ZetaTalk: Transformation
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The Zetas talk about how the Earth is undergoing a Transformation now and how this was described in the Oahspe;
why the Transformation is referred to as the Harvest and how it relates to the Hindu Yugas; how many come to have
Foreknowledge of this, and why it is often Understated; how many on Earth have differing spiritual Growth Rates;
how Gradual Change is already evident and Mixed Groups will begin to Separate; why this causes Breakaway
Consternation or Sudden Philanthropy among the self-serving, who should be Avoided; how recent Expose's of elite practices such as Enron and Worldcom are reducing their Repressive Control and Colonialism, creating an elite
Bunker Mentality as Travel Restrictions are impossible; what the elite consider the Lesser Evil and the Clash of
Agendas among the elite who struggle with the Broken Link as their Dictatorships fail and Che Lives! and Leadership
Styles change; the Likely Outcome of the coverup and When Lies Fail and how the Zetas try to Facilitate Discussion; how Which Way the Earth is not a settled issue, as exemplified by the Chupacabras; whether Massing Troops will win the battle for the Soul of a Continent and how this relates to the recent Brazilian Roswell and Chupacabra Remnants;
how the Transformation is sometimes depicted in Science Fiction; why humans increasingly speak with The Dead as in the show Crossing Over and Take Sick as with the Asian Flu Epidemic or Emanation Illness or Morgellons, and
why the Death Rate will be high so some humans harbor a Death Wish; what role Bill Gates, The Internet, or the US
as a Melting Pot have in all of this; how early 2002 Imaging and doctored Star Charts and Converging Signs result in an Uneasy Public suspicous of a Vapid Media being turned to ZetaTalk and Troubled Times, who have Survived; how sociological 2002 Trends and a 2002 Quickening will occur at the 2003 Approach; how 2003 Debunking Failures and
Sighting Shock encourage Debate and Disclosure; and which way Russia, the Catholic Church and Border Conflicts
and End Game Postures will move during the Last Year.
The Zetas talk about how Organized Religions and the Wealthy Elite relying on a Paper Promise will react; how the establishment is trying to limit Economic Collapse and a Market Crash with NESCARA and by imposing a New
World Order and movement toward a World Government; how accidents such as TWA 800 and Swissair 111 are not accidents; how the Year 2000 crisis and the game Survivor and being Self Sufficient are related; who will end up in
High Tech communities, and their determining Characteristics and future form of Government; what to anticipate in the Next 3 1/2 Years as the millennium approaches or During 2,000 or During 2001 or During 2002 or During 2003
when offers of Safe Havens and Individual Preparations and Personal Decisions will be made; what the Best Case,
Worst Case, and Likely Reality are and what will occur Until the Last Days; why Rescue Expectations and Twisted
Logic prevail; why farmers are given Contradictory messages and when the Little Man should shed investments; how the Establishment Reaction has evolved and why a Nervous Establishment is resulting in More Honesty, forcing
Belated Admissions, and the Pope’s Appology from the church; how a Lack of Leadership from the Bush
Administration results in a search for Other Explanations than the given and is Discomfiting, as it is a type of Proof;
whether Changing Captains in the US will occur and how Sudden Death in the Clinton campaign will be arranged, the military more concerned with the Common Good and Greater Need during catalycsms, Not Politics, Bush becoming
The Scapegoat; whether the US will have a Walk-In President before the shift; what Explanations will be given by countries Around the Globe or under Repressive Regimes will do when the Reddish Cross is visible with an Alerted
Populace, if France Riots portent worldwide riots, and how Conflict Zones will react; and why ZetaTalk can become a
Banned Message, is certainly a Targeted Message with organized Campaigns, and is closely Monitored.
The Zetas talk about how contactees are sometimes given Future Visions to motivate them; what impact Pole Shift
Precursors and Rapid Change are having and whether Societal Disruption will occur; why there are 2 Camps regarding
the coming pole shift; how Contact Groups have a transformative effect on the group; how contactees often make Life
Changes but are just as often Unsure; why many contactees have Timed Release infomation about their Roles and may become Change Agents; why many will be Led by Children after the shift; how contactees discover they are in charge of their own Destiny and can Make a Difference; why contactee Coordination increasingly occurs; what kind of
Transformation Activities are occurring; how there are Incarnated Helpers or others In Attendance from other worlds; how people like Einstein and Buckminster Fuller tried to effect change; why Soul Mates increasingly seek to meet http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t00.htm[2/5/2012 11:12:40 AM]
ZetaTalk: Transformation
each other; why Sociopathic Gangs seem increasingly violent but New Age Trends are also on the increase and Thug
Control possible; and why for individuals the Transformation is not necessarily a Clean Slate. The Zetas talk about how Nancy was prepared for her Communications role and Why Nancy is the Zetan emissary; what ZetaTalk
Reactions are and why many Attack the Messenger, and how there are many ZetaTalk Enemies and IRC Attacks, especially due to 2003 Accuracy; the Source of ZetaTalk, why Nancy can Stumble, and why a Direct Line to the Zetas is not always possible, but Live ZetaTalk will likely continue after the shift for some, a Sudden Silence for most.
The Zetas talk about how mankind will change for the better After the Cataclysms; how there will be renewal of
Natural Resources and Great Opportunities; why the Green Movement is important for our future, though Ruined
Worlds can undergo a Cleanup; how what are considered Precious Possessions and the concept of Social Services will
by necessity change and the Barter system will rule; why Hoarding is not advised but Growing Food is; how Food
Riots might develop; how mankind will feel adrift and these changes will be reflected in Aftertime Religions; how Service-to-Others communities will have help in Aftertime Raids from the Service-to-Self oriented and Prison Gangs
and will even share Hybrid Homes; that technological marvels like a Perpetual Power Pack will appear; that many humans are becoming incarnated with spirits from Other Worlds; and that not all of this will be a shock as in spite of
Culture Differences there has been a Cultural Exchange going on for some time. The Zetas talk about whether the
Meaning of Life will always be a mystery; whether the story of the Transformation has been buried in Misinterpreted
Messages; so that many don't know Who to Believe; why many resist due to their Belief Systems; whether it is myth or truth that a Judgment Day is coming or whether this will involve a Second Coming or an Ascension, what the Zetas refer to as The Lift; why there won't be Future Pole Shifts; and whether the Transformation is on a time table with
Scheduled Events or a special Blue Star is approaching.
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ZetaTalk: Transformation
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ZetaTalk: Transformation
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
What is the Transformation? The Earth is undergoing a subtle transformation, as the Transformation is now. This
Transformation has been progressing for at least this century, and will go for at least a century more. Transformations
occur for many reasons. One reason is that the great majority of the entities native to the planet have reached an
orientation decision, and are ready to proceed with other lessons, and 3rd Density planets are checked periodically as
to their readiness for harvest in this regard. Another reason is administrative, and that is why the Earth is undergoing
its Transformation now. The majority of those on Earth have not yet reached their orientation decision, but will be
moved to another planet, as the Earth has been designated as a future home for Service-to-Other oriented entities. The
coming pole shift will expedite this process simply by the fact that 90% of the populace will die, either during the shift
or shortly thereafter.
To qualify for Service-to-Other orientation, an entity must consider others as often as the self. To qualify for Service-
to-Self, the entity must focus on the self 95% of the time, almost exclusively. Where it may seem that these individuals
would stand out, some very diplomatic and cultured people are of this category. They are able to disguise their self
interest in condescension to others. They are able to disguise their self interest as the interests of the other. During 3rd
Density, entities must decide their spiritual orientations - Service-to-Self or Service-to-Others. Most, the vast majority,
decide the latter on almost all 3rd Density worlds. This decision, or the lesson of 3rd Density as it is called, needs to
precede almost all other lessons, as mixing the two spiritual orientations together creates chaos and thus other lessons
cannot proceed. Many humans on Earth are choosing the Service-to-Other orientation, and mid-incarnation are thus
joining the ranks of the Service-to-Others. This occurred in the past as well.
The world involves an increasing separation, by orientation, as the Transformation proceeds. The mix of Service-to-
Other and Service-to-Self, and the proportion of undecided, will not change much as the cataclysms near and times get
tough. Where some of the undecided will rise to the challenge and move into the Service-to-Others category, there will
be others, operating in the Service-to-Other mode when things are comfortable, who will find their self focus
increasing as their insecurities increase. Some, a very few, who are operating in the Service-to-Self mode, will find the
troubled times pulling at their hearts, and will move back into the undecided category. A greater number will find their
selfish nature accentuating during difficult times, and like those on the Titanic, will push all others aside to save
themselves. They will move into the Service-to-Self category. So you see that the numbers will move about a bit, but
essentially remain unchanged.
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ZetaTalk: Oahspe
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ZetaTalk: Oahspe
Note: written Apr 15, 1997.
The Oahspe is a book read by few but with staunch devotees, as it speaks to truths mostly unspoken by man. Written at a time and in a place where Christianity was the only dogma allowed, the Oahspe could only have come from the mind
of the man and by the hand of the man who wrote it. Thus it is clear to those who encounter it that it is channeled
work. The battle between what mankind calls good and evil, the existence of many types of spirits with different
motivations such as ghosts or demons or angels, and reincarnation are not new topics to mankind, as they are
addressed in one form or another by the major religions. But the Oahspe addresses such subjects as
immature spirits,
spirits so poorly formed that they fail to prosper
the fluidity that incarnations can experience when there are more disincarnate spirits than bodies to
accommodate them,
the rapture that some spirits find in corporeal pleasures.
reincarnation with a mission to right wrongs done during previous incarnations
administrative oversight of developing worlds by spirits in higher planes
the approaching transformation of the Earth and the interest in this among gathering spirits from many other
the use of the periodic passages of what the Oahspe calls the Red Star to create change on Earth
the mentoring of democracy in the world in keeping with its approaching transformation
Those who would delve into the rich wealth of insight the Oahspe provides should bear in mind that it was written at a
time when all books intended to be serious works spoke in the Biblical style. The reader should not be put off by the
use of new terms for spirits in different stages of maturity or with different orientations or allegiances. Many of these
new terms have a parallel term, and these parallels are useful in helping the new reader relate. Read with an open
mind, letting what is being relayed sink in. As the reading progresses the reader will get a sense of what those who
were speaking through the author, a simple man who practiced dentistry in the last century, hoped to relay. As with the
Book of Ra, it can be difficult to understand, and is subject to many interpretations. The best advice we can give no
this matter is to read with your heart as well as your mind. Follow the flow, let the nuances lie unanswered and
unchallenged in your mind. Treat this as a garden you are walking through for the first time, and experience it fully
without trying to categorize it! Much of what you will learn will be processed in your subconscious, and influence
your conscious mind later. If you must dissect each phrase, and correlate it with each piece of information taken from
another source, you will trash much of what you could otherwise gain. Live in the gray, not always insisting on black
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and white and strict compartmentalizations.
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ZetaTalk: Harvest
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ZetaTalk: Harvest
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
The Transformation is sometimes referred to as the Harvest. On your Planet Earth, because of the geological changes
that periodically happen, the Transformation to 4th Density has been planned to coincide with these geological
changes. The reason is simple, though some may view it in horror. During the coming geological changes the vast
majority of your Earth’s populace will perish, suddenly. Those who survive will find a world without food or shelter
from the elements. Medical treatment will be scarce, and hygiene the least of anyone’s thoughts. Consequently, even
after the cataclysms, the die-off will be huge.
Reincarnation will not be affected by the pole shift any more than normal life cycles. Humans died young in the past.
In the days of the cave man life was far shorter, so this is common to your species. There will be much death, and this
has horrified many people, but at the present time the majority of humans on Earth, in fact four-fifths or more, do not
have reincarnated souls but can spark new souls. This has happened because of the population explosion.
Reincarnation on new worlds does not happen because of every intelligent life that harbors the possibility of this. We
call these aborted souls. This is not any decision on the part of an administrative force, it just simply happens. Nothing
sparked a soul. Nothing sparks a soul in a parakeet or a dog. If there is an indolent life, or one without challenge,
frequently the soul dissipates upon death rather than remaining to reincarnate and grow and increase in mass.
Therefore the pole shift will result in quite a number of souls suddenly looking for reincarnation, but because this is a
Transformation time they will be gathered, if they have not made their orientation decision to be Service-to-Self or
Service-to-Other, and whisked off to a water world to be reincarnated into a type of octopus and carry on their
lessons. Those who are Service-to-Other will reincarnate into more intelligent hominoids on Earth, and those who are
Service-to-Self and have firmly decided this will be sent off to various worlds, at times in human form, for what we
would term a very unpleasant life among others of their own kind.
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ZetaTalk: Hindu Yugas
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ZetaTalk: Hindu Yugas
Note: written Jul 15, 1996.
Where the current Earth Transformation will encompass the entire population and even the physical density of the
majority of the Earth and its Sun, there have been partial harvests in the past. These harvests involved parsing out
mature entities to either the Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other orientation, while leaving the vast majority behind to
continue their orientation deliberations in their 3rd Density setting. These harvests occur in what could be termed
cyclical periods, predetermined time frames, due to the work load involved in doing the evaluation and arranging the
transfer. Individual harvests also occur, if the individual has given The Call on this matter and is ready for harvest. The
Hindus, in touch with matters spiritual, are aware of these periodic harvests just as they are cognizant of reincarnation
and lessons that span lifetimes.
As the majority of transfers in any harvest are entities who have determined to be in Service-to-Others, those
remaining behind are the worse off for their transfer. Thus, the Hindus see the Yugas as cycles leading to increasing
degradation. The balance is maintained, however, as the disruptive influence of those strongly in the Service-to-Self
has also been removed. After a harvest, things seem more placid all around, the clashes between entities attempting
domination and entities fighting for freedom leaving the scene temporarily. The Hindus are also confused about the
significance of events, mixing in the start of certain preparations for the Transformation, for instance, with the regular
activity of harvests. The Hindus had scant knowledge of the harvest dates, and scant understanding of the harvest cycle
outcome, ascribing an eventual destruction to those entities not having made their orientation determination at a certain
point in time. No such destruction of 3rd Density entities occurs, no matter how long they delay.
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ZetaTalk: Foreknowledge
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ZetaTalk: Foreknowledge
Note: written May 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Many people, when encountering information about the coming geological changes due to occur just after the
millennium, feel that the information strikes a resonance with them, is something they somehow knew about all along,
and due to this connection with their own internal knowledge these individuals begin to seriously prepare for the
changes. Such foreknowledge is due to one of three information pathways being in place.
The individual may be a contactee, and due to the frequent visitations that serious contactees receive, the subject
invariably comes up. Not all contactees have foreknowledge of the coming cataclysms, as this information is not
imparted due to our wishes, but because it fits into the context of The Call given. Say, for instance, that the
contactee is concerned about a child and the changing world this child will have to live in. This is a natural
context to discuss the coming cataclysms. If the contactee is concerned about an aging parent who will shortly
die, or the ethics of receiving a reward for something they were inclined to do anyway, the subject may not
come up. Thus a contactee may or may not have foreknowledge.
The individual may be perceptive regarding geology, inherently logical, and find the towering mountains and
separating continents not explained at all by conventional explanations. If they encounter information about
wandering poles and coal seams in the Antarctic and flash frozen mastodons with green grass in their stomachs
in the Arctic Circle, their unease increases. Thus the subconscious begins to put things together, and they have
arrived at a logical conclusion at odds with the explanation prated by scientists at Universities and published in
the news. They know something has been left out, and when they hear about the periodicy of the geological
changes, and the theories about the 12th Planet, it all falls into place. Thus inherently logical, independent
thinkers may arrive at foreknowledge on their own accord.
They have foreknowledge from birth, actually prior to birth, as due to discussions with the birthing envoys prior
to selection of their next incarnation the subject came up and they pressed for an incarnation wherein they would
have a significant role. Such incarnations allow alien visitor answering The Call to cut to the chase, as you say,
and discuss the issues right off. Such pre-birth knowledge going into an incarnation finds the human vaguely
aware that there is a role they have chosen that is out of sync with the routine flow they see about them. They
have had a sense of preparing, all their life, for something, but are not consciously aware of what the something
is. When they encounter others aware of the coming cataclysms, the overwhelming earth changes and concurrent
societal changes, they suddenly understand the mission.
Note: below added during the Dec 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Of the 4 billion souls not formerly incarnated, who may or may not spark during this lifetime on Earth, there have
hardly been pre-birth understanding of the shift. Of the billion who are reincarnating, almost none knew of the pending
shift, even if they have lived through them previously. The reason for this is simple: mankind is here, in 3rd Density, to
make his orientation decision, and this is best made when he is presented unexpectedly by situations. To be warned, to
have time to plan, to place himself in safe quarters and countries and situations, reduces these opportunities. Thus,
warnings, prebirth or otherwise, are not done, and avoided in fact.
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ZetaTalk: Understated
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ZetaTalk: Understated
Note: written during the Nov 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
The Transformation proceeds apace, but is understated for several reasons.
1. If the choices are made based upon orientation, then the focus is not on action, and true change, but on posturing.
How often have you heard someone say they are Service-to-Other, or have decided to become Service-to-Other.
This is not a conscious choice, but the characteristics are clear enough in write-ups, so posturing can occur. It is
deemed better to have the actions of the Transformation out of sight, below the horizon, so that humans can act
according to their true orientation.
2. Bait and switch is in plan to a great degree, among those who would foil the Service-to-Self in their gambits. If
they think they have won, a country, a city, a political group, then they relax and gloat. Behind the scenes, it is
otherwise. And likewise, there may be a false scuffle where no such battle reigns. This draws the Service-to-Self
in that direction, away from where the true battle is waged. Thus, what is on the surface, in the open for humans
to observe, is not indicative of the true state of affairs. Suffice it to say that the Transformation not only proceeds
apace, but is doing better than expected, here on planet Earth!
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ZetaTalk: Growth Rates
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ZetaTalk: Growth Rates
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Entities grow in different directions. Some move toward Service-to-Others, and quickly learn this is their orientation.
Others move steadily toward Service-to-Self, and desire the greater power that a higher density will grant them. They
beg to move forward. The entity being incarnated has little say in the matter, however. Were this otherwise the lessons
to be learned would be avoided.
Entities do not grow, spiritually, at the same rate. Some even grow backwards, losing ground. Some take full advantage
of the learning experiences offered to them by an incarnation, and others coast, avoiding unpleasant lessons and simply
enjoying the pleasant experiences the incarnation offers. Thus during any season of harvest, the harvesters discover that
there are entities who have not grown at all, entities who are not ready to emerge from the current density, and entities
who are ready to move forward. Many of the entities who are ready to move forward have, for some time, been ready.
They are ahead of their time.
There are paths by which entities who are ready to move forward can hasten their emergence from the density. This is,
essentially, a call to the administrative powers for a type of hearing. Those who are ready to emerge from their density
know, instinctively, how to call. Were they not to know how to call, they would, by definition, not be ready. However,
most in the Service-to-Others orientation do not desire to leave the density prematurely, as they are bound, in their
hearts, to help their density mates. They wish to help others to arrive at their conclusion. They wish to help others with
the struggle. They are self-sacrificing and devoted, and concentrate on the problems of others to the same extent they
concentrate on their own struggle.
Therefore, where the Service-to-Self emergents clamor to move forward, wanting the greater powers that await them
in a higher density, the Service-to-Others emergents most often remain. Thus at any harvest season we find these
entities, laboring among their benighted kindred, without complaint.
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ZetaTalk: Gradual Change
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ZetaTalk: Gradual Change
Note: written Nov 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
The word Transformation brings to mind in many sudden change, but as the Transformation is now it is obviously
happening gradually. What changes have already taken place, and what are the signs of change? Throughout history
there have been places and times noted for cruelty and repression - Inquisitions, the Dark Ages, Nazi death camps, and
recently Bosnia. Likewise there have been other places and times noted for the opposite - ancient Athens, the Bill of
Rights, socialized medicine, and Civil Rights. In this matters have been not black and white, but gray, for if a theme
was then dominant proponents of an alternate way of thinking were also hard at work. During the Dark Ages great
discoveries were made, and ancient Athens had its close-minded bullies.
During the Transformation to 4th Density, however, polarization occurs so that alternatives are not so much present as
elsewhere. Here we have open-minded exploration of ideas and democratic ideals, and there we have repression. At
first, this polarization and separation takes place family by family, then township by township, then spreading to larger
areas. Bosnia is an example. Those of kind heart wishing to live harmoniously with their neighbors were not only not
heard, they were driven out. Some areas of Argentina have never recovered from the Dirty Wars, and are not about to.
If one looks to Scandinavia, one finds legislated consideration, support of others, and public access to information of
all kinds. Those who do not find this climate to their liking leave to settle elsewhere. These trends toward separation
will continue, and acerbate, during the Transformation.
In step with spiritual change, physical change has taken place. The concepts espoused by the Green Movement, begun
in the Netherlands, are now espoused worldwide, and words and thoughts have been followed by action. Pollution
control and abatement, once the purview of minuscule government agencies, now hits the front pages regularly and
occupies the hearts and minds of researchers world wide. The results, evident only within the past few years, include
microbes that eat pollution, plants that cleanse the soil, and alternative natural products that don't pollute. Likewise,
some religious movements such as Islamic dictates have become more harsh and repressive, resulting in increased
restrictions on women. In racial relations advocates of separation have grown bolder and even managed to reverse
progress of late. If one takes note of the physical signs and follows them to their source, one can almost delineate the
boundaries of spiritual separation. Signs of transformative change!
Note: below added during the Dec 28, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Sessions.
Polarization in the main goes on undetected, with humans migrating to areas they sense will be more compatible with
their thinking. Humans join groups, decide what shops to shop in, take walks in this or that park, all based on
orientation, increasingly. Political groups, religious affiliations, all are affected by orientation leanings. Decisions as to
what groups to belong to, what locales to live in, what employer to work for, are made daily based on the sense the
human has that their chosen orientation fits in.
If a group plays ball, hard, with ridicule of those losing, and another plays ball for exercise, and ensures that all
attending get a fair physical workout, these are attended by humans with different leanings.
If a political party is elitist, cruel to those in need and giving increasing power to the strong and ruthless, this is
not a Service-to-Other oriented group.
If a church is so rule oriented that the elders cannot be challenged even when they rape children, and refuse to
be called to account, this is not a Service-to-Other oriented leadership.
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ZetaTalk: Gradual Change
At a certain point, during a polarization period, these trends are noticed, as they become extreme. This is the point
reached today, thus noticed. In the past, where the vast majority were undecided, only the occasional fully developed
Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other would be about to influence matters. Jesus, or Genghis Khan, so their influence
was obvious. During the Tranformation, where an influx of Service-to-Other Star Children, including Walk-ins that
increase their numbers dramatically without the birth or maturation of children being required for influence, those in
the Service-to-Self are threatened. The percentage of Service-to-Other on the Earth is tipping, and the Service-to-Self
among humans feel uncomfortable. They group more tightly, to be with their like kind. They seek more control, get
more shrill, dictate more rules, and restrict access to themselves. This is all to increase their comfort level, to return to
the comfort level they remember in prior times. This desire for control, to return to the good-ol-days, is what in fact
drives the polarization, as the Service-to-Self willingly separate!
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ZetaTalk: Mixed Groups
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ZetaTalk: Mixed Groups
Note: written Jun 15, 1996.
In a mixed orientation society there are several barriers to the complete polarization that is the end result of the
Transformation process. As might be expected, these barriers are all to the favor of those in the Service-to-Self, who
prefer to have those in the Service-to-Others around, as prey. Beyond the obvious fact that the two orientations can
physically intermingle in a mixed orientation setting, there is the tendency of those in the Service-to-Others to feel
responsible for others, and to linger. Ultimately, through death and the sorting out that goes on prior to the next
incarnation, the orientations do separate, if only because all those not in the Service-to-Others have been removed. Is there nothing a responsible human in the Service-to-Others can do during this time to avoid the traps being continually
laid for them?
As life on Earth will get increasingly desperate, with food shortages and injuries and a continual high level of panic,
those in the Service-to-Others will feel strongly drawn to remain with those in need. In truth, there is not much that
can be done to change the circumstances, as life will be rough at best and subsistence about the best that can be hoped
for among humans not living in hybrid communities. But what can be adjusted are attitudes and expectations, which
can be adjusted to reality and in anticipation of future circumstances.
Separation of the orientations is inevitable, and any guilt trips those in the Service-to-Self try to lay on
conscientious humans should be put firmly into this context. Humans are not in charge of this separation
process, and cannot influence its outcome or pace. Those in the Service-to-Self should be thrown onto their own
resources, to fend for themselves, which in any event is the setting they can anticipate in the future. To placate
and wait on those in the Service-to-Self only creates, ultimately, a ruder shock in the future. Thus, it is in fact a
kindness to refuse to be their servant class.
The standard of living will drastically drop, titles and positions attained will lose their meaning, and any false
sense of security from savings accounts or possessions will shatter. Thus all those who survive the pole shift will
need to adjust to the new reality. Where this will be difficult for all, it will be most difficult for those who are
used to demanding service. Their demands will increase in proportion to their sense of deprivation, which will
be acute. Exhausted and half starved themselves, stoic humans in the Service-to-Others orientation will find
themselves surrounded by a chorus of wailing and angry demands. Do something about this situation, will be the
demand, when there is nothing to be done. Thus, those in the Service-to-Others orientation, anticipating this,
should learn to tune a deaf ear to all demands on them, as they will have their hands full simply doing what they
know needs to be done.
Self help, wherever possible, should be the rule, as the burden on responsible individuals in the Service-to-
Others orientation, attending to the needs of all around them, will be overwhelming. These individuals will be
the ones keeping the mechanisms of food and energy production and shelter construction in motion, who will do
the planning and organizing and rallying the distraught to address the steps that need to be taken. These
individuals need to keep themselves strong, else if they drop from exhaustion there will be no leadership. Thus
whimpering and ploys for assistance should be met with the counter demand that such assistance only be
requested when self help has been tried, and tried repeatedly, and given only when it is obvious to all that
assistance from others is needed.
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ZetaTalk: Separate
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ZetaTalk: Separate
Note: written Feb 15, 2002
In that the 3rd Density world that man currently lives in is such that they cannot easily group by orientation, into
Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self groups, this is a point of confusion during this Transformation time. A group of
Service-to-Other individuals, seeking to separate, will soon find themselves being visited by those wanting to take
advantage of them. A group of Service-to-Self individuals are the first to arrive in such a setting, as this is ideal to
their way of thinking. Most Service-to-Other individuals have family and friends they are intertwined with, who have
mixed orientations, are undecided. Then enter the rule of law, societal laws, which require these relationships to
continue. Governments do not want groups to isolate themselves, and consider this a great threat. Look to the rage
with which the FBI invaded isolated groups a decade or so ago, to see how this is viewed. They consider all citizens to
be their property, and insist on the entanglements that are wrapped around the individual from childhood on,
remaining. One must have schooling, be papered, get a job, be taxed, produce offspring that are likewise controlled.
The rage over abortion is an example of how far this sense of control and the importance to those power mad can go.
There must be no escape.
So how does this change, after the shift, during the Transformation? First, isolation and separation from government
control is automatic. Governments will lose control utterly, and isolation be the norm, not something sought. Thus, it
comes down to how a small group, or a community, might separate and polarize. Think of your family, how family
members or workforce members find compatible associates and tend to migrate toward them in their free time. If the
controls over family support or showing up for work were gone, this would occur increasingly, and become full time.
You have the Service-to-Self minded, who go off to loot and look for the weak. They thus are removed from strongly
Service-to-Other groups, as these groups tend to cooperate well with each other, and defend themselves. Now you
have the undecided, remaining with the Service-to-Other or straggling along on the periphery of the Service-to-Self. In
a Service-to-Other environment, there is much serious discussion, and expectation that all will work hard for the
general welfare. Undecided find this grim, no fun, and at the first opportunity peel away and set off on their own.
Thus, if doing well, they establish their own communities, and if not doing well, die off.
To a great extent, the every-day life that man has today, in civilized countries, will not exist. Disease, infections, and accidents will strike quickly and decimate survivors. Thus, Service-to-Other communities will increasingly find
themselves the survivors among survivors. When this occurs, they will find themselves in contact with high tech
communities of humans and hybrids, living together. At this point, if not earlier by being assisted unannounced, they
will find their lives improved. Thus, to imagine this polarization, this separation by orientation, remove the rule of law,
the demands of society, and carry forward the natural trends you see among people today.
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ZetaTalk: Breakaway Consternation
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ZetaTalk: Breakaway Consternation
Note: written Dec 15, 1996.
During the Transformation, gradual polarization of the two spiritual orientations occurs, so that Service-to-Other
groups emerge and grow in numbers while Service-to-Self groups harden and become more intense in their power
trips. The Service-to-Others groups are increasingly operating in the 4th Density spiritual mode, working together in a
highly cooperative mode that requires few rules, and when isolated from those in the Service-to-Self enjoy increased
productivity and freedom from slavish obedience to often irrelevant policies and procedures. However, when the
polarizing groups encounter each other the freewheeling activity in the Service-to-Others groups causes consternation
in those firmly in the Service-to-Self orientation - breakaway consternation.
Those strongly in the Service-to-Self have often learned to use the rules of society to their advantage, from robbing
others through the stock and bond markets to riding on the backs of hard working individuals whose ideas and work
products are taken by the Service-to-Self with as little credit or financial return to the workers as possible. Their
maneuvers are clothed in laws and religious strictures, and without all these rules that the state and church enforce,
their power trips would be curtailed. Thus, when they see Service-to-Others groups operating without these rules, they
become nervous. Might this trend continue? What kind of a life does this foretell for the Service-to-Self individual
who has no intention of doing their fair share or letting those they think of as their virtual slaves escape?
Those in the Service-to-Self will attempt to bring the emerging Service-to-Others groups under their control, and
failing to do so will tighten their grip on those already under their control. Their breakaway consternation manifests in
intrusive checking on the plans of those under their thumb and vicious attacks when they find simple cooperation
replacing slavish obedience to rules. They feel the grip they have loosening and slipping, and this makes them frantic.
How dare the Service-to-Others breakaway!
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ZetaTalk: Sudden Philanthropy
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ZetaTalk: Sudden Philanthrophy
written Sep 2, 2006
Would the Zetas care to comment on the sudden decision of Bill Gates to retire and donate millions? Are
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett really as philanthropic as they seem?
We have, at the start of ZetaTalk, explained that the wealthy elite anticipated being able to escape the Earth during the
pole shift. This was due to promises made by Service-to-Self aliens, who were in contact with the wealthy elite via
MJ12, the nexus. The wealthy elite were early drawn into MJ12 because of the need to control the media during a
cover-up on the alien presence. Once the word was out, about the coming pole shift, in these lofty circles, word spread.
The mega wealthy form a club, and consider themselves above the rest of humanity, not unlike royalty in this regard.
In that the nexus was MJ12, the information and plans included those in political power, thus government services
were considered essentially the property of the wealthy elite. It was, in those days, 'what are WE going to do about our
safety', with the assumption that the US taxpayer would foot the bill for all plans. Thus, NASA went to the Moon, ran
probes to Mars, collaborated with Russia on the Space Station, and all under the banner of exploration and education
for mankind in general. Alternative 3 was focused on underground enclaves for survival, too, Mount Weather the most notorious. What is the status of those plans, today?
When the Earth changes began in earnest, creating a steady uptick in quakes and volcanic activity, a discernable Earth
wobble, and weather extremes with intractable drought and deluge and punishing storms, those smugly assuming they
had an escape put the matter to a test. Teams were sent to live in many of the bunkers, and not allowed out for weeks
at a time. They died in droves, of emissions akin to radon that the rock, under pressure during the daily torque the
Earth is experiencing as Planet X tugs at its poles and the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift. The anticipation of using
these enclaves - gone. Simultaneously, those members of the elite who were in contact with Service-to-Self aliens
called in their cards. They were promised an escape to enclaves on Mars and the dark side of the Moon, and wanted
this exodus to safety started now, please. In that the Service-to-Self lie, and wanted a rich harvest of souls in the
Service-to-Self among their contacts on Earth, the elite had been played for fools. They were first elevated to think of
themselves as separate and above those they were leaving behind, discarding empathy. Now they were to be dashed
into hopelessness, the optimum fear that their situation could engender, crystallizing their self focus in their acute fear.
No lift to Mars or the Moon, or assisted living, would happen.
Where does this leave the elite today? Can they dash to the Moon and Mars using NASA, when funding is being cut in
an era when the dash into space conflicts with the War in Iraq for funding? The plans never included a need to actually
boost man into space into enclaves on the Moon or Mars, as it was assumed a lift and assisted living would be
provided. The plans only included a show, for the common man, who was then to assume when the elite returned that
they had managed this on their own, were technologically superior. The elite were thus to be elevated to the level of
gods upon their return to an Earth where survivors were scratching around in the dirt like cave men, devastated by the
pole shift. That was the plan. Meanwhile, on Earth, the US military was to be used to guard the oil fields of the world,
so these returning gods could enslave mankind, being in possession of the prime marketable commodity, black gold.
Today, the anticipation that the oil fields can be held for the elite is fading, as Iraq is lost and the Middle East more
resilient than ever in their resistance to the Bush/Israeli plan for occupation. If the taxpayer cannot support a push for
manned flights to the Moon and Mars, manned enclaves there, what to do? Privatize. This effort has suddenly burst
into the news, commercial activity to be encouraged on the Moon, commercial endeavors in space, with the question
left begging - why has this not happened before? Why now?
None of this will succeed, of course, as the continuing disasters on the Space Station and with the shuttle program
make clear. Enclaves on the surface of the Earth will likewise not be secure, a fact the elite are discomfited by and
they are casting about for a solution. Hired guards have questionable loyalty when there are no forces to keep them in
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ZetaTalk: Sudden Philanthropy
line. The mindset of those hired to guard the elite will turn from a purchased loyalty to takeover plans. Why should the
guards not be king? In that the elite are aware of ZetaTalk, and stay abreast of new ZetaTalk regularly, they are aware
of our advice to the common man that love will be the commodity of the future. Those in the Service-to-Other will
receive technological assistance from benign aliens, will be offered the lift during the hour of the shift, will encounter
and communicate with benign aliens, will meet their loved ones on space ships when communications on Earth
become impossible, and will live in communities where looting Mad Max gangs are non-existent. In all our
descriptions of these Service-to-Other communities, there is no requirement that one shed all their wealth, so a
stratification of living circumstances seems possible, to those in the wealthy elite wanting to be converts. The rule is to
care for others, 50/50, as much as the self, to practice the Golden Rule. Thus, handouts of excess wealth, paper money
which will soon be worthless in any case, seems a good start. They are trying to buy in.
Signs of the Times #1636
NASA Aims to Open Moon for Business, National Geographic News [Jul 25]
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/ For- profit space business is critical to any moon-mission
plans, according to NASA under the Bush Administration. But how do you make money on the
moon? The foundation believes the only way to efficiently explore the moon and beyond is to create
permanent human settlements beyond Earth, extending commerce to outer space. The missions were
outlined in 2004 by President George W. Bush in his Vision for U.S. Space Exploration. Given the
high cost of space exploration, the U.S. space agency cannot afford to meet the vision by itself. [and
from another] Budget Suites mogul Robert Bigelow plans an inflatable outer space hotel. [Aug 30]
A real estate magnate is betting $500 million that he can open the first inflatable motel in outer
space. Multimillionaire Robert Bigelow has already launched a one-third scale model of his
inflatable space module called Genesis I. The spacecraft was launched in July atop a Russian
rocket. He worked under a tight veil of secrecy for years before his recent launch. He's never sent an
e-mail, feeling it isn't secure enough. He's hired armed guards - whose uniforms have patches of an
alien face on the shoulders - to patrol his 50-acre Bigelow Aerospace complex.
Where the race to space in the From its inception, NASA was It has been no secret that the
60's was originally spurred in attempting to secure, as much elite hoped to escape to Mars
part by the knowledge that the as anything, an escape from
or the dark side of the Moon
Earth was to experience
the forthcoming cataclysms.
during the cataclysms. In this
another passage of Planet X in They still have that as a
they were not relying entirely
its near future, this factor is
dominant agenda. The
on human efforts, as Service-
almost solely responsible for
members of NASA and JPL
to-Self aliens whom the elite
the Mars exploration fever of
who have been watching
had given the Call to during
the late 90's. Back then NASA Planet X approach in
their obsession with themselves
felt they had time to learn how accordance with our
promised to carry them there.
to establish space stations far predictions some 50 years ago, Of course, the Service-to-Self
from the cataclysms the Earth have come to nervously accept lie, and the lie has lately been
was to undergo, and was
the reality of our exact
put to the test. No delivery,
smugly confident that the US
predictions. They wish to find despite demands that now is the
taxpayers would be forced to
a safe haven during the shift
time for migration to well-
pay for the personal escape
itself. The thought of being on stocked and secure Mars and
route the elite at NASA and in an Earth that will slip about
Moon enclaves, and despite
the establishment fully
with sloshing water and
endless failures, such as
intended to use when the time crashing plates is unsettling.
disabled probes and the
came. After the Apollo 13
They would like a vantage
dramatic disintegration of the
disaster, retrenching occurred point on Mars, and from that
Columbia and a leaking Space
and the Earth itself was looked when the rock and roll is over, Station. The elite planned to
upon as the best refuge.
they would settle down at the
return, impressing survivors
However, it has recently been best looking agricultural
with their supposed command
determined that the escape
setting in the world and walk
of technology, to rule as kings
routes planned for the elite on off well prepared to take over over the struggling survivors on
Earth are not as safe as
as kings. They hope to get up
Earth thrown back into the
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ZetaTalk: Sudden Philanthropy
expected. Manmade
there and setup a base which
cave-man days. No mention
excavations at installations
will be of very firm, air-sealed was to be made of the alien
such as Mount Weather are at and air-locked, tents with little assistance they required. This
great risk of collapsing and
suits that they can get into
is why, despite the gapes in
entombing the smug elite who quickly. They're already
their technical readiness to
rush there, slamming the door practicing how to grow their
send a manned mission to Mars
to safety in the face of the
own food via hydroponics.
before the cataclysms, the elite
taxpayers who paid for these
This is something that has
have been pressing forward
retreats. Thus, a temporary
been going on for decades, of with their exploration and
safe haven on the surface of
course, as a means to provide bravado. Survivors might
Mars now again looks like the fresh food for those in a space remember that they were in the
best bet.
station. They are looking for
process, were optimistic, so the
ZetaTalk: Mars
water, but they know there is
story, upon return, would seem
Exploration, written Dec
water there.
15, 1996.
ZetaTalk: Escape Plan,
ZetaTalk: Mars Press,
written Jan 15, 1999.
written Jan 30, 2004
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ZetaTalk: Avoided
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ZetaTalk: Avoided
Note: written Jan 15, 2002
We advise the populace to not cling to the establishment, regardless of any offers they may make, as the pole shift
approaches. We advise that the elite will make offers of employment, to the recently unemployed, with the plan to
make slaves of those accepting these offers. We advise that moving or remaining next to military bases, or cities with a
heavy load of government workers employed there, is to be avoided. We advise that there are certain known locales in
the US where a carry-on government is known to be established. Beyond these obvious factors, what else is a clue that
the establishment is setting a trap?
When disasters strike, it is normal for disaster relief to be provided. This is in the form of moving residents
aside, out of harms way, and into schools or churches where blankets and cots and hot soup are provided. Tents
may be erected for temporary shelter. But going into the pole shift, this disaster relief will take a different form.
They will suggest moving groups of the displaced away from their homeland, and into cities or barracks
prepared for them. It is this change which should raise suspicions.
Next, watch the movements of the elite, where they are buying land and building enclaves. This is not so much
a secret, as the locals note this full well, and if they are moving into your locale, move out. These will not be good neighbors, nor will they change their ways and begin to care about others when times get tight.
A third factor will be the pleasantness of the locale. In spite of coastlines and mountains being somewhat
dangerous, these are pleasant places to live in. The elite will be loath to move to the safest locations, away from
large cities or the coast, and will try to strike a compromise. Thus, you will find them not moving to the grim
places, out in the rural areas, amid the cows and farmers. Thus, such places are relatively safe for you!
Within a town or city, the Service-to-Self will continue to take advantage, as they do today. This is why we advise to
not be in a city, as these games will take some time to run their course until the Service-to-Self find themselves out of luck, and in the meantime the Service-to-Other may not survive either. The best approach is to move to rural areas,
where the Service-to-Self are least likely to go as the pickings are not good. The Service-to-Self prefer rich enclaves,
first, then cities where there are many families and stores to loot, and least of all, rural areas, especially as the going will be on foot. Those caught in towns, with the Service-to-Self, had best keep a low profile, and next ally with other
Service-to-Others to do bait and switch. By this we mean to set the Service-to-Self up, leading them to believe they
are about to pounce on Service-to-Others to loot and toy with them, but will instead find themselves trapped in a
basement, with no way out. Bear in mind that trapping a looter, who intends you no service, and giving him what he
planned to give you, is not cruel, it is Karmic justice.
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ZetaTalk: Expose's
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ZetaTalk: Expose's
Note: written during the Jun 8, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
The worm has turned in the US, and this trend will continue throughout the world. In the decades and years past, the
elite, those who used bully tactics on the underclasses, who used wealth to buy a lifestyle living on top of others, and
who manipulated others through lies, lived high and well. As we have stated, the Transformation is now, and the
Council of Worlds and all the spirits in attendance during the Earth's Transformation are not waiting for a pole shift to
begin their work. When did the Transformation begin? When the Earth was polled for its vote, just barely ahead of the
time of Roswell, this set the stage for the Transformation. When the poll was in, a true vote where every incarnating
soul on Earth had equal weight, the Transformation began. The sides had already squared off, with the Service-to-Self
forces determined to win Africa and South America for their temporary residence, to reap souls for the Service-to-Self
orientation. As we have announced, the battle in South America has already been won, and Africa is falling away from
the Service-to-Self clutches.
So how is this Transformation progress manifesting, throughout the world? Democracies are on the increase, over the
past 50 years. The Green Movement is on the increase, worldwide, in its influence and membership. And where little
noticed in countries with severe media repression, the truth is increasingly out there. Where are these countries, that
repress? We have stated that Muslim countries are very repressive in this manner, but the US and China and Indonesia
are not that different. Repression is not simply denying information access, it is manipulating the content. In China and
in Muslim countries, access to the internet is restricted or denied. In Indonesia, civil penalties for slight infractions
cause the populace to live in fear. In the US, the major media is so controlled that the public is not aware of issue, or told a slanted version. All these have the effect of restricting truth, as where the citizen is afraid to talk to a neighbor,
or is confused by what they are hearing but cannot investigate as no material exists explaining the issues, all is the
What has changed in the year going into the shift? The power of the truth, in its simplicity, is on stage these days.
Look at how the accounting practices of Enron and Worldcom and other corporations were exposed, recently. What is
behind his? The Transformation, which increasingly is the Service-to-Other outlook that mankind should be
empowered with the truth, allowed to make their own decisions, and not controlled by others inordinately. Each human
wishing this is giving The Call, and each is being answered as to what they can and might be inclined to do. Thus,
human desire, and the assistance of spirits in attendance during the Transformation, are at the helm here. This is
something the elite cannot control, and thus the look of great fear in their eyes these days.
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ZetaTalk: Enron
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ZetaTalk: Enron
Note: written during the Jun 8, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Enron, in the US, collapsed with a mere e-mail made available to an investor, denied the truth. This email was
supposed to be deleted, but was sent instead! A human error assisted by humans assisted by we, the Zetas. Likewise,
the bloated underbelly of corporate interests worldwide are being sliced open, the spilled guts stinking and displayed
for all to see. Enron buried debt, but most corporate interests do far more than that in their desire for more, more, and
the other guy be damned! They bribe, they lie, the auditors hardly that, politicians in pockets and the media diverted
with playgirls and threats. The story far more fascinating than any Hollywood could conjure. Thus, look for more
exposes in all countries, of corruption, of power mongering, with the result that those who though they had the world
by the tail will be on the run, with nowhere to hide.
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ZetaTalk: Worldcom
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ZetaTalk: Worldcom
Note: written during the Jun 29, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Worldcom was an assisted disaster, as others have been since Enron and will be in the future. Given the exposure, to
means and methods, that the Enron collapse reported, why would any company hiding debt wait to be discovered?
They would shred, intimidate, fire and eliminate witnesses, merrily! In spite of the warnings, as to what would be
looked at and by whom, they were discovered. Worldcom indeed had the same auditing company, but this was not the
means of their discovery. Do you have an accountant, in hand, willing to cooperate with the authorities, on
Worldcom? How then did Worldcom meet its demise? Once again, internal memos, intended only for a select few,
made their way out the door.
Shuffled in among papers leaving the building, perhaps left in the copy machine, perhaps in the printer, perhaps
printed in error and routed incorrectly, all is unknown! But the means was not something the Worldcom conspirators
did, by accident or oversight. The means was assisted by we, the Zetas, an allowed interference granted by the Council
of Worlds, to balance choices during this Transformation time in the US. The Bush Administration stole the White
House, and would rule the world, but are being countered by means they cannot counter. All falling into the hands of
an employee with integrity, who discovered this among her work taken home, and duly reported it to those she know
would act upon it.
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ZetaTalk: Repressive Control
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ZetaTalk: Repressive Control
Note: written during the Jun 8, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Lately the FBI has been in the news in the US by being freed from many restrictions, by the Bush Administration, re
domestic spying. This has caused an uproar, but is scarcely unique in the US or elsewhere. Look to Arabian, which
runs all internet access through one portal, so as to restrict access to web sites elsewhere not to their liking. Look to China, which thought to lie to the world on Tianaman Square, until they found Fax machines had done them in. Look
to North Korea, which punishes any citizen, even children, crawling across their borders to seek food, at the point of
death from starvation. Look to the Catholic Church, which tells the sheep to fear the shepherd, their priests, even when
the priests are committing the worse crimes against the children in the flock. To what extent will those in power resort
to maintain their control, as it slips?
It is not so much what they will do, as what they have done. This may be increasingly revealed, causing the public to
think that this is new, but it is the old, now exposed, not new. Thus, spying by the FBI is not new, has been done even
without permission, for decades. Do you think Congress, in hearings, is being told the truth, or even presented with
those in the know? Those reporting to Congress are purposefully kept in the dark, so as not to slip or have a
conscience problem. Those in control, behind the scenes, do as they wish, in the smoky need-to-know rules that the
CIA and NSA and similar agencies in Russia and Europe have. In countries where it is no secret that spying and
repression exist, this is hardly new.
China has jailed political dissent for decades, mistreating these humans in the worst manner, as did Russia in the
past, in the Gulag. Organs harvested from still live inmates, starved and brutalized for the enjoyment of sadistic
Indonesia treatment of East Timor is an example of raw power, exposed to the world only because of brave
reporters who risked their lives, repeatedly. Kill the populace, with Indonesian military, and lie to the world!
This is not news, and where meeting with objection, just goes underground.
In Africa, the oil interests sent in brutes to spray the natives objecting to pollution practices, birth defects, and
the like, with bullets. This is defended by the oil interests in the US, the offenders excused from the world court,
as it were.
In the US, the worse polluter in the world, the US, is excused from restrictions, while the rest of the world goes
to Kyoto. Such is the supposed leadership of the free world!
Spying on citizens has gone on, is going on, to the extent the forces doing this chose to do so. In future, as this year plays out, this will diminish, those forces far too busy defending themselves to keep track or even care. Thus, those
bugs, those wire taps, can be disconnected, placed elsewhere to fool those who might check on them, and the truth
increasingly flow, those wanting free communication increasingly free to talk to others. Such is the progress of the Transformation!
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ZetaTalk: Colonialialism
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ZetaTalk: Colonialism
Note: written during the October 19, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Africa like much of the world was colonized early, and brutally. The Americas were colonized, but being peers of
those oppressing them, they had courage to rebel. South America likewise was colonized, but the immigrants from
Europe likewise established independence. The North American Indians, and those in South America, suffer still at the
hands of the colonists, or their usurpers. Countries such as India had a long suffering time getting out from under
colonists, as Gandi's history attests. East Timor was almost beaten to death by brutality before the world finally cried
enough. The Australian Aboriginal are still the underclass, though the superior culture in human terms. Castro has
enemies still, because he refused to reinstate the gambling and drug/drink smuggling interests of the elite, who had
located and found very useful the island of Cuba. Indeed, shouting that Castro needs to be replaced is less due to the
lifestyles and health of the people there, who could benefit from simple trade restraints being lifted. The shouting is
from those who still hope to reinstate gambling, and their illicit trade routes, in Cuba, and are being frustrated.
And Africa, almost without exception, is only lately getting independence, and then only in name, not action.
Corporate interests, supported by those countries with interests in the area, are still ruling, brutally. But just as
democracies are increasingly emerging around the globe, so the heads of the oppressed are raising, and questioning,
and demanding their rights at long last. The cry, of course, from those losing a grip on their slave classes and the
riches of the lands owned by rights to the oppressed, is the better good. Corporate interests, or the interests of
governing parties who stand to benefit, is that it is in the interest of the people to leave those formerly in charge, in
charge. Starvation will ensue, loss of jobs, an economy so fragile and recently constructed will crash, and all manner of
horror stories to delay the return of land and land use rights to the oppressed rightful owners. Is their truth in this?
Only if those wanting continued control make it happen. If medicine, routing of food, and protection is withheld, then
of course suffering will occur. And such manipulation is tried, repeatedly, in this game.
When will the game stop? When the pole shift cuts off communication and resources from the oppressors, the worm
will turn. It is then that the oppressor will be turning for help to those oppressed, who will often remember horrors
done recently to them. Not a pleasant ending, but one reflecting the karma that often occurs in a given individuals
lifetime, due to their own actions in that lifetime.
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ZetaTalk: Bunker Mentality
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ZetaTalk: Bunker Mentality
Note: written during the Jun 8, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Hunkering down is a response the elite will use to defend themselves, as they lose control. Where previously used to
walking openly, smug, about on the streets, going onto any stage, with confidence that anyone challenging them would
be threatened, they will reveal a different face going into the shift.
Previously, they could with confidence get someone assassinated, but lately find their assassins breaking a leg,
and the very injury they wished on another coming back to haunt them.
Previously, they could count on a corporation firing an offending whistle-blower, no salary, no pension, no work
reference to get new employment, and the story spread about to horrify others likely to follow suit. Now, they
find a push back, delaying tactics, and questions as to why such action should be necessary against a good
employee. Needing to explain, and having none but the worst reasons, they slink away and don't push the
Previously, they could with confidence count on the media to muzzle any reporter with an expose’ other than
against a political enemy of the elite or wealthy. Now, the media is suddenly scheduling news, without allowing
the powers that be to review the agenda. A single link in a story line, that breaks, leads to the public seeing all
the dirty laundry spilling out onto the sidewalks. Such is the horror that the elite are experiencing, increasingly.
How do they react? With temper tantrums? This has been tried, to no avail, and has become humiliating. With threats?
These are ignored now, and if attempted to implement, often come back onto the implemented, the elite themselves.
They wish their enemy to be bankrupt, and find themselves exposed to lawsuits galore. They wish their enemy to
become sick, infected by an assassin with a needle, and find themselves running a fever, with the doctor puzzled as to
the cause! As we have predicted, they will move increasingly to circle the wagons, going into their enclaves, guarded
by the military or militia. Wealthy neighborhoods now have such guards and restrictions, and this will become the
mode, all around. No comment. Secret meetings. Agreement not on paper. Explained as the need to protect during
terrorism, or the need to protect politicians from assassins, as Israel had in recent years. Or the need to control a
starving public, given to mobbing the weary workers trying to get things back on track. Anything but the truth, which
the public, freed increasingly to talk among themselves, will spread.
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ZetaTalk: Travel Restrictions
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ZetaTalk: Travel Restrictions
Note: written during the July 27, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
There is a disconnect between what the populace expects from their governments and the military they control, and
what will actually come about. This is because the populace assumes that the government, and the military they
control, will perform as today, during and after the shift. Nothing could be further from the truth. The government, and the military, of any country, are composed of humans, each with agendas, each with only so much ability to withstand
stress, and this is much disguised. During peace times, the populace is presented with authoritarian leadership, calm,
wise, and assumes this at all times. During war times, or times of great stress, the leadership only shows their cracks in
private quarters, and poor health or assassinations by those around leaders covers their quaking knees and temporary
insanity. Leaders who would open the eyes of the populace to the weakness inherent in the government are considered
a form of traitors, to be silenced quickly. In fact, in the White House, in the Vatican, in the halls of power of all
countries, horrific weaknesses exhibit, and are covered up, and accepted by the inner circle as long as this is kept
private! The reason these weaknesses are accepted is that weak people are considered easy to manipulate, and those
around the leaders are often the real hands at the helm. Thus, at the highest realms, there is not the strength to deal with the coming pole shift, or its aftermath.
Taking this down into the ranks, where the workers cling to government employment, the perpetual parent this
represents, and this includes those migrating to the military as they are not strong universally, on all fronts. What
happens when someone with strong dependency needs finds the parent breaking apart, missing, not responsive, or the
expected meals and housing and leadership and orders not there! Befuddlement, panic that translates into angry
demands, and certainly a lack of attention to the tasks that employee or soldier is expected to perform! Thus, when the
stress builds, you will find no military attending their posts, or so sporadically that the broken link applies endlessly and nothing works. They may be set out to dump chemicals on the populace, as with chemtrails, and not ever get to the
planes or find the planes not loaded or the runway not cleared. They may be set out to circle a city and prevent escape
of the populace, which is supposed to die off and ease the burden on the elite, who wish to be freed from worry about
mobs, and find that almost none of the perimeter is guarded, and the soldiers off with those escaping instead. They
may be assigned to guard and protect the elite, but vacate in search of their own families, leaving the elite vulnerable
to invasion by the hungry and very angry mob.
Thus, in thinking about what the elite, or the government, might do to you in the last days, consider that you know
very little about their weaknesses, and that these human frailties will prevail.
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ZetaTalk: Lesser Evil
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ZetaTalk: Lesser Evil
written Oct 30, 2003
The plan, for the approaching Planet X emergency, was laid out over a decade ago.
Stage 1
The public should not be aware of anything wrong at all, no abnormal weather, no abnormal quakes,
economy blazing along. This was the hope, but never achieved, but its aftereffect can still be seen in
the chirpy media reports, the statements that the economy is on the uptick when all indicators are
otherwise, the artificially maintained DOW, the false polls on Bush and Blair, the attempts to
distract the mindless drones with soap opera reports such as Laci Peterson drama and in earlier years
with Clinton’s sexcapades. Had Planet X not entered the inner solar system, this would have
Stage 2
Was to go into place when measuring the public unease determined that they no longer bought into
Stage 1, began to feel they were being lied to, and looking elsewhere for answers. At this point,
various excuses lined up to take the blame, to be the reason, were to get extra attention. Global
Warming was floated out early to account for weather changes, but failed as an excuse as corporate
interests did not want to comply with the Koyoto Agreement, and oil was to be the energy
commodity of the future, so conflicts were inherent. The Sun and asteroids were deemed better
villains. The Sun having a 14 year cycle was announced early, well before 2000 when the end of the
cycle was to occur, and Near Earth Orbit asteroids also were given the spotlight. Difficulty with
Stage 2 is timing, as the recent X Class alerts demonstrated. For a NEO or X Class flares to cover
for Planet X caused events, their timing needs to be correlated, and in this they need Planet X to
cooperate or a accurate understanding of the factors that are causing Planet X related events. The
establishment has neither of these.
Stage 3
Given failure to explain earth events in light of the favored excuses, solar events and NEO asteroid
passes, reducing panic in other ways is required. Panic includes panic in the heads of state in
countries around the world that have been bullied into remaining silent with the panacea that Planet
X would simply pass, and panic with resultant riots and looting the real danger. Stage 3 was to be
instituted due to either a failure of the public to buy into excuses for earth changes or due to earth
changes to the extent that panic occurs anyway because of flooding, volcanic eruption, quake
damaged cities, starvation incited riots, and the inability of governments to placate and reassure the
public. Stage 3 is to include reliance on religion where this reliance already is in place, but this is
not deemed in place in the western world to any appreciable degree. Where brutal dictatorships are
in place, repression of panic is assumed to be done by increased brutality. Immigration attempts
handled by slaughter. Rioting controlled by mowing the rioters down under gunfire. None of this is
To keep the wheels of society running in those areas where the establishment lives, so they can have comfort up until
the last moment, requires something else, however. It requires more honesty, and a plan, so the public will not panic.
The establishment has neither of these. Honesty requires they admit they have been lying, an impossible step. In
addition, credibility will not lie with liars. The establishment also does not have a plan, outside of saving themselves
and continuing their comforts at all costs. They cannot offer a plan, nor even conceive of one, as their minds do not
work in that way. Thus, they will increasingly give into what will be considered the lesser evil to them, allowing the
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ZetaTalk: Lesser Evil
truth to come out, and survival plans to be discussed in the media. This will be closely monitored for its effect.
Reducing panic and keeping people walking in their ruts, like mindless drones, will be the criteria. Desertion in the
ranks of the working mass required to keep the establishment in comfort and their assets secure will be considered a
failure in this regard.
To the extent that more honesty and frank talk of survival plans is considered no less an evil than the current course of complete denial, it will be encouraged. The establishment has determined, through various tests, that when informed
and having a plan for survival, workers tend to return to focus on their jobs, versus endlessly distracted with worry
about an unseen and unknown event heading their way. Sacrificial lambs will be offered, from the ranks or the
establishment controlled political parties or industries. Heads will roll, be blamed, and these hardly the worst offenders
but likely candidates. Thus, where a media head controlled the media cover-up, it will be interim managers who are
sacrificed. Where the banking system is very much top down controlled, it will be the heads of arms of this large
system that are found to be thieves. Where NASA has been completely controlled for decades, part of the cover-up, it
will be found that certain nervous managers have been withholding data.
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ZetaTalk: Clash of Agendas
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ZetaTalk: Clash of Agendas
written Nov 15, 2003
As the Earth changes leading up to the inevitable passage of Planet X with cataclysmic effects on Earth increases,
pressure by all to promote their agendas increases, leading to a clash of agendas. When times are comfortable the pace
can be slow, without pain or anxiety, but when time seems short, or when all seems to be crashing and about to be
lost, agendas are pushed aggressively. What are these agendas, and in what way do they clash? Since those in the
Service-to-Other work cooperatively, and do so increasingly in emergency situations, we will address primarily the
agendas of those in the Service-to-Self, as affected by increasing Earth changes and awareness of the big lie by the
general public.
Puppet Masters
As we explained during the Elite Exodus on June 11, he with the gold, rules. The public assumes a
broad ownership of corporations and media outlets, when the opposite is true. A very few
individuals control the wealth of the world, install politicians to their pleasing, create global
conflicts and create or destroy the fortunes of countries as well as individuals in the chess games
they play with their control, and thus operate as Puppet Masters during the cover-up. Their agenda
is to retain control, retain their position, and thus as their gold rules, they want minimal impact to
their financial stature. No bank failure. No drop in stock value. No corporate bankruptcies. And as
they assume this would occur if knowledge of a rogue planet in the inner solar system were to be
broad, they consider hiding this as long as possible of prime importance.
Promised wealth, power, security, and opportunities outside of what their natural talents would
afford them, puppets invariably allow their strings to be pulled. They are chosen because they can be
controlled, by blackmail, by bribery, by intimidation, and if disappointed with the role they are
assigned, they are alternately threatened and placated by their puppet masters, else eliminated.
Puppets run amuck of their masters when they sense their world will not continue, and make
demands. Occasional restless puppets are expected, with alternatives waiting in the wings, but when
puppets panic en mass, malfunction, are absent, and many replacements are happening
simultaneously, the chess game the puppet masters play does not go as planned. We then have the
masters emerging to act, without cover, as in the takeover of Yokos stock by Jacob Rothchild when
the Russian oil appeared lost. This makes the puppets nervous, as they sense they are dispensable.
Comfortable Class
Accustomed to being secure due to ownership of goods and the power this brings, the upper class or
moneyed class will react with more than shock when their property, whether corporate interests or
stocks and bonds or real property, is flushed down the toilet during the increasing changes
pummeling the Earth. Insurance companies will go under when their insured base surpasses their
wealth, corporate bankruptcy will ensue when all but the corporate name have been washed or
blown away, and clutching jewels and artwork, they will stand and wail. Banking empires,
government security blankets, all run by puppets of the puppet master, will receive demands to do
something to return the comfortable class to their comfort. Simultaneous demands on nervous and
malfunctioning puppets creates an explosive situation. More malfunction. More naked hand of the
puppet master exposed. Wailing all around.
Working Class
At the base of the pyramid, the working man and woman observe the drama. From their standpoint,
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ZetaTalk: Clash of Agendas
they are living in the Land of Oz, where nothing is as it has been pronounced, the good guys doing
bad deeds, the economic recovery putting them out of their homes and jobs, and no one explaining
why the Sun and Moon and seasons are not where they are supposed to be. The point of working for
the comfortable class is for food and a roof over one's head, and when both seem tenuous, loyalty
fails. The working class is thus simply not where expected to be, not the drones and robots
anticipated, and the comfortable class now switches from simply wailing to panic. Insecurity
translates to autocracy, so strong arm tactics against the working class are the first armament. This
of course backfires when cities are collapsing and the leadership proven inept, so the working class
becomes the rebelling class, and is absent even more.
Thus, the clash of agendas means that none of the social structure operates as expected by those in the Service-to-Self, who find their banking empires collapsed, their real and corporate properties vanishing, their puppets wandering
around confused, and the comfortable class fuming about the recalcitrant working class and lack of action by the
puppets running the establishment’s empire. Chaos, just as the serious pole shift precursors are about to ensue!
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ZetaTalk: Broken Link
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ZetaTalk: Broken Link
written Nov 6, 2004
How do we keep out of the internment camps, set for dissenters in all 50 US states, per ex military bases?
We have stated that by the time the pole shift is seen as inevitable, with rotation slowing to a stop and the monster
passing planet like a dragon in the sky, that travel will be impossible, divided loyalties suddenly crystallizing into one
direction, innovation to overcome disaster on the rise, while fully 43% of mankind goes mad from the horror and
uncertainty. For Martial Law to succeed, an unbroken chain needs to exist, but the broken link will prevent this.
Train derailments due to twisted tracks are almost epidemic today, small planes crashing likewise
almost epidemic due to guidance system failure, and sinkholes under roads opening up suddenly,
blocking the traffic flow. This will only get worse, and where interment or work camps have been
planned in the past, they require rail lines that work, else internment or slavery occurs close to home
and fails because of this. An army that cannot march or descent from the skies is ignored, and the
exponential increase in disasters affecting travel will slowly create this scenario. Thus local rule will
be the only concern, certainly not federal rule, and most likely not even state or provincial rule.
Martial Law requires the long reach of the law, but all the links in this chain will be broken.
Most of mankind walks through life following rules, from the parents, dictated by organized
religion, currently in force in the school system, as stated in numerous government statutes, as
interpreted by the courts or police, implied by current social mores, or agreed upon by local
associations. They are everywhere, but the press of disasters, and acute pain, prioritize loyalties and
the rules they represent quickly. The first to go are those at a distance from the home and heart.
Soldiers go AWOL in a wink, even if at a great distance from home, seeing their commanders
suddenly irrelevant. Soldiers with a basic good heart simply walk away from orders that are cruel or
dictatorial, the order not heeded, leaving commanders sputtering and read faced, alone. Martial Law
requires the unrequited loyally of soldiers, but almost every soldier, certainly the grunts in the
trenches or manning the guns, will become a broken link in this chain.
It is often imagined by power mongering dictators at the heads of corporations or countries that the
populace sits like sheep awaiting a directive. In fact, it is that they insist on this posture, punishing
innovation as thought it were sedition, that creates this passivity. Thus, they assume a passivity that
does not exist. When disasters and the acute pain this brings descend, it will not be the leaders of
countries or corporations that emerge with solutions, it will be leadership emerging from the
common man. The power mongers will sit in their control centers, barking orders, but no one will be
listening. Where have the sheep gone? Over the hill, like wild horses, following the stallion. Not
sheep, after all. Martial Law requires the populace to follow directives, like sheep, but every
resourceful solution to a crisis breaks that chain, broken links all.
The coming Earth changes leading into the pole shift is such that few anchors in what man assumes
his Universe to be will remain. Only those with a solid connection to the Universal connection
between people, an understanding of the spiritual realm and how and why their current life is not as
important as the overall flow of their spiritual existence and its direction, will be grounded. The
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ZetaTalk: Broken Link
spiritually immature lack this understanding, and those stuck in self centered modes refuse to look
beyond themselves, and are more prone to panic. Man sees the Sun rise in the East, hears his
religion assert a connection to the gods, and thinks the laws of the land virtually immutable. Then
one day the Sun rises in the NW, the church is red faced and without comment, and the government
in disarray and not fulfilling their duties. Depression, hysteria, hiding in closets and seeking comfort
in delusions, all will emerge, epidemic. Those most needing to be in control, such as the self serving
power mongers attempting to rule the world, and those most seeking the comfort that a sense of
continuity provides, such as the spiritually immature, will be most affected. Thus those that would
impose Martial Law, and their minions in the corporations and in the military and in the ranks of
government, will be mostly affected by madness. Once again, the broken link, found muttering in the
closet instead of at their posts.
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ZetaTalk: Dictatorships
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ZetaTalk: Dictatorships
written Nov 6, 2004
The people seem so easily duped and this gang of crooks is the most effective I've seen. It sounds like we're
going to be still waiting and watching as the Bush regime continues into the new year.
It is said that history repeats itself, but this lies in the heart of man who does not cease wanting power over others,
control mechanisms that ensure this, and the accumulation of great wealth for personal gain and to ensure cooperation
from others. If the playing field is leveled, these games soon ensue again on worlds such as Earth where young spirits
are learning how to interact with each other, sorting out whether to mature into empathic beings or to remain self
focused. If it is a true statement that history repeats itself, it is also true that no king is safe, as those clawing up the hill to unseat him are never at rest. Earth’s recent history includes long running dictatorships, murder by the millions, and
countries driven to ruin before change occurs. But where the dictator’s desire for power and wealth seem pre-eminent,
it is economic issues as a whole that decide the outcome.
In Stalin’s era 40 million Russians were killed to feed his sense of control and supremacy, and the Gulag lasted
longer. By the time communism collapsed in Russia, the legitimate mode of business in the hands of the
communists had been supplanted by the Black Market, a quiet economic civil war. Germany over-reached and
engaged all its neighbors at once, a fatal mistake made by megalomaniacs. Had the reach been shorter, neither
Russia or Britain or the US would have engaged, despite 6 million Jews having been brutally murdered. Where
megalomania, unrelenting greed for domination, was endemic in those directing Hitler, it was many decades of
economic deprivation that pressed the people of Germany to cooperate, in the end a self defeating move.
Britain ruled the waves in past eras, a tiny island inserting its rule in far off places such as India and China, only
to lose to such simple forces as passive resistance in India under Ghandi, where refusal to cooperate as workers
won the day, and more recently in Hong Kong because an economic giant no longer tolerated the pretense. The
US achieved independence from Britain via bloodshed, but the inevitable outcome would have led to this result,
in time, the tiny hand of arrogance from a tiny island simply ignored. African nations likewise, invaded because
of their resources and then turned into colonies and eventually into puppet governments, eventually achieved
independence by the force of their economic might, attractive to many. Again, an economic revolution. In South
Africa apartheid ran for decades, the black man an essential slave, before economic pressures from around the
world pressed for change.
China remains a communist stronghold, but the ruling elite who in the past purged intellectuals and whose
prisons today are filled with political, not criminal, prisoners, are acquiescing for the sake of economic growth.
The giant awakes, and control over the minds and awareness of the massive populace is weakening as a result.
In contrast, North Korea is led by incompetence which has put the country into starvation under the hand of a
dictator who will party until his last countryman is in the grave. This will result in a palace revolution or a
scuffle with a neighbor, in either case a change in leadership. The lack of crops and food stores, an economic
issue, will be the deciding factor.
How does this history comfort those under dictatorships in place today, or those slipping into dictatorship as those in
the US fear their loss of voting rights might indicate? If the pole shift is an Opportunity for rebels to emerge, it is likewise an opportunity for palace revolutions or border scuffles, but the outcome among survivors will be driven by
economics, once again, the sword hammered into a plow, by necessity.
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ZetaTalk: Che Lives!
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ZetaTalk: Che Lives!
written Oct 14, 2006
President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez was talking about Che Guevara lately. Chavez was comparing this
legendary South American revolutionist-fighter to Jesus. Can the Zetas comment about the Che lives!
phenomenon? [and from another] http://www.greenleft.org.au/back/2005/616/616p28.htm Ernesto Che
Guevara was murdered on October 9, 1967 - shot in the head by a Bolivian soldier in the presence of the
CIA. When the world's powerful cheered the brutal murder of the anti-imperialist and revolutionary
socialist fighter, they hadn't considered that his murder would transform Che into a symbol of the global
struggle against injustice.
We stated at the start of ZetaTalk that S. America was a battleground between the Service-to-Other and Service-to-Self, recently won. Many spirits, incarnated and disincarnate, were engaged. Look to the past of S America, the
Pinochet regime, the NAZI refugees in Argentina, the brutal colonial attitude of the elite in power in so many of S
America's countries. Look to the remarkable change in just this past decade. Brazil went remarkably democratic in
2002, with Luiz da Silva, a left leaning President, elected resoundingly. In early 2006 Chili elected S America's first
woman President, an astonishing feat considering her opponent was an ultra-right millionaire. That Venezula's
President, Chavez, survived a CIA backed coup in 2002 should likewise not be a surprise, given the attention paid to S
America by spirits in the Service-to-Other, who stood like angels around him during his trials. Where is this leading?
Clearly, this supports our assertion that the battle for the soul of S. American has been won. In that Africa is beginning
to see signs of the same kind of revolution, our assertion that the battle has moved to Africa is likewise supported.
It has often been stated that many heroes are stronger in death than in life, especially if they are martyred. But the
process does not require a martyr. Democratic revolutions almost invariably include a figurehead who is dramatically
Service-to-Other, loudly espousing the right of the common man to equal rights with oppressors and presenting a clear
plan on how such equality might be achieved. When one looks closely at their personality from childhood to
adulthood, one can see they were cast in this mold from the beginning. They are clearly souls on a mission, and their
life circumstances had little to do with where they ultimately arrived. There are more similarities than differences in
the life of Jesus and Che and Chavez, in point of fact, as they all proceed resolute in the face of oppression despite the
threats made upon their personal safety. Cut from the same mold. Where a fight is protracted, or iterative, a current
hero may invoke the memory of one past. In the US at present, there are comparisons to NAZI Germany, comparing
Bush to Hitler and his fascist and war mongering ways. In response, Bush has compared himself to President Lincoln,
who fought to emancipate the slaves, but the comparison does not stick. Thus, Che lives in Chavaz, but Lincoln does
not live in Bush, as the people are not so fooled.
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ZetaTalk: Leadership Styles
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ZetaTalk: Leadership Styles
written May 27, 2009
Leadership in time of crisis is most often different than the leadership that prevails during calm and stable times. When
the unknown presents, leadership differs from that which is required during familiar challenges. For Earth in the near
future, the leadership that will emerge will be that which can deal with all known techniques for group preservation
being questioned, all established expectations for intra-group cooperation being disappointed, and problems the group
faces routinely overwhelming the resources of the group. In other words, the leadership will be taking a fresh
approach, or will fail. This almost invariably excludes the establishment leadership, which has emerged during
economic and geological stability. The qualities of leadership have been much analyzed, and training programs
established, but captains of industry have emerged not from such programs but because of qualities within the captain
himself. These qualities are often elusive and thus ascribed to something like charisma but their basis is something
more simplistic. The cave man, facing physical dangers, selected the tallest, strongest, and most brutal among then to
be their leaders. These same qualities that allow such a man to defend the group against large predators could be
turned against any challenger in the group. This tradition extends to man's cultures today, where the leader that
emerges is often a large, brutal man. It is only recently that women have begun to emerge as the chosen leaders in
countries around the world.
Once the cave man could survive without constant fear of attack by large predators, other qualities determined the
selection of a leader for the group. When conflicts between groups could not be settled by one group leaving to find
new territory, then war between groups developed to resolve the conflicts, and the leader who was shrewd and cunning
was the winner. The political game of chess whereby bribery or psychological manipulation was an advantage was
born, and man has hardly moved from that tradition either. Today, the political leader selected by the populace is most
often a large, brutal, and cunning man. It is only recently that the ability to cooperate with one's neighbors has been
shown to be a more effective trait. When the world as a whole suffers crop shortages and natural disasters, then war
does not solve a these problems. The addition of new territory only brings with it new headaches. During times of
stability, the population turns its attention to gain for every household. Each head of family is concerned about
gathering assets and their status within the community. Any leadership battles during such times involves promises, a
type of bribery. Self promoting politicians promise that the changes they will bring will increase each family's asset
base and give this or that sub-group more benefits and prestige. This all too familiar political dance thus packs the
halls of power with self promoting liars, who are hardly suited to address a crisis when it comes along.
Since what is facing the Earth in the short term will be an immense crisis, the old models for leaders will be lacking in
the qualities that mankind will need. After the first few weeks after the cataclysms, the problem of looting gangs and
limited supplies will be sorted out, and then mankind will be faced with different challenges. There are few parts of
the globe currently beset with large predators, so physical strength and brutality are outdated as leadership qualities. In
fact, rewarding a large, brutal man with a leadership position puts the group into catatonia, as all fear to offend the
leader with ideas. Where starvation is endemic, worldwide, and supplies have run out, being shrewd and manipulative
also gains the group nothing. What is there to steal? In a world without police or courts, justice against those who
would steal or con others will be swift. The criminal, however clothed, will not be tolerated. Will the group elect a
leader who makes promises but cannot deliver? Today this process continues for two reasons - the electoral system
prevents removal of those who have been shown to be liars, or the country is under a dictatorship. But the world of the
future, after the coming pole shift, will not tolerate such leaders. The electoral process will be shattered along with
communications outside of the local area. Leadership will have to be earned, on a daily basis, as daily challenges
emerge. Those who self promote by brutality, by attempting to intimidate, will die out and fail, as we have often
explained, because their style of leadership assumes a steady support system. Where food production has collapsed,
and food distribution is impossible, all are starving and only those groups where all cooperate will be healthy. The
looting gang dies off when there is nothing left to loot, and cannot migrate on an empty stomach while on foot.
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ZetaTalk: Leadership Styles
So what is left, among the models for leadership of mankind? Those that can elicit cooperation among survivors and
those who are resourceful. Today, these are not the qualities of the official leadership, though times are changing. The
tribal models, or those models that have developed alongside mankind's domesticated food production, during times of
plenty, will not suffice. Organized religion fails as anything but a delusion of comfort, playing on man's fears and
confusion but not offering solutions to distress. Attempts to intimidate followers will fail in desperate times, as
rebellion will emerge. Established leadership who rose to prominence on hot air and self aggrandizement will be
challenged by crisis and fail, thence to be ignored. What will be left in this void is the natural leader who will elicit
cooperation and have ideas, be resourceful. These individuals are almost routinely ignored or taken advantage of in
today's world. When the promise of besting one's neighbors exists, taking what they have by force or by cunning, the
idea of securing greater cooperation pales. The cunning brute is selected as the leader. When traditional methods of
solving problems suffices, those who lack creativity or intelligence fall prey to those with intense self interests, who
bang the table loudly and insist that familiar problem solving methods must be followed. Tradition and familiarity and
hot air win the battle. It will be the failure of these former methods of solving problems that will allow new leadership
to emerge, and it will emerge from unexpected sources. We have predicted that children will often emerge to lead, as
their innate creativity has not been bludgeoned out of them by years of ridicule. Woman will often emerge to lead, as
their lot in life as something other than a strong, brutal male has forced them to use cooperate with the strong males in
the vicinity for survival.
Can this type of new leadership be trained and inserted into human culture in the short term, to replace outdated forms
of leadership? This would be resisted by the status quo, as it has been over the centuries. The new leadership styles can
be rewarded for their successes, but not promoted. If promoted, it becomes the target of attacks by the current
leadership, which will see a threat to its status. New leadership styles will come into their own as the old styles fail,
and fail utterly, to address the crisis the world will face.
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ZetaTalk: Likely Outcome
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ZetaTalk: Likely Outcome
written Mar 13, 2004
Given the state of the cover-up, with its tight grip on the media and any sources with the potential to blow open the
cover-up with a solid and respected admission, how is the common man likely to learn that immense news that an
interloper planet is in the inner solar system, gone into a staring contest with the Earth and Venus such that their orbits
are disturbed, and that the shuttering earthquakes and other indicators of its presence are most likely only the start.
What news, on a personal level, could be as immense? That one’s spouse, employer, friends and relatives, are all
deserting? That the dollar has no value so one’s savings and hard earned security systems are now worthless? That one
is suddenly homeless and in the cold rain, starving, and all services to the homeless have been suspended? No
warning, just here it is, the bad news.
The first reaction of the common man to such news will be that it must be minor, trivial, and life will go on as before.
Has this not been the case, during the time when the establishment knew about it, but said nothing? A cracked cover-up
will at first present that picture, but as the earthquakes and wild weather continue, worsen, and hard questions are
asked of the governments tasked with protecting the people, the worrisome nature of this news will sink in.
Governments and their Puppet Masters have concluded that an educated public, one aware of the potential of a crust
shift and thinking about survival, will result in more successful survival communities ultimately than a public kept
ignorant up to the end and in panic mode. Without a firm date, Martial Law cannot be planned, so they must partner
with the populace.
Governments cannot pronounce to the public that they must rely on themselves, while simultaneously demanding taxes
be paid. Thus, without a continuing cover-up, they must partner with leadership the public respects. ZetaTalk, and
ZetaTalk alone, has been found, in trial focus groups worldwide, to be a known and respected source of information
not only on what is happening, but on how to survive. A covert agenda in promoting ZetaTalk as the cover-up cracks
is the hope that news the establishment can use for their own personal planning will be forthcoming, as we, the Zetas,
have made it clear that unless the public hears new ZetaTalk on what to expect, the establishment will not hear it either.
Given a cracking cover-up and media exposure for ZetaTalk, a source the public cannot make demands upon, what is
the likely outcome?
Governments will get reclusive, be less available to the public, not respond to phone calls or demands for briefings
except in a limited manner, and in general try to avoid the hard questions like whether a displaced public can expect to
be fed and housed and who, if anyone, will repay them for the loss of their possessions and homes. These issues will
be in planning, perpetually, in smoke filled rooms, with no final decisions to be announced. As disasters happen, those
arms of the government or volunteer units tasked with responding will rise to the occasion, tents erected, meals served,
and the message that it is important for each and every citizen to do some planning on their own, and rely on
themselves, will come home. In that most families live from paycheck to paycheck, and have nowhere but home to go,
the public will continue to report to work and children kept in school. The familiar comforts, routine keeps the mind
off worry, and until a crisis hits home and moving is imperative, moves will not be made.
We have predicted that many will party into the pole shift, choosing to ignore danger as they have made a decision to
die in comfort rather than adjust to a harsh new life without toys. Others, ill or aged, will made similar decisions out of
realism, knowing they will be unlikely to do well when displaced, or not wanting to be a burden on others. But those
who have determined to survive, taking their loved ones and others into a new life, can plan. Discussions and shopping
trips, arrangements to send the wife and children to the farm well ahead of any crisis, plans and alternate plans and
what to do if separated with the phone lines dead. All to the good, as all can make their peace with what is coming, all have an opportunity to say their good byes in loving times, and the best possible outcome for all will thus result.
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ZetaTalk: When Lies Fail
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ZetaTalk: When Lies Fail
written Feb 17, 2006
When the cover-ups on the alien presence and the approach of Planet X first started, back in the days of Roswell, this
was to be primarily supression of information, along with some fear inducing disinformation to keep people from
pursuing the matter. UFO's were routinely called swamp gas and weather balloons, and the CIA spread rumors of
aliens in underground chambers eating human body parts floating in vats. This involved NASA air brushing UFO's out
of photos, suppression of real UFO sightings in the news, project Blue Book, government sponsored skeptics
prominent in the media, and faked eye witness reports. This is still the mode today, almost 60 years later, though the
mechanisms have failed. They were overrun with genuine reports of contactee experiences, many using the Internet to
spread the word, and mass sightings where thousands would view a UFO blitz, simultaneously, so the news seeped
past the media suppression, forcing the media to address the issue to avoid the appearance of a controlled suppression.
What is to be learned from the breakdown of the cover-up on the alien presence? Sheer volume of information, truth,
overruns and counters a cover-up and disinformation.
How might this apply to the cover-up on Planet X? Unlike the alien presence, which was palpable at the time of
Roswell, presenting itself with crashed ships and alien bodies and front page news coverage, Planet X was not
expected to become an issue for decades. They had time. Thus, the cover-up has not yet broken down by the sheer
volumn of information, or truth countering disinformation, but this process is evident. The plan was to claim and
blame an erratic Sun for magnetic irregularities, asteroid swarms to explain the increase in fireballs, global warming to
explain the melting glaciers and poles, and periodic climate change to cover weather irregularities. Since panic in the
public could be assumed to be a national security threat, coercing the media and scientists and those in the know to
cooperate with the cover-up was simply a matter of imposing a nation security oath on anyone needed to cooperate.
But they did not know what to expect, nor could they imagine what to expect, and thus there are holes in the plan. Lies
come with many faces.
Some are lies of omission, where the truth is simply avoided, not discussed, omitted from reports or TV
documentaries, with the expectation that the public, deemed to be sheep, will not notice. They did not expect the
Atlantic Rift to be grabbed, regularly, by Planet X, on a daily basis. Thus we have a complete avoidance of the
periodic global shuddering, evident on the live seismographs, worldwide, at regular and predictable times during the daily rotation of the globe. Since there is no explanation possible, outside of the presence of a rogue planet in the inner
solar system, parked near the Sun, the issue is avoided, utterly. Since the live seismographs are not standard public
fare, this will ride until the public or the media takes notice, and then the live seismographs will be taken down. USGS
personnel, of course, are forced to cooperate with the cover-up.
They did not expect the Moon to tilt its orbit so extreme that is began to shine in windows never before getting
Moonlight, and showing a face rotation so extreme that the familiar face of the Man on the Moon was twisting during the night and the man on the street down on Earth noticing. Looking in the grab bag of possible explanations - global
warming, asteroid swarms, solar emissions, or periodic climate change - they would find no explanation that fit. Thus,
once again, say nothing, and suppress comment among those who might comment - NASA, astronomers,
observatories, scientists or universities getting grants from the government, and those who head amateur astronomy
clubs. The public, when asking why the Moon's orbit is so odd, is told they are in error. To belittle the questioner is a
common technique, when the question cannot be answered. But the public, often watching the Moon in a familiar
framework for their entire lives, knows that something is amiss and not being addressed.
If what is to be hidden is too obvious, then a lie of commission
occurs, where it is called something other than what it is. They
did not expect Planet X to ride by the Sun for months, years,
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ZetaTalk: When Lies Fail
slowly struggling to rise up to and pierce the Ecliptic, the mass
of particle flows at the Sun's middle. They anticipated a rapid
and comet like passage, so the visibility of Planet X would be a
short term issue to address. What they had, to their horror, was
a dramatic Second Sun appearing at sunset or sunrise in 2003,
when sunlight bounced off the dust shrouded planet coming up
behind the Sun. When viewed from Earth, the Second Sun
astonished the public, caused surprised weathermen
consternation when shown accidentally on TV. Now that the
Second Sun has returned to view in late 2005, the cover-up
horror continues. This has been countered by calling the
Second Sun a sundog, even when it casts an independent
reflection on the water, or a sun pillar, both of which are
anomalies caused by ice crystals. That these dramatic sightings
did not occur prior to 2003 is not addressed. NASA affiliated website and spokespersons were sent forth to explain.
As earthquakes increased, they were dumbed down in Richter so any statistics would give the appearance of no
change. And since the sheer number of quakes is increasing, systematic purging of quakes before they gain public
notice is done. When this practice started to become obvious, because web sites providing direct access to the data
were not all coordinated, they were forced to funnel through the USGS as the sole source of disseminated information.
This trend was noticed and these new rules obvious but the reason for denying the public direct and immediate access to quake data of course was never given. When you can't explain, say nothing, seems the rule.
When you simply can't hide the evidence, or explain it with scientific mumbo jumbo, what to do? Everyone notices the
weather, but when records were being broken, worldwide, so rapidly that it became an embarrassment, the answer was
to simply stop commenting on the broken records. Local records, yes, national records, maybe, worldwide records,
certainly not. All this works until something as obvious as the number of hurricanes slamming the coastline becomes
exorbitant. The number, intensity, and size cannot be hidden or explained away. Global warming? Would an increase
of a fraction of a degree in temperature rise, worldwide, cause this? All computer models had put such effects of
global warming into the future, more gradual, so this is outside of human science. Of course, the Earth wobble,
pushing the land under the blanket of air to cause turbulence in the air masses, cannot be addressed, so what to do to
explain the increase in tornadoes and hurricanes? Since the weather has been blamed, all along, on global warming,
this tack will no doubt be continued, but will be seen as the lie it is when pieced together with other pieces of the
The increased in volcanic activity, combined with permafrost and glaciers and polar ice melting, is also parsed into the
global warming excuse. Those who have watched Winter's grip ease up on the landscape, which includes a goodly
percentage of the worlds populace, sense the fallacy in this explanation, as they know what kind of a temperature
increase is required to melt the frozen ground. Global warming produces increased volcanic activity? Global warming
melts the permafrost, which is perma frost because it lies so deep beneath the surface of the ground that the Artic
Summer cannot reach it. Volcanic activity is not something the average citizen is concerned about, unless the volcano
looms over their heads, so media suppression and decreased web access to activity can control interest in this area. But
when volcanoes threaten cities in Italy and Japan, the West Coast and Mexico City, suppressing the news will be
difficult. All because of global warming?
What tacks might the establishment take, to blunt the truth from the public's eye? If the excuses they have proffered
are wearing thin, they can hope to supplant the truth with new Pied Pipers. Someone with alternative theories, along
the lines of the many made-for-TV movies produced lately, to catch the imagination of the public and lead them
anywhere but to the presence of Planet X. And certainly anywhere but to ZetaTalk, which puts all the pieces of the
puzzle together. Asteroid swarms suddenly descending on the Earth, the magma suddenly deciding to become more
active, storms increasing in intensity and slamming vulnerable coastlines, all without a logical explanation, but the
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ZetaTalk: When Lies Fail
wild eyed spokesperson, hopefully charismatic, will entrance the public with descriptions and predictions. This works
for entertainment, but the populace put out of their homes by landslides and earthquakes and non-stop pummeling from
storms want more than entertainment. They want explanations, and this the establishment cannot provide to them.
Enter ZetaTalk.
Signs of the Times #1548
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/16/science/ Call for Openness at NASA Adds to Reports of
Pressure [Feb 17] 'Top political appointees in the NASA press office exerted strong pressure during
the 2004 presidential campaign to cut the flow of news releases on glaciers, climate, pollution and
other earth sciences, public affairs officers at the agency say. NASA officials said the intent was to
use the most general term to describe climate fluctuations. But other public affairs workers and
some scientists at the agency called it an effort to avoid mentioning that global temperatures are
rising.' [and from another] Greenland glaciers disappearing more quickly: study [Feb 16]
'Greenland's glaciers are dumping more than twice as much ice into the Atlantic Ocean now as 10
years ago because glaciers are sliding off the land more quickly, researchers said on Thursday. This
could mean oceans will rise even faster than forecast, and rising surface air temperatures appear to
be to blame, the researchers report in Friday's issue of the journal Science. Between 1996 and 2006,
the amount of water lost from Greenland's ice sheet has more than doubled from 90 cubic
kilometers to 220 cubic kilometers a year. Over the last 20 years, the air temperature in southeast
Greenland has risen by 5.4 degrees F.'
Signs of the Times #1547
http://www.michaelmandeville.com/earthmonitor/polarmotion/2006_wobble_anomaly.htm 'This
rather large anomaly began in the Earth's Wobble (in so-called Chandler's Wobble) approximately
November 1, 2005. It is currently at least one third of the average size for this phase of the 7 year
cycle in Chandler's Wobble. The IERS (International Earth Rotation Service) computer is still
gamely insisting that the wobble spiral will recover and look close to what it had predicted several
months ago.' [and from another source] This is DISINFO on the part of Mandeville, who is being
used as a stooge or shill, as he is not actually looking at what the Earth is doing, but is taking the
US establishment pronouncement, statistics via the IERS, as his sole baseline. A team measured a
strong Figure 8 wobble that developed in early 2004 and I collected about 18 months of this for the
Orbits section . The Figure 8 wobble had the globe wobbling up to 20 DEGREES, depending upon
location around the globe taking the measure and time of day. Astronomical measures are 360
degrees around the horizon. Each degree has 60 minutes, each minute 60 seconds. So if the
Chandler Wobble is measured in SECONDS, then this is TINY compared to the wobble many people
around the world have been measuring, in Scotland, Sweden, Italy, Hungary, New Zealand,
Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Brazil, Chili, Canada, and parts of the US. The big news is the Earth
wobble which is caused by the influence of Planet X. The Chandler Wobble is lost in this, and
anyone actually looking and measuring can see this. Thus, a statement by Mandeville that the
Chandler Wobble has stopped is naïve and confuses the issue, thus, disinformation either deliberate
or inadvertent. [and from another] 'Scientists have had the Chandler wobble under observation for
over a century. Its period is only around 433 days, or just 1.2 years, meaning that it takes that
amount of time to complete one wobble. The wobble amounts to about 20 feet at the North Pole.'
[and from another] http://science.howstuffworks.com/f 'This is the name given to the movement of
the earth's pole by 0.7 arcseconds over a period of about 14 months.'
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ZetaTalk: Facilitate Discussion
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ZetaTalk: Facilitate Discussion
written June 12, 2004
If Venus did not appear to transit, all the amateur astronomers and viewers of the event would of been
screaming what happened? It would of had a bigger impact than pretending that it did? This alone would
have woken up the masses to what is going on. Imagine every amateur looking for the transit and not
seeing it? Goodness, heads would roll and our officials would be scrambling to explain. Many would have
doubted the explanation and really begin to believe. Why keep up the status quo?
The major powers of the Earth, those dictating financial and thus economic directions, installing puppets as
government heads and by their control of the majority of stock in corporations, corporate heads, are at a delicate
juncture at the moment. In the past they anticipated an escape to Mars or elsewhere, away from the Earth during its
pole shift spasms, but now realize no escape is possible. They have likewise come to realize, only of late, that
underground caverns are not safe either, and thus stuck on the surface with the common man, they are seeking a
stronger base there. Initially the plan was to form work camps, select out the best workers from the populace as slaves
and eliminate the rest, but such a plan requires invoking Martial Law at the right moment, and without a firm date for
the start of the cataclysms, this plan also was doomed to failure. Thus the establishment has been squeezed to the
conclusion that the common man should be informed of the coming cataclysms, at least to the extent of preparing in a
practical manner for survival and life afterwards, and that an awareness of countdown signs can reduce the state of
panic in the populace.
Changing a stance from a complete denial of the existence of Planet X to an open discussion of the possibility is
radical, and for this discussion we relate it to the denial of the alien presence, similarly resisted until very recently.
When ZetaTalk began in 1995, crop circles were discussed in the media only in the context of a hoax, made by men
with boards, none of the characteristics such as node growth and lack of foot prints presented. Now crop circles have
been mentioned in the media, photos shown, with an astonishing lack of debunking. When ZetaTalk began in 1995,
sightings, even mass sightings, were suppressed from the media or were accompanied by harsh ridicule. Now a rash of
sightings and photos is in the media, accompanied by substantial witnesses and almost no debunking follows. When
ZetaTalk began in 1995, we stressed that a light handed approach to introducing concepts such as the alien presence or
a pole shift had its value, in that an Element of Doubt allowed an escape, so that hard denial or escape into insanity or strong fear reactions could be avoided. One can see by the discussions on crop circles and mass sightings that this light
handed method works.
At the present time, those wanting more discussion on the possibility of Planet X in our inner solar system and the
steps to be taken in the event history repeats itself are facing resistance. The Earth is tilting and shuddering regularly,
and those interested in controlling panic want no delays before starting this process because they fear a sudden wobble
or tilt that will make the situation obvious. Too late to reduce panic, it would be upon them. But anytime a cover-up
erodes, there is anger, rage at being lied to, and to avoid this rage being directed at the real Puppet Masters, the
wealthy elite, this rage is to be directed at chosen scapegoats. NASA and the Bush Administration are the obvious
candidates, and are frantically resisting being dragged from their lofty perches and pummeled by enraged taxpayers.
Disaster movies to the contrary, the public does not take being lied to on life threatening matters lightly. Imagine the
rage of those who recently bought beach front property, put their savings into the Stock Market, or switched jobs to
one that requires extensive travel away from home. Would their position be different had they known about the
possibility of cataclysms earlier? Passive acceptance of a cover-up is not likely.
Imagine, at a time when the establishment, the wealthy elite, are prying the fingers of resistance from the stranglehold
it has on the media, and are positioned to begin an educational blitz in many countries and major media outlets, what
effect sudden rage over a missing transit might have. Would this help or hinder? We, the Zetas, and our many
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ZetaTalk: Facilitate Discussion
counterparts, during many discussions at the Council of Worlds, concluded that a strong element of doubt at this time
would be helpful. Had the discussions already been in the media, the public already alerted and thinking about safety and how to time their escape to safe locations, it would have been a different matter, proof, then, that Planet X is in the
vicinity. But to allow hysterical anger to flood into NASA headquarters, bubble up to the White House, before the
media campaign had begun, would have played into the hands of the cover-up, driven it further underground, raised
the walls of resistance, hardened the resolve of those fearing retaliation, and been counter productive. We trust you
will understand, as the Awakening stands as proof that the element of doubt can be a facilitator.
The majority of the populace polled believes that the alien presence is real, intelligent life elsewhere
possible, without any absolute proof in hand. This is what the Awakening desires, a gradual comfort level
increase, without any contactees being burned at the stake by hysterical religious leaders whose turf has
been threatened.
ZetaTalk: Element of Doubt
Signs of the Times #886
UFO Puts Portugal on Military Alert [Jun 4] ’ The Portuguese press has announced that the airforce
is on alert since dozens of people saw a UFO on Tuesday. The Portuguese UFO is described as a
silent, luminous object, giving off white smoke. Paulo Lagarto, of the national air traffic control
authority, Navegacao Aerea de Portugal (NAV), says, ... Geologist José Fernando Monteiro says the
UFO wasn't a meteorite, ... The European Space Agency says it wasn't a satellite. ’ [and from
another country] ‘ In South Devon, in the U.K., the switchboard at the Herald Express was swamped
with calls from people who saw a cigar- shaped UFO. Retired British Aerospace engineer Roy
Dutton tracked the object for 20 minutes through a high-powered telescope. ' ...
Signs of the Times #830
Mexico Air Force Video Creates UFO Stir [May 11] ‘ The Mexican Air Force has released footage
of what a UFO expert said were 11 invisible unidentified flying objects picked up by an infrared
camera as they whizzed around a surveillance plane. The ministry confirmed to Reuters it had
provided the video, filmed by the Air Force on March 5' ...
Signs of the Times #829
UFO in Scotland [May 12] ‘ Several people reported
seeing a huge silver object in the area as they drove
past at around 8.45am last Wednesday. Silver in
appearance and looked like the dishes you see on the
side of television transmitters'. ... [and from another]
Glowing UFO Photographed In Poland [May 12] ‘ The
photo below was over the city of Rzeszów, Poland' ...
Signs of the Times #813
Flying Saucer Fever Grips Iran, Theories Abound [Apr
28] ‘ Flying saucer fever has gripped Iran after dozens
of sightings in the last few days. Fanciful cartoons of
alien spacecraft have adorned the front pages. State
television on Wednesday showed a sparkling white disc
it said was filmed over Tehran ... Newspapers and
agencies reported people rushing out into the streets in eight towns on Tuesday night to watch a
bright extraterrestrial light dipping in and out of the clouds. '
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ZetaTalk: Which Way
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ZetaTalk: Which Way
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
During the Transformation, the administrators of your galaxy are concerned with the following issues. They must
determine the overweening leaning of the planet's orientation. You will be pleased to learn that at the present time the
Earth's populace is deemed overweeningly leaning toward the Service-to-Other orientation, as was expected.
Consequently, the movement of entities toward the planet that will be their next home progresses along the following
If an entity is a Service-to-Others entity, this entity will be supported in a desire to remain in their incarnation
during and following the cataclysms. By this is meant, this entity will be lifted, however temporarily or
unconsciously, during the cataclysms, so as not to be destroyed and thereby ending the incarnation. New births
on Earth are increasingly being granted as an avenue to entities in the Service-to- Others orientation. This is not
at this time entirely the case, as there are other dramas being played out. For instance, some entities are close to
a decision on their orientation, and are granted an incarnation in order to complete their decision.
If an entity is a Service-to-Self entity of a sufficient orientation to warrant inclusion in the Service-to-Self
group, then upon termination of the incarnation the entity will migrate to a planetary home of the Service-to-Self
orientation. If, however, the entity is close to a decision and is not yet of an inclination sufficient to warrant
inclusion in the group, the entity may be granted yet another incarnation in order to further the decision making
process. It is for this reason you find many of your young so very brutal. They have chosen.
If an entity is nowhere near making a decision, and we must caution that there are many incarnations required
for the entity to be armed with enough information to make this decision, then the entity is prepared for a new
home planet. This is not a wrenching experience. The immature entity is given warm spiritual guidance, and this
voyage is done in a cocoon of love. Likewise, as most of the immature entities on Earth will be making the same
voyage, the entity is not alone nor without companions who share the same memories. At this present time, the
greater number of your Earth's entities are making this voyage or would appear to be making this voyage in the
future, as their incarnation ends.
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ZetaTalk: Chupacabras
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ZetaTalk: Chupacabras
Note: written May 15, 1996.
During former eras when the battle for men's souls raged hot and heavy, those in the Service-to-Self orientation at
times tried to tip the balance by loosing their dogs on humans in an attempt to terrify them. Such was the case when
dragons and a large bald faced vampire bat were brought to Earth and unleashed upon the hapless population. Not
being native to the Earth and hunted to extinction by angry mobs, these episodes were short lived but live on in the
legends about dragons and vampires. Such is now the case with the Chupacabras, an ape of low intelligence which
feeds on bodily fluids in preference to meat. A few hundred have been loosed on the Earth, approximately the same
number as the number of dragons and vampire bats loosed in the past. Today, other than the Chupacabras, there are no
living alien dog packs about, and the Chupacabras are dwindling.
As with other scourges, these creatures cannot attack humans unless the human gives permission, but terrified humans
who have concluded they are helpless are giving permission by abandoning the fight. What holds the Chupacabras in
check, and how can the Council of Worlds allow what appears to be a breach of the Rule of Non-Interference? Where
we have stated that the Earth and her future are in the hands of humans, this is exactly why the Chupacabras have
appeared - at the request of not just one, but many humans who are closely allied with aliens in the Service-to-Self. In
essence, they hope to win a better place in their future home, to land higher in the pecking order than at the very
bottom, but the joke will be on them. They are being used, but given the strength and size of their call to the Service-
to-Self aliens in attendance, such a situation as the Chupacabras can occur.
However, as the Chupacabras are of alien origin, restrictions still apply. Unless a human gives permission, in essence
acquiescing, an attack against a human cannot occur. This ties up considerable Service-to-Self resources, as where the
Chupacabras are residing in 3rd Density, their Service-to-Self alien handlers must likewise linger about to reign them
in now and then, albeit with a leash invisible to humans. These handlers, most often the alien life form known as Dino,
have also been sighted by humans during tense moments when the normal admonishments to leave alien sightings only
in the subconscious has taken second place to attending to the athletic Chupacabras. Were it not for these restrictions
such ploys would be endlessly used by the Service-to-Self, who have no sense of fair play.
The Chupacabras, when they die, are retrieved and removed, as a terrifying myth loses it's magic when a dead body
can be kicked and dissected. But more importantly, a dead Chupacabras would be identified as not of this Earth,
potentially, and this removes the Element of Doubt. Thus, the Council of Worlds has ruled that they are not to be left
about, for this conclusion to be arrived at, as this would tip the balance of power potentially into the Service-to-Self
camps. Like rumors of mass landings, which will not occur nor even be allowed to be staged, by aliens, such dead
bodies and the implication of harm coming from alien hands would be greatly used by Service-to-Self aliens. Thus, in
keeping the balance of influence equal, between Service-to-Self and Service-to-Other, for humans still making their
3rd Density decision, this rule is enforced.
They will eventually disappear, their sightings gradually diminishing, as the Service-to-Self attending Earth have their
hands filled with other matters in their losing battle for the Continent of South America. We, the Service-to-Others
Zetas are able to tell you about this ruse on the human population, as we are discussing here not the intentions of the
Service-to-Self aliens, who have in any case been already sighted by humans, but the actions of the Chupacabras.
Thus, we have not breached the Rules of Engagement.
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ZetaTalk: Massing Troops
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ZetaTalk: Massing Troops
Note: written May 15, 1996.
Humans assume, in any field of battle, that all else being equal the side with the larger army wins. For most of human
history wars were won because one general had more troops to send into battle or hack and stab and bludgeon the
other side. Whoever had men left standing when the dust settled - won. This concept gradually moved, during the last
few centuries, to the concept of superior firepower. Whoever had bullets and guns left when the dust settled - won. But
regardless of what was being counted, in human warfare, numbers mattered. Numbers are not as important in 4th
Density as they are in 3rd Density, as the battle is not won or lost on the number of soldiers in the field but on the
motivation and intensity of devotion to the cause that the sum of the numbers brings. Is it not true that a single
individual can stand against many and turn the tide? Look at Mahatma Gandhi, or Joan of Arc, or Abraham Lincoln.
Were they many? Take these individuals away and the battle might have had a different outcome.
Just so, during the Earth's Transformation, the influence that any alien group or single alien entity may have cannot be
measured in numbers. The issues are different, spiritual rather than physical. Which way the Earth goes will not be
decided based on muscles or bullets or even who may or may not be left standing. All may die but still win, or all may
live but still lose. The battle on Earth during the Transformation is for the focus, the orientation, of each formed entity.
In this a single wise and massive entity in the Service-to-Others may, disincarnate, literally influence millions.
Likewise, a thousand entities in the Service-to-Self, doing their best to sway a single human soul, may fail utterly.
Numbers mean nothing.
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ZetaTalk: Soul of a Continent
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ZetaTalk: Soul of a Continent
Note: written May 15, 1996.
Where South American is a continent targeted by those in the Service-to-Self orientation, the battle is anything but
lost. A pitched battle is in process, with a massive number of entities focused on responding to The Call from those
living there. Needless to say, the majority of entities responding to this distressed situation are in the Service-to-
Others, who are in the majority in the Universe and have the resources. This battle takes many forms, from quiet
counsel to those who have given The Call to active engagement between alien groups. Due to the requirement that all
alien encounters be recorded only in the subconscious, so as not to raise the level of anxiety on Earth at the current
time, battles between aliens in the Service-to-Self and Service-to-Others are not a matter humans are aware of, except
as they may be peripherally involved. By going head-to-head in a formal engagement, those in the Service-to- Other
tie up the resources and energies of those in the Service-to-Self, while others of their numbers remain available for
direct contact with humans giving The call.
Note: text below added during the Jun 29, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
South American has been won, for the Service-to-Other groups, but all resentment of this decision has not
disappeared. Africa is now the focus of intense fighting, and appears to be moving nicely into the Service-to-Other
camps too. Because all Service-to-Self alien groups interested in capturing at least a continent on Earth, to continue to
attract converts until the Transformation is completed, are moving their troops to the front lines where they are most
needed, South America is left to the humans who hoped otherwise. Many battles, even in the past, were a joint effort
by humans and aliens. Examples of Service-to-Self teams are the Nazi’s, where Service-to-Self aliens conferred
during visitation and suggested how the Jews and others considered undesirable by the arrogant elite might be pushed
into hopelessness, the better to push them into Service-to-Self direction. Examples of Service-to-Other teams are the
birth of the US as a democracy, as outlined in the book Oahspe, where it was reported that bullets were caught in
alien/angel hands, so that those humans fighting to bring about the US as a democracy could succeed. Even today
Service-to-Other aliens are meeting on ships with groups of human contactees, all of whom are working together,
assisted by Service-to-Other aliens.
Thus, lately, the Americas and Africa have seen these efforts of the Service-to-Self. Cattle mutilations in the US were
in the main done by humans, in black helicopters, unmarked, purchased and organized by the wealthy elite who did not
want the US public to embrace Service-to-Other aliens as space brothers. This failed, the campaign considered a
failure by the Service-to-Self aliens, who left to South America and Africa, and without the assistance of the aliens,
the humans could not create impressive mutilations so stopped likewise. Now, in South America, resentful humans are
wanting to try their hand at this. South America has had its share of Service-to-Self countries, with the Nazi’s being
welcomed there, and it is these strongholds that are trying to drive the public into hopelessness. What is the goal, if
they are human, not alien, and are unaware of the afterlife on Service-to-Self worlds? In general, those who perpetrate
these frauds want humans atremble, frightened, feeling they must cling to their human leadership. How dare their
public feel happy, go about with hope in their hearts, and especially talk about aliens with interest? These human
efforts will fail, as all establishments will soon have their hands full with more to worry about, and their minions
increasingly make mistakes so it becomes obvious that humans are behind this.
Note: below added during the Dec 21, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
In the past, during the early days of MJ12, Service-to-Self aliens were the first to arrive and most influential. As with
the Nazis in times past, they had their advocates who continued to give the Call to these aliens. This is an individual
matter, but as a general guideline, the Service-to-Self aliens answering such a Call gauge how their time might best be
spent. What is to be gained, what won, as their task masters are expecting a good return for their efforts, and
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ZetaTalk: Soul of a Continent
punishments are not light. The US was formerly the site of many cattle mutilations, now gone and only lingering in
South America. Any hope of effecting an Service-to-Self victory in the North American continent was long ago lost,
and South American continent is likewise considered a loss to the Service-to-Self. Thus, Bush Sr. and others who
aligned tightly with the Service-to-Self aliens in the past have lost out, been abandoned, though they hardly agree to
this and keep trying. It is not that they, the humans, have changed, it is just that their Call gets little attention, and no resources.
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ZetaTalk: Brazilian Roswell
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ZetaTalk: Brazilian Roswell
Note: written Jul 15, 1996.
The continent of South American is caught in a tug of war between visiting aliens in the Service-to-Self and Service-
to-Other. These groups have engaged each other, and in some cases extreme measures are being taken. The psyche of
the populace, having been influenced toward fear and self concern by false stories of blood-drained and weakened
contactees, required shock treatment. These false stories gave the impression of loss of blood in the contactees, who in fact were only symptomatic of this. These episodes were as a result of visits from the Service-to-Self, where these
contactees, having given The Call, allowed themselves to be intimidated into compliance with such treatment. Without
this compliance, any physical change in a contactee or even any visit is not possible. The human controls the situation.
However, in keeping with the intent of the Service-to-Self aliens, rumors of blood drained and weakened contactees
The shock treatment of choice was similar to the Roswell scenario, where the populace would be given the impression
that aliens are vulnerable, can be in pain, and can require the ministration and pity of humans. Where such a situation
does not directly counter the blood-drained and weakened contactee story, it has the effect of negating this story as the
exact situation with the weakened contactees is not known. Their story could be taken many ways, including human
altercations, lovers bites and the weakness that comes from excess, for instance. Thus rumors spread about vulnerable
aliens would tend to lean the weight of public opinion into such directions, rather than domination by aliens. Thus, the
Service-to-Other win the struggle for public perception, and pity and concern replace fear.
Of course, to create a situation where pity and concern are called for there must be pain and injury and desperation. As
in Roswell, several aliens in the Service-to-Other determined to sacrifice themselves and undergo terror and injury,
pain and death, in order to achieve this end. As with Roswell, their ship was deliberately crashed, but unlike Roswell
where all were supposed to die in the crash, most of the occupants were to live, and live in a pitiable situation. This
they did, and their angst was not acting, as they were injured and terrified. Per plan, they met with talkative and
impressionable children, who told their story to everyone they could, as expected. Open and innocent, these witnesses
have never been doubted, and because UFOlogy nowadays is organized, tidbits of the story were snapped up before they could be drowned in a cover-up. Thus, the cover-up being effected according to tactics well-known in Brazil
simply adds to the realism of the situation.
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ZetaTalk: Chupacabra Remnants
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ZetaTalk: Chupacabra Remnants
written Oct 15, 2004
We have stated when the Chupacabra reports first emerged that these creatures were Akin to the dragons or vampire bats of old, brought to Earth to terrify humans by those in the Service-to-Self, looking to increase their harvest of
recruits. Fear, terror, increase a self focus, and thus is a tool used by those in the Service-to-Self to drive young souls
in this direction. In the past dumb creatures used to this end, brought to Earth and unleashed on villages, eventually
died out, as they are not native to the Earth and suffer from infections and inadequate nutrition. What does the recent
discovery of dead Chupacabra, young and starving, in Maryland and Texas, mean? It means their handlers have fled,
and are no longer attempting to capture the continent of S. America, as was the case when the Chupacabra episode began. The Council of Worlds required that the handlers, the Service-to-Self aliens unleashing them, ensure that
humans not be harmed by the Chupacabra unless in essence giving permission, the human always in control of the
situation. Thus, these aliens attended their dogs of war faithfully, as failure to do so would send them packing, forced
to leave the Earth for failure to abide by the rules. But if leaving anyway, the Service-to-Self, not known for their
concern for the environment or having any sense of responsibility, would scarcely scout about to collect all the young
their charges might have spawned. Thus they show up, infected and suffering from malnutrition, unidentifiable as a
known species on Earth, puzzling those who come upon their remains.
Brazil, Aug. 3, 1997
Curiously enough, all of the attacks took place in barns or sheds or pens that were securely locked.
Puerto Rico, 1999
The enigmatic creature can best be described as a cross between one of the"Grey" aliens and a
terrestrial animal such as a porcupine or a kangaroo due to the presence of quill-like appendages
running down its back and enormously powerful hind legs which enable it to leap over trees in a
single bound.
Chille, May 11, 2000
It stood about 1.5 meters (four feet) tall, like a big monkey, with long clawed arms, enormous fangs
protruding from its mouth, as well as a pair of wings.
Nicaragua, 2000
The dog-sized creature had a bull-like head and small feet. Gioconda Chevez, a zoologist who
examined it, told the newspapers that the creature had smooth skin like that of a bat, long claws and
a crocodile-like crest running down its back.
Sign 1178
Another Texas Chupacabra? [Oct 14] 'Local animal experts are having a hard time identifying a
strange looking animal killed in Angelina County on Friday - an animal that looks eerily similar to
the as yet unidentified Elmendorf Beast killed near San Antonio earlier this year. The animal's blue-
grey skin is almost hairless and appears to be covered with mange. A closer look at the animal's jaw
line reveals a serious overbite and four huge canine teeth, and a long, rat-like tail curls behind the
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ZetaTalk: Chupacabra Remnants
animal's emaciated frame. It had no hair, a severe overbite and its claws were entirely too long for a
dog. The animal's front legs were much smaller than it's hind legs. WOAI-TV in San Antonio has
aired several stories on the so-called "Elmendorf Beast" since a nearby rancher shot and killed one
earlier this year. The animal depicted on the station's Web site, at www.woai.com, looks eerily
similar to the one discovered in Pollok. The rancher from Elmendorf, located southeast of San
Antonio, killed the animal after 35 of his chickens disappeared in one day. The animal was also
almost hairless, with blue-grey coloring and four large "fangs." The station reported that tissue
from the animal has been sent for DNA testing, and that it will be several more weeks before the
tests are completed. Sightings of similar animals have been reported across the country, from
California to Maryland.'
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ZetaTalk: Science Fiction
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ZetaTalk: Science Fiction
Note: written Sep 15, 1995.
The media - movies, books, and TV shows - often portray transformative aspects, but this is taken to be fiction by the
audience. One such aspect is the definitive battles between good and evil, as portrayed in the Star Wars series, which
quite accurately mirrors the determinations on spiritual orientation to be made during 3rd Density. In Star Wars the
fictional portrayal shows this to be a physical battle, rather than a spiritual decision, but the battle is won at key points
because of spiritual decisions - young Skywalker facing his fears and standing up to all manner of intimidation; Darth
Vadar saving his soul at the last minute by following suit, concern for his son overpowering all concern for self; Hans
Solo, uninvolved and self protective, joining a cause in a heart-beat to save his friends, risking all; the moral slavery
those serving the Empire live under and the terror tactics used by the Master to enforce subservience. Do these not
exemplify the spiritual crossroads faced by humans in 3rd Density?
Other such transformative aspects portrayed in the media are the variety of life forms in the Universe, the degree of
habitability throughout the Universe, interdimensional or what we term differing density shifts, rapid space travel, and
time travel. These aspects are skewed to show primarily hominoid life forms, primarily dry land planets, and free
movement during time travel - all of which are incorrect assumptions. However, presentation of the concepts in
general is transformative to the audience. How do the writers and the cinematographers come by concepts that mirror
the world to come? Have they been inspired? Without a doubt. Select creative writers and artists, who give The Call
and are sufficiently motivated and talented, are taken on tours of the Universe, presented directly with life forms,
conditions on other planets and engagements between those in the Service-to-Self and Service-to-Other. They are
portraying, in human terms, what they have seen.
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ZetaTalk: The Dead
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ZetaTalk: The Dead
Note: written Dec 15, 1995.
Increasingly, during the Awakening, humans will experience contacts with entities formerly incarnated as their family
or friends - with the dead. Where visions of dead relatives or friends have been intrinsic during a Near Death
Experience, or within minutes of the death of a loved one who would appear briefly to say good-by, these visions will
begin to occur out of these contexts. These visions, a result of a spirit- to-spirit communication, are recorded in the
subconscious and thence appear during recall in the conscious in a manner the human brain can grasp. These formerly
incarnated entities in no way have their former form or garb, but are recorded in the brain in that manner due to mental
connections that are bonded to thoughts of the dead loved one. If the spirit formerly incarnated as Uncle Joe visits,
then one frames out this awareness of the visit with Uncle Joe's visage and tone of voice, just a brain cell away from
where memories of Uncle Joe are stored.
As the Transformation is now, entities who have made their orientation decision and undecided entities alike want that
last word with loved ones before moving on to their next incarnation. If firmly in the Service-to-Other they may wish
to encourage others in this direction. If undecided and aware that they will be taken to a world far from Earth, they
may wish to say good-by or express encouragement to loved ones they know will likewise be making the same trip.
And if firmly in the Service-to-Self, they may wish to contact a former cohort and put a word in for this orientation
choice so as to be less alone in a potentially distressing environment.
Humans giving The Call will thus find that increasingly they are communicating not only with aliens but the dead.
This increase is not due to any change in Council rules or in procedures in the alien groups visiting Earth, but is due to
the awareness that the dead have of the Transformation, which is now. In the past, the dead expected their next
incarnation to follow past patterns. Now they know otherwise.
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ZetaTalk: Crossing Over
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ZetaTalk: Crossing Over
Note: written Jan 15, 2002
Crossing Over is an entrancing show for many, and with good reason. John Edwards is genuinely speaking with spirits,
the dead, and has learned this skill from his early childhood experiences, which he does not speak about. The soul can
speak to other souls, incarnated about them in the family, and likewise can speak to the dead. This is written about in
human literature as haunting, or times when a spirit is sensed in the room, though not seen. Those who acknowledge
these experiences allow themselves to be open to the possibility, and thus allow the soul to update the mind in this
regard. All humans with strong souls have this potential, but few develop it. Edwards experienced severe loss in his
childhood, and with great longing reached out to contact those he had lost. He allowed himself to experience this,
which was a comfort to him, and thus in childhood became versed in this form of communication. This is not a fraud,
not is it likely to become so due to the nature of the communication vehicle, who is strongly Service-to-Other.
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ZetaTalk: Take Sick
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ZetaTalk: Take Sick
Note: written Feb 15, 1998.
Increasingly, as the pole shift nears, the populace will take sick. This will take the form of known illnesses occurring
more frequently, seemingly depressed immune systems, but will also appear as new and puzzling illnesses not seen
before in the memory of man. What is going on here? Birds flying that use magnetism are confused, arriving in the
wrong place, and all of this affects the immune system as almost everything does. The changes at the core of the Earth
that have resulted in El Nino weather patterns and white buffalo and deformed frogs also affect man. Not only is the
body asked to adapt to a changing environment, where radiation elements unknown to man are increasing, various
infectious agents are also influenced to behave differently. Exposure patterns are thus changed, with infections
occurring in circumstances otherwise considered healthy. The germs are on the move. Their carriers are on the move.
And thus humans are exposed to diseases that are so rare as to be undocumented in medical journals.
Often, there is almost a decision by humans and animals alike, to simply not persevere. They sense that there are going
to be very troubled times ahead. Perhaps they would have a struggle and not make it, and they just let themselves go.
They allow themselves to become sick. This happens in the best of times with many situations where the doctor faces
an illness that should not be devastating to the patient, yet they are dying, and other situations where the will to live
pulls the patient out of the worst case and they surprise and shock the doctors. So the determination to live or die has a
great effect. As the time of the pole shift approaches, this type of distress will increase steadily, affecting the weak and
despondent primarily, as do all illnesses. When the immune system is depressed, as occurs in those with poor nutrition
or whose body is in a weakened state due to a series of illnesses but also in those who have become despondent, illness
can occur aggressively, with sweeping speed.
You will see increasing illness, odd illnesses, microbes that travel because an insect is scattering about and spreading
germs in places where it normally doesn't travel. This does not mean that the illness has been spread deliberately.
Some have, but well over 90% of all the illness and distress you're going to see is a natural situation, a natural
occurrence. Because of the changing, swirling in the core of the Earth, and this will continue to up-tick until the pole
shift. Starvation from crop shortages and exposure due to erratic weather will compound this trend, with the die off
expected after the pole shift occurring early in some parts of the world. Of course, the devastation after the pole shift
will be very severe. A majority of the deaths that will occur as a result of the pole shift will not be due to the initial
impact but will be due to illness, the spreading of germs, and a lethargic depression that envelopes mankind.
Note: below added during the Dec 7, 2002 LIve ZetaTalk IRC Session.
We described in 1995 that mankind and animals alike would increasingly take sick, during the years and months going
into the shift. Germs migrate to new environments, due to climate changes, and humans and animals are under stress
due to earth changes as well as climate changes. There are germs mankind is unfamiliar with, that will become more
aggressive, considered a new strain, unknown before. Likewise, confused animals will migrate to wrong places,
becoming weakened, and increase their vulnerability to germs and stress diseases. All this, in our predictions, have
come about, but with every new outbreak we get questioned as to what the cause is. A cruise ship has stomach flu, or
food poisoning caused by distracted food handlers, and this is not out of keeping with our predictions on mankind
increasingly making error in their everyday work due to subconscious worry, and the failure of their governments to
address the earth changes they can see are occurring. Likewise, individuals on a ship talk more to one another, or
perhaps have intimate interaction, where perhaps in the past would not, due to anxiety. Personal guard is dropped, and
it takes not much more than this for many groups to be infected. Hands not washed in wash rooms, a single family
member bringing a germ into a room to infect the rest of the family, etc. This is nothing more than has been predicted,
and will increase, due to distraction of humans, climate changes, and dropping immune systems.
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ZetaTalk: Take Sick
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ZetaTalk: Asian Flu Epidemic
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ZetaTalk: Asian Flu Epidemic
written during the Jan 30, 2004 Lou Gentile Show
With the increased sicknesses that have been showing up in wild animals and domestic, as the
Zetas predicted, how long after the passage will immune systems remain weakened and these
types of diseases remain a danger to humans, since the mad cow, for instance, began showing
many years ago? Are the animals' susceptibility to those pathogens related to Planet X?
We have stated, early in the ZetaTalk era, that Illness would be on the increase going into the shift. We stated at that time that this would be due to several factors, primarily depressed immune systems but also opportunistic germs that
would migrate to new environments due to the erratic weather. All creatures, human and domesticated and wildlife
alike, suffer, and thus all can be responsible for spreading germs into new environments. Droughts and deluges with
resulting floods have occurred, causing migration of wildlife. The illness emerging is not new, in the main, caused by
germs that have been present all along. Swine or avian flu, germs passed from animals to humans and mutating, is not
new. Starvation is rampant, worldwide, mostly resulting in undernourished humans and flocks and herds and wildlife.
Humans are distracted by worry, and thus tend to eat comfort food rather than a proper diet, and even wildlife suffers
from this tendency, being too distressed or unable to eat their normal diet. All this creates depressed immune systems.
An additional stress on the immune system is the emanations from the swirling core of the Earth and the rock strata
under pressure. If rock emits radon, naturally, and rock under pressure and heading for a quake emits radio waves that
can be detected by radios nearby as static, then the distressed crust of the Earth and increased swirling of the core spell
a change for mankind and the other creatures crawling about on the Earth, and change is stressful. Erratic weather puts
the body under almost continuous stress. Humans intent on surviving the coming times should be careful to eat a
proper diet, but the most important ingredient in a strong immune system is attitude. Think less of the coming times as
a depressing disaster and look beyond them to the future, which will ultimately be immensely better for survivors than
the present times. Life on Earth will change, with survivors supporting each other and the Earth becoming a home to
high tech visitors - fascinating, unfolding, and emotionally satisfying.
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ZetaTalk: Emanation Illness
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ZetaTalk: Emanation Illness
written Nov 16, 2005
We have mentioned from the start of ZetaTalk, the early days, that the core emanations will on occasion make people stressed. This is not something that can be seen, as these emanations are invisible to man. What is it that allows animals to sense that an earthquake is approaching? Those electromagnetic emanations from the Earth that man
ignores or cannot readily sense. But more than this occurs. During the Summer of 2003, it was noted by many that an
odd fatigue would descend during the day only, from the Sun. We explained at that time that since Planet X was
arriving from that direction, the disturbances in particle flows coming from the Sun was at fault. At that time the Earth
likewise had power outages galore, for similar reasons.
The Earth is now coming into a similar period, when the N Pole of Planet X is swinging, slowing, around to point
away from the Sun for the 3 days of darkness time those in the northern hemisphere of Earth will inevitably
experience. This swing is not only slow, it is a bit erratic, so that it will dither and thus cause the Earth to feel the force
of this magnetic hose from the N Pole and then, a cessation, coming and going. Power outages will accompany some
of this, as will disturbed core emanation and all of this will make people feel out of sorts. What to do about this, and how to handle it? Our advice is to treat these sudden feelings of weakness or depression like a case of sunburn or a
slight head cold. If you have sunburn or a head cold, you do not become unduly alarmed, and give yourself a break,
less outdoor work, more time on the couch with a hot cup of tea. Do the same when afflicted with these mystery
illnesses, as their cause is temporary, in the scheme of things.
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ZetaTalk: Morgellons
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ZetaTalk: Morgellons
written May 20, 2006 on the live GodlikeProduction Radio show.
Is Morgellons a nematode -like life form who's role is central to the affliction?
We have stated early on in ZetaTalk that there would be an increase in illness as the time of pole shift approached, and
certainly through the pole shift and after, for many reasons - the Earth changes, changes in climate, the core swirls,
This is what causes the White Buffalo and albinism in wildlife and other creatures to increase. And certainly, if the
changes are creating more albinos, what is it doing to other parts of the body? This is stressful to creatures living on
the surface. Like all stress, the immune system and will to live differs. We have stated that there would be a drop in
the immune systems of many, because of the changes from the many particle flow flowing in and out of the Earth and
swirling around that man was not designed to withstand on an evolutionary basis. The second reason is the types of
bugs, the climate changes, the temperature swings. Tropical bugs that migrate up or in the case of the Southern
Hemisphere, down, to land where there is no resistance to them. Disease breaks out. It's a known disease, its not a new
disease, but everybody is concerned about the outbreak, wondering if it was planted, but these bugs just travel and are
opportunistic. A third factor is germs or creatures that man is not even aware of will increase to the point that it will
become a noticeable illness. This is again due to a dropped immune system where it appears to be a new illness but
has in fact been around, just not that noticeable or common.
Morgellons disease is an example in that category. Known in the past. It's been in the news that 300 years ago in
Europe there was a very similar outbreak and the similarity is astonishing. Indeed it is a series of creatures that coexist
together and support each other. It's also been reported that Lyme disease is commonly in place in people that develop
Morgellons. The common carrier is the tick. And seems to spread in areas like California, Texas, Florida, where there
is a warm climate. although it is throughout the United States. But ticks bite and infect birds or many creatures,
wildlife that travels, even humans that move, and therefor the coexisting or cooperative nature of various bacteria, little
creatures, nematode-like creatures, is spread. It's just another example of what we have been describing, increased
illness. What to do about this? Clearly, improving the immune system is the big factor, because not everyone comes
down with it. Not everyone gets Lyme disease. Lyme disease is an infection that permeates the body, the joints and
floats around in the lymph system. The body can even cure cancer, yet other people will get cancer and let it overtakes
them. This is based on the will to live, so this is the main factor. Improve the life style, improve the surroundings. Give
them a more positive outlook. The second factor is, as has been recorded, a lot of Vitamin C can make a difference.
Well, that's true of any infection. Those are the two approaches we would recommend. Good nutrition, a positive
outlook, helping to give psychological impetus to boost the immune system which is the main problem here.
Is cotton clothing a factor in Morgellons?
Cotton is an organic substance and these are organic parasites, and yes, they would be attracted to cotton more than
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ZetaTalk: Morgellons
synthetic substances. But cotton washed with bleach or a strong detergent will not be so affected. What is the
manufacturing process? They like a strong dye, a very red shirt, for instance. They're hardly likely to bleach the cotton
and then dye it red. They're likely to do as little as possible with the fibers to decrease the cost of production. Yes,
biological material and that would include wool would possibly spread these nematodes.
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ZetaTalk: Death Rate
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ZetaTalk: Death Rate
Note: written Jan 15, 2000.
Many humans are alive today only because of modern crop growing techniques, where a very few large farms can feed
many in the cities. It was not that way 100 years ago, nor was it the case that humans with genetic faults would live. If
they got diabetes, for example, they died. Pneumonia took people out in a wink, and now it’s cured with antibiotics.
The Earth will return to those times when there were no antibiotics, where people who need special medication simply
don’t receive it, and they will die. This is not a horror, this is simply a return to life as it existed 100 years ago.
Death is not the end for those souls that are reincarnating, and death does not need to be painful or a source of anxiety
if it is accepted and those around are supportive. It can be a time of anguish if everyone is fighting this reality. In days
of yore, the reality was not fought. It was a time of acceptance, and grief. So prepare those who will die for death, if
it’s inevitable or appears to be inevitable. Life will be hard enough for those who are genetically blessed, who are in
good health, who are in a safe area where a reasonable food supply can be grown. The times will be terribly harsh.
People will lose their teeth, they will have broken bones that are poorly set, and it will not be a time when life is a joy
and carefree. It’s a time for spiritual growth, a transitional time. Look upon it in that manner, as then you can embrace
some of the good aspects of the times, and not just the horrors.
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