Sagittarius in late 1995. It is not what folks were struggling to see in early 1996, nor the brief alignment of a
comet in June-July of 1996. It is not the many star clusters that the Hale-Bopp orbit was aligned with during its
twists and turns that broke all the rules of Orbital Elements and have never been explained by JPL. And it will
prove not to be what has been billed for Hale-Bopp at perihelion. Imagine what you might see with the Hubble,
above the atmosphere which clouds mankind's view of his Solar System. Imagine what information is received
by the NEAT program. Comets are so many gnats in the sky that NASA and JPL fail to report as they are
forbidden to take advantage of their superior view in this matter.
Hale-Bopp = real comet #2
The tale told by the angle of the two tails, the ion tail in particular as it points away from the Sun, shows that
this comet is not at the distance claimed by the conspirators. What angle should that tail pointing away from
Earth be? Is it at that angle? Here's the rub! Is this a big comet far away or a small comet much closer!
Hale-Bopp = real comet #2
The single clue available to the populace is the angle of the tail which points directly away from the Sun. As we
have explained, drawing a simple diagram as viewed from well above the Solar System and placing a comet in
this or that position relative to the Earth and Sun will quickly show that the comet cannot be at the distance
claimed![2/5/2012 9:57:17 AM]
ZetaTalk: Shramek Object
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ZetaTalk: Shramek Object
Note: written on Nov 15, 1996.
A consistent theme surrounding the Hale-Bopp fiasco has been that of an intelligently driven star-like object. At first,
when the Hale-Bopp hoopla was just breaking news, Hoagland went onto the Art Bell talk show to announce that he
suspected Hale-Bopp of being not a comet but an intelligently driven star-like object. An otherwise sober and
grounded scientist, Hoagland seemed out of character in this announcement, and for good reason. This was not
Hoagland’s conclusion, but a conclusion he was asked to announce by none other than the Hale-Bopp conspirators,
who reach some lofty posts in NASA and comet central, Harvard's IAU. But aren't Hoagland and NASA engaged in a
perpetual fight over the Mars and Moon images and the endless lies that NASA proffers? They are indeed often at
odds, but in the good-ol-boy world of NASA progress often requires compromise, and we would point out that NASA
has recently agreed to image those portions of Mars of interest to Hoagland on its next trip.
Since the Hale-Bopp conspirators did not go along with the original plan to fragment their fraud shortly after it was
announced, the nova that was being pointed to as the Hale-Bopp comet faded and died as novas do. Thus, the
conspirators are left with dodging the orbit of their fraud behind this star or that in the mostly unmapped star studded
swamp of Sagittarius, and for a period of time during late summer of 1996, lining it up with a distant comet that
NASA and JPL had spied in the proper vicinity. All those sometimes daily ephemeride changes did indeed have a
reason, and when they became embarrassing they were no longer posted on the Internet where questions would be
raised. The conspirators now found they had an embarrassment on their hands, and with ZetaTalk breathing down their
necks pointing out just how the fraud was being perpetrated, they were being forced down a narrow tunnel to
perihelion, a perihelion that would not be the glorious show that had been announced.
Thus, more apparent enemies of NASA were enlisted to divert the attention of the average man, while hopefully saving
face for those who had foisted the Hale-Bopp conspiracy onto mankind. They would revisit the intelligently driven
star-like object theme, but as Hale-Bopp was no longer bright, and is in fact an object the conspirators do not want the
public looking at closely, they ascribed the intelligence to what they called a Hale-Bopp companion. Shramek, while
appearing to be suspicious of NASA and JPL statements, is well in bed with them on this, and is being belittled by
those who want to be remembered as sober and serious minded astronomers according to plan. Where the astronomers
of the world quickly identified the object in Shramek's images as a well-known star, the man-on-the-street is supposed
to remember only that something odd was chasing Hale-Bopp just before is disappeared. Thus mankind has heard lies
about Hale-Bopp - coming and going.
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:57:18 AM]
ZetaTalk: Psi-Tech Pathogens
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ZetaTalk: Psi-Tech Pathogens
Note: written on May 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
A recent prediction from Psi-Tech, yet another remote viewing front for CIA disinformation, is ridiculous to the point
of being debunkable by the man on the street - the announcement that Hale-Bopp is somehow carrying a pathogen to
kill plant life on Earth. With UFO sightings increasing and becoming virtually commonplace, the common man must
wonder why aliens with such intentions need to use a slow moving comet to carry such a package. This latest silliness
only makes sense if one considers the government’s dilemma regarding the coming crop shortages due to climate
changes caused by the 12th Planet’s approach. Examine the likely outcome of the crop shortages, examine the story
about the plant pathogens, and the story begins to make sense from the standpoint of shaping attitudes in the populace.
Africa is starving now, especially in the encroaching semi-deserts below the Sahara, and will be the first continent and
the hardest hit when serious crop shortages hit elsewhere and the helping hand that is often extended to Africa is
withdrawn. The media will be instructed to show fewer pictures of disaster victims, so that the tottering stick children,
gaunt and holding empty bowls up with desperate pleading in their eyes, will no longer remind nations unused to crop
shortages of any kind that this may be their plight one day. Rather than wait for the time to arrive, those who would
sculpt the public’s attitude on these matters have started by placing such scenarios into the public consciousness. Think
about this, and consider what you would do if mass starvation were to hit the world in general.
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:57:19 AM]
ZetaTalk: Siberian Freeze
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ZetaTalk: Siberian Freeze
written Feb 1, 2006
How is it that Siberia and much of Europe can be
freezing in subzero cold, while the US and Canada
are basking in unseasonably warmth? Are they not
on the same latitude? We described, long before it
appeared, and Earth wobble caused by the presence of
Planet X in the inner solar system. N Poles of magnets
are anathema to each other, as each hoses out
magnetic particles and they want to either align side
by side or end to end. As the Earth is far smaller than
Planet X, it is the lesser magnet and must accommodate Planet X, which is the bully magnet. Thus, as Planet X swings
around in place as it moves through the Sun's magnetic field, turning its N Pole away from the Sun so it can align with
the Sun's magnetic field above the Ecliptic, it is forcing the N Pole of Earth to lean away during those times when it
faces the Sun and the passing Planet X.
It has been in the news within this past year that the magnetic N Pole is now migrating to Siberia, having left
Canadian territory. Why would this be occurring, so rapidly? We have made much of the magnetic effect of the
Atlantic Rift, which runs down the center of the Atlantic. Hardened magna, which hardens during pole shifts when the
continents are ripped apart, aligns magnetically under the influence of the magnetic field, and thus this becomes
essentially a magnet on the crust of the Earth. The regular global quakes, global shuddering when the plates of the globe are pulled forward or back as this magnetized Atlantic Rift is grabbed by Planet X, show a Face and Dark side
pattern, when the Atlantic Rift is either facing or in opposition to Planet X as it approaches from the direction of the
Sun. And where would that opposition point be? Siberia.
In essence, this is a projection of the Atlantic Rift as a magnet. It is wrapping around the globe, extending more
than 180°, and curling over the horizon to encompass Siberia. The Earth's magnetosphere appears lopsided, when
viewed from space, leaning away from the Sun, for a similar reason. It is stated that the solar wind blows the field
away from the Sun. This is not the cause, but regardless of the exact mechanism, for the flow of magnetic particles to
be swinging away from a larger magnet when in a side by side arrangement is a concept not unknown to humans.
More than the particles are blown away, the poles are also pushed away. Where it would seem that this would make the
N and S Poles of Earth revolve, with the globe, during the daily rotation, the influence of the Atlantic Rift on these
matters prevails. When the Atlantic Rift presents its face to the Sun and to Planet X, which is in the process of turning
its N Pole toward Earth, the effect is to create a bow on this surface magnet that goes over the horizon and pushes the
magnetic N Pole of Earth into Siberia.
The Earth wobble that emerged in 2004, where the N Pole of Earth drew a figure 8 each day as it was alternatively
pushed away from Planet X and or allowed to bounce back, has become more extreme. Siberia is cold because when it
turns toward the Sun during rotation, the magnetic pole that has become its resident is pushed away, and thus Siberia
gets less sunlight. Canada and the US are basking because for similar reasons, when they turn toward the Sun there is
no N Pole influence to be shoved away, and the Atlantic Rift is being griped, top to bottom, by Planet X and turned in
such a way that the bow of the crustal magnet aligns in a comfortable way to the dominance of Planet X. The
emerging N Pole of Planet X, swinging round to the right in a retrograde or clockwise manner, wants the Earth to fall
to its side, toward the left, so the N Pole of Earth is as far away as possible. As the Earth is not yet torn from its
allegiance to the Sun, it has dual directives, and tries to accommodate them both. Thus, while it remains upright and
has not yet fallen onto its side, it leans somewhat in that direction, and thus the lopsided Winter temps in the northern
hemisphere.[2/5/2012 9:57:19 AM]
ZetaTalk: Siberian Freeze
Signs of the Times #1540
Russians face freezing chaos [Jan 19] 'But if you think it sounds cold in Moscow, how about this.
Last week, the city of Tomsk in western Siberia declared a state of emergency when temperatures
fell to 57C. Sorry, I mean minus 57C. It was so cold most people's thermometers were no use any
more as they do not go past minus 40C. Some of the oil wells in Siberia have frozen, and Russia is
producing 200,000 barrels of oil a day less than it was last month.' [and from another source]
Midwest savoring January warm spell [Jan 13] 'People here are
shedding their wool coats, rolling down their car windows and wondering where's winter as bright
sunshine Thursday sent temperatures to a high of 55. The above-normal temperatures stretching
across the Midwest and east to Boston are part of an unusual pattern that won't change any time
soon, said meteorologist Mark Ratzer of the National Weather Service.' [and from another source]
Many parts of Canada experiencing warm January [Jan 30] 'Most parts of Canada are
experiencing one of the warmest winters on record. It has been a sunny and warm January, with
average temperatures above seasonal norms, in some cases by as much as 10 degrees.'
Signs of the Times #1541
Earth's magnetic pole drifting quickly [Dec 8] 'Earth's north magnetic
pole is drifting away from North America and toward Siberia at such a clip that Alaska might lose
its spectacular Northern Lights in the next 50 years, scientists said Thursday.' [and from another]
Miners Surface after Saskatchewan Fire [Jan 30] 'All 72 miners trapped by a fire in a potash mine
in Saskatchewan were brought to safety by rescuers early Monday, a day after the workers took
refuge from the smoke and flames.' [and from another] It appears we Canadians with our heavily
regulated mining industry in Saskatchewan has its uses after all. You speak of increasing signs of
torque effect such as rail road derailments (which here in western Canada, our incidents are
increasing exponentially) and industrial fires. So I guess we will be seeing a lot more mining
emergencies in the news as well![2/5/2012 9:57:19 AM]
ZetaTalk: Tail Wafting
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ZetaTalk: Tail Wafting
written Mar 8, 2006
These photos were taken in Fort Lauderdale, FL on March 4, 2006. She used a Kodak digital camera
CX7530 5.0MP.[and from another] Using always my digital cam REVIA KD-220Z in Italy on March 7,
2006. The corpus seems smaller than the previous image and on the left side of the Sun. [and from
another] I wonder if these are moon swirls in the tail?
When Planet X became visible in early 2001 as a dim blur viewed at observatories, or as what appeared to be a very
dim star in infrared images in early 2002, or as a star not on the star charts during CCD imaging in the Fall of 2002, the shrouding dust cloud and tail of Planet X was either not an issue or was seen to be trailing behind the rapidly
moving planet. When it put on the brakes as it arrived at the Sun, in the Summer of 2003, the tail logically wafted past
the halting Planet X to blow past the Sun and deposit some red dust on the Earth. It also interfered with the electric
grid in many countries in August-September of 2003, creating surges and brownouts, crashing the grids. Then the dust
cloud settled into clinging to and blowing outward from the N Pole of Planet X, which was pointing toward the S Pole
of the Sun as it rounded it and moved up toward the Sun's middle. Thus, from Dec, 2003 to the recent past, the tail was
blowing toward the Sun, and the debris and red dust and many dramatic bright moon swirl dances not as much in evidence. 2004 and into 2005 were a relatively quiet time, tail wise, as Planet X gradually rose to the Ecliptic, while
rounding the Sun, and started outbound toward the Earth, trapped in her halted orbit in front of Planet X.[2/5/2012 9:57:20 AM]
ZetaTalk: Tail Wafting
We have stated that as Planet X does a slow 270° roll to
position itself to be above the Sun's Ecliptic, where it will point
its S Pole at the Sun's N Pole and quickly exit the solar system,
it first must swing its N Pole away from the Sun. It does so in a
retrograde manner, as it rotates retrograde and is in a retrograde
orbit while passing the Sun. As the N Pole swings round to the
right, as viewed from the northern hemisphere, the tail likewise
begins to appear to the right of the Sun. The Earth, desperate to
escape the hose of magnetic particles coming from the N Pole
of Planet X, leans to the left as far as possible in the eddy flow
of particles it is trapped in, caught in the path of Planet X,
moving steadily and inexorably toward the Earth as it leaves
the Sun. Thus sightings and photos of the corpus of Planet X,
the Second Sun, have been captured of late, even casting a
reflection on the water (photo at right). What happens to the
immense, charged, tail of Planet X during this slow 270° roll
When far away from the Earth, the tail appears as an adjunct to the corpus, wafting off to one side or surrounding and
somewhat behind the corpus. But as Planet X comes closer to the Earth, and the tail is blown more toward Earth than
away, the view of the tail from Earth changes. The tail, as we have mentioned many times, is charged, and this is the
reason it clings to and follows Planet X, which is an immense planetary magnet. The tail blows away from the N Pole
of Planet X, which is the outbound port of the magnetic particle flow that is the magnetic field of a planet. But being
charged, due to the iron oxide dust that is the primary component of the tail, it wants to stay aligned with the magnetic
field of Planet X. Thus, the tail wraps around toward the S Pole of Planet X, along the magnetic field lines surrounding
Planet X. In the past, when Planet X was at a distance, it and the tail could be seen on this or that side of the Sun. But
when Planet X is coming close, as it is now, and standing between the Earth and the Sun, as it is now, with the tail
flowing along the magnetic field lines of Planet X, it can appear on both sides of the Sun.
Does this mean that mankind will shortly have more of the tail effects, here on Earth? The Earth cannot escape this,
and folklore speaks to this, but just what the timing of these assaults will be, we will not say, as the establishment is
still not sharing what they know about this monster and its certain passage with the common man.[2/5/2012 9:57:20 AM]
ZetaTalk: Dragon's Claw
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ZetaTalk: Dragon's Claw
written Mar 9, 2006
ZetaTalk: Cataclysm Masks, written on Jun 15,
ZetaTalk: Solar Opportunists, written Oct 30,
The heating of the oceans and increasing
The public should be aware of how
tremors are thus blamed on solar flares,
complete control over news of solar
even though such activity in the past was
related events is maintained. Outside of
never associated with solar flares. For
what can be viewed by the naked eye,
the core to be heated by solar flares
sunspots which are cool dark areas that
beyond what the surface has
appear from time to time and are almost
experienced is illogical, so the
always present to some degree, or the
alternative explanation given is clothed
minor radio static or magnetic flux that
in scientific mumbo-jumbo so that the
can result from the Sun, there is no data
common man doesn't attempt to fully
in the hands of the public not released
from the central control of NASA.
ZetaTalk: False Alarms, written on Jan 15, 1998 ZetaTalk: Solar Minimum? , written Nov 12, Alarms about solar flares are
exaggerations. Solar flares will increase
And how does the Sun react to this
as the time of the passage approaches.
particle storm, when a steady state in
They, like the earthquakes that are on
and out of the multitude of particles is
the increase, will increase in number,
the norm? Particles flowing into the Sun
and plague electronic communications,
are blocked, creating an imbalance at
but have little effect on the tides,
her surface along the Ecliptic. Particles
growing seasons, or the weather. [The
flowing out from the Sun are crowded,
coverup] will say otherwise, declaring
swirling to the side to relieve the
that this is the cause of the increase in
pressure. All this creates ripples on the
deep earthquakes, the chronic El Nino,
Sun's surface, out of season per man's
and magnetic diffusion. It is not.
computations, during the Solar
We have warned since the start of ZetaTalk in 1995 that solar flares would be used as one of the covers during the
cover-up. Global warming is the other key cover, but since it does not account for increased earthquakes and volcanic
activity, these signs pointing to the approach of Planet X have been and will be tossed into the solar flares bucket. It is
emissions from the Sun causing the core of the Earth to roil, thus the plates to become restless and move about and the
volcanoes to burp and ooze. That these Earth changes have never been ascribed before to solar emission is not deemed
a show stopper for those orchestrating the cover-up, as they think of the common man as dim witted and easily led
about. What the common man sees, beyond the rhetoric, is that the world about them is changing and the explanations
seem nonsensical. Even a low IQ ditch digger can sense that the weather has gotten extreme, but he also sees the
establishment offering only vague explanations while seeming not to care about the effect on the working family. The
message is that whatever is going on, the establishment does not plan to help the common man.
In almost every culture, there is folklore and prophecy to warn about the coming changes, what the Christians call the
End Time. Revelations points to red dust and mountains being moved. Islam points to a prophesied 6 days when the
Sun will seem to rise from the West. And quite outside of organized religion are the prophets in almost every tongue
and backwater and island chain who have described what to look for, signs in the skies, and what these signs will lead[2/5/2012 9:57:21 AM]
ZetaTalk: Dragon's Claw
to. If a low IQ ditch digger cannot understand NASA's explanations for how the solar maximum will come early and
create havoc with mankind's electrical grid and satellite systems, they can see that the Earth changes are lining up with
what they have heard discussed in the family circle, the tribal meeting, the church group, or while at work swinging a
pick. The establishment will not escape from the broad knowledge of the coming times, which have been pre-set,
before this time, in anticipation of an attempted cover-up. The cover-up is doomed, as it will increasingly fail to
confuse the common man, and in fact will only convince the common man that the establishment does not care about
them, one wit.
Solar flares and asteroid swarms have long been planned as the explanation of choice for the visible approach of Planet
X, when it can no longer be ignored or denied, when it appears so regularly in the skies as a writhing bright orb that
the common man stands in the street and points to it. Where this in theory might pass as an explanation, that the orb is
a plasma flare broken off from the Sun and the debris and red dust in the tail of Planet X arriving on Earth are just
errant asteroid traffic, the explanation lacks a key ingredient. What is the common man to do about this threat, and how
will his government help him in this regard. The common man of even a low IQ understands when he is being insulted,
or deserted, or lied to. Even an animal can sense when a human means it harm, all quite outside of the ability to
process the words being spoken. If this were really a plasma flare thrown off by the Sun, then where is this leading? If
this were really an asteroid swarm, then what protections does the government plan? What the common man sees is
disasters such as New Orleans post Katrina being ignored, while the words keep promising otherwise. What the
common man sees is funds for social services being cut while the war drums are endlessly beating. What the common
man can conclude, for himself, is that the establishment is circling the wagons, and the safe zone inside those wagons
will not include the common man, working hard every day and paying his taxes.
And what about those of high IQ, who can research the past and conclude that plasma flares do not launch from the
Sun to be seen millions of miles to either side of the Sun, and solar emissions do not create quakes and volcanic
eruptions? Those who chose to believe these expanded cover-up explanations are doing so out of desperation, an
inability to deal with reality, a need to deny what they cannot deal with. For all the rest, the cover-up will be doing
itself in, death by its own hands, as the absurdity of the explanations will prove what the cover-up hopes to disprove,
that there is a presence in the inner solar system that the establishment does not want any but the elite to be aware of.
Once again, the result of these maneuvers is to alienate the common man - engineers, doctors, teachers, and all. If they
don't believe the explanations being given, then what? Martial law, to prevent any questions from being asked, to
prevent any truth from being published? As we have repeatedly stated, martial law is not easy to maintain for more
than a few days, even given a natural disaster that would be used as an excuse. Those manning the military are, after
all, the common man! What of their families? What plans does the government have for caring for all the dependents
living near the bases? Once again, the emotional message comes through as truth, as empty promises made to New
Orleans post Katrina show. When the facts counter the message, the facts are listened to.
So where does that leave the lying establishment, when the dragon's claws start to reach down to Earth and rip aside
the cover-up? If the adage that Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned is true, then the fury of the common man when
they realize they have been lied to about what is coming will be without bounds. The dragon's claws will claw more
than the Earth, her lands and peoples. It will rip to shred those in the establishment who have participated in the cover-
up, leaving them with no where to run, and no resources to hide behind. Those in NASA who are cooking up absurd
explanations, those geophysicists who cooperated with the cover-up, those in the White House or the halls of politics
and power in other nations going along, those in the media cooperating instead of reporting, all will be fair game when
the dragon's claw starts to tear aside the falsehood and reveal the truth. There will not be enough police or militia to
control the rage of the public, when the truth is revealed. In fact, the police and the militia will be joining the mob.
Now what? Head to the bunkers early, locking the doors and hoping the mob goes away and the pole shift comes
soon? As we have endlessly suggested, an alternative exists. Tell the truth, inform the public, let them make their
personal plans as they will when the end times signs become obvious. This of course requires the elite to give up their
special privileges, which they will have to do in any case, but being loath to do so, they will stall. And thus, the dragon
will claw!
Signs of the Times #1561
I just read this article It's about forecast of scientist for
future sun storms. But just look at the picture! [and from[2/5/2012 9:57:21 AM]
ZetaTalk: Dragon's Claw
another] Every 11 years the sun undergoes a period of
activity called the "solar maximum", followed by a period
of quiet called the "solar minimum". During the solar
maximum there are many sunspots, solar flares, and
coronal mass ejections, all of which can affect
communications and weather here on Earth. The most
recent (and ongoing) Solar Max crested in mid-2000. [and
from another] Do the math! 11 years added to 2000 is 2011, NOT 2012. So why is NASA trying to
bring in 2012, the famous Mayan Calendar date for the End Times? And why did a Russian website
show an obvious Planet X next to the Sun as an adjunct to this article? And in particular, why is
NASA trying to say the solar max could come as soon as late 2006, 5 years early!
Signs of the Times #1560 Huge Solar Storms Could Zap Earth, Scientists Warn. Next Sunspot Cycle May
Disrupt Power, Communications. [Mar 7] 'An 11-year epoch of increasingly severe solar storms
that could fry power grids, disrupt cell-phone calls, knock satellites back to Earth, endanger
astronauts in space, and force commercial airliners to change their routes to protect their radio
communications and to avoid deadly solar radiation could begin as soon as this fall. When the solar
cycle reaches its peak in 2012, it will hurl at Earth mammoth solar storms with intense radiation
and clouds of high-speed subatomic particles millions of miles across. There is disagreement on
exactly when the new cycle will begin -- one key researcher predicted the cycle will start in late
2007 or early 2008, and another said it could begin either late this year or in early 2007. But they
did agree that the most severe storms won't begin popping on the solar surface for several years, but
when they do, they'll be huge. Solar storms can happen at any time during an 11-year solar cycle.
However, by far the worst storms are likeliest to occur during the period known as "solar
maximum," or solar max for short. The last solar max was in 2001.' [Note: solar max 5 years early,
when 2 years seems to be the norm? Something is funky about this NASA article!][2/5/2012 9:57:21 AM]
ZetaTalk: Exponential
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ZetaTalk: Exponential
written Oct 28, 2006
When we explained last May how we simulated the seasons it was in response to observations that the Sun was rising
and setting in the extreme North, and when we explained how we effected an apparent Solstice it was in response to
observations that civil twilight was lasting 2 hours, not 1. Another change has indeed occurred, but not because benign
aliens are tipping the globe to simulate the seasons. Earth has been pushed back into the October position, so the globe
can be allowed to position itself normally for a change. So what has caused the observed changes - a magnetic North
reading to the extreme West of expected, the Planet X complex noted above the Sun, from the Earth's vantage point,
rather than just to the right of the Sun and slightly below the Ecliptic, and particularly jolting quakes almost daily
during the last sweeping arm of the Sun?
We mentioned in January, 2005 that leading into the 3 days of darkness, when Planet X is fully hosing the Earth with
magnetic particles from its N Pole, that there would be a distinct lean to the left, where the Earth appear to be
attempting to fall on her side. This will become so extreme, prior to the 3 days of darkness, that the Earth will literally be on her side at times during the extreme wobble that will accompany this lean. Scarcely something that will go
unnoticed by the populace! But at the onset of this lean, and increased wobble that accompanies it, the Earth first
attempts to evade the hose of magnetic particles from Planet X. Where can it go to evade this, when it is caught in the
cup, the eddy flow of particles emerging from the Sun? At first, it crowds to the left hand side of the cup, so that Planet X appears to be to the right of the Sun, which was the case during the Spring of 2006. This is also the relative position of these two planets when the extreme last weeks occur just prior to the pole shift. But in the mean time, when
Planet X is at a distance from Earth that allows Earth to maneuver about in the cup, other gyrations occur.
The eddy flow cup that Earth and Venus and the Dark Twin are caught in becomes progressively smaller as Planet X
approaches, as the strength in the flow of particles coming round the sides of Planet X is more dense, thus like a
rapidly flowing river, has more pressure to push the hapless planets caught in the cup toward its center. When at a
distance, these particle flows have dissipated, but still have the capacity to buffet the planets into the cup because there
is a difference in the crowding rate, less in the center, more at the periphery. The closer Planet X comes, the more
intense, like the claw arms of a crab starting to close about its prey. The Earth and her siblings, Venus and the Dark
Twin, are starting to feel the effects of this squeeze, are bumping into each other during sweeps with more violence,
and as always when crowding occur, seek to evade the crowd and move, if possible. Since the bumping between the
planets caught in the cup is happening at the Ecliptic, an obvious outlet is to rise above or sink below the Ecliptic,
which is what Earth is temporarily doing. Thus, as in May, 2006, the magnetic N Pole of Earth suddenly swung further
to the West, because we had pushed Earth below the Ecliptic and the vulnerable N Pole was exposed to the hose of
magnetic particles coming from the N Pole of Planet X and swarming around on the Ecliptic.
What evidence is there that this has occurred? First, the bumping of planets during the sweep was more than had
occurred in the past, a clear pattern of stress quakes in a series of 6+ Richter quakes. Just as the sweep was ending, the
Earth finally pressured to drop below the Ecliptic, dual reports showing the position had changed. It is no accident that
these reports both arrived in Nancy's email queue on Oct 25, 2006, as though these contactees don't know each other,
they both were alerted to this change at the same time. Thus, second, a compass reading showing the magnetic N Pole
of Earth swung to the West by a dramatic degree. And third, the photo from Italy showing Planet X above the Earth, at
the Ecliptic where Earth is below, unlike all recent photos which showed Planet X to the right of the Sun, both Earth
and Planet X on the same plane. Will this ease the stress on the Earth, so that quakes and snapping rock settle down for
a time? The Earth changes have been lineal, in the years leading into the pole shift, but when Planet X draws close
they become exponential. Earth cannot escape, as after all, where would she go? She is already bobbing and weaving
to the extent that she can move out of her orbit. What lies ahead for her is more violence during the sweeps, a stronger
wobble, and the inevitable lean to the left![2/5/2012 9:57:22 AM]
ZetaTalk: Exponential
Signs of the Times #1649
The most recent sweep was accompanied by a large number of 6+ quakes, exceptionally active. The
Black Hills again have their 12 hour wobble, from the dark to the face point, daily. Has something
changed? 10/8 6.2 Tonga 10/9 6.1 Philippines 10/10 6.1 Japan 10/12 6.1 Chili 10/13 6.2 Kuril Is.
10/15 6.5 Hawaii 10/17 global 6.8 New Guinea 10/18 6.3 Australia 10/20 6.5 Peru 10/20 6.0
Philippines 10/22 6.1 Indian Ocean 10/23 6.2 Japan 10/24 6.8 Japan 10/26 6.1 Sicily [and from
another] I check my 2 compasses daily. There has not been any movement since May. But just this
morning [Oct 25], I checked and both of them moved roughly 20 more degrees West of North! They
were steadily at approximately 20 degrees West of North for months. Now today, they show 40+
degrees West of North. Huge movement. Something changed. As you know, I have never had any
electronic devices in the area to affect them. [and from another] Hallo good morning Nancy, much
time silent, so today [Oct 25] I tried as in the past, confirm object steady, but not always possible to
capture. Greetings, Alberto. [and from another] Mystery explosion in Devon/Cornwall, England
[Oct 27] 'In Bude (Cornwall, England) today there was the sound of a
huge explosion that caused huge cracks in at least one person's house. The thing is no one knows
what caused it -- there is no obvious explosion site, and the MOD and RAF deny any supersonic
planes were flying over that area.'[2/5/2012 9:57:22 AM]
ZetaTalk: Quickening Quakes
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ZetaTalk: Quickening Quakes
written Dec 15, 2006
I try to check the live seismographs daily, and noted an increased in general activity, wobbles, small
globals, a general restlessness that does not seem to go away. This has been going on for the past 2-3
months. I checked, comparing this time frame, Sep 15 to Dec 15, a year ago to the same months this year,
and found a significant increase in quakes over Richter 6, even given the USGS's tendency to dumb down
the Richter of quakes to make it look, statistically, as though nothing were going on. There were 31 quakes
in 2005, compared to 46 in 2006. In particular, the N American continent looks very unstable, wobbly in
the Black Hills and the like. What's going on?
We have mentioned that the steady approach of Planet X, as it slings
toward the hapless Earth trapped in front of it, will only increase the
pace and severity of Earth changes such as earthquakes, volcanic
activity, tears in the stretch zones, and the pending diagonal rip of
the N American continent. Where such activity was more lineal in
years past, it will become exponential at some point, and this turning
point has already arrived. Several factors add to the stress Planet X
is experiencing.
The closer Planet X comes, the more intense the Earth wobble
becomes. The intensity of the magnetic field surrounding Planet X
increasingly engages the magnetic field of Earth, and as these two
magnetic planets are not aligned with each other at present, the
stress is obviously going to be visited on the lesser planet, Earth. As
we have explained, the Earth wobble is caused primarily by the N
Pole of Earth being pushed away when it presents during the daily
rotation of Earth. The geographic and magnetic poles of Earth do
not align, so this presentation occurs when the land above Alaska
and eastern Siberia are facing the Sun, each day. This causes the
Earth to wobble like a spinning top about to slow down and fall
onto its side. Seen from above the N Pole, this would look like a
figure 8, well documented by Nancy and friends from around the
world as a sunrise or set with an azimuth too far North or South.
The wobble pattern does not change as it intensifies, it increases in
force and scope. The push is stronger and faster, and the swing back
likewise stronger and faster. And the degree of wobble, how far the
Earth swings, will steadily increase.
The Earth wobble is palpable, measurable, and can be documented
to show the figure 8, as Nancy has shown. It also affects weather,
making temperature swings increasingly more extreme. We have
predicted that the seasons will almost seem to blend into each other before the pole shift arrives, and this trend will
increase. The reason for the weather wobbles, as we have called them, is the Earth moving under its mantle of air.
What is a storm, or high winds, if not air moving over the Earth rapidly? If the Earth moves under the air, the effect is
the same. Sudden high winds, more intense winds, tornadoes outside of where normally expected, all of these will
increasingly occur. Matters such as cold or warm air masses, arriving where not expected and lingering longer then
expected, will occur. If the wobble pushes a spot on the Earth under a high pressure air mass, and then wobbles back,[2/5/2012 9:57:23 AM]
ZetaTalk: Quickening Quakes
it will tend to drag that high pressure air along with it, especially if the return spot is dealing with low pressure. If both
spots, the wobble and the return, are high pressure, this pressure builds, creating the potential for high winds releasing
this pressure outside of what normal weather patterns would produce. The wobble likewise can and does interfere with
flow patterns that deliver rain inland, as is occurring in Australia. This can cut both ways, with drought and deluge
increasing, as we predicted in 1995.
Beyond the Earth wobble, stress on the Earth's crust is occurring because the Earth is being battered by other planets
caught in what we call the cup, the eddy flow of particles coming round Planet X from the Sun, creating strong flow at
the sides in a pincer-like manner and roiling back into this cup, such that planets such as Earth, Venus, and the dark twin are caught in this cup and cannot proceed in their orbits. They are trapped. If the Earth wobble is causing weather
wobbles, it is not particularly stressful on the crust as the Earth as a whole is moving back and forth. The stress on the
crust increases as the wobble increases in force, of course, as at the turnaround point the Earth is stopped and then
pushed in the opposite direction, but as this moves like a figure 8, it is more like going around a curve than hitting a
wall and bouncing off this wall. But what occurs when several planets caught in the cup starts bouncing off each other,
like balls trapped in a container being rattled? As Planet X approaches, the cup tightens, as at a distance the particle
flows coming round its sides could disburse, but when near, these flows are intense and thus pinching the hapless
planets in a tighter and tighter pinch. The sweeping arms of the Sun, occurring several times a year and the reason for
all the planet in the solar system moving obediently in a counterclockwise orbit around the Sun, did not cause such a
clash until the dark twin came up behind the Earth, as it has. Stalled in her orbit, Earth found her dark twin promptly
coming up behind her in 2004, creating a ricochet effect during the sweeps. But the effect of having 3 planets crowded
into the cup, in front of an increasingly looming and large Planet X, is more than a bump. It has a rattling effect,
bumping back and forth. It is this effect that Nancy has noticed on the live seismographs.
So the approach of Planet X is causing an Earth wobble, weather wobbles, and now an almost continuous rattling
effect because the cup is tightening and the planets caught in the cup rattling about in the cup. But the stress on the
Earth crust as the monster Planet X approaches is primarily due to the tugging on the Atlantic Rift, a phenomena which
expressed itself in early 2003. The Atlantic Rift is fresh magma, hardened mostly during prior pole shifts when the
Atlantic was ripped apart, and thus is essentially a magnet on the surface of the Earth. As we have explained, magnets
like to stay aligned with each other, sharing their magnetic fields in a larger field, or at least not in contention with
each other. In these matters, the larger bully dominates, and between the Earth and Planet X, this is most certainly the
monster Planet X. This demand, that the Earth align with Planet X, is certainly only going to increase as Planet X
looms closer, ultimately resulting in a stopped rotation for almost a week prior to the pole shift. The tugging on the
Atlantic Rift occurs essentially at the Face and Dark points, when the Atlantic Rift is either facing Planet X and the
Sun, or in opposition. This is why intense global quakes tend to register at 0:00 UTC or 12:00 UTC. The effect of this
twice-daily tugging is to pull the Atlantic apart, and to compress the Pacific, as when the Atlantic Rift is in the Face
position at noon UTC, the Earth's rotation continues, thus pulling the Atlantic apart. Likewise, a stalled Atlantic Rift is
creating a pileup behind it, in the Pacific. The effect on the Earth's plates is to increase continental drift, or rip as we
prefer to call it. And after months and years of this type of tugging, the edges of the plates have worn smooth, rock
fingers breaking off, so rapid and dramatic movements of the plates are now possible.
What will happen to the Earth, wobbling in an increasingly forceful figure 8 and being jerked back by a twice daily tug
on the Atlantic Rift and body slammed by the other planets in the cup when they come too close, invoking the gravity
Repulsion Force? Certainly her plates will move, and where this occurs in subduction zones, jolting quakes and
volcanic activity will follow. And where this occurs in stretch zones, the sinking and thinning ground will create chaos
for cities or infrastructure above and will also allow magma to bubble up to the surface. The quakes are quickening.
As we have stated in detailing What does this do to the N.
The stress on the N American
the Earth Torque, wherein
American plate? This does
plate will resolve by ripping.
New England is pulled toward more than tear most of the
Ripping the St. Lawrence
the East and Mexico toward
bridges along the Mississippi, Seaway open. Pulling the SE
the West, pulling the N
it weakens the land to the
down into the crumbling
American continent in a
West of the Mississippi,
Caribbean and into the
diagonal, fault lines will not
causing it to drop. The land to widening Atlantic. The notable
be stressed in their traditional the East of the Mississippi is
area of catastrophe during this[2/5/2012 9:57:23 AM]
ZetaTalk: Quickening Quakes
ways, but in new ways, during rock, the bluffs of Memphis
is the eastern half of the
the coming months. East of the and underlying rock where the continental US. From Houston
Mississippi, going up, West of Appalachian Mountains curl
to Chicago to New England,
the Mississippi, going down.
through Tennessee and
the diagonal pull will tear the
In a similar manner, the fault
Alabama toward the
underpinning of cities and
line from San Diego to
Mississippi river. But the land create a catastrophe for the US.
Mammoth, and on up toward
south of the Ozarks is not
The tearing of the Seaway does
Yellowstone, will find the land solid rock, and when stretched not end at Duluth, MN, it
South going West, with
will drop in elevation.This is
travels underground to S
Mexido, and North staying
already occurring.
with the land above this fault.
ZetaTalk: Water Tree,
ZetaTalk: N American
written Aug 16, 2006.
GodlikeProduction Live,
written Feb 10, 2006
written Sep 9, 2006
Date Time Lat Lon Depth Mag Magt Nst Gap Clo RMS SRC
Event ID
2006/09/16 09:45:23.91 -3.0800 129.4410 17.00 6.30 Mw 209 1.16 NEI
2006/09/17 09:34:14.06 -31.7450 -67.1760 141.80 6.20 Mw 371 1.07 NEI
2006/09/21 18:54:50.05 -9.0500 110.3650 25.00 6.00 Mw 237 1.13 NEI
2006/09/22 02:32:25.64 -26.8680 -63.1490 598.30 6.00 Mw 495 0.82 NEI
2006/09/28 06:22:09.73 -16.5920 -172.0330 28.00 6.90 Mw 702 0.92 NEI
2006/09/29 13:08:26.17 10.8760 -61.7560 53.10 6.10 Mw 595 0.92 NEI
2006/09/30 16:26:56.07 -15.5880 -73.1590 106.60 6.00 Mw 333 0.80 NEI
2006/09/30 17:50:23.05 46.3510 153.1660 11.00 6.60 Mw 603 1.01 NEI
2006/09/30 17:56:16.10 46.1850 153.1690 10.00 6.00 Mw 356 1.06 NEI
2006/10/01 09:06:02.32 46.4700 153.2400 19.00 6.60 Mw 628 0.89 NEI
2006/10/03 18:03:14.58 -18.8690 169.0030 171.40 6.30 Mw 426 1.08 NEI
2006/10/09 10:01:46.72 20.6520 120.0160 10.00 6.30 Mw 440 0.86 NEI
2006/10/10 08:02:51.95 -56.1010 -122.3730 10.00 6.00 Mw 162 1.25 NEI
2006/10/10 23:58:04.17 37.1970 142.6630 10.00 6.00 Mw 437 0.86 NEI
2006/10/12 18:05:58.24 -31.3020 -71.3290 45.90 6.40 Mw 375 1.04 NEI
2006/10/13 13:47:39.89 46.2520 153.2790 8.00 6.30 Mw 388 1.05 NEI
2006/10/15 17:07:49.22 19.8787 -155.9367 39.06 6.70 x 43 124 24 0.09 HV
2006/10/15 17:14:12.07 20.1290 -155.9857 18.92 6.00 x 40 153 22 0.12 HV
2006/10/17 01:25:12.23 -5.8810 150.9820 32.00 6.70 Mw 533 1.02 NEI
2006/10/18 10:45:32.93 -15.0530 167.2660 115.00 6.30 Mw 303 1.39 NEI
2006/10/20 10:48:56.01 -13.4570 -76.6770 23.00 6.70 Mw 444 0.97 NEI
2006/10/22 08:55:16.76 -45.7270 95.9870 10.00 6.00 Mw 159 1.19 NEI
2006/10/23 21:17:19.98 29.3510 140.2700 11.00 6.40 Mw 427 1.15 NEI
2006/10/24 03:03:45.28 4.8980 125.2950 10.00 6.10 Mw 167 1.33 NEI
2006/10/26 22:54:32.32 -13.3710 -76.6180 28.10 6.00 Mw 319 0.96 NEI
2006/11/06 20:56:48.76 -5.4230 146.6580 111.20 6.00 Mw 181 1.21 NEI
2006/11/07 17:38:33.55 -6.4690 151.1720 10.00 6.50 Mw 272 1.12 NEI[2/5/2012 9:57:23 AM]
ZetaTalk: Quickening Quakes
2006/11/12 18:21:25.86 -6.2140 151.0100 12.00 6.20 Mw 354 0.97 NEI
2006/11/13 01:26:34.32 -26.0550 -63.2430 553.20 6.80 Mw 353 0.87 NEI
2006/11/13 16:12:28.88 -6.3790 151.2250 11.00 6.20 Mw 272 0.81 NEI
2006/11/14 14:21:01.95 -6.4150 127.9850 351.90 6.10 Mw 187 0.89 NEI
2006/11/15 11:14:17.82 46.5700 153.2910 38.90 8.30 Mw 442 0.96 NEI
2006/11/15 11:28:38.46 46.0860 154.0990 10.00 6.00 Mb 283 0.87 NEI
2006/11/15 11:29:22.78 46.3320 154.4840 10.00 6.20 Mb 257 1.07 NEI
2006/11/15 11:34:58.17 46.6400 155.3120 10.00 6.50 Mb 419 0.82 NEI
2006/11/15 11:40:55.12 46.4850 154.7290 10.00 6.40 Mb 363 0.94 NEI
2006/11/16 20:29:55.31 -51.9990 139.1310 10.00 6.10 Mw 46 1.14 NEI
2006/11/17 18:03:13.80 28.5760 129.9090 32.30 6.20 Mw 308 0.94 NEI
2006/11/19 18:57:33.52 -4.5290 -104.8400 10.00 6.00 Mw 143 1.18 NEI
2006/11/29 01:32:18.54 2.5490 128.2970 39.00 6.20 Mw 144 1.18 NEI
2006/11/30 11:33:17.31 -21.3280 -174.6960 17.20 6.00 Mw 176 1.17 NEI
2006/11/30 21:20:11.21 -53.9920 -133.8720 10.00 6.20 Mw 55 1.33 NEI
2006/12/01 03:58:21.65 3.3890 99.0750 204.30 6.30 Mw 294 0.86 NEI
2006/12/01 14:01:48.15 -8.1970 118.8050 47.70 6.30 Mw 128 1.07 NEI
2006/12/07 19:10:19.87 46.2300 154.3060 2.20 6.30 Mw 147 0.92 NEI
2006/12/12 15:48:03.19 3.7320 124.6800 213.70 6.30 Mw 159 0.90 NEI
Date Time Lat Lon Depth Mag Magt Nst Gap Clo RMS SRC
Event ID
2005/09/21 02:25:08.11 43.8920 146.1450 103.00 6.10 Mw 594 0.74 NEI
2005/09/25 12:55:46.60 -17.5150 167.8010 30.00 6.10 Mw 275 1.08 NEI
2005/09/26 01:55:37.67 -5.6780 -76.3980 115.00 7.50 Mw 696 0.88 NEI
2005/09/29 15:50:24.03 -5.4370 151.8400 25.00 6.60 Mw 402 0.87 NEI
2005/09/29 18:23:25.98 -5.5630 151.8650 28.00 6.20 Mw 312 1.08 NEI
2005/10/05 10:07:22.37 -20.5350 -174.2770 15.00 6.00 Mw 438 0.88 NEI
2005/10/08 03:50:40.80 34.5390 73.5880 26.00 7.60 Mw 724 0.90 NEI
2005/10/08 10:46:28.79 34.7330 73.1000 8.00 6.40 Mw 471 0.98 NEI
2005/10/15 10:06:17.01 46.8160 154.1130 42.80 6.10 Mw 604 0.82 NEI
2005/10/15 15:51:07.21 25.3210 123.3560 183.40 6.50 Mw 705 0.84 NEI
2005/10/19 11:44:42.79 36.4050 140.8390 32.00 6.40 Mw 527 0.80 NEI
2005/10/23 10:08:14.74 37.3770 134.5560 380.70 6.00 Mw 534 0.76 NEI
2005/10/29 04:05:56.04 -45.2140 96.8980 8.00 6.50 Mw 416 0.83 NEI
2005/11/05 10:48:21.28 -3.1610 148.1380 25.00 6.40 Mw 133 1.24 NEI
2005/11/14 21:38:51.42 38.1070 144.8960 11.00 7.00 Mw 699 0.86 NEI
2005/11/17 19:26:56.43 -22.3190 -67.8870 162.60 6.90 Mw 503 0.88 NEI
2005/11/19 14:10:13.03 2.1640 96.7860 21.00 6.50 Mw 358 0.98 NEI
2005/11/20 12:53:02.95 53.8430 -164.0930 30.00 6.20 Mw 616 1.04 NEI
200511202035[2/5/2012 9:57:23 AM]
ZetaTalk: Quickening Quakes
2005/11/21 15:36:30.98 31.0190 129.9970 145.00 6.20 Mw 566 0.91 NEI
2005/11/22 15:11:31.58 -5.1540 145.2840 68.00 6.20 Mw 172 0.98 NEI
2005/11/27 10:22:19.19 26.7740 55.8580 10.00 6.00 Mw 637 1.06 NEI
2005/11/28 16:41:32.54 20.2880 146.0370 41.00 6.00 Mw 297 0.87 NEI
2005/11/30 16:53:42.47 6.2700 124.0290 13.00 6.30 Mw 178 1.12 NEI
2005/12/02 13:13:09.52 38.0890 142.1220 29.00 6.50 Mw 464 0.79 NEI
2005/12/03 16:10:42.40 29.3370 130.2590 47.90 6.00 Mw 378 0.78 NEI
2005/12/05 12:19:56.62 -6.2240 29.8300 22.00 6.80 Mw 561 0.98 NEI
2005/12/07 23:32:51.55 -30.0120 -177.6370 21.00 6.40 Mw 340 0.98 NEI
2005/12/08 09:01:27.11 -5.4080 146.9530 216.80 6.10 Mw 431 0.85 NEI
2005/12/11 14:20:43.79 -6.5680 152.1950 10.00 6.60 Mw 454 0.79 NEI
2005/12/12 21:47:46.07 36.3570 71.0930 224.60 6.50 Mw 529 0.81 NEI
2005/12/13 03:16:06.38 -15.2650 -178.5710 10.00 6.70 Mw 322 1.16 NEI
200512132015[2/5/2012 9:57:23 AM]
ZetaTalk: N American Rip
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ZetaTalk: N American Rip
written Feb 10, 2006
I watch the LISS live seismosgraphs frequently, and have noted lately a new pattern. Almost daily some spot on the globe turns black, in concert with a small global shuddering, usually at 6 UTC. As Planet X is found to the right of the Sun, lately, this coincides with the gripping of the Atlantic Rift about that time, as the rift swings to the East in the Southern Hemisphere. But what stands out, recently, is that these points of stress, a seismo turning black, are mostly along the edges of the N American plate. The seismos along the N American plate boundary in Russia have been extremely wobbly for months, and lately the Black Hills seismo also, for almost a month. Is something about to pop, there, on the N American continent? I've kept a record, when a single spot turned black. This seems outside of the sweep pattern, which occurs every 3 weeks and runs for a week. 1/31 Korea 2/1 Greenland 2/2 Galapagos 2/3 to 2/6 (Live Seismo site down) 2/7 Greenland 2/8 Zambia 2/9 Alaska 2/10 Norway
We have discussed what we call the stretch zone, where a land mass is pulled apart so that the rock flakes pull across each other, silently, creating sinkholes and rifts and manifesting as broken gas and water mains and derailing trains. These stretch zones have dramatically expressed themselves in the African Rift area and in the SE United States and in the UK during the past couple years. When Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003 and began seriously tugging at the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift, it accentuated this stretch on either side of the Atlantic. What went unstated during these discussions is why a stretch zone occurs.
Look at S America, on the large S American plate. As the Atlantic is pulled apart, the Pacific compressed, it is required to have the upper part migrate to the West more than the tip, which is anchored at Antarctica. It moves as a whole, in the main, crunching the small plates in the Caribbean and Central America as it does so and popping the plate holding the Galapagos Islands which lies just to the west of S America. It can move, in short. But what of the African and N American plates?
The African Rift is caused because Africa is not free to move. It is bulbous at the north end, and comes to a tip at the south end. It is anchored at the south end, at South Africa, so when the Atlantic pulls apart, the bulbous northern part of the African plate moves directly eastward, yawing open the African Rift, along with the Red Sea, which is also widening. This inability of plates to move during the ripping apart of the Atlantic and compression of the Pacific is what will create a new rift up through Pakistan and above the Himalayas into Russia during the pole shift, equivalent to the St. Lawrence Seaway in N America. The Indio-Australia plate moves in the direction of the Himalayas, diving under them. Hawaii rises up during compression of the Pacific, so can move, if only up. Japan likewise is forced up, violently so, during Pacific compression. The Antarctica plate, as we have mentioned, is pressed down in the Pacific so will pop up on the Atlantic side, creating new land there ultimately during the pole shift.
The giant plates of N America and Eurasia are locked against each other, unable to rotate against
each other due to their shape. Slip-slide along the West Coast, measured as a creep by geologists,
is due only to slight adjustments along that edge of the plate, primarily due to adjustments within
the small plates to the west of the N American plate, which move to accommodate pressure. The
N American plate does not move, pre se, but other dramas occur. We explained, months before it
expressed enough to show up on IRIS charts, the Earth torque caused as the N Pole continuing to
rotate to the East while the S Pole was held back by Planet X, tending to open the globe like a jar
of pickles. This creates a diagonal stress on the N American continent where New England is
pulled to the east while Mexico is pulled to the West, so the New Madrid is put under slip-slide
stress where one half, east of the Mississippi, will move toward the NE while the other, west of the
Mississippi, moves toward the SW. The virtual hook of land in the N American continent near the
Kamchatka peninsula is solid rock and will not snap off to become a separate land plate, nor
would this ease the deadlock along the N American and Eurasian plates even it if did. These
massive plates cannot move.
The stress on the N American plate will resolve by ripping. Ripping the St. Lawrence Seaway
open. Pulling the SE down into the crumbling Caribbean and into the widening Atlantic, as neither
of these sinking fronts will be able to support the edge of the weighty N American plate. There is
pressure along the West Coast, of course, and as the N American plate confronts the compressing
Pacific, this will only result in the predictable volcanic increases and West Coast earthquakes. But
the primary drama preceding the pole shift will be the ripping action that a plate unable to move
must endure. The notable area of catastrophe during this is the eastern half of the continental US.
From Houston to Chicago to New England, the diagonal pull will tear the underpinning of cities
and create a catastrophe for the US that will make the New Orleans disaster appear trivial. A widening Seaway also does not affect just those land masses bordering the Seaway, as buckling occurs inland and afar. What does man assume caused the Black Hills to be so rumpled, with the appearance of a recent bucking and heaving? This is the center of a land plate! The tearing of the Seaway does not end at Duluth, MN, it travels underground to S Dakota![2/5/2012 9:57:24 AM]
ZetaTalk: Dead on and Deadly
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ZetaTalk: Dead on and Deadly
written Apr 3, 2006
The Earth, Sun, and Planet X
The 14 million miles referred
As Planet X proceeds, slowly,
will thus Form a Triangle in
to as the closest point during
sliding around the Sun, it is
the Earth's orbital plane with the Pole Shift includes those
pushing the Earth in front of it,
a 23 degree angle at the
parts of the complex that
as the Earth cannot escape this
Earth, an 18 degree angle at
would be considered
eddy flow. She stands, like deer
the Sun, and a 139 degree
devastating to the Earth, such in the heavy traffic lane,
angle at Planet X. It is at this as moon swirls and large
horrified but unable to move,
point that Planet X is closest
debris. We have stated that the frozen in the headlights. The
to the Earth, as with the angle moons themselves will be at
Earth, trapped in the eddy flow
of entry into the Earth's
all times within 5 million miles in front of Planet X, will be
orbital plane being 32 degrees of Planet X, but large trash in pushed back in her orbit into
at this point, Planet X dives up the tail also pulls toward
the Fall and eventually into the
through the Earth's orbital
Earth, but this will come no
August position prior to the
plane and quickly passes on.
closer than 14 million miles.
ZetaTalk: Entry Angle,
ZetaTalk: Point of
ZetaTalk: Signs of
written Aug 15, 1995
Passage, written July 17,
Change, written July 18,
Since the Earth encountered Planet X in her
orbit on Dec 25, 2003, her orbit has stalled, as
she encountered an elephant in the road at this
point and could not pass. Planet X had been
plunging toward the Sun, rapidly entering the
solar system in the short years prior to 2003 at
a speed close to the speed of light. As Planet X
approached the Sun in early 2003, brilliant
Second Sun sightings and photos were possible
because the Earth was on the opposite side of
the Sun from the approaching Planet X, and
thus sunlight was reflected off the dust cloud and bounced back toward Earth. Then came the encounter with Planet X
in Earth's orbit, and things changed. As Planet X was moving, still, toward the Sun, sunlight now was at its back,
bouncing back toward the Sun, and visibility of this dust shrouded planet changed from brilliant and dramatic Second
Sun sightings to puzzlement. Like an object in a fog bank, it was lost to view except for those times when its swirling tail and moons caught sunlight and deflected this to Earth. Evidence of the presence of Planet X in the inner solar
system, slowly passing the S Pole of the Sun, was reduced to taking the pulse of Earth herself - increased earthquakes,
volcanic activity, an Earth wobble evident to those astute enough to take note, and erratic weather accompanying the wobble. The eddy flow created by particles flowing coming from the Sun and thence around the sides of Planet X
trapped Earth in her stalled orbit, and held her there in front of Planet X, no escape. As Planet X proceeded past the
Sun's S Pole in his sling orbit, he went within the orbit of Venus, and thus likewise trapped Venus in this eddy flow
cup when she came round in her orbit to encounter Planet X. The Earth's dark twin, sharing an orbit with Earth, joined
this group of trapped planets within months, remaining behind the Earth, likewise stalled in their shared orbit, a dark
hunk of black rock reflecting little light and thus essentially invisible to man. This has been the setup throughout 2004
and into 2005, the rapid plunge of Planet X toward the Sun countered by the Repulsion Force into a slow creep past the
Sun. This is not a static condition, however.[2/5/2012 9:57:25 AM]
ZetaTalk: Dead on and Deadly
Caught in the eddy flow cup, Venus and Earth and her dark twin are pushed backwards in their orbits as Planet X
progresses in its retrograde sling orbit past the Sun. For those who think that this would result in horrific trauma on
Earth, we point to what causes orbits in the first place, the gentle nudge from the sweeping arms of the Sun causing all
the planets in the solar system to move in the same direction, counterclockwise, around the Sun. Orbits are not sacred,
they are composed of planets bobbling in particle flows and nudged into momentum when these particle flows have
force and direction. Orbits can move in one direction or another, without impact on the planets which are passive
during this process. We have described the point where Planet X pierces the Ecliptic, moving from alignment with the
Sun's magnetic field where the lines go into the Sun's S Pole to alignment with the magnetic field where the lines
come out from the Sun's N Pole as a time of 270° roll for Planet X. It turns in place 180° to point its N Pole away
from the Sun's S Pole, then stands upright at the Ecliptic, and later does another 270° roll while adjusting to the
magnetic flow lines coming out from the Sun's N Pole. Lately it has been noted that Planet X appears slightly to the
right of the Sun, when sighted or captured on film. We explained that during this 270° roll, the N Pole of Planet X
swings round according to the retrograde rotation of Planet X, clockwise, and thus the hose of magnetic particles
coming from the N Pole of Planet X emerges on the right side. This causes Earth to scuttle even faster backward in her
orbit, to the left, to escape this hose of magnetic particles. This is where we are today, in the Spring of 2006. For those who say such maneuvers of Earth would be apparent, announced loudly by astronomers, we point to the many
observations that things are not normal, and the obvious cover-up against admission that Planet X is in the inner solar
system, to dampen panic in the populace. Just why do you suppose Bush is frantic to be sitting on all the world's oil
fields at this time, if not that he realizes a pole shift is around the corner? To prevent such panic as might allow Bush
to declare martial law, we and other benign aliens tweak the planets and the Moon for key events like an eclipse to
simulate normalcy, and tip the globe to simulate the seasons, giving the appearance of apparent precision in
What comes next? Early in the ZetaTalk saga we described the
ZetaTalk Triangle, the relationship between the Earth, Sun, and
Planet X when Planet X pierces the Ecliptic. This ZetaTalk
triangle was featured in July 2003 in dual Wisconsin crop circles,
a move that was made by ourselves and others in support of a
beleaguered Nancy who had suffered through our White Lie
regarding the May 15, 2003 date. What puzzled many was the placement of Planet X to the right of the Earth, when we
likewise had described the pole shift as occurring when Planet X stands between the Sun and Earth, supplanting the
Sun's dominance as the largest magnet in the solar system. Based on our more recent description of the 270° roll and
the Earth scuttling to the left to avoid the hose of magnetic particles, this triangle can be fitted into the larger equation.
At the point the Ecliptic is pierced, Planet X has pointed its N Pole away from the Sun, and toward Earth. Earth reacts
by leanings its N Pole away, into the 3 days of darkness predicted for the northern hemisphere. Prior to this, as the N
Pole of Planet X is swinging round, the Earth falls on its side, as we have described, the N Pole of Earth to the left in
the extreme, thence rolling into the 3 days of darkness as Planet X points its N Pole directly at Earth. This is a rapid
and highly dramatic time for Earth, lasting but days at each stage, but what of the months leading into this drama?
Earth scuttles back in her orbit, Planet X is seen to the right of the Sun, and increasingly coming closer and appearing
larger and unmistakably not as a solar flare or sundog, and the Earth falls to her side, little by little. This makes for a
lopsided arc of the Sun across the sky during the day, the Sun not where expected, hardly something the pat excuse for
the Earth changes, global warming, could accomplish. During this slow 270° roll Planet X is steadfastly moving closer
to the Earth, as the diagrams Nancy and friends have constructed show. It not only appears larger in the sky, it has a
steadily stronger grip on the Atlantic Rift and the poles, creating a stronger and more violent wobble. This equates to[2/5/2012 9:57:25 AM]
ZetaTalk: Dead on and Deadly
stronger quakes and volcanic activity, wilder weather, and the populace starting to question matters in a shrill, not
polite, manner. If this is global warming, what is that to the right of the Sun, and why is the Earth falling to her side?
We predict the White House will shutter their windows and refuse questions on the matter, if they are functioning at all
at that time.[2/5/2012 9:57:25 AM]
ZetaTalk: Water Tree
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ZetaTalk: Water Tree
written Aug 16, 2006.
We have detailed how the N. American plate is put under pressure during the Earth Torque. Put one hand on New England and twist it East (during the daily rotation of the Earth) but hold Mexico back, pulling back toward the West
(as the magnetic S Pole of Earth is tugged back by the grip of Planet X). What does this do to the N. American plate?
It pulls it at a diagonal, ripping the rock fingers along the New Madrid fault such that the land to the East of the
Mississippi moves up and to the East, toward New England, and the land to the West of the Mississippi moves down
and to the West. This does more than tear most of the bridges along the Mississippi, it weakens the land to the West of
the Mississippi, causing it to drop. The land to the East of the Mississippi is rock, the bluffs of Memphis and
underlying rock where the Appalachian Mountains curl through Tennessee and Alabama toward the Mississippi river.
But the land south of the Ozarks is not solid rock, and when stretched will drop in elevation. This is already occurring.
What is the relationship between quake swarms in Oklahoma, sinkholes in Missouri, and a water tree in Texas? The
rock underlying this area is being stretched, fingers pulling apart so support of the ground is lacking, and the ground
sinks. As we have stated, stretch zones do not experience large quakes, but the trauma is just as great as in
compression areas. Thus, the fact that this stretching and sinking is occurring is missed until something dramatic
occurs to hit the news. What has caused an oak tree in the middle of a drought area to ooze water? What happens to
water under pressure? It seeks to escape, moving up when that is the only avenue it can move. Tidal bore, where water
rushes up a ravine well above sea level because the pressure from the sea behind the tide is intense, shows this to be
the case. Water spews above ground when geysers blow because of pressure, alone. Stretch zones experience a release
of pressure in places where the rock fingers slip apart, but there are likewise areas where pressure is increased. For the
N American plate, to the West of the Mississippi, land released from its attachment to the Eastern land springs West,
causing pressure toward the West. Water in aquifers react to this quickly, along the entire area affected by the aquifer.
Signs of the Times #1631
Sinkhole draining Longstreet Road lake [Aug 14] 'A 12-foot
sinkhole has developed at the edge of a lake on Longstreet
Road on the north side of Marion. The sinkhole has caused
about a four-foot drop in the water level, which is causing
confusion to the birds and wildlife that call the lake home.'
[and from another] [Aug 14] 'As Norm Scrivener finished the
front section of his Sunday paper, a mammoth sinkhole
swallowed his garage and the 2001 Chevy Cavalier inside.
The crater was 75 feet deep and 50 to 60 feet in diameter.
Sinkholes are common in the Ozarks, but the size of this hole
is not.' [and from another] Within past two weeks, 3 reported Sink Holes (and most are not reported
to the public) - Galena, Kansas; Quapaw, Okla; Telequiah, Okla. All these were at least 10 ft across
and very deep. Last night's near Quapaw's highway was very scary, because 15 ft away it could
have caused truck accidents in the dark. The Galena one sank a historical building. That one was
blamed on an old 'mine'--their usual excuse. I bet the area has had 100 sinkholes in the past 3
years! [and from another] Garvin County residents are getting all shook up
this week. The Oklahoma Geological Survey says an earthquake registering 2.9 on the Richter scale
was recorded in the county. It was the fourth earthquake recorded in Garvin County since Friday.
Yesterday's quake was the largest to hit the county so far. [and from another] This East Side tree
does its own watering [Aug 10] 'The knotted, towering tree, more
than 100 years old, has become the root of scrutiny in the East Side San Antonio, TX neighborhood.[2/5/2012 9:57:25 AM]
ZetaTalk: Water Tree
The tree has gurgled water from its trunk for the past three months. Answers have been sought from
several specialists - the Texas Forest Service, the Edwards Aquifer Authority and nurseries. The
water is cool, like it came from a faucet. The flow is at a 10th or 20th of a gallon every minute.
Compared to Edwards Aquifer water, it the same as what comes out of the tap. It could be a spring,
but would be rare with the drought conditions this summer. A science team member researched the
elevation of the area and said that it's unlikely that the water from the tree is from aquifer
springflow. The source of the mysterious water flow could be an artesian spring, a broken water
pipe or an abandoned well. Or possibly something else.'[2/5/2012 9:57:25 AM]
ZetaTalk: Earth Farts
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ZetaTalk: Earth Farts
written Jan 9, 2007
On Monday, Jan 8, 2007 there were reports of what appeared to be a monstrous gas leak in New York
City and nearby Jersey City. No gas leak was ever found. Rochester, NY reported 4 broken water mains
during this same time frame. Marine tankers report their alarms for methane going off, but no leaks found.
About a dozen people were taken to hospitals complaining of breathing problems. Then the reports from
around the world started pouring in, all seeming to be happening simultaneously. Italy evacuated people
from Genova and Bologna due to gas leaks, an explosion killing one. London closed their tube lines due to
suspected gas leaks, smells. Australia had water main breaks in Adelaide, and gas smells evacuated a mall
in Perth where several were hospitalized as a result. No gas leak was ever located. Here in the US reports
came in from Ohio smells, and a factory explosion, cause unknown. Nashville, TN, gas line leak. Mobile,
AL gas leak. Blue Springs, MO gas leak with explosion and evacuation. Dallas, TX smells and in Houston
a factory fume leak, cause unknown, and in Austin dead birds, cause unknown. Iowa, a pond bubbling.
Albuquerque, MN city evacuated due to gas smells. Half Moon Bay, CA evacuated due to smells, Santa
Barbara marine tanker alarms due to methane, no leak found, and Oxnard freeway closed due to gas main
break. So what is causing this sudden release of methane, along with obvious gas and water main breaks
and factory explosions. Also, is this methane from the Earth making people sick, and killing birds?
We have detailed from the start of ZetaTalk in 1995, the effect of Planet X on the Earth where land would be
stretched, what is called the stretch zone. If compression occurs around the Pacific Ring of Fire, then stretching must
likewise occur in other areas. The African Rift valley is pulling apart dramatically in these last couple years, creating
great crevasses in the Afar Triangle there. The St. Lawrence Seaway is likewise pulling apart, creating power outages
in the region from breaks at the Niagara power station and seismic distress in the Black Hills, which becomes rumpled
as the land spreads apart along the Seaway. Florida is being pulled down, as are the western regions of Great Britain, a
fact dealt with as rising seas when in fact these rising seas are not registered universally elsewhere. The land is sinking
there. London has extreme problems with their tube lines derailing, as do rail lines along the Eastern coast of the US.
We have explained, in great detail, that the stretch zone does not register great quakes when rock layers pull apart and
sink, as this is a silent Earth change. Nancy has carefully documented breaking water and gas mains, derailing trains,
dislocating bridge abutments, mining accidents, and outbreaks of factory explosions, showing that these have occurred
in rashes on occasion, when the rock layers pulled apart. None of this, of course, in the media, though the pattern is
obvious. As one of the symptoms of the Earth changes caused by the influence of Planet X on the hapless Earth, this is
on the ban list in the media. Don't talk about this except to treat it as a local event, don't do pattern analysis, don't show
the big picture. It is all blamed on Global Warming, on a flare from the Sun, on periodic climate changes that happen
naturally to the Earth. Anything but admit the monster planet shrouded in a dust cloud, creeping past the Sun and
heading toward the Earth.
In September-October of 2005, a smell of rotten eggs was sensed from LA to Thunder Bay on Lake Superior to the
New England states and throughout the South-Eastern US. We explained at that time that this was due to rock layers
being pulled apart, releasing gas from moldering vegetation trapped during prior pole shifts, when rock layers were
jerked about, trapping vegetation. We explained in March of 2002 that black water off the coast of Florida was caused
by this phenomena. Do these fumes cause people to sicken, and birds to die? Mining operations of old had what they
called the canary in a birdcage, to warn the miners of methane gas leaks. Birds are very sensitive to these fumes, and
die, and this is indeed what happened in Austin, TX. Were it not for the explosions associated with gas leaks, it would
be common knowledge that gas leaks sicken, as the body was not structured to breath such air for long.
Why were these Earth farts and moving ground experienced from Italy and the UK throughout the US and even in[2/5/2012 9:57:26 AM]
ZetaTalk: Earth Farts
Australia, all seemingly simultaneously? We have explained that the plates of the globe have been loosened up, the
rock fingers holding them firmly against one another broken off, so a fluidity has resulted. A major adjustment in one
place can thus be translated to an adjustment elsewhere, instantaneously. Italy is on fault lines. London is being
stretched. Australia is being snapped in two, to some extent, as India is being plunged under the Himalayas while
Australia and New Zealand rise. Where Australia will not actually break in two, at the point where the weight of the
land rise to the East puts stress on the continent, there are adjustments, and this line across Australia will thus have
rock layer adjustments, thus the stretch stench. But the major incidents of this stretch episode were felt across the US,
primarily in New York City. Why was this?
We have mentioned that the point where sinking land in the Southeastern part of the US is pulling the continent down
and the point where the rising New England land is bobbing up will be around Philadelphia, PA. New England rises
because it is freed from attachments as the Seaway splits. It is free to bob up, as would be its natural state if not
attached along the Seaway and to points South along the Eastern seaboard. As with the continent of Australia, the
weight of this rising land puts stress at the snap point, not to the point of snapping the land apart, but adjustments will
be made. New England is due to rise 450 feet, all told, where the Southeastern US will drop by 150 feet, no minor
adjustment. But primarily the N American continent is being stressed due to a diagonal pull, where the New England
states are moving East during the normal rotation of the Earth, but the Southwestern portions of the continent near
Mexico are being held back. This Earth Torque, which we detailed in May, 2004 is due to tugging on the South Pole
by Planet X, a daily affair as the live seismographs show. This Earth Torque was one of the primary reasons for the
massive 9.5 quake in Sumatra on Dec 26, 2004, popping that plate up.
This Earth Torque will be the cause of continuing adjustments on the New Madrid fault line in the US, as we have
likewise detailed recently. Mining accidents, when they have occurred in the US in late 2005, occurred along a line
from Ontario to Mexico. Look at these Earth fart incidences, occurring on Jan 8, 2007. New York City, across to Ohio
and Nashville and Missouri and Texas. Does this not line up with the mining accidents following the Sago Mine
incident in late 2005? From New England to Mexico, that line. This is where the ground is being pulled, diagonally,
with land West of the Mississippi going Southwest, land East of the Mississippi going Northeast. Such a diagonal pull
certainly exposes rotting vegetation trapped between rock layers to the air. The incidences along the California coast
are due to a reaction to the changes to the East, as the fault lines along the West Coast will certainly have to adjust in
turn. However, the California adjustments are not caused by compression, during these times, but due to adjusting to
the new position of Mexico, to the South.
Mysterious gas odor in NYC and Jersey City
Jan 8, 2007
The odor of natural gas was reported across Midtown Manhattan, prompting hundreds of calls to emergency
workers. A very similar smell was also reported in Downtown Jersey City. Con Edison officials said were
investing the source of the leak. The NYC Transit Authority is telling us the F station at W. 23rd St and 6th Ave
has been evacuated as a precaution. PATH train service has been temporarily suspended between 33rd Street
and Journal Square and 33rd Street and Hoboken due to emergency activity. About a dozen people were taken
to hospitals complaining of difficulty breathing.
The environmental "surge" you're not hearing anything about.
Jan 8, 2007
According to U.S. maritime industry sources, tanker captains are reporting an increase in onboard alarms from
hazard sensors designed to detect hydrocarbon gas leaks and, specifically, methane leaks. However, the leaks
are not emanating from cargo holds or pump rooms but from continental shelves venting increasing amounts of
trapped methane into the atmosphere. Another location experiencing increased venting is the Santa Barbara
Channel on the California coast.
Natural Gas Smell Frightens Manhattan
Jan 08, 2007
Con Edison, the New York City power company, was quoted as saying it had detected no leaks in its system but it[2/5/2012 9:57:26 AM]
ZetaTalk: Earth Farts
said it was checking all of its lines. The smell is there. We don't know the source of it, New York City Mayor
Michael Bloomberg said at a news conference.
Overnight 'flow adjustments' break 4 water mains
Jan 8, 2007
Broken water mains that closed at least four roads in Rochester this morning have been repaired. Agency
workers were doing some flow adjustments. As a result, water pressure was higher than normal and caused
several failures at weak points in the system.
Source: Videotext of TV station Canale 5 of Mediaset Group,page 165,166
In Bologna 100 people were evacuated "for precaution" for a gastube leak this late evening. This afternoon
happened a quake of 3,7 Richter there. In December nearby exploded a gas tube and killed 5 people. In Genova
also, residents of a Palace were evacuated for a gas tube leak. This happened this early eveneing.
Tube station shut after gas leak
Jan 8, 2007
Services on the Hammersmith and City tube line has been partly suspended due to a gas leak. Hammersmith
underground station, which is on the Hammersmith and City line, has been closed since 1540 GMT. An
investigation is under way.
Gas fears empty shopping mall
Jan 08, 2007
The centre on the corner of Queen and Cantonment streets was promptly evacuated as FESA sought to determine
the cause of the symptoms - but Mr Klenner said none had been found. Whatever it was must have dispersed
really quickly. Possible causes included leaking cleaning fluid or equipment. Three St John Ambulances treated
at least 19 patients for minor injuries - taking four of them to hospital.
Burst Water Main - North Terrace at College Park
11 December 2006
Emergency services crews have been mopping up on North Terrace at College Park where a burst water main
has caused flooding to some properties.
Put Cleveland Ohio on the map for wierd gas leaks.
AEP Ohio plant blast kills one, shuts unit
Jan 7, 2007
An explosion at American Electric Power Co. coal-fired plant in Ohio killed one person and injured nine on
Monday, leading to the shutdown of a coal unit. The blast occurred as hydrogen was being delivered by truck,
killing the driver. The explosion occurred outside the plant's walls, and while the cause was unknown it did not
involve the unit's boilers.
Charlotte Pike Opened After Methane Gas Leak
Jan 8, 2007
Officials have re-opened Charlotte Pike. The road was closed Monday morning after a gas leak. Charlotte Pike
was closed as methane gas leaked into the air. Hazmat and fire crews were called out as a precaution. NES was
also on the scene. No evacuations were ordered. It was the second time in a month that construction crews have
hit a gas line.[2/5/2012 9:57:26 AM]
ZetaTalk: Earth Farts
Ruptured gas line in Downtown Mobile repaired
Jan 8, 2007
Mobile Fire and Rescue tells Fox 10 News a gas line leak at the RSA tower has been stopped. Streets have
reopened, and all businesses involved are also open again. No one was injured.
Gas Leak Forces Evacuation In Blue Springs
January 8, 2007
A gas leak and small explosion prompted police to evacuate about 50 homes and a preschool in downtown Blue
Springs on Monday afternoon.
I was taking some back roads home today and as I drove by a pond along side the road I noticed that is was
bubbling. I've driven by this pond many times over the past 12 years that we have lived in this area and I've
never seen it do this before. I live in Central Iowa.
Smells like gas in Dallas too. I smell it here in Grand Prairie TX also. I'm in the middle of Dallas / FtWorth.
The air really reaks!
Leak At Houston-Area Plant Keeps Kids In School
January 8, 2007
A Houston suburb lifted its shelter warning and said it was safe for residents to go outside Monday afternoon, a
little more than an hour after white smoke or vapor vented from an industrial plant. It was unclear whether the
apparent leak was coming from the facility or from a vehicle at the facility.
Downtown OK after dead bird scare
Jan 8, 2007
Health officials say dozens of dead birds discovered Monday along Congress Avenue in downtown Austin posed
no health risk to the public. Air quality tests conducted at the site where the 63 dead pigeons, grackles and
sparrows were found have come back negative.
Part of Rio Rancho under voluntary evacuation order.
08 January 2007
The Rio Rancho Department of Public Safety has called a voluntary evacuation for part of the city because of a
very large gas main break. Public Service Company of New Mexico crews told Rio Rancho DPS that it will be
some time before everything is cleared out. The break happened around 11:30 am.
Gas leak forces evacuations on Oak Avenue
Mandatory evacuations are underway for residences on Oak Avenue in Half Moon Bay following reports of a
broken gas main. It was not immediately clear when the leak would be fixed or when residents would return to
their homes.
Ruptured SoCal natural gas line forces freeway closure
Calif. Southern California gas crews are fixing a ruptured four-inch natural gas line adjacent to the 101
Ventura Freeway near Oxnard. A private contractor was digging and doing some construction around 11 am
and accidentally hit the line, causing a leak.[2/5/2012 9:57:26 AM]
ZetaTalk: Minneapolis Bridge
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ZetaTalk: Minneapolis Bridge
written Aug 2, 2007
7 Dead, Dozens Injured In I-35W Bridge Collapse [Aug 2]
Interstate 35W bridge spanning the Mississippi River in
Minneapolis collapsed, sending cars, people and debris into
the river below. The collapse was likely structural in nature.
It was not an act of terrorism. The bridge was undergoing
repair work when it collapsed. Of the eight lanes on the
roadway, four were closed for repair to the 40-year-old
bridge's deck, joints, guardrails and lights. None of it would
be related to the structure. The bridge was inspected by the
Minnesota Department of Transportation in 2005 and 2006
and that no structural problems were noted. [and from
another] Bridge Collapse Probe Focuses on Unexplained
Shift [Aug 3] Investigators trying to figure out what caused
Wednesday's massive bridge collapse are focusing on the southern end of the span. The NTSB says one
part of the bridge shifted 50 feet as it fell, while other sections collapsed in place. What's getting
investigators' attention is the way the southern part of the bridge fell in a video they've already examined -
- recorded by a security camera near the bridge's north end -- and the way the section settled after the
collapse. It appears that it has shifted approximately 50 feet to the east and when we compare that to what
we've seen in the rest of the bridge -- the rest of the bridge appears to have collapsed in place. [and from
another] I live in a suburb of Minneapolis and nothing has ever happened like this before. There were
reports in the news of a 'rotten egg smell' and an outbreak of of algae just a few days prior to this. I also
felt, or heard, a strange frequency a couple of hours before this happened. [and from another] VIDEO:
YouTube at Moment of Collapse
We have predicted that bridges crossing the Mississippi will be affected when the New Madrid and related fault lines
adjust, going into the pole shift. Was this bridge collapse which crossed the Mississippi in Minnesota caused by such
an adjustment, the footings on one side of the bridge moving in an opposite direction from the footings on the other
side, or perhaps the bridge being pulled apart? The Mississippi River is born in Minnesota, tumbling out of the
headwaters in the highlands of Minnesota over a series of natural falls. This is a clue that adjustments in the rock strata
could be involved. The highlands of Minnesota come to a point at Minneapolis, with lower land lying to the East along
this point. What caused the land to the East to drop, unless this land was stretched in the past?
We have stated that the ripping apart of the St. Lawrence Seaway ends in the rumpled Black Hills of SD. Run a line
from Montreal, at the mouth of the seaway, to Rapid City, SD and the line runs through Minneapolis. Why would an
adjustment be made in the middle of this stretch zone while the seaway itself did not part? When we described the
diagonal pull the N American continent is enduring, and just how this will snap when adjustments are made, we did
not intend that this process would occur smoothly, all at once as described. Weak points along the rip lines give way
one by one, each such adjustment placing stress on other points in a domino manner. The I35W bridge, being the
larger of the bridges crossing the Mississippi at this point, was less able to adapt to a change in position vis-a-vis its
footings on either side of the river, as it was an interstate bridge supporting several lanes, and thus had massive and
thus rigid supports. Smaller bridges have more flexibility as they are built to withstand uneven loads on either end,
thus are more springy by design.
Will there be more such disasters along the Mississippi and in the cities that will be affected by the New Madrid and[2/5/2012 9:57:27 AM]
ZetaTalk: Minneapolis Bridge
seaway rip? This is just the start, and when the pace picks up, there will be no question that something other than
Global Warming is the cause.
This creates a diagonal stress on the N American continent
What does this do to the N.
where New England is pulled to the east while Mexico is
American plate? It pulls it at a
pulled to the West, so the New Madrid is put under slip-
diagonal, ripping the rock fingers
slide stress where one half, east of the Mississippi, will
along the New Madrid fault such
move toward the NE while the other, west of the Mississippi, that the land to the East of the
moves toward the SW. A widening seaway also does not
Mississippi moves up and to the
affect just those land masses bordering the seaway, as
East, toward New England, and
buckling occurs inland and afar. What does man assume
the land to the West of the
caused the Black Hills to be so rumpled, with the
Mississippi moves down and to
appearance of a recent buckling and heaving? This is the
the West. This does more than
center of a land plate! The tearing of the seaway does not
tear most of the bridges along the
end at Duluth, Minnesota, it travels underground to S
ZetaTalk N American Rip, written Feb 10, 2006
ZetaTalk Water Tree,
written Aug 16, 2006[2/5/2012 9:57:27 AM]
ZetaTalk: Christmas Hammer
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ZetaTalk: Christmas Hammer
written December 21, 2007
The live seismos are showing a global quake each day at the same time (8:00 UTC)! This occurred on the
last [four] consecutive days from December 19-[22] like clockwork. We're being hammered!
[and from another]
I note that in measurements from Madrid, Spain the placement of the Sun at
sunrise seems on target but at sunset the Sun appears to be way North! This
is the European lean with a vengeance! As the N Pole of Earth leans to the
left, those gazing at the sunset from Europe see the Sun in a more northerly
position because the equator has dipped down to point toward the south.
Madrid, Spain
Madrid, Spain
December 13, 5:35 pm (Sunset)
December 15, 8:55 am (Sunrise)
Sun should have been at Azi 238
Sun should have been at Azi 124
Sun was observed at Azi 310
Sun was observed at Azi 125
[and from another]
On Dec 19, 2007: Early this morning, I checked the compasses and they were steady at 58° West of
North. Just now, noon here in Pennsylvania, they moved dramatically to 24° East of North. Another major
wobble because I have never seen the compasses move this much in such a short time!
In 2004 the pattern in global quakes was for them to occur at 0:00 UTC or 12:00 UTC when Greenwich mean time is
either at midnight or high noon. This coincides with the Atlantic Rift either facing the sun or in opposition on the other
side of the globe. In 2004 the global quakes and the wobble which ensued were driven by the interaction between the S
Pole of Planet X and the Earth, as the S Pole of Planet X was pointing toward the Earth. In time this changed as Planet
X has turned in place so that it is now pointing its N Pole out toward Earth. The wobble has consequently become
more severe because the interaction between Planet X and the Earth is driven by a N Pole push. Each day, when the
Earth's magnetic N Pole comes over the horizon so that it is facing the Sun and the bully magnet Planet X, the Earth
receives a shove from Planet X, pushing her magnetic N Pole away. This occurs at approximately 8:00 UTC, the point
at which the European lean occurs during the daily wobble.
The European lean was formerly gentle but now has become almost violent, as the N Pole of Planet X is pointing more
directly at Earth. Imagine what happens when the globe suddenly tips sideways toward the west and backwards to
shield its magnetic N Pole from Planet X. Water in the northern Atlantic is pushed eastward, over land, the cause of[2/5/2012 9:57:28 AM]
ZetaTalk: Christmas Hammer
the high tides the Essex coastline of Britain experienced recently from the trapped waters in the North Sea. As this is a
global event, Indonesia likewise experienced a high tide during that same moment, as the land masses in southeast
Asia were pushed over the water trapped by the many islands in that vicinity.
What does this increasingly violent daily lurch do to the Earth's plates, which have loosened up and become more fluid
lately due to being subjected to the constant jerking of the wobble? Great quakes that affect the globe in its entirety
must first occur at one of the brake points in the global mesh of plates. For the Earth, this is primarily the point where
the Indo-Australian plate dives under the Himalayas. The Himalayas, the highest mountains in the world, show how
often this brake point has been hammered in the past. When this brake point moves, it allows the many compression
points in the great Pacific to move. This includes rolling the top portion of S America westward, putting a bowing
stress on its long west coast region centered in particular around Santiago, Chile - the site of so many quakes lately.
This also includes allowing the N American continent to move westward, but as this continent is locked at the top
border with Russia, this movement manifests as a diagonal rip, the New Madrid fault line adjustment we have
predicted. Mexico moves further west than the Canadian west coast, accentuating the bowing of the west coast we have
described. As this occurs, the regions west of the Mississippi River are pulled down and to the west, moving toward
the southwest, while the regions to the east of the Mississippi River tend to remain in place. This tears the bridges
crossing the Mississippi and allows land already sinking to sink further. Elsewhere around the world such a strong
adjustment creates an opening in the Indian Ocean, which allows Africa to roll toward the void, opening the African
Rift further. This also puts pressure on the Arabian Plate, so that it rolls in place, a move which affects all the many
fault lines that run through this region.
A major adjustment of this type unleashes a series of great quakes, which then subside, as the Earth plates lock into
new brake points and hold. Nevertheless, for the inhabitants of planet Earth, this would be a wakeup call, as such
quakes are not caused by Global Warming but by the intruder Planet X, so much denied in the media. The cover-up
over Planet X is alive and well, but would be dealt a death blow by such a round of global quakes.[2/5/2012 9:57:28 AM]
ZetaTalk: Planet X Right
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ZetaTalk: Planet X Right
written December 27, 2007
After the Christmas Hammer made its appearance on December 19-22, it
disappeared for several days and the live seismographs were dead quiet. When they
restarted with globals again on December 27, the global was not happening at 8:00
UTC as it had during the Christmas hammer, but hours. This would mean that the
violent push against the magnetic N Pole of Earth was happening earlier, because
Planet X had moved to the right. [and from another] At the same time, an object
with a tail was captured on a C2 image by the LASCO satellite, just where one
would expect Planet X to be if the Earth had moved to the left a bit, in the view from
Earth, to escape Planet X which was now appearing on the right. Checking Skymap
and the LASCO C3 images for comparison, I note that Mercury is near the Sun to the lower left at about
the 8 o'clock position, but no planet is expected to be to the right of the Sun at the 2 o'clock position on
December 23. The LASCO C3 takes in a larger view of the sky, six times wider than the C2 images. Thus
on the C3 one can see the position of Mercury and the lack of any other planet in the area of the object
with tail captured on December 23. On December 23, Jupiter is behind the Sun, fully occulted, and just
beginning to emerge on December 24 at the 3 o'clock position. In any case, Jupiter shares the typical
planet appearance of the LASCO images, looking like a tiny Saturn with horizontal rings. The object that
appeared on December 23 had a distinct look, like a planet much larger than Mercury, much closer to
Earth, and not creating the Saturn appearance with horizontal rings! The fact that they seem to have
Saturn like rings is due to the same phenomena that causes stars to appear to have horizontal and vertical
lines when we squint at them in the night sky overhead. But this object captured on December 23 has a
distinct tail drifting to the left. Could this be a meteor shower? This is not the pattern of a meteor shower
captured by LASCO, as these examples from November 30, 1998 and February 7, 2003 and September 12,
2003 show. LASCO also suffers from proton bombardment, but the object with tail captured on December
23 does not look like a proton bombardment either, as this example from October 28, 2003 shows. Packet
loss, which is caused by light overload, also has a distinct pattern on LASCO, as these examples from
June 23, 2003 and May 27, 2003 show.[2/5/2012 9:57:29 AM]
ZetaTalk: Planet X Right
We have mentioned that as Planet X begins to turn the hose of magnetic particles from its N Pole toward Earth, that
Earth would try to escape by moving as far to the left as possible, putting Planet X to the right of the Sun in the view
from Earth. Earth is trapped in an eddy flow of particles that come from the Sun, come around from behind the
monster Planet X, and flowing rapidly around the sides of Planet X form a backwash of particles that prevent the Earth
from escaping. Just as a stick stuck in the middle of a river might have water rushing past on either side, preventing a
seed bobbling about in front of the stick from moving on downstream, the Earth is trapped in this eddy flow.
The Christmas hammer that occurred on December 19 through December 22 seemed to disappear on December 23, for
days. What happened? Faced with an increasingly aggressive hose of magnetic particles from the N Pole of Planet X,
the Earth was pushed away, and for a time this will ease the intensity of the hosing. But the Earth can only move so
far, as she cannot escape the cup created by the eddy flow. Planet X has been in the process of doing a 270° roll,
turning its N Pole outward during this roll. This will eventually result in the Earth having the hose of magnetic
particles from Planet X hosing directly at the Earth, resulting in the 3 days of darkness foretold in the Bible as the N
Pole of Earth tips away. Earlier in the year, fairly rapid progress was made in this 270° roll, but at the point where this
roll had progressed to 150°, we stopped reporting on its progress. We did so to prevent the establishment from being
able to judge when to declare martial law or take other steps that would harm the common man.
Planet X seemed to slow in its progress, thereafter, as had it kept up the rate of progress the time of 3 days of darkness
would already have occurred. What slowed the progress? Even though the Earth is a minor magnet, compared to the
monster Planet X, it nevertheless has an influence on Planet X. The Earth, with its magnetic N Pole presenting during
Earth's rotation and hosing toward Planet X on a daily basis, was pushing back. But the imperatives that drive Planet X
in its sling orbit prevailed, and Planet X continued in its roll despite the resistance Earth represented. Now Earth has
moved back, been pushed back itself in fact by the force of magnetic particles coming from Planet X, and has scuttled
back as far as she can go. This places Planet X to the right of the Sun, in the view from Earth, where the angle is
optimal for sunlight to reflect off the imposing Planet X complex - the corpus of Planet X surrounded by its close
hugging dust cloud and moon swirls.
Do you suppose Planet X remained in place, unaware of this bit of breathing room? Of course it turned, filling the gap
and progressing along its 270° roll, so now Planet X is once again poised to point its N Pole toward Earth and the[2/5/2012 9:57:29 AM]
ZetaTalk: Planet X Right
hammer will return! This is a dance that will not end until Planet X has passed the Earth, outbound, leaving the Earth
twisted and shaken behind it. The Earth cannot escape, and the progress of Planet X will not halt.[2/5/2012 9:57:29 AM]
ZetaTalk: Horizon Project
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ZetaTalk: Horizon Project
written Feb 1, 2007 on the live GodlikeProduction live chat.
I've just watched the DVD entitled "The Horizon Project, Bracing for Tomorrow". The scenarios proposed
in episode 01 closely parallel all the predictions that the Zetas have made to date. Their timing for the pole
shift, however, is predicted to be later by several years. They claim that the ecliptic of the milky way
galaxy, being highly magnetic and very thin, will be the cause of the tribulations and that this happens
periodically to our entire solar system as it travels up and down in reference to the galactic ecliptic on a
sign wave type course. I would very much like to hear all that the Zetas have to say about this particular
project and ongoing DVD series. The idea of disinformation came to mind. Many truths and some
misdirection. [and from another] I have heard a scientist by the name of Brent Miller talk about the
entrance of the Earth through the Galactic Gravitational pull which he and a group of scientists believe
happens periodically to Earth and will cause the Earth to tilt. He also talks about Planet X coming into
the orbit of the Earth and adding to the chaos. He was on Coast to Coast recently. [and from another] Brent Miller - Military contracted organizations utilized Mr.
Miller for advancing the capability of modern warfare - often assigning him to classified engagements. Dr
Brooks Agnew - Has over 30 years of combined research in advanced spectroscopy and space exploration,
providing invaluable contributions to several organizations including NASA and Jet Propulsion
We have detailed, in the past, the many ploys the establishment was using to avoid talking about the coming
cataclysms. Blame the melting poles and glaciers and weather extremes on Global Warming, but this ploy is failing
now that the changes are outside of any Global Warming model, moving so much faster than projected. Blame it on the
Sun, a ploy that stated we would have an extraordinarily active solar cycle, even though no evidence for such a
projection was laid before the public. The public got the conclusion, but not the data, as the data is missing. Since the
Sun is showing surface activity, but the activity does not follow with the disruptions on Earth that real CMEs produce,
this excuse has faltered. Blackouts, and satellite disruption, occur at other times, an embarrassment to this debunking
team, and this excuse has fallen out of favor. Frantic attempts to include the rising quakes and volcanic eruptions into either of these scenarios were so absurd on their face that they never took off. Faced with what seems to be a delayed
passage of Planet X, where the public is becoming alarmed and the establishment has no certainty on a date of passage,
what to do?
We have mentioned that the number of individuals who perforce had to be included in the cover-up has grown, as
weathermen, media hosts, and key politicians had been included in addition to astronomers, geologists, top military brass, and heads of state. Not all these people, certainly, are evil and unconcerned about the lack of warning being
given to the common man. To allay the press from this faction, which wants the common man warned in some way,
the establishment had to do something. Of course, the something they did was well connected to the establishment, old
faithful that could be relied upon to spout the line and not waver. This can be seen in the key team members chosen to
deploy the Horizon Project, a military industrial contractor and a scientist working with NASA and JPL. This in and of
itself stamps it as a disinformation ploy from the establishment. Does NASA lie? Are we getting the Face on Mars
back when hundreds of images are taken on an overflight of Mars? We are getting anything but the Face on Mars. Are
we getting the truth about troop deaths and Forward Operating Base Falcon, where 300 US casualties were taken in a
single day? Does the DOD lie?
How does the establishment broach the subject? They are catatonic on the subject because they know the taxpayer will
demand the same protections and support that the elite will be providing for themselves. If the elite are going into well
stocked bunkers, and know what is about to occur, why not the taxpayer? Since there won't be enough supplies,
enough food, to go around, the common man is to be told they are on their own, but in the meantime, pay their taxes[2/5/2012 9:57:29 AM]
ZetaTalk: Horizon Project
so the bunkers can continue to be stocked! The establishment wants the common man at their jobs, keeping the wheels
of society going. Martial law will not solve this problem, as society will grind to a halt. Those who have been living in
a democracy do not tolerate a matter like martial law for more than a few days, before rebellion and resistance break
out. So how to satisfy those participating in the cover-up who are insisting that the common man must be warned?
Can't point to a passing planet, Planet X, as the culprit, as people will start looking to the skies and discover a Second
Sun next to Sol and that the Moon's orbit is awry and the constellations often not where expected. So invent something abstract like a Galactic Gravitational Pull, something that cannot be proven or disproved, something merely a theory,
but put forth by prestigious men. And by all means, even if you plagiarize the ZetaTalk description of what will be
coming soon, never, never mention ZetaTalk![2/5/2012 9:57:29 AM]
ZetaTalk: Peru Meteor Sickness
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ZetaTalk: Peru Meteor Sickness
written September 20, 2007
We have explained that the tail of Planet X, when it wafts the Earth during the pole shift, drops the components of
petrochemicals onto the Earth, sometimes while aflame. These petrochemical components have been gathered into the
tail during the many passages by Planet X through the Asteroid Belt in the past. These petrochemicals are also the basis
of oil deposits on Earth. The Asteroid Belt was once about two dozen planets, most of them water planets, which were pelted to pieces during these times. The water from these water planets was slung about and became the dirty
snowballs humans call comets that sling past the Sun periodically. The magma from these shattered planets of course
became the Asteroid Belt. But there was more than water and rock that was disbursed. There was life, components of
life, as these water planets were life bearing planets. Out in space, such components cannot rot, as the bacteria that
cause decomposition have no oxygen. But as recently falling orange snow in Siberia has shown, when deposited in an
environment where bacteria and oxygen exist, these petrochemicals soon rot! How can these petrochemicals survive
the fall to Earth, when solid objects and the meteor itself is set ablaze? Certainly meteors survive the fall, and are
located and considered prized objects for museums or private collectors. If the meteor is small, it may burn completely
upon entry, but if large, survives. Upon impact, the meteor can explode, releasing petrochemicals encased within.
This is what occurred in Peru when a large meteor from the tail of Planet X exploded on impact, releasing a soup of
biological elements into the atmosphere. These did not contain life, such as bacterium or viruses, but were not the
harmless components of rotting life one finds in cesspools or during soil formation. It was not merely stinky -- it was
irritating. The components picked up in the past during periodic passages of Planet X through the Asteroid Belt are not
simply representative of the life on a water planet, which might be assumed to be vegetative and lower life forms such
worms or protozoan. This soup includes the results of decomposition, in various stages. What adheres to the tail of
Planet X varies according to chemical attraction, so some material is gathered while other material is ignored. Thus, an
exploding meteor does not spew forth what one might find in rotting material, as some irritating chemicals are there in
excess. Can these chemicals kill? The report of the bull dropping dead should not be unexpected, as the vapors
released when the superheated meteor exploded replaced the normally available oxygen in air. The bull simply
Mystery Illness Strikes After Meteorite Hits Peruvian Village
Sep 17, 2007
Villagers in southern Peru were struck by a mysterious illness after a meteorite made a fiery crash
to Earth in their area. Residents complained of headaches and vomiting brought on by a strange
odor. Seven policemen who went to check on the reports also became ill and had to be given oxygen
before being hospitalized. Rescue teams and experts were dispatched to the scene, where the
meteorite left a 100-foot-wide and 20-foot-deep crater. Boiling water started coming out of the
crater and particles of rock and cinders were found nearby.
Scientist Confirms Meteorite in Puno, Peru is a Chondrite
Sep 18, 2007
Peru's official government news agency reported this afternoon that scientists who went to the town
of Carancas in the Region of Puno, Peru, have confirmed that the glowing object which fell from[2/5/2012 9:57:30 AM]
ZetaTalk: Peru Meteor Sickness
the sky on Saturday afternoon was indeed a meteorite. The chondrite was not radioactive and did
not have any toxic gases or substances which could be harmful to peoples health. National
University of Altiplano, Peru's Nuclear Energy Institute, the National Institute of Natural Resources,
the Ministry of Health and a Bolivian university are all taking part in the analysis of the area.
Russia Probes Smelly Orange Snow
Feb 2, 2007
Russia has flown a team of chemical experts to a Siberian region to find out why smelly, coloured
snow has been falling over several towns. Oily yellow and orange snowflakes fell over an area of
more than 570sq miles in the Omsk region on Wednesday. Chemical tests were under way to
determine the cause. Residents have been advised not to use the snow for household tasks or let
animals graze on it. Vladimir Gurzhey, an official with the civil defence ministry in Omsk, told the
Russia TV channel that the snow had four times the normal levels of iron in it. The coloured snow
had fallen in the neighbouring regions of Tomsk and Tyumen.[2/5/2012 9:57:30 AM]
ZetaTalk: Blackberry Outages
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ZetaTalk: Blackberry Outages
written February 16, 2008
BlackBerry Outage Frustrates Users Again
February 12, 2008
Officials with AT&T Inc. and Verizon Wireless said RIM told them the outage hit customers of all
wireless carriers. Bell Canada spokesman Jason Laszlo said the majority of its BlackBerry
customers were affected. The last major BlackBerry outage struck in April, when a minor software
upgrade crashed the system, triggering complaints from always-on users all the way up to the White
House and Canada's Parliament. A smaller disruption occurred in September, when a software
glitch stanched the flow of e-mails
What is the process during wireless communications? As cell phone users know, unless a tower is nearby, in clear
range, the phone call can be garbled or dropped. Something as simple as passing behind a building or driving into a
valley can drop the call. Once received at a tower, satellites are often used, leaping over the miles to go directly to a
server that will deliver the call. Where phone calls can take a sputtering in the message, digital messages are more
sensitive. Digital messages require leading and closing codes to be intact, for instance. A text message might have a
header stating it is beginning, and who it is to be delivered to. At the end, the message might have a trailer stating the
message is complete. If the header or trailer are corrupted, the text message is aborted, being considered incomplete.
Phone calls require, in point of fact, only the header, as a dropped call can be considered the trailer. Phone calls are
more simplistic, as sputtering during the call is suffered without interrupting the call. With digital communications,
sputtering is an interruption in the codes required for the communication to continue. Surfing the web is likewise more
complicated than simple phone calls. Web pages are built of many components, which are assembled. If a necessary
component is missing or corrupted during a transmission, the web page build stalls.
In the days before Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003, problems with wireless communications were
technical, solely. But these times have and are changing at a rapid pace. In August-September of 2003 there were
brownouts and blackouts and surges worldwide, creating the New York City blackout on August 14, 2003. On
September 1, 2003 there were massive blackouts in Malaysia and Australia, following on September 2 by brownouts
on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. On September 4, 2003 London had blackouts. On September 9, 2003 blackouts
occurred in Finland and Russia. This was a time when the Second Sun was much in evidence during sunrise and
sunset. Planet X had arrived. While putting on the brakes as it approached the Sun, Planet X caused its massive
charged tail to waft past the Sun to Earth, thus causing brownouts and blackouts. In 2003, the Earth had a taste of what
the charged tail can do, but mankind's electronics are not braced for the continuous barrage that it is about to receive. If
a charged cloud can create a surge or brownout in an electrical grid on the surface of the Earth, what can it do to
electronic communications temporarily in the air? Wireless communications are very vulnerable, in the days to come.
Major Blackberry Outage
Feb 23, 2005
Seems like the outage is due to an internal issue at RIM with their SRP server that affected most of
the Blackberry subscribers.
Major BlackBerry Outage Leaves Millions Without E-Mail
April 18, 2007
Millions of BlackBerry users in North America were without e-mail because of a massive network
failure. Research in Motion, the maker of BlackBerry devices, has said very little about the incident[2/5/2012 9:57:30 AM]
ZetaTalk: Blackberry Outages
except that the outage "may have been caused" by one of its operating centers going down.
Widespread BlackBerry outage?
September 7, 2007
And we thought these things were a thing of the past. It seems that BlackBerry users on all networks
are experiencing a complete data outage. If the outage is as widespread as the initial reports seem
to indicate, this could mark the second time in a year that the BlackBerry users have been subjected
to such an event.[2/5/2012 9:57:30 AM]
ZetaTalk: Reno Swarms
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ZetaTalk: Reno Swarms
written April 26, 2008
4.7 Quake Rocks
Reno as Area's
Seismic Activity
Continues [Apr 26]
Another earthquake
struck the Reno
area, dumping cans
off shelves, knocking
pictures off walls
and sending rocks
off hillsides. The
U.S. Geological
Survey reported the
4.7 magnitude
temblor hit at 11:40
p.m. and was
centered six miles
west of Reno near
Mogul, where a
swarm of more than
100 quakes had
rattled the area. The
biggest of those was
a 4.2 event. A 3.5
aftershock followed
at 12:29 am,
followed by at least
30 smaller ones, the
USGS said. Local
television stations
reported the temblor cracked walls and broke lawn watering lines in the northwest Reno. It was the
strongest quake to shake the city since hundreds of much smaller events have been recorded in the area
since the end of February.
We have spoken at great length about the stresses on the N American continent as the day of the pole shift approaches.
It is being pulled diagonally, the New England area pulling east while Mexico is being held back, pulled toward the
west. This tends to pull lands to the east of any fault line toward the northeast, while shifting lands to the west of any
fault line toward the southwest. Since rock resists breaking, and friction exists along fault lines, this is hardly a smooth
process. Weak points break, at first. Tension builds, accompanied by quake swarms which are, as we have explained,
like a trembling before a snap. For the N American continent to adjust as it must during the rapid expansion of the
Atlantic would require a major quake though the center of the continent, along the New Madrid Fault line, a widening
of the St. Lawrence Seaway to the extent that it becomes a new inland bay filled with sea water, and a significant slide
of land on either side of the San Andreas Fault line. Most of this adjustment will occur during the hour of the shift, but
adjustments before hand will significantly reshape the N American continent and will, as we have stated, precipitate
emergencies within the US that will require that the troops in Iraq be brought home to attend to disasters in the[2/5/2012 9:57:31 AM]
ZetaTalk: Reno Swarms
We have described a temporary bowing along the West Coast as the stress on the N American continent builds. Rather
than tear along the New Madrid and related fault lines, Mexico at first is pulled toward the west, creating a bow that
forms around California and stresses the rock along the West Coast all the way from the tip of Mexico to Alaska. The
Crandall Canyon mine disaster in Utah was due to bowing stress, and the recent quakes near Reno, NV are likewise
due to this same bowing stress. Note that the current spate of quakes near Reno are almost in an exact line from the
California coast inland to the Crandall Canyon mine disaster east of Salt Lake City.
Take a board and cause it to bow, and watch the fractures. The compression side of the board certainly has
compression stress, but the side of the board asked to stretch will start to fray and snap. As with the Utah mine
disaster, the fraying and cracking are occurring to the east of a solid block of rock that is resisting any change. The
mining accident in Utah in 2007, just to the east of the Salt Lake flats, is in rock that fractures more readily than the
rigid Salt Lake flats to the west, which show no evidence of being affected during past pole shifts while the mountains
on either side of these flats are rumpled. This is also the case with the recent Reno quakes. An examination of fault
lines in California and Nevada show that the great inland valley of California has no fault lines. Like the Salt Lake
Flats, this area retained water in the past that evaporated slowly, allowing a slow settlement that formed a very solid
rock base. It does not bend or break. Thus, the bowing pressure in both cases is transferred to the more vulnerable rock
to the east. In the case of the Reno quakes, they are taking the hit for the inland valley of California.
Where does all this lead? We have stated that major adjustments in the New Madrid and associated fault lines will
occur before major adjustments along the San Andreas occur. The bowing will force this, as at some point the rock will
refuse to bow further and the stress along the weak points in the center of the continent will give. The fact that there is
a bow along the West Coast is what in fact prevents a major adjustment along the San Andreas until the New Madrid
adjusts. This rock is in compression now, along a curve, and the slip slide of the San Andreas has more friction than
usual to prevent any movement. Will more bowing stress appear? Undoubtedly. Clearly the line of stress has been
drawn, between the Utah mining disaster and Reno, so that vulnerability can be computed.
We are often asked how to determine safety in mountain building areas. Should one stand on a peak, or
seek shelter in a valley? This is not a simplistic matter, and it is impossible to state general guidelines or
even to give advice for a particular area. Hidden weak spots in the rock layers below might exist,
undetectable even for ourselves, the Zetas, and suddenly allow a cave-in or shift. This is what occurred at
the Crandall Canyon mine. The great salt flats in Utah show that they can withstand buckling, and have
done so through several pole shifts. Mountain ranges in the western US are termed new mountains as
their edges are sharp rock, showing recent fracturing. Rock layers that are compressed, in the
compression zone, will do one of two things. If hard enough, they will remain as flat land, as the salt flats
have done, forcing the compression onto the surrounding areas. If able to be fractured, the weak link, they
will fracture and throw portions of the layer up on top of other parts of the layer, thus creating mountains
from flat land. Crandall Canyon lies to the east of the Great Salt Lake Desert, and passes on any stress
created due to the bowing of land in the southwest we have predicted to the mountains to the east of these
salt flats. The weak link gives. The New Madrid Fault adjustments we have predicted to occur soon will
not just suddenly happen one day. They will be preceded by minor adjustments in the stressed rock. Weak
points snap, one after the other, until such minor adjustments no longer suffice. The bridge collapse in
Minneapolis, and this mine cave-in, are just a small preview of what is to come!
ZetaTalk: Live Chat, written Aug 11, 2007[2/5/2012 9:57:31 AM]
ZetaTalk: Alexandria Cables
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ZetaTalk: Alexandria Cables
written January 31, 2008 The FLAG
system, that mother of all wires, starts at
Porthcurno, England, and proceeds to
Estepona, Spain; through the Strait of
Gibraltar to Palermo, Sicily; across the
Mediterranean to Alexandria and Port
Said, Egypt; overland from those two
cities to Suez, Egypt; down the Gulf of
Suez and the Red Sea, with a potential
branching unit to Jedda, Saudia Arabia;
around the Arabian Peninsula to Dubai,
site of the FLAG Network Operations
Center; across the Indian Ocean to
Bombay; around the tip of India and across the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea to Ban Pak Bara,
Thailand, with a branch down to Penang, Malaysia; overland across Thailand to Songkhla; up through the
South China Sea to Lan Tao Island in Hong Kong; up the coast of China to a branch in the East China
Sea where one fork goes to Shanghai and the other to Koje-do Island in Korea, and finally to two separate
landings in Japan - Ninomiya and Miura, which are owned by rival carriers. Anchors are a perennial
problem that gets much worse during typhoons, because an anchor that has dropped well away from a
cable may be dragged across it as the ship is pushed around by the wind. Formerly, cable was plowed
into the bottom in water shallower than 1,000 meters, which kept it away from the trawlers. Because of
recent changes in fishing practices, the figure has been boosted to 2,000 meters.
We have spoken since the early days of ZetaTalk about the stretch zones of the world, where plates are pulling apart.
The Red Sea is one of these zones, as is the African Rift, pulling apart as Africa rolls into the Indian Ocean. The Suez
Canal is thus pulled eastward, creating tension on any cables laid under the Mediterranean from France or Italy into
Egypt. These cables are laid with slack, and pressed into the seabed where expected to be anywhere near where ships
anchor. For a single cable to be damaged potentially by a ship anchor might fly as an excuse, but two cables,
simultaneously? The point of fault can be estimated by the cable operators by a type of ping to the point of injury.
Both the damaged cables reached shore at Alexandria, with the injury estimated to have occurred 5.2 miles off the
coast from Alexandria.
What kind of tension were these cables under at this point? One end was secured at the point of landfall. Where the
cable under the Mediterranean was free, it had drag, particularly as it approached shore as it would be buried in the
seabed at this point, to avoid injury by ships' anchors. A cable under tension in this manner due to the plate
separating/stretching would rise up, and be a perfect target for an anchor. The ships whose anchors tore the cables were
not illegally anchored at the distance from shore where the injury occurred. Instead the cables were unexpectedly
above the floor of the seabed at that point, and vulnerable to being hooked by anchors.
Will more such catastrophes occur in stretch zones? Broken communications are the least of mankind's worry there.
Chasms will open up. Roads will tear and bridges will drop. Buildings will find their infrastructure shifting beneath
them, and will either drop into their foundations or slip sideways into a lean. Gas and water mains will continue to
shatter, with fires and explosions caused by gas leaks running rampant through neighborhoods or business districts.
The stretch has only begun, and will accelerate as the plates begin to move more aggressively.[2/5/2012 9:57:32 AM]
ZetaTalk: Alexandria Cables
Damaged Cables Cut Internet in Mideast
January 30, 2008
It was not clear what caused the damage to the cable. There has been speculation by others that an
illegally or improperly anchored ship caused the problem. This was the first time two undersea
cables near each other were cut at the same time.
Internet Disrupted in Egypt and India
January 30, 2008
The cable in question goes between France and Egypt.
Internet Outages Seen Across Middle East
January 30, 2008
DU told The Associated Press that the reason for the outage was a fault on a submarine cable
located between Alexandria, Egypt, and Palermo, Italy.
Severed Cables Disrupt Internet
January 31, 2008
FLAG Telecoms operate the 17,400 mile long submarine communications cable. SEA-ME-WE 4 is a
submarine cable system linking South East Asia to Europe via the Indian subcontinent and the
Middle East. Neither of the cable operators have confirmed the cause or location of the outage but
some reports suggest it was caused by a ship's anchor near the port of Alexandria in Egypt.
Mediterranean Cables Cut, Disrupting Communications
Jan. 30, 2008
Six ships were diverted from Alexandria port and one may have severed the cables with an anchor,
said a spokesman for Flag Telecom Group Ltd., which operates one of the cables. The incident took
place 8.3 kilometers (5.2 miles) from Alexandria beach in northern Egypt.[2/5/2012 9:57:32 AM]
ZetaTalk: Dubai Cables
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ZetaTalk: Dubai Cables
written February 2, 2008
Once again an undersea internet cable is torn near where it makes landfall. This incident is in Dubai, on the other side
of the Arabian Plate from Alexandria. What is similar in both of these incidents? Both are offshore from landfall sites,
where the cable rises out of the seabed to connect at a spot where it is fixed. Such a spot creates tension if the cable is
being stretched, causing the cable to rise up out of the seabed and reducing slack. This causes the tense cable to be
vulnerable to ships' anchors. The Flag Falcon was a new cable, laid since early 2005 and thus plowed into the seabed
properly and recently to avoid ships' anchors in shallow water. If the breach offshore from Alexandria was due to the
stretch zone in the Mediterranean caused by the African continent rolling eastward and dropping into the Indian Ocean,
what caused this stretch offshore from Dubai?
After leaving Alexandria, the cables cross the Suez Canal to land on the east of the canal, thence down the Red Sea to
where it empties into the Indian Ocean, thence along the bottom of the "boot" of the Arabian peninsula and up around
the "toe" formed by Oman to landfall in Dubai. As we have stated, the Arabian plate will rotate as this region of the
world is pulled apart. As though the "boot" were walking, it will move from where the "heel" appears to be landing to
where the "boot" is rolling to be positioned on its "toe". Where this does not put tension along a cable laid around the
edges of the "boot", it puts tension on the cable from another end - the landfall in India and Pakistan. The "heel" of the
boot has been pulled away from India and Pakistan. Overall, the stretch zones around the Arabian Plate are pulling
open, thus there is less slack on any cables laid there.
Internet Provider in UAE Confirms Undersea Cable Cut Between Dubai, Oman, Cause Unknown
February 2, 2008
An undersea cable had been cut in the Persian Gulf, causing severe phone line disruptions and
compounding an already existing Internet outage across large parts of the Middle East and Asia
after two other undersea cables were damaged earlier this week north of Egypt. It was not known
how the underwater FLAG FALCON cable, stretching between the United Arab Emirates and Oman,
had been damaged. Workers were still trying to determine how the Persian Gulf cable was cut.
Saudi Arabia Confirms Multi-Million Dollar Investement in FALCON
May 7, 2005
FALCON, a new high-capacity resilient loop cable system is being installed to provide multiple
landings throughout the Gulf region, with submarine links stretching from the Middle East to Egypt
in the west and, initially, to India in the east.[2/5/2012 9:57:33 AM]
ZetaTalk: Mercury's Shroud
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ZetaTalk: Mercury's Shroud
written January 5, 2008
Last week on the newsletter we discussed Planet X being captured on one of the LASCO C2 satellite
images, on the right hand side of the Sun and with its tail wafting to the left. If the tail were wafting left,
this would place it in front of the LASCO cameras. And this is exactly what emerged on New Year's Day!
On that day, someone noticed a large orb in the lower left quadrant of a satellite camera that floats 21º
ahead of the Earth in her orbit - called the Stereo Ahead satellite. Mercury was crossing the line of view of
this satellite, crossing behind the Sun and moving right to left in the view. The position of the large blob
was the correct position for Mercury as seen from this satellite camera.
But unlike the normal appearance of a passing planet, that appearance being a bright spot on the film,
Mercury changed in appearance, became dull rather than bright, increased in size, and appeared to be
rotating in a dust cloud wrapped around it. This generated a great deal of discussion on the
GodlikeProduction message board. The object indeed had tracked across and just below the Sun as
Mercury was expected to do from view from the Stereo Ahead satellite. But the change in appearance left
many unconvinced that it was indeed Mercury. The discussion ranged from ascribing the dull, large object
to be asteroid 1685Torror (which was not yet in front of the cameras), or Jupiter (which had passed from
view days earlier, moved off to the right hand, and should also be bright in any case), some sort of new
planet ejected from the Sun, or a large mothership. Someone claiming to have had a discussion with JPL
even claimed this huge blob to be a star, though stars are bright pin-points on the LASCO images. But in
that this object had tracked as expected for Mercury, appearing on the right hand side on December 22 and
leaving on the left hand side on December 31, Mercury seemed to be the logical candidate. But why so
dark and diffuse? And why the increase in size?[2/5/2012 9:57:34 AM]
ZetaTalk: Mercury's Shroud
The orb presumed to be Mercury does not have the traditional aspect of passing planets. It appears too large and loses
its light halfway through the transit. What kind of dust cloud could be obscuring the view of Mercury and diffusing the
light so it looks too large? What kind of dust is swirling in front of the light from Mercury so that it appears to be
rotating in place? The asteroid 1685Torro was thrown out as the explanation but likewise is not in the field of view per
official orbit diagrams. Nor did the attempt from a NASA stooge to claim it as a star gain any advocates. What was
discovered were many moon-like objects, reflecting light from the right hand side of the Sun. What is that light
source? Clearly it is the object that was reflected on a December 23 LASCO image, an object with a tail drifting to the
left, showing that the tail debris would logically be drifting left to be in front of the SOHO cameras.
What was discovered were many moon-like objects, reflecting light from the right hand side of the Sun. What is that
light source? Clearly it is the object that was reflected on a December 23 LASCO image, an object with a tail drifting
to the left, showing that the tail debris would logically be drifting left to be in front of the SOHO cameras. Their
presence, so very much in the direction of Earth, presages another phenomena that will soon be evident to all on Earth.
About this we will say little, in keeping with our desire to have the establishment discombobulated so the cover-up
splits wide open like a rotten melon, spewing the truth about so broadly that it cannot be quickly dismissed.
Where is this leading? We have hinted that the drama is not yet over. We have hinted that earthquakes will be
involved, and things seen in the skies. We are not allowed by the rules to be precise in our predictions, so cannot warn
mankind of coming dangers. Regarding anything that would tend to prove the existence of Planet X and cause the
cover-up to split open, we likewise do not want to clue the establishment into what that might be, as we want them to
stumble. We want the participants in the cover-up to be frightened and blurt out the truth or fail to maintain the cover-
up so that holes in the story line are obvious. Beyond this, it is leading to more severe Earth changes, which we have
been predicting since the start of ZetaTalk. Diasasters will become so common they will no longer hit the news, and
may not even be locally reported. Emergency management teams will be exhausted, and may not even notice a change
in leadership in the White House during this time - Pelosi or Gore in the Oval Office at long last. These disasters,
increasing at what seems an exponential rate, will morph into the last weeks we have so carefully detailed. And then
the pole shift!
During the discussion on Mercury's odd appearance in the Stereo Ahead images, many small moon-like
objects were discovered. These had a different appearance from the stars which sometimes appear in
these images. These moons were large and illuminated on one side only. If Planet X is to the right of the
Sun, then one would assume that the moons of Planet X being captured in these images would be
illuminated on the right hand side, with light from a source to the right hand side and closer to the Earth
than to the Sun. And this proved to be the case. These moons showed up in more than one Stereo Ahead
image type, in more than one light wave length. The moons in the tail of Planet X are not next to the Sun,
but are between the Stereo Ahead camera and the Sun.[2/5/2012 9:57:34 AM]
ZetaTalk: Mercury's Shroud[2/5/2012 9:57:34 AM]
ZetaTalk: Air France 447
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ZetaTalk: Air France 447
written June 3, 2009
Ocean Search for Air France Jet Continues [Jun 2] The Air France plane flew
into turbulent weather four hours after taking off from Rio and 15 minutes later sent an automatic message
reporting electrical faults. A lightning strike could be to blame and that several of the mechanisms on the
Airbus 330-200, which has a good safety record, had malfunctioned. But aviation experts said lightning
strikes on planes were common and could not alone explain a disaster. They also said the plane could
have suffered an electrical failure, effectively leaving the pilots "blind" and making the plane vulnerable in
an area notorious for bad weather. [and from another] What Happened to Flight 447? [Jun 1] Four hours into the flight the plane
encountered heavy turbulence. Fifteen minutes later, now a long way out to sea, it transmitted an
automated signal indicating the plane was in serious trouble. A succession of a dozen technical messages
showed that several electrical systems had broken down, most ominously the pressurization system - a
totally unprecedented situation in the plane.
The airliner did not fly into a hurricane, as none was reported, though wind shear can happen unexpectedly. Wind
shear on a plane at high altitudes would not likely drive it to the ground or into the water, nor does wind shear tear off
a wing or engine. Airliners anticipate lightning strikes and are guarded against them, such that for several decades no
disaster has been caused by lightning strikes alone. What then caused the loss of the Air France airliner over the
Atlantic? The sequence of events is clear. The pilot announced air turbulence. Then 15 minutes later an automatic
message from the plane's computer announced that several electrical systems had failed. Thereafter, no more messages
were received, so the pilots were either too busy or unable to transmit. On the face of it, a massive failure in the
electrical systems caused the plane to go down, and prevented a last minute transmission from the pilot as to their
likely location. What would cause such a failure?
We have repeatedly warned that electromagnetic disturbances could be anticipated as the charged tail of Planet X
turned toward the Earth. There is increasing evidence of this, the latest unmistakable piece of evidence a blast to the
Earth's magnetosphere. The number of subatomic particles in the electromagnetic spectrum, as we have noted, is
beyond what mankind imagines. When failure happens on the ground, there is an outage. The lights go out, but nothing
crashes to the ground. When a massive failure, however temporary, occurs in an airliner time catches up with those
affected as the airliner is temporarily out of control, and in turbulent weather this can prove disastrous. Will such
failure happen again? We have stressed, repeatedly, that man can expect problems with their satellites and electrical
grids due to the charged tail of Planet X wafting increasingly in the direction of Earth. Air France 447 hit a tripple
whammy, however, in that it was in a storm and over the Atlantic Rift, which as we have stated is a surface magnet,
responsible for the twice-a-day global shudders that appear on the live seismographs.[2/5/2012 9:57:35 AM]
ZetaTalk: Air France 447[2/5/2012 9:57:35 AM]
ZetaTalk: Second Sun Returns
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ZetaTalk: Second Sun Returns
written August 29, 2009 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.
A Triple Sunrise
Over Gdansk
Bay [Aug 4] Explanation: How can the same Sun rise three times? Last
month on Friday, 2009 July 10, a spectacular triple sunrise was photographed at about 4:30 am over
Gdansk Bay in Gdansk, Poland. Clearly, our Sun rises only once. Some optical effect is creating at least
two mirages of the Sun -- but which effect? In the vast majority of similarly reported cases, mirages of the
brightest object in the frame can be traced to reflections internal to the camera taking the images. Still,
the above image is intriguing because a sincere photographer claims the effect was visible to the unaided
eye, and because the photographer took several other frames that show variants of the same effect.
The photos from Poland seem at first glance to be a Second Sun which is a window reflection of the Sun, though there
are two reflections, above and below, which would not be the case in a window reflection. In an additional photo from
Poland, these Second Suns seems to merge together into the upper left hand side. This is neither a window reflection
nor a direct capture of Planet X at sundown, which we have been terming Second Sun sightings. NASA is featuring
this photo in an attempt to confuse what they anticipate to be a rash of future Second Sun sightings, the genuine
variety caused by Planet X. They are hoping to confuse both the term, "Second Sun" and the placement of the Second
Sun in genuine sightings. What was actually captured in these photos from Poland?
This is an atmospheric phenomena caused indirectly by the presence of Planet X, what we have in the past called the
Monster Sun phenomena. When genuine Second Sun sightings occur light is bouncing off the immense dust cloud that
shrouds Planet X, bouncing at an angle such that the light goes from the Sun to the cloud thence to Earth. A double
reflection can occur during such times where the light going to Earth would not be directly into the viewers eyes, but
hit water and ice in the atmosphere bouncing yet again at a tangental angle into a viewers eyes. This is what was
occurring in the Poland snaps, and yes the photographer saw this naked eye as reported.[2/5/2012 9:57:35 AM]
ZetaTalk: Second Sun Returns
A Video
v=97vfBoJLaB8 made in Padua, Italy,
on August 24, 2009, at dusk.
sole-24-agosto-2009.html [and from
another] Hello everyone fom Fabrizio
creator of the video in Padua! I've said
previously for my other videos and I
repeat once again: to me to be here
mingling with Photoshop or anything
like that plus I do not even know what
they are and how to use them, losing
hours to make fake videos to put on You
Tube does not interest me at all! I was
coming home from work, intrigued by
the Sun which was slightly elongated on
the right side and I stopped focusing
with the camera on the elongation
which turned out to be a second small circle! It is a video made in 2 minutes, downloaded to PC via Blue
Tooth and on the internet, there are no fake trees made of cardboard or just pixeled Sun or anything else,
maybe on a photo I could do it but not on a video for sure, plus I wanted to put music but I didn't even
managed to do that! So, if what I filmed is Nibiru, Planet X, the Sun, Mercury, Venus or Mars I don't
know. The fact is that the video is true, not modified or anything like that!! [and from another] Other
moon swirl examples from the past, 2003-2005, from China, Italy, and New York
This video is not a valid capture of Planet X, the Second Sun. It has no obvious flaws, though the quality is poor so
details are hard to make out. The Ecliptic plunges from upper left to lower right in Italy at dusk, putting this theoretical
Planet X above the Ecliptic and not to the right of the Sun along the Ecliptic as it currently rides. Even allowing for
light rays bending to put a placement at a distance, this is too extreme. Then what is it? What could cause an elongated
Sun viewed by naked eye, and dual orbs when captured on camera? When Planet X first arrived in the inner solar
system in 2003, many of the photos were of the moon swirls, which form long tubes when seen from the side. These
tubes focus light bouncing down the tube such that they appear as light orbs when the tube is turned toward the viewer.
This focused light, coming down along a moon swirl tube, can be significant and mistaken for the shrouded Planet X
corpus itself.[2/5/2012 9:57:35 AM]
ZetaTalk: Severe Wobble
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ZetaTalk: Severe Wobble
written September 30, 2009
At noon today, I checked my 2 compasses and saw that they had switched from holding at due North for many
days to 60 degrees West of North. A huge swing! Then a couple hours later, the 8.3 quake hit Samoa. A big
wobble must of occurred and the compasses reflected the change. Coincidence? [and from another] Checked
the Magnetosphere Simulator site and the S Pole
(red) seems to have disappeared! It was shrinking when the 8.3 hit in Samoa around 17:00 UTC on September
29, but 12 hours later was completely gone! This was not the case during times when the Earth's
magnetosphere was blasted by the hose of particles from the N Pole of Planet X, such as the January 21, 2009
blast here on YouTube What is the relationship between this
odd magnetic twist and the big quakes? [and from another] USGS upgraded the September 29 Samoa quake to
8.3, and at 10:16 on September 30 Sumatra had a 7.9. Two big ones in short order, and aftershocks galore. In
less than a 24 hours period there were 24 quakes above 5 for the region between these two large quakes.
Any plot of a magnetosphere will show output from the N Pole, regardless of what activity might be ongoing at the S Pole.
Magnetons flow out from the N Pole, circle round, and return at the S Pole. What would cause the Earth's magnetosphere to
temporarily show only an outbound stream (blue lines), and this almost entirely turned quickly in space toward the direction
of the Earth's magnetic S Pole rather than arching out into space before returning, but then bypassing the Earth's S Pole? It
is as though the magnetons are diverted away from returning to the Earth's S Pole, and this is what is occurring. We have
stated that the N Pole of Planet X is increasingly pointing toward Earth, forcing the magnetic N Pole of Earth to push away
during the daily Earth wobble that results. If this flow of magnetons from Planet X is strong enough, the magnetons flowing[2/5/2012 9:57:37 AM]
ZetaTalk: Severe Wobble
out the Earth's N Pole cannot fight the push in order to return to the Earth's S Pole. In this case, they join the larger field
temporarily formed by Planet X and the Earth, which are attempting to form an end-to-end magnet at this point, and return
through the S Pole of Planet X!
What relationship, if any, does this have to the strong series of quakes in Samoa? We have described this part of the globe,
the Indo-Australian plate that is being pushed under the Himalayas, as the brake point, holding back larger plate adjustment
worldwide. Thus, this is where global adjustments start. This plate moves, then other adjustment that were waiting to
happen can proceed. The relationship between the magnetic simulation charts showing the S Pole temporarily disappearing
and the quakes is that a stronger and more violent wobble occurred when the N Pole of Planet X temporarily pointed its N
Pole at Earth, forcing an end-to-end alignment of their magnetospheres. This is a preview of the severe wobble we have
stated will precede the lean-to-the-left. This is the cause of the severe wobble we have predicted. More is to come![2/5/2012 9:57:37 AM]
ZetaTalk: Magnetic Twist
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ZetaTalk: Magnetic Twist
written October 29, 2009
Recently, the magnetic fields has appeared twisted, with the positive outflow immediately going south and
the intake, the negative flow, coming down from the north instead of up from the south. What would cause
that? Within a 24 hour period from October 28-29 the field went from a normal appearance, to showing
that a magneton blast was occurring, to showing a twisted magnetic field.[2/5/2012 9:57:38 AM]
ZetaTalk: Magnetic Twist
Recently, on the Magnetic Simulator, the S Pole of Earth temporarily disappeared. We explained that this was an instance of the magnetic field of Earth and Planet X going end-to-end, such that the magnetons from the Earth's N
Pole travel to the S Pole of Planet X, avoiding Earth's S Pole altogether. But what would explain the magnetic twist,
where Earth's field appears to be heading in the wrong direction entirely, the emissions from the N Pole going directly
south, the intake at the S Pole coming directly from the north? Planet X is slightly to the right in a line drawn from the
Sun to the Earth, and thus until it has swung its N Pole some 195°, as it has done in a dither at times recently, it will
not be pointing directly at the Earth. Most of the time, as it continues to close the gap between itself and the Earth,
Planet X will be influencing the Earth's magnetosphere from a point slightly to the side.
The flow of magnetons from the Earth's N Pole continues to try to merge with the flow from Planet X, diverted to the
S Pole of Planet X. But as a flow cannot continue without an intake as well as an exit, the S Pole of Earth represents a
type of magnetic vacuum, a pull. Thus some magnetons from the N Pole of Planet X, which has a wide field, drift to
the S Pole of Earth rather than travel on to the S Pole of Planet X. Why do these magnetons not move directly from the
N Pole of Planet X to the S Pole of Earth? Those magnetons in the field close to Planet X are pulled strongly to the S
Pole of Planet X, and also do not want to cross the flow of magnetons coming from Earth, joining to form a merged
field with Planet X. It is those magnetons which are cast far afield, in the large magnetic field of Planet X, which find
they can drift toward the S Pole of Planet X. This is yet another example of the truth of our words. Planet X is slightly
to the right of the Sun in the view from Earth, and is pointing its N Pole toward Earth. What else would cause the
Earth's magnetic field to twist?[2/5/2012 9:57:38 AM]
ZetaTalk: Magnetic Twist[2/5/2012 9:57:38 AM]
ZetaTalk: Brazil Blackout
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ZetaTalk: Brazil Blackout
written November 11, 2009
Power Failure Blacks Out Much of
Brazil, Paraguay [Nov 11] A
massive power failure hit Brazil's
two biggest cities, São Paulo and Rio
de Janeiro, and large parts of
neighboring Paraguay, leaving
millions of people in the dark
Tuesday night after a hydroelectric
plant went offline. The blackout cut
off some 17,000 megawatts of
electricity, affecting 10 Brazilian
states, but power began returning to
Rio within a few hours. Brazilian
Energy Minister Edson Lobão said
authorities weren't sure what caused
the outage at the Itaipu dam, which straddles the border between Brazil and Paraguay, but he believed an
"atmospheric phenomenon" or "high-intensity storm" was to blame. [and from another] Outage Leaves
Millions Without Power in Brazil [Nov 11] The electricity operator in the
state of Minas Gerais said the outage was caused by a problem with the Itaipu dam which lies on the
border between Brazil and Paraguay.
The failure of the hydroelectric plant at the Itaipu dam situated on the border of Brazil and Paraguay was of course
caused by an electromagnetic storm caused by the near presence of Planet X and the wafting of its charged tail. The
Brazilian Energy Minister was honest about the cause, stating it was a failure at the dam caused by an unknown
"atmospheric phenomena". Many blackouts are caused by the equipment shutting down to protect it from surge or
brownout damage. Often when there is high demand for electricity, brownouts can occur due to lack of power available
to serve the demand. This can cause a domino effect, as one substation after another shuts down due to overload,
forcing the demand onto a neighboring substation. This was not the case in the Brazil/Paraguay blackout, which
stemmed from the dam itself. The blackout was sudden, affecting the whole area serviced by the power station,
showing that the outage stemmed from the dam itself.[2/5/2012 9:57:39 AM]
ZetaTalk: Brazil Blackout
Several high profile electrical outages have occurred in recent months - the Air France 447 failure of all electrical
systems on that plane on June 1, and the explosions at the Sajano-Shushenskoj hydroelectric power station on August
17 caused by an electromagnetic tsunami. Electromagnetic blasts coming from Planet X have been on record since
January 21 with the Earth's magnetosphere losing its S Pole or being twisted, often in synch with major earthquakes.
What happened at the Itaipu dam was not due to a particularly strong flood of electromagnetic particles, as the
monitoring of the Earth's magnetosphere shows. The magnetosphere seemed to be relatively calm. Where there was no
overall electromagnetic blast affecting Earth, the confused magnetic turmoil between the Earth and Planet X can cause
erratic magnetic flows in almost any direction. At times, Planet X and the Earth line up end-to-end briefly, causing the
Earth to lose its S Pole or for the Earth's magnetosphere to twist. At other times, there is merely a drift of magnetic
particles from the field of Planet X toward the Earth's field, causing an overload of particles.
Such a drift is erratic, and is attracted to the surface of Earth based on the
electromagnetic particles on the surface of the Earth. This is what caused the
hapless Air France 447 to shut down. It was the surface magnet, the Atlantic
Rift itself, that attracted a surge of electromagnetic particles just as the plane
was crossing the rift. What is it about the location of the Itaipu dam that makes
it susceptible to attracting such an electromagnetic surge? We have mentioned
that the S American continent has a seaway opening up along the Parana
River, ripping apart at Buenos Aires. River bottoms and seaway bottoms in
particular, are along weak points in a plate, being pulled apart and causing the
land to sink. Thus, such points have less of a shield between the
electromagnetic core of the Earth and any turmoil surrounding the Earth's
magnetosphere. A surge bridged the gap between magnetons in the field of
Planet X and the core of the Earth there, at that weak point in the crust, and the
wealth of electromagnetic particles being generated at the dam was another
The pointed crop circle that appeared in Brazil two weeks prior to the blackout was warning those in this region that
their geography would make them vulnerable to such blackouts. The crop circle appeared in Ipuacu, just to the ESE of
the Itaipu dam near Foz do Iguacu. The crop circle pointed to the SSW, south of the dam and along the Parana River
channel. The crop circle was stating, in pointed language that rises above the language barrier, that the great Atlantic
Rift running down along the northern shore of Brazil was not the only place in danger of electromagnetic pulse. Those
who would like clarification on the warning that the visitors are giving them should give the Call and engage the
visitors directly. We have warned of increasing outages, such as the Earth experienced in 2003 when the massive tail
of Planet X wafted the Earth. These times are now upon mankind.
Brazil - New Complex Crop Circle Just Discovered[2/5/2012 9:57:39 AM]
ZetaTalk: Brazil Blackout
October 29, 2009
In the small town of Ipuaçu, a vast area of wheat and derivatives crops in the state of Santa
Catarina, South of Brazil.[2/5/2012 9:57:39 AM]
ZetaTalk: Neon Swirls
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ZetaTalk: Neon Swirls
written December 8, 2009
A dramatic cloud swirl, with a blue
neon cloud in the center, was
sighted and videotaped over the
skies of Norway on December 8,
2009. This was sighted over a
range of 250 miles, so was not a
local affair. Struggling for an
explanation, the Norwegian media
proffered that perhaps a Russian
test rocket had caused the display.
The center of the cloud swirl had a
neon cloud, also swirling. This
neon cloud was similar in
appearance to one captured on
videotape in China on August 25,
1988 . Both were sighted and filmed
at night. Russia likewise had a
swirling halo cloud overhead above Moscow recently, much discussed in their media.
The display over the skies of Norway are not noctilucient clouds, which are ice crystals in the clouds catching the
light, nor are they earthquake lights. They are also not the smoking and curling light towers caused by methane gas
released during Earth movements, suddenly catching fire while aloft in the sky. The Norway display is akin to the
neon clouds seen on occasion since Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003 and the grease in the tail of
Planet X has polluted the Earth's atmosphere. The neon appearance is caused by a chemical reaction, akin to man's
familiar light sticks. Up until recently, such neon displays required a light source in order to be seen, lit in the dawn or
dusk by sunlight or the lights from a city. What has occurred over Norway is a neon cloud, a grease cloud, lit by the
electrical charge from the tail of Planet X. Why the great swirl in the clouds around the swirling neon display? An
electrical charge in the sky is not a static matter, as the path of lightning shows. Lightning is an accumulation between
moving air masses that suddenly builds to the point where a torrent of electrons is on the move. But what if the charge
does not accumulate in one place, but is constantly present over a broad area? As with all swirls that develop in nature,
they start with a small movement in one place that creates a vacuum pulling matter behind it, and thus builds. Galaxies
swirl. Water going down a drain swirls. And these large charged atmospheric swirls are chasing after some part of the
tail waft that is more or less charged than the surrounding atmosphere. What occurs at the center of such a charged
swirl is more electrical charge than the surrounding swirl, thus the center becomes a neon cloud that can be seen even
at night, and wants to discharge, ground, in the Earth.[2/5/2012 9:57:40 AM]
ZetaTalk: Neon Swirls[2/5/2012 9:57:40 AM]
ZetaTalk: SOHO Says So
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ZetaTalk: SOHO Says So
written December 5, 2009
An object with a tail was captured
Check out the Pole Shift blog.
on a C2 image by the LASCO
Planet X has been spotted on
satellite . This object captured on
STEREO Cor2 AHEAD and when
December 23 has a distinct tail
enlarged it is a reddish-colored
drifting to the left.
cross, with a tail! The AHEAD
satellite is closer to Planet X,
which is coming at Earth in a
We have mentioned that as Planet
retrograde orbit.
X begins to turn the hose of
magnetic particles from its N Pole toward Earth, that
Earth would try to escape by moving as far to the left as
possible, putting Planet X to the right of the Sun in the
view from Earth.
ZetaTalk: Planet X Right, written December 27, 2008
Planet X was captured on March 27, 2009 on SOHO. It appeared briefly as the Winged Globe of legend. The 3:18
image captured the Winged Globe, the prior and later images did not have this rare capture. Per Skymap, only the
planet Mercury should be in the four o'clock position on that day, to the right of the Sun.
Where Planet X, in line of view, is normally behind the Sun blocking circle, the stereo satellites are positioned to either side
of Earth and thus pull in different views of what is behind the Sun as well as different views of what is to the side and in
front of the Sun, as the Cor Overlap image shows. Place an object approximately half way between Earth and Sun on the[2/5/2012 9:57:41 AM]
ZetaTalk: SOHO Says So
Cor2 AHEAD (right hand) view, so that it would appear at the 4 o'clock position in the line of view. This is what is being
observed! Why did Planet X not appear on September 19, 2009, but now is doing so? Because the Earth is pulling far to the
left, trying to evade Planet X, placing Planet X further to the right in line of view.
The position of the object is similar to the
placement to Planet X (4:30 o'clock) on C2 and
C3 captures. In both the 2009-12-04 00:09:35 and
2009-12-05 00:09:35 images it is on the AHEAD
Cor2, but not on the BEHIND Cor2. The Earth is
the dot at the bottom of the orbit swath. Stereo
AHEAD is the fan opening up from the right of
Earth, includes the Sun and beyond. Stereo
BEHIND is the fan opening up at the left of the
This issue was raised on Oct 3, 2009 on the GLP
chat regarding a September 19, 2009 image and a
September 24, 2009 image and a prior July 1,