words, the sun is already farther south now than it should be 5 weeks from now. The ongoing Sunrise is

within the parameter of where it is supposed to be. It is the sunset that exhibits this recent deviation. It's

similiar to an off balanced top. And it's not good news.


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ZetaTalk: Earth Wobble

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ZetaTalk: Earth Wobble

written July 17, 2004

The key to the Earth wobble many are now beginning to Notice, and the odd cold spot that lingers

over Hudson Bay and in the waters off Nova Scotia, lies in the shape of the Atlantic Rift. We have

stated that Planet X is skewed at least 45° along the Sun's magnetic flow lines, pointing its S. Pole

away from the S. Pole of the Sun as it rounds this pole, thus putting a tug on the Earth's N. Pole

which is attracted and tempted to align with Planet X in an end-to-end arrangement. The tilt of the

Earth's N. Pole, leaning somewhat to the right to the side of the Sun Planet X is rounding, has

created a false season simulating Summer in the northern hemisphere, were it not for the

Constellations being out of place, an almost perfect mask for the approaching monster about to upset

life on Earth as its current inhabitants know it. For those with keen eyes and clear eyes, for at least

half the world from Japan to Ontario, an Earth wobble has become a reality.

The Atlantic Rift is skewed to the West in the northern hemisphere, and then to the East in the

southern hemisphere, following the deepest cleft between the continents as they rip apart during what is commonly called the Continental

Drift. As we have stated, this Atlantic Rift is itself a magnet as the tearing occurred during prior pole shifts and cooling magma was quickly aligned with the reforming poles, and thus becomes a third magnet encouraged to align with the Earth's core and Planet X during their

encounters. At the point where the Atlantic Rift either faces or is in opposition to Planet X, this tugging to align occurs, creating the Global

Quakes noted on live seismographs only during this past year, for the Earth, when Planet X has been in the vicinity. Why has an Earth wobble developed?

1. When the Atlantic Rift is facing Planet X, high noon over the Atlantic, the tilt and lean of the Earth are tending to align side-by-side

with Planet X where it rides on the Sun's magnetic flow lines, rather than the Sun, as the combined pull on the Earth core and the

Atlantic Rift is a strong magnetic resonance. Due to the 'S' shape of the rift, leading with its southern edge more toward the East, this

tug on the rift tends not only to tilt the Earth's N. Pole toward the Sun but also lean the N. Pole toward Planet X, as Planet X is

approaching from the South, below the Ecliptic, from the right, and it grabs at the southern portion first, as nearer at hand. This gives

Europe to Ontario a sunrise with a northern tilt, the increasing motion North of the Sun after the Solstice that has been noted.

2. As this southern portion of the Atlantic Rift disappears around to the side of the Earth at dusk, this grip is relaxed and the Earth tends to align side-by-side with the Sun, moving its N. Pole back away from Planet X slightly. This gives the Western Half of the United States a sunrise location more in keeping with what is expected shortly after the Solstice, the Sun seeming to move South. This also moves the

Hudson Bay and waters off Nova Scotia away from direct sunlight, thus the odd cold these regions are experiencing during their

Summer. This wobble of the N. Pole away from the Sun and Planet X is most accentuated at this point, because the southern Atlantic

Rift disappears and is entirely shielded from the direct grip of Planet X, being blocked by the Earth.

3. As the southern portion of the Atlantic Rift approaches the dark side of the Earth, where it is again in line with the Earth's core and

Planet X as magnets, creating magnetic resonance, the tug to align with Planet X again becomes strong, giving Japan the view of a

sunrise moving North after the Solstice. But as the southern portion of the Atlantic Rift swings round to approach its dawn position, it

is now more accessible to Planet X than at dusk. Approaching from the South, Planet X can directly grip this southern tip of the

Atlantic Rift, so any wobble to align with the Sun is slight, tipping the Earth's N. Pole away from the Sun, is slight. Thus Siberia does

not find itself with the lack of sunlight the Hudson Bay region does during its daylight hours.

We mentioned, in the Whiplash ZetaTalk, that ricochet effects and twirling are possible. Twirling? What does that

mean? Why is the cold spot to the west of Hudson Bay the coldest spot on Earth? That’s not the N Pole. What point is

pointing away from the Sun most of the day? Are we going to develop a wobble? Are we going to suddenly lurch

about so that the Sun is rising and setting in a place way off from where the public would expect? This is in your

future, folks, but we will not give you the date.

ZetaTalk: Twirling Wobble, written May 25, 2004 on the Lou Gentile Show, live

Tilting and leaning or aligning with the bully magnet that Planet X represents will occur, with ricochet effects and

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ZetaTalk: Earth Wobble

twirling possible to an extent we decline to reveal at this time.

ZetaTalk: Whiplash, written April 14, 2004

Hudson Bay Cold Spot

Cold spot just west of the Hutson Bay noted in May.

And continuing, temps on Sunday June 20 in Alaska, 89°, in Michigan, 39°.

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ZetaTalk: Weather Wobble

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ZetaTalk: Weather Wobble

written Dec 6, 2004

About 100 miles/hour gusty wind blew in Tokyo [Dec 5] and suburbs of Tokyo, damaged buildings and

affected all transportation. After this gusty wind, temperatures went up over 25C like a September climate.

This is the highest temperature in December ever recorded.

If the Earth has been in a Wobble since last May, at this early date a relatively gentle tug on the southern portion of the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift, was this a factor in the record typhoon and hurricane seasons? Most certainly.

Now that a more violent Polar Wobble has started, will the weather be exempt? Hardly. Where the Earth is pulled, the atmosphere is not, and lingers where it was while the crust moves beneath it. Accounts of sudden wind storms,

unexpected and out of season, are occurring. Jerking the Earth about under her cloak of air also creates temperature

changes. It has been noted by those plotting the Lurch that the Earth appears to be swinging in a Figure 8, one loop of

which swings the N. Pole of Earth forward toward the Sun over India, creating an uncharacteristic warm spot in

Siberia in the polar regions. As the earth lurches from a position where the N. Pole is pushed away and then a rebound

where it tilts forward, would this not push Japan suddenly under warmer air from the SE and create a verticle air flow

likewise from the SE in Bavaria as well as sudden fierce storms from the NE in California? Have these been the

report? Indeed.

Will this trend continue, and become more extreme? Why would it not, in an Earth wobble that we have predicted will

become more extreme as Planet X swings its N. Pole, a hose of magnetic particles that cannot be ignored, toward

Earth. Earth attempts to align with the dominant magnet in the Solar System, the Sun, but can only do so in this

instance when its own vulnerable N. Pole is hidden from Planet X, that portion of the day when India faces the Sun.

The push of the Earth’s vulnerable N. Pole away will occur with more violence, the rebound back to align with the

Sun’s dominant voice will occur with more violence, and the weather will follow!

Signs of the Times #1238

Storm Strikes in Heart of Europe [Nov 19] ‘Winds gusting at up to 180 kilometers (112 miles) an

hour were recorded at Wendelstein in Bavaria. The massive storm also swept across Scandinavia on

Thursday disrupting land, sea and air traffic.’ [and from another source] 40 Missing, Five Dead

after Storm Batters Philippines ‘Tropical storm Muifa cut through the country, sinking boats,

causing landslides and blackouts and killing at least five, officials said.’ [and from another source]

Up to 15 Inches of Rain causes Flooding, Forces Residents from Homes in Texas [Nov 21] ‘A storm

thatś parked over southern Texas has dumped 15 inches of rain on the town of El Campo,

southwest of Houston. At one point, rain was coming down at a rate of two-and-a-half inches an

hour. Forecasters say up to 20 inches of rain could fall before the storm starts to move.’ [and from

another source] Southern California Storm Dumps Snow Even in Desert Regions [Nov 22] 'The

weather system, which developed in British Columbia and swept into California via Nevada, is

called an "inside slider" for its rare approach into Southern California, from the northeast instead

of the typical route through the Pacific Ocean.’ [Note: violent Earth Lurch causing jet stream to


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ZetaTalk: Unshakable Grip

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ZetaTalk: Unshakable Grip

written Jan 1, 2004

There is a hugely bright something in the Western sky every night just after sunset, just a bit above the

horizon before it drops down low. It has wings! Some are claiming it's Venus, but I have never seen a

planet that large and bright with wings. Is this the winged dragon, Planet X? It is eerily light outside at

night especially to the east. It reminds me of how it looks very early in the morning before the Sun rises,

which will not be for very long hours.

Now that 2003 is past, is the danger of a pole shift past? Hardly, as only the naive would believe that planets in

motion, and the forces that move them, owe any allegiance to the schedules or calendars that mankind might hold. A

year ago the inbound Planet X complex was pulling toward the Sun with great speed, and was viewed in the night sky

from Earth out in the heavens at a great distance, bare smudges on telescope images. During all of 2003 we, the Zetas,

were cagey about dates and distances, speeds and positions, giving only to the establishment what they themselves

could determine, the coordinates as viewed from Earth, and these only into early May, 2003. Where the establishment

had resources to determine or approximate where the Planet X complex was located and moving, our refusal to provide

further information to the common man also was deliberate.

As we have endlessly explained, serious games were afoot, involving the well-being of the majority of mankind, not

just the convenience of any given family wanting dates on when to move to safety. Our admonitions to the common

man to learn to read the Earth changes, the signs, and follow this as a guild to timing has been enforced, by our utter

refusal to be reliable in any manner on dates, this past year 2003. Those who have not learned to do so will continue to

be lost, because nothing has changed now that the calendar slipped another day. The elite, and their minions, still hold

their evil plans to enslave, entomb, selectively rescue and selectively murder by the hundreds of millions, the common

man. The horror awaiting those innocents, most not even aware of what is about to unfold, cannot be imagined by

those clamoring for specifics on dates, for their convenience. The only way to protect them is for the element of

surprise to continue, and despite abuse of our emissary, Nancy, on this matter, this will be our rule into the end days of

rapid rotation slowing.

In that the Earth has almost moved full circle during the past year to where it will now be facing Orion/Taurus in the

night sky again, what does a comparison to this time in early 2003 say about the placement of the Planet X complex?

1. A year ago, it was in the night sky, only, that the complex could be viewed, and this was an extremely dim and

small red blur.

2. At the present time, no such complex is in the night sky, but increasing anomalies around the Sun, including

illuminated planets nearer to the Sun than Earth such as Venus, and an odd glow from the south can be seen.

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ZetaTalk: Unshakable Grip

Thus, Planet X is no longer outside the Earth’s orbit, but closer to the Sun than the Earth. This accounts for the

visibility of the personas and tail, even though the complex is no longer coming directly at the Earth from the direction

of the Sun, but has been for some months approaching from the side. It is no longer approaching from a 11° angle, but

at a 32° angle, having plunged low during its approach in 2003 and now coming up at this angle to pierce the Ecliptic

between the Earth and Sun. This accounts for the increasing night glow, visible even in the northern hemisphere,

toward the south. It is affecting the orbit of Earth by pushing the Earth up in its Ecliptic, as has been noted since

shortly after the Sep 21 Equinox, and retarding the orbit of Earth recently, pushing it back. This accounts for the many

observations that the Sun is too far south, for both hemispheres, and the sunrise and sunset times are inappropriate for a

post-Dec 21 Solstice time frame. What can be expected, then, at this apparent passage point, where the retrograde orbit

of Planet X is forcing it into the orbit or Earth, shortly!

As we stated previously, orbits are not sacred, and this includes their speed as well as their location. The orbit of

Planet X is rapid from its mid-point dither between its two foci into the outer solar system, then slows dramatically,

and virtually floats past the Sun caught between the gravity pull and Repulsion Force, only its forward momentum

moving it out of this dance to where it can sling out of the solar system, the Repulsion Force combined with its

momentum gaining the upper hand. If Planet X can dither, could not the Earth? It is the lesser, mere litter on the road,

not influencing Planet X, of no consequence to the giants in the game, the Sun and Planet X. It is already in an

unshakable grip, unable to pass, pushed upward so its S Pole can float above the N Pole of Planet X, and cannot

escape! Thus we say again to the common man, learn to read the signs, learn to think for yourself in your decisions,

learn to measure the Earth’s slowing rotation as a sure sign that the serious days before the shift are close at hand, and

do not rely on any other source for your decisions. Else you will be lost, as the hand of evil dearly desires to enslave

and manipulate you.

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ZetaTalk: Lockdown

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ZetaTalk: Lockdown

written June 27, 2004

We have explained that the Deep Quakes that rose exponentially from about 1985 until the year 2000 were a reaction

to the loss of heat particles from the core of the Earth, such that the crust plates, floating on the sea of magma,

tightened into each other. This trend ended and another emerged, the global shuddering noted only in the Spring of

2003 and continuing at regular intervals during the past year when the Earth is forced into a conflict position between

the Sweeping Arms of the Sun and the magnetic dictates imposed by Planet X. Weak points in the crust crumble

during these conflicts creating the periodic disaster scenarios which have shown an obvious Pattern. Since we have

described the globe as being subject to constantly trembling ground, emergency crews exhausted with an endless series

of disasters, and the public clearly alerted to the need to move to safe locations if they have not already done so, then

are these disasters to continue, increasing, until rotation slowing to a stop occurs?

Conflicts occur where two dictates exist, the winner not obvious. This has been the case when Planet X moved into the

inner solar system during the later part of 2003, the Earth coming round in her orbit and thus Planet X at the side, the

Sun at her face. Slowing rotation occurred, to a minor degree, during this time, because there were two touch points

the Earth was trying to honor, one holding her back from her rotation, the other the dominant Sun. Conflict has existed

during the first half of 2004 because Planet X was rising from beneath the Sun, passing the Sun’s South Pole, and

moving toward Earth and thus moving between the Earth and her Sun. Thus, increasingly, as the Sun’s voice is

blocked, the Earth has less conflict, but is in the grip of Planet X. Like a snared rabbit, struggling to escape when hung

by the ears by its captor, the struggle only proceeds when there is hope for escape. The Earth is now snared, with no

hope of escape, resigned, and is twisting and tilting and leaning in step with Planet X like a compliant captive.

Thus extreme tilting can occur with little warning or violent earthquakes. Until the situation exists that will institute the

start of rotation slowing, there may be little or no earth changes like the past year has presented. The pole shift we have

described, a conflict between the core of the Earth and its crust, requires two dictates, in conflict. This conflict is

likewise present the week of rotation stoppage, as we have explained, because the Earth moans, complaining that it

cannot turn as the core wants to do. Thus none of the horrors we have described have evaporated, but are still in the

Earth’s future, regardless of any temporary respite that a lack of conflict or an earthquake plate lockdown may


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ZetaTalk: Torque Effect

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ZetaTalk: Torque Effect

written May 1, 2004

What happens under the stress of whiplash applied every few days to the Earth where the surface plates are tugged

apart and rubbed along or over each other until weak places have separated or snapped and the plates now ready to

move? For the past year, the surface plates have exhibited Global Quakes, but until the Dark Twin arrived at the

Earth’s rear door, these were relatively benign. Whiplash, a back and forth jerk, is more than twice the effect of a

single jerk in one direction, the mode during the year before whiplash set in. Previously, a jerk in one direction, and in

one direction only, occurred because the Earth was tugged back from its normal rotation direction. This may break

rock, fracture rock flakes that create resistance at the fault lines, but the whiplash that has now set in snaps these rock

flakes off by tugging in opposite directions.

First the Dark Twin bumps the Earth from behind, causing it to move faster in the direction it is going, normal rotation.

Thus rushed, it encounters the magnetic field of Planet X where the Atlantic Rift is grabbed and jerked back from

normal rotation direction. When the Sweep nudges the Earth again into the arms of Planet X, and Planet X hops the

Sweep to press back against the Earth, the effect on the Earth is no worse than before whiplash set in, but for the

smooth surfaces now along many fault lines, allowing the plates to move more freely. When the Earth is thrown back

on the Dark Twin at the end of the Sweep cycle, there is a repetition of the start of the cycle where the globe is first

encouraged to rotate faster by the glancing blow the encounter in essence is, and then is jerked back by being pushed

closer to the magnetic field of Planet X which grabs the Atlantic Rift again. A double whiplash, at the start and at the

end of the cycle.

By gripping the Atlantic Rift, the cause of the Global Quakes that have racked the Earth for over a year, Planet X is

creating a slow continental drift. The Atlantic Rift is held back when it faces or is in opposition to Planet X, creating

not only a pile up in the plates following the rift, but also tearing apart the rift by the momentum to the East. This

process continues during whiplash, but what is the effect on the plates on either side of the rift when a void is created?

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ZetaTalk: Torque Effect

There is a slide into the void, on the side experiencing a pileup, and thus the N American Plate is dropping into the

void, relieving the stress of compression along its northern border in the Arctic by a torque to the side as it does so.

During the pileup in the Pacific, the Indio-Australian Plate is being jammed under the Himalayans, causing this plate

to drop and creating another void in the Indian Ocean. This is the cause of the African Rift, and this great continent

once again is pulled into the void, thus the recent noticeable stress in the region of the African Rift.

The overall effect of this drift, which will increase in speed and force as the whiplash proceeds, will be a torque. Hold

the globe with the left hand on the N Pole, the right hand on the S Pole, and turn in opposite directions first this way,

then back. The N Pole going in the direction of rotation with the S Pole held back, the torque forces the N American

Plate down and into the Caribbean, East moving in the direction of SE. The S Pole pulled back by a grab on the

Atlantic Rift in the Southern Hemisphere with the N Pole held rigid has the Indo-Australian Plate plunging under the

Himalayas and Africa likewise plunging into the void, again East turning to SE. This does more than sink the SE

United States and pull apart the African Rift, it pulls the entire oil rich Middle East into a skew. How is it that all that

oil dropped into the cracks in the rock in that region, eons ago, during prior pole shifts? The rock was shattered, during

just such torque maneuvers. Thus, where we stated that something would occur to pull victory from the jaws of the

Bush/Blair coalition before the pole shift, something that would take the breath out of the body it would be so dramatic

and unexpected, this region is ripe to present many surprises to those who would be kings in the Aftertime.

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ZetaTalk: Magma Slam

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ZetaTalk: Magma Slam

written Dec 28, 2004

Last year at Xmas, Iran had a quake and on the exact opposite of the globe (drawing a line thru the earth),

we had a large earthquake, as if one side affected the other. Do you think we can expect this again? [and

from another] Last year we had the huge quake in iran and I felt the big quake in Panama while in Costa

Rica. Now this monster at the same time of year. [and from another] I get it now. They're going to use the

recent 9.2 earthquake alone to explain the wobbling of the earth and the coming shortening daylight.

We have stated that recent Weather Wobbles were caused by an increasingly violent Polar Wobble, where the N. Pole of Earth is pushed away from the emerging N. Pole of Planet X as it swings about in place. We hinted that more than

sudden windstorms would occur, but as we are obliged by the Rule of Non-Interference not to warn mankind of

coming earthquakes, could not be specific. Are the recent strong quakes along the Indio/Australia plate one such

result? Most certainly, only the Russians being honest about it as the cover-up attempts to hold together and explain

the Earth’s reactions to this strong quake. A Russian scientist reports that the quakes were the result of a change in the

Earth’s spin, an honest admission. JPL phrases the cause and effect such that a slowing rotation will result from the

quake. The quake caused the orbit and rotation of the Earth to change? Did such a thing happen after the Great Lisbon

quake or the Alaskan quake in 1964? Did the leap second calculation change then? Slowing rotation, and a globe

tipping on its axis, now to be blamed on earthquakes? The question then to be asked, is what caused the earthquake?

Global wobbles followed both the Tasmanian quake and increased after the Sumatra quake, showing that the magma

flow was irregular after the quakes. These wobbles also resulted after Dec 25, 2003 when the Earth halted in her orbit, encountering Planet X. Could irregular pressure in the magma also be causing these quakes? We have explained that

the globe would be put under pressure as the N. Pole was pushed away into 3 Days of Darkness for the northern

hemisphere, due to the rotation of the globe both wanting to remain centered between the geographic poles and

wanting to align with the Sun’s rotation. We have described the rotation of the Earth as being driven by parts of the

core and non-homogeneous magma pulling toward or racing away from elements in the solar system or Universe.

Where the Earth is being jerked about by the presence of Planet X and it’s temporary magnetic alignment along the

Sun’s magnetic flow lines, these elements remain implacable, unchanged. Thus, as with the Pole Shift itself, the

hapless Earth is being given conflicting directives. During the Pole Shift, the core wants to align with the passing

Planet X, but the crust, with differing alliances, resists, and this causes a separation of the crust and core, the crust

ultimately coming to rest in a vastly different geography. In a similar manner, during these early earthquakes and

wobbles, the core and magma close to the crust have differing directives.

The Earth’s crust is in an equilibrium with the normal magma surges driving the rotation. Adjustments to where the

magma hits, and the force of these hits, has been made, long ago, in earthquakes and aftershocks after the last pole

shift. Now things have changed, and this change will accelerate. As the N. Pole of Earth is pushed away by Planet X

with increasing violence, and the Earth rebounds in an attempt to align with the Sun with increasing fervor, the magma

is not stable. Parts of the Earth’s crust where the magma is hitting with less than its usual force are not affected, but

those parts that are getting a double hit, from passive magma trying to flow in the normal rotation and charged magma

suddenly changing direction to move in the direction the core has assumed, are getting a double whammy. Add to this

the tugging on the Atlantic Rift, which we have explained is a third magnet on the surface of the Earth, causing the

plates to pile up and pull apart during the Face and Dark points. It should be noted that the Sumatra quake occurred at 0:58 UTC, when the Dark point is considered to be 0:00 UTC. Once again, our words, prophetic.

And where would those double whammy points be? We have described the Weather Wobbles being caused by the

Earth suddenly tilting under the blanket of her atmosphere, causing vertical windstorms from the North and

predominantly from the South. Europe has experienced those, winds from the South, and on the other side of the globe

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ZetaTalk: Magma Slam

from there a double whammy point, Tasmania. That the larger quake occurred in Sumatra is due to the real point of

pressure being relieved days earlier, South of Tasmania, where the Indio/Australia plate wants to lift. The US has

experienced these vertical sudden windstorms, and on the other side of the globe lies the African Rift. Movement in the

Indio/Australian plate allows the large rifts in Africa room to move, and this includes sister rift faults reaching up into

the Red Sea and Persian Gulf and through Afghanistan, which would logically follow. Japan has been assaulted by

sudden winds from the South in Tokyo, and on the other side of the globe lies the spine of the Andes in South


Signs of the Times #1280

Russian Scientist: a change in Earth spin rate could be a possible cause of recent EQ [Dec 28]

Quick translating from Italian news: ‘A change in the spin speed of the Earth could be the origin of

the tsunami that has destroyed countries on the Indian Ocean side. This is what a Russian scientist,

Aleksandr Ponomariov, assistant manager of the Institute of Land Physics to Moscow, says. “We

think that the change of that speed is a possible cause of the most recent earth cataclysms”,

Ponomariov has declared.’ [and from another source] Quake rattled Earth Orbit, Changed map of

Asia: US geophysicist [Dec 28] ‘An earthquake that unleashed deadly tidal waves on Asia was so

powerful it made the Earth wobble on its axis and permanently altered the regional map, US

geophysicists said. In addition, the energy released as the two sides of the undersea fault slipped

against each other made the Earth wobble on its axis, Hudnut said.’ [and from another source]

Speaking on SKY TG24 TV, Enzo Boschi, the head of Italy’s National Geophysics Institute said the

quake even disturbed the Earth’s rotation [and from another source] Drudge Report: ‘Gravity

expert Richard Gross of Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena: “Quake may have altered earth’s

rotation, may have shortened the day by 3 microseconds”. On premise a slab slid into core, Gross

said heś done calculations.’

Dec 27, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Dec 27, Kilima Mbogo, Kenya

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ZetaTalk: Snap, Crackle, and Pop

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ZetaTalk: Snap, Crackle, and Pop

written Jan 23, 2005

What would cause a plate as large as the Indo/Australian plate to pop, springing from its lock of jagged rock all along

its edges, miles deep and snagged in an infinite number of places resisting any motion at all? What force would cause

these rock fingers to rupture along a 600 mile length along Sumatra? We have previously described the Torque the

globe endures as the magnetic N. Pole is pushed harshly in one direction while the magnetic S. Pole is pulled in

another. These days, months later, this stress has increased as Planet X has not only moved closer, and more centered

between the Earth and Sun, but is swinging its N. Pole, that hose of magnetic particles, toward Earth as it maneuvers

into the magnetic flow lines above the Sun's equator. Thus, the pull on the magnetic S Pole of Earth is stronger. Thus,

the repelling of the Earth's magnetic N. Pole is more violent. The entire Indo/Australian plate is now loosened and on

the move, starting with breaking rock south of Tasmania where the plate touches the magnetic S. Pole, and twisting

this spot to the left, holding it back from rotation as the magnetic N. Pole of Planet X is loathe to release it, and

twisting the magnetic N. Pole of Earth to the right in an accelerated rotation as the magnetic N. Pole of Planet X is

repelling it, the plate popped from its wedge where it snugs against New Zealand. Within days, the rock along the

curve of Sumatra gave way.

Man looks at what he calls Continental Drift and cannot imagine what set Pangaea moving in different directions. The

forces that would cause a rock plate to rip apart and continue to do so, as recently as 3,600 years ago, are something he

would rather not contemplate. Why would the Indo/Australian plate plunge under the Himalayas? We have described

the Scripted Drama as a dance that has been scripted by the positions of the plates today, but what placed them into those positions? Why does the Seaway rip, the African Rift Valley rip, the Atlantic rip, while the Pacific compresses?

Why would this rock not simply resist, a status quo persisting throughout time? We detailed the Torque the globe was enduring when we did to go on record, as we specifically detailed the stress the Indio/Australian plate would

experience due to this torque. Now, 8-9 months later, this description is prophetic. There is more than the

Indo/Australian plate popping due to this torque at the magnetic S. Pole to indicate this is part of the stress the Polar

Wobble is inducing. This wobble is where the magnetic N. Pole of Earth is pushed away, violently, when it faces the

emerging N. Pole of Planet X. There is also the odd lack of stress along the N. American plate, presumably subject to

the same compression stress as the rest of the Ring of Fire!

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ZetaTalk: Snap, Crackle, and Pop

Put your hand on the N. Pole of the globe, twisting to the right as though turning the cap off a jar. Put your other hand

on the S. Pole of the globe, twisting to the left as you open the jar, in this case the Earth, her plates coming apart. You

not only pop the Indio/Australian plate lose and plunge the Pacific and Philippine plates under Asia, you relieve stress

along the entire N. American continent! This is the force of the push against the magnetic N. Pole whenever it presents

a face to Planet X. Move on, push back, is the shove from Planet X, which is the cause of the Figure 8 wobble many

are documenting. Why is it that Central and South America do not escape, as participants in the Ring of Fire, but the

plate housing the magnetic N. Pole escapes? It is pushed out of the way! For those not following the Polar Wobble,

mindlessly thinking all is right with the world as the Sun rises and sets and the world continues to turn, consider this.

There is no other explanation for this earthquake spread. None. Once again, our words logical, precise, and consistent

with prior messages.

The overall effect of this drift, which will increase in speed and force as the whiplash proceeds, will be a

torque. Hold the globe with the left hand on the N Pole, the right hand on the S Pole, and turn in opposite

directions first this way, then back. The N Pole going in the direction of rotation with the S Pole held

back, the torque forces the N American Plate down and into the Caribbean, East moving in the direction

of SE. The S Pole pulled back by a grab on the Atlantic Rift in the southern hemisphere with the N Pole

held rigid has the Indio-Australian Plate plunging under the Himalayas and Africa likewise plunging into

the void, again East turning to SE.

ZetaTalk: Torque Effect, written May 1, 2004

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta199.htm[2/5/2012 9:56:59 AM]

ZetaTalk: Small Plane Crashes

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ZetaTalk: Small Plane Crashes

written Oct 25, 2004

Atmospheric disturbances, beyond those usually encountered and thus watched for by pilots, are

occurring. Even prior to the year before the shift, what is called micro-bursts were being increasingly

reported and downed planes blamed on this. If the weather is moving to extremes, this equates to hotter

air masses, colder drafts, and sudden wind equalizing these air masses. Beyond these problems, airplanes

use satellites to guide them, magnetic orientation to guide them, and these likewise will either fail on

occasion or given invalid readings.

ZetaTalk: 2002 Quickening

We have mentioned that as the pole shift approaches, the monster planetary magnet Planet X moves toward the Earth,

twisting and turning in its own magnet dance with the Sun's Magnetic Flow lines, that the guidance systems of

airplanes will be affected. GPS, global positioning systems, directed by satellite, are used more often than the

increasingly unreliable compasses. How does a small plane, flying low overland as they do more often than the large

high altitude planes they seek to avoid encountering, know where land is, in the dark. GPS allows an individual to

know his altitude, as his exact location can be determined by his exact Lat/Long and this altitude is known, mapped,

and in the databases the GPS satellite users access. Someone in the middle of a wilderness can enter his Lat/Long and

receive, from GPS related databases, a map showing his surroundings. All this works until the GPS satellites are off

their mark, themselves not in position or their moorings confused. What would occur if a small plane were informed,

by GPS, that their location was not amidst hills, but in the open? Flying blind, the pilot would assume his altitude safe.

Beyond confused guidance systems, small planes lack the ability to recover from electromagnetic surges increasingly

likely to occur and more potent close to the core of the Earth. It is no accident that odd electrical fires developed in

Sicily and India at spots where these emanations occurred from beneath the surface of the Earth, only in this past year

or so. Not demonic, but quite natural for a swirling core driven frantically to escape the magnetic pressure the looming

Planet X presence represents. Trains and cars can sputter or have their controls momentarily falter, and simply drift

along until recovery can occur. Their operators conclude a checkup is in order, and drive on more conservatively. But

what happens to a small plane when its electrical systems falter momentarily? A drift along, in a small plane, is also a

drift down, and when the guidance systems are also faltering, mis-clueing the pilot as to the safety of his location,

disaster can result. And increasingly, it has. Do these problem affect large planes, flying at high altitudes or

approaching a landing under the guidance of radar? Large planes allow more altitude until they are safely in the hands

of radar systems and personnel that can guide them by radio. Large planess, under such guidance, can fly literally blind

and land safely. Small planes, off the scope of such radar when away from airports, have no such safety net. Our

advice? Fly during the daylight hours.

Signs of the Times #1201

Two Killed in Small Plane Crash in US [Oct 20] ‘A small plane crashed in Atlanta, capital of the

southeastern US state of Georgia, on Tuesday killing the two people aboard, media reports said.

The reports quoted a National Transportation Safety Board investigator as saying that the plane had

sent out a distress signal but the cause of the accident was not immediately known.’

[and from another source]

Search Underway for Small Jet with Two Aboard [Oct 19] A two-seat Czechoslovakian fighter-

trainer jet with two men aboard left Boeing Field around midday Tuesday and vanished en route to

Idaho after reporting flight-control problems over the Cascade Mountains.

[and from another source]

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta169.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:00 AM]

ZetaTalk: Small Plane Crashes

Commuter Plane Crashes in Northeastern Missouri, Killing at Least Eight; Two Survive [Oct 20]

‘The American Airlines-affiliated Corporate Airlines plane, a twin-engine turboprop, crashed in the

woods a few miles short of the Kirksville airport where it was preparing to land. Five people were

missing, and the cause of the crash had not been determined.’

[and from another source]

Federal investigators arrived on Maui today to begin looking into a fatal plane crash on the western

slope of Haleakala. Authorities say an official with the National Transportation Safety Board was at

the site today looking for clues into what caused the crash of the twin-engine Cessna 310 Sunday


[and from another source]

Fatal Plane Crash at Hartwood Airport Under Investigation [Oct 19] ‘State police are trying to

determine what caused a Sunday plane crash that killed a Locust Grove pilot at Hartwood Airport.

Witnesses told police the plane climbed to an altitude of about 100 feet, then suddenly banked left

and nosedived into the end of the runway.’

[and from another source]

Plane Crash Cause a Mystery [Oct 19] ‘The plane that carried three Yamhill County teens to their

deaths Thursday did not break up in flight, run out of fuel or encounter bad weather, investigator

Tom Little of the National Transportation Safety Board said Monday from his Seattle office. But that

doesn't put investigators much closer to solving the mystery.’

[and from another source]

Canada Plane Crash Claims 2 Zimbabweans [Oct 19] ‘At least two Zimbabweans are believed to

have perished in a plane crash which occurred in Canada last Thursday when an MK Airline

Boeing 747 cargo plane crashed on taking off from Halifax Airport in that country.’

[and from another source]

Cause of Plane Crash Still Unknown [Oct 18] ‘Federal investigators have finished the physical

investigation at the site of a plane crash in Hermiston. They say it could be a few days before they

know what caused 58-year-old Steve Caldwell's stunt plane to crash Thursday.’

[and from another source]

Joliet Plane Crash Kills Pilot [Oct 15] ‘The pilot of a small plane was killed Thursday night when

he crashed in a residential area near Joliet Municipal Airport. The plane left the airport about 7:50

p.m, made a 180-degree turn and was heading back for an unknown reason when it crashed near

town homes on Springwood Drive across from the airport.’

Signs of the Times #774

Sicilian Blazes Put Science to the Test [Apr 5] ‘An endless flow of scientists, engineers, police and

even a few self-styled "ghostbusters" have descended on the town searching for clues to the recent

spontaneous combustion of everything from fuse boxes to microwave ovens to a car. Every time

some new scientist comes to town, they arrive thinking the whole thing has been invented or that

they're going to solve the mystery in two minutes. They've all been wrong. From the start, Gabriele

Amorth, one of the Catholic Church's exorcists, suspected the devil was at work.’

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta169.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:00 AM]

ZetaTalk: Stretch Zone

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ZetaTalk: Stretch Zone

written Sep 11, 2004

Since last week, Chile and Argentina have been experiencing Unprecedented seismic activity. Argentina,

not an earthquake-prone region, began experiencing tremors this past weekend. The aftershocks have

been followed by more intense quakes. It was necessary to evacuate tall buildings in Buenos Aires,

including the city center, where such phenomena is rare. There was alarm and surprise, and some people

in tall buildings claimed feeling dizzy.

Where mankind tends to think of great quakes in areas where subduction takes place, during the plate adjustments

going into the shift, Tear Points are just as affected. Following a pole shift there are centuries of after shocks, where

catch points along plate boundaries give way, allowing pressure to be more equally distributed. These catch points are

routinely in subduction zones, as here the weight of the upper plate upon the lower plate is forcing the issue. Tear

points are where the catch points are easing, letting go and separating, and rarely let themselves be known unless a

drop in elevation suddenly occurs. Thus places such as the St. Lawrence Seaway, the Red Sea and African Rift in

Kenya, and the Parana river basin near Buenos Aires rarely experience strong quakes, and certainly never in the

memory of man experience great quakes. But during the time leading into a pole shift, when the surface of the Earth is

tugged in different directions, torn, and plates are torqued to assume new positions with each other, tear zones

participate and are not exempt.

Additional ZetaTalk added Dec 14, 2005.

Yesterday, London had some oil tanks explode in a massive explosion. The British government had a

bulletin from Al Queda 4 days ago about a similar type of event planned. Officially, it is ruled an accident.

Do the Zetas want to comment on this?

As with the Stretch Stench that occurred in the eastern portions of the US this past Fall, the evidence that the North American continent is being torqued continues to emerge. Is there a correlation between a bursting dam in the Ozarks

on Dec 14, sudden geysers in Oklahoma on Dec 11, and an oil refinery explosion near London on Dec 11? All are in

the stretch zone. Is there a correlation also to the earthquakes that occurred in Africa's stretch zone, the Rift area, on

Dec 5? Indeed, as the Torque Effect on the Earth is increasing, tearing the Atlantic apart, twisting the North American plate into a diagonal with New England pulled East while Mexico is pulled to the West, dropping Africa into the

Indian Ocean as the African continent is likewise pulled East while its tip is held firm near Antarctica, and sinking the

western edges of Great Britain as the Atlantic Rift widens and stretches under the curve of the Earth so the land along

the edges sinks.

Confused investigators look for reasons for disasters that have their etiology in Earth quietly pulled apart, rock flakes

pulled away, rather than pressed together, so that no quakes occur. The stretch zone is that sinking feeling, where

support weakens, the ground sinks, and silently so. Thus gas and water mains explode, because the ground under them

shifts, factories or refineries with gas line joints firmly sealed explode as these joints are pulled apart, and bridges fall

as their mooring lose their firm footing. What also happens when rock flakes are pulled apart is that any underground

reservoirs of gas or water lose their firm cap, and vent. In the case of the London explosion, the rumbling heard by

witnesses ahead of the explosion was certainly not terrorism, but the ground adjusting, and more than the ground

adjusted. Fittings in the refinery adjusted, metal on metal scraping into sparks, and boom!

What has happened recently that the stretch zone is so obviously under increasing tugging? We have repeatedly stated

that the Earth changes will not diminish, but will increase going into the pole shift. This is not a lineal matter, as the

closer Planet X comes to Earth, an inevitable path, the more the torque effect and the polar wobble where the N Pole http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta155.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:01 AM]

ZetaTalk: Stretch Zone

of Earth is pushed away violently on a daily basis, occur. The wobble will become more pronounced, more violent. The

plates are tugged back West of the Atlantic, pulled forward East of the Atlantic, during the daily rotation of the Earth.

The North American continent is allowed to roll East during rotation while the S Pole is pulled West, creating the

diagonal pull likely to trigger the New Madrid fault line into an adjustment, and soon. The N Pole is pushed away and

allowed to bounce back, daily, as the Earth rotates, a wobble that puts stress on all fault lines when the plates are

suddenly in motion, and suddenly stopped!

As there is no other explanation for the effect on the stretch zone, lacking any earthquakes to blame, and as these

stretch zone accidents will continue to emerge, and with ferocity, this is a certain clue to those on the fence, that the

influence of Planet X is the cause. Or is it Global Warming?

Signs of the Times #1522

It appears as if things are

changing. The 6.8 in the

Tanganyika region was during the

last sweep on Dec 5th. Then a 6.8

in the New Britain region Dec 11th

and a 6.7 in Afghanistan Dec 12th

and a 6.7 in Fiji Dec 13th. [and

from another] Sweeps have an 8

day spread, from the Dark Twin to

Earth, 2.5 days, then Earth into the

arms of Planet X, 2.5, the Earth bouncing back against the Dark Twin again, another 2.5 days. [and

from another] Missouri reservoir fails, towns on alert [Dec 14]

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10464128/ 'A dam in rural southeast Missouri failed Wednesday

morning, washing away homes and vehicles and leaving at least one person missing, authorities

said. The dam is in the Ozarks, about 120 miles southwest of St. Louis. Initial reports said heavy

rain was a factor but Pedigo said that was not the case. The region received only about one-tenth of

an inch of rain overnight. t wasn't clear why the breach occurred, but AmerenUE officials said there

was no obvious equipment failure, nor was there evidence of foul play.'

Signs of the Times #1521

Fiery depot explosion rocks England [Dec 12]

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta155.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:01 AM]

ZetaTalk: Stretch Zone

http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/story.html? 'Explosions ripped

through a fuel depot north of London on Sunday, injuring dozens of

people, blowing doors off nearby homes and sending balls of fire and

clouds of black smoke into the sky. Police said the blasts appeared to

be accidental, though just four days ago an al-Qaida videotape

appeared on the Internet calling for attacks on facilities carrying oil

that it claims has been stolen from Muslims in the Middle East. The

powerful explosions, felt throughout a large swath of southeast

England, also rattled nerves in a country still jittery over a July terrorist attack on London's subway

and bus system that killed 52 people and the four suicide bombers.' [and from another source] [Dec

11] Many witnesses reported hearing an aircraft in the area at the time of the blasts. Some also

reported heavy rumbles before the explosion.

Signs of the Times #1520

Kingfisher County OK officials trying to find source of odd eruptions [Dec 11]

http://www.enidnews.com/ 'A hole that has engulfed half of a county road is spitting a mixture of

mud and water while venting gas into the air above a 5-foot crater the geyser created. About 10

yards from the crater, another geyser can be seen, spitting thin mud and gas into the air. The

geysers have appeared throughout the countryside of rural Kingfisher, with stretches of up to 12

miles between spots, and some as short as a quarter of a mile, Crawford said. The areas near the

geysers have been cordoned off because the nature of where the gas is coming from is still

unknown. The biggest geyser, located in Dead Indian Creek, had been shooting sprays of water and

mud into the air 12- to 14-feet high.' [and from another] Geysers near Kingfisher spew gas, spur

confusion [Dec 11] As gas-spewing geysers shot up to 9 feet high along a winding creek, two dozen

state and local officials scratched their collective head in Kingfisher County's courthouse annex

Monday. One theory, he said, is that the vent holes are somehow connected to oil and gas

exploration. Winter Camp Creek is the only common denominator among six general locations

where geysers are bubbling. A geologist with the Oklahoma Geological Survey, and there has been

no seismic activity in the area for at least two weeks. The most likely cause is equipment failure in a

natural gas well. If a section of the pipe failed pressure could build up until the gas could surface.

He said the most likely cause is a drill that let natural gas to escape into permeable underground

layers. It's man-induced. There's is no geologic activity out there that would cause that.' [and from

another] They don't think it's a pipeline leak. An Oklahoma utilities official says the only pipeline in

the area was brought to zero pressure and the problem got worse, not better.

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta155.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:01 AM]

ZetaTalk: Solar Minimum?

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ZetaTalk: Solar Minimum?

written Nov 12, 2004

The morning sky still has that very large star in the Eastern sky before daybreak. Again, some say it is the

reflection of the space station. What is it? Is there anyway that the Zetas can draw a diagram as to where the

major players are today in the solar system? Have not heard about the Dark Twin, where Venus and Mars are,

etc. Although Planet X moved up more toward the ecliptic, it may flounder around some more in the zero

balance area. The zero balance area is that point where particles flowing back to the sun and particles flowing

away from the sun, balance out, net zero. There could be a dead zone where Planet X meanders again before

adventuring forward into the particle stream once more. It would seek the area of least resistance until it can

not any longer and must continue due to other factors as momentum.

We stated indirectly last July that Crop Circle clues indicated a quickening in November, a date our Emissary Nancy

established by her analysis. What has November brought? The monster Planet X not only closer to Earth, such that it is

increasingly being seen as a dim red orb, the Second Sun, next to the Sun when the glare of the Sun is blocked, but

rattling the Earth with regular global shuddering and earthquakes that will no longer be denied as an increase.

Volcanoes, worldwide, are increasing their activity, not just a local affair but a global affair. All this perhaps due to

Global Warming, that darling of the cover-up? Hot air is causing the global shuddering and increased quakes and

restless magma? Hardly. Nor is this increased activity due to burping about on the surface of the Sun, as static and

electro-magnetic surges can be expected, but there is no historical basis to claim magma and plate movements occur

during solar flares. We have stated at the start of ZetaTalk in 1995 that the Sun is indifferent to the passing of Planet X, the increased activity on her surface no more than the ripples on a pond caused by a breeze. But what is causing

these ripples, of late, during the Solar Minimum when all should be placid? Particle flow blockage, which we have

endlessly referred to in our attempts to help mankind understand the cosmic maelstrom besetting them.

Mankind is aware of particle flows emerging steadfastly from the Sun, which they term the Solar Wind, blowing the

tails of comets outward and distorting the magnetosphere of the Earth. What man is aware of is but a fraction of the

factors, but this concept suffices for the outbound push of particles. Yet other particles emerge at the Sun's poles and

return in force at the Sun's middle, creating what we have described as a backwash of particles that the monster Planet

X is attempting to fight its way through during its passage, and a major reason for the slow going as it rounds the Sun

before heading out. Thus we have particles of the Solar Wind variety crowding behind Planet X on their way out, and

particles in the backwash crowding in front of Planet X on their way in, but the Solar Wind variety dominates when

very close to the Sun as Planet X currently is, creating a swirling cup of particles that push any planet caught in this

wake into the cup, an unshakable grip. Though swept to continue in their orbits by the sweeping arms of the Sun, Venus and Earth and the Dark Twin are all caught in this cup, and cannot escape. Thus, Venus, not in a transit last

June but only pushed past the midpoint, cannot escape, and remains so very bright and close in the morning sky. Thus,

the Earth cannot escape forward in her orbit even should Planet X appear to be behind her in her orbit. They are all

scooped, cupped, and held in place by particle flow crowding that will not ease until Planet X leaves the vicinity.

And how does the Sun react to this particle storm, when a steady state in and out of the multitude of particles is the

norm? Particles flowing into the Sun are blocked, creating an imbalance at her surface along the Ecliptic. Particles

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ZetaTalk: Solar Minimum?

flowing out from the Sun are crowded, swirling to the side to relieve the pressure. All this creates ripples on the Sun's

surface, out of season per man's computations, during the Solar Minimum.

Nov 11, Guam

Nov 12, Australia

Our question to those who listen to Ed Dames is why should you believe him? What is his accuracy track

record? We understand that he is just prating what his remote viewers see and this moves around like a

snake on the water. So at first he said, going into 2000, that he did not see such a thing as Planet X and

now he’s all of a sudden in the Planet X camp saying he just didn’t want to see it before but now he sees

it. He is not right about the force of hurricane force winds. We have said they will be no greater than

hurricanes today, that you experience, because the brake on this is the Earth’s atmosphere itself. How fast

can air move? We have said that the Sun is placid and really doesn’t care about the passage of Planet X

which is passing the Sun. You will see more solar flares, CME’s, but this is surface, as though a breeze

were running across water. The Sun is just reflecting disturbance in particle flows caused by the presence

of Planet X. Nothing like what Ed Dames has described will occur.

ZetaTalk: WakeupUSA Interview

Signs of the Times #1229



occurred on

Nov 2, 3, 8,

10, 11, and

Nov 12 at

the Face

and Dark


accompanied by strong earthquakes around the world. Planet X is moving closer to Earth, visible to

the right of the rising Sun. [and from another source] I saw the Second Sun rise with the Sun at

06:37 hrs, MST [Nov 11] here in El Paso. It was 5 d South of the Sun as the rise took place. The

Secound Sun is red and the Sun is yellow. Second Sun is at least 70% as large as the Sun. Now,

anyonw who blocks the sun with a thumb can see the Second Sun spoken of by Nostradamus and

Zetas. What is visible to the common man with his naked eyes shielded from the brightness of the

Sun cannot be denied. Eyes just tell you what they see without spin. The game is over and God won!

[and from another source] I found red dust on my car Tuesday morning [Nov 10] here in Maryland.

Last time I saw my car dusted was last spring but it was a grey ash color. This time it was distinctly

red. I wet my windows with the squeegee at the gas station to remove the dust and it got red too.

Signs of the Times #1230

Sunspot 696 has produced two more big explosions: an M8-flare on Nov 9 and an X2-flare on Nov

10. At least one CME is heading for Earth as a result of the blasts. Stay tuned for more auroras! A

strong geomagnetic storm is in progress. It began on Nov. 9th after a coronal mass ejection hit

Earth's magnetic field. http://www.spaceweather.com/ [and from another source] Geophysical

Activity Forecast: The Geomagnetic field is expected to be unsettled to major storm levels on Nov 9

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta174.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:02 AM]

ZetaTalk: Solar Minimum?

due to the arrival of a CME associated with the X2.0 flare observed on Nov 7. Nov 9 an M-Class

Flare, Nov 10 an X-Class Flare. http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/

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ZetaTalk: Signs of Change

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ZetaTalk: Signs of Change

written July 18, 2005

The sling orbit of Planet X is confusing to many because it is so at odds to the normal orbit pattern. In a sling orbit, Planet X comes in straight line toward the Sun, slides by the Sun, and picks up speed again in a straight line after passing the Sun. Then there is the aspect of its retrograde motion, opposite to what all the other planets in the solar system take. Planet X, in its retrograde orbit, is heading toward the other planets, rather than moving in the same direction. This clash, in the direction of orbit, was responsible for Earth halting in her orbit when she encountered Planet X in her path. This clash, combined with the crowding of particles that emerge from the Sun behind Planet X, is also responsible for the Earth being trapped in an eddy flow of particles that come round the sides of Planet X. As Planet X

proceeds, slowly, sliding around the Sun, it is pushing the Earth in front of it, as the Earth cannot escape this eddy flow. Sling orbit, retrograde orbit, and retrograde rotation are involved. Planet X is not only passing the Sun in a retrograde orbit, it rotates in a retrograde manner. This creates a direct clash with the Earth when the distance between them closes so their magnetic fields engage, ultimately slowing the Earth's rotation to a stop during the passage.

Sling orbit, retrograde orbit and rotation, and the magnetic alignment of Planet X are involved in how the passage of Planet X affects the Earth. While slinging past the Sun in a retrograde orbit and rotating retrograde, Planet X is also aligning with the Sun's magnetic field lines as passing so very close to the Sun, it is forced into this alignment. So what does this mean for the hapless Earth, stuck in the heavy traffic lane and unable to get out because of particle flows on all sides forcing her back into the middle of the eddy flow? She is aligned magnetically with the Sun, cannot leave her orbit because of her balance with flows into and out from the Sun, what we have called orbit lock. The Earth has a twisting monster approaching, about to make a passage over her head on its way out of the solar system. Since the Earth cannot leave her orbit, because of all the forces that keep her there, she cannot escape the point where Planet X will cross the Earth's orbit. She stands, like deer in the heavy traffic lane, horrified but unable to move, frozen in the headlights.

Because Planet X is moving in a retrograde orbit, this means the Earth, trapped in the eddy flow in front of Planet X, will be pushed back in her orbit into the Fall and eventually into the August position prior to the passage. Planet X, meanwhile, is transiting the Ecliptic from South to North so must align with the magnetic flow lines by swinging her North Pole from pointing toward the Sun to pointing it away from the Sun, a situation we have described as the slow 270° roll. This is, rather obviously, what a recent Silbury Hill crop circle was relaying. Where are we on this roll, which starts with a 180° turn pointing the North Pole outward toward the Earth rather than inward toward the Sun? Not far along, just starting, but this is no indication of the pace, as this is not a steady pace. At some point, the impetus is stronger, pushing the North Pole outwards quickly, as magnets are know to move quickly when the threshold of pressure in the magnetic field changes.

One can see what the circle makers are trying to relay by comparing to Coventry, laid down a year earlier, where Planet X had not yet moved in front of the Sun, from the Earth's vantage point. In Silbury, Planet X is positioned centrally, but is still just slightly below the Ecliptic, and of course, has moved closer to Earth as the relative size shows. This is the progress a year has brought.

What are the signs, from Earth, that this 270° roll is progressing? Since the tail of Planet X, composed of magnetized iron oxide dust, hoses away from the North Pole of Planet X, this would start to turn toward Earth, increasing the red dust in the atmosphere and blowing the Moon Swirls and visible Moons either to the side or closer to Earth. Wafting toward Earth to be closer at hand, they will become increasingly visible as they will be larger. Or wafting to the side, they will be outlined against the backdrop of the Sun. Is this already happening, as the roll is proceeding? Previously, the tail was pointing directly toward the Sun, so that the Moon swirls, as the more dense part of the tail, would be lost against any view looking toward the Sun. Moon swirls blown toward the side as the roll progresses would still be close to the immense gravity pull of Planet X, but would also, on occasion, be seen outside the Sun, outlined against the gaseous plumes from the Sun, for the discerning viewer. These visible Moons, the larger among the entourage of Planet X, will be explained away as asteroids or something on a lens, but their incidence will be increasing.

Signs of the Times #1483

I have no astronomy background so I am not sure what I am looking at when I see the very dark, round object at the 3 o'clock position of the sun on the SOHO EIT 304 latest image for 01:19 on 7/18/2005. I don't believe it is an artifact in the photo. When viewing the enlarged version, the spot is quite pronounced. [and from another source] Using expert techniques used by NASA scientists I can finally say for definite that it isn´t an artifact! Using Photoshop and its numerous filters I have ascertained that the following is true: 1. The object is in front of the sun 2. Other stationary artifacts that can be seen in numerous previous pictures do not show up in colour and saturation analysis. 3. The object appears to have some form of lower extension. Below you will find a link to the analysis. Colour legend (variants of colour define extremes in stronger

emphasis) : Cyan - Closer to us such as minor ejections and anomalies ... no artifacts are present apart from the object. Green - Sun level

Red/orange/yellow - Activity from minor and major sunspots [and from another source] I've heard that if the Sun is as large as an orange, the Earth is as large as a peppercorn. So this would make this object much smaller than Earth, more moon sized. Since the object is not reflecting light, it is standing in front of the Sun. How close is it? Size is relative to distance.

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ZetaTalk: Signs of Change

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ZetaTalk: Where is Planet X?

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ZetaTalk: Where is Planet X?

posted Feb 5, 2005, but produced on live radio during the Jan 28 Lou Gentile Radio Show

People are astonished when we say, and seem to be saying, month after month, it’s right next to the Sun, it’s coming

around the Sun, it’s between the Earth and the Sun, but in fact, in December of 2003, when the Earth, trucking along in

its orbit, encountered this body coming into its orbit, Planet X, it stopped the way you would if you discovered an

elephant in your driveway and that was the only way you could pass. Well why couldn’t the Earth sneak around?

Because there are particle flows, as we have described, immense numbers of particles that create a block, and there’s

crowding. Planets are swept along in their orbits, and stay at a distance from each other where they are comfortable

with the particles that go into and out of the Sun. So Planet X creates a big disturbance in the equilibrium, a crowding

of particles around it, behind it, so that the Earth is caught in the cup. Nancy has described this as a stick in the river

where you can see the water flow around it on either side, creating a little ridge, a cup in the water in front of that

stick. And sometimes you’ll have something bobbling in the water in that cup, it doesn’t go down the river, it’s stuck

in that cup. This is where the Earth is, stuck in the cup, and Planet X is that stick, causing ripples in the particle flows

that create the cup.

Currently, Planet X is not quite at the mid-point between the Earth and the Sun, very close

to the Ecliptic or the Sun’s middle, and consequently you cannot see it because it’s like a

dull fuzz ball in front of the Sun and reflects back the light that hits the dust cloud so

intensely that it’s a terrific glare. If you were on the Sun’s side, looking at it, you’d be

blinded, but if you’re on the Earth side, looking at it, it looks like a gray fuzz ball. So that’s

where it is, and it has progressed from being below the Ecliptic in December of 2003 and

down near the Sun’s South Pole, to rising up to the Ecliptic, from the right to the left as we have described in its

retrograde orbit. This may seem slow, but it’s only been a year. And who’s to say, among human cultures, how fast a

large planet, 23 times the mass of Earth, a big magnet who roars into the Sun and comes to a screeching halt as it skids

around the Sun because of the Repulsion Force, the anti-gravity force, and gets ready to take off as it punches its way

through the Ecliptic which is very crowded with particles going in and out of the Sun. This is something man does not

have knowledge of. Numerous prophecies say ‘ look at the constellations’ and the Book of Enoch states, ‘ the

constellations will not be right for the seasons’. They knew this was not going to be a fast process, not this time.

Nov 2, 2003 photo taken in South Africa, the Second Sun

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ZetaTalk: Threshold Crossed

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ZetaTalk: Threshold Crossed

written May 21, 2005

Things seem a little slow on the Earth changes front right now or else I'm not paying close enough

attention. I was wondering if the Zetas could comment on the long wait now that it's the 2nd anniversary of

the original date. I think they called it the 'agonizing wait' back in 2003, so it would be interesting to hear

from them at this point in the waiting game.

When ZetaTalk first started in 1995 there was little to support it behind the impact of the words on those hungry for

answers to old questions, as the Earth changes had just begun. As the weather increased in ferocity and extremes, the

quakes and volcanic activity gradually rose worldwide and refused to abate, and the behavior of world leaders aligned

according to ancient prophecies describing the polarization and threats of war, our words of warning were taken more

seriously. People began looking in the direction of Orion for signs of the inbound planet, known by many names as

Niburu or Marduk or Wormwood, and most recently known as Planet X. Our famed coordinates for the path of this

planet were desperately ridiculed when a faint glow appeared at those coordinates, growing in magnitude and moving

in accordance with our predictions. And then global quakes started when the Atlantic Rift either faced or was in

opposition to the presence roaring in from the other side of the Sun. The predicted date of passage around May 15,

2003 was clearly watched by those in power in the White House, as Operation TOPOFF was called to be in place

during that time, Operation Planet X occurred in Iraq on May 15, and Homeland Security went to level Orange. In the

months following the missed date, a dramatic Second Sun appeared and signs of a powdering of red dust was evident.

Then the wait.

As 2003 slipped into 2004, orbit aberrations and the continuing global quakes at the face and dark points were the sole

indicators of the presence of Planet X. Increasing disasters from stretching and snapping landmasses or failing

compasses were downplayed in the news, as were the increases in earthquakes and volcanic threats such as

Yellowstone. To the public, watching the skies and the news, the issue of Planet X had become passe. Had it passed? It

and the Earth had settled into a lock. Planet X was floating on a gravity field where the pull toward the Sun equaled

the push away, creeping forward into a headwind of particles flowing back toward the Sun's middle, buffeted by the

particles that emerge from the Sun's middle, and twisting within the Sun's magnetic field. The Earth, caught in an eddy

flow in front of Planet X, was showing the distress of this approaching giant, with increasingly melting poles and

glaciers, loosening and moving fault lines, and fuming volcanoes. But as there was no change in the media's reaction,

the public continued to consider the Planet X issue passe. The Planet X light reflected by the Sun seemed not in

evidence, as where in 2003 it had reflected toward the Earth, it was now reflecting back toward the Sun. And the

massive tail seemed not in evidence, as where in 2003 its momentum had caused it to blow toward the Earth, it now

roiled around close to the Sun.

Then something happened.

In late 2004 the hurricane and typhoon season not only broke records, it doubled in ferocity and count. If this was

Global Warming, what was the impetus between 2003 and 2004 that caused this increase? On the heels of this, and for

no reason geologists could recount, the plate joining India and Australia lifted, tearing along Sumatra, and creating a

tsunami in resort areas that the media could not ignore. Volcanic activity had reached the point where the word normal

no longer applied, and this roiling magma could certainly not be ascribed to a warming air mass. And the weather was

so bizarre and unpredictable that weathermen had become apologetic. Throughout the year, since the Spring of 2004, a

landmark seen by all, the Moon, was rounding the Earth during its monthly sojourns at a tilt that placed it where it had

never been seen before. Those used to a lifetime of gazing at the Moon in the evening noted this odd placement, but no

comment at all in the news about this astonishing event. A threshold had been reached, where the common man was

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ZetaTalk: Threshold Crossed

aware that something was wrong, and that they were not being told the truth of the matter. That the cover-up had

started to erode had become evident to those suspecting the truth, that the world had entered the End Times.But for

many, the questions just kept mounting.

What will this increasingly aware public mean, for the future, and for the cover-up? Increasing talk over supper tables

among family members and friends, while commuting to work, and on Internet chat boards will bring discussions

around to the only answer for all these changes. This is not Global Warming, simply warming the atmosphere. This is

not the Sun's activity. Where frequent it has not been outside of the norm for solar flares or sunspots or emissions.

This can only be the presence of a gravity and magnetic force, seen in 2003 as a dramatic Second Sun and evident

from its tugging on the Earth, the torque only we, the Zetas, predicted. Since reaction to this public awareness is in the hands of man, and thus could go in many directions, we will not at this time predict the outcome. But the public is no

longer asleep, and will hardly start snoozing again even if the cover-up prevails. That threshold has been passed.

Nov 2, 2003 photo taken in South Africa, the Second Sun

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ZetaTalk: Trend Lines

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ZetaTalk: Trend Lines

written June 11, 2005

It appears that volcanic activity is entering a new truly explosive period with most eruptions worldwide

now throwing lava instead of just ash and steam. Could you have the Zetas address the mechanisms

causing this new lava activity? [and from another] The first Tropical Storm of 2005, Arlene, is 11 weeks

sooner than last year's first storm, Aug 1, 2004. Have the Zetas made any predictions specific to 2005's

hurricane outlook? [and from another]. A Canadian scientist who recently returned from a trip to

measure the Pole's current location says it has now left Canadian territory and crossed into international


We predicted in 1995 the current weather trends, in 1999 the nature of the increase in hurricanes and tornadoes, and in 2000 that snow in summer could be anticipated. We also predicted in 1995 the magnetic disruption caused by

confusing directives from Planet X and the Sun. We predicted in 1995 the increase in earthquake and in 2001 that

volcanic activity would increase on a lineal basis. All these trends are now becoming obvious, though not yet admitted

by the establishment controlled media. Will these trends continue? They will rapidly become worse, in the eyes of

horrified man, as a threshold has been crossed where all are above what mankind can consider normal, and all the

trend lines are moving up, simultaneously. When the dragon has raised its head above ground, and continues to rise so

the horror of its wings and claws and long lashing tail can be seen, man understands what has been occurring during

its climb, and that the worse is yet to come.

Violent storms, unusual

So, what is going to happen in As we stated in 1995, severe

weather patterns, severe and

the next four years? You're

and intractable drought,

long lasting droughts,

going to have increasing

drought and deluge swings.

increased frequency of

earthquake tremblers. Some

Very cold summers, relayed in

hurricanes, torrential rains,

earthquakes in remote places

the past, in ancient reports of

and a general warming of the

will not be reported at all, but what the Chinese called a

planet. Mankind will find its

nevertheless, word will get

world cycle, meaning the

greatest problems with the


approach of another pole shift,

weather to be its

ZetaTalk: 1999

where snow fell in summer.



ZetaTalk: During 2000

ZetaTalk: Heralding

written Apr 15, 1999

written Jan 12, 2000

written Jul 15, 1995

Massive tornadoes will not go Earthquake and volcano

Where some scientists state

away, but will be on the

activity will steadily increase,

that the Earth's magnetic field increase and will occur in

on a somewhat linear scale.

has been weakening lately, this places that do not experience

Earthquakes and volcanoes are

is certainly not the case. They such tornadoes. Hurricanes

reacting to the heating up and

misunderstand. The Earth's

will be no more fierce than

activity in the core.

magnetic field is not

they are today, but will occur

ZetaTalk: During 2002

weakening, it is changing

in places not used to

written Oct 15, 2001

course or direction.

hurricanes force winds.

ZetaTalk: Magnetic

ZetaTalk: Next 3 ½



written Jul 15, 1995

written Sep 15, 1999

This all begs the question, when will the establishment address these trends? They won't. They will continue in the

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ZetaTalk: Trend Lines

mode approved by the control freaks in the establishment, who cannot admit what is about to occur - the pole shift -

nor what has arrived in the inner solar system to cause all this - Planet X - as they would then have to admit that they

have known all along and are simply keeping the common man ignorant for their own convenience. The weatherman

already simply shrugs his shoulders and admits it has all become unpredictable, no longer looking uncomfortable when

records are being broken daily. A bit of noise is made about Global Warming, hoping to distract those who cannot put

more than one fact and another together, but this hardly addresses the quakes and volcanic activity. The cover-up on

this continues, Richter downgraded and quakes dropped without excuse or explanation. Disaster movies are on the

increase, as a substitute for honesty from the establishment. Any magnetic oddity is somehow blamed on the Sun,

during this, the solar minimum, though it hardly addresses the continuing drifting of the poles, in all directions, during

the Earth wobble and early stages of the magnetic twists and turns that Planet X will assume.

At what point will the establishment address these issues? Long after the populace has looked to them for answers.

Long after the populace has determined that they are being lied to, and will automatically discount anything the

establishment has to say. The only explanation that the populace will then accept is the truth, which will be admitted in

concert with a crucifixion of the chosen scapegoats, the Bush Administration and the NSA for their cover-up re the

presence of Planet X. NASA, observatories, and astronomers have been forced to silence because of the national

security oath those who work there have been required to take. This same technique has been used on the media and

weathermen, seismologists, and any politician in the know. The rigors of the Patriot Act, which can jail anyone for

any trivial reason without access to the court system, and the increasing incidence of assassinations of those in the

know, hardly lost on their peers with whom they formerly worked, covers the rest. Heads of state in small countries

around the world are vulnerable, and know it, so all are waiting for the big guy, the US, to step forward and break the


How will this stalemate end? When those with the power to bring the US to its knees, those with the financial clout,

determine that an undifferentiated panic, more to be feared than a controlled panic, is about to begin. Then admissions

will be made, fingers will be pointed, and frank discussion on what the common man can do to help himself will begin.

Until then, this day is in preparation, with the Bush camp being discredited steadily, more honesty about the Earth

changes allowed, and a rehearsal among the players for the finale.

Signs of the Times #1442

Big news on weather channel today. June snowstorm in Denver, Colorado. Some roads even closed.

[and from another source] Here in the antipodean Southern Hemisphere we have been and are

experiencing very odd weather over the last few weeks. Examples: Heavy rain in South Africa

(Jo'Burg) during May, first time in memory. Last Sunday in Western Australia we had fantastic

electrical storms with cyclonic wind speeds and multiple tornadoes that created huge damage across

Perth region (never seen before in 175 years of European Australian memory). Also last week North

Island New Zealand got hit with huge electric rain storms - declared state of emergency - an entire

village slid to its doom. Whilst in Chile a few days ago dozens of young soldiers froze to death in

very abnormal blizzards. [and from another source] It's strange that CNN [Jun 4] have cut their

weather news. [and from another source] Snowfall in Somalia reported [Jun 1] 'The first snowfall

on this part of the world … The storm left a blanket of snow on the ground, something residents had

never seen in their lives before.' [and from another source] Tonight [Jun 4] sudden storms have

moved in just south of San Antonio, TX with 100 mph winds, large hail, and average 4" rain an

hour! Not predicted. Talk about unpredictable!

Signs of the Times #1447

Some time today [Apr 17] Mount Ida British Columbia Vortex reversed direction. Since February

17 the vortex had been causing deviations up to 11° towards the East. Today it is reading 11° to the

West. [and from another source] My compass [May 23] is showing the N Pole East by 25° here in

El Paso! [and from another source] 'A Canadian scientist who recently [Jun 11] returned from a

trip to measure the Pole's current location says it has now left Canadian territory and crossed into

international waters. The pole, which, unlike the geographic North Pole, is in constant movement,

has been within modern Canadian borders since at least the 1600's.'

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ZetaTalk: Trend Lines

Signs of the Times #1448

The latest Gallup polls find that 57% feel the war is not worth it, and nearly as many want the U.S.

to start pulling out troops and not sending any more of them. There were numerous signs of

editorial unrest in the past week. The Sun of Baltimore: 'the government that has botched so much of

the war'. Minneapolis Star-Tribune: 'an unnecessary war based on contrived concerns. ... President

Bush and those around him lied, and the rest of us let them.' Chicago Tribune: 'keeping American

troops in Iraq amounts to fighting a fire with kerosene.' Seattle Post-Intelligencer: 'Bush insists on

clinging to the thoroughly discredited notion that there was any connection between the old Iraqi

regime -- no matter how lawless and brutal -- and the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.' [and from another

source] The Voice of the White House [Jun 9] http://www.tbrnews.org/Archives/a1647.htm 'Two of

my friends here tell me that in the middle of a small meeting last week, Bush suddenly stopped

talking, his jaw dropped down and he began to stare at nothing. About the time his listeners were

about to shout for a medic, he blinked, shook his head and began talking…about something not on

the agenda. His dog was part of the mindless babble. We all pray that he does this live on CNN or

better, FOX. George does not wear suits well being bowlegged and slightly humpbacked but he

would look so wonderful in a straight jacket! On the 6 PM news at that!' [and from another source]

I noticed that when Bush and Blair were meeting this past week, the TV stations did not broadcast it

live, only clips later. And then when Bush had a press conference, they also did not broadcast it live.

They showed Scott McClellan, talking about the issues, and then when Bush was scheduled to talk,

they went back to their regularly scheduled programming. Very odd! Why not show Bush live?

[Note: is Dubya's candle flickering? Is he disassembling? What next!]

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ZetaTalk: Weather Extremes

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ZetaTalk: Weather Extremes

written July 29, 2005

We warned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, that unpredictable weather extremes, switching about from drought to

deluge, would occur and increase on a lineal basis up until the pole shift. Where this occurred steadily, it has only

recently become undeniable. ZetaTalk, and only ZetaTalk, warned of these weather changes, at that early date. Our

early warnings spoke to the issue of global heating from the core outward, hardly Global Warming, a surface or

atmospheric issue, but caused by consternation in the core. Affected by the approach of Planet X, which was by then

starting to zoom rapidly toward the inner solar system for its periodic passage, the core was churning, melting the

permafrost and glaciers and riling up volcanoes. When the passage did not occur as expected in 2003 because Planet X

had stalled in the inner solar system, we explained the increasing weather irregularities in the context of the global

wobble that had ensued - weather wobbles where the Earth is suddenly forced under air masses, churning them. This

evolved by 2005 into a looping jet stream, loops breaking away and turning like a tornado to affect the air masses

underneath. Meanwhile, on Planet Earth, droughts had become more intractable and deluges positively frightening,

temperature swings bringing snow in summer in the tropics and searing heat in Artic regions, with the violence of

storms increasing in number and ferocity.

Is this as bad as it will get, prior to the pole shift when hurricane force winds will sweep the Earth and every region of

the globe will emerge with a new climate and geography? Has the lineal increase we predicted in 1995 reached its

climax? We are not here with good tidings, nor were we here with good tidings in 1995. ZetaTalk, blunt and honest, is

not for the faint at heart, but for those willing to take a serious warning and act on it.

The coastlines will get increasingly inhospitable, as storms formed over the oceans can develop into a howling

rage that dissipates over land. As we have stated, hurricane force storms will not develop into super storms, more

violent than man has experienced, but will form in places not previously experienced, and will be more

consistently strong and destructive. In some places around the globe, this will make coastlines uninhabitable, a

place where crops are grown or fish harvested but where humans do not reside or sleep soundly.

Where deserts have formed based on geology, mountain ranges blocking rain clouds or the atmosphere depleated

of rain during a long trip over land masses, this will change as the direction of wind flow changes. Lands used to

regular rains, now suffering droughts, may find these droughts turning their land into deserts. Rain forests are

likewise formed by geology and wind currents, and these may fear being washed away as rain comes not only

more often but with a greater load of water picked up by fast moving air currents traveling over large bodies of

water. Drought or deluge, there will be few places on Earth not affected by one of these extremes, and all of this

affects the success of crops.

Temperature extremes, and in particular temperature swings, will increase, so that the seasons almost blend into

one another. If Summer is expected to be a time of extreme heat, and Winter extreme cold, man may find his

Summer cool with odd brief snowstorms and Winter confusing the crops wanting to go into their annual

hibernation. The key will be the unpredictability, as a looping jet stream and increasing extremes of high and

low pressure over land will force the atmosphere into unexpected directions.

Where does this place man, as he learns of the likelihood of a pole shift caused by the passage of a rogue planet -

Planet X? Most will stubbornly stay in place, refusing to contemplate the unpleasant and preferring to accept any

explanation the establishment proffers. Suffering will increase, but will result in riots and angry outbursts or illness

from malnutrition and depressed immune systems or the psychological depression that comes from a sense of

hopelessness. Those who have decided to live, and help others to do so, will find the argument, whether to stay or go,

tipping in the direction of a move. Coastal areas may be pleasant, and river basins rich with delta soil, and the

commerce that has grown up near ports and great rivers providing jobs, but the tribulations of a self sufficient family

home in the hinterland will seem increasingly worth it. This is the push the weather extremes will bring. Add to this

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ZetaTalk: Weather Extremes

increasing volcanic and quake activity, making the fault lines unattractive and life in crowded cities likely to be

suffering from collapse as their infrastructure is shattered and pulled apart. All of these matters will speak to those who

want to survive, in a voice louder than any reassurance from the establishment. Make your plans. Cut your losses. And

get out of harms way to a place where you can at least have a chance of feeding your family and surviving the weather


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ZetaTalk: Jet Stream Tornadoes

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ZetaTalk: Jet Stream Tornadoes

written May 25, 2005

I have lived my whole life in Eastern Pennsylvania and this past month or two [May 24], have noticed a

change in the weather system's direction. Normally, the flow is West to East. Now the Low Pressure

systems are moving from the Midwest area into a Southeast direction. It is keeping us in a cool climate

here about 10-15 degrees below normal. In addition to this, we have had more Nor'Easterns than normal,

which usually happens in winter. The low-pressure area goes off of the coast and reformulates with the

ocean and travels NE as a large rainmaking low.

We have stressed, at the very start of the ZetaTalk saga, that the weather would get increasingly extreme, with

droughts and deluges occurring and switching about in an unpredictable manner, and that this included unpredictable

changes in the jet stream. The jet stream is affected primarily by the rotation of the Earth, the slow roll, which pulls the Earth under her blanket of air and creates swirling in the temperate regions, the prevailing Westerlies, as cold air from

the poles rushes to drop into voids created by this motion. The jet stream is affected secondarily by warm and cold

spots, warm over land masses that are more quickly heated or cooled than the ocean, which can circulate and maintain

a more even distribution within its depths. Hot air is lighter than cold, and rises, cold heavier and drops, thus the storm

systems attempting to equalize the density of air. The temperature and density and direction of air masses can be

determined, and thus the weatherman has historically offered predictions, but these predictions have become

increasingly difficult, in part because of the Earth wobble which jerks the Earth about under her mantel of air, often at cross currents to the jet stream.

A new development is tornado swirls within the jet stream, where the stream turns round upon itself rather than

proceeding, high in the upper atmosphere, in its traditional directions. Tornadoes, as any school child learns, are

caused by the rapid dropping of cold air through a lighter warm air mass, a sinkhole that becomes, like a black hole for

gravity particles, an irresistible pull for cold air in the vicinity. On a larger scale, hurricanes and their counterparts, the

typhoon or cyclone, are large swirls on the move, attempting to equalize air pressure. If tornadoes and hurricanes can

occur in the lower atmosphere, on a local level, why could they not occur in the upper atmosphere? This is clearly not

caused by Global Warming which has raised the air a fraction of a degree, nor has Global Warming been responsible

for the permafrost or glaciers or poles melting, from the bottom up. This, as we have often stated, is due to the core of

the Earth swirling about under the influence of Planet X, which has likewise created increases in volcanic activity

worldwide. But the turbulence in the volatile atmosphere is in response to sudden changes in the direction of flow, due to an increasingly violent Earth wobble.

At first, during the wobble, the breeze blows gently, then grows gusty with distinct N/S wind formations, and finally

begins to swirls as in any large air mass attempting to equalize either pressure or temperature over a large area will do.

Tornado behavior in the jet stream will result in unexpected turnabouts in temperature and storm systems, a pattern

noted already in 2004 when several hurricanes turned back to attack the East Coast of the US, or changed directions

contrary to their predicted and traditional path. More of this will follow, as the Earth wobble is not going away or

lessening its grip. It will, quite the contrary, proceed to more horrors, while those in charge of the cover-up, in

Washington DC, in the White House, fiddle with the truth like Nero fiddling while Rome burned. The outcome, for

these politicians and power mongers, will be no better than Nero's.

Weather changes heralding the giant comet's approach

will at first be within normal parameters. As long as

meteorologists can find a similar pattern on the books or

an old timer can be found to regale us with tales of the

old days, no one will get unduly alarmed. The weather,

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ZetaTalk: Jet Stream Tornadoes

after all, is a constant source of conversation, but the

intensity of these discussions will change when the effects

on food chains relied upon by man move outside of

familiar boundaries. It is at this point that Alarm Bells

will go off. All attempts to explain the changes based on

Global Warming from the Greenhouse effect will run

into snags as the weather will refuse to be predictable.

Areas of the world which have been deserts throughout

mankind's memory will become swamps under constant

and repeated rains. Temperate climates used to periodic gentle rainfall will suffer intractable droughts.

Then this will switch about, for no apparent reason. The reason lies deep within the Earth's core, an area

the meteorologists refuse to consider, and thus their predictions on the atmosphere will never be based on

the right parameters.

ZetaTalk: Heralding, written prior to July 15, 1995

Among the excuses given by the establishment for the geological changes increasingly at hand is the

lowered jet stream excuse. Why would the jet stream lower? As anyone who watches the weather reports

knows, weather predicting is a science. Rain doesn't just happen, it is caused by moist warm air being

pushed over cool air, which remains as the lower strata due to cool air being more compact and thus

heavier. The rain forms when the warm air begins to cool and compress as it rises, squeezing the moisture

out as condensation. Thus, where primitive man would assume the rain to be a curse or a blessing from

the gods, modern man looks to the cause. What cause is being given for a lowered jet stream?

ZetaTalk: Lowered Jet Stream, written on Nov 15, 1996

The push of the Earth's vulnerable N. Pole away will occur with more violence, the rebound back to align

with the Sun's dominant voice will occur with more violence, and the weather will follow!

ZetaTalk: Weather Wobble, written Dec 6, 2004

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ZetaTalk: Moon Dance

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ZetaTalk: Moon Dance

written Mar 11, 2005

Are the Zetas, or their brothers, playing a game with the moon to get the attention of the human race?

The Moon’s orbit has been noticeably out of place, even to the casual observer, for almost a year. This is best described using an

analogy of a man with a broad brimmed hat on his head. For a normal Moon orbit, this hat is almost exactly positioned over the tops of

the ears, evenly spaced over each, with only a slight tilt. That the Moon’s normal orbit is close to the Earth’s middle, the Ecliptic, is exemplified by the solar eclipse, where either the Moon casts a shadow on the Earth or vise versa, with the Earth casting a shadow on

the Moon, periodically. Nevertheless, the hat is positioned almost equally over both ears. What has been observed since the Summer of

2004 is a hat tilted high over one ear, and low over the other ear, often most noticeable as a face rotation.

The current odd Moon orbit is beyond what the Earth wobble would support, where the Earth is

wobbling to allow the N. Pole to evade the hose of magnetic particles coming from Planet X by

swinging away from view, the head twitching a bit under the hat. We have stated that the Moon

has allegiance to the Sun as well as the Earth, and thus its orbit could be expected to attempt to

stay astride of any gap as the Earth wobbles or tilts, but the current odd Moon orbit is also

beyond any attempt to stay astride of the Earth’s middle as well as the Sun’s middle. It in fact is more to the extreme of that, reaching beyond the middle of both. The Moon, as a bead on the edge of the hat rim traveling around the hat, is seen in the extreme North during

one part of the month, and at the extreme South two weeks later. Why?

We have mentioned that Planet X has captured both the Earth and Venus and the Earth’s Dark Twin in the eddy current in the particle flows that blast from the Sun toward Planet X and around Planet X. They are trapped, by all the forces that push planets into their orbits and hold them there, to remain there. Particle flows, a tiny fraction of which mankind is aware of, flow out of the Sun’s poles and return

to her middle, flow out evenly from the surface of the Sun as the solar wind man is aware of, flow out of her North pole and return at

the South pole as the magnetic particles man is aware of, or chose their flow patterns to fit in niches not otherwise taken. That all the

planets line up in the Ecliptic, around the Sun’s middle, is due to the immense number of particles that chose the first route, returning in force at the Sun’s middle, washing in from above and below. The planets are held at bay, away from the Sun, by the gravity Repulsion

Force, yet another particle flow.

What forces is the poor Moon dealing with? The eddy currents coming around Planet X are flowing outside their bounds, coming in

from the top and bottom, and rushing to fill voids. Nevertheless, the press is for all to align with the Ecliptic, whether within or without

the eddy current. Venus remains in her position, closer to the Sun and Planet X. The Dark Twin, sharing the Earth’s orbit, is pressing

the Earth from the side. As the particle flows rush around Planet X and into the eddy, they encounter the Earth and her sister planets,

and eddy around them as well. A turmoil, mostly present at the Ecliptic, which the Moon normally rides. The easy out for the Moon is

to avoid the crowded lane, which it does by being too high, and then too low, for the majority of its orbit. It rides high and low as it

does as this was the tilt of its orbit before the Planet X drama started, now simply become more extreme to avoid the middle road, the

crowded lane.

Signs of the Times #1352

Time and again there have been posts about the rotation of the moon during one nights travel, but no one ever seems

to have a camera handy. Well, I had the luck of a clear sky last night [Feb 27], so I took my cheapo 3.3 megapixel

with 10x optical zoom and snaped some pictures of the moon. First at 0.55 CET, second at 4.17 CET in the east of the

Netherlands. Both pics were taken with a horizontaly held camera and 10x optical zoom. I took the 2 moons, the pics

full pixelsize from the cameraimage, and made a composite today, and did some image prosessing to clear up the

features of the moon and stuff like that. The rapid rotation can be clearly seen. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-

bin/forum.cgi?read=65862 [Note: extreme rotation of the Face of the Moon has been noted for months, indicating the

Earth tilted under the Moon's orbit.]

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ZetaTalk: Moon Dance

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ZetaTalk: Tail Returns

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ZetaTalk: Tail Returns

written Apr 7, 2005

I had taken Winged Globe pictures in Japan over year ago. At that time the Winged Globe was top left to

bottom right. This mornings picture I took the Winged Globe was top right to bottom left. Does this have a

significance? [Comparison photos taken by this photographer, 2004 with a lens to reduce Sun's glare, but

moon swirl evident in 2005 photo, at arrow, without lens also.]

During the Summer of 2003, when Planet X was rushing toward the Sun and the Earth was in full view of this drama

as it was on the opposite side of the Sun and could see the entire complex as it approached, the light of the Sun

reflecting off this complex so it was clearly illuminated, the corpus of Planet X along with its moons swirls and dust

cloud were dramatically visible. This was also the time when the Second Sun was seen rising and setting with the Sun,

due to this reflection of light.

During the Summer of 2003, the tail of Planet X was spraying toward Earth, as it is hosed out of the N. Pole of Planet

X, being magnetized iron ore dust, and the N. Pole of Planet X was pointing toward the S. Pole of the Sun during this

approach. It was during the Summer of 2003 that many reports of red dust in the atmosphere were reported, brilliant

red sunsets and red dust settling on Earth in odd places. But during the time when Planet X rounded the Sun’s S. Pole,

little was heard of this dust cloud or the hose of magnetic particles blowing out from that N. Pole. This was due to the

N. Pole of Planet X being literally glued to the S. Pole of the Sun, as would be expected of a large magnet so close to

the mother of all solar system magnets, the Sun. Thus, the red dust cloud and the moon swirls of Planet X were turned

away from the Earth, toward the Sun, less visible during 2004. The visibility of Planet X was likewise diminished

during 2004 as sunlight reflecting off the close hugging dust cloud shrouding the corpus was reflected back to the Sun,

the Earth only seeing a dim fuzz ball at best when looking for evidence of Planet X.

During this past month, Nancy has received startling indications that the tail of Planet X is once again turning toward

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ZetaTalk: Tail Returns

the Earth. This of course would happen as the N. Pole of Planet X swung about, in place, during the 270° Roll we have described as preceding the 3 Days of Darkness. The N. Pole of Planet X swings clockwise, while Planet X remains in

place, and while hosing the Earth with magnetic particles pushes the N. Pole of Earth away, tipping the Northern

Hemisphere of Earth temporarily away during those days. We have described the roll as a slow process leading up to

those dramatic days. But during this slow process, the tail of Planet X, with its many moon swirls and immense dust

cloud, emerges at the right side of the Sun (as viewed in the Northern Hemisphere). Are there indications this is

happening? In addition to renewed reports of red sunsets and red skies, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere, the

moon swirls and smarmy tail of Planet X have come visible on the right side of the Sun, dramatically.

As these magnetic particles from the N. Pole of Planet X hose out into space behind the

Earth, they have affected the tilt of Jupiter and Saturn, which lean their top pole, an intake

which acts as a conduit for the magnetic particles coming from the Sun also, toward this

additional flood of particles from Planet X. Why else the lean in these giant gas planets, and

why else toward the direction that these additional particles are coming from? Just as

suddenly, there are reports that the Moon has lifted so that it’s orbit is to the north of the

Earth more than expected. The Moon had been in an extreme orbit too far to the North after

a new Moon and too far to the South after a full Moon, but at the present time is found too

far North days before the new Moon. What is the Moon escaping in lifting North of the Earth? It seeks to avoid the

roiling of particle flows caught in the eddy in front of Planet X, the eddy where the hapless Earth is caught. Magnetic

particles hosed into the eddy increase the general crowding, and it has lifted in the only direction is can move, up

above the roiling which is still coming from the South.

During this roll, it swings its N. Pole toward Earth, pushing the N. Pole of Earth away, causing the

prophesied 3 Days of Darkness during this temporary end-to-end alignment. Leading into this Planet X

revolves in place such that its N. Pole no longer points almost directly at the Sun but points away,

swinging toward the Earth, but this change does not happen suddenly, it is progressive. Leading into this,

when Planet X slowly swings its N. Pole round in a clockwise direction, whither the Earth?

ZetaTalk: Drunken Lurch, written Nov 19, 2004

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ZetaTalk: Earth on the Rack

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ZetaTalk: Earth on the Rack

written Apr 16, 2005

We have stated recently that the Earth Wobble is caused by the tugging on the Atlantic Rift to align with Planet X and more recently accentuated by the pushing away of Earth’s N Pole as it increasingly competes with the N Pole of Planet X. We have stated that this wobble, in the shape of a Figure 8 if one looks down from space upon the Earth’s poles, is creating Magma Slam points near the magnetic S Pole of Earth, along the spine of the Andes, and at the African Rift, and also Magma Void points in the Mediterranean, Japan, and the West Coast of the US. Evidence of roiling magma

in the voids, noticed by individuals who observe their drains and fountains reflecting conflicting directives from below

the surface prompted us to relate this to the magma voids, which otherwise gave no physical evidence. Does the

increased volcanic activity also relate? Indeed it does. Obviously, magma slam points, where more than one magma

stream collides to impact the Earth’s crust, would be subject to increased volcanic activity, as volcanoes by their nature

are an outlet for magma under pressure. Why would volcanoes near the magma slam point of the magnetic S Pole be

increasing their activity months after the major plate snapping that occurred in December 2004? And what relationship

does this have to volcanoes worldwide stepping up the pace at the same time? Clearly the magma is slamming harder,

the voids are roiling more aggressively, and what does this mean?

The Earth, in its slow roll, is caught in many conflicting directives. It stands where it does in the lineup of planets as a

balance between the gravity pull from the Sun and the repulsion force, the anti-gravity force, that is evoked between

planetary bodies when they come close. It stands where it does in the planetary lineup as a compromise with the other

planets, who all find a niche where particle flows are neither crowded nor creating a roiling void. It aligns itself

magnetically with the Sun, and its rotation is dictated also by movement in the Sun’s interior, which the molten

magma of the Earth chases, perpetually. When Planet X enters as yet another factor for the Earth to take into account,

this does not negate the other forces at play. The Earth strives to honor each dictate, with those portions of the Earth

least able to ignore the dictates of the old regime the last to change.

The core of the Earth, highly magnetized, is determined to remain with the Sun, and does so until the moment of

passage when Planet X comes so close to the Earth, and stands so firmly between the Earth and the Sun, that the

Sun’s dictates are negated. The prophesied 3 Days of Darkness, 6 days of sunrise West, rotation stoppage and

sudden pole shift are all occurring when the Earth’s core is essentially possessed by Planet X.

The crust of the Earth, likewise highly magnetized in places such as the Atlantic Rift, is caught in a magnetic

web. It also has momentum, created by Earth’s daily rotation, and is glued to the core in ways that man is as yet

unaware of, as molten lava is not homogeneous nor altogether freely flowing. Earthquakes between passages of

Planet X are essentially aftershocks from the last pole shift, and the increasing quakes due to the presence of

Planet X in the inner solar system at present are due to the tugging on the crust to bring the crust into magnetic

alignment with Planet X. Thus the crust can do little more than be pulled apart, on the rack in a tortured position,

until the pole shift when its plates are dislocated, essentially.

The magma, great portions of which are virtually liquid in their ability to move freely, is the weak link, that

portion of the physical Earth that can respond most easily to the dictates from Planet X, and this is the source of

the volcanic activity increase of late. Where the core is either possessed by the Sun or Planet X, and the crust is

strung out on the rack and can do nothing but moan, the magma can race around more rapidly, slamming under

the crust in the magma slam points at a higher speed and with greater force behind it, roiling around under the

magma void areas more aggressively and drawing a wider region into the roil. Earth, on the rack, bleeding.

Signs of the Times #1384

79 volcanoes on watch list [Apr 16] 'As two earthquakes shook Indonesia's Java island on Friday,

Indonesian seismologists placed 79 volcanoes on a "close watch" list, up from the 11. The New

Straits Times, quoting Indonesian experts, said they fear a major eruption. Indonesian scientists had

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ZetaTalk: Earth on the Rack

placed 11 volcanoes on the list on Thursday. [But] there are 79 volcanoes which need to be closely

watched and they are being monitored by all observation posts.’

Signs of the Times #1382

[Apr 13] ‘Mount Talang in Indonesia is on the verge of a full-blown eruption. A second volcano in

Indonesia, Tangkuban Perahu, on Java island, sprang to life and began rumbling overnight,

prompting scientists to raise the status of the volcano to "alert" and declare it off limits. There have

been hundreds of volcanic earthquakes recorded in the last several days. A third volcano in the

area, Child of Krakatoa, in Sunda straits, west of Java, has been experiencing more than 32

volcanic quakes in the last two days.’ [and from another source] 3 volcanoes in the Philippines are

also being watched by volcanologists - Mayon, Taal and Kanlaon. And now Yellowstone looking

active. Volcano activations and alert in Argentina too. Altogether Egon, Karangetang, Talang, and

Yasur are in the process of blowing their tops. Ambrym, Chikurachki, Colima, Fuego, Karymsky,

Kilauea, Kliuchevskoi, Krakatau, Manam, Mayon, Mt. Erebus, Mt. St. Helens, Pacaya, Rabaul,

Santa Maria, Sheveluch, Stromboli, Suwanose-Jima, Tungurahua, and Villarrica are about to blow!

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ZetaTalk: Sun Scald

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ZetaTalk: Sun Scald

written Dec 11, 2005

Why the sun has changed from the yellow sun in the day-time sky to the silvery white sun that we see now.

You used to be able to look up at the sun for a couple of seconds and see a yellow sun. Now, however, it is

hard to even look in the direction of the sun anymore because of it's increase in diffuse brightness. It's

hard to even see the orb that is the sun in all that brightness. It really hurts the eyes now.

An ultra-glaring Sun was noted in 2003, when Planet X roared into the inner solar system from the direction of Orion,

and screeched to a halt as it neared the Sun and the repulsion force clicked in. The tail of Planet X, not affected by the

repulsion force, maintained its momentum and wafted past the Sun to deliver red dust and odd atmospheric changes to

the Earth. As the Earth, in the summer of 2003, was on the opposite side of the Sun from this drama, it was in the path

of this wafting tail. As Planet X hoses its tail away from its N Pole, and this was glued closely to the Sun's S Pole, the

tail at that time was pointed toward the Sun. But by the Winter of 2003 the Earth had come round in her orbit to be to

the side of Planet X, thus out of the tail for the moment.

In the Summer of 2003, it was noted that people sunburned more readily, construction workers long used to working

out of doors, noted an unusual tendency to burn. Crops likewise matured two weeks early that year in many places, and

comments about the intense brightness of the Sun were common. During 2004, this seemed to dissipate, but now these

same symptoms and comments have returned. What has changed? During 2004, Planet X had its N Pole glued to the

Sun's S Pole, and thus the tail wafted toward the Sun. But as we have explained, a 270° roll is due, where Planet X

will rotate in place to point its N Pole outward, as it crossed the ecliptic, the Sun's middle, to align with the magnetic

flow lines above the ecliptic. Thus, the tail will again begin to point toward the Earth, and many of the phenomena

experienced that year will return.

What will this mean? Increasing fireballs and debris entering the Earth's atmosphere. Certainly increasing red dust,

with all its symptoms of a blood red Moon and deposits on roof and car tops. In that the tail is magnetized, charged,

this will again affect the Earth's magnetic field as it exists in the atmosphere. The core of the Earth responds to

stronger dictates from the Sun and secondarily from Planet X at this time, but the atmosphere is subject to the wafting

tail, and thus drama can result. In 2003, there was a period of electrical surges and outages, affecting countries

worldwide. This could return, as it is the charged tail that caused this. Neon clouds, red colored and seemingly lit,

were seen at that time, and these and other atmospheric displays will be produced.

What causes the Sun scald, the intense brightness that does not translate into increased heat and cannot be correlated to

solar activity or sun spots? A fog bank, with a light shown on it, appears to be evenly lit, because the light is scattered

and bouncing back to the observer. Is there more light, or simply scattered light? A rainbow gives off distinct light in

various stepped spectrum because it is bent toward the observer by water in the clouds, but normally white light

prevails as all light in the spectrum is available. If the Sun is no longer yellow, it is because all light rays are scattered,

and the steady state of yellow is interfered with. During a rainbow, no additional heat is generated, nor is a heat

difference noted when the light returns to being scattered.

The perception of increased intensity is due to the mix in light spectrum, those spectrums the eye can best adapt to no

longer present. You formerly looked at the setting Sun without distress, the yellow or orange Sun, though the Sun was

still in view and its rays were coming into your eye with full force. It is the loss of your yellow Sun that is affecting

your eye's ability to look at the Sun, thus the perception of increased brightness, as the Suns rays, scattered, are

presenting the same mix to your eye that high noon presents. Likewise with the rays that created sunburn, which

normally are not bent toward the observer at sunset or at other than high noon, but now are scattered to arrive at one's

skin. The time of day is no longer a protection from sunburn. This will only get worse, as the tail continues to turn

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ZetaTalk: Sun Scald

toward the Earth.

Signs of the Times #63

Why are the suns rays burning and tanning worse these days? I was outside for just a few hours the

last 2 days [June 25, 2003] and it wasn´t that hot and I got quite a tan, not really burned red like

years past, but how can you get tanned so fast? I remember 20 years ago it took a good 6 weeks to

get a tan. I was moving and not laying in the sun too. [and from another poster] Yes in Quebec Sun

look more white and give tan so quick. Too bright and the summer just start. [and from another

poster] This thing gets brighter every day at much more than last week. Last week I could look at

this and wait to make out the sun and see it. Now I cannot even see a Sun now with all of this

brightness. Same as Santorini webcam.

Signs of the Times #75

I have noticed the that the sun is huge. Does the sun grow in size? I have pics. Taken on different

days same approx. time. Big differnce in size. The sky seems white washed [June 30, 2003]. I have

worked outside in Florida for eighteen years, and Iam telling you something is up with the sun. [and

from another poster] I´m in northern Virgina. No rainbow here, but the sky has that bright-white

hard, hazy glare that makes your eyes water to look at. Can´t tell how many suns are there, but itś

bright - whatever it is.

Signs of the Times #81

The red dust in Florida is coming in now more so then before. When I took the Moon shot tonight

[July 2, 2003] I noticed the clouds are very reddish now after sunset. There is also a large dark cloud

that has been hanging over the western horizon after sunset the past 3 days. There was a tremendous

red halo surrounding the Moon tonight as well. [and later] The red dust is coming in thick here on

the West Coast of Florida. Tonight [July 3, 2003] the dust is even thicker then last night and is

beginning to settle on the cars here. Every Cloud in the sky is red just after sunset. The planet must

be moving at great speed now. I wonder how long before the media and the common folk pick up on

this? [and from another email] For the last few weeks, I've been watching the sunsets [July 3, 2003]

here in north Missouri. I have never seen them redder in my entire life. [and from another email]

This picture of Red Skies is taken from a webcam [July 4, 2003 Noon] in Fraena in the north west

of Norway.

Signs of the Times #80

I am a farmer in Illinois. Many of my friends have been commenting on how unusually bright the

sun has been this summer [July 1, 2003]. I have noticed this as well. Despite a relatively cool

growing season so far, our crops are well advanced for this time of year. This photo of last evening's

Sunset is unusual because it is never this bright at sunset. [and from another email] The cherry crop

matured about two weeks early here in Northern Utah [July 3, 2003] and then suddenly after a big

rain last week they began to burst. Farmers have never seen anything like this. Something is

definitely happening.

Signs of the Times #115

While at breakfast this morning [July 14, 2003] with friends from work, two guys mentioned that

the Sun seemed extremely bright lately and was making it very difficult to drive during the morning

and evening commute. They have been making the same drive for years and can't remember a time

when they had so much trouble seeing the road.

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ZetaTalk: Lean to the Left

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ZetaTalk: Lean to the Left

written Dec 7, 2005

Leading into this Planet X

The Sunrise West occurs as the N. The N. Pole of Planet X swings

revolves in place such that its N.

Pole of Earth moves from having

clockwise, while Planet X remains

Pole no longer points almost

been pushed to the West, away

in place, and while hosing the

directly at the Sun but points

from the N. Pole of Planet X

Earth with magnetic particles

away, swinging toward the Earth, which is emerging from the East

pushes the N. Pole of Earth away,

but this change does not happen

... with an Earth attempting to lay tipping the Northern Hemisphere

suddenly, it is progressive.

on her side.

of Earth temporarily away during

Leading into this, when Planet X

ZetaTalk: Hell Unleashed, those days. During this slow

slowly swings its N. Pole round in

written Jan 2, 2005

process, the tail of Planet X, with

a clockwise direction, whither the

its many moon swirls and immense


As the N. pole begins to sling

dust cloud, emerges at the right

ZetaTalk: Drunken Lurch, toward the Earth, it hoses the

side of the Sun (as viewed in the

written Nov 19, 2004

massive tail and the debris in that Northern Hemisphere).

tail toward Earth.

ZetaTalk: Tail Returns,

ZetaTalk: Bigger and

written Apr 7, 2005


written Feb 4, 2005

We have stated that as Planet X swings in place at the start of its 270° Roll, that it will do so in a clockwise manner, as viewed from overhead as human astronomers prefer to visualize the solar system. This is because Planet X has a retrograde, or clockwise,

rotation, in keeping with its retrograde orbit during its passage past the Sun. We have referred to this 270° roll as a slow roll, no time frame for the start or finish given by us, as the finish includes the infamous 3 Days of Darkness moving rapidly into rotation slowing to a stop and the inevitable pole shift. There are many steps along the way, during this slow 270° roll, and some of them

have been predicted by us for over a year.

1. We have stated that as Planet X swings its N Pole to the right, that the Earth will leans its N Pole away from this hose of

magnetic particles, in essence falling on its side toward the left. These directions are for a daytime view, from the northern hemisphere. Has this process started? Viewed from the night sky, in the northern hemisphere, Polaris and the South

Celestial Pole would normally be dead North or dead South, but if the Earth were falling to its side, they would appear to be

increasingly off-center. This observation must take into consideration the increasing Earth wobble, for any given location.

Has this increased wobble been noticed, recently?

2. Where Earth is stalled in its orbit, and caught in the eddy cup of particle flows coming round from the Sun behind Planet X, the Earth as a magnet can be positioned within this eddy cup with some flexibility. To escape the hose of magnetic particles

coming from the N Pole of Planet X, the Earth would attempt to move to the far side of the cup, this making Planet X

visible to the right of the Sun. Have such observations been made, recently?

3. Weather wobbles follow the increasing Earth wobble, the Figure 8 so well documented by Nancy from data collected from around the world. Increased atmospheric mixing, as the Earth turns suddenly under this blanket of air during its wobble,

results in storms, out of season - hurricanes in the middle of Winter, and tornadoes in snowstorms, and no end in sight!

Have such weather irregularities begun?

4. The increased wobble puts stress on the crust of the Earth, which is affected by the presence of Planet X as is the core. The

core and the crust are affected differently, to different degrees, and thus the dictates of the core to the crust create a conflict

with the dictates of Planet X upon the crust. Thus pulled in different directions, earthquakes increase, the Atlantic is pulled apart, the Pacific compressed, the stretch zones stretched, and the magma beneath the crust roils into increased volcanic

activity. Has such an increase in quakes and volcanic activity been noticed, recently?

5. The tail of Planet X, no longer pointing toward the Sun but swinging to point toward the Earth, will bring back the debris

and red dust that wafted into the Earth atmosphere in 2003. This when the N Pole of Planet X was pointed toward the Sun

and the Earth, and Earth, being on the opposite side of the Sun from the approaching Planet X, got the blast. Has this debris,

renewed fireball activity, started?

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ZetaTalk: Lean to the Left

Where will this lead? Where the 270° roll ends with the N Pole of Earth pushed away such that the northern hemisphere

experiences 3 days of darkness, and rolling further, the 6 days of sunrise West predicted in Islam, before it stands upright next to

the now upright Planet X for a slowing rotation and rotation stoppage and then the hour of the shift. But these occur at the end of

the roll, which is a slow roll. One can assume an increased falling of Earth to its side, to the left, and we have already gone on

record predicting that the Earth will be basking, North to South, in the light of the Sun before this falling to its side rolls into the 3

days of darkness. Beyond the symptoms, which we have predicted and which have started to emerge, of this 270° roll, what else

will occur?

As the excuse for the travails afflicting Earth during the approach of Planet X and arrival into the solar system in 2003 has been

Global Warming, or emissions from the Sun or rogue asteroid swarms, how will these excuses cover when the Earth falls to its

side? Thus, one of the stresses will be on the fragile cover-up, with the increasingly despised Bush Administration and their

lackey NASA taking the blame for the cover-up. Already fragile to the breaking point, the economy will fracture, the banking

systems will put their guard into place, along with price controls and riot control, and bankruptcies will be so common as to be

pushed to the obituary pages rather than front page news. Our hope is that more obvious Earth changes, unexplained by the cover-

up excuses, will bring discussions of the End Times predictions, from all the major religions of the world and from valid prophets

with a track record of accuracy, into the major media around the world.

This should, in our opinion, get equal time with explanations of what the common man should do about their coming predicament.

The survival information, which ZetaTalk and Troubled Times and Nancy's recent Blog radio archives have always stressed.

Signs of the Times #1519

These photos were taken in West Kentucky on Dec 2, around

4:00 PM. Here is another taken 15 just minutes before. [and

from another] This stacked Sun is another type of Second Sun

photo, where Planet X appears somewhat above the Sun. [and

from another] Three weeks ago I was traveling southwest on US

Rte 42 just after a rain. The clouds were still dark but breaking

up. At about 5:00 PM I watched the Sun go behind one cloud

and just slightly northwest was another object about ¼ to 1/3 the size of the Sun which was visible because the

sun was blocked. I assume that was Planet X.

Signs of the Times #1518

Is this Planet X? This first (at left) taken in Goshidai, Japan on Dec 3 at 4:12 PM. The second (center) taken in

Tokyo on Dec 3, in the morning. The third (right) in Tokyo on Dec 5 at 4:37 pm. [and from another] Note both

morning and evening, a light orb increasingly seen naked eye is captured to the right of the Sun. In the photo

on the left, the Sun is off camera to the left. In the photo in center, it is possibly a sun dog but the halo does not

appear elsewhere around the Sun. In the photo at right, the tail is shown blowing away from the N Pole of

Planet X. As Planet X swings its N Pole around to the right, the Earth is pushed to the left to escape, thus the

view to the right of the Sun. As the tail blows out from the N Pole of Planet X, this trash will likewise

increasingly come toward Earth too. More fireballs. Per recent Polaris measures (see Sign #1517), the Earth is

falling to its side slightly, N Pole to the left, as predicted by the Zetas over a year ago. [and from another]

Meteorite turns on sky show for WA [Dec 4] 'The Sunday Times was flooded with calls from many who

witnessed the show from vantage points across the state. Shaken witnesses told of blinding light, trembling

houses, brilliant colours and fears of the meteorite landing. The spectacular display was seen from Perth to

Kalgoorlie and south to Albany, as well as in the north.' [Note: multiple evidence of Planet X swinging its N

Pole around to the right]

Signs of the Times #1517

[Nov 27] Sunrise and set of moon ad varying planets tells me that the positional alignment is of whack, hence

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ZetaTalk: Lean to the Left

the earth is a wobbling. [and from another] I´m seeing a slight wobble myself. I have Polaris marked against a

large tree in my back yard and it is wobbling to and fro. Some days itś worse than others. [and from another]

Don't know if this ties in, but where I work we monitor the conditions of a very large lake; for some time now I

have observed what I believe to be the lake sloshing (we have observed the moon's tidal effect here but this is

different) and it appears to be growing more pronounced (water level swings are getting progressively wider).

[and from another] Have evidence from Plane trip from LA-NY. 2 suns much in evidence on flight AM630.

Pilot said later-not allowed to comment, or loose job. [and from another] It is just incredible that the

Astronomical community remains either clueless or deliberately quiet. One would have to be blind to not notice

the movement that is taking place with Polaris each night [Nov 28], as well as the longer cycle that is also

manifesting itself. Polaris is continuing to creep farther and farther west by northwest with each passing week.

It is now nearly 3 degrees away from where it was located each night at the same "reading" time just a scant 6

months ago. My guess is that planet Earth is in serious trouble.

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ZetaTalk: Folding Pacific

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ZetaTalk: Folding Pacific

written June 9, 2005

New land will emerge near

Why does the Seaway rip, the

This does more than sink the

Antarctica between the tip of

African Rift Valley rip, the

SE United States and pull apart

Africa and South America.

Atlantic rip, while the Pacific

the African Rift, it pulls the

ZetaTalk: Sinking and


Middle East into a skew.


ZetaTalk: Snap,

ZetaTalk: Torque Effect

Crackle, Pop

We stated very early in the life of ZetaTalk that new land would be emerging between the tips of Africa and South

America, pushed up as the plate Antartica rides on is pushed under on the Pacific side. This stress on the Pacific side is

now becoming evident as the Antartic Plate begins to loosen along all it's edges, and most particularly to nose up at the

spot we predicted. As with the Sumatra quakes late December 2004, it is the moment when a plate pops out of its

restraints that the drama is most exposed to earthlings crawling about on the surface. Subduction amounts to relatively

quiet trembling on the surface as friction shakes the top plate, gripping and loosening, alternately. Stretch amounts to

sudden dropping, disturbing man's tidy network of roads and bridges and railways and those skyscrapers he assumes

have a firm foundation of rock that will not shift. But the popping of a plate under the pressure of the Earth torque we

have so very well described is unexpected. Land suddenly rises, other land plummets, and water must find another

home in rushing tsunamis.

The vast Pacific, scarcely mapped as to its plates and plate boundaries as how could man lay seismographic equipment

deep under the waves? The trembling floor of the Pacific is measured, peripherally, by instruments placed on land.

Man places equipment on islands, where ridges jut above the waves, and presumes to understand what he cannot touch.

We have described land both beneath and above the waves as akin to flaky pie crust, where the flakes can pull apart

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ZetaTalk: Folding Pacific

creating a weaker crust during a stretch, and can fold under each other during compression to form a thicker crust.

Land that is above the waves is there in the main because of it's composition, making it relatively lighter than the land that sinks to the ocean bottoms. Is the Pacific as solid as man presumes? Hardly, it has dozens of plates man is unaware

of, riddled with fault lines that are ready to slide and fracture, pockets of flaky rock ready to shorten and fatten into

more solid rock, and deep trenches in the ocean floor likely to fold. And why would it not? Crumple a piece of paper,

and lay it flat on a table top. Grab the edges and push. What part of that paper gives so that the paper can compress?

Ridges will rise higher, trenches will grow more narrow, and the release of tension elsewhere will allow other plates

adjoining the great Pacific to likewise move.

Look for the Atlantic to widen, giving rise to the stretch zone phenomena we have so long predicted. And sudden tsunami along the Pacific coastlines, with panic developing among the peoples there that have so long assumed the

Pacific to live up to her name. The world's populations, long denied the truth about what approaches them, will begin to

demand answers. Can this be Global Warming causing the Earth's plates to heave and snap? We have long warned the

establishment to begin telling the truth, before they lose all credibility with the people they hope to continue to

dominate. The time when they can still accomplish that, come clean, admit the cover-up and throw scapegoats to the

mob to take the brunt of the rage, is about to end. Soon the truth will be out before the mob, obvious, undeniable, and

all involved in withholding the truth held responsible.

May 31, Tiksi, Russia

Jun 9, Tiksi, Russia

May 31, Bilibino, Russia

Jun 9, Bilibino, Russia

May 31, Midway Island, Pacific Ocean

Jun 9, Midway Island, Pacific Ocean

May 31, Wake Island, Pacific Ocean

Jun 9, Wake Island, Pacific Ocean

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ZetaTalk: Folding Pacific

May 31, Guam, Marianas Islands

Jun 9, Guam, Marianas Islands

May 31, Palmer Station, Antarctica

Jun 9, Palmer Station, Antarctica

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ZetaTalk: Stretch Stench

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ZetaTalk: Stretch Stench

written Oct 1, 2005

We have gone into great detail on what occurs in the stretch zones along the Atlantic, which

includes the southeast United States and the St Lawrence Seaway, and warned recently that the

stretch would accelerate and be exacerbated by the torque effect which is twisting the North American continent at a diagonal, pulling New England to the East and Mexico to the West.

The overall effect of these forces is to drag the southeastern US down, along a line from

Pennsylvania to Texas; to pull the continent diagonally; and to ease stress on the West Coast, as

can be shown by IRIS charts indicating reduced earthquake incidence along the West Coast compared to the rest of the

Ring of Fire.

What happens to rock layers under a diagonal pull, or being pulled apart? As can be seen during recent years, this has

resulted in derailing trains, sinkholes suddenly appearing, gas and water main breaks, torn roadways and separating

bridges. Despite the effect on man, crawling about on the surface of what they assume to be terra firma, these changes

are superficial. When the pulling starts, weak points break and thereafter the plumbing and roadways hold, giving the

impression that the pulling has stopped, but this is misleading. The North American continent is giving evidence that

its rock layers are separating from each other, and sliding sideways in a diagonal, thus exposing portions of these

layers to vent into the air above. If rock is being stressed, then where are the earthquake predictors giving evidence of

this, the frantic animals, the static on the radio, the earthquake swarms? Rock in the stretch zone, pulling apart rather

than compressing, does not emit the particles flows that animals and radios sense, nor register on instruments are

tension and release quakes.

What lies beneath mankind's civilization, waiting to be exposed? More than rock and trapped oil and coal deposits,

those these may vent during stretching. More than trapped volcanic gasses, perhaps trapped for eons since the rock was

hardened or breached during previous upheavals. There is also, surprisingly, rotting material, trapped when extreme

stress on the surface created yawing that swollowed surface material or when rock layers rolled over each other to

sandwich such material between rock layers. Exposed, to the degree that venting upward into the air can occur, these

smells are solid evidence that the rock layers below are adjusting. Since the concept of the stretch zone behavior as

precursor to a pole shift was introduced by ourselves, the Zetas, and the detailed description of the torque on the North

American continent was made by ourselves months before it expressed on the IRIS charts, we can only say, as Nancy

is fond of saying, Zetas right again!

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta243.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:14 AM]

ZetaTalk: Stretch Stench

Signs of the Times #1498

Bellaire, Ohio Strange Smell [Sep 20] http://www.wtov9.com/ 'A mysterious smell has been

lingering around numerous neighborhoods in one local community, and now residents want to know

where that odor is coming from and if it's dangerous.' [and from another source] NBC Central

Texas: Strange Odor Prompts School Evacuation [Sep 22] [and from another source] Washington

Post: Mysterious Stench Nauseates Northeast [Sep 30] http://www.washingtonpost.com/ [and from

another source] LA Times: Mysterious Stench Swirls Around City [Sep 22] 'And so it went across

the Southland, as some detected strong odors from the coast to the Valley. Workplaces and weblogs

were buzzing, with descriptions comparing the smell to old socks, rotting cabbage soup, moldy wet

wallboard and the catś litter box.' [and from another source] Thunder Bay Canada: Strange Smell

in Lonlac [Sep 27] 'Municipal officials are urging Longlac residents to exercise caution as they

investigate reports of gasoline-type odours in the towns sewer system.' [and from another source]

NBC Washington Affiliate: Mystery Odors Reported Around District [Sep 28] 'Students returned to

class Wednesday afternoon at two adjacent schools in Northeast Washington, but the mystery

continues over what caused the odor that led to evacuations.' [and from another source] NBC

Greenville, South Carolina: Workers Sickened at Downtown Greenville Building [Sep 29]

http://www.wyff4.com/ 'A foul smell at a downtown Greenville building sickened several workers

and forced an evacuation. Four people were sent to Greenville Memorial Hospital for treatment of

nausea.' [and from another source] Lake Erie burps and nearby residents smell it [Sep 30]

http://www.post-gazette.com/ 'State and federal environmental officials are trying to determine the

cause of a big stink reported along Lake Erie. Hundreds of residents called authorities or the

National Weather Service yesterday to report the smell, which has been variously described as like

gasoline, natural gas or even decaying garbage and rotten eggs.' [and from another source] Stinky

Smell Plaguing A Carroll County Community [Sep 30] 'Some residents in Carroll County, PA are

breathing a little easier after complaints of a foul smell in Sykesville are finally getting results.

County engineers recently confirmed the stench is caused by hydrogen sulfide and is coming from

the sewers.'

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta243.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:14 AM]

ZetaTalk: Stretch Stench

Signs of the Times #1499

The smell is reported as smelling of sulphur in every location [Oct 1]

http://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php? Human exposure to small amounts of

hydrogen sulfide in air can cause headaches, nausea, and eye irritation. Hydrogen sulfide is found

in wastewater. [and from another source] It smells like something died in Lake Winona, MN

because something did. The smell has been described as rotten eggs or a babyś diaper. Storm

water emptied into the lake is rich in fertilizers, helping plant growth. [and from another source]

Been in ND the last few days, and noticed the sulfur stench immediately after getting out of the

Minneapolis airport. I travel alot in Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota. I have smelled it a few time

in the last 4 weeks in all 3 states. A smell that seemed like the same smell when I have drove

through the oil fields in Kansas. It kind of smelled like the smell in Yellowstone park only a bit of oil

smell to it. At first I thought it was my truck, but nope it was in the air. It is some what odd. I drive a

few miles and its gone again.

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta243.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:14 AM]

ZetaTalk: Hell Unleashed

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ZetaTalk: Hell Unleashed

written Jan 2, 2005

We have explained how the Earth Wobble, driven by the tugging on the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift, developed after the Earth stopped in her orbit on Dec 25, 2003 to the extent that it was evident by May, 2004. We have explained how this changed

to a Polar Wobble by October, 2004 when Planet X began swinging its N. Pole around, in place, pointing it toward the Earth such that the N. Pole of Earth was repulsed and swung away in a Figure 8 pattern, a pattern dictated by where the magnetic N.

Pole of Earth was positioned during the 24 hour rotation of Earth - at times vulnerable, at times hidden behind the curve of the

Earth. We have explained that the Earth is also listening to the Sun, the dominant magnet in the solar system, so at times during flux in the flow of magnetic particles coming round the side of Planet X it attempts to align in the old way, rebounding against

the push from Planet X to be the opposite of what is expected. We have explained that Magma Slams occur during the Figure 8, as the magma wants to flow round the Earth as it rotates but also wants to align with those elements in the solar system it was

reaching for during the Earth's normal rotation, creating a dual flow that has the magma doing a double whammy on the

undersides of key plates during the Figure 8.

The Figure 8 will become more extreme and vicious as the N. Pole of Planet X swings into view on its Eastern side as it turns

in place in a clockwise motion, the slow 270° Roll we described in June, 2004. What will this increased angular intensity do to the Figure 8 and Earth’s attempts to simultaneously honor the Sun’s magnetic dictates? She will lay on her side, her magnetic

N. Pole pushed to the West, a predecessor to the 3 Days of Darkness and Sunrise West laying her hemispheres out for an equal basking under the Sun but putting the Sun and Moon and especially the constellations in extremely errant positions, especially

as the Figure 8 continues during this time. The Moon attempts to align not only with the Earth’s middle, which it hugs, but also

has allegiances in the solar system, so will be in the extreme North or South, more so than has been noted during this past year.

The Sunrise West occurs as the N. Pole of Earth moves from having been pushed to the West, away from the N. Pole of Planet

X which is emerging from the East. It hides from the virtual hose of magnetic particles coming from the N. Pole of Planet X, so

that as Planet X completes its 270° Roll the Earth is found lying on her side with her N. Pole more to the East, those in the

northern hemisphere seeing the Sun appear to rise slightly to the West of the N. Pole as the day begins.

And magma slams during that time, given an increased violence in the Figure 8 of the polar wobble as well as sudden over

compensation as the Earth attempts to listen during lulls to the Sun’s dominance? Where predictable during a gentle Figure 8,

when combined with an Earth attempting to lay on her side while simultaneously forced into a stronger Figure 8 they will strike

not only the southern hemisphere, but worldwide. The syncopation of this music will include the reactions in Earth plates as

they suddenly find themselves freed of restrictions, the rock fingers along fault lines broken so the plates can rise or fall, slide

or separate, to adjust pressure. In that man understands little of the raft of rock he rides upon, assuming his understanding of the

origin and drift of the continents to be correct, he will be surprised. We have promised that the elite would find themselves with

surprises going into the pole shift, their plans to entrap and poison or drown hundreds of millions in coastal or river basin cities

utterly shattered. They will also find themselves without the safety of their enclaves, in ways we will not at this time describe.

We have termed the pole shift the Great Equalizer and this is true in more than one way. No man will be safe, all will be affected, and those aspects of the elite plans, which they assume fail safe, will be torn like a tissue into shreds going into the last

days before the shift, to their horror. They will find themselves among the homeless, without shelter, without supplies or

recourse, the horror they are smugly allowing the common man to approach suddenly theirs, a perfect karma.

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta191.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:15 AM]

ZetaTalk: Hell Unleashed

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ZetaTalk: Proof Exists

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ZetaTalk: Proof Exists

written Mar 18, 2005

Yesterday when I was draining the bathtub, the blasted thing started draining clockwise! The little

whirlpool that starts when it's about half empty just started going the wrong way out of the clear blue!

Cliff, Seattle

Now the rotation in my fountain went from clockwise to counterclockwise and now is acting like a drunk,

going in every direction!

Alberto, Italy

We have shown the relationship between the recent indications that magma is in turmoil under the surface in certain

parts of the globe, just as we predicted a lineal increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity worldwide early in the

ZetaTalk era. Magma on the move due to the Earth wobble, creating atmospheric turmoil, all the pieces falling into place when the existence of the well documented wobble is acknowledged. The globe is opening like a jar of pickles,

torqued and twisted open by jerking on the magnetic handles the crust of the Earth provides to the monster Planet X.

This ZetaTalk explanation and this alone, made months before its application became obvious, shows why the N.

American plate is peculiarly exempt from strong quakes following the Sumatra tsunami quake.

As with the steady increase in weather swings, barely noticeable in 1995 when ZetaTalk began but unfolding exactly as

ZetaTalk predicted, there is no other explanation for this relationship except for ours. Global Warming? Hardly,

magma deep under the surface and exempt from warm air. Solar Fares? These, as we explained early in ZetaTalk may

affect radio transmissions and cause electrical surges, but do not roil the magma. The Moon likewise, has not assumed an extreme orbit due to either of these factors, but is adjusting to the turmoil in particle flows in the eddy formed

before Planet X, once again, no other explanation for this phenomena that even makes sense other than ours. In the face

of the plethora of signs that something evil this way comes, the worlds scientific community falls silent. Politicians

prate the Global Warming line, unable to muster any other enemy they can attack. Astronomers avoid indications of

orbit anomalies, none willing to risk their families or their careers or in particular their lives by breaking the silence

that has been imposed on them. The weathermen cheerfully cite statistics, admitting the number of records being

broken, on a daily basis, is phenomenal, but avoiding any discussion of where this might be leading. While Hollywood

is allowed to produce fiction now and then on a piece of the ultimate phenomena, such as monster tidal waves or

sudden climate change, the real drama playing out is avoided by the media. The cover-up rules.

Meanwhile, the common man is told that there is no evidence that Planet X is in our inner solar system, arrived in 2003

in a cloud of red dust which it cloakes itself with so tightly that no light reflects from it, though photos and sightings

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ZetaTalk: Proof Exists

galore attest to this shrouded planet slowly plotting it’s way past the Sun. NASA may know, but they answer up the

line to the White House and can be put under a National Security order, silencing them along with the Navy and

observatories worldwide who are linked by such oaths, especially since UFO’s began arriving in droves during the last

few decades. Is there not a cover-up about UFO’s and aliens? Did not the recent Peter Jennings special document that

project Blue Book, run by the Air Force, admitted to such a cover-up? Do covers exist? Did Hoover not pronounce,

for 40 years, that gays were the enemy, all the while prancing about in a pink tutu in private? Has the world ever

received a proper explanation for the JFK assassination, supposedly done by a single bullet where several were

recorded, on film, being fired and a single bullet could not do the damage reported and come out intact?

Proof exists, and lies before you, but the clarity of the picture only improves when all the pieces are laid out like pieces

of a puzzle needing to be assembled. It is not simply the weather, almost doubling in ferocity in the past year. It is not

simply what the skies overhead can show you, the Moon so off obit at times in its monthly cycle as to puzzle

grandparents who have never seen such a sight. It is all the pieces, and what explanation covers them all. The only

explanation that addresses all of the phenomena is the ZetaTalk message, and Planet X is central in this. Thus, proof


Signs of the Times #1360

World Increase in Volcanic Activity for February [Feb 27] There has been a large increase of

volcanic activity on the planet over the past month. Volcano watch centres who recorded only three

reports for November have now been followed up with over twenty worldwide reports for February.

Volcanoes that have not erupted for centuries are showing signs of new activity which seems to be

widespread over the planet surface and not confined to one region. [and from another source] At

least 20 volcanoes will probably be erupting as you read these words (Italy's Stromboli, for

example, has been erupting for more than a thousand years); roughly 60 erupted each year through

the 1990s; about 1300 (and perhaps more than 1500) have erupted in the Holocene (past 10,000

years); and some estimates of young seafloor volcanoes exceed a million. [and from another source]

Many volcanoes are listed as ‘ongoing’, meaning they are constantly and moderately erupting.

Currently, per this site there are 16 of these in Guatemala, Hawaii, New Guinea, Indonesia, Russia,

Alaska, Ecuador, Ethiopia, West Indies, Mexico, and Vanuatu.

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ZetaTalk: Sequence of Events

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ZetaTalk: Sequence of Events

written Jan 20, 2005

What may be the next catastrophe to awaken the public?

During the life of ZetaTalk we have describing the events during the hour of the shift, during the week of rotation

stoppage, during the days when the globe slows to a stop in its rotation, during the weeks leading into the side-by-side position of Earth and Planet X that allows this grip on the Atlantic Rift such that rotation could be stopped, the 270°

roll of Planet X causing 3 Days of Darkness and 6 days of Sunrise West for the northern hemisphere, and prior to that months of tilting and leaning under the influence of Planet X as it passes the Sun’s S. Pole, and prior to that years of

influence from afar as Planet X speeds toward the Sun from its midpoint between the Sun and its dark binary some

18.74 Sun-Pluto distances from the Sun. Of the thousands of ZetaTalk writings, over these years, these events were not

laid out in an orderly fashion for the reader, for many reasons.

Consider the plagiarism that has occurred during the short life of ZetaTalk.

Mark Hazelwood lifting our description of the pole shift, almost verbatim, for his book Blindsided in 2003 and

becoming a media darling to supplant the ZetaTalk message and allow someone well in hand as an

establishment voice to be the spokesperson.

Ed Dames, who at first prior to the year 2000 denied the existence of Planet X, doing an about face and starting

to describe the changes we have described in great detail, again as someone well in hand as a Major and former

CIA associate to be an establishment spokesperson. Meanwhile, the voice of ZetaTalk is suppressed.

Various websites purporting to allow the public to pose questions to the Zetas, numerous forgeries of Nancy

Lieder on the message boards, and the sudden appearance of personages with information about the coming

changes, some supposedly as government agents with a conscience and others supposedly receiving channeled

information, all aligning closely with what ZetaTalk has predicted and explained in great detail or what could be

presumed from what we have predicted and explained.

Consider the excuses the establishment has prepared to explain the Earth changes and keep the public dumb for as long

as possible.

It’s all from the Sun, the mantra of Mitch Battros of Earth Changes TV and ‘killshot’ Ed Dames. Where

earthquakes and erupting volcanoes were never before associated with solar flares, there are hints this is a cause.

The Sun, implacable as before, is unaware of the passage of Planet X, nor is the Sun the cause of Earth’s


Human hands are causing the changes, HAARP meteorology or secret weapons that can focus earthquakes under

enemy lands or foment weather disturbances. Man of course does not have the ability to create earthquakes or

control the weather, as any observation of the path and destruction of hurricanes and typhoons would show.

These cannot be stopped, nor can man even predict earthquakes, such is their impotence.

Global Warming, to blame for the melting poles and glaciers and increased weather swings. This failed utterly to

address why the globe is heating from the ground up, permafrost melting under the ice, and of course never

addressed why warmer air could cause increased quakes and volcanic eruptions. Quake statistics were kept in

line by dropped data and under-reported Richter. Were Global Warming the cause, the Kyoto Treaty would have

been treated seriously by the US.

Were ZetaTalk to have come forth, at the start, with a logical sequence of events, both plagiarism and alternate

excuses would have been more successful in deluding the public. Beyond these reasons for not being explicit in

detailing the sequence of events is the ever present need to keep the establishment from formulating firm Martial Law

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ZetaTalk: Sequence of Events

plans. This looms like a dark boot over the heads of children at play, the desire to stomp hundreds of millions of

innocents to death during the hours of chaos ever present, to eliminate demands for food and shelter from those not

considered suitable for work camps. The common man, to whom we speak in our compassion to see them informed of

what is to come, emotionally prepared for what this will mean in their lives, and able to lay plans for how they may

help themselves and those they love and feel responsible for, nevertheless gets the message.

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ZetaTalk: Clear Message

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ZetaTalk: Clear Message

written Jan 20, 2005

The message is clear for the hour of the shift, as by this time due to the continuous moaning and shuddering of the

Earth, and the ravages caused by the stress of crust rotation having been stopped for 5.9 days while the core and

magma continue to press for rotation, will have made any further imposition of Martial Law in the world impossible.

All travel and traffic will be stopped, all communications down, the world frozen in horror, waiting for the next blow.

What events are to occur during the 5.9 days of rotation stoppage are not clear, outside of what a moaning and

continuously trembling Earth and the hysteria and confusion a long day or long night will create. We have explained

that water will flow from the Equator to the Poles, creating deceptive beaches, and that wind will smooth the air

temperatures worldwide, implying strong and unusual windstorms, and by implication that the stress on the crust will

find the crust snapping and adjusting as these days pass, with cities imploding, bridges and roadways and rail lines

distorted, all the infrastructure of man’s civilized existence rupturing, the broken link theory applied, becoming


The cover-up will long since have become a casualty. A globe falling to its side during an increasing wobble and

rolling its N. Pole away from the Sun will get the attention of even those most determined to run from the truth. It is

upon them, and will not go away. Regardless of the degree of Earth changes, the severity of quakes or where the

waters of the oceans will go during these days, the sociology impact will be immense. Those in denial, unable to

envision anything but the security of their current world, will plunge into frantic resistance, arguing with the facts,

frantically going about their normal routine and insisting that all is well, attacking any who say otherwise. Others, in

great numbers, will quietly go insane. Certainly, the social infrastructure will break, jobs unattended or if attended

mistakes made. If utilities such as water and power do not falter from breaks and explosions, they will falter from lack

of attention. The attempts by those who would impose Martial Law to claim this is terrorism will fall on deaf ears, nor

will the troops required to impose this have anything on their minds other than what the import of all this on their

personal lives might mean. Social disruption, the moorings asunder.

What sequence of events will occur up until this severe 270° roll occurs we will hold in abeyance, in order to best

discombobulate the establishment. They are still clinging to the notion that they will commandeer all the oil fields of

the world, guarded by the US Military, black gold to be used as the next commodity in the future when survivors will

sell their children and their freedoms in order to stay warm. Black gold to run the war machines of the world, ensuring

world domination to he who owns the oil fields. That Iraq is in tatters and all tapped oil fields will explode into

fireballs and all oil tanks likewise rupture and be disbursed has not occurred to these megalomaniacs. They are still

clinging to the notion that a passage might happen without the severe Earth changes we have predicted, and want their

paper ownership of the world to remain intact until that notion is disproved, utterly. Beach property, the solvency of

banks and nations, corporate equity and the false value placed on commodities, all to retain their worth until the shores

are awash and the cities in dust. Meanwhile, they lay their plans, prepare for their families, and plot how to enslave the

common man whom they assume will be taken by surprise, and therefore be vulnerable.

But what is the common man expecting, and aware of? In every culture, in every country, there is some clue of the

coming times in folklore and prophecy. In every case, this leads with the worst, descriptions of the final convulsions

the Earth will go through on her way to rebirth. In every case, there are signs to look for when this time draws near. In

every case, there is no clear indication of the date. In this regard, ZetaTalk did not differ from what existed in folklore

and prophecy, describing the hour of the shift and heralding signs and declining to name a date. We have described increasing weather swings of drought and deluge, switching about for seemingly no reason, since 1995, and these have

occurred. We have described earthquakes and volcanic activity increasing on a linear basis up until the last days, with

the cover-up of this increase and lack of media attention keeping pace, and this likewise has occurred. We have

described problems with maintaining satellites in the months before the pole shift, and this has become apparent to the

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta198.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:17 AM]

ZetaTalk: Clear Message

common man even with extensive backup systems sent aloft to guard against this. We have described what signs the

common man should look for, in order to time his escape to safety, and described in great detail what traps to avoid

and how to prepare for the Aftertime. Regardless of what sequence of events will occur between now and then, he is

armed. The breaches in the sequence of events, however, are designed to disarm the establishment, who will find

themselves on a level, a par, with the common man they so disdain.

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta198.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:17 AM]

ZetaTalk: Hale-Bopp

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Note: written on Aug 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The Zetas have commented on Hale-Bopp since it first hit the press in mid-1995. They have stated that Hale-Bopp is a

fraud, designed to get the populace looking in the wrong direction, not toward Orion. The many faces of the Hale-

Bopp Fraud, and what the Zetas said about them at the time, are in detail on pages linked to from the outline below.


Aug- Hale-Bopp = a nova


Hale-Bopp is nothing more than a distant star, and will draw no closer. The 12th Planet, a true messenger of

death, will not even get the attention the fraudulent Hale-Bopp is getting today. That's because it's a real threat,

not a diversion.


Aug- Hale-Bopp = a nova


Why has Hale-Bopp, at this time, decided to fragment and explode, growing in brightness? This is decidedly

not the pattern that comets present, but it is the pattern of exploding stars, super novas, which become for a

brief time visible, and then wink out.


Aug- Hale-Bopp = a nova


Outbursts occur when comets fragment on nearing the Sun, being of a composition that cannot withstand the

exposure. The 1993 outburst story stands directly at odds with the orbital computation, which places Hale-

Bopp, so the story goes, in a regular orbit around the Sun every 4,000 years or so!


Aug- Hale-Bopp = a nova


The diffuse brightness of an exploding star provides a fairly large area of bright points, as the mass of the star

spirals outward with fiercely burning portions away from the star center, which is dimming. Just which of those

little pin points is considered the so-called comet head?


Sep- Hale-Bopp = a nova


No comet emissions have been discerned except by an Arizona friend of Hale's. These tentative emissions

hardly weigh against La Silla's study, which is authoritative. Why did La Silla call Hale-Bopp an "unusual"

comet, with a broad area of a supposed dust cloud not usually found surrounding a comet.


Oct- Hale-Bopp = Sagittarius unmapped stars


This unfortunate conspiracy began with the best of intentions at the bequest of MJ12, in fact, who had

neglected to update their lackeys on the latest. The conspirators were going under the prior directives, which

were to focus attention away from the pending reentry of the 12th Planet into your Solar System.


Oct- Hale-Bopp = Sagittarius unmapped stars

http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p46.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:17 AM]

ZetaTalk: Hale-Bopp


(Talking about the nova.) The public has been given many images of Hale-Bopp, all with slightly different

backgrounds, as the light range was adjusted each time to allow or screen out certain spectrums. Thus, it

appears from the photos that Hale-Bopp must be moving.


Nov- Hale-Bopp = Sagittarius unmapped stars


(Talking about the nova.) A late summer ESO report stated as clearly as the ESO dared that Hale-Bopp was not

a comet, based on the lack of comet emissions and expansive behavior. They did not publish the many

concurrent findings that demonstrated that Hale-Bopp is an exploding star.


May- Hale-Bopp = star clusters or black space


(Talking about the nova.) Why did the various major observatories around the world assume the head of Hale-

Bopp to be various different things - a dark area, a bright spot, a dark areas to the side of a bright spot - all

while the head was the basis of the supposed orbit tracking? Why was it necessary for the IAU to toss out 90%

of the data submitted to it for the announced orbit to be found to be correct? Is this science, that the assumption

overrules the data?


Jun- Hale-Bopp = real comet #1


Take a check on where all these almost daily changes in the ephemerides are leading, astronomers of the world,

as they are leading right to where a face saving comet that's a real comet is coming from. They plan to hide

Hale-Bopp behind a real comet. What comet, ever, has had this kind of manipulation in its orbit?


Jul- Hale-Bopp = real comet #1


All roads seem to lead to Gamma Andromedae, where this does not logically follow! They would marry their

fraud, Hale-Bopp, with a double star, Gamma Andromedae, and what a glorious perihelion that would be! This

required manipulation of the orbit such that it moved away from Jupiter, rather than being perturbed toward the



Nov- Hale-Bopp = behind the Sun


Hoagland's early conclusion that what NASA was calling Hale-Bopp was an object under intelligent control

gave the conspirators a way out. Those who have spread this gossip are all firmly in the palm of the

conspirators, cooperating.


Nov- Hale-Bopp = behind the Sun


We predict that the single individual, the NASA Principal Investigator who has been given exclusive rights to

Hubble pictures of Hale-Bopp, will come forward and grant the public a look at these prizes. However, these

pictures will be of times long past.


Dec- Hale-Bopp = behind the Sun


It zigs and zags without any astronomical reason, perturbing away form Jupiter, having its turnaround at

perihelion tightening, all unexplained by the orbit plotters. Along the way they have also lined their fraud up

with star clusters and when the orbit was in the comet belt, with faint peripheral comets that JPL and NASA

spied with their equipment.

http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p46.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:17 AM]

ZetaTalk: Hale-Bopp


Jan- Hale-Bopp = real comet #2


Is it not supposed to be a glorious panorama across the sky at this point? Is it not to take the breath of the

beholder away at this point? The comet of the millennium? A comet of such massive proportions that it was

outbursting out past Jupiter?


Mar- Hale-Bopp = real comet #2


It is not what was advertised and pointed to in 1995. It is not what folks were advised to track through
