sitchin encountered similar reactions when his puzzle, forming into patterns, pointed to periodic cataclysms, a
traveling planet the ancients counted as the 12th Planet, large strapping hominoids who had the appearance of Greek
Gods shuttling to and from this visiting 12th Planet, and the inevitable and inescapable conclusion - this would happen
to the Earth again! Faced with those rigidly resisting contemplating these conclusions or even glancing at the facts he
so meticulously garnered, Sitchin shifted into high gear and sought to convince his critics with yet more facts, until his
Arguments can scarcely be discounted by all but those in firm denial. However, today one still finds this spread. There
are those who read and learn, those who read and become advocates of Sitchin's theories, and those who refuse to read
or if pressed to do so nevertheless refuse to absorb or deal with the facts presented.
Sitchin skeptics arm themselves by challenging his conclusions when they are based on ancient Summerian records
that could be interpreted in a number of different ways. Scientists doing research are allowed to present a theory, and
set out their research to prove or disprove the accuracy of that theory. They are allowed to be wrong, or partially
wrong, and to correct their theory from what is learned and proceed with further research. Sitchin, bearing an alarming
message that tends to belittle arrogant humans determined to be God’s only creation or frighten those who cannot deal
with the thought of pole shifts or visitations by powerful aliens, is not given this latitude. Where it is clear that the
giant hominoids had mastered space flight to the extent that man on Earth has with their probes and shuttles and space
stations, and where it is clear that the ancient Summerians were aware of the outer planets only recently discovered by
modern man during the past century, other Sitchin conclusions are not to clear as to be based on fact, and thus he lays
himself open to criticism.
The giant hominoids from the 12th Planet tinkered with genetic engineering, and doodled their fantasies, like science
fiction, in murals. This has been taken as fact by Sitchin, who failed to consider that these murals might constitute a
plan, not past fact. These hominoids did not create man, nor did they create cross-breeds between man and animals -
mythological creatures with the bottom half a horse, the top a man. Such creatures would not be created by altering
DNA, as any geneticist will confirm, nor would transplanting between incompatible species create such a creature. Just
as the Bible talks about the evolution of the Earth and mankind in story form, the ancient Summerian tales about the
birth of the planets in Earth’s solar system have likewise been written in many cases to be understood by the common
man. Where the giant hominoids present during this time? They were not, and were thus speculating, from their
vantage point, just as human scientists today speculate about the information they receive from their probes and
telescopes. Thus, beyond the evidence that these ancient records present about a traveling planet that visits Earth’s
solar system approximately every 3,600 years or so, these ancient records should be viewed as human documents are
today - reflecting an author’s unproved theory, listing the potentials that a plan can bring, or biased by bragging and
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ZetaTalk: Prophets
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ZetaTalk: Prophets
Note: written on Mar 15, 1996.
Many prophecies have alluded to the coming pole shift, which is a known date and thus was wedded to the millennium
in many prophecies as 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation] comes so close on the heels of the year 2000. In addition to prophecies written years ago, there are many valid channels who are writing warnings about the coming times, and
contactees reporting similar visions. At times, the prophecies seem to differ, and this causes consternation among those
reading them and looking for a firm guidance during troubled times. The periodic cataclysms that the Earth endures are
reflected not only in the Earth's geology and the written and spoken legends of her peoples, they are woven into the
warnings muttered by prophets. Invariably prophecy gets packaged for the intended audience, but if one reads beyond
the surface for the deeper meaning, one will find a remarkably similar theme.
Compare the Hopi Indian, Mother Shipton, and Oasphe descriptions of the forthcoming time of destruction and death
with the scientific analysis done by Sitchin and Velikovsky, and one will find, time after time, that they correlate. Yet
the Hopi had no contact with Mother Shipton, nor she with the Ohio dentist who wrote the Oasphe, and Sitchin and
Velikovsky moved in different circles and during different eras. Therefore, dwell less on the trivial differences in their
prophecy, and more on the similarities. It is like the proverbial blind men, walking about the elephant, each describing
a different feel of the object they have encountered. What is the truth? In fact, all is truth, but one must sort it out by
seeing the similarities, not the differences. For instance, the blind men groping at the elephant could all report the same
skin feel, the same height of the beast, that it felt warm, was alive. They could likewise have reported each from their
position that this felt like a leg, or moved as though not supporting the beast as in a trunk or an ear. This is the
approach that those reading prophecy or channeled work should take.
Where has the coming shift been reported, with some accuracy, in ancient or recent writings? The Bible, in
Revelations, is often quoted and is most definitely reporting the occurrence of a pole shift. Hail, quakes, volcanoes,
fire from the sky, meteors, and waters turned bitter and red with the red dust. Often the appearances from the sky are
described as creatures, such as a dragon or lion or scorpion. Imagine a frightened populace seeing fire storms
descending upon them, whipped by winds, and hearing the earth moan about them as the crust resisted separating from
the core. The Bible was describing a scene for primitive peoples, without the science knowledge of today, and without
communications capabilities to know what the rest of the world was experiencing. The Oahspe describes pole shifts
accurately, and Mother Shipton has placed her warning with great detail. There are also many valid channeled works
which avoid mention of the shift, due to the propensity of the entities channeled or the channel itself. Some simply
cannot bear to be the bearers of bad tiding.
Regarding the Bible's mention, in Revelation, of the mark in the forehead, related to those who would be saved. This is
often interpreted to mean those of faith, who follow the rules put forth by their Christian leadership. Following rules,
as we have stated repeatedly, is not the same as being a Service-to-Other individual. The mark referred to is an
implant, to be put into the bodies of those in the Service-to-Other orientation who have accepted the offer of assistance
during the hour of the shift. Implants as we have stated, are locating devices, to expedite the process during that
hurried time. There is also confusion about 3 days of darkness, versus the week of rotation stoppage we have predicted.
Why 3 days? A human in shock, experiencing stoppage without knowledge of why this is occurring, will have some
delays in their sensory intake. Lack of sleep will mean that a night has not passed, and anxious people do not sleep
well. Thus, a week has been compressed, in general understanding of the human ability to measure time when the sun
does not rise or set, to be 3 days. That 3 days, not 7, appears in so many prophecies is an indication that many groups,
visiting Earth and wishing to help mankind during this time, talk to each other and share their interpretations!
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ZetaTalk: Differing Prophecies
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ZetaTalk: Differing Prophecies
Note: written on Oct 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Invariably, prophecies about the millennium or pending geological changes are laid alongside each other with the
differences raised up and demands for reconciliation made.
Like the famous story about the blind men all feeling a different part of the elephant, some differences are due to
segregation, but most are due either to the prophet being misunderstood or the prophet misunderstanding what it is
they have been told. If you had never experienced an eclipse of the Sun but had been advised that one would occur, the
message may be interpreted as a day when the Sun would hide, when the Sun and Moon would do battle, when night
would come early, when there would be a short day or two short days, or a very short night - but all these statements
would be referring to the same pending eclipse. Just so, when a prophecy states that land will go under the sea and
another states that the land will rise from the sea, these prophecies are not in conflict with each other, as both situations
will occur.
ZetaTalk, being exacting and specific, comes in for a lot of heat where it differs from other prophecies.
The given date of 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation] does not line up with what some have interpreted the Mayan
calendar to read, and we, the Zetas, are asked to explain this. We are correct in our date as it is based on the
steady pace and known placement of the 12th Planet, and we are not mistaken. Some have interpreted
prophecies that state that cataclysms will occur when the millennium ends to mean the exact last day of 1999, or
perhaps some where within the year 2,000 but not thereafter. They wish precision, and demand that we reconcile
our dates with every other date speculated by anyone who calls themselves a prophet or claims to have insight
into what ancient prophecies might have meant.
Some valid prophecies have stated that this land or that will appear as islands only, being inundated, and many
have interpreted this to mean that the land will either sink under the sea or the oceans rise inordinately. The
Edgar Cayce vision of California appearing as islands, having been inundated, is not in conflict with the
ZetaTalk statement that the West Coast will rise up due to forceful subduction of plates to the west of the land.
One has only to look at the geography of California to see that the fertile inland valley was recently an inland
sea, due to the surrounding mountains holding the water as a bowl, so that the ZetaTalk prediction of massive
and forceful tidal waves, rising hundreds of feet high to clear the mountains when they have no where else to go,
will re-flood the inland sea once again and that drainage will take some time.
Among the valid prophets, Edgar Cayce has stated a vision that lands will appear in the Caribbean, where
ZetaTalk has pointed to an area off Antarctica. Is Cayce incorrect? Yes and no. Insofar as he was seeing the
immediate effect of the pole shift on the land, with the Atlantic widening so that there is temporarily less water
to rise up on the shores - the vision is correct. Cayce was also reporting the immediate effect of the pole shift on
We, in ZetaTalk, are giving all pieces of the puzzle, step by step, and stand here to respond to questions on these
matters to defend our prior responses. Are the others doing the same?
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ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live
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ZetaTalk: Future Maps
written February 25, 2010
Why do so many future maps show the western portion of the United States submerged or assaulted by
water? The Zetas have this in a state of mountain building, albeit with high tides during the hour of the
shift, but not with Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, etc submerged. This flooding of the west coast appears in
Lori Toye's 1983 channeled map, the first to be widely published. Then in Scallion's map representing his
vision, Chet Snow's map representing the hypnosis of hundreds, and the Dolores Cannon map also
representing hypnosis of many. They have the west coast going down, apparently, the reverse of what the
Zetas tell us will happen other than that the inland valley's of California will be flooded for weeks due to
water being trapped by the sloshing over the coastal mountains. Only the 1950 map by Pitre show the
mountain regions above water, in concurrence with the Zeta message.
The collective conscious, which is very real and the result of telepathic communication between a vast number of
individuals, can be very influential. If the information is wrong, it nonetheless spreads about. Thus, during the last
years of the Bush administration, there was broad consensus from the Webbots analysis of the collective conscious that
Israel would start a war with Iran, or that war with Iran was imminent and inevitable. We stated this would not occur,
because we were aware of the counter pressure being applied behind the scenes, but the common man, reading the
news, reading the constant drumb beat that the Bush administration was putting out, would assume that bombing of
Iran was imminent and inevitable.
Much channeled work, even though genuine, is subject to being polluted by the process. It involves what the spirit
communicating wishes to say, what the human channel understands the message to be, and any inability or prejudice
in the human channel which might pollute the process. The West Coast of the US is subject to a lot of tidal sloshing
during the pole shift, with tidal bore during this sloshing, but clearly would not be put under water at higher altitudes
which will, if anything, increase in height. Likewise sloshing up the Colorado River, combined with the breaking of the
Hoover Dam, will put Phoenix under water, as we have detailed. That combined with violent earthquakes and volcanic
activity along the San Andreas, and the rock and roll that will occur all along the zone subject to subduction of one
plate under another, would lead a human to assume that the western portion of the US would be inundated or
essentially dangerous for human habitation.
ZetaTalk does not involve a single channeled session or a series of sessions, it involves almost continuous telepathic
communication over decades on these subjects. The issues are revisited, and cross-correlated, by the logical mind of a
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ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live
woman with a German heritage, highly intelligent and given to question anything that does not make sense or correlate
with the facts. Thus the ZetaTalk message is more reliable. The Lori Toye map, as the first published and much
discussed on major media, is an example of the collective conscious being polluted by an incorrect interpretation.
Lori Toye's channeling [and from another] http://www.iamamerica.com/ Much has changed since 1989
when Lori Toye and her children first rolled I AM America Maps at the kitchen table. Since her
extraordinary dream of the Map in 1983, the Ascended Masters' prophetic message of change has been
featured on NBC, FOX, UPN, The New York Times, Art Bell and London's Carolton Television. [and from
another] http://www.iamamerica.com/pages/lori_toye.html Awakened one night by the luminous figure of
Saint Germain at the foot of her bed, her work had begun. Later in the same year, an image of a map
appeared in her dream. Four teachers clad in white robes were present, pointing out earth changes that
would shape the future United States. The four Beings appeared again, and expressed a willingness to
share the information. Over a six-month period, they gave over 80 sessions of material, including detailed
information that would later become the I AM America Map. She produced the map in 1989, rolled them
on her kitchen table, and sold them through word-of-mouth. She then launched a lecture tour of the
Northwest and California. Hers was the first Earth Changes Map published, and many others have
followed, but the rest is history.
Gordon Michael Scallion's vision [and from another] http://www.matrixinstitute.com Gordon Michael
Scallion is a futurist, metaphysical speaker and author of Notes from the Cosmos. He is the creator of the
Future Maps series.
Chet Snow's compilation http://www.chetsnow.com/ from the book Mass Dreams of the Future, via
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ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live
hypnosis of hundreds of individuals.
Dolores Cannon's compilation from hypnosis of others [and from another] http://www.ozarkmt.com/
Dolores Cannon is a past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist who specializes in the recovery and
cataloging of "Lost Knowledge". Working through several different subjects, Dolores was able to establish
communication with the living Michel De Notredame, better known as the prophet, Nostradamus. His
revelations and their impact on our own time are both fascinating and at times frightening.
Ashton Pitre's channeling since the 1950's. [and from another] http://www.baproducts.com/ashton.htm
This is how Ashton Pitre, of Marble Falls, Texas, sees the US after the Earth changes. He shows
"Primary" and "Secondary" destruction caused by water between the years of 1995-1999.
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ZetaTalk: Lost Records
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ZetaTalk: Lost Records
Note: written on Sep 15, 1999.
The Mayan Calendar is real, and is pointing to the coming cataclysms. But unfortunately, through all the many hands
that it passed, and because of the breaches in its caretakers, certain key points were lost - primarily, when did it start.
This is an example of the lost records that occur following the periodic cataclysms the Earth experiences. The Mayan
Calendar is correct and accurate, but just exactly what year does the count start? They are off on that count, and
therefore it lands almost a decade further in the future than it ought to.
During cataclysms, and for many hundreds of years following, people become terribly discombobulated. Look what
happened to the Egyptian records after the last pole shift. The Jewish Exodus occurred, with the Jews able to leave
their slavehood taking their old, their lame, and their babes in arms with them. They escaped, one and all from their
captors, not because they were all that swift, but because their captors were very distracted. The hail, the insects
disturbed by the groaning in the Earth and running in every direction, the volcanic eruptions, the earthquakes, and the
fact that they were experiencing a very long day, the Sun quite noticeably slowed in its progression across the sky - all
this distracted the Egyptians. After the last cataclysms, the very careful Egyptian records which kept census, the grain
stores which maintained the rich - all this went to Hell. And for centuries afterwards, people lost track of just how
many years passed until records began to be kept again. This happened all over the world, during each cataclysm.
What happened to the great cities of China? Records are disrupted.
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ZetaTalk: Calendars and Clocks
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ZetaTalk: Calendars and Clocks
Note: written on Jul 15, 2001 during the sci.astro debates.
After a pole shift, several things change, making the past time pieces and calendars virtually worthless. The geographic
poles change, the rate of rotation may change, and the magnetic poles change. It has occurred, as Plato recorded, that
the rotation of the Earth reverses and goes West to East, between pole shifts. All the old counters stopped, of course,
when the rotation of the earth froze prior to the shift. When rotation restarts after the passage of Planet X, several new
variables are in place. Survivors find themselves in a new climate, warmer or colder, more humid or dry, with the
vegetation in place struggling and wildlife on the move. The Sun rises and sets in a strange place. The clouds are closer
to the ground, drizzle often seeming to be incessant, so peering at the stars is difficult and most certainly not the
preeminent concern of starving survivors.
By the time, several decades later, that the skies clear and sunshine returns edible vegetation and meat on the hoof to
be killed for dinner, the old means of time-keeping by the stars has often been lost. Pole shifts cause injuries, and lack
of nutrition is hard on the elderly. The young and hungry, especially those born after a shift who have little regard for
the knowledge carried by those from an earlier time, refuse food to seemingly befuddled old men who talk of times
long past. Knowledge is lost, civilizations abandoned for more immediate needs, and even the need for time pieces and
calendars the last of anyone's concerns. If planting is not being done, or appointments are not being made, and the only
thought the direction of one's wanderings toward a better source of food - then why are time pieces and calendars
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ZetaTalk: Emotional Adjustments
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ZetaTalk: Emotional Adjustments
Note: written on Feb 15, 1996.
Denial is a common reaction to learning that the world you know, which you as a child had always considered would
be secure, is going to essentially disappear. Denial protects one from having to incorporate what has been learned into
one's life. One can treat the news like a thing apart, like a possibility, similar to a meteor landing on your head or being
struck by lightning. Remote. For those who do not duck the issues, there is an adjustment period. One looks around,
seeing the sunny day, the smiling faces, the usual empty chatter on the newscasts, and no longer feels one can relate to
this. Yet all the loved ones are living in this world. Should one leave them? Should one fit into their life, and pretend?
The terrible future one contemplates stares at one from afar, but each day draws closer. How to make major
adjustments to prepare for this, when any preparation is considered insanity, or desertion, or neglect.
During the period when choices are made, and adjustments are being made in one's life, depression can set in. This is
true of any double-bind, where one loses either way, but in the situation of the alien issue and the coming pole shift,
who can one talk to? One is an outcast. Those who have few attachments and are free to move about, in their physical
surrounding or career or family commitments, are the lucky ones, as they make their adjustments fairly rapidly,
moving to a clear headed time of resolve. Those with many commitments, or commitments deeply felt, agonize longer
while making the switch. After they have disconnected themselves from any expectation that life for them can be
normal, as they know terrible things that the others have yet to understand, they can be at peace.
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ZetaTalk: Resistance
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ZetaTalk: Resistance
Note: written on Jan 15, 2000.
Taking the signs seriously, many conscientious humans wish to expedite awareness in others, to push forward debate
and discussion. They hope that their fellow humans will not find themselves in agony over having delayed too long,
perhaps being unprepared or in the wrong place, and grieving because of their prior indecision and vacillation when
they should have been acting. They look upon the Troubled Times group, which seeks solutions to living during the
forthcoming times, and feel that every community should have such individuals, such a cook in every kitchen, such a
conclave in every country so that the morays and differences are taken into consideration. Then fewer humans would
be found agonizing at the last minute. Why can't this approach be taken? What makes such trends occur, and what sets
action in the right direction and makes it occur faster? It is often the opposite of what is expected.
There are several factors at play which influence how people react and when they react. Resistance is one factor.
When a push is made in the direction of more exposure to the facts and discussion, those who do not want to hear this
information push back. The push back can be because it frightens them, or because they are frankly hoping to keep the
facts from everyone else, or because they fear panic in the masses. There are those who think that by keeping others
dumb they can then end up with a bigger piece of the pie for themselves and a smoother go of it in the last days. If
they can keep everyone else believing some false story until the last minute, they expect they will manage to be safe in
their enclave with their stores of goods. They look upon knowledge as power, as a precious thing to better the holder
of such knowledge. There are also those who fear runs on banks or of martial law having to be imposed. They fear not
being able to drive to the next city to go shopping because of riots.
Resistance is a factor that causes information sources that become too assertive of aggressive to be stomped upon. It's
relative. As the information rises like a tide, the fear and resistance rise so that active measures are taken to undercut
the information source. Therefore, becoming more accurate in predictions, more real and believable, may in fact be the
wrong thing to do in that the forces of fear, and there are many of them in the establishment who control media and
financial resources, may turn around and aggressively undercut the message. So to some degree, it is better to balance
being aggressive so as not to incite reactions.
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ZetaTalk: Subtle Message
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ZetaTalk: Subtle Message
Note: written on Jan 15, 2000.
Resistance to the message that one needs to prepare for the coming changes also exists in the average person. Take the
example of a family man who has young children, who is tied to mortgage payments and a job. The thought of selling
a home or changing a job incites so much anxiety that it becomes an argument with the self constantly. Should this
family man be convinced by frank discussion that the danger is real, so doubts could be put aside and preparations
expedited, he is likely to find that more and more of his time is spent arguing with himself. Debates over whether he
should or should not make changes in his life. Often these arguments are settled by a sharp put-down. He decides to
simply not think of the issues anymore. He decides he can't continue in a state of indecision, as he can't function.
Perhaps he has been sharp with the children, and they go off crying. The wife asks what the family is coming to. The
resolution is denial.
On the other hand, what if the message is subtle, a subtle message that floats out on the media, perhaps only a
glimmer, an advertisement, something simple so that the back of the mind is allowed to receive this, to process this
without having to be challenged. What if the message likewise tells this family man that he doesn't need to worry
about selling his home or building a fortress in the hills or having an infrastructure established before the cataclysms
happen. What if the message is that he only needs to remember a simple set of steps to be taken, that there need be no
more preparation in order to save lives than to go on a camping trip. Steps such as where to go, what to eat, what to
eat long term, to save seed, to have some recipes - which he feels he can deal with. This is an oversimplification, of
course, but it is something that can be absorbed and understood, so this is in fact what occurs.
Rather than blocking the information, the family man therefore begins to think about this as he drives to work. How
does it differ from a camping trip? What does one do in week two, or week three? This can be entertained because it is
not extreme. And as the weather gets bad and things become extreme in his life, he will find that he puts these
thoughts on like a comfortable set of old clothes and reacts in the right way at the right time, when he no longer has to
argue with himself. Because of the extreme weather changes, the food shortages, the rising tides or whatever, he and
his wife finally say to themselves "lets not fool ourselves any longer, we've got trouble here". He will find that he has
become comfortable with the steps that he needs to take, because they have been allowed to coexist with his life. Thus,
sometimes a very muted or understated message, of the simplicity of the steps, is more valuable than making it seem
too complicated.
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ZetaTalk: Crop Failure
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ZetaTalk: Crop Failure
Note: written prior to July 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
As we described earlier, going into the cataclysms the weather will become unpredictable, with torrential rainstorms
where not expected, and droughts likewise where not expected. Extremes of temperature will be experienced.
Unusually warm winters, where the trees and shrubs will start to bud, thinking spring, and then be subjected to frost.
Similarly, frosts will come late in the spring, almost into summer, killing the buds which have already put forth their
tender shoots. Where today the world balances these situations, shipping produce around the world, during the years
coming close to the time of the reappearance of the 12th Planet, the giant comet, all parts of the world will experience
extremes. Of course, leading up to the cataclysms, not all produce will fail. Greenhouse crops will come through.
Backyard gardens, tendered carefully by watchful eyes, will survive. But the large cash crops that supply crowded
population centers will find little to market, and the prices will go up accordingly.
At first, stores put up against such times will be tapped. After a bit, these stores will run down, and governments will
get nervous. Helping handouts, from countries better off to those in desperation, will stop. Friction on these matters
will fray at already frayed nerves. Up until the cataclysms, humans in the main will struggle on with the farming and
fishing methods they are familiar with. In general, the resistance against change is immense, and warnings about the
pending pole shift will be brushed aside by the vast majority who will choose not to notice the signs about them or
contemplate anything so awful. Consequently, the cataclysms will catch almost all of human society unaware.
Those groups who have prepared, and are relying on themselves and their own carefully tended gardens, will not find
themselves pinched between starvation and hostilities. Fortunately, the easiest produce to grow is that most economical
as foodstuffs. Humans have but to return to their recent past and relearn these lessons. Except for those few who have
prepared, humans surviving the cataclysms will find themselves without food. In the cities this will happen quickly, as
fresh or frozen foods will spoil due to total power failure, and canned and dried goods will only go so far. Then what?
Rural areas, where one would presume to find gardens put in and livestock in abundance, will not be much better off.
The drought and irregular weather will have taken their toll, to say nothing of the cataclysms themselves. How long
will a hungry farmer hand grain to his livestock? He will eat the grain himself and the livestock, and when he gets
hungry enough will eat his last breeding pair and his seed stock. Gone.
Should the reader think that planting and harvesting will go on as before, they should realize that the gloom that
follows a cataclysm is devastating to vegetation. If vegetation survives the droughts that precede the cataclysms and the
hail and firestorms and high winds that occur during the cataclysms then it must next survive an almost continual
deluge and lack of sunlight. The comeback after a cataclysm is not, in the main, from domesticated plants and animals,
although some dedicated farmers will bring their breeding pairs and seed stock through. The comeback is from
wilderness areas, from sturdy roots that keep on trying and scattered seed that keeps on sprouting. In the meantime,
humans starve.
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ZetaTalk: Crop Adjustments
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ZetaTalk: Crop Adjustments
Note: written prior to July 15, 1995
To a very great extent, adjusting to crop failure depends on the personality of the individual forced to make an
adjustment. We will get specific.
Take, for example, a farm in the Midwest. Prosperous. Several farm hands. Occasional crop failures but in the
main they can smooth their profits to cover these. Now come the crop failures. First year, the usual fallbacks are
relied upon, although with the talk in the news about weather problems all over, they will be nervous. Second
year, everyone gets brittle. Tempers flare. Long-time farm hands are laid off, with much guilt and regret. Plans
are changed, and arguments ensue. However, there are still savings, and perhaps bank credit, and the expectation
is that the next year will bring sky-high prices, even if the crop is only fair-to-middling. Third year. Shock.
Depression, and we're not just talking financial. Personal gardens are producing enough to feed the family, but
the bank would foreclose if they could find a buyer. Everyone thinks of the dust bowl, the depression, and goes
to the movies a lot!
Now, need this be the scenario? Are there no alternatives? Let us say there is a prosperous Midwest farmer who
listens to the news, eyeballs the Internet, and isn't a stick-in-the-mud. He hears, perhaps rarely but nevertheless
on occasion, about pole shift predictions, and notices that some of these predictions are connecting with his
reality. He decides to prepare for all contingencies. Since the drought is increasing, he stores and recycles water.
Since cattle are dying, he moves to indoor fish tanks to fill his empty barn and prevent evaporation of the water.
Lo and behold, there is a market for the fish! He makes money. He already has a Windmill, and with the winds
increasing, takes more and more advantage of this. Now he has the electricity to irrigate hydroponics, as this guy
is no dummy and he isn't pouring precious water into the ground.
After the cataclysms livestock will die for lack of feed or be eaten. Seeds sown will fail to thrive after germination
from lack of sunlight and the excessive drenching rains. What will the survivors eat? Those who have prepared by
establishing intensive indoor gardening such as Hydroponics and the most protein efficient animal husbandry, Fish
tanks and ponds, will find themselves not only subsisting but subsisting well. Such arrangements require indoor
lighting. Hydroponics can be grown around the clock and fish eat either this produce or water plants that feed off the
community's Sewage Effluent, but the base of this food chain is the hydroponic vegetation. For plants, light is life, for
without it plants die. Such indoor farming, in place prior to the cataclysms, should not rely on lighting from either the
Sun or the utility companies. Both will in essence go out during the decades immediately following the cataclysms.
Power for indoor lighting should rely on harnessing wind, or water flows, or other such mechanical generation that can
be counted upon to be present after the cataclysms.
Food stuffs that can be grown without artificial light and will do quite nicely on the gloomy light supplied by the Sun
are mushrooms, earthworms, and various insects that feed on dead tissue. After the cataclysms bugs will be in
abundance, as dead tissue from both plants and animals is everywhere. This trend can be taken advantage of, as
distasteful as that concept might be to humans who have never eaten a bug. Larva, grown in humus, can be turned into
pureed and creamed soups, puddings, or omelets by skilled cooks. Those eating the fare would never guess that the
base was not cream, milk, and eggs. For those humans who do not prepare, they will find themselves Eating Bugs in
any case, as meals from what they can catch or find growing will be few and far between.
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ZetaTalk: Diet Adjustments
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ZetaTalk: Diet Adjustments
Note: written on May 15, 1997.
Beyond sculpting the public’s attitude toward starvation, with an eye to hardening hearts and saving the plenty of the
American heartland, the bread-basket of the world, for themselves, the CIA will begin to attempt to sculpt the public’s
habits. The public will be told to eat different foods, to adjust their diets, and most especially to tie themselves in a
dependent manner to those who feed them. Alliances with grocery chains with guaranteed delivery of food stuffs will
be put into place, so that nervous families find themselves financially and emotionally dependent. With their money
committed, they cannot go elsewhere or establish other ways of feeding themselves. Thus, as the time for enslavement
of the populace approaches, when camps of desperate people are formed, drawn by the strings that have already been
attached to them, their escape is less and less likely.
The answer to food shortages is not dependence on exclusive grocery clubs, but home and in particular indoor
gardening. Should this practice become widespread, there would be no shortages to speak of. neighbors can help
neighbors, sharing produce and seed and know-how, and after the coming cataclysms recovery would be quick. This
route, the self-help route, will not be advocated by those who seek to establish kingdoms in the Aftertime. Be on guard
against dependence, and see the claws behind the so-called helping hand!
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ZetaTalk: Threats of War
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ZetaTalk: Threats of War
Note: written on Feb 15, 2000.
New ZetaTalk on Feb 15, 2000
Look behind threats of war from China. China has suffered in the recent rainstorms, deluges that have created massive
loss of life in China, which is utterly unable to control the overflowing rivers and feed it’s populace. There is currently
starvation in North Korea, well documented, with the starving crawling across the border and begging food from the
Chinese. What’s going to happen, as the weather gets worse, to a country that even now cannot feed its populace?
Birth control won’t do it. China will have large percentages of the populace starving as they are in North Korea. What
occurs in such a situation? Those in power point the finger across the border and create a dragon. This is a technique
that has been used endlessly throughout human history, and in many 3rd Density cultures. Anytime one doesn’t want
squabbling in the house, one points outside and says “Good Lord, there’s the wolf!” The infighting stops, and
everybody faces outward.
This is the technique that China is using. They do not mean to act on their threats, but there will be saber rattling, much
noise, and other countries can be expected to follow suit. Perhaps even the super powers will engage in this, as they
have been doing, to the current earth changes - tell the populace to look elsewhere, distract them, so they don’t think
about what is going on. This will happen increasingly as starvation tightens its grip on the gnawing bellies of the
citizenry. Saber rattling on the part of the Bush administration, in response to the 911 events, should be viewed in light
of the economic problems which were developing before 911 occurred. The recession, which this administration
chooses to state started only because of 911, in fact was in process as soon as Bush sole the White House. This is a
common ploy, among those assigning themselves leadership in countries, to point to war and threats from the outside.
War is not going to be profitable, for anyone, other than as a threat, so we suspect this is where the issue will remain.
New ZetaTalk during Mar 2, 2002 IRC Session
WW 3 will not occur, though there will be threats of this endlessly going into the shift. The reason, as we have stated,
that full scale war will not break out between countries, is that none have a thing to gain from this. What has been
occurring, though termed "war" by Bush, Jr. is not war, as it is a country against an element, a criminal element,
perhaps a revolutionary element, but not another country. Many countries deal with revolution, Spain today, for
instance, and do not call this "war". There are black markets, organized crime in the US and Italy and Russia, drug
cartels, and this is not "war" though this word is used. To focus on issues at the border, as we have mentioned, is a
time-honored way of shushing the populace, as they fear to divert the parent during troubling times. Countries use this
to distract and quiet their populace when internal issues are distressing. Countries use this to avoid addressing these
issues. If one wants to quiet a squabbling group of siblings, one announces that one of them, or then household, is
under attack! Every mother can tell you that a united front is formed, and squabbles put aside. Thus, we predict that
threats, and saber rattling will occur, but not war.
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ZetaTalk: Financial Freeze
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ZetaTalk: Financial Freeze
Note: written on Dec 15, 1999.
When the markets start to tumble, they will tumble rapidly and may move in many directions. There may be financial
freezes maintained, such that the financial status quo at a given point in time and the cash value of moneys of different
countries are not allowed to float freely. It’s essentially like stopping an elevator from moving up or down. It simply
doesn’t move after that point in time. Black markets of course will develop, but they develop somewhat slowly, not
overnight. So this kind of enforced freeze, in essence a martial law of the financial field, can be maintained for many
months, even years, and be somewhat effective. This is a likely outcome. This is already happening on the stock
market where a run on a stock is stopped by a closure of the stock markets. They cease the trading until some time has
passed, and this is a forerunner of what is to come.
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ZetaTalk: Market Crash
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ZetaTalk: Market Crash
Note: written on Dec 15, 1999.
In any game there are winners and losers. Between the present and when there will surely be a crash of banks that
cannot be sustained and the barter system essentially returns, there is an end game in play. This end game is being laid
out on the money markets and has many players wishing to gain the upper hand and maintain the upper hand. This is
in the hands of humans - many different governments and many different banks and many different wealthy
individuals who are either cooperating with each other or planning to stab each other in the back and pull the rug out
from each other. Therefore, given this, the game could tumble in many different directions. But one thing is clear:
there are perhaps half a dozen international banks, very heavily moneyed, which would never be out of the running or
powerless in this game.
Today, they are maintaining confidence in what may be termed the working man. They wish the populace to be
unconcerned, to feel a sense of comfort, that the good times are with them, and not to look about and notice what some
are saying - that emergency stores are empty and crops are failing and the stock market is over-inflated. They wish the
populace to be dull, lethargic, and spending money, because much of the stability of an economy is based on
confidence. In fact, without confidence, most governments and financial structures would fail and fail rapidly. So
confidence is kept pumped up as long as this can be maintained. Most stocks are inflated beyond their value, very few
are not, and they can fall to 1/4 of their value before they settle with the public feeling they have some confidence in
the stock and that it cannot be worth less. This is a huge drop. For the wealthy, who are living a well cushioned life, it
doesn’t put them out on the street, but for some people who are living on their savings, it would mean a change of
lifestyle and may mean that they are destitute or desperate.
Note: below added during the Jun 1, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
We are frequently asked to pin point the moment of collapse, which of course will not be a moment but a series of
moments, when this or that leg under the table breaks, and finally a corner drops, slipping the table top contents onto
the floor, and finally the table itself drops. Beyond that this will be a series of steps, and is in the hands of man, due to
the general rule that we are not to interfere with mankind’s free will. Very seldom can we interfere, and then within
strict bounds. For instance, we can describe in general terms that it will collapse, not when. For instance, we can
describe the quakes and volcanic eruptions that will occur leading up to the shift, not when for an area. Do we warn
you today, about a volcanic eruption, a tornado, a broken rail line, or a stock inflated beyond real worth? No! Nor do
we cure your cancer, rescue you from floods, or feed you when you are starving. Thus, expect no more going into the
shift than you get now, from aliens, or good spirits, or angels or whatever you call them.
Note: below added during the Jul 20, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Up until the present, the US Stock Market, leading the world as the engine to pull the world out of a global slump, has
maintained its position by stealth. Confidence is the name of the game, and confidence was maintained not only by
talk-up from market analysts, but also by the value of stock on the market. Value on the market equates to what the
buyer is willing to pay! And thus, if poor stock has buyers, then it has worth. Thus, those end-of-day rallies that have
often occurred during the past couple years were designed, to raise expectations for the next day. Stock that dropped
was viewed differently by the morning, by all the analysts that take into consideration the buyers willingness to buy,
and the market off and away again, raising and soaring.
What happened then, this past week, that such a dramatic drop occurred with few stops. This in spite of assertion on
heavyweights that all was well, and no need for new SEC controls or inspections. The trend overwhelmed the counter-
trends, with those buying bad stock doing so, but the overwhelming numbers of such stock simply causing this to be
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ZetaTalk: Market Crash
negated. What does this mean? That the prediction we have made, since late 1999, of a market crash to the extent that
stock would drop to 1/4 of its former value, the market in general at this point, will soon occur. If poor stock cannot be
bought up in sufficient quantity, a point reached now, then it will be evident to the public that poor stock is poor, and
confidence allowed to drop to the level the company profits and performance deserve. Thus, hold onto your seats, as
the drop will occur rapidly, now, and the barter system begin to replace the monetary system.
The real estate bubble will likewise burst when the current weather problems and lack of insurance coverage prove this
to be hollow. The percent of the workforce to be affected is already increasing, and look to the Depression era,
worldwide, for expected results. During the coming depression, which is in fact in place but denied by the media and
powers that be, one should look to the past Great Depression as an example of things to come. Banks were insolvent,
but allowed to operate, not called in. Homeowners and businesses were insolvent, unable to pay, but not called to
term, allowed to continue. The reasoning was that there was no one to buy these insolvent entities, so why discontinue
their operations! Thus, those insolvent entities were allowed to continue, and gradually came back into solvency, and
thus business was reestablished. During the coming crash, this will repeat itself, but with a difference. There will be no
re-solvency, no new health, but the shift, instead.
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ZetaTalk: Crash Impact
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ZetaTalk: Crash Impact
Note: written on Dec 15, 1999.
Of course, we advise people that since the barter system is the end result, to put their money into goods that can be
bartered, into things like land that does not lose its value, because all else will. This includes jewels, coins, bonds,
anything that is based on something other than substance has the potential of failing. As to which countries will prevail
and which not, this somewhat depends on their international reach. Those countries that have a broad international
reach, and tentacles in other countries, are like someone caught in a net. They will not fall that far unless all are falling.
The countries that will fare the best, and have the strongest dollar, are those that will have the least severe impact from
crop shortages or the inability of commerce to proceed.
Japan has a broad reach, tentacles into all other countries and banking systems. It would not be allowed to fail if others
were failing, simply because it would drag the others down. However, as the island itself does not produce much of its
raw materials but requires them to be imported, when it becomes a time when no one has money to buy manufactured
goods, the imports will suffer, and there will be much inner turmoil on the island. The yen is likely to suffer against
the dollar in this regard. China will be severely impacted. It already has trouble feeding its populace, and where the
China bear was about to roar, it will shrivel down to the mew of a kitten and not again be heard from.
The US and some countries in Europe are attempting to maintain their strong hold based on their rich resources. This
may or may not succeed, but will probably keep them, in the case of the US, somewhat head and shoulders above the
others, so that as they all are sinking you will still see the head of the US above. The grain belt, and the agriculture
from the southeast is varied enough to give them a leg to stand on. In many cases in Europe, the population is pushing
the limits of what the land can sustain, and they will suffer in the same way that Japan may suffer.
Third world countries that are suffering from crop shortages because of drought or deluges, will find that they become
a non-entity and experience in essence the dark ages of commerce rapidly, retreating backward to a level they were 50
to 100 years ago, as though their progress had never occurred. The desert areas will essentially not be heard from, the
Sudan, Iraq and Iran. Starvation will be great and media coverage little. Other than some saber rattling as they fall into
a death march into starvation, they will not be a player.
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ZetaTalk: Mayan Calendar
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ZetaTalk: Mayan Calendar
Note: written on Dec 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
The Mayan calendar is not so much incorrect as misunderstood. The calendar is derived from calendars and plotting
methods left behind by the hominoid visitors from the 12th Planet. There are and were many calendars in operation,
the western calendar of 365 days with an occasional leap year is only one such method. Dates, when plotted according
to one calendar method, do not always line up exactly when translated to another calendar. However, the primary
difficulty in interpreting the Mayan calendar is determining the correct starting point. One may be accurate in
calculating the number of days, months, and years between events, but unless the starting point is precisely known, the
end point is questionable. Thus there are various interpretations on when the Mayan calendar ends, albeit this rather
obviously coincides with the coming millennium. We have given the correct dates for the return of the 12th Planet as
the year 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation] for the devastating first pass. All other dates are incorrect.
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ZetaTalk: May 5, 2000
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ZetaTalk: May 5, 2000
Note: written on Aug 15, 1996.
Periodically the planets in orbit around the Earth's Sun near each other during their sojourns, and at rare times they
appear to stretch in a line out from the Sun, gravitationally pulling on the Earth, some humans suspect, from both
sides. Does this affect the Earth? Well of course it does, and if the influence had left much of an impression on
mankind this would be recorded as a regular event. Tides are a little stronger, and the Earth's orbit is a tad more
pronounced on one side, but except for astronomers, mankind is blissfully unaware. Will the coming alignment cause a
pole shift, the weight of the ice laden poles pulling toward the lineup of outer planets? This silly argument is not even
logical, and is given weight only because the true cause of pole shifts, the 12th Planet, is out of view between
cataclysms and generally forgotten. Survivors, picking up the pieces and trying not to starve to death, had more on
their minds than recording the event in more than verbal horror stories told to one another when seeking solace.
The gravity pull of the giant gaseous planets, even when they line up and all pull like so many men along a rope in a
tug-of-war, is a fraction of a fraction of the gravity pull of the Sun. During half the year an ice laden pole on one side
of the Earth or the other is leaning toward the Sun, and if inclined to move the crust of the Earth toward a gravity pull,
this is when that would occur. Do not the ice laden poles continue to increase in weight until the Earth is out of
balance? A simple calculation on the structure of the surface of the Earth would show that land masses such as the
combined mass of Russia and China or such major continents as Africa or the Americas, made of thick rock and
soaring mountains in places, far outweigh the majority of the Earth's surface where waters pool in low-lying areas. Do
these inequities cause pole shifts?
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ZetaTalk: Precision
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ZetaTalk: Precision
Note: written on Feb 15, 2000. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Precision is difficult in these matters, as all is in motion and affects the exact outcome. This is similar to an inbound
hurricane, where one can state the path and wind speed, but there are uncertainties as to whether a dam will break or
an ocean going vessel will decides to move into or out of a port in the hurricane's path. A city may be safe or
devastated based on these occurrences. For the pole shift, what is in motion is:
1. the 12th Planet, which will stick to the path computed as the factors involved are based on astronomy and not
subject to change.
2. the location of the earth at the time, which can vary slightly as to what part of the Earth is facing the 12th Planet.
Where this will be the Atlantic rift, the exact point of stoppage depends upon the speed of rotation as it
approaches the stoppage, and this speed is dependent upon swirling in the core, what parts of the core are near or
far from the Atlantic rifts as the moment of stoppage approaches.
3. the shift itself, which will start at an uncertain moment due to the exact part of the Atlantic rift facing the 12th
Planet not being known. Thus, it may start a tad earlier or later, based on the strength of magnetism on the
earth's surface facing the approaching 12th.
4. the shift stoppage, which will vary according to the speed of the shift. This will be forceful or more gentle
depending upon the magnetic influences not only on what part of the earth is facing the 12th as it approaches, but
also on what magnetic components in the swirling core are facing or afar from the 12th as it approaches.
Thus, the exact placement of the new North and South poles is difficult to pinpoint, but the general placement can be
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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Timeline
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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Timeline
written September 12, 2009
Where descriptions of the geological changes that accompany a pole shift are often used as proof that prior pole shifts
have occurred, other than the time line of occurring approximately every 3,600 years there is no inherent timeline
record for the last weeks in such geological record. The pole shift rents rock and rearranges the landscape and is
accompanied by huge tidal waves and exploding volcanoes. This is clear. Just how large or frequent the earthquakes
were, weeks ahead of time, is not of record. Then there is the issue of folklore, as almost every culture has a story
stemming from a prior pole shift. Where there is a written record, such as the Egyptian record in the Kolbrin, many
details are carried in the report, but most cultures simply have a few statements indicating the horror of the hour of the
pole shift or the days of rotation stoppage or perhaps a severe wobble leading into the horror. As this is clearly a
description of the last weeks, no larger timeline is inherent. Where other phenomena are included, such as snow in
summer or women so tense that they abort or do not conceive or intractable droughts, there is no sense of how many
years such a phenomena was present prior to the pole shift itself.
Even where the Bible implies a seven year period of plagues, the magnitude of droughts and crop failure or disease
from depressed immune systems confuses the issue. The Kolbrin mentions that Noah began building his arc when the
Moon turned copper and the moon moved swifly across the sky, implying a definitive wobble. Certainly there are
reports of a copper moon today, and rapid movement of the Moon has been noted by some, but most of the populace
seem oblivious. But can such correlation be used to extrapolate a pole shift date today? How long does it take to build
an arc, and how swiftly did the Moon cross the sky to clue Noah that the time had arrived? The Kolbrin reports that
during the Exodus that signs in the sky clued the populace that another pole shift was pending. Then there was a period
of stillness, relative calm, when the populace was tense as they knew the prophecies and knew what was pending. Then
the tail of Planet X, bringing red dust and hail, was upon them and social disruption and plague affected the populace.
But the Kolbrin does not state how long a period passed between the signs in the sky and the horror of the last weeks.
Many following ZetaTalk have tried to correlate our descriptions of pending Earth changes with past history and other
prophecy, with poor results. This is intentional. We are not allowed to give a date, nor any clue as to the timeline. Our
descriptions of the last weeks are exempt as by then it will be obvious. Our statement that the pole shift will coincide
with the end of a magnetic trimester - the end of April, August, or December - is allowed because this likewise will
only be clear when the last weeks have arrived, and no year is mentioned. We are pressed endlessly by those wanting
more specificity, those wanting to plan, or those longing for more definite signs by which to argue their case with
family or friends, but we cannot give more than we already have.
Kolbrin on Noah: They had knowledge of … signs and omens, the secrets of the seasons, of the moon and
the coming of the waters. ... there were wise men filled with the inner wisdom, who read The Book of
Heaven with understanding and knew the signs. … Then the day came when The Lady of the Night
changed her garment for one of a different hue, and her form swept more swiftly across the skies. Her
tresses streamed out behind in gold and copper, and she rode in a chariot of fire. … the hour of trial
draws nigh. The shadow of doom approaches this land …
Kolbrin on the Exodus: The dark days began with the last visitation of the Destroyer and they were
foretold by strange omens in the skies. All men were silent and went about with pale faces. Fear walked
the land and woman became barren with terror, they could not conceive, and those with child aborted. The
days of stillness were followed by a time when the noise of trumpeting and shrilling was heard in the
Heavens, and the people became as frightened beasts without a headsman. … The dead were no longer
sacred and were thrown into the waters. He who grew no grain now owned a storehouse full. Cattle were
left unattended to roam into strange pastures, and men ignored their marks and slew the beasts of their
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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Timeline
neighbours. No man owned anything. The public records were cast forth and destroyed, and no man knew
who were slaves and who were masters. … Plague was throughout the land, the river was bloody and
blood was everywhere. Those who did drink from the river vomited it up. The dust tore wounds in the skin
of man and beast.
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ZetaTalk: New Orleans, a Preview
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ZetaTalk: New Orleans, a Preview
written Sep 2, 2005
We have described from the start of ZetaTalk a situation where the coastlines and river basins will be massively
flooded during the pole shift, to the extent that coastal cities are flooded with a flood tide that just keeps rising, putting
homes and the lower levels of buildings under water. All this seems fantasia to many, despite the physical evidence
that such flood tides have happened in the past. Where New Orleans flooded because it was below the current sea
level, and where the flooding of the city is not to the extent we have described for the pole shift, it nonetheless is an
example of how water and wind can wreck a city and make all the former residents homeless, in a wink. Add to the
mess in New Orleans the fact of tall buildings toppled by earthquakes, and people trapped in earthquake rubble, and
you have the picture of what is to come.
We have described from the start of ZetaTalk a situation where the grid, electrical power and phone lines, will be
almost completely disrupted, water and gas mains ruptured, with no hope of repair, the result of an assault by
earthquakes, water wash during flooding, and hurricane force winds. Many sitting comfortably in their homes dismiss
such a possibility, as surely the modern technology they have come to enjoy will be able to quickly repair itself, as is
this not the case after an ice storm or earthquake now? Where the disruption in New Orleans is due to flooding and
winds, without the addition of quake damage, the total interruption of services for those trapped in New Orleans is
certainly evident - pumps down, gas line breaks, water fouled, and no electricity.
We have described from the start of ZetaTalk the anticipated effects of denial among those not willing to acknowledge
the need for making changes in their lives, to the extent that they refuse to make any changes or take any steps toward
taking themselves to safety. This despite mounting evidence that their survival will be tenuous if they do not take such
steps. Where the depth of this denial, affecting a large portion of the population, seems incredulous, this is precisely
what has occurred in New Orleans. Given orders to evacuate by the authorities, many chose to remain, comforting
themselves by denying the possibility of harm. This denial was evident among the rich as well as poor, among
vacationers remaining in fancy hotels as well as no place to go but the hovel that was their current home.
We have described from the start of ZetaTalk the reaction of the rich and powerful to the threat of accelerating Earth
changes, that being that they would suppress talk of this in the media in order to maintain the status quo, keeping the
common man at their stations, at their jobs, and being consumers until the last. Where such treatment of the common
man is nothing new, what occurred going into assault on New Orleans or the Gulf coast? known to be unsafe, below
sea level, or potentially in the path of such monster storms, housing and industry and commercial ventures were
funded and encouraged. Encouraging the status quo, instead of championing an alternative such as moving enterprises
and people inland, occurred.
We have warned from the start of ZetaTalk that self sufficiency, rather than relying on government handouts or camps,
was absolutely key to survival after the pole shift, as rescue would not be forthcoming and camps would become work
or perhaps death camps, ultimately. To those clinging to the comforting thought of the government as a substitute
parent, or to those working for the government, this is dismissed as bad advice, but what has occurred in New
Orleans? First, everyone is marched into the Super Dome, where bad water and lack of food is compounded by
crowding. Bad move, and not the last bad move, as now the crowd is being relocated yet again, where more
disappointments from government services are likely to result.
We have emphasized from the start of ZetaTalk the need to distill drinking water to clean not only germs but
pollutants such as heavy metals, as the pole shift will create a cesspool of industrial wastes where these are stored in
tanks or produced, and exploding volcanoes will put lead into surface water as the volcanic ash drifts and lands far and
wide. Most often, our admonitions result in a lot of discussion about water filtration systems, as though these will be
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ZetaTalk: New Orleans, a Preview
handy and replacement parts available. Distilling water is time consuming, a multi-step operation, and thus tiresome to
even think about. But what has happened in New Orleans? Suddenly, drinking water is not available, and the
knowledge about how to clean the water is being discussed in the media. Of course, those living in the cesspool can't
hear these discussions, and are drinking dirty water. If these citizens had been told how to clean their water,
beforehand, with what they had at hand, all manner of problems would have been avoided.
We have described from the start of ZetaTalk that the expectation of a return to normalcy could hinder adjustments
after the pole shift, as many would simply sit and wait for rescue. There will be no rescue, and normalcy will not
return, as the broken link rule would prevail. Where the pole shift will put the entire world into crisis mode, such that
any emergency response team is overextended, this was certainly seen in the microcosm of the New Orleans disaster
where the disaster was only regional. Despite decades of planning, FEMA failed once again. Yes, they were handed
surprises, such as a failing levee system soaked beyond endurance so the soil surrounding the narrow tops eroded. The
city cannot be drained because the pumps are under water - broken link one. Looters and gangs are stopping rescue
efforts because police efforts were not supported by the missing New Orleans Reserves, who were of course stationed
in Iraq - broken link two.
Signs of the Times #1491
No One Can Say they Didn't See it Coming, by Sidney Blumenthal 'In 2001, FEMA warned that a hurricane
striking New Orleans was one of the three most likely disasters in the U.S. But the Bush administration cut New
Orleans flood control funding by 44 percent to pay for the Iraq war.' [and from another source] Federal
response called à national disgrace´ 'Terry Ebbert, head of New Orleansémergency operations, called the
response from the Federal Emergency Management Agency a national disgrace. FEMA has been here three
days, yet there is no command and control.'
Signs of the Times #1490
Trapped in an Arena of Suffering [Sep 1] 'The Louisiana Superdome. An emergency generator kept some lights
on, but quickly failed. Engineers have worked feverishly to keep a backup generator running, at one point
swimming under the floodwater to knock a hole in the wall to install a new diesel fuel line. But the backup
generator is now faltering and almost entirely submerged. There is no sanitation. The stench is overwhelming.
The cityś water supply, which had held up since Sunday, gave out early Wednesday, and toilets in the
Superdome became inoperable and began to overflow. The Superdome is patrolled by more than 500 Louisiana
National Guard troops, many of whom carry machine guns as sweaty, smelly people press against metal
barricades that keep them from leaving.' [and from another source] 'The two major hospitals in New Orleans
faced deteriorating conditions before evacuations got under way. Tulane University Hospital employees carried
patients to the roof of the hospitalś parking garage because the elevators were not working. Meanwhile, thereś
looting going on in the streets around the hospital. As floodwaters rose around Charity Hospital, the halls were
dark and slippery. Nurses hand-pumped ventilators for patients who couldn´t breathe, and doctors brought
supplies in by canoe from three nearby hospitals. And yet the injured kept coming.' [and from another source]
'Hurricane Katrina damaged or displaced an estimated 58 Gulf of Mexico oil platforms and drilling rigs,
according to the American Petroleum Institute. Among those, 30 rigs and platforms have been reported lost.'
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ZetaTalk: Disaster Movies
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ZetaTalk: Disaster Movies
written Nov 16, 2005
Do you have any comments on the TV movie that aired recently called "Category 7: The End of the
World" ? It seemed like the typical disaster movie nowadays, where disaster starts to strike and then in
comes Big Brother with some fantastical solution to save the world from impending doom. It seemed a
little odd however that they chose pollution as the villain, and shutting down power plants as the solution
that saves the day. Isn't the oil energy cabal one of the key members of the establishment and the
established order of power? As silly and nonsensical as their propaganda always is, why wouldn't they
decide to dream up some explanation that at least doesn't vilify themselves?
Disaster movies depicting part of the pole shift phenomena are nothing new. Over the past decade, they have been on
the increase, switching to a presentation on TV for better impact on the American public. Listing but a few, there was
Deep Impact and Armageddon, where an asteroid and meteors threatened Earth; 10.5 where massive continent splitting
earthquakes suddenly emerge; Volcano, where a new volcano erupts in the middle of LA; Waterworld, where
inexplicable flooding occurs worldwide; Postman, where post cataclysm government breakdown allows Mad Max
gangs to prevail; Day After Tomorrow, where polar cold descends suddenly on a parts of the globe forming new ice
caps; Oil Storm, where the problems with distribution of oil products causes social chaos; Yellowstone Supervolcano,
where a feared volcanic eruption is suddenly on the scene; and now Category 7, where hurricanes increase in ferocity
and descend on parts of the globe not expecting them.
Increasingly, these disaster movies, in particular the ones recently made for TV, show the government as part of the
problem, a clear pattern and message. Both Day After Tomorrow and Category 7 had an evil VP insisting that
corporate rights take precedence over public protection, a clear reference to VP Dick Cheney. In Yellowstone and
Category 7, FEMA is shown protecting the federal infrastructure ahead of the public. In Yellowstone, the decision to
keep the highways clear for FEMA functions dooms millions who should have been warned and allowed to escape. In
both Day After Tomorrow and Category 7 and 10.5, scientists and their warnings are ignored at first. Another trend is
that earlier movies show the problem fixed by the government, with later films showing the government primarily
reactive. And a third trend, showing the all powerful and otherwise arrogant US government brought to its knees and
begging such countries as Mexico to them in.
Another trend is to show the government less as saviors than individuals within the government, who take matters into
their own hands and rebel, informing the public. Deep Impact had the President a calm leader, top down management,
with the public quietly accepting of a lottery to determine who would be allowed into bunkers, to live or die.
Armageddon had NASA to the rescue. Informing the public was to occur as a last step, because the government was
busy saving the day. That posture a clear apology for the cover-up of the approach of Planet X, while Star Wars and
various attempts to push Planet X into a different orbit were plotted and tried. The more recent movies show the
leadership literally dragged into action, dragging their feet and protesting that the status quo of protecting their image
and corporate buddies should take precedence. Does this remind anyone of the Bush Administration and their cronies?
For those wondering at the current trends, in these disaster movies, we point to our decapitation prediction, the
increasing disappointment the Puppet Master has with the Bush Administration. Where this disappointment became
acute after the stolen 2004 election, which was counter to his wishes as to who should be running the US, it emerged
early in the first term due to the arrogance and rebellion among his Puppets in the Bush Administration and Israel.
Thus, Bush and his cronies are to be the problem in the cover-up, to be made the scapegoat. As head of NASA, and
control of the Hubble, and as the largest intimidator on the globe, using the US Military to strong arm other countries
into compliance, the public would buy this. The Puppet Master's hand is also shown in the pattern of the common man
emerging as leaders and heroes during disasters, self help, with less reliance on government rescue.
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ZetaTalk: Disaster Movies
Is the public being educated on what to expect during the coming disasters that the passage of Planet X will wreak on
Earth? Absolutely. Is the public being encouraged toward self help rather than looking to their government for rescue?
No question. Is the public being pointed to the Bush Administration as the chosen scapegoat for the cover-up that has
delayed informing the public on what is to come? Clear trend. Is the Bush Administration directing this education
process? Showing the extend of their decapitation, they are utterly out of the loop and not even consulted.
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ZetaTalk: Manifest Clues
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ZetaTalk: Manifest Clues
Note: written on Jun 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
The increasing activity in the core of the Earth will eventually manifest itself in ways that will become difficult to
explain. Erratic weather will continue to be explained away as global warming, the result of the atmosphere heating up
to cause swirls in the upper atmosphere. Violent wave action that swamps large ocean going ships and the booms from
clapping air caused by under water plate movements will be lumped in with earthquake activity. The increasing
incidence of earthquakes will be explained as periodic cycles, with ancient legends to support the cycle theory, or
improved reporting mechanisms, implying that quakes were not recording in the past. The dramatic flashes of light
caused by methane gas flares as the gas is released from trapped pockets under moving plates will be explained away
as lightning. The increasing magnetic diffusion will be blamed on sun spot activity, as neither is readily measurable to
the average man so the story will not often be challenged.
During the months before the passage of the 12th Planet there will be an almost total interference with radio and
television transmission, unless supported by cable of some sort. Cellular telephones will be useless, and due to their
popularity in certain cities this will not be taken lightly. Long distance telephone calls, which invariably use satellites
to bounce between points, will also become impossible to maintain. The governments of the world will be asked to
explain, and will trot forth their red-faced scientists with silly explanations. Undoubtedly sunspot activity will be
blamed, and those scientists who point out the inadequacy of the explanation will be badly mistreated. Were sun spots
or magnetic storms from the Sun the cause, then satellite bounce and in particular cell phone transmissions should
return to normal on the dark side of the Earth, away from the Sun. Since the time until the shift is short, the
governments will proffer outlandish excuses, knowing they will never be held to account.
Below added during the Nov 16, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Lately, over the past couple months, there have been usually severe storms striking the UK, higher winds than
expected. Likewise, in the US, which share the northern hemisphere, atypical cold followed by temps so warm
all went out in short sleeves even in the north, although it was technically winter. This cause a series of
tornadoes to roar across the US, in a belt from south to north, out of season and extreme even in season. Going
into the last few months before the shift, the weather will not simply continue as it has over the past few years,
with unseasonable temps and droughts and deluges unexplainable by the weatherman. It will get more so, more
extreme, more out of season, more violent. We have stated that the weather, and hurricanes, will not get more
violent than man has experienced in the past. This is due to a braking mechanism that the atmosphere itself
imposes, air masses only able to move so fast when pushing against other air masses and the like. However, this
is not to say that if you only anticipate tornadoes in a certain season, that they will not come out of season, or in
countries not yet experiencing tornadoes. This is not to say that hurricanes will not develop suddenly, rather than
track across the seas and be predictable. This is not to say that snow storms will not drop several feet of snow
where snow has never fallen, or that those areas reliant upon snow for their tourist season in winter find the
spring flowers there instead.
Thus, tides that are related to storms such as hurricanes can be expected along coastlines. Storm surge, where
water several feet higher than normal surges inland, will be experienced even without a hurricane known in the
area. The hurricane, suddenly forming and dissipating just as suddenly, may leave its only mark in this way.
Likewise, if a storm surge developed out at sea, water in the nearby areas may drop in level, temporarily. Expect
the unexpected, increasingly, as the shift approaches. The rising sea level was news when it was first observed,
but went into cover-up mode quickly. The oceans are rising, and the poles melting, and islands in the Pacific
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disappearing under the seas. Will the trend continue, and how much will coastal cities be affected? Even without
storm surges hitting a coastal city, they will be inundated on occasion and to a certain extent before the shift.
This will be first noticed when the sewers back up, and then when the beaches disappear. And then when normal
tide and wave action simply takes out coastline housing. Wetlands along the coast will become salty, and then
inland bays. In that increasing earthquake will be taking cities down, earth movement imploding cities, at these
times, this will scarcely be the biggest concern.
Booms and Flashes
Booms and flashes have been on the increase for several years now, getting in the press a couple year back.
Booms as we explained at that time are due to heaving of the earth, such that an air pressure drop is experienced
in one place, a rush to this place from the sides. This is what causes thunder claps, where lightning creates
super-heated air, a temporary void, and the air on the sides comes together with a clap. These heaving earth
syndromes can be experienced over land, or over water, but have the same cause. Flashes are escaping methane,
which lies in pools everywhere from trapped rotting material from prior pole shifts. This hisses upward, lighting
from some cause or other, and is a flash of light. Since earth movements are now increasing, more instantaneous,
more violent, than prior years, booms and flashes can be expected to be on the rise too. Tunguska was an
exception as the tundra of Siberia was lush prior to being frozen, and thus a great deal of rotting grasslands were
trapped. You can expect, in future, that the frozen Amazon basis will afford such explosions.
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ZetaTalk: False Alarms
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ZetaTalk: False Alarms
Note: written on Jan 15, 1998. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Where the populace is warned of pending disasters, this should be taken in the context of false warnings to cause the
populace to prepare for the real thing, which the government will probably never actually announce. Meteors and trash
falling from the sky. Tidal waves that would engulf coastal cities. Pathogens from outer space causing total crop
failure. These false stories set many in the populace to thinking about what-if, and the mind moves to solutions. This
in conjunction with deniable sites such as Troubled Times, which has the necessary element of doubt in that it can be
dismissed as merely the warnings of some hypothetical aliens from Zeta Reticula, creates a tendency to prepare, to
have an escape or alternative lifestyle handy. All to the good, in the thinking of some.
Alarms about solar flares are exaggerations. Solar flares will increase as the time of the passage approaches, but are in
and of themselves not devastating. They, like the earthquakes that are on the increase, will increase in number, and
plague electronic communications, but have little effect on the tides, growing seasons, or the weather. Those who
would shield the populace from the truth of the 12th Planet's approach will say otherwise, declaring that this is the
cause of the increase in deep earthquakes, the chronic El Nino, and magnetic diffusion. It is not. It is just yet another
symptom of the approach of the rogue planet that causes the Earth such devastation during its periodic passage.
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ZetaTalk: Cataclysm Masks
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ZetaTalk: Cataclysm Masks
Note: written on Jun 15, 1996.
In an effort to avoid admitting that the cataclysms are approaching, the establishment throws out alternative
The weather is blamed on global warming, the greenhouse effect, which in and of itself might be an explanation
that would hold if weather were the only symptom. It is the heat from the core of the earth and the increased
earthquake and volcanic activity that boggles these attempts at alternative explanations. In no way would the
public accept a statement that warmer air is heating up the core of the Earth. Heat rises, and cold air drops, and
for the core of the Earth to heat up under an influence from the surface, the surface would have to be warmer
than the core, which clearly is not the case.
The heating of the oceans and increasing tremors are thus blamed on solar flares, even though such activity in
the past was never associated with solar flares. Nevertheless, since the public is in the main quite ignorant of the
basic science involved and would not bother to research the history of solar flare related events, this is an
explanation that many will accept. It is understood vaguely by the public that the Sun emits heat and light. For
the core to be heated by solar flares beyond what the surface has experienced is illogical, so the alternative
explanation given is clothed in scientific mumbo-jumbo so that the common man doesn't attempt to fully
Magnetic diffusion, causing compasses to point off center and in an erratic manner, is blamed on solar magnetic
storms associated with the solar flare. Magnetic diffusion does have a relationship to past solar flares, but not to
the degree currently experienced. In the past, magnetic diffusion would be experienced only on the surface,
under the direct influence of solar rays, and would not interfere with magnetic resonance tests taken against the
core of the Earth. The magnetic diffusion of today stems from the core of the Earth, and is not in concert with
activity from the Sun.
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ZetaTalk: Proof Exists
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ZetaTalk: Proof Exists
Note: written on Apr 15, 1999. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Proof is something that lies before you and has for years. It is not only in the geology of the Earth. If you simply look
to how the government is reacting, you can see a pattern. Of course, for some, who are wishing that it not be so, there
will be no amount of proof. Why does NASA hide what the Hubble sees and fail to give it out? This should all tell you
something, so look to that behavior and ask, why this is occurring. Unless one is looking at a star with a tiny pinpoint
of light, there can be many interpretations for what is seen. Many emanations that come from the sky are only able to
be determined by large observatories, which are so few in number and require such an amount of money to support
them that they inevitably are at the end of some puppet string and can be pulled and controlled. In addition, you have
statements from NASA and JPL that can counter what people may see.
Whatever happened to Planet X that was sighted in 1983? For hundreds of years prior to this, astronomers were
plotting the orbits of the outer planets and stating that there was a perturbation. This caused a flurry of activity going
into the early 1980's, in which there were calculations by Van Flandern and others showing the approximate size of a
planet, an extra planet in the solar system that would account for the perturbations. In fact, he was remarkably close to
the actual size of the 12th Planet which is inbound. They found it. They located it by infrared. There were newspaper
announcements and suddenly not a word was said for a decade. Then NASA explained that tiny differences in weight
of the outer planets explained it all. If this were the case, since the weight of the planets is calculated from the orbits
and the visible sizes, why would all those astronomers for all those centuries be confused and notice the perturbations?
They would have calculated the weight to explain the perturbation to begin with! Of course you're being fooled and
lied to.
The skies are very crowded, with many lights, some moving, some not, and unless you have a relatively stationary star
that is bright and with a pinpoint of light, it is difficult to the average man to say that it's this or it's that. The 12th
Planet, at the distance it is at in 1999, is smaller to the eye than Pluto, which is a speck. In addition, Pluto is reflecting
sunlight, which the 12th Planet cannot as yet because of its distance. Therefore, it does not have the bright appearance
that Pluto does, and is smaller than Pluto. It has a dim red glow, which would almost fade into the background because
there is no bright pin point of light. Therefore you must look at it, focus not for the bright light but for the dim light.
Most of your telescopic equipment is accustomed to filtering out the pin point of light that comes from a star, which is
quite intense in the middle. Therefore you have to gear to a magnitude of 10 to account for the skewing that your
telescope equipment uses to adjust for starlight, and look for something tiny.
Rather than look for a moving object which will surely become visible and traceable the year before the pole shift,
look to the changes in your Earth. The types of Earthquake changes, the types of weather changes, are going to tell you
more truly than anything else what is approaching. Take a look at the Jewish Exodus, and what the Bible and Egyptian
Papyrus tell you occurred prior to that cataclysm - the bugs and frogs seemingly crazed, the droughts and deluges.
These are indications to you as surely as the heating of the oceans from the bottom up and the disbursing magnitude of
the confused core, that something is very, very close. This should alert you, and you will soon enough see something in
the skies.
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ZetaTalk: Heralding
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ZetaTalk: Heralding
Note: written prior to July 15, 1995
Changes have already begun, and are known to your scientists and meteorologists. Violent storms, unusual weather
patterns, severe and long lasting droughts, increased frequency of hurricanes, torrential rains, and a general warming of
the planet. This is all cast in the category of Global Warming, yet the cause is not certain. Which of you, as citizens or
even as scientists, could state the cause with certainty? We are telling you that the Earth itself will be warmer, and this
affects weather patterns. Humanity has come to expect predictability in the weather. Even the monsoons of the East, or
the hurricanes that hit the eastern United States, are expected and prepared for, as they are predictable. During the next
few decades, until the Earth settles down into another predictable pattern, mankind will find its greatest problems with
the weather to be its unpredictability.
Weather changes heralding the giant comet's approach will at first be within normal parameters. As long as
meteorologists can find a similar pattern on the books or an old timer can be found to regale us with tales of the old
days, no one will get unduly alarmed. The weather, after all, is a constant source of conversation, but the intensity of
these discussions will change when the effects on food chains relied upon by man move outside of familiar boundaries.
It is at this point that Alarm Bells will go off. All attempts to explain the changes based on Global Warming from the
Greenhouse effect will run into snags as the weather will refuse to be predictable. Areas of the world which have been
deserts throughout mankind's memory will become swamps under constant and repeated rains. Temperate climates
used to periodic gentle rainfall will suffer intractable droughts. Then this will switch about, for no apparent reason. The
reason lies deep within the Earth's core, an area the meteorologists refuse to consider, and thus their predictions on the
atmosphere will never be based on the right parameters.
A key change, to which one could point, is the warming of the Earth's oceans, around the globe. This has been
measured as a 6 inch rise, worldwide, on all the beaches. The waters have risen because they are warmer, and warm
water takes up more room than cold water, as all elementary physics books will report. How is it that the oceans, so
very deep and so very cold, have warmed up? Is it the almost imperceptible rise in the temperature of the air, a degree
or so, as reported to date? Since heat rises, why would this slight rise affect the oceans? Meteorologists will tell you
that the effect of air warming is air turbulence, not warmer oceans. The Oceans are Warmer because the core of the
Earth has heated up, and it does so in response to its brother coming closer. This will continue, and increase, until
sometime after the cataclysms are past.
Yet another sign is a slowing in the rate of rotation, a forerunner of the actual stop in rotation that occurs at the
moment of passage. As with weather and warming trends, this is at first so gradual and slight as to be arguable.
Humans in denial do not argue with the current data drawn, they argue with the comparison to past data. The past data
was invalid in some way, was recorded with imprecise instruments, or perhaps was not measured at all. Precise
weather data has only been gathered for the past few decades, a hundred years at most, and prior to that was only
recorded at times of extreme weather like hurricanes and this in the form of tales. There was no mechanism to
measure, for instance, the wind velocity of a hurricane, so the estimated height of a tidal wave or size of buildings
flattened was recorded. Likewise with major earthquakes, which in the past have flattened cities. Without the ability to
capture Richter scale, earthquakes in the past were either termed a trembler, small, or big.
The best way to counter arguments is not to point to the past but to start recording the present. All the trends and signs
will only acerbate, with the oceans warmer still, the weather more erratic and unpredictable still, and the Earth
gradually slowing in her rotation more and more measurably. If one gathers these statistics now, and gathers them
yearly, the trends will become a clear pattern. Thus, the arguments will be with people now living, and with statistics
gathered by the same methods. As the trends and signs will increase more rapidly, exponentially, as the 12th Planet
enters the Solar System, this comparison can be used as a signal to many who plan to move to safety that the time has
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arrived. Where weather and warmer oceans will be arguable up to the end, a Slowing Rotation is not arguable.
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ZetaTalk: Green Meteors
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ZetaTalk: Green Meteors
Note: written on Jun 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
All the nervous talk by the government about asteroids as we approach the millennium is not just talk. Star Wars
started the theme, NASA has never dropped it, and disaster movies hammer the theme home to the public - worry
about asteroids.
More than just the 12th Planet comes through on its periodic passages. The 12th Planet’s moons travel like a string of
pearls behind the monster traveling planet because they have been caught in its gravitational field. And a great deal of
trash has also been caught, from boulders to gravel to dust that drags long behind as the giant comet’s tail. But outside
of the 12th Planet’s gravitational grip, yet influenced more by the 12th Planet than any other object, is other trash that
makes the rounds with the 12th Planet. Like rogue asteroid or meteor dust, this trash could conceivably impact the
Earth, as its orbit is not like the orbit of the trash in the Asteroid Belt, orbiting the Sun always a distance away from
the Earth, its orbit crosses the Solar System at an angle, just as the 12th Planet itself does.
Early harbingers of this trash have begun arriving, and have announced their arrival in dramatic ways. Unlike the
familiar shooting stars, these harbingers are green, not white, when they burn up in the atmosphere. Like the other
signs on the increase, these harbingers will increase in numbers and be joined by other dramas in the skies, all of which
will remain unexplained by the authorities.
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ZetaTalk: Space Trash
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ZetaTalk: Space Trash
Note: written on Oct 15, 1998. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
The increasing meteor showers are in fact harbingers of the approach of the 12th Planet which is about to reenter your
Solar System and pass through in its inevitable march around its two suns. The approach of the 12th Planet is
accompanied by a great deal more than just the planet and its moons, which are trailing like so many ducklings behind
their mother. There is an immense amount of trash, that also makes this route, loosely connected but not tightly joined
so as to become clutter in the 12th Planet's atmosphere. Like the sweeping motion of the ecliptic plane of the planets
and the asteroid belt around the Sun, the 12th Planet draws with it trash which has a tendency to trail behind it. When
the 12th Planet leaves your Sun and goes back toward the Sun's dead twin, out some 18 steps from your Sun to Pluto
and beyond, this trash lingers back and does not travel in front of the 12th Planet. It tends to have less impetus. But
when the 12th Planet returns, there is pressure to move back into the Solar System and sling through.
Why does this trash precede the traveling planet itself? It is brushed forward, as gravity attraction is matched by
various gravity repulsions, and any motion created affects all in the vicinity. The repulsion force, which keeps large
objects apart and prevents collision, is in play with more than just gravity particles, as there are many subatomic
particles mankind is unaware of which are also affected. One has only to look at the ecliptic to see that there is an
influence upon the planets from the sun such that they all line up along a plane, as though there were a wash inward or
outward from the sun. Likewise, when a large body is in motion through space, the reach of this object is broad, out
into space, and sets in motion stagnant objects. Something similar to a swimmers paddling foot in water. Something
may be bobbling up and down on top of the foot, or on the bottom of the foot, but it may never leave and go entirely
around the foot but just bobble back and forth. Thus, meteor and space trash activity will increase, going into the
passage, far ahead of the actual passage itself. This trash is unsettled and plunges into the Earth's atmosphere. There
will be increasing activity of this nature - larger meteors, more than just dramatic fireballs or green streaks. The recent
occurrence of a large rock falling onto Greenland is not going to be unusual. There will be more dramatic shows, but
at the same time less talk of it in the media.
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ZetaTalk: New Moon
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ZetaTalk: New Moon
Note: written during the September 14, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
New Moon Found around Earth
BBC, September 2002
Experts aren't sure what the object is.
Not the first new moon to be circling Earth, and not the last, just the first to hit the news as an amateur discovered it
and reported it. NASA would have preferred it be ignored, as it is yet one more sign that odd things are happening. We
have Global Warming that has affected Europa and Mars. We have the supposed laws of gravity going awry on good
old planet Earth, who seems to have developed a bigger middle, gravity wise, yet has not changed shape at all. We
have the weather going wacky, outside of what the weatherman can explain, and the poles and glaciers melting outside
of what the supposed rise in air temp could possibly explain. Now we have new moons. We, the Zetas, have explained
that space trash is being seen increasingly as Planet X approaches, not dragged behind it but moved by the disruption
in the equilibrium. This we have explained as akin to a swimmers foot, paddling back and forth, causing seaweed in
the water both fore and aft of the foot to move in the water. This is trash that is fore, not aft, like the green meteors that
have increased, and fireballs, and large rock chunks falling from the sky. Why did this rock not plummet, or pass by,
and will it remain as an extra moon? It is hanging around, but when the real onslaught starts, during the passage, is
likely to become a minor member of the Planet X moon ensemble.
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ZetaTalk: Permafrost Quakes
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ZetaTalk: Permafrost Quakes
Note: written on Feb 15, 1999.
Alaska is prone, as is Siberia, to having its permafrost layer shattered. This firm layer of frozen soil, often saturated
with water so that it is essentially ice in places, resists change in the topography, so that the soil does not pour into
lowering areas, or push up under pressure from below, and thus tension and stress accumulate over time. Just as plates
resist change, and break suddenly during earthquakes along their edges where they are scraping or pressing against
each other, in a like manner, permafrost snaps and is accompanied by minor earthquakes. These earthquakes are barely
perceptible, but can be recorded by instruments.
Such snaps can occur due to impact of small meteors, or when a fireball comes close to the surface during its intense
burning. Heated air causes this air above the permafrost to become lighter and less dense, and in addition can soften or
melt the permafrost. Pressure points that already existed are then given an opening, and create a snap in such close
relationship to the sighting of the meteor that nearby observers assume an impact when none might have occurred.
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ZetaTalk: Moon Halos
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ZetaTalk: Moon Halos
Note: written on Feb 15, 2002.
We have stated that as the time of the passage approaches, that earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will increase, as
well as weather irregularities. These are all in evidence and can be charted, so the increase is palpable. In addition, we
have stated as early as 1995 that weather irregularities will include droughts and deluges, interchanging, such that it
approaches snow in summer and early spring occurring in mid-winter. This has become so commonplace as to no
longer receive comment. Green meteors, increasing in fire balls in the sky as meteors descend, and booms and flashes
due to heaving seas and methane explosions are also increasingly reported. These are all evidences of the Earth
responding to her approaching brother, to increased swirling in the core, and the trash in the outer solar system wafting
in as motion inward toward the solar system is increasing.
What other effects, not yet commented upon, but occurring or due to occur, can be expected? In early 2002, a distinct
halo around the Moon became noticeable, and this is directly related to increased ash in the atmosphere. As is well
noted in Troubled Times, there are more volcanoes active at the current time than in the memory of man. This does not
just affect the local area, as ash, fine ash, drifts upward and is carried world wide. After the pole shift, this ash will
create dramatic sunsets and dawns, far beyond what mankind expects today. An orange sky will become almost the
norm, so that children born during this era will be shocked some decades hence when the sky turns blue. But as the
shift approaches, such halos will become more commonplace, surrounding the moon, bright lights, and cease to receive
comment as even more disturbances distract troubled mankind.
Note: below added during the August 3, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
We have commenting about increasing illness, germs migrating about, wildlife and fish getting sick, and this is the
biological evidence of earth changes. There are also atmospheric changes, such as the halo surrounding the Moon
mentioned months ago, and of course the weather changes which mankind is unable to explain or predict. What caused
the black blotches appearing on New Jersey pavements? Pollution in the atmosphere, not moving away as formerly,
hovering, at a lower level, interacting with other chemicals, a type of congealed inversion. In other words, the weather!
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ZetaTalk: Black Water
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ZetaTalk: Black Water
Note: written during the March 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Recently, reports of black water in the Gulf of Mexico have hit the news, with no explanation. What is causing this, in
waters otherwise clear enough for scuba diving? Over the past couple years, man has become aware that ocean fish
have migrated north, along with the warmer waters, and the flow patterns changing around the world. But a change
such as the black water is not due to changed flow patterns, but to new vents opening up along fault lines under the
Caribbean area. As we have stated, the Caribbean and Central Americas will be devastated during the shift, as the
weak link when the plates are on the move and crashing into each other, and even before this when stretching and
ripping and compression occur. This activity does not altogether occur during the hour of the shift, or the week of
rotation stoppage, as the stress on the Earth's crust is apparent even now. Increased quake activity, volcanic activity,
and signs of just where in the crust that dramatic changes will occur are evident, if one reads the signs. There is more
than hot lava that oozes up in crevasses, as most fault lines are layered and not giving access to hot lava to the surface.
Dirt, rather than solid rock, may be trapped between layers, and when a fault pulls apart this dirt will be released into
the water above. Thus, this is a phenomena that may be repeated elsewhere around the world, as the shift approaches,
where such dirt or debris is trapped between rock layers at present.
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ZetaTalk: Lowered Jet Stream
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ZetaTalk: Lowered Jet Stream
Note: written on Nov 15, 1996.
Among the excuses given by the establishment for the geological changes increasingly at hand is the lowered jet stream
excuse. Why would the jet stream lower? As anyone who watches the weather reports knows, weather predicting is a
science. Rain doesn’t just happen, it is caused by moist warm air being pushed over cool air, which remains as the
lower strata due to cool air being more compact and thus heavier. The rain forms when the warm air begins to cool and
compress as it rises, squeezing the moisture out as condensation. Thus, where primitive man would assume the rain to
be a curse or a blessing from the gods, modern man looks to the cause. What cause is being given for a lowered jet
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ZetaTalk: Deformed Frogs
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ZetaTalk: Deformed Frogs
Note: written on Oct 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Increasingly, as the core of the Earth adjusts to the approach of her brother, the 12th Planet, this is reflected on the
surface of the planet. Humans are aware of radio waves, x-rays, electro-magnetic fields, and gravitational tugs. This is
but a tiny fraction of the invisible influences and all of them are affected by the approach of the 12th Planet. Life at the
moment of conception and at key points during development of the embryo where cell specialization or the inception
of limbs and organs occurs, is delicate, and under more than the influence of DNA. Look to what the drug
Thalidomide did to the formation of limbs, where a chemical influence interfered with the message intended by the
DNA, and children raised under high power lines developed cancer at an undue rate.
As with white buffalo calves being born, deformed frogs, which will soon be appearing world wide, are heralding the
approach of the 12th Planet.
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ZetaTalk: Big Birds
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ZetaTalk: Big Birds
Note: written during the Oct 26, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
In Australia there are reportedly large lizards larger than a man, not including the long tail. This has been sighted, but
not captured, by man. Nessie is also not alone in being a remnant to the dinosaur in fresh water lakes and rivers,
reported in an Australian rivers as well as other places around the world. No capture or photo exists. On occasion, a
previously extinct species is located, still alive and flourishing. Thus, man is not aware of all the animals around him,
nor are all well documented and researched. The current earth changes bring about seasonal changes that change the
food patterns, the hunting grounds, and the availability of food for many species. It is not true that the size of species is
delimited by DNA, as the size of young humans in Japan, compared to their oldsters, demonstrates. Nutrition
availability is taken advantage of, with a steady increase in size among offspring due to influences that affect what
DNA expresses or is repressed. Not only will animals, predators and prey alike, be found outside their known habitat,
they will be found stunted or larger than expected, due to changes in food availability and the seasons where growth is
normal in a species. Dormancy may not occur, resulting in continuing growth.
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ZetaTalk: Deep Quakes
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ZetaTalk: Deep Quakes
Note: written on Apr 15, 1997.
One of the surest signs that the current eccentricity in weather patterns and the increased magnetic diffusion exhibited
by the Earth’s core and the warming of the oceans from the bottom up are not simply variations on the norm is the
dramatic increase in deep earthquakes, as noted since the mid 1980’s. This of course gets little media attention, just as
the increasing magnetic diffusion is not in the media, as they are difficult symptoms to explain. The increase in deep
earthquakes, those indicating plate adjustments at the most fundamental level, are in particular a telling clue that a pole
shift is in the Earth’s near future. Few earthquakes register at this level normally, as most quakes registered by man are
on the fragile and easily crumbled surface.
The snapping or crumbing surface affects mankind’s habitat directly, so that surface quakes are noticed. Deep quakes
rock the boat but don’t normally throw the crockery about, moving the plate as a whole rather than adjusting the
surface. Therefore deep quakes result in little damage, and thus get little media coverage. However, as a symptom
heralding the coming pole shift, they are extremely significant and more importantly, unexplainable in any other
context. The increase in deep earthquakes is currently reported, but as these increase and attention is focused on this
curious symptom, the current availability of these statistics may be blocked. Earthquake data is reported by location,
date and time, Richter scale magnitude, and depth. Expect that latter piece of information to be dropped in the future.
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ZetaTalk: Atlantis
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ZetaTalk: Atlantis
Note: written on Aug 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
The legends of Atlantis are based not on actual fact, but a combination of truths which when combined gave birth to
the legend of Atlantis. The stories about Atlantis, which has never been found, are supported by myths of great cities
destroyed suddenly by rising water. Well, that of course happens extensively all over the world every time there is a
pole shift, as we have explained. There were lands that sunk under the sea in the Atlantic, but they were no more
developed than the bordering lands at the time of the last cataclysms, stories of Atlantis notwithstanding. The Earth
was visited by hominoid extraterrestrials in its past, and these hominoids had access to technology that amazed the
primitive humans who stood witness. Many cities in and around the European continent went under the waves during
the past few pole shifts. This is because the Atlantic, as a widening ocean, tends to drag down the shore lines and
outlying islands during each shift. The floor of the Atlantic drops, pulling its perimeter with it. Beyond what has been
told about the visitors from the 12th Planet, there is naught to say about rumors about Atlantis. These visitors did not
disappear because they went under the waves. They disappeared because they were put into quarantine.
Note: below added during the Dec 14, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Rumors of Atlantis aside, mankind did not achieve advances beyond what they hold today, in the past. Atlantis was not
a human society, but a society composed, dominated, by the advanced homoinoids from the 12th Planet. As we have
described, they used crystals for communications, had rocket power, but these equated to no more than mankind had
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ZetaTalk: Land of Mu
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ZetaTalk: Land of Mu
Note: written on Aug 15, 1995
In concert with the legends of Atlantis are the legends of Mu, a land somewhere in the Pacific which is supposed to
reappear at some troubled point in the future, like a paradise that the troubled can flock to. Does this legend has a basis
in fact, past or future? It does indeed, in that such a land was above the waves in the past, disappearing during one of
the recent wrenching pole shifts that rearranges the continents and forces plates up above one another or under, in
sudden subduction with loss of elevation. There are many points on the Pacific where land is not that far under the
ocean, and the evidence of roads just under the waves off the coast of Japan bears witness to land even along the
Pacific Rim being forced down during the shortening and compression that the Pacific experiences during severe pole
Mu was as peaceful as many of the islands in the Pacific, the people living an indolent and relatively worryfree life in
a warm climate with the abundance that the ocean provides to those living along its coastlines. Its residents enjoyed
the social freedoms that such easy living often bring, as there was little reason for war or restrictions. There was,
however, nothing magical about this land or its peoples, no special spiritual qualities or technological advantages,
regardless of how the legends might have been embellished over time. Nor will this land reappear during the
forthcoming pole shift, as the anticipated rise of new land is to come not in the Pacific but in the lower Atlantic
between South America and Africa. The Pacific, in fact, will be a dangerous and severely afflicted part of the globe,
during the coming shift, and any advice to the contrary is misleading.
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ZetaTalk: The Flood
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ZetaTalk: The Flood
Note: written on Aug 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
The flood occurred in conjunction with the periodic visits of the 12th Planet, which swings through the Earth's Solar
System causing cataclysmic Earth changes such as pole shifts. The Flood occurred three pole shifts back,
approximately eleven millennia ago. The shift prior to that had been slight, so that melting of the poles was slow and
incomplete. Ordinarily each pole shift places the old poles in a position where they will quickly melt, facing the Sun.
The pole shift ahead of the one causing the flood only moved the old poles slightly, so much of the ice was still
remaining. Poles over land have constant runoff when they melt, and settle as the weight of ice presses down, but poles
over oceans melt more from the bottom up, leaving caverns of ice honeycombed within as the water can support ice of
odd shapes. Thus a vast body of thin ice stretched out over the southern ocean, over the location of the old pole. When
the comet caused massive Earth movements this ice sheet fractured and fell into the water, causing a huge
displacement and resulting massive wave. This wave was the flood, of legend worldwide.
Noah was given warning by the actions of inhabitants from the 12th Planet, visiting Earth. He observed their frantic
preparations to leave, as they were keenly aware of the devastation that their passing planet caused on Earth, and could
compute the closeness of the passage when their inbound planet was sighted. Unlike other passages, they were going
to be in harms way due to the condition of the South Pole ice, which they had visited and checked upon. Uneasy, and
being a highly Service-to-Other man, he gave The Call and received visits from a Spirit Guide who responded. He did
indeed construct a boat to save himself, his family, and household animals. The story of Noah has been romanticized to
include all the animals of the Earth, which doesn't take much logic to dispel. How big a boat was this? Where the
wave was large, it did not cover the entire Earth. How could it? Thus, there was more drowning during this particular
visit of the 12th Planet, but other than that, not much difference.
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ZetaTalk: Noah
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ZetaTalk: Noah
Note: written on Jan 15, 2001. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Noah was an individual who built a boat and pulled his farm animals onto it, and his family, in an attempt to escape
what he anticipated would be heavy rains and flooded farmlands. How it is that Noah’s neighbors were not so
prophetic, and did not have his insight? Noah was indeed warned, by a Spirit Guide, because Noah gave The Call
intensely. He was a caring person, evidenced by how much of his family and farm he saved. He took his
responsibilities seriously. Noah had a high level Spirit Guide who answered his call and advised Noah because his call
for these contacts had not been given due to selfish interests, but due to concern for his family and others. He also
warned his neighbors, who treated him with disdain. So Noah’s call was deemed a high level Service-to-Other call
and as such he received attention from a very high level Service-to-Other entity who knew of the coming passage of
the 12th Planet, which caused the Flood.
Many people today are being warned about the coming changes. In contact groups, contactees say it is remarkable that
they have found someone who has had the same kind of dream, perhaps a flood dream or a need to move away from
the coast line, maybe a sense that something is coming or that they will have to take care of people, that it will be a
time of emergency. They can’t put their finger on it, but often they have shared the same visions and they realize they
both have been warned. In these cases these individuals are caring, have a sense of responsibility, and are getting the
same warning from their visitors.
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ZetaTalk: Moses
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ZetaTalk: Moses
Note: written on Jan 15, 2001.
The story of Moses is written almost with complete accuracy in that the Jews were forbidden to lie in anything they put
into print and the story in many cases is bolstered by Egyptian writers who were recording the cataclysms that struck
Egypt at the same time. Velikovsky did a good job pointing this out. So was Moses lying when he said he had a
guide? He went to the mountain top. He prayed fervently for guidance. He had a large charge in the number of people
he felt responsible for. He was in desperate need to get them to safety as they left Egypt, knowing the retaliation that
would come to escaping slaves, and his heart was in this throat the whole time. Needless to say, a man of this quality,
who gave this Call, was given Spirit Guides who responded to him. There’s been a lot of discussion about why the Red
Sea separated and how he could have found his way.
What was the pillar of fire? In fact, there was a space ship with a light pointing down, showing him where to go. This
was a time of great darkness, in which they were stumbling over rock. In many cases, because of the earthquakes, new
rocks with very sharp edges had been tossed, and the old paths were no longer walkable. So they were stumbling and
climbing and it was important to lead the lame and the small children, the cattle and sheep in tow, and perhaps an ox
cart - to find a path where they all could flow over and struggle forward and not find that they were faced with a cliff
or huge boulders that they would have to climb over. So the light was directing which way to go as they approached.
In the past, ZetaTalk was unable to explain the degree to which Spirit Guides and visitors could assist humans during
times of trouble, so as not to interfere with the sense that humans in 3rd Density are to have that responsibility for their
life is in their hands, and that they will not be rescued by parent figures or those they might consider gods. We, the
Zetas, sought and were given special permission from the Council of Worlds to detail how Noah and Moses were
assisted, as it was deemed that ZetaTalk has a following that is already taking responsibility for the path their lives will
take, in the main.
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ZetaTalk: Tales
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ZetaTalk: Tales
Note: written on Oct 15, 1995
Past cataclysms appear in print more than is recognized. Tales where the earth yaws wide and swallows cities or
hapless humans who tumble into the yaw are not describing present day earthquakes which tumble buildings, drop
bridges, and heave roads. Yaws that open and re-close may seem to occur only in story books, but they are based on
real events that sometimes occur during cataclysms. Fairly tales sometimes describe mountains that rise from the earth
overnight, or caverns and passageways into the mountains that open suddenly or disappear just as suddenly. This is all
attributed to magic but to primitive humans who had no forewarning of a pole shift, emerging the morning after
horrendous wind and rain storms to find the landscape rearranged must have seemed like magic.
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ZetaTalk: Red Sea Parting
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ZetaTalk: Red Sea Parting
Note: written on Oct 15, 1995
The parting of the Red Sea so that Moses could lead his people to safety is counted as an act of God, a miracle, but in
fact occurred during the last cataclysms. The waters were separated partly due to the fact that there was sloshing of
water and heaving of ground, but such a thing as the fact that the Red Sea could part, and that the whole troop could
pass, and then come closed just as the enemy was about to follow in their footsteps, was not a natural occurrence. As
you might imagine, things can be moved aside and artificial barriers such as force fields put in place. We are capable
of putting a force field down that any weapon that humans possess could not penetrate, yet it is invisible. Without
going into the technology of such a force field, this was simply put down, the water sucked out and put on the other
side of the force field, allowing high walls of water on either side. Due to the intensity and fear, and excruciating
knowledge of what they would receive at the hands of the Egyptians if they were recaptured, and the fervent following
that Moses had, they all wandered into this in a leap of faith to a one, and crossed whole. The sea floor heaved up,
temporarily, long enough to provide safe passage to Moses but not long enough for the Pharaoh's hapless soldiers, who