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ZetaTalk: Jonah

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ZetaTalk: Jonah

Note: written on Oct 15, 1995

The story of Jonah, who was swallowed by a whale and lived to tell of it, occurred, but not exactly as told. During pole

shifts, massive tidal waves heave whales onto the land, dashing them in the process. Debris of all types - living, dead,

or inanimate - is heaped and tossed together. A man who would survive such a process would need protection, and one

so lucky as to be tossed into the gaping mouth of a dead whale may find himself buffered from trauma, a survivor. Of

course this did not occur under water, as the man would have been drowned. The whale was being washed ashore, its

gullet open to the air. Such a situation would not arise in the present day, but during a cataclysm is possible.

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ZetaTalk: Submerged Roads

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ZetaTalk: Submerged Roads

Note: written on May 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

During every pole shift some land, particularly coastal land near a widening ocean rift, submerges. This has been the

case on the eastern seaboard of the US, and in the Caribbean. Traces of a submerged civilization can be seen under the

waves off Bermuda - roads, sign posts, and walls. Who lived there, and where, if anywhere, did this civilization go?

This civilization was no more advanced than the ancient Mayan and Incan civilizations, and came from the same base.

Where local Indians and slave labor brought from Africa formed the bulk of the populace, the ruling elite was, at that

time, the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet, who have left their footprints in many lands. This land has been

dragged down over successive pole shifts, to its present depth, so slipping under the waves was not as dramatic as it

might seem. Following the tidal waves that always accompany a pole shift the land was permanently changed, low

lying areas now under water. As the melting poles soon cause the oceans to encroach on the shorelines, the surviving

inhabitants are forced to flee inland, and thus the historical record tends to get lost.

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ZetaTalk: Ancient Maps

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ZetaTalk: Ancient Maps

Note: written on May 15, 1997.

An unanswered puzzle that cartographers struggle with is the presence of ancient maps that indicate the equator and the

poles were not always where they are today. The accuracy of these maps, detailing land masses and their placement as

they are essentially known today, cannot be denied. These were not fantasy maps, but were drawn with markings that

relate to the placement of stars and compasses, the guides sailors use when far out at sea. There is no ready

explanation, as the detail and consistency do not indicate confusion, and a matter as central to map making as the

placement of the equator and poles would not likely be confused. The obvious answer is staring these cartographers in

the face, but the reason they fail to consider the answer is due to the anxiety it engenders. Pole shifts occur often, have

occurred in recent time, and could occur again!

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ZetaTalk: Loch Ness Monster

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ZetaTalk: Loch Ness Monster

Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

Nessie is no monster at all, but a gentle giant no more aggressive than Sea Cows. This species lives in numerous places

around the globe, but has only come to attention in small inland lakes. Is this a fresh water creature? Yes, but one that

can adapt to brackish waters. It became trapped in Loch Ness during a pole shift, where land routinely heaves up out of

the sea and drops in other places below the waves. Thus trapped, the creature proceeded with its normal life, munching

vegetation and fish and occasionally popping its head above the surface to sense if it's missing any munchies. Nessie is

nearly blind, and relies on a sense of smell, which underwater is sensitive to chemicals in the water, but in the air

catches small particles carried in the breeze. Could Nessie come out of the lake and lumber about? Hardly. This

creature requires water to breath, having gills along its sides, and thus cannot bring more than its head out of the water.

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ZetaTalk: Yeti

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ZetaTalk: Yeti

Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

The Abominable Snowman, known as Yeti by the locals, is simply a variation on the Bigfoot form. Just as man,

migrating, has evolved to fit his environment, so the Yeti adjusted to the climate when it changed after a pole shift.

White fur increases the survival in snowy surroundings, and like Snow Bunnies, Yetis born with white fur were more

likely to escape predators and grow to adulthood and propagate. There are fewer Yeti than Bigfoot, as having adapted

to the snowscape, they cannot safely leave.

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ZetaTalk: Brainerd Lake

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ZetaTalk: Brainerd Lake

Note: written during the Feb 22, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Brainerd, Minnesota, population 19,000, is north of Minneapolis and only about 90 miles south of the perpetual winter "icebox" of

the United States, International Falls. There are 450 lakes within 30 minutes of North Long Lake in Brainerd. All have always

frozen over each winter between mid-November and mid-April - except the west bay of North Long Lake beginning in the winter of

2001-2002. So far testing has not confirmed what is warming the half-mile hole surrounded by 18-inch-thick ice.


We have mentioned at the start of ZetaTalk that the Bermuda Triangle was a place where particle flows escaped from

the core, creating for a moment a situation akin to density shifting into 4th Density. And that there are several other

places on the surface of the Earth known to exhibit this. A spot off Japan, in the Pacific, and Lake Superior region,

where the Edmund Fitzgerald simply disappeared during one stormy night. Thus, the Superior, or northern Minnesota

region, might be considered a hot spot of sorts. The particle flow responsible for the temporary density shifting well

known in the Bermuda Triangle is not known to man, but they experimented with it during the so-called Philadelphia

Experiments of UFO lore. They did not master this, and stopped trying due to the adverse publicity that threatened to

erupt. There are many particle flows that mankind is unaware of, to the extent that a fraction of a fraction of a percent

is even suspected by mankind. Some bundle, such that electrons and magnetism seem to go hand in hand, or affect

each other.

Heat is a particle flow, affected by what mankind observes as friction, but this is only atoms affected by pressure,

releasing the heat particles. The increasing in the swirling of the Earth's core is evidenced by oozing and erupting

volcanoes, increasing quakes, wandering hot spots, and warming ocean bottoms. Heat is obviously involved! And this

expresses where there are conduits for particles flows, such as the Bermuda Triangle and off the coast of Japan and

Lake Superior! Those observing Brainerd Lake melt are astonished to see unfrozen water in the middle of a Minnesota

winter, these past couple winters. However, if one considers heat particles to be associated with other particles not

known to man, and that these particles are escaping, then some sort of logic can be applied. The White Buffalo

occurred, on schedule, because of emanations from the core not known to man, as we have stated at the start of

ZetaTalk. Albinos in wildlife increased thereafter, as we predicted, due to these same emanations. Thus, the core is

creating all manner of particle flow aberrations, the magnetic diffusion observed by man for some decades only one of

them. Brainerd Lake is just another evidence of this increase.

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ZetaTalk: Comet's Tail

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ZetaTalk: Comet's Tail

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The tail of the giant comet, as it travels out in space, meets almost no resistance. It is composed of debris attracted to

trail after the comet not only from the days when the comet formed, but as it travels, picking up stragglers in space

attracted to its gravitational pull. The tail has dust, gases, stones, boulders, and moons, depending on the size and

composition of the entourage at any given point. Nothing much affects this out in space, on the long arc the 12th

Planet makes as it zooms away from Earth and floats into the darkness of outer space. All this changes when the comet

enters your Solar System. The Solar wind, a bombardment of radiation your eye cannot see except as light, pushes the

tail outward, away from the Sun. Thus the comet's tail sweeps the Earth - dust, gases, stones and boulders all. What is

the effect? The comet's moons hug close, so do not come in range, but all else is a massive onslaught on the Earth's


Meteors, or falling stars, are not unknown to mankind, who can see them nightly if they persevere in their nightly

watch. These flaming streaks represent a burning meteor, heated by friction and set afire by the Earth's oxygen mantel.

But what if there were no oxygen? During the comet's passage, there is such an onslaught to the Earth's atmosphere

that the available oxygen in places is completely consumed. Heated gas in the comet's tail form petrol chemicals,

which when falling through the atmosphere burst into flame, a sheet of flame falling to Earth. This does more than

burn every living thing it lands on - it consumes the oxygen. What has been reported by the author Velikovsky is that

the Mastodon has been found frozen in the Siberian tundra, grass between its teeth, in perfect though frozen condition,

as though they simply stopped breathing. They did. Without oxygen, the blackness of unconsciousness descends

quickly. When the available oxygen is consumed in the upper atmosphere, any meteors falling to Earth have less


The tail of the comet is composed of lighter material toward the tip, as any heavier substances that far from the great

comet's gravitational influence are drawn in other directions at one point or another. Thus, the gases and dust curl

toward the Earth, and are first noticeable as a fine red iron dust, turning the water a bitter blood red. Does this dust not

burn in the available oxygen, and end as so many tiny flying star specs? This dust, already oxygenated, does not burn.

As the comet approaches for its loop around the Sun, the next notice is of a fine gravel, dropping in places like hail

stones. Why does this not burn, as meteors regularly do? Some do, but their number overwhelms the Earth's defenses,

the majority not igniting at all. By this time the Earth's upper atmosphere is tearing away, dispelled into space and no

longer snug as a mantle around the Earth. Now comes an occasional boulder, falling without resistance on the hapless


Those who would escape the wicked lick of this tail are advised to take shelter against cliffs, in caves, in valleys, or

under metal roofs. Its passage is swift, a matter of days, and the ending abrupt.

Note: below added during the Dec 21, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

During every passage, there are some debris which land on the surface of Earth, as the atmosphere is stripped away to

a great extent and the tail of the passing comet contains much large debris. Boulders drop, thudding to Earth and

crushing quickly anything beneath them. It is reported in folklore that hail stones, gravel, lashes the Earth, but those

reporting this have sought shelter and are thus alive to report. During the last passage the reports stated that crops and

small trees were utterly destroyed by these hail storms. That some craters are in the news lately is not because they

have just been discovered, but because there is increasing talk about Star Wars, asteroid shields, Near Earth Orbit

passes, and this has awakened concerns. The establishment wants this heightened concern, as they still hope to erect

some magic shield to zap out anything coming close, which is fantasy. In the first place, such a shield itself would be

torn from the skies, ineffectual, absent, and probably crashing to Earth itself as a source of destruction. In the second[2/5/2012 9:55:23 AM]

ZetaTalk: Comet's Tail

place, the trash is so intense that any zapping laser would not keep up with it. The best defense for humans is to huddle

near cliffs, out of the wind, not in open fields, as most missiles that crash to Earth, large boulders, will not drop

straight down! They come in at an angle, and will glance off hilltops, bouncing about. Thus, those in ravines are

unlikely to experience a direct hit.

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ZetaTalk: Red Dust

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ZetaTalk: Red Dust

Note: written during the Jan 11, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

The red dust cloud evolved as many planets in the solar system are heavy in this element, Mars, for instance. There are

portions of the Earth that exhibit a red clay soil, Australia and the Southeastern US, but this is not a native soil as

much as an accumulation of deposits. During the breakup of the Asteroid Belt, many planets that had this element,

heavily, were pelted to pieces. Molten lava spewed into space became the asteroids. Iron ore is magnetically

configured to pull out of any soup it is free to move within, and does so particularly in space. Thus, the dust, during

poofing off into space during demolition derby's as Planet X and its complex of Moons moved through what is now

the Asteroid Belt, moved, and became part of the Planet X tail. Planet X, like a big magnet, swept through the area

during the poofing phase, and emerged with a larger dust cloud, each time.

We have mentioned that the tail curls toward the Earth, pulled by gravity and magnetic and other attractants, thus red

dust lands hours before the point of passage. Thus, red dusting is a countdown clue, that only hours remain. The Earth,

at this point, has been stopped in its rotation for days, approximately a week. Thus, since the South Pacific is more in

line with where the tail is coming from, will this be the spot where the lick of the tail is first experienced? Dust clouds,

as anyone experiencing a sand storm will attest, have a life of their own. The cloud itself exists because there is some

kind of glue holding it together. The dust clings to the debris which clings to the larger debris such as moons, and

these cling to Planet X. There is more than gravity involved, as this is too simplistic an explanation, and more than

magnetism though the iron ore is certainly more magnetically active than most dust clouds.

Debris follows the pattern of the tail, all being included in the dynamics. Debris toward the end of a moon swirl that is

curling toward the Earth and giving it a tail lick, so to speak, may be as massive and likely to cause damage as debris

toward the Planet X portion of the tail. Look to the planets in the Ecliptic, with the more massive at outer orbits. The

planets have their positions, their placement, for various reasons, and size is not the determinant as to what is closest to

the gravitational giant, the Sun. In like manner, larger debris may in fact be trailing smaller, within a moon swirl

trailing behind Planet X. Thus, all parts of the globe report debris, China as well as Egypt, in the past. The tail streams

behind Planet X, which is moving rapidly and has been during the preceding months, and is involved in swirling

motions as the Moons have a dance between themselves. Thus, there is motion already.

A tail swirl, moving like a slow moving tornado, approaches Earth which has magnetic as well as gravity attraction.

Thus, it is not simply a head-on hit, tail to Earth, as it is also a sideways hit from swirling matter coming from this or

that side. Then there is the motion of a tail swirl being curled toward Earth, continuing the curl. Like a whip that curls

around what it is thrown against, the tail can warp all around the Earth during such a lick. There are no parts of the

globe that do not report red dust, frankly. It is perhaps more extreme on those sides of the globe that will be facing the

approach, but elsewhere is not exempt. Debris, as with red dust, may have a slight weight to the sides of the Earth

facing the approaching Planet X complex, but from the standpoint of an individual worries about having a boulder land

on his head, the odds are so close as to be statistically insignificant, as to which side of the Earth you are on.

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ZetaTalk: Tail Debris

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ZetaTalk: Tail Debris

written July 6, 2004

Throughout the early years of ZetaTalk, the Point of Passage, where Planet X

pierces the Ecliptic, was described as aligning with the ZetaTalk Triangle,

which would place Planet X approximately midway between the Earth and

the Sun. It was likewise described as being at its closest point some 14

million miles from the Earth. This obvious Conflict was explained at that time

as the distance major debris in the tail would be from Earth, fogging the issue

to maintain the White Lie posture, as clarity at that time would reveal that the

passage was not to occur when the planets were positioned as they were on or

shortly after May 15, 2003. During the 2002 Sighting TEAM analysis of CCD

images we explained that the moons of Planet X would range no further than

5 million miles from Planet X. Given that Planet X entered the inner solar

system from the direction of Orion, at a 32° angle to the Sun and from

beneath the Ecliptic, and is literally slinging through the solar system in a

straight line orbit with only a slight Retrograde motion around the Side of the

Sun, what would the trajectory past Earth be? As we have explained, the

Earth is stalled in her orbit, cannot rise or drop to any great extent, can

reverse in her orbit but is swept toward Planet X by the Sweeping Arms of

the Sun, and is held at a distance from Planet X by the normal Repulsion

Force that exists between bodies this size.

The 32° angle persists. As Planet X neared the

Sun it was glancing around the S. Pole on the

side of the Sun facing Orion. We have

explained that Planet X, aligned with magnetic

flow lines, first slung its S. Pole away from the Sun’s S. Pole and pointed its N. Pole

toward the Sun’s S. Pole as it moved along. This is of record as the Earth’s geological

N. Pole was temporarily Iceland, then Siberia, as it wobbled to adjust to the changing

magnetic influences caused by Planet X. At present, the Earth is tilting its N. Pole

toward the S. Pole of Planet X, and leaning toward the right-hand side where Planet X

is passing the Sun. This simulates a Summer for the northern hemisphere, but puts the

Constellations askew for the seasons and Hudson Bay as the global cold spot, a clue for

the observant that the orbit is not normal. Planet X is now moving away from the Sun,

approaching the point where it will pierce the Ecliptic, and thus from the viewpoint

from Earth, the Moon Swirls have been around the Sun. Given the 32° angle, Planet X

pierces the Ecliptic in accordance with the ZetaTalk Triangle and continues its climb, over the top of the Earth,

bringing its complex, the corpus and moons, within 14 million miles of the distressed Earth. This close pass allows

debris in the tail, by that time streaming toward Earth due not only to the solar wind blowing it there but also the

magnetic interplay between the Earth and Planet X. The tail, composed of oxidized iron particles, participates. This

debris is already arriving.

The point where rotation slows to a stop occurs, as we have mentioned, when Planet X is positioned to supplant the

Sun as the dominant magnetic voice the Earth hears. Counting backward from the point where Planet X slings over the

top of the Earth, and assuming this to be a rapid transit as Planet X has pierced the Ecliptic and can now Buzz on Out,

we can see that the week of rotation stoppage occurs at the point where Planet X is piercing the Ecliptic. Twists and

turns for both planets leading into this point are not addressed in this description, nor the length of time any point may[2/5/2012 9:55:24 AM]

ZetaTalk: Tail Debris

takes, nor any pause points that might occur, nor any start date for any part of the action. As we have repeatedly

stated, until the populace in general is receiving our message simultaneously with the elite, in a setting similar to live

TV or radio, we will not be providing specifics on the dance between Planet X and Earth, nor any 270° Roll, nor any

odd reverse transit Venus might take, nor any astonishing displays the tail might present, nor any atmospheric

conditions the magnetic lineup of the planets might create, nor any gradual slowing or extreme wobble the Earth might

assume. Our message is not for the elite, to entrap and enslave and selectively glean out workers from the populace, it

is for those in the populace who practice the Golden Rule and care for one another. If the elite wish to avoid surprises,

and want guidelines so they can plan for themselves and their possessions, then they had better expedite plans to

educate the public. This is the only way they will have access to the ZetaTalk messages they seek, which has been

accurate on all matters save the date, which as we have stated in abundance, was a deliberate White Lie.

At this time we estimate that the giant comet will come to within 14 million miles of the Earth.

ZetaTalk: Pole Shift, written 1995

How does a lightning bolt pass some 14 million miles across space?

ZetaTalk: Lightning Bolts, written 1995

This pole shift is a particularly severe one, but Planet X will come no closer than 14 million miles to the


ZetaTalk: Close Pass, written 2001

Where dust in the tail, and some debris the size of gravel and boulders, reach the Earth during this

passage some 14 million miles from the earth, the Moons stay closer to Planet X. You can consider the

Moons to be within 5 million miles of Planet X, as the maximum distance they will stray.

ZetaTalk: Tail/Moon Range, written Dec 2002

A tail swirl, moving like a slow moving tornado, approaches Earth which has magnetic as well as gravity

attraction. Thus, it is not simply a head-on hit, tail to Earth, as it is also a sideways hit from swirling

matter coming from this or that side. Then there is the motion of a tail swirl being curled toward Earth,

continuing the curl. Like a whip that curls around what it is thrown against, the tail can warp all around

the Earth during such a lick. Debris, as with red dust, may have a slight weight to the sides of the Earth

facing the approaching Planet X complex.

ZetaTalk: Red Dust, written Jan 11, 2003

What does this triangle say about a drama about to occur? We have stated variously that Planet X would

come to within 14 million miles of Earth during its passage, and elsewhere that it would pierce the Ecliptic

approximately mid-way between Earth and the Sun, and recently, that the Earth would draw nearer the

Sun during this drama, both because of increased gravity giants on one side and because of the magnetic

grip of Planet X upon the hapless Earth. Thus, the ZetaTalk triangle shows Planet X closer to the Earth

than a mid-way point, as the Earth will move in.

ZetaTalk: Tilting, Leaning, and Dropping, written Feb 29, 2004[2/5/2012 9:55:24 AM]

ZetaTalk: Warning

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ZetaTalk: Warning

Note: written on Dec 15, 2001. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

Folklore stands as a guide as to what can be expected during the hours preceding the shift, and the shift itself. Of

course, folklore only relays information from survivors, not those who died during these moments. The tail of the 12th

Planet streams outward from the Sun, pushed there by the solar wind. Thus, it does not sweep the Earth until the 12th

Planet is positioned between the Earth and Sun, a short moment in time. During the time of the Jewish Exodus, it was

reported that Moses was able to turn the waters of the Nile red, with his staff. Of course, this was the red dust in the

tail doing this, but having been forewarned that the moment was upon them, Moses took advantage. Thus, one can see

from folklore that the tail dusting was in effect at least a few hours before the shift. The red dust is more distinct when

in water, which reflects light so that the coloring can be clearly seen. However, any white cloth can give evidence of

this. Folklore reports red rivers and the like, as this was the dramatic result of dust which otherwise fell between

stones or blew into crevices, unnoticed.

The tail sweep includes first the red dust, most likely to be in a cloud around the tail, then heavier gravel, then lastly

boulders. Gravel is defined in folklore as hail stones, which can injure homes and humans and animals alike caught

under such a deluge. Boulders cannot be defended against, but are rare. Like a meteor dropping from the sky, should

one land upon you, your next incarnation is at hand! Thus, dusting with red dust should be considered a warning to

take cover, under metal or sod roof structures, out of the wind. The shift cannot be more than a few hours away. The

dusting with red dust occurs less than 24 hours, and most likely less than 12 hours. This depends upon a number of

factors, including how well the dust drops through the atmosphere to be deposited on land where the very first

evidence will be closely watched for and thus observed. In one location, the first sign of dust may be 18 hours ahead

of the shift, and all run in panic to shelters. In another location, dust may not be noticed until heavy, perhaps 6 hours

ahead of the shift, a good time to head for the shelters in any case.

The tail sweep will then proceed from red dust to hail stones just ahead of the shift. Thus, the public will scarcely

notice the lack of red dust, which has not stopped but been displaced by more bothersome debris. By the time hail

stones are dropping, few will be noticing the dust, but will be running for cover. Just as well, as the shift is upon them!

The hail stones are carried in the tail, being attracted by gravity to the traveling 12th Planet but unless close to the

planet being torn away during its travels. Thus, the hail stones are momentary passengers, unlike the dust which has a

magnetic reason for being attached, or the boulders which are like small moons and have a gravity interaction ongoing.

Thus, a normal roof would protect from the hail stones, which will be like the hail experienced during violent

windstorms, where hail of ice falls and ruins crops.

During the week of rotation stoppage, the normal heating and cooling that occurs during rotation stops. This means that

the day side of the Earth warms up without cooling, and likewise the night side cools down without warning up under

sunlight the next day. Where does this lead, in a week? Will one side of the Earth cook, while the other freezes?

Folklore likewise tells mankind that such a situation does not occur, as there are survivors, and these survivors do not

relay such problems. In fact, due to the atmosphere moving about, hot air rising and cool air dropping, as usual, there is

exchange of heat and cold, even without rotation. Thus, those in the day side will find it may be as hot as a very hot

summer day, but no worse, and those in the night side may find they need to break out the blankets and turn on the

furnace or start a fire, as in winter, but no worse than this.

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ZetaTalk: Stop Rotation

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ZetaTalk: Stop Rotation

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

As the giant comet approaches, the Earth becomes what might be described as confused. There are conflicting pulls,

gravitational as well as magnetic. The Earth is normally magnetically aligned, along with the other planets in the Solar

System, according to an axis that exists in your part of the galaxy. This axis reflects the sum of a number of solar

systems and other matter not understood yet by your scientists, but is normal and natural for your part of the galaxy.

Now comes the giant comet, from a distance, swinging through your Solar System, and picking up speed as it

approaches. It outweighs the Earth by some 23 times, but by size is not 23 times as large as its weight is due to its

makeup, having less silicon than the Earth, for instance. Should one line these planets up side by side, the Earth would

look to the 12th Planet as the Moon does to the Earth. Where the gravitational pull on the surface of the 12th Planet is

better than half again as much as on the surface of the Earth, accounting for the stocky appearance of the large

hominoids who live there, in the tug of war regarding Magnetic Alignment the 12th Planet's mass gives it a 4-to-1

advantage. There is no contest.

At first, your planet Earth reacts by additional swirling about in matter deep within its core. In the final days, as the

giant comet begins passing between the Earth and its Sun, total interference occurs. The Earth slows in its rotation, and

actually stops. The Earth's rotation is due to the balanced gravitational pull of the neighborhood, and the 12th Planet is

a very big bully. The part of the Earth facing this bully is loath to leave, essentially, and this causes the rotation to

gradually stop. This is recorded in written history and spoken folklore, worldwide, as a long day or night. The period

of time, due to the lack of mechanical clocks, was not measurable, but the humans who experienced this described this

as anywhere from a few hours to several days. The latter is more correct. Rotation also stops because the magnetic

influence of the giant comet, which is aligned according to the larger Universe where it spends most of its cycle, has

essentially gripped the Earth. The Earth has not yet joined the alignment of the giant comet, but what was occurring

before, the steady, slow roll, has by now stopped. To make the switch, and magnetically align with the giant comet, is

much more of an adjustment than simply slowing and stopping rotation. Thus this slowing of rotation occurs with little


Note: below added during the May 18, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

Planet X grips the Earth, causing rotation stoppage, well before being between the Earth and Sun. It does so because it

is approaching from the south, it's north pole to the Earth's south pole, at an angle such that the side of the Earth facing[2/5/2012 9:55:25 AM]

ZetaTalk: Stop Rotation

the Sun is more affected by the approach. Thus, while at some distance from the point of passage, it has gripped Earth

to the point of not letting the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift go. During this week, the size of the approaching Planet

X horrifies those on the daylight side of the Earth. At first a reddish blob only a fraction of the size of the Moon, it

grows in size and appears to twist and turn like a dragon in the sky. The ancients recorded this as a fire dragon in the

sky, as the tail of swirling moons gave this appearance. When approaching the point of passage, the shift suddenly

happens, and this is before the point when Planet X is actually between the Earth and Sun. After the passage, Planet X

exits as quickly as it approached.

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ZetaTalk: Magnetic Grip

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ZetaTalk: Magnetic Grip

Note: written on Feb 15, 2002. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The explanation for slowing rotation resulting in a stopped rotation during the week prior to the shift is that Planet X

grips the Atlantic Rift magnetically, so the Earth does not turn past this grip. How is this slowing rotation possible

from a distance, where Planet X has scarcely moved past by early 2002 past the mid-point where it lingers before

making its passage? The some 9 Sun-Pluto distances where it spends most of its time is approximately where it rides

today, yet slowing has started. The answer is that the magnetic field is broad in scope, far larger than mankind

imagines when they describe magnetic fields of planets or the Sun. These are invariably described as scarcely reaching

beyond the planet or the Sun, when the Sun's influence reaches to where Planet X rides between its two foci, and

beyond. During sci.astro discussion on the influence of the Sun over the solar system, it was detailed that even Pluto is

in the Sun's grip in this regard. Where the gas planets Jupiter and Saturn are in opposition to the Sun's magnetic

orientation, this is because they are funneling particles from North to South, and do not have a field themselves. Thus,

being within the Sun's field, Planet X does indeed influence the Earth, even from that distance.

Remember, we are talking about change being noticeable as it is changing the equilibrium. Thus, the approach of

Planet X has changed the magnetic equilibrium of the Earth, so that a few seconds of slowing are occurring, per year,

even now. In the scheme of things, not that much, but this will increase to minutes, then hours, then days as the shift

approaches, and finally, resulting in a stoppage within a day, a week prior to the shift. The orbit of the Earth around

the Sun and the Earth’s rotation as in turning about in a day are exclusive. The orbit is a matter of being attracted as a

whole to this or that in the environment, so the Earth starts to move and must move round the Sun since going directly

into the Sun is blocked by the Repulsion Force. Rotation as in the daily turn is drive by the core, which moves as parts

of it seek to move toward or away from this or that, and continues as the core finds itself in the place it sought to

escape from just a day ago! Being liquid, the core can move, and overshoots its goals. Thus, the orbit around the Sun

proceeds during the week of rotation stoppage. The rate of slowdown could be considered exponential, or parabolic, so

that during 2002 it will only result in minutes, but in 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation] will change over months to become hours and days. By this time, however, so much will be going on in the world, that most of mankind will think

this the least of their concerns, and barely notice.

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ZetaTalk: Long Day/Night

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ZetaTalk: Long Day/Night

Note: written on Feb 15, 2002. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The dynamics in place as the 12th Planet approaches during the last few days before the coming pole shift are such that

rotation stops with a predictable part of the Earth facing the approaching 12th Planet - the mid-Atlantic Ocean off the

eastern seaboard of the United States. This part of the globe is centered between land masses that are fairly neutral in

magnetic polarization, but lines up over former lava flows from the renting apart of the continents, the mid-Atlantic

rift. The Pacific trench does not carry the same appeal, as it lies deeper under the water and its characteristics differ in

composition from the newer magma that has arisen during continental drift. Magma bubbling up in the Pacific is more

diffuse than the magma bubbling up in the Atlantic, centered in the rift. Thus, the Atlantic lava beds are gripped, facing

the Sun, facing the approaching 12th Planet coming up from the South along the rift, and causing both Europe, the

Americas, and Africa to be on the long day side of the Earth. Rotation stops with the Atlantic Rift facing the

approaching planet, which is coming nearly from under the Sun, but not directly under, so Africa and Europe are

turned a bit more toward the Sun than the North American continent. Therefore, the Long Day described by Joshua

and the long night described by the West Coast indians.

There is a human misconception that the rotation of the Earth, or a stoppage of this, would find things flying off the

surface. How could this be when man walked on the Moon, which does not rotate. There will be no change, except

that the heating and cooling that occur during rotation stop, except as the atmosphere and oceans distribute heat. Man

will not roast or freeze, during rotation stoppage, as the atmosphere and oceans continue to circulate and thus spread

about heating and cooling.

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ZetaTalk: Groaning

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ZetaTalk: Groaning

Note: written on Feb 15, 1999.

As the passage nears, during that day, the Earth will begin to groan and moan, resisting yet inclined to shift. When the

shift begins to happen, there are, simultaneously, pressure points and the ripping and relief of tension elsewhere.

However, no motion or shifting of the crust happens until a threshold is reached, and thus the week of rotation

stoppage, with increasing groaning and moaning of the Earth until the snap and shift. The shift itself will cause the real

plate ripping and buckling and subducting, by putting all in motion. First, in that hour, there is evidence of pressure

and tension only, with points where subducting is to occur heating up, and points where a tear is to happen stretching.

Where that stretch is under water, such as at points bordering the Atlantic, that land will be pulled down for several

minutes, even hours, prior to the shift. Where the subducting is on land, the residents will experience increasing heat,

even before the actual subduction with melting rock occurs. But until the actual shift, the tension is sustained, and the

Earth groans in her agony.

Note: below added during the Dec 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

The moaning of the Earth is akin to material snapping, screeching rock strata pulling across other strata, and vibrations

of rock strata under tension. Many sensitive people report becoming ill prior to earthquakes due to similar vibrations,

not particularly heard, but felt by the body in any case. In similar manner, many more humans will feel ill during the

week of rotation stoppage, and not just due to the stress of the moment, but due to vibrations in the underlying rock

strata. Is this simply a motion, or perhaps a noise? No, as pressure on rock results in more than motion or the noise

that can result when such motion translates to moving air, thus noise. It has been reported that pending quakes can be

sensed by radio, as static on the radio increases just prior to a quake, by hours or days. Pets likewise get up and move

about, sensing something, as do farm animals, but this is not something their human owners can describe, not a sound

or a sight seen. Rock strata, under pressure, changes the emissions, electrons, magnetic fields, and other subatomic

particle flows mankind is utterly unaware of but which nonetheless exist.

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ZetaTalk: Lightning Bolts

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ZetaTalk: Lightning Bolts

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

Static electricity in the atmosphere will not increase during the giant comet's approach, nor afterwards, but during the

passage lightning will seem to be almost constant in some places. Humans are familiar with arcing, where two poles or

points are electrified, carrying an electric current, and suddenly the air between them is filled with a minor lightning

bolt - zap. This is, of course, what causes lightning in the first place, an uneven distribution of electricity between

natural conductors, between a buildup in the clouds and the water table below the Earth. What allows lightning to find

its path? It is using a little understood path formed by sub-atomic particles, electrical waves of a sort, that have not

been measured yet by Earth's human scientists. These emanate from any highly electrified field, and when they touch

the arc is now possible.

The path between the Earth and its passing brother, the giant comet known as the 12 Planet, will be so electrified at

points, and because the Earth's upper atmosphere will be in motion, bombarded by the comet's tail, static electricity

accumulates. This would be devastating to the Earth if the static electricity had accumulated on the passing 12th Planet,

a monster compared to the Earth, but the opposite is the case. The static electricity passes from the Earth to her

brother, and causes fantastic lightning displays in his upper atmosphere. As this planet is primarily a water planet, this

seldom presents a danger to the inhabitants. This period when static electricity can pass is brief, a few hours, and

occurs when the Earth's inhabitants are, essentially, fighting for their lives, so they barely take notice. How does a

lightning bolt pass some 14 million miles across space? It doesn't, not in that form. In space, not having water vapor

and other particles to interact with, there is no spontaneous release of light and heat, no flash and crackle, just the

passage of electric particles in all the various sub-atomic components that comprise an electrical current.

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ZetaTalk: Violent Winds

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ZetaTalk: Violent Winds

Note: written on Jan 15, 1996.

At the shift, the surface of the Earth will move, in just under an hour, more than a quarter turn. Where massive

earthquakes and tidal waves occur when this motion stops, Hurricane Force winds, world wide, occur during this shift.

Humans are used to predictability in regard to violent winds, even in the case of tornadoes and wind shears that drop

planes suddenly. The weather patterns are such that these destructive winds can occur, spoken of as tornado weather or

conditions likely to produce wind shear. Hurricanes, or their eastern equivalent, typhoons, give lots of warnings, not

only that they are brewing but also, by increasing wind force, that they are on the way.

During the shift, the atmosphere of the Earth does several things, all at once.

It drags along with the Earth, to which it is attracted, being primarily more involved with gravity attraction

straight down. Do not the waters in your oceans move with the Earth as it turns? The atmosphere is an ocean

too, just lighter and therefore more mobile.

It moves as a mass, pushing on air in other places and likewise, itself being pushed. Thus, even in those places

on the Earth which are not moving, during the shift, being pivot points, the air is turbulent.

It swirls, as circular motion in air masses is the response to conflicting forces, as seen in the circular motion of

tornadoes and hurricanes.

Due to the amount of mobility, with all air masses in motion, and to the pulling upward and ripping away of the upper

stratas, pressure at any given point is not as extreme as one might think. Yes, the atmosphere is in motion, and yes, the

whipping and confused winds might reach hurricane force during this hour and be unpredictable for several hours after

the shift, but one should not assume a force of winds above what the world experiences today. Your hurricanes and

typhoons represent what occurs when air masses attempt to move against each other, given their density and gravity

attraction and inertia. These same factors are in place, are predominant, during the pole shift. Humans wishing to

prepare for these violent winds should anticipate a force equal to their familiar hurricanes, not tornado force, although

tornadoes will be spawned. Stay below the Earth's surface, lie low, and tie down everything you wish to find when it's


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ZetaTalk: Firestorms

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ZetaTalk: Firestorms

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

The cataclysms come with geological upheavals volcanic eruptions, some parts of the Earth heating up to fiery

temperatures, and in some cases fire storms from the sky. These fire storms are caused by reactions of atmospheric

gasses to the Turmoil going on. Petrocarbons are in essence created, due to the flashes of lightning and intense heat

due to passage over open volcanoes, and these petrocarbons rain down, afire, at times. With the atmosphere scattered,

chemicals in the comet's tail similar to your petrol chemicals do not flash in a quick consummation into water and

carbon dioxide, but descend close to the surface of the Earth before bursting into flame. A fire storm, killing all

beneath it. All this has been reported in ancient times, as humans observed accompaniments to the cataclysms. This

type of activity sets forests afire. Where vegetation regrows, from seeds and roots, many areas will nevertheless be

denuded of vegetation for some time.

Note: below added during the Aug 31, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

We have stated that during the shift, that firestorms will results from air with petrochemicals components passing over

super hot volcanic air. This binds the components, creating oil, which is the source of most of the oil buried

underground on Earth. Mankind presumes that oil came from compressed and trapped vegetation, eons ago, but cannot

duplicate this process. Why would vegetation result in oil, deep underground, when the process only results in methane

and compost today? Petrochemicals are broken down by cracking, during the refinement process, and are thus sensitive

to heat process. This is how they were created, in the first place! During the shift, so much is roiled about in the

atmosphere, and so many volcanoes erupting, super hot air overhead, that binding occurs. This is evident in the recent

[Papua New Guinea] oily substance found following a volcanic eruption, which man had no explanation for!

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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

When the giant comet positions itself exactly between the Earth and its Sun, things change. The Earth then has its

greatest advocate for its previous alignment, the Sun and its magnetic alignment, negated. The Earth hears only the

magnetic voice of the giant comet, so to speak, which stands between the Earth and its former magnetic commander,

the Sun. You are aware that your Earth is heavier at its molten core, which is rumored to be composed primarily of

iron. This is not entirely untrue, but regardless of the composition, the Earth's core is more sensitive to the magnetic

alignment than the crust. The core grips the crust, and is not as liquid as one might think. There is friction. There is the

tendency for the whole to move as one, despite their differing magnetic allegiances.

The pole shift is in fact a movement of the interior of the Earth, the core, to come into alignment with the giant comet.

The 12th Planet, due to its massive size in comparison to the Earth, dominates the magnetic scene, and it is in this

regard that gravity comes into the pole shift equation. The Earth's crust resists aligning with the giant comet, being

caught in a web of magnetic pulls from its immediate neighborhood. In other words, the Earth's crust wants to stay

with the old, established, magnetic pull, while the core of the Earth, having less allegiance and attachment to the

neighborhood, listens to the new voice. There is a great deal of tension that builds between the crust of the Earth and

the core of the Earth. This tension is released when the core of the Earth breaks with the crust, and moves. However,

the core of the Earth drags the crust with it as it turns to align anew.

The pole shift is therefore sudden, taking place in what seems to be minutes to humans involved in the drama, but

which actually takes place during the better part of an hour. There are stages, between which the human spectators, in

shock, are numb. At first there is a vibration of sorts, a jiggling, as the crust separates in various places from the core.

Then there is a Slide, where the crust is dragged, over minutes, to a new location, along with the core. During the slide, tidal waves move over the Earth along the coast lines, as the water is not attached and can move independently. The

water tends to stay where it is, the crust moving under it, essentially. When the core finds itself aligned, it churns about

somewhat, settling, but the crust, more solid and in motion, proceeds on. This is in fact where mountain building and

massive earthquakes occur, just as car crashes do their damage on the point of impact, when motion must stop.

Weak spots among the Earth's crustal plates give way. The Pacific Ocean will shorten, and the Atlantic widen.

Subducting plates will subduct greatly. Mountain building will occur suddenly, primarily increasing in areas already

undergoing mountain building. All told, the better part of an hour, but at certain stages, only minutes. Plants survive as

they are rooted and their seeds are everywhere, and animals including man survive because they travel with the moving

plates of the Earth and experience no more severe a shock when the plates stop moving than they would during a

Richter 9 earthquake. Where mountain building occurs when the plates stop moving, the stoppage is not simply a

sudden jolt, like a car hitting a brick wall. All is in motion, and the stoppage is more like a car hitting a barrier of sand

filled plastic barrels - a series of small jolts, occurring in quick succession.

At this time we estimate that the giant comet will come to within 14 million miles of the Earth. The strength of its

magnetic field at that distance will be such that the comet's North Pole, angled essentially in the same direction as the

Earth's North Pole, forces the Earth's North Pole to evade the pressure and accommodate its larger brother by swinging

south to the bulge of Brazil. This alignment will not change if the distance between the sibling planets changes, but the

speed and vigor of the shift would be so affected by a closer passage. The height of tidal waves and consequent inland

inundation would be so affected. The heat of land masses above subducting plates where friction can cause the ground

to melt, would be so affected. And the violence of shifting winds would certainly be so affected.

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ZetaTalk: Continental Rip

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ZetaTalk: Continental Rip

Note: written on Sep 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

Tearing of continents is less traumatic than it would seem to humans, who imagine the continents as one plate and

think of how lumber resists being torn, metal bends and twists before tearing, and a rope of fibers resists while the

fibers snap one by one. Continents are in fact an overlay of many plates, and faults are where most of the plates have

fractured in the same place. The continents are attached because some of the plates have not fractured. This concept

should not be that hard to grasp if one considers that many land faults have a slip-slide relationship of the plates,

which are moving in different directions past each other. This motion would not be possible if the plates were not, in

fact, separate.

Thus, ripping apart of continents is no more traumatic than subducting or slip-sliding. The land along the edges

generally retains its altitude, as this was determined by the thickness of the plates, thus its boyancy on the sea of lava.

Solid land is composed to a great degree from the lighter elements, which rose to the top during the early cooling of

planet Earth, and thus formed the floating crust.

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ZetaTalk: Mountain Building

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ZetaTalk: Mountain Building

Note: written on May 15, 1999.

Mountain Building occurs during rapid subduction of one plate under another. There is friction between the plates, so

that crinkling of the upper plate occurs. This crinkling represents pressure and release, which can result in violent

jerking and upheavals, sometimes snapping to create new cliffs or jutting rock. Those riding on the upper plate during

these moment will be heaved skyward and dashed, with scarcely a safe place to cling to. Subduction can release

pressure by pushing flakes of land that separate from lower stratas forward. Push a wooden block against some flaky

pastry, and watch the top flakes simply fly forward, separating from the pastry. This thrust can be sudden and

projectile, with the rock flake then crashing down again. Pressure and release can also create crumpling land where

such activity is not expected.

Mountains and valleys have likewise been formed because of crumpling, horizontal pressure, and this will happen

again during the forthcoming shift. What happens to rock when it is asked to compress, to fold? It breaks, and moves

into the point of least resistance which is upward into the air. Thus, jutting peaks of sheer rock with the rock strata

going almost vertical occur. It crumbles, with a jumble of rock rolling over each other as the mass is pushed upward.

Thus, anyone or anything on top of that spot will be subject to being ground up in the tumbling process. Compressed

rock can also drive horizontally, into nearby soil or space not occupied by anything as dense as itself. Thus, those in a

valley can find rock shooting out of a hillside, or rock spears shooting under their feet, unexpectedly. Surviving the

mountain building process while in the mountains is precarious, and not advised.

The land at the point where a fault line forces one plate above another experiences a violent quake, but the plates soon

break free of each other and slide. But farther from the fault line, where the pressure build is delayed, pressure and

release occur over a few moments, rather than a single violent jerking motion. Thus, those mountain building points

far from the fault line experience more damage to the inhabitants that the fault line itself. Mountain building apparent

to humans has occurred over many shifts, nudged up repeatedly as the given shift affected that particular plate with

enough force to create a strong subduction. Thus, is is a cumulative affect, not a one-time result. This time around,

there will be strong mountain building, in particular in the Hymalayas and Andes, not so much along the West Coast of

North American, and hardly at all in the Alps in Europe.

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ZetaTalk: Mountain Ranges

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ZetaTalk: Mountain Ranges

Note: written on Dec 15, 2001.

Mountain building during this coming shift will be in proportion to the compression any given range comes under.

Those areas in the world where mountain building has occurred in the past are obvious, as sheer rock is broken into

cliffs or juts skyward like a missile or monstrous rocks are in a jumble. The rock is fresh, not weathered and broken

down, and often covered with trees or vegetation, soil having formed from the dust that lodges there. Often these are

called new mountain ranges or old ranges, to differentiate. Why would a new range become an old range, and how

might this information help those seeking safe places during the coming shift?

At one point in the Earth's history, the land mass was all in one clump, the Earth having been injured with a gaping

wound where the Pacific is now, so that it became lopsided. Water pooled in the low places, leaving the land all on one

side. Repeated pole shifts jerked this land mass to and fro until weak spots tore and the continental drift, or rip as we

prefer to call it, began. Very old land shows less marks of mountain building and more hardened mud flats, but in the

interim, when the plates were separating, lava hardening in between, and then thrust against each other during

forthcoming pole shifts, mountain building began.

The Himalayas are a good example of a spot on the Earth where mountain building invariably occurs. These

mountains are backed up against a solid old land mass, with broken and smaller plates subducting under them at

each shift. Thus, these are both old and new mountain, never escaping fresh discombobulating.

The mountains lining the west coast of both North and South America are likewise never at peace, as they form

the cutting edge of land being pushed into the Pacific where the plates in the Pacific are being pushed under this

edge. Each time the Pacific shortens, these ranges go through rock and roll, with new mountain building


The mountains on the east coast of both the North and South Americas are old mountains, with notably not

volcanoes active and no stress toward mountain building because the land to the east is being stretched, not

compressed. These old mountains were built when the plates first separated and were bumping against each

other during those early periods. These times are past, for these lands masses, now.

This is likewise the case within Africa, where the mountains are covered with trees unless to high to sustain

vegetation and the only sign of stress volcanoes caused by weak places make thin by the stretch of the land.

African volcanoes, recently active, can be expected to erupt, but very ancient volcanoes will not as the stress is

less on this land mass now.

The high deserts in Mongolia and the Urals in Russia are likewise not under stress, being too far inland to suffer

subduction of plates, and not being stretched. But where the land masses of Russia and Area front the Pacific

Rim, volcanoes will erupt with great force. This will devastate land from the Russian peninsula in the north

through Japan to Indonesia in the south. Mountain building in these areas will not be noticed, as death will come

from volcanic hot ash and gas.

The Mediterranean area is a weak spot in the plates, where movement has invariably occurred. During the times

when the plates were separating, the Alps were built, due to bumping between the plates on the move. As Africa

is a very solid land mass, Europe invariably was the loser during this bumping, creating the Alps. However,

during this coming shift, the strong stretch of the Atlantic will pull Africa away from Europe, not a push toward.

The volcanoes in the Mediterranean will explode due to churning of the core, and an increased thinning in the

crust. All mountains surrounding the area will not experience strong mountain building, as a consequence.[2/5/2012 9:55:31 AM]

ZetaTalk: Mountain Ranges

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ZetaTalk: Sinking or Rising

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ZetaTalk: Sinking or Rising

Note: written on Jun 15, 1997.

Periodically during severe pole shifts, land rises or drops, sometimes moving under the waves. This is caused quite

naturally by moving plates, which adjust to being squeezed against each other or pulled apart. Suddenly submerged

land can be the result of either dynamic. Likewise, land long under the sea can suddenly pop up, presenting gasping

and dying sea life and deep muck that eventually dries to form new and very fertile soil. Continents pulled apart, as in

the steadily widening St. Lawrence Seaway or African Rift, can cause land along the perimeter to rise, as the stretch

over the curvature of the Earth has been removed, so that the natural buoyancy or shape of the land can take effect.

Thus the land in the New England area of America is expected to lift somewhat when the St. Lawrence Seaway tears

further apart. Continents pulled apart, as in the widening Atlantic rift, cause sinking land along the shores for several


1. The curvature of the Earth causes the mid-point between continents being pulled apart to drop.

2. There is less crust to cover the magma underneath, so that rips in the crust form at the weakest or lowest points.

3. Ripped crust at the bottom of ocean rifts allows heavy land along the edge to lose its support, thus it can sink

into the magma.

Continents squeezed together invariably find one plate or the other acting as the loser, subducting or fracturing into

pieces that slant at an angle to form new mountain ranges. For every adjustment where the continents or land are being

wrenched apart, there is a collateral squeezing of plates elsewhere. On the Earth, this squeezing occurs along the

Pacific Rim, with Japan and the Philippines, along with the whole western coast of the Americas, getting the brunt of

this squeeze. This is often the case, and thus as a result of the coming pole shift, new land will emerge near Antarctica

between the tip of Africa and South America due to pressure against the western coast of South America. Due to the

strength of the Antarctic plate, this pressure will be relieved by allowing the Antarctic plate to ride over the bordering

plates, thus creating new land.

Where this squeezing causes new land to rise is where plates fracture, freeing a portion of a plate to act on its own.

Squeezing can force land under, to relieve the stress, but can also pop land up, so that it rides above another plate.

What occurs when an overriding plate moves across or pushes against an underlying plate depends primarily on what

the underlying plate presents. If the land is fairly flat, the overriding plate will go for a ride, with anything on the

underlying plate scraped along or crushed underneath. If the land is hilly or mountainous itself, the hills and mountains

will be compressed and crumpled, creating a situation where rocks and earth are flying about, tumbling and spewing.

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ZetaTalk: Pre-Existing

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ZetaTalk: Pre-Existing

Note: written on Feb 15, 2002.

During the hour of the shift, the crust of the Earth arrives at its new location, with the former poles now under the

equatorial Sun and the Atlantic widened and Pacific shorted, in a series of steps, some happening rapidly, some more

slowly, but all over the course of approximately an hour.

Stress Points

The current relationship of the Earth’s crustal plates to each other shows not only past movement but a pre-

setting of the stage for the coming shift. The Atlantic has clearly been stretched and ripped in the past, with

shorelines on both sides of the Atlantic being dragged down such that the remains of forests can be seen

underwater off the East Coast of the North American continent, and buried roadways under the waves near

Bermuda, and likewise land shelves west of the British Isles. The Atlantic Rift, running the entire length of the

Atlantic between the present poles, shows recent tears, and in Africa the rifts increasingly separating the Arab

lands from the continent proper are already showing some stress. Likewise, along the Pacific Rim, plates are

being pushed under the Americas, and creating distress in Indonesia as compression of the Pacific is already in

process from prior pole shifts and subducting plates are inclined to continue this momentum. The Himalayas,

driven high from sea bed material in the past, also show a point of drama, already scripted for India and

Australia by past dramas which positioned these plates thus.

Atlantic Stretch

We have mentioned that during the week of rotation stoppage, the Atlantic will undergo a stretch. This is due to

the Atlantic Rift being gripped by the approaching 12th Planet, as the crustal magma there is recent,

concentrated, and of high iron ore content, and thus is magnetically attracted to the huge magnet, the 12th

Planet, which is approaching from the south and on the sunward side of the Earth. The Earth stops its rotation,

due to the crust being gripped, but the liquid core continues some of its momentum, thus creating a continuing

pull toward the east of the crust, which creates the stretch. To some degree, this is happening today, which is

why the African rifts are showing stress. During the week of rotation stoppage, however, this is extreme, so that

the Atlantic Rift is under a great deal of tension and the shorelines are drawn down along both sides of the

Atlantic. Europe and Africa are continually pulled eastward, by the rotating core. Thus, the Earth moans in her

agony, during this week.

Pacific Compression

For the same reason, the European and African continents being pushed eastward by the rotating core, those

stress points around the Pacific experience increased signs of stress during the week of rotation stoppage. Quakes

all along the west coast of the Americas increase, and volcanic activity in Japan and Indonesia become extreme.

India shutters, jerking under the Himalayas in spurts, creating great panic among her peoples who are already

fearing the worst with the long evening they are experiencing. Tidal waves are not yet a problem, as the waters

normally pooling around the equator have equalized around the globe, more water at the pole and less in the

equatorial regions. Nevertheless, the drama that is about to occur has clearly been scripted, by the shape of the

earth’s Pangea landmass and its breakup, and the rule that during any crustal movement land masses will tend to

seek their equalization, just as water seeks its level, such that high and low land will be more equally distributed

around the globe after a shift than before.

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ZetaTalk: Scripted Drama

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ZetaTalk: Scripted Drama

Note: written on Apr 15, 2002. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The stage having been set, then, the crust movement steps during the hour of the shift are as follows:

1. As the South Pole, gripped by the passing North Pole of the 12th Planet, moves north, the crust is torn from the

core and freed in this way, allowing pre-existing stress points to relax. Thus, Europe and Africa move further

east, allowing the Atlantic to rip apart during the slide northward.

2. The immediate effect of the massive plate housing Europe, Russia and the Near East to move is felt most

strongly in India, as the Himalayas are driven over India at this point, effectively submerging this country in a


3. The effect of the Indo-Australian plate taking a dive under the Himalayas is to relieve tension along the African

Rift, such that this tears, promptly, but in shuddering steps with halting adjustments and pauses between

shudders. In essence, the movement eastward of the African continent is a momentum creating this tear.

4. During the tearing of the Atlantic Ocean floor, and the dragging north or the North American continent, an

already existing tear in the St. Lawence Seaway tears further, essentially the weak link in this landmass held at

so many points to the further side of the Atlantic Ocean. Canada moves north, while the rest of the Americas

cling to the Atlantic Rift while it separates.

5. The movement of the massive plate housing Europe, Russia, and Asia to the east also is expected to rip this

plate along the Himalayas, as we have stated, creating an inland bay into the Russian lands just to what is now

the north of the Himalayas. This follows, in jerks and tears, over the hour of the shift, along with the tearing of

the African Rift.

6. When the ocean off the bulge of Brazil has reached the position of the current North Pole, crust slippage stops,

creating yet another drama. The major northern hemisphere plates stop, and whatever follows crashes into them.

In the case of the Americas, this causes Central America and the Caribbean to crumble.

7. In the case of Africa, already sliding eastward, the force is further movement eastward, as subduction of the[2/5/2012 9:55:33 AM]

ZetaTalk: Scripted Drama

Indo-Australian plate has already begun, the weaker link already established and momentum in process.

8. The pileup is in what was the former Northern Hemisphere, and the compression of the Pacific is creating

resistance as plates are subducted under the Americas, and then Japan explodes and Indonesia crumbles.

9. This frees the plates south of the tips of South America and Africa of stress. As the Pacific adjusts, reluctantly,

pressure toward Antarctica, the one place on the globe not experiencing plate pressure, allows new land to pop

up between the tips of South America and Africa.

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ZetaTalk: Tidal Waves

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ZetaTalk: Tidal Waves

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

As great as the danger to humans and the fauna and flora of the Earth that earthquakes bring, greater still is the

devastation that the shifting waters will bring. There are several factors at play. Water is more liquid than the core of

the Earth, and certainly more liquid than terra firma. Where the Earth, dragged by its core, is Shifting into a new, albeit

temporary, alignment with the giant comet, its waters resist greatly. Thus the waters slosh over the nearby land, in the

direction opposite to the shift. This is lessened by a tendency of the waters directly under the giant comet to rise up to

meet the comet. The waters heap up, in what appear to be giant waves. This tends to lessen the sloshing over a

shoreline on the comet side, but has no effect on the water's movement on the dark side of the Earth.

The Earth's record of gigantic tidal waves, which the establishment is desperate to explain in other than pole shift

terms, is caused by the frequent pole shifts. This is the case even in situations where a plate adjustment affects

hundreds of miles of ocean bottom, creating a massive line of compressed water which promptly moves in the only

directions it can - to the right, left, and up. In the depths of the ocean, this causes a tidal wave of perhaps 20 feet in

nearby shores. Where items are dropped into the ocean, such as the honeycombed ice of a former South Pole did

during the Flood, the displaced water cannot go down, so must go all four directions. In instances such as this, the

resulting wave is in proportion to the object dropped. A continent sized object caused the Flood, a meteor a mile in

diameter would hardly cause more than a high tide, despite alarmist speculation.

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ZetaTalk: Climbing Water

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ZetaTalk: Climbing Water

Note: written on Jun 15, 1999.

Those who have witnessed tidal bore roaring up a ravine are astonished that water does not seem to respect the relative

sea level during those times. What makes the water climb? Water pressure drives water to climb above its level

because at the point where the pressure build, is takes the easiest path. When the force of pressure is extreme,

compressing the water a lower levels, the path of lease resistance is taken. During a tidal wave, this path is away from

the bulk of water. A tidal wave moves inland until one of two situations occurs:

1. the level to which it has climbed is higher than the level elsewhere, and the wave recedes, or

2. the pressure behind the wave decreases.

Where tidal waves meet mountains, this can result in tidal bore up ravines. Where tidal waves flow inland, this results

in a flood tide going hundreds of miles inland. Where the tidal wave finds foot hills or barriers, the force of the wave is

broken such that it is slowed, allowing a reduction in pressure behind the wave to arrive before the wave moves far

inland. But where the tidal wave finds virtually no barriers, due to the land being flat, it becomes water on the move,

and this very momentum carries it far inland, and above a height that would otherwise be expected.

Note: below added during the Nov 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

There is more to the level that water rises than simply water finding its level. Tidal bore carried water up-river in a

rush, rising above the sea level with force, for many miles. Tidal bore carries water up ravines, in some cases shooting almost straight up, appearing in a gusher at the plateaus overhead. One factor to consider is the force or pressure that

water is under, and this is equivalent to the water higher, elsewhere. This is the factor that allows cities to have tap

water, due to water stored at a high point in the vicinity, which then pushes out into pipes. Water on the move does

more than just push forward, it also creates a void behind it. At first, this water is on the move because there is

pressure behind it, like sloshing water in the Gulf. But then, the force of this moving water takes on a life of its own. It

has momentum, and moving forward, creates a void behind it, thus drawing the water in the direction of motion, thus

continuing the motion. Thus, rolling across the flat low lands such as the State of Texas, and moving hundreds of miles

inland, on a roll, it does not simply stop when it starts to reach foothills. Why would it stop? Because the overall

elevation is more than the sea level? Weigh this, with the force of water, all on the move, behind the lip of the flood

tide. This water on the move is greater than the resistance in front of it, so it continues.

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ZetaTalk: Flood Tide

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ZetaTalk: Flood Tide

Note: written on Jun 15, 2001, during the 2001 sci.astro debates.

There is a difference in the type of wave that would be caused by an asteroid, and that caused by a sloshing ocean

during a pole shift. During a pole shift, the crust of the Earth rapidly moves a quarter turn or more, in strong shifts

attempting to do a half turn as the core is doing a complete flip, dragging the reluctant crust with it. As anyone

carrying a saucer of soup knows, the soup and the saucer do not always move as one. If the saucer moves suddenly,

the soup may stay behind, slopping. The soup is free to move or not move, where the saucer is attached to the hand of

the server. The oceans of the world are pooled where the crust has offered a dip, but during a pole shift, when the

crust suddenly moves under it, slopping likewise occurs, with the waters not dragged with the core as is the crust,

which is attached to the core. What happens to oceans which are thus lifted out of their beds, and pushed up over land

higher than that from which they came?

Tidal waves are often shown as rising high, a tower of water crashing down upon hapless humans standing in horror on

a beach. Where a wave generated by an underwater displacement, such as occurs when plates adjust due to subduction

during an earthquake, will roll in a deadly line of pressure until the shore is reached and then rise up when the depth of

water is reduced as the wave rolls up the beach, this does not occur when the whole of the ocean is on the move. It is

rather a flood tide, as the oceans are climbing out of their beds, into higher ground, so the leading edge is the highest

point of the wave. In Tsunamis, a single line of pressure moves through the ocean, transferring water pressure rapidly

from the quake point to where it must stop, at land, thus finally crashing upon a beach. During a pole shift, there is no

single line of pressure, the ocean as a whole is on the move because it stays behind while the crust moves, and thus

rolls up on land onto the coastline being pulled under it.

This is a flood tide, with the lip of the water being its highest point, rising like a silent tide endlessly on the rise, the

wave rolling inland without a crashing back and forth, just a steady progressive inundation. To those at the mercy of

such a flood tide, their first thought is to climb above the tide. Soon they are standing on the highest point they can

reach, and still the water, flowing inland steadily, rises. Afloat on a boat or flotsam, they will be dragged inland with

the flow until a reverse slosh begins, the water flowing back into its bed but in the nature of water during a slosh,

overshooting this other side so that both sides of the ocean experience this flood tide, alternately, for some days until

the momentum diminishes. When the flood tide recedes, those afloat are in danger of being dragged far out to sea with

the flow, as the water will rush to its bed unevenly, more rapidly where it can recede the fastest.

Waves caused by an asteroid crash are akin to what children see when they drop a boulder into a pond or puddle. As

with a Tsunami caused by a subducting plate, where the water is under great pressure at a certain point and transfers

this pressure in a line in the direction it was first thrown, the boulder will cause a sudden line of water pressure away

from the impact point. That water rising directly upward drops quickly to the surface, the splash. But the water within

the pond moves the line of pressure outward, visible only as a ripple on the surface of the water until the edge of the

pond is reached where it becomes a lapping wave. Asteroid generated waves are thus tall, crashing upon the shore.

Whale bones on mountain tops well inland were not lifted by Tsunami waves, nor carried inland atop such a wave. A

whale would not be close enough to the shore to be caught in such an occurrence. They arrived at these inland

mountain tops because the entire ocean was moving, and they could not escape the momentum. Thus caught, they

were deposited in rocky crags where fast flowing waters moved quickly away from them through cracks, too tight a

squeeze for the hapless whale left floundering behind.

Note: added during the Mar 22, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Where the waters of the oceans and great lakes resist moving with the crust, to a great extent it does. However, the

press of a body of water is far stronger than the press of water clinging, gravitywise, to a disappearing Moon. Thus,[2/5/2012 9:55:35 AM]

ZetaTalk: Flood Tide

there is more pressure to move inland in a flood tide, and due to the bulk of water pressing, the water will move faster

than a normal tide. A normal Moon driven tide takes 6 hours in, 6 hours out, but the pole shift tide will roll in within

less time. The sloshing back will telescope this, but the additional sloshing that occurs until the water settles into its

bowl will take increasingly longer. It is a confused mix of factors affecting the tidal flow. The Moon does not stop its

affect on the tides. Water from compressed bowls such as the Pacific will attempt to equalize for days, creating flows

where they would not be expected. The temperature will be mixed, with cold water forcing under warm in unexpected

places, creating swirls that move the water around rather than in a direction. Thus, we would advise those having to

deal with flood tides to read our Safe Locations information carefully, re their location. Read the Pole Shift section

regarding water movement carefully. Have discussions with others on the hypothetical movement of water affecting

the group. After a bit, the many factors will fall into place, and you will be able to predict just when it is safe to return

to your coastline.

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ZetaTalk: Water Movement

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ZetaTalk: Water Movement

Note: written on Sep 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

During the hour of the pole shift, when the crust of the Earth is being dragged along with the core such that the Earth's

North Pole is turning away from the North Pole of the 12th Planet, and the Earth's South Pole pulling up to face it,

several things are happening at once. A synergy, or play-off, therefore occurs. The stage is set by what occurs during

the days preceding the pole shift, when the Earth's rotation slows and then stops, within a day, and stands with her

mid-Atlantic ridge facing the Sun where her brother, the 12th Planet, is passing. During these few days (less than a

week) when rotation has stopped, the waters of her oceans flow toward the poles and away from her fat equator. An

equalization occurs, the waters settling evenly, where normally the rotation pulls the water by centrifugal force to

where the motion is fastest, at the equator. Thus, when the pole shift itself occurs, the oceans have pulled away from

the tropical shores and flooded the frozen poles.

Tidal waves are caused by several factors, but to those living along the coasts, the effect is the same. When the Earth

rolls her North Pole away from the Sun and the passing 12th Planet, the water resists, and thus there is flooding where

the oceans meet moving land, and a drawing away of the oceans from those shores on the opposite side of a land mass

which is pulling away from the stagnant ocean water. However, for the most part, the oceans move with the land as

one. When the motion stops, the water, not being attached to the core as the crust is, fails to put on the brakes and

continues its motion, and thus tidal waves occur where only hours before the water had drawn away from the shores. A

third factor affects the height and force of tidal waves, and that is the movement of plates where the bowl that holds

the ocean water may become larger or smaller.

Where the Atlantic widens and tears apart the North American continent along what is already her sea-way,

there will be more places for the water to pool than water available, and this will cause a rushing toward this part

of the globe by water gathered at the poles.

Where the African Continent continues to rupture away from its large neighbors, or where there is a rupture

along the land fault bordering India, there will be a temporary lowering of water in the Indian Ocean, which will

draw water from where it has gathered at the South Pole.

Where the Pacific shortens dramatically, subducting India and western Australia and subducting plates along

both the American continents, the water in the Pacific will find its bowl suddenly smaller, and will rise along

shores on both sides. Given the size of this ocean, and the ability of her waters to rush over low-lying areas in

Central America or around Australia, tidal waves along the Pacific coast are not substantially larger than along

other coasts.

Where this analysis of water movement might seem astonishing, given that the Atlantic and Pacific oceans will

equalize in size during this next pole shift, the reader should bear in mind that the Pacific will already be low on the

coasts along her equator due to the waters movement toward the poles when rotation stops for several days. Finding

the oceans in the Pacific more full, relatively speaking, the water at the poles will pour into the Atlantic or Indian

Ocean, in preference to pouring into the Pacific. And then the broad expanse of the Pacific can absorb any shrinking of[2/5/2012 9:55:35 AM]

ZetaTalk: Water Movement

the Pacific bowl, as each acre of ocean takes its share of the rise, lessening the effect on the shores.

The speed and force of water movement is influenced by many factors. Look to how long it takes a flood to travel

from the highlands to the sea - days, and even weeks in some places. Water seeks its level and moves, but until there

is sufficient pressure, it moves relatively slowly, creating eddies and ripple currents, then waves, and only under

extreme pressure, shooting water pushing everything in its path aside. During the stopped rotation, the movement of

water toward the poles is gradual, and has barely begun before the pole shift and restarting of rotation occur. Likewise,

water settling around the new equator happens over a period of weeks, and due to the large expanse of oceans along

the new equator, this additional water is distributed so that the effect on land along the new equator can be measured in


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ZetaTalk: Ocean Vortex

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ZetaTalk: Ocean Vortex

Note: written on Sep 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

During a pole shift and the days preceding a pole shift there are many forces affecting the oceans which, when applied

to the atmosphere, create tornadoes. As any child watching water run down a drain can note, a swirling vortex is

created in the center of rapidly dropping water. This same process is what causes tornadoes to form when cold air is

thrust over a warmer air mass, and when the force of wind behind the cold air stops, allowing it to suddenly drop.

In the days leading up to a pole shift, the stopped rotation of the Earth causes the water formerly pulled toward the

equator by rotation to equalize. The water at the equator starts flowing toward the poles. When the 12th Planet is

positioned between the Earth and the Sun, water in any large body will heap up, drawn by the gravity pull of this large

body just as the tides are drawn by the Moon. During the pole shift, the Earth's waters are first pulled in the direction

of the shift, along with the Earth's crust, and then blocked in this motion by any land mass that has ceased to slide. All

of these actions set water in motion, and many of these actions occur simultaneously, created chaotic motion. Thus,

water may be in a position to suddenly drop, having been heaped high in proportion to the surrounding water. Cold

arctic water may have been thrust on top of warmer water, and as with tornadoes, when the thrust that caused this

situation stops, the cold water will suddenly drop, creating a vortex.

These giant whirlpool have been recorded by the ancients, as their ships on occasion were caught in them during a pole

shift. When one of the fleet managed to escape, the tale was told and recorded. However, as with many pole shift

generated tales, these tales are taken to be myths.

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ZetaTalk: Sinking Atlantic

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ZetaTalk: Sinking Atlantic

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

As we have stated, the Atlantic will widen and the Pacific will shorten. Where the Pacific effect will cause sudden and

violent subduction of several plates, which are already subducting, in the Atlantic the effect will be the opposite. A

gulf will appear, with plates torn apart and the softer magma under the plates exposed to the cold Atlantic water.

Where this will harden the magma, and establish new plate surface, there will be less support for the abridging plates,

those that attach however remotely to the shorelines of the Americas, Europe, and Africa. These non-supported plates

will sink, somewhat, bringing their formerly above-water land masses down under the water in many places. As an

instance, Europe and in particular the western islands of Britain and Ireland will find itself more affected than some

other parts of the globe.

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ZetaTalk: New Land

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ZetaTalk: New Land

Note: written on Feb 15, 1999. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The Antarctic plate finds the side abutting the Pacific under pressure, as the plates due to fold or crumble or subduct in

the Pacific begin to do this. This in effect is forcing the Antarctic plate to fold itself, like a fan, and it resists this

pressure to fold. The tendency is rather for the Antarctic plate to break away from these bordering plates, so it then

becomes free to move. Likewise, along the Atlantic, the spreading plates in the Atlantic are asking the Antarctic plate

to rip apart, which it resists, being a very solid plate. The point that gives, the weak point, is the border between the

Antarctic plate and those in the Atlantic, as these are already weakened points. Thus, these weak points separate, the

Atlantic plates going their way, the Antarctic staying in place.

The Antarctic plate is now free on all sides! The overlapping and compressing plates on the Pacific side represent

pressure and push. The separating and spreading plates on the Atlantic side represent an opening, so the Antarctic plate

moves in that direction. Freed of tight borders, it is free to float or sink in the sea of lava that all plates ride upon, and

as a land plate, being lighter than those that have sunk under the deep seas, it floats - new land! There are contours on

plates, below water, just as there are contours above water. The portion of the Antarctic plate that emerges above the

waves is higher than the rest of the Antarctic plate . Thus, the new land and existing Antarctica are not joined.

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ZetaTalk: Other Planets

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ZetaTalk: Other Planets

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The 12th Planet, barreling though the Solar System, affects more than just the Earth, as might be imagined. How could

it not affect the other planets, particularly those close to the Sun. Where the Earth experiences a pole shift each time,

being composed of materials that magnetically align with the giant comet, other planets have wholly different

reactions. Venus, for instance, is relatively unaffected, outside of a slight change in orbit toward the path of the comet.

Mars also has a pole shift, but this is slight as this planet has cooled and has less fluidity in its core than the Earth. The

planets in the outer orbits, depending on their weight, pull slightly inward during the comet's passage, but find their

normal route later, the influence of other factors determining their normal orbit weighing in again. And how does the

Sun itself react? Imperturbable, not even a flare, as its activity is influenced from within, not without.

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ZetaTalk: Rotation Returns

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ZetaTalk: Rotation Returns

Note: written on Aug 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

After the 12th Planet passes, the Earth's rotation begins again due to the factors that guide rotation of the planets in

your solar system. Many humans assume rotation to be simply leftover motion resulting from some past activity such

as the big bang, but rotation is guided by gravitational and electromagnetic influences on the liquid cores of planets

and moons. Parts of the core move away from or toward these influences, dragging the crust with it, and as the turning

motion brings those parts of the core back to where they don't want to be, motion is re-instituted and continued. For

the Earth, frozen in place at the moment of passage, rotation begins again within a day after the 12th Planet moves

from its influential place between the Earth and the Sun. Rotation restarts, at first slowly but then picking up speed

until a day on planet Earth is much as it used to be. Just as rotation stops within a day, just so rotation returns within a

day, much to the relief of the frantic survivors who fear the long day or night they have been experiencing will never


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ZetaTalk: New Geography

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ZetaTalk: New Geography

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

After the pole shift the Earth begins rotating again, with its new poles in the same relative position to the Solar System

as today. In other words, whatever part of the Earth is North, magnetically, after the shift, will become the new North

Pole. The pole shift, with consequent realignment of the poles, will place the New Equator over formerly frozen lands.

Greenland, Canada, Alaska, Siberia, and Europe will be affected by the new equator. This will not mean that these

areas will be lush, right away. The temperate zones, not all that lush to begin with, will find themselves after the

cataclysms in a warm state, but with little vegetation. Past cataclysms have regularly rearranged the Earth's geography

and climate zones, as the Earth attests. The continents, once one large land mass, were torn apart, temperate or tropical

areas suddenly freezing up and covering over with ice and snow that never melts, and frozen wastelands gradually

melting and warming to sustain life once again. Mountains in mountain building areas were pushed higher and

subducting plates were suddenly slid under the overplate.

While the land rearranges the oceans slosh about but eventually settle into the lower areas. Coastal spots that had

formerly been above the water line may now be under the waves, and likewise plates that had been submerged may

now be dry land. How much land pokes above the waves depends on how deep and wide the ocean rifts are, but

historically the land mass in total has remained the same. Continents do not disappear, but plates abutting continents or

close to the ocean surface may rise and fall, depending on the plate action around the site and elsewhere around the

globe. If plate action thrusts formerly submerged land out from under the sea, then the settling oceans have less area to

settle into and consequently beaches worldwide may rise. Likewise, a sudden yaw in a mid-ocean rift may cause

beaches worldwide to drop, but inevitably the yaw is matched by a crunch elsewhere, where land will subduct.

After a pole shift the former poles invariably melt and soften while the new poles take on layer after layer of ice and

snow. This pace is not matched, as polar cap building only stabilizes at a point where evaporation and melting at

glacial edges equals the arrival of newly fallen snow after some centuries. In the meantime the Waters Rise worldwide,

several hundred feet, and then recede again. This pace is gradual, so that coastal settlements have plenty of time to[2/5/2012 9:55:39 AM]

ZetaTalk: New Geography

relocate, an exercise they find they must do repeatedly.

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ZetaTalk: Climate Changes

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ZetaTalk: Climate Changes

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

The pole shift, of course, radically affects the climate of every place on Earth. How could it not? The equator has

changed, and formerly temperate and even polar areas now find themselves under the hot, continuous equatorial sun.

Inhabitants of these areas may find themselves subject to severe sunburn, for the first time in their lives, and, not

understanding the phenomena, not know what to do. Other inhabitants, formerly in the equator, will quickly freeze to

death. The temperature plunges, unremittingly, and they are ill prepared. This is, all told, a relatively benign death, as

the hypothermic body becomes dreamy and seemingly falls asleep. Few areas will find the climate remaining the same,

by coincidence having the same relative latitude as before.

Over time the plants and animals change, accommodating the climatic change. Plants, in particular, are hard hit, as

they are sensitive to the temperature, humidity, and exposure to sun and wind. The die off is massive, but certain other

opportunists survive. Over time, there is a creep that occurs, such that from places where the climate has remained the

same plants grow outward toward where they find conditions hospitable. The opportunists who took over, preempting

all the strugglers, find they are being pushed, steadily, to assume their former status. Animals, being mobile, are less

hard hit, and either adjust their day and night to the new conditions or travel. After a time, a few centuries, the Earth

looks much as it did before, only this time with new poles, a new equator, and newly established temperate zones.

All of this activity is modulated at first by the gloom cause by Volcanic Dust. During the hour of the shift, all

volcanoes active now or dormant now will explode. Likewise, during this hour, hurricane force winds will whip over

the oceans. Due to this interaction, the gloom and humidity are present almost immediately after the shift.

Disbursement, so that this is evenly spread, occurs over the next few days, within a week, but the effect is virtually

immediate on vegetation requiring sunlight and a dry bed. Strong sunlight occurs only occasionally, in certain

locations. In the main there is dusk, ever present dusk. Where there is vegetation die back, this is caused in fact more

by the lack of sunshine than by any climatic changes. Animal life is impacted by the lack of food, too, more than

climatic changes. However, after a couple decades, the skies clear, and then the climatic changes are the stronger


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ZetaTalk: New Climate

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ZetaTalk: New Climate

Note: written on Dec 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

Overall, the Earth's climate remains much as it is today, throughout and after the cataclysms. Initially, just after the

pole shift, the local climate at any given point on the Earth will be a result of several factors.

Previous climate, as for instance on a former polar ice cap, will have either a warming or cooling influence. This

will only be extreme where ice packs linger or the ground is deeply frozen. Elsewhere warming or cooling to

temperatures appropriate to the new longitude occur within days.

Placement on the day or night side of the Earth, when rotation stops for days preceding the pole shift, and slowly

begins again after the 12th Planet passes. Again, this effect dissipates within days.

Volcanic activity and the roiling of the Earth's core, which continue for some decades after a pole shift, just as

they do during the decade preceding a pole shift. The 12th Planet lingers nearby, during its turnaround, and

makes a second pass a few years later. During this period the core of the Earth is not settled. Overall, this

activity has a slight warming influence, a few degrees at most depending on location.

A dense cloud cover that lasts for decades, resulting from the volcanic activity and loss of atmosphere due to the

stripping away that occurred during lashing by the comet's tail. The dust filled clouds are low to the ground, and create

a constant gloom. Rain occurs almost continuously. Where sunlight cannot penetrate and seldom manages to peek

through this dense cloud cover, it does warm the Earth's atmosphere and thus its warming influence is not lost on the

Earth. Less warmth from sunlight, but warm wet air.

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ZetaTalk: Deserts

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ZetaTalk: Deserts

Note: written on Jul 15, 2002.

Deserts are caused by a lack of moist air, and this keys on air mass movement, where the air mass has been to allow it

to pick up moisture, and what temperature extremes it encounters causing it to drop its moisture. Air currents lift from

the equator and curl around toward the poles, circling back toward the equator, as the globe continually turns form east

to west under the blanket of air surrounding it. This causes air to curl down along the west coast of the Americas, after

having passed over the Pacific, creating the wet coastlines. By the time the air masses have pushed inland, they have

already dropped their moisture along the coast. In the case of Africa's vast deserts, the air masses curl around and

down through Europe and have already dropped the moisture picked up over the northern Atlantic on Europe, little left

for northern Africa. When over large continents, like the Gobi deserts of China, the jet stream is either moist or dry,

depending upon what it passed over recently. An air mass curling back from the polar region over Siberia is cold,

causing any moist air inland or within itself to condense into rain or snow, leaving little in the air by the time the mass

reaches the Gobi. In North America, air masses coming from the Coast are dry by the time they have lifted up and over

the mountain ranges, but air masses coming down directly from the lake riddled Canadian lands is relatively cool, and

when meeting moist air from the Gulf of Mexico creates thunderstorms aplenty. How will this situation change after

the shift?

The Americas will find the air masses curling around from the new equator coming across the massively flooded

Canadian lands, the flooded Mississippi Valley, and the flooded Amazon basin, so that ample rainfall will drop

on formerly desert areas of Arizona and Mexico. What is now the west coast of the Americas, on both north and

south continents, will find the curling air streams coming off the Pacific dropping their moisture as today, on the

coastlines. Thus, the Americas are not expected to have desert areas in the Aftertime.

Africa and Europe will sting out along the new Equator too, with the curling air masses flowing over the

Atlantic before passing over all but the inland portions of the Sahara Desert. The Sudan, thus, will find its deserts

continuing, as air reaching it has already dropped on the land along the coasts, while encountering cooler air

coming down from the new South pole, India, leaving little for the thirsty Sahara.

Due to the massive flooding of the lowlands of Siberia, air current curling from the new Equator toward the

Gobi will be moisture laden, and thus these desert lands will find their climate changing. The deserts of western

Australia will be under water, with no lack of rainfall on that portion of Australia remaining.

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ZetaTalk: Deserts[2/5/2012 9:55:40 AM]

ZetaTalk: Prevailing Winds

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ZetaTalk: Prevailing Winds

Note: written on May 15, 1997.

The hurricane winds will not simply blow in one direction or the other, but will continuously change directions,

blowing in large vortexes that move over the face of the Earth so that first the winds during the shift seem to be

blowing in this direction, then the other, as the vortex passes over a given place. After the shift, the winds will

establish into the pattern of the prevailing westerlies, as this pattern is related to the rotation of the Earth. Plot your

spot, check the new geography map, and place over this the prevailing westerlies to see where your winds will be


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ZetaTalk: Melting Ice Caps

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ZetaTalk: Melting Ice Caps

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

After the cataclysms the existing polar ice will melt, while at the same time reforming over the new poles. The melting

will occur faster than the reforming, as for ice to form there are more factors at play than for ice to melt. We will

explain. The ice over the former poles will now be facing the Sun, and the melt rate will proceed based on the air

temperature and the absorption of solar rays, both of which will be high as the old poles will now be situated

essentially at the new equator. Any water at the new poles will freeze, but the buildup of ice on a pole is not altogether

from the water that happened to be there when the pole took position. The buildup comes from precipitation, and this

accumulates over hundreds of years. At some point an equilibrium is established, with icebergs breaking off and

floating to warmer waters and the like. The Earth, therefore, will experience More Water in its oceans for some time

after the cataclysms.

Where new poles take centuries to fully form, existing poles thrust under an equatorial sun melt rapidly. The melting

poles will thus raise the sea level, worldwide, by 650 to 700 feet within two years. Survivors living below this level

will find themselves moving repeatedly as rivers begin to overflow their banks and marsh areas become lakes. Those

planning survival sites should consider this as well as escape routes for survivors who might be trapped by the rising

water. Survival sites should be selected for their ability to link to other land areas that will be above the water line as

well, so that technologies and skills can be shared among the survivors. Survivors thus will find visiting each other

possible rather than impossible in a new world without maps and certainly without guidelines for boats setting out on

what will seem to be an endless sea.

Going on the assumption that the poles have always been, essentially, where they are found today, humans have

extracted core samples which they assume will be a frozen record of climatic changes back through the eons - a dust

layer here, bits of vegetation there, a higher carbon dioxide level here, and on through any number of variables.

However, unlike the rings in a tree, which show its age, layers of ice do not show what is absent. The tree trunk is

viewed as a whole, reflecting the life of a tree, but polar ice reflects only that portion of its life that has not melted

away. Many shifts are slight, thus causing partial melting or melting on only one side. Thus, for the existing poles,

there are places where the debris and gasses caught in the ice tell a long tale.

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ZetaTalk: Rising Seas

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ZetaTalk: Rising Seas

Note: below taken from the Melting Ice Caps page.

It has been estimated by mankind’s scientists that the melting, completely, of the Antarctic ice would cause the oceans

of the world to rise in sea level by 200 feet. This is measuring the effect of ice above the water line melting and

returning to the body of water, and leveling out. More occurs during and for some time after the shift when the existing

poles are placed under the equatorial sun and all active volcanoes of the world explode. What degree of heat would be

generated by the crust and core separating and the core moving under the crust? How much heat is required to melt

rock, during rapid subduction of one plate over another, which the Indians of the West Coast and witnesses of the last

pole shift in the Middle East report? How rapidly does heat dissipate, even from campfire ashes, open to the air, or the

seat of a chair from which the occupant recently rose? Most of the surface of the Earth is covered by the great oceans,

which warm completely, without cold spots, after the shift, and do not return to having cold spots until some centuries

have passed. This warmer water accounts for the rise in sea level, in the main.

Note: below added during the October 5, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

The oceans of the world are mostly a vast unexplored territory to man, who cannot drop to their depths else be

crushed, nor explore them at length when descending at all. The depth of rifts is calculated by radar, and the

temperatures estimated by probes. What can be assumed is that the water is not freezing, else would form into ice and

rise to the top. But water can be at the freezing temperature, and not freeze, if kept in motion, as flowing rivers in the

cold of winter give evidence. In computing the rise in the seas to 675 feet, more than the melting of Antarctic and

Greenland ice is presumed, as this rise has been computed by man to be only 200 feet. Since the water flowing from

the pole is cold, and would drop and run along the deep ocean rifts, this would bring those rifts to the freezing point,

cold water falling below warm. How high does that cold water rise? Human statistics measure the temperature at

various depths, so this is a known statistic. What is the volume of water in the deep rifts, vs water at more shallow

depths? This is also statistically evident, as the oceans have been mapped by radar. Nevertheless, in considering that

the temperature worldwide, at all depths, might rise to the level of the surface waters at the Equator, the math does not


What is missing from this equation is swelling of land masses, land surface under the water, as odd as this concept

might sound. Metal is known to expand when heated, but the concept of hot mud being larger in volume than cold

mud has not been considered, as it has never been a concern of man’s. Heat is particles in motion, and they bump

atoms about so that expansion is the result. All land surface will be heated due to the swirling of the core, the heat to

the extent that it can escape into the land surface doing so. The result? This surface will expand, crevasses opening,

flaky layers of rock separating, and buckling occurring that creates spaces in the interior of rock. Under the oceans,

this equates to a higher ocean bottom, with the water needing to go someplace, and as the bottom is moving up, the sea

level can only go up also. Thus, where this cannot be computed by man, being a missing dynamic in his statistics, this

is the explanation for why our 675 foot rise does not compute given the known factors - water volume and increase per

degree of heat rise.

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ZetaTalk: Rebirth

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ZetaTalk: Rebirth

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

The Earth of the future will clear up. There are several factors that affect the Earth's health. For one, the cataclysms

will make changes. The Earth's population will reduce by 90%. Polluting practices, such as burning oil and chemical

additives, will essentially stop. Life, such as continues, will be primitive. Massive land changes will occur, with land

rising from the ocean depths and existing land sinking below the sea. Rain fall will be almost continuous, washing the

newly raised land of its salts. Pollutants, such as chemical processing plants, will be dispersed worldwide. And the

atmosphere, with its many problems, will be reformed afresh.

The Earth recovers from a shift in relationship to its location relative to active volcanoes, in the main. The skies

clear first where this dust is in the high altitudes, not in the wind-drift from fresh ash just raised. 5 years after

the shift, even 2 years after the shift, some sporadic sunlight will warm the Earth. Those areas not getting direct,

unclouded, sunlight will notice an increase in intensity, through the clouds. It is possible even under clouds to

get a sunburn, so clouds are not a death sentence to vegetation. 10 years after the shift, many parts of the globe

will consider themselves back to normal, although their memory will be failing them in this regard. So much

better than before, that it seems like heaven! Other parts of the globe, in the down-drift from volcanoes, will feel

like Moses, enduring 40 years in the Valley of Death, where nothing lives.

Edibility and availability of native weeds and grasses after the shift, as a source of food for humans and

livestock and even wildlife, depends upon the location, entirely. In some parts of the world, life will virtually

close down. This is near volcanoes, under the drifting ash, or where polar cold descends. In other parts of the

world, there will within two years be abundant grasses or weeds. For instance, the new land emerging between

Antarctica and Africa, will be moist, temperate, highly fertile, and without competition from livestock or seed

from most weeds. Any seed landing there will flourish!

In areas not in the path of volcanic ash, but affected by the overall gloom, one might estimate a 50% reduction

in sunlight and crop success. For instance, if a crop needed strong sunlight to flourish, it might barely get to

producing seed before the season ends. In nature, this would reproduce the weed, but for crops, it would not be a

return. Survivors will soon find what crops manage to give a return, and what not! Another factor is rot, the

moisture level, which will be extreme. Mold will be everywhere, dampness, bugs, and those crops that tolerate

damp conditions coming through, others failing utterly. Root crops, where they provide a survivor in the

evolution chain due to the energy in these roots or tubers, do not do well enough after a pole shift due to the wet

ground and mold about.

Also, consider the wildlife and bugs, which are likewise hungry. Food under the surface can be reached and

eaten while the exhausted humans sleep, where fences are less likely to be breached. This is not an easy answer,

as it depends so much on local, and what each survivor or group is familiar with planting and harvesting, so the

variables are immense. If a crop can be grown in the dim, the damp, and is not susceptible to mice or moles, yet

carries nutrition, it is a winner! Remember, likewise, that you can eat bugs, if they manage to eat your crops!

Trees will in the main die, as they do not have stores of energy that can be tapped, and rely on annual sunlight to

maintain those portions of themselves that are live. Then how do trees survive, shift after shift? Seedlings, in

fact, survive better, and many seeds do not sprout until years later. It only takes a few sprouting seeds to

perpetrate the species. Seedlings are tiny compared to the giant parent, and thus can move along with fewer

nutrients. In fact, it is the seedling trees, growing a few years after the shift, that should be nurtured, not the

dying parents. Just as after a forest fire, these are the trees of the future![2/5/2012 9:55:43 AM]

ZetaTalk: Rebirth

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ZetaTalk: Seeds of Rebirth

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ZetaTalk: Seeds of Rebirth

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

Regarding why people should be concerned about ecology, when a doomsday scenario is approaching. One should

ponder what will happen as humanity considers the nearing comet. Should one continue to save, regularly, for a rainy

day? For retirement? Or should one cash in one's savings and enjoy it while one may? Many people need little excuse

to have a party as it is. This philosophy can be applied to the resources of the Earth, its rain forests and wet lands,

where the seeds of rebirth lie. These lands belong to someone. They are, so to speak, cash in the bank. Beyond the

desire to party, there is the desire to meet everyday needs. The earth will experience weather disruption, where

torrential rainstorms and drought will increase. Crop failure will be rampant, especially coming into the year of the

comet. What government, seeing the starving populace, would not be tempted to throw all ecological concerns to the


What would be the repercussions of this? One has but to look at history, the lost Mastodon, for instance. This great

and healthy animal roved many continents, in great numbers, but was wiped out during a single cataclysm. It takes but

a single mating pair to renew the herd, yet they are lost. During every cataclysm numerous species are lost, forever. It

is not a matter of sacrificing ecology for humanity, as they are not in a contest. They in fact are brethren in the desire

to survive. Mankind cannot live without a healthy Earth. It is the bed which mankind lies in. There is no benefit to

destroying the rain forests to

feed humanity. Cropland freed from rain forests will not produce during the months and years preceding the cataclysm.

Neither will filled wetlands. And what possible benefit can come from pouring poisons into the rivers and over the

land, in the form of pollution?

Those saved by ignoring ecological concerns are not the humanity in need. Those saved by ignoring ecological

concerns are the powerful and comfortable, who will be the last to starve when food is short. Efforts at pollution

control, the Green movement, is at present a holding action. The Earth will renew itself from the enclaves of life

protected at this time. These are seed stores, not only of plant seeds but the seed of various animals - fish and bird and

reptile and mammal. Between now and the time of the cataclysm, the Earth's stores of the seeds of its life will be

threatened, and it is this that efforts at pollution control are protecting.

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ZetaTalk: Endangered Species

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ZetaTalk: Endangered Species

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

Animals in one form or another have survived repeated cataclysms. Natural evolution takes place, in any case, and the

cataclysms only trip the balance this way or that. Without the cataclysms your Earth's animal species would be

different, a different mix, and with some species now long extinct still present. But because these extinct species had

survived, others would not have thrived, due to competition. Therefore, beyond protecting nature preserves, do not

concern yourself over animal survival. Nature looks after her own.

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ZetaTalk: Ocean Life

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ZetaTalk: Ocean Life

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

Life in the oceans will not die out. The water will have a green tinge. Little known among the populace, but well

known among scientists, is that the ocean is one of the largest producers of the atmospheric oxygen. After the

cataclysms, the atmosphere oxygen will be rebuilt from the oceans. The oceans will appear greenish to many, and for

good reason. All the fires will have placed a tremendous amount of carbon dioxide into the air, the stuff of which

vegetative grown is made of. With little vegetation on land, the ocean kelp will absorb and utilize this. The oceans will

be lush.

Even those far inland should plan to take advantage of the lushness of the oceans, the fish and kelp, to support humans

survivors. This will not be so dependent upon the air clearning, as the oceans move this food about, fish about, so

fishing anywhere will be more abundant, compared to land life, in the Aftertime. Life in large lakes, as well as oceans,

will fare far better than land based life after the shift. This is in part due to the way sunlight enters water, and the

susceptibility of land based vegetation to mold and bugs and physical assult and the like. Seaweed will not find more

assults than before, but will find more nutrients. Where the sunlight may be less, they can parlay any growth upwards,

using all sunlight, where land based vegetation finds itself decimated periodically, having to start over, etc. Thus,

ocean fishing will be best, due to the broad space it covers and the shared nutrient and fishlife resulting, but land lakes

will likewise likely do better than the shores!

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ZetaTalk: Inland Lakes

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ZetaTalk: Inland Lakes

Note: written on Jan 15, 2002.

The oceans have resources not available to inland lands, in that the oceans flow around the world. This not only shares

nutrients, but dilutes pollution. The oceans are thus able to gain from being positioned under the equator, where kelp

can gain maximum sunlight. To the degree that an inland lake is free from volcanic ash, is not dumped excessively so

that the water becomes poisoned, and to the degree that the land is under intense sunlight, equatorial preferably, it will

flourish. Water has advantages that land does not, after a pole shift. Ash settles to the bottom, where on land remains

on the surface. Water also traps heat, creating a middle ground where temperatures rise and fall slowly. Thus, life in

the water can survive a winter, where on land would freeze and starve. Water pools often have nutrients that have

drained from the land, during runoff. Where sewage is considered a nuisance by man, it is the basis for much future

growth. From death comes life, in nature. Thus, water pools flourish and is only considered a foreign environment by

man because he is a land animal.

Water based farming should be considered by survival groups at least to the extent that land based gardening is. Fish

often cast off heavy metal pollutants such as lead, and can live without light. Thus, this is a fruitful avenue for survival

groups to consider. Inland lakes should be examined based on the following:

1. Are they downwind from volcanoes, and if so, can they drain or have enough flow such that the pollutants likely

to accumulate can dilute and flush out.

2. Do they have positive run-off, rich in humus or animal droppings, so that plant life in the lake has something as

a nutrient.

3. Are they deep enough to encourage circulation necessary for complex life forms, not just slime algae in shallow

pools, but crustaceans, etc.

4. What flows in, and through, these lakes, such that the lake can be trusted to remain fertile, and will not be

poisoned by those upstream.

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ZetaTalk: Nuclear Winter

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ZetaTalk: Nuclear Winter

Note: written on Feb 15, 2002.

The nuclear winter must discussed during the Cold War in fact does not occur during heavy volcanic ash times. Has

this occurred in the past? Mankind surmises this, with the extinction of the dinosaur attributed to heavy ash. This is all

speculation, and as we have stated, the dinosaur died because of a virus, not a meteor strike. Sunlight warms even if it

cannot make it through he clouds. It warms the clouds, the air, etc. Thus, especially since the core is warming the Earth

today with its increased swirling, you can expect that the core will continue to make the globe warmer, after the shift.

In addition, the atmosphere will be torn away, so the clouds will be lower and the atmosphere less of a block to the

warmth of the sunlight than today. All reasons for the globe to stay warm, which it will. You can anticipate the same

degree of warmth, per latitude, that you experience today. Sunburn and radiation are suppressed by the ash cloud, the

one advantage.

Depending upon where one is, downwind from volcanoes, the ash will poison the water and soil. This tends to be the

immediate effect after a violent burping, not a lingering effect. However, since violent burping will occur big time

during the shift, all ash afterwards will carry poisons. Thus, until the rains wash this away, some months at best,

drinking water should be distilled. Ground water may carry these poisons for a longer time, depending upon how close

to the surface this is, the flow patters, etc. Water in lakes and oceans dilutes, where ground water stagnates. Fish

likewise have an ability to exclude lead, though do absorb other heavy metals such as Mercury. Likewise, water retains

warmth, and algae grows in abundance in places land based plants cannot tolerate. Thus, this resource should be

explored, and explored thoroughly, prior to the shift, as a real survival technique.

Wildlife struggles, as the extinction of the Mammoth shows. Wildlife is used to a struggle, and migrates almost

constantly after the shift, so survives in general. Domesticated animals survive because of the determination of their

owners, who remain attached to the hope that their prior life will return. Relying on wildlife, hunting, will prove

disappointing as wildlife will soon diminish to the point of no results. Hunters will at first eat well, then starve.

Vegetation is most affected by the lack of light, and secondarily by being drown. The lush rain forests your beautiful

Earth supports give voice to the tenacity of vegetation to survive. Many seeds sprout only when conditions are right, so

decades later emerge. Those looking to crops will find this is not the way to go, in the immediate aftertime. As we

repeatedly mention, fishing is a good source of protein, as are bugs, and plants should be the minimal part of your diet.

Humans are used to just the opposite. So this is a mind set adjustment. A bit of salad, something with high Vitamin C,

but use this almost as a garnish!

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ZetaTalk: Return to Normalcy

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ZetaTalk: Return to Normalcy

Note: written on Sep 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The Earth's rotation returns to her normal pace within days of the 12th Planet's passage. In fact, the return occurs faster

than a mirror image of the stoppage of rotation, due to the 12th Planet leaving the Solar System at a faster clip than the

speed at which it entered. When the 12th Planet enters the Solar System, it begins what is essentially a dive for the

Sun. As a repulsion force prevents contact, the 12th Planet in essence ricochets off the Sun, zooming past and on out of

the Solar System. Thus, within a day of the passage, the Earth begins to rotate again, and within a day or two has

returned to her normal pace or rotation. Nevertheless, during an adjustment period that may last several months or

even years, rotation may be a bit erratic. One should not set the clock on a 24 hour day, at least not at first.

Where the Earth found the approach of the 12th Planet creating confusion in her magnetic field, the decades following

a passage of the 12th Planet are in the main a mirror image of the decades leading up to the passage. However, the

Earth's return to a normal magnetic field state is delayed by several years due to the turnaround and return of the 12th

Planet. As we have explained, during the coming passage, the 12th Planet will pass close to the Earth on the first pass,

but be on the opposite side of the Sun on the second pass. Nevertheless, by slowing down and hanging around during

the turnaround, the 12th Planet continues to magnetically confuse the core of the Earth by being yet another influence

the Earth must deal with. Thus, compasses will behave erratically for a number of decades after the passage.

A gloomy atmosphere, with the cloud cover seemingly on the ground, will last for at least two decades and then

dissipate over the next several years. Several factors are at play here, causing this situation. First, the atmosphere was

in essence torn away during the 12th Planet's passage, and is in a process of rebuilding. Second, volcanoes that erupted

during the pole shift continue to burp ash into the atmosphere, creating a dense cloud cover. Even after these volcanoes

become inactive, the ash that has been thrown into the atmosphere takes some times to settle. As the atmosphere is

thin, it tends to drop any water it picks up rather readily. Clouds, after all, are water vapor, but when clouds cannot

waft high they are subject to slow motion and bumping into things that cause condensation. Thus, it seems to be

raining continuously, at least in a drizzle.

Vegetation regrows in proportion to the sunlight than manages to work its way though the dense cloud cover. At first,

there is only a brave sprout of two, which quickly gets eaten by anything hungry in the vicinity. Due to the damp and

cloudy environment, many plant species simply do not appear until the climate changes, and then, activated by the

climatic conditions that their DNA has become programmed to react to, the seeds magically sprout. Forests that had

been leveled by hurricane winds or burned to the ground during firestorms regrow from seedlings. Within a few

decades, young forests have reappeared, as have lush meadows and marshlands. Opportunistic vegetation eventually

gets pushed aside as the climate worldwide returns to normal. For hundreds of years, however, the vegetation in any

given region may have a different appearance that it will ultimately, due to this type of adjustment.

Wildlife, being mobile, rebounds more readily than the vegetation. Wildlife tends to wander until it finds a hospitable

home, and there park until matters improve. Many species will seem extinct, where they are merely decimated in

number and staying close to where conditions are optimal. As they regrow in numbers and the habitat improves, they

return to their venturesome ways, and thus, to mankind, seem to suddenly reappear. Fish fare better, particularly if

ocean going, as the oceans are not traumatized in the same manner that land life is. In fact, due to the increased carbon

dioxide in the air after a pole shift, the kelp and other plant life in the ocean thrives, creating a life cycle reaction that

benefits ocean life. As man, the great plunderer, has essentially disappeared, species that had almost gone extinct will

be on the rebound.

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ZetaTalk: How to Prepare

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ZetaTalk: How to Prepare

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

Regarding how mankind can prepare themselves. Small cooperative groups, operating in Service-to- Others, where the

concerns of all are the concerns of each, will have the best chances. Most important is a cooperative attitude among the

group, with a willingness to undertake distasteful tasks, a desire to share among all what little there may be, and a

positive attitude toward the future.

Sunlight may be Scarce, so crops grown under artificial light will be most abundant. Rivers and seas may be poisoned,

what with the volcanic dust falling everywhere, so fish tanks fed from algae grown in human sewage will likewise be

most abundant. Certain crops fair better and go further than others. Good cooks, skilled at making the plain fare tasty,

will be much appreciated. A natural way of life reminiscent of life during the last century.

It is no small matter to have music, poetry, and art. This fills the heart of the musician, poet, or artist as much as the

recipient. There will be much need for such distraction, as the days will be dim, and the nights dark and long. But do

plan to educate your young. Save Educational Material. There is no reason that technology should stop, just because

the infrastructure of human society has been torn asunder. Technology is in the minds and documentation that all

humans can access, and rescue.

Do that.

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ZetaTalk: First Steps

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ZetaTalk: First Steps

Note: written during the March 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Taking the ZetaTalk message increasingly seriously, many are doing critical thinking about their personal preparations.

Planning for a safe passage through the pole shift and a reasonable expectation of life in the Aftertime, requires a

many pronged approach.

First, the individual often feels they must balance their pole shift plans with their current lifestyle and position in

society. The double life dilemma that contactees and secret agents must live. They want to protect their jobs and

marital relationships, fulfill their duties and not lose ground in the game of life. So in any plans they make, they are, in

early 2002, cutting their pole shift plans close, wanting to do the minimum necessary.

Second, since ZetaTalk is voluminous and for the newcomer requiring hours of work to plow through, it is not clear

just what should be a concern and in what time frame. The pole shift is described in ZetaTalk and Troubled Times in

past geology terms, in various prophecies which speak in analogies, in the mechanics of a pole shift, and as life

afterwards. Ideally, this should all be taken in steps, with the past examined, prophecy read with an open heart so as

not to take each word literally, then the mechanics of the shift itself digested, and emotional adjustment to what life

afterwards would become. At this point, the person is ready to make personal plans.

Third, once emotionally prepared to go through the shift and have a diminished lifestyle afterwards, the individual is

ready to make solid and practical plans. The first consideration should be survival of the shift itself, and this requires

distancing oneself from coastlines or fault lines or volcanoes, and protecting oneself from the high winds and potential

firestorms. The Safe Locations document which our emissary Nancy has prepared for readers assist in determining

whether ones location is safe for survival, or relatively safe, and what dangers would need to be guarded against. Life

afterwards is a more murky issue, which comes after resolution of safety during the shift itself. At this time, in early

2002 and perhaps up until the shift itself, the newcomer wants to know just what to do when, to survive.

Our advice, which is a repeat of information that can be found in the body of ZetaTalk, is as follows:

1. To the degree that one is able, take yourself to a relatively safe place at least by the time the rotation of the Earth

occurs. The timing of this will not take you by surprise, as the inbound planet will be seen in the sky, unaided by

telescope, for 7 weeks prior to the shift. The day of rotation stoppage is also not a surprise, as clocks and watches

will be increasingly poky, and rotation takes a day to stop. Even if in the wrong place at that time, in that most of

the population will be in shock but functioning, one could most likely travel on roads or even rails. Get going to

your safe location, if not there already.

2. During the week of rotation stoppage, preparations not already made for the hour of the shift can be addressed,

with rehearsals. On the long-day side of the Earth, it will seems like the worst mid-summer days, and on the long-

night, colder than expected and one must deal with the dark, so anticipate these situations, depending upon where

your location is. High winds are avoided by being at ground level, in a trench or under an overhang, or the like.

Downpour, deluges, and flooding might occur, depending upon your location, so wherever you are riding out the

shift should not be where you will be flooded or drown. Existing structures are best avoided, so do not plan on

being in or under any existing structure. The least structure around you, the better, during quakes. Plan on being

prone, not upright, so roll along the ground rather than being dashed.

3. Having established what you will do when the hour arrives, the next issue is to watch for the hour. Assign, among

your group, at least one individual at all times to watch the skies and for signs. The tail of the passing planet will

curve toward the earth, due to gravity attraction, so some red dusting will occur almost as soon as rotation

stoppage occurs. But when approaching the hour of the shift, the tail lashing will get extreme, with not only red

dust but gravel and hail falling. This is a sign that the shift is very close, within hours, and all should seek shelter[2/5/2012 9:55:48 AM]

ZetaTalk: First Steps

under the sod or metal roofs they have constructed over trenches, or under overhangs. It is not necessary for all to

be prone, for hours, if watching the skies is ongoing and by competent individuals. Children, in particular, should

be allowed to release their energy in play, but keep them close and within voice call. The separating of the crust

from the core is unmistakable, in that jiggling can be felt, and the stars or the Sun or whatever visible in the sky

will move. It is at this point that preparations for the shift itself should be made.

4. Lie down, keeping children firmly in hand so they cannot panic and run out into the wind or lashing tail. Singing

loudly in a group sing or some other engrossing activity will help in this regard, and keep the adults from panic

also. Jolting and cracking of nearby trees will be felt and heard, and all should be ignored if the site has been well

selected. At the end of the hour, it will be apparent that it is safe to emerge, as jolting will have stopped. A test can

be done against the sky. Have the stars or the Sun stopped moving? Then the shift is past.

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ZetaTalk: What Mindset

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ZetaTalk: What Mindset

Note: written on Nov 15, 2001

Humans hearing dread warnings tend to think in terms of escape routes and stocking up and hunkering down. The

cataclysmic situations they encounter include tornadoes (hunker down), hurricanes (escape and stock up), droughts or

shortages (stock up). The pole shift will present survivors with long term needs, not anticipated.

We advise thinking about Third World conditions and adaptations, or live 100 years ago for those living in

highly industrialized nations. This give the picture of continuing struggle. You don't plant seed to grow for this

season, you save 10% for seed stock next year. You don't eat your livestock altogether, when hungry, you save

your best pairs and breed for the future, going hungry now if need be! You think of the minimum that you will

need, not the optimal and how to arrange for it. When you've got the minimum, start adding to that, but only

when the minimum is addressed. This is where humans fail the most in planning for the shift, and life

afterwards. They think of their life now, and come down from that. They should start with life with nothing, but

bugs and sucking dirty water up from the ground with their hands. No clothes. No heat. Nothing. Then add what

is needed most, and first. Heat, shelter, then food, bugs if need be or weeds, then how to clean your food so you

can stop that tummy ache and constant pooping, then how to grow or gather food more effectively. Start from

that, adding what is needed to clean water and eat food nature will provide, live bugs aplenty, and go from there,

and you will have a better plan.

Humans wishing to survive the starvation and disease that will be rampant after the shift should consider first

their general state of health. Those who are in good health, exercise and have most importantly a good attitude,

will be in the best position to survive. As many doctors and caretakers will report, the will to live is prime for

survival. Patients expected not to see the morrow live and recover, while those without serious injury or disease

succumb! It is time for the populace planning to survive to lift their eyes to the future, past the shift, to the years

afterwards. This is not without hope, not without excitement, and seeing beyond a travail helps to survive it.

Eating well, of natural foods that you will perforce be required to consume in the Aftertime, will acclimate your

body to what is to come. Being in good shape, with exercise, will prevent fatigue from becoming a


Becoming overweight to store food is counter productive if the general health is adversely affected. The body

has capabilities most in civilized countries do not realize, as during starvation use of nutrients is altered

accordingly. The body becomes weak, energy lagging, but the ability to survive a long spell is increased. An

attitude of hope, expectation that things will get better, and a sense of excitement about what might be around

the corner will do more for survival than layers of fat. Consider that a plump person will run slowly, be easily

caught, and would be considered a good meal by some groups looking to cannibalize. Consider also that

overweight individuals would also be subject to being left behind by a group on the move, or to be a good meal

by hungry dog packs or wolves. Can they carry their pack? Are they resented for the food they have gorged

themselves with before hand? There are many factors to be considered.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:55:48 AM]

ZetaTalk: Most Terrible Day

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ZetaTalk: Most Terrible Day

Note: written on Jul 15, 1996.

The day of a significant pole shift, such as will occur on this next passage of the 12th Planet, is one no human on Earth

will be able to ignore. For most, it will be a most terrible day.

Those who have had no forewarning will be no worse off then those who have heard rumors but been unable to

make changes in their life to prepare. In fact, having no forewarning will almost be a blessing for those unable to

prepare, as in this way they will not agonize over choices made. Those who have prepared will be in a state of

high anxiety, imagining the worst. Regardless of whether a human realizes what is about to happen but has been

unable to take themselves to safety, or has no realization, the effect is the same. They wait for what is to come

next. As we have described, this waiting can take the form of distractions such as parties or denial such as

continuing with the daily routine as though everything were normal, but for most this waiting is a type of breath

holding. They are in shock, from the time they realize that the Earth has stopped rotating until the pole shift, they

are essentially in shock, for days.

For those along coast lines, the hour when the Earth's crust moves along with the core to its new position is not

the time of trauma until the Earth's core and crust stop. It is then that massive tidal waves roll slowly up into the

coastal areas, first on one side of a body of water and then, later when the water sloshes back, on the other side.

Both tides are equally as devastating. Being on high ground along a coast line is no safety factor if the water has

nowhere to go, as the press of water behind the wave head will force the water up when meeting a barrier, so

one is flooded anyway. Riding the wave results in being dashed against barriers, and allowing the wave to engulf

one is a certain drowning, fortunately a painless death. Thus, those along the coast lines die from tidal waves,

almost invariably, if they are not dead already.

For those inland beyond the reach of tidal waves, the earthquakes are devastating. All but the flimsiest of

housing is wrenched so violently that it collapses, crushing and trapping those inside. Those inside tents or straw

huts will find themselves, along with their housing, jerked sideways, but aside from scrapes and bruises,

relatively unharmed. Lying on the ground during this time is in and of itself a protection, as friction along the

ground prevents one from being hurled. In the cities, structures collapse, creating the scenario seen after major

earthquakes in the extreme, everywhere. The injured die from lack of treatment and the living soon sicken from

drinking sewage contaminated water, and with transportation blocked on all sides, starvation soon takes its toll

also.[2/5/2012 9:55:49 AM]

ZetaTalk: Most Terrible Day

Those living on subducting plates that border the oceans will find themselves covered with a depth of ocean

water that they cannot resist. They will surely drown. Those situated where rapid subduction occurs on areas

above sea level may themselves on hot earth during the moments following a pole shift when the crust stops

moving and the plates in essence slam into each other like a train whose engine suddenly comes to a stop. Here

height helps, as the greater the distance from where friction between the crusts is creating heat, the better. The

heat can be great enough to melt rock, as witnesses who have survived such terrifying sights attest. Volcanoes,

active and inactive, will explode violently, covering the surrounding areas in raining rock and dust and

superheating the air so that all life nearby is extinguished in a wink.

Lightning and firestorms from falling walls of flaming petrochemicals, formed during the interaction of gasses

with volcanic heat and continuous lightning, cannot be predicted. They can happen world wide, and as with the

hurricane force winds are a factor of the atmosphere, not the land mass. Where they are rare, these firestorms are

devastating, and burn all beneath the falling wall of flame in a holocaust. The horrified victims have little chance

to even realize what is happening before they are engulfed and lose consciousness from lack of oxygen. As with

spontaneous human combustion, the victim is unconscious during the burning process. Protection from this rare

chance of devastation is best attained by sheltering under a metal roof, which will not burn.

In rural areas survivors find themselves dealing less with the collapse of civilization than with climate changes.

At first, stores are eaten until gone, and then real concern about the inability to grow crops sets in. Will the Sun

never shine through the clouds? More than any other reason, this is what causes pole shift survivors to wander -

they are seeking a land where the sun shines as it used to, sure that they are simply on the wrong side of the

Earth for some reason. Starvation soon has survivors eating everything in sight, chewing on old leather, eating

the branches of dead trees, but still the gnawing hunger continues. Death by starvation is also relatively painless,

as a stupor sets in. The mind is dulled and languor envelopes the human, who is essentially asleep when death


All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:55:49 AM]

ZetaTalk: Last Weeks Countdown

ZetaTalk: Last Weeks Countdown

written August 14, 2010

9 day Severe Wobble

4.5 days static Lean to the Left

2.5 days progression toward 3 Days of Darkness.

3 Days of Darkness

6 days of Sunrise West

18 day of Slowing Rotation

6 (5.9) days of Rotation Stoppage

What starts the process of the last weeks, with all their extreme gyrations, is a threshold being crossed. The dithering

we have been describing - where Planet X, the Earth and the other planets caught in the cup (Dark Twin and Venus)

are all bouncing around, reacting to movement in another, to crowding of magnetons or other particles - reaches an

explosive point. During this time Planet X moves to the right as far as possible, to evade the ever increasing particle

crowding, but is still outbound, steadily. Thus, visibility is enhanced, and Second Sun sightings are common. This is

the start of the 7.3 week period we described, where it would be unmistakably visible to all on Earth. Venus escapes

the cup. The Dark Twin escapes the cup. And the dance of many becomes a deadlock grip by Planet X on the Earth. It

is no longer an issue of the Earth wobble or temporary leans to the left of into opposition sufficing. This is twitching

about, compared to the last weeks. If the years and months of the Earth wobble were the wrestlers positioning

themselves at the edge of the mat, then the last weeks are full contact, and neither can let go of the other. In this, of

course, Planet X wins.

When Venus and the Dark Twin escape from the cup, the particle crowding is suddenly eased, allowing Planet X to

come forward toward the Earth. The Earth's first evasion is to tilt her N Pole away from the oncoming Planet X to such

a degree, and so violently, that she leans all the way over to the left and then rebounds as a reaction all the way to the

right. This is the severe wobble, for a length of 9 days, as a recent crop circle has depicted. Finally, the rebound is

repressed, for a lingering lean to the left of 4.5 days or so. Then a progression where the N Pole of Earth is pushed

away from the Sun and the approaching Planet X, until the point where 3 days of darkness is unmistakable. This

progression is another 2-3 days in time. Then the 3 days of darkness and the 6 days of sunrise west, which is a

momentum and turnaround for the swing into the 3 days of darkness.

Then the Earth rights herself, side by side with Planet X, and begins her rotation slowdown. It is during this time that

the Earth is drawn toward Planet X, so that Planet X quickly increases in size in the skies and is the writhing monster

of legend. Slowing rotation is not a linear matter, but exponential as the Earth is pulled closer to Planet X. The Earth

moans, groans, and complains as the core pulls at the crust but the crust is gripped, increasingly, and held by Planet X.

The slowing is a lurching matter too, as when the Atlantic Rift is exposed, the grip slows the rotation, but when

hidden, rotation tries to return. All this causes earthquakes and stretch zone accidents. Emergency management teams

are beyond exhaustion, government services are in disarray, and travel has become almost impossible.

The last weeks include, counting

During the last weeks, the Earth changes

backwards, a week of rotation stoppage,

from being in an end-to-end alignment

some weeks of rotation slowing, 6 days of with Planet X to being in a side-by-side

sunrise west, 3 days of darkness, a lean

alignment. It is during the end-to-end

to the left, and a severe wobble.

alignment, when Planet X is pointing its

ZetaTalk: January 12, 2008

N Pole directly at the Earth, that the lean

to the left and 3 days of darkness occur.

We have previously stated that the Planet But as Planet X continues in its

X complex would be seen in the skies,

retrograde orbit, its N Pole is no longer

undeniably, 7 weeks before the shift.

coming from the right, but is located to

Nancy has computed the whole sequence the left of the Earth, and the Earth[2/5/2012 9:55:50 AM]

ZetaTalk: Last Weeks Countdown

to be approximately 7 weeks, and this is

adjusts by slinging its N Pole to the right.

accurate enough.

Thus, during the 6 days of sunrise west,

ZetaTalk: March 22, 2008

the Earth still has its N Pole tipped away

from the Sun and the approaching Planet

We have stated that Planet X will be

X, but rather than a lean to the left, it has

visible to all some 7.3 weeks before

a lean to the right.


ZetaTalk: February 20, 2010

It is at this point that the Earth switches

from being in an end-to-end alignment to

We have not put a time period, a day or

being in a side-by-side alignment with

week length, to this severe wobble but

Planet X. When Planet X is just at the

here you are given it - 9 days.

Ecliptic, it stands upright in alignment

ZetaTalk: July 31, 2010

with the Sun. As it switches from pointing

its N Pole at Earth the Earth follows suit.

ZetaTalk: September 12, 2009[2/5/2012 9:55:50 AM]

ZetaTalk: Last Weeks Countdown

Source:[2/5/2012 9:55:50 AM]

ZetaTalk: How to Identify

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ZetaTalk: How to Identify

Note: written during the May 10, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

ZetaTalk is a vast web site, and though well organized due to time constraints those recently learning of the coming

changes are desperate to get a short list of what to expect and what to do. In the week or so leading up to rotation

stoppage, what can be expected is a continuation of today, extreme weather, quakes in bursts globally, and a gradual

slowing of rotation such that clocks never seem to be synched up anymore. Then the day or days before rotation

stoppage will increase this slowdown such that minutes, then hours, then a total stop will occur. In other words, you

will have but two days notice, and the first of those days doubtful as it will involve minutes, not seconds, and clocks

being off already this will be a confused point. It is the day when the Sun sets hours later than expected that should be

the trumpet in the skies, the flashing red light, the announcement you have been waiting for that now is the moment to

drop all and rush to your safe location.

Up until rotation stops, the crust of the Earth is under stress but dealing with it as before, with increased quakes and

weird weather and melting poles, but only a slight increase day to day in these matters. When rotation stops, the core

is trying to turn, the crust locked in place by the approaching Planet X grip on the strong magnetized Atlantic Rift, and

dramatic changes occur. The Earth moans, and the stretch along the Atlantic will snap bridges, tear electric and phone

lines, and derail trains. This is where imploding buildings will occur, as the underlying infrastructure will move,

collapsing the buildings overhead. In areas of compression, where mountain building is occurring or along the Pacific

Rim, volcanic activity will greatly increase. A stopped rotation will affect the atmosphere, in that wind current will be

more extreme, moving cold air primarily to warm places, which can result in more tornado activity in those areas

affected. Likewise, ocean currents will move differently, cold water rushing more rapidly to those warm areas, and

swirling. This will create more hurricane or typhoon type activity in those areas affected.

Given all this, the populace will be greatly distracted, and might miss the next sign to watch for, which is the

dusting with red dust that turns rivers and lakes blood red and bitter. This dusting is followed by hail, and

stronger quakes as at this point the shift is only days or hours away.

For those not able to see the sky, to gauge motion of the crust during the hour of the shift by a movement of the

Sun or Moon or stars, they should at this point be in their trenches, virtually living there. Obviously, as the shift

takes place over an hour, and it is the stop of the crust slide where the huge quakes occur, one can leave to

relieve themselves or stretch, but certainly sleeping should be done in the trenches.

At the start of the shift, there is a strong clue that crust shift has started, and this is the uptick in wind. As the

crust moves, the atmosphere resists, and this causes hurricane force winds globally. Where the wind was stronger

than usual during rotation stoppage, this will be unique in that it will come from the direction the crust is

moving. For North America, for instance, the crust will be moving NW, and the hurricane winds comes from

that direction. To those confused about direction, take a globe, take our Scripted Drama steps so nicely

diagrammed and linked from the Pole Shift section of ZetaTalk, and rotate the globe accordingly.

There will also be a jiggling in the Earth, a sense of motion, jerking, that will be consistent with crust movement

during this hour of the shift.

The hurricane force winds persist for an hour or more after the shift, as the atmosphere adjusts. Except as a caution to

watch for falling structures around you, broken glass, fearful animals that might attack if they feel they are blocked,

there is no reason not to emerge from your trenches. It is over, and picking up the pieces and comforting the injured

and devastated can start.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:55:50 AM]

ZetaTalk: Safety Measures

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ZetaTalk: Safety Measures

Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

The cataclysms present those who would survive with several challenges. Hailstones, firestorms with brief period of

oxygen depletion, earthquakes of a magnitude mankind has never experienced, rapid mountain building, spewing

volcanoes, winds of hurricane force, and tidal waves high enough to sweep over tall buildings. What to do?

Tidal Waves

As the exact position of the Earth when it stops rotation cannot be calculated, just which shore will

experience the worst tidal waves cannot be predicted. This is more severe on the dark side of the

Earth, as the waters are gripped by the passing comet on the side facing the Sun, and thus are not as

free to flow. Practically speaking, to take no chances, one should calculate to a height of 200 feet

and be at least 100 miles away from any shore.


Clearly safety involves removing oneself from active or even relatively active volcanoes.

Volcanoes, new and old, will present those living nearby with sudden activity during the cataclysms,

with little warning. The plates are thicker than man presumes, but the thickness become slush, semi-

molten lava which is more attached to the plates than the core. For mankind, which lives atop the

plates, the issue is where the breaks are. Those plates that form the continents are composed of

lighter material than the plates deep under the seas. It is no coincidence that they float higher or

lower. It is not the weight of water that pushes the plates under the ocean down, as they must have

been down in the first place for the water to have settled there. The semi-molten lava under the

plates gives way to heavy objects floating on its sea, just as objects floating on water sink more

deeply than lighter objects which buoy to the surface. For man, in addition to being positioned on

light plates, being in the center of large land plates is a safety factor. For man, staying away from

the edges of plates where very molten lava can seep and explode, during pressure of plate

movement, is a significant safety factor.

Mountain Building

Remove yourselves from areas where mountain building is likely to occur. Flat plains or plateaus

are safest. In this, geological analysis of plates should be your guide. Don't be above a subducting

plate, as even if you are riding on top, the ground beneath you may be heated white hot, from



The earthquakes will essentially level all cities, and of course railways, landing strips, and highways

and bridges will be unusable. Don't figure on any power or water systems to be functional, and the

telephones will surely be permanently dead. Practically speaking, one should shield any mechanical

or electrical devices one hopes to use after the cataclysms with extensive padding such as rubber

mats. Wrap everything as though it were going to be dropped from a height of 500 feet. Test this,

and see if your device survives. If not, then sturdier devices may be required. Independent power

sources, such as windmills, need to be secured. Batteries may be handy, but won't last long and will

not be replaceable. Your mechanical and electrical structures will suffer damage from violent

earthquakes more than your flesh and bones. You may bruise and break, but you heal. Your

electrical device will stay broken. When the earthquakes are expected, lie flat. In this way you will

skid and slide a few feet. Standing, or positioned at a height, you will be dashed. And by all means,

do not be under a structure that will fall upon and crush you.[2/5/2012 9:55:51 AM]

ZetaTalk: Safety Measures

Hailstone and Firestorms

Metal roofs will deflect the firestorms and hailstones also, if sufficiently thick. The thickness of a

protective metal plate is not as important as simply being metal, not bursting into flame. Thin metal

can bend and crumble under pressure, where thick metal might shear or snap, having less flexibility.

Where the metal is deemed to be protection from falling ash and rocks from exploding volcanoes,

the thicker the better. For large meteors, which are few, there is no safety measure to be taken. Trust

to luck, there. If the shelter you are in is not open to the outside, temporary depletion of oxygen will

not affect you.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:55:51 AM]

ZetaTalk: Prepare for Death

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ZetaTalk: Prepare for Death

Note: written on Feb 15, 2000.

Many concerned humans ask what they should tell those in India, who will find their tropical land sinking under water

and becoming a new pole. We would tell them to prepare for death. The people of India do this well, as they live under

very trying and harrowing circumstances. Starvation is rampant, affecting over half the populace in some regard where

they are shriveled or retarded or watch their children die. Medical treatment is also very poor and diseases run

rampant, and they likewise have droughts, crop shortages, and the horrendous cyclones that affect Bangladesh.

Historically, and by their religious beliefs, they are very accepting and fatalistic.

There is very little that can be expected. Should a mass of the people try to migrate north, this would be resisted. They

would simply die, freezing to death in the mountains. If they tried to get in boats and sail to other lands, they would

likewise find resistance. Of course, those scenes are playing out today - it’s called immigration and it’s very tightly

controlled because so many people try to leave a crowded land and go elsewhere where opportunity is better. We have

no advice for humans who are living in such human cultures, as this is not likely to change going into the pole shift.

We would advise the people of India, caught in these circumstances, to prepare to die peacefully. Be with the ones they

love. Have less panic and more acceptance. Drowning is fortunately a painless death, and relatively quick.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:55:52 AM]

ZetaTalk: Earthquakes

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ZetaTalk: Earthquakes

Note: written on Dec 15, 1997.

Earthquakes during the pole shift occur when plates are on the move, the jolts felt when the plate moves, and shortly

thereafter when the surrounding plates adjust to the new tension. Aftershocks are such adjustments, and are always

minuscule compared to the major plate movement. During the pole shift all plates on earth on the move, and the jolt

occurs at the sudden stop when the crust stops moving. This is when the Richter 9 equivalent earthquakes, which we

have termed Richter 15 as the scope is far larger than Richter 9, will be felt worldwide.

The earthquakes following the pole shift will be no more wrenching than earthquakes due to plates adjustments under

normal circumstances. The moving plates, suddenly slamming into each other as they start to slow down, will create a

domino effect not unlike a multiple car crash. One plate slams into another as the first plates slows down, creating a

domino effect that rapidly ricochets around the world, within minutes. There is no delay in this motion, as each plate is

solid and what affect one edge affects the far edge, when the entire plate is in motion. Thus, the earthquakes come all

at once, and rapidly settle down to an adjustment phase, within minutes.

Due to the immensity of the adjustment, with many plates in barely tenable positions, there will be many aftershocks,

most occurring within the first few weeks. These will range from Richter 8 on down, but in no case will be as great as

the initial shock during the pole shift. They will rapidly diminish, reduced to annoying tremors after a few weeks.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:55:52 AM]

ZetaTalk: Volcanoes

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ZetaTalk: Volcanoes

Note: written on Feb 15, 2000.

Of course all volcanoes will explode, as this is going to be a very severe pole shift. What about the months and years

preceding the pole shift? It is no secret that Mammoth Lake and the caldera of Yellowstone are warming up, and the

populace has been prepared for these occurrences by the movie Volcano where there, in the middle of LA, lava is

bubbling up. In fact, there is a fault line running from the approximate San Diego/LA area, up into the Sierras, and this

is liable to rupture rather violently during one of the quakes that precedes the pole shift by some months. Volcanic

eruptions from that area in the Sierras can be expected. Will Mount St. Helen erupt? All volcanoes that have been

active within the memory of man will begin spewing and burping and oozing, and many that were not expected to

become active will reactive. How long will it take the volcanoes to settle down? 100 years, but in a reducing ratio, over

this time. By the end of 100 years, their activity will seem as today. Nevertheless, for those downwind, this post shift

burping is virtually a death sentence!

Note: below added during the November 9, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Earthquakes and volcanoes share, and also do not share, causes. Common causes of quakes and eruptions are pressures

upon plates to move, which causes, in addition to the plate scrapping and crunching along the edges, lava surges.

Volcanoes erupt because the lava just beneath the volcano is trapped, under pressure, and the point of least resistance

is an opening. Where volcanoes perpetually ooze, this is such a pressure situation, without abrupt pressure changes. In

Hawaii, where volcanoes perpetually ooze, there are layers of rock, more plates overlapping, than mankind assumes.

These plates are being pushed up, but other Pacific plates subducting under Hawaii, so the lava has many places to go

other than up. It can move sideways, and the oozing is only one outlet, so no eruptions. Where a volcano is associated

with plate crunching, such as Popo in Mexico, eruptions occur and are closely associated with quakes. Here the

eruption does not settle down until the trapped lava, under pressure, has the pressure reduced. During the shift, when

all volcanoes both active and inactive will erupt or ooze dramatically, there is more than plate movement and pressure

involved. The core of the Earth is roiling then, in motion and continuing in motion even after the crust has stopped.

Thus, volcanoes have pressure not only from trapped lava, they have it from lava surges from the core itself.

Note: below added during the November 16, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

We have stated that all volcanoes active within the last 10,000 years can be considered candidates to blow, or ooze

during the shift. During every pole shift, there are places on Earth where the earth is stretched, like the Atlantic, such

that mountain ranges such as the Appalachians have not experienced mountain building and scarcely any rock

outcropping are bare. Places like the Himalayas are subducting, so that rock layers are being laid under one another,

and protection from the lava occurs. Hawaii, likewise, is expected to do better than one would think, because the

compression of the Pacific will layer rock strata and protect the oozing volcanoes from roiling lava. In New Zealand,

where that edge of the plate will tip up, it will be some protection from exploding volcanoes as the pressure will be

relieved. Likewise, where there is a stretch, as Iceland will experience, there will be continued oozing, but explosions

caused by lava under pressure unlikely to happen.

Inland cauldera, like Yellowstone, have their basis in pressure that has a long route to climb before heating the surface.

During the shift, the fact that they are and have been an outlet for pressure competes with what is occurring in the rock

strata. What comes first, for Yellowstone, will not be the rock strata thickening, as during the start of the shift the

Atlantic is stretched, the plates on the move, and the core roiling. Thus, there will be explosions, though not violent, of

lava, from volcanoes however active along the Sierras and Andes. The later part of the hour sees rock strata pushed

under the West Coast of the Americas, shutting off access of lava from those volcanoes, which should speed the easing

but not prevent the explosion in the first place. In areas under stretch in Europe and the Middle East, likewise, the[2/5/2012 9:55:53 AM]
