in their robes, but needing to flee, she suggest another mode, the rebel now a leader.

The dutiful citizen, paying his bills and minding the traffic signs and wearing the appropriate dress and prating

the corporate agenda at work, is presented with earthquake upheaval that has reduced his home and workplace to

rubble - the earthquake, the trapped and injured neighbors, the opportunity. Thinking survival, solely, he

breathes more deeply and finds his head clear for the first time in years, the focus not on the rules but the

emergency at hand. Is it looting to take rope from a store, without paying, to rescue those trapped under fallen

trees? Once having cast the net of expectations aside, the adult thinks about these matters, and no longer reacts in

a programmed manner.

The spouse who finds love gone but the ties that bind still in place deals with the cold shoulder in bed, the

hostile comments at the dinner table, by distractions and sadness, but one day a flat tire on the road provides a

socially acceptable meeting between two lonely people, and by the time the tire is changed and a cup of coffee

in thanks has passed, the rules about fidelity are being ignored - a simple flat tire, the opportunity. The life long

gone is suddenly a possibility again, and plans are laid on how to complete the process, divorce, arrangements,

and being bold.

Given the upheaval to come during the increasing earthquakes and volcanic activity leading up to rotation stoppage,

breaking roads and twisting rails, shattering cities and exploding pipelines, what can be expected of those living today

under the rules they were raised to abide by, without question? For every individual harboring seething resentment,

anger over senseless and inhumane rules, there will be an opportunity to step into a different mode of action. The

soldier, told to point his gun at a child and shoot, not only refusing but turning his gun to protect, not main, the child,

rebelling. The housewife, told by her husband to stay in the house, no longer safe, with the children, taking the car keys

and leaving home and husband for good, rebelling. Police and firefighters, told by officials to let the buildings burn

and to blockade escape from the city as their presence in a Martial Law directive is required blocking roads so looters

cannot move to more affluent areas, turning a deaf ear to the orders and doing what their hearts tell them is the right

thing to do, rebels all. Thus, in those counties where it seems freedom is dying, democracy stolen, dictatorship on the[2/5/2012 11:14:05 AM]

ZetaTalk: Change Agent

rise, take comfort. Help is on the way, the Earth changes will allow an opportunity for all to live lives more real, more caring, than was imagined.[2/5/2012 11:14:05 AM]

ZetaTalk: Led by Children

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ZetaTalk: Led by Children

Note: written Jan 15, 2002

Many children are being born at this time, quite young to face the cataclysms that will occur before they reach their

teens, much less adulthood. Why would this be the plan, when such children would likely be in shock, neglected, and

unable to lead, certainly. These special children are in a optimal position to lead, contrary to mankinds understanding.

Why would this be so? Children, souls incarnating into the young, are without the burden that human adults have

assumed, of preconcieved notions and the societal need to conform. They are open, and comment upon what they see

as reality, not with the suppression that society imposes and which becomes automatic and adopted by adults who

must function in society. Likewise, these children have stamina and health, as in truth the human body is strongest

prior to the age of 20 or so, and declines afterwards.

Thus, survival groups, stunned by what has happened and in despair over being abandoned and lied to by their

governments. In shock over the adjustments to their prior lifestyle, and depressed over the adjustments that must be

made. Will be led by these children, who will see resources and avenues not apparent to their parents and caretakers.

They will find each other, and communicate, and create bonds between groups that the adults would not think posible.

They will be the visionaries of the future, among human survival groups, to a degree that would stun their parents now.

Thus, led by a child is a phrase that will become a reality in the near future. They are on the increase now, to serve as

during the shift, when most of humanity will be stunned and hurting and the lack of leadership crying for natural

leaders to step forward. Of course, the children will not be the only ones leading, as there are many natural leaders

among the adults! But the relative youth allows them more flexibility. Not the least of which is that adults may resist

other adults, getting into posturing, but will take a child's suggestion as just that. Children have ways of influencing

their elders which the elders scarsely take note of, but an anaylsis of the process shows that the child is leading.

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ZetaTalk: Creating One's Destiny

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ZetaTalk: Creating One's Destiny

Note: written Sep 15, 1996.

It is broadly felt by many that man can create his own destiny, through his intent, his actions, and his perseverance.

Often times humans will comment that this or that is their destiny, or is not their destiny, revealing their belief that

such a thing as a destiny exists. Mixed in with general understanding that the future can be shaped by one's actions is

an undefined sense that the future is often written, arranged, waiting as it were out there for the human to arrive if only

they were to put their feet on the right path. In that many humans have had pre-birth conferences with the birthing

guides and frequent conferences with their spirit guides, they are often speaking of their own understanding of

conclusions they have come to about their incarnation and their own intentions. Each human's life is in his own hands,

and any destiny that he is heading for is shaped only by his own resolve.

However, since the vague sense of destiny seems to have no solid explanation in the physical world, many humans

conclude that destiny may be a thing, and that their wishes can make it so, as the feeling that something is waiting for them is so strong and compelling. In these cases the human is clear, in their heart and subconscious mind, within their

undying spirit which guides their thoughts and actions, that their future actions could have great import, both on their

personal lives and the lives of others. The human can't put their finger on why they have this feeling, so various

explanations such as an absolute destiny awaiting one, or an ability to create a destiny by wishing it so, are grasped at

to explain their intense sense of a future awaiting them. Especially in those who are undecided about their path,

without firm resolve and vacillation about the path to be taken, the sense that a destiny awaits them may become a

burning obsession. This represents a war within themselves, and when unresolved in the favor of the path

unconsciously sought, results in a human who mulls and broods about a destiny unfulfilled.

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ZetaTalk: Make a Difference

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ZetaTalk: Make a Difference

Note: written Oct 15, 1995.

If there are few contactees in proportion to the population in general, how is it that contactees can make a difference?

Contactees are usually singular, and act en-mass only after meeting in contact groups or bumping into each other, a

rare event. The answer lies in the history of a vision or idea, and how this can ignite action. Humans are fond of

pointing to inventors who stumbled upon a method to increase the general standard of living. Benjamin Franklin

capturing and directing electricity with a kite string. Alexander Bell calling his assistant from the next room. The

Wright brothers staying aloft in their flying machine. From this we have electric appliances in every household,

telecommunications galore, and flying on business or to visit friends or family or go on vacation an everyday affair.

Less dramatic only because it cannot be pointed to as a concrete thing are changes that affect how mankind views the

world and how mankind will proceed when the world starts changing during the Transformation.

Unprepared for the Transformation, mankind would react as it does today when presented with any other unknown

entity - with a mixture of fear and curiosity. In dealing with new situations, humans like all life deal first with their

fear, and only when this is placated with their curiosity. Therefore, the likely reaction by an unprepared mankind to

Transformative changes will be fear and resistance. Change is in any case resisted, and change clouded by uncertainly

is vigorously resisted. But what happens when change is anticipated, or perhaps even welcomed? Though the majority

may resist and hold back, the fact that a few move forward and embrace change is catalytic. At first only a trickle, and

then a stream, and eventually the flow undermines all resistance and the laggards are caught in the undertow. Fear can

often be translated into the statement - what will this mean? When leaders step forward and demonstrate what this

means, as a living example, that question is answered and the fear factor virtually eliminated.

This is the legacy that contactees stepping forward to embrace the Transformation leave, and the role they fill in the

main. By the way they live their lives, under public scrutiny. By the innovative solutions they place into the public

knowledge base. By the personal and professional risks they take in order to incite discussion. All these are catalytic

actions, and make a difference.

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ZetaTalk: Coordination

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ZetaTalk: Coordination

Note: written Dec 15, 1995.

Increasingly, during the Transformation, contactees are beginning to work together. They find each other not by

accident, not because they are browsing over the same books at the book store, not because they are members of the

same organization, but because they have been introduced to each other behind the scenes and have plotted their

meeting time and place. It is we, and our brethren in the Service-to-Other, who respond to The Call of many by

arranging these opportunities, which are warmly received and acted upon. These meetings result in marriages, business

arrangements, friendships, philanthropic connections, and long range planning galore.

Survival groups are very unobtrusively arranging themselves. Neighbor to neighbor talks, people meeting in their

normal association and identifying each other more so than any kind of organized activity where they answer an add

placed in the paper. They are in fact migrating to live close to each other regionally, and by this they are being guided

since often they are meeting each other as contactees. They are most often not unaware on a conscious level of why

they are making the moves that they are making. They make all manner of excuses, pick up and move, change

occupations, and find themselves in an area where they get along better with the neighbors and their particular skill set

meshes nicely. This will increasingly happen as the time arrives and even after, where those survivors will migrate

following their instincts more than anything and finding each other.

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ZetaTalk: Transformation Activities

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ZetaTalk: Transformation Activities

Note: written Feb 15, 1996.

Humans are aware that their Earth is being visited by great numbers of aliens at this time, as the Earth's

Transformation is now. What are all these aliens doing, and who is doing what? Alien visitors are doing more than

answering The Call and conducting a genetic engineering project, they are assisting humans operating spiritually in the

Service-to-Other orientation with their Transformation activities. The Earth's future is in the hands of humans, at the

present moment, and nothing can be accomplished unless it is done by human hands, a result of a human giving The

Call, or due to one human stepping aside or giving permission to another human so that an activity may occur. With

that in mind, what are these activities.

What humans presume to be the process of change, based on their observations of human society, is not at all what is

taking place. In human society, change comes primarily in a top-down manner, from edicts or laws, and secondarily

when outside influences that are discernible such as weather changes or pronouncements or war or the ravages of

disease force change. The changes being wrought by human hands during the Earth's Transformation are neither edicts

or discernible by all - they are covert and the result of cooperation among humans. When seemingly quiet revolutions

take place in human society, they in fact prove to be edicts upon close examination - the general in the hills, directing

terrorist activities against an establishment he wishes to topple; the ringleader in a group, inciting the others to acts that

are laid out for the underlings, as assignments.

The quiet revolution that is the Transformation is different, as there is no single leader or set of ringleaders, no assignments or edicts, but rather each human operating in the Service-to-Other orientation choosing his or her role,

and acting under their own volition.

These activities can constitute something as minor as the reporting of news, being more truthful, or the coordination of

efforts, where the needs of one are met by the offer of another. On occasion an effort is heroic, the sacrifice of a life to

draw attention to an injustice, or the quiet gift of hard earned savings or one's time to a cause not personally rewarding.

Increasingly, Transformation activities involve more than one, a group of humans who have found each other, often

due to requested assistance from aliens. Where should I look, where should I go, whom might I meet there and how

might introductions be started - the contactee might ask. As they have given The Call, we of the Service-to-Other

orientation assist, giving information and even arranging behind the scenes introductions during group visitations, so

that later those who wish to meet each other will not feel themselves to be strangers.

These activities are on the increase among humans, and consequently for those aliens in the Service-to- Other there is

scarcely a spare moment. All Service-to-Other aliens visiting Earth at this time, no matter what type of life form, are

enlisted in these activities. Thus, contactees may find themselves conferring with each other during visitations, with an

intelligent species akin to an octopus or a hedgehog coordinating the activities. However, whenever possible fact-to-

face encounters with humans are done by other hominoids, to minimize any adjustments the dedicated humans will

have to make.

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ZetaTalk: Incarnated Helpers

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ZetaTalk: Incarnated Helpers

Note: written May 15, 1996.

Where most aliens who have come to assist with the Transformation are either incarnated as an alien life form or

disincarnate and in light form, a small number plunge right into the swamp by incarnating as humans, as babes in

arms. For some, who have never incarnated in a hominoid or land based life form, there is considerable adjustment.

Inevitably, entities who have been operating at higher densities in the Service-to-Other orientation find it distressing to

return to the rough and tumble of 3rd Density existence, where they can no longer count on those around them to be

trustworthy teammates. Returning to 3rd Density is akin to living and breathing murky water, where before you stood

on the hill top with a broad view and fresh breezes. It is a sacrifice done out of love and concern for the struggling

young entities that are emerging from the new world. However, the rewards can be significant.

Incarnated helpers are most often not placed in positions of leadership, but rather as the second in command or counsel

to those in leadership. The Earth and its progress are in the hands of terran born entities, who are to be the leaders, and

the assistance they receive from incarnated helpers is not pressed on this terran born leadership, but is there if

requested. As the Earth is to be our future home, many Zetan entities leave the comfort of 4th Density to incarnate into

human form going into the Transformation, and don't shirk from being placed in locales or cultures where the going

will be rough. It is the end result that counts, and this is what is born in mind, as the discomforts of a single lifetime

are but a moment in time.

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ZetaTalk: In Attendance

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ZetaTalk: In Attendance

Note: written Nov 15, 1998.

How many aliens are visiting Earth at this time? Almost too many to count. In this we are speaking of course of our

brethren, as well as ourselves. On a ration of one visitor to one human on Earth, we are perhaps present in the

environment, in one form or another, at close to a two to one ration. Where are we then, if we are almost twice as

many as you? Many visitors are disincarnate, acting in spirit form, and cannot be seen by you. Of the others, who are

in physical form, there are literally tens of thousands of different physical forms species in attendance at Earth at this

time. They are simply not in 3rd Density, but escape to higher densities where they cannot be seen by humans.

Of the many different species in attendance on earth, only perhaps a couple dozen actually interact with humans. In

order for visitations to occur between species, there must be DNA compatibility. The DNA must be complementary so

that what humans would call telepathic rays are emanating and can be received. Were it not for this compatibility, the

visitors and their human contacts would have to have translations. If translation is being done, then it defeats the

purpose. Why not simply have the translator make the contact? Thus most species in attendance do other functions. An

example is crop circles, which are laid down by species which are water babies, from planets covered with a liquid,

and their space ships are of course filled with this liquid. But there is more that separates these visitors from direct

communication with humans than that. Some of the visitors that do communicate with humans are also water babies,

but can connect, brain wave to brain wave. Thus, it’s a special slot that only certain visitors can fill.

Nevertheless, many contactees will describe the bizarre appearance of their visitors or the fact that the physical

appearance of their visitors was hidden from them for some reason. This is done for good reason, as the visitors want

to get to the crux of the meeting, to the issues, and not to upset the humans they are trying to communicate with

unduly. Thus, on occasion, something the contactee would equate to an aquatic octopus may be draped with a sheet, so

all the contactee sees is a hint of a tentacle now and then. In this the contactee sticks to the issues rather than deal with


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ZetaTalk: Einstein

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ZetaTalk: Einstein

Note: written Dec 15, 1995.

When Einstein explained his primary theory of relativity, E=MC squared, he was not anticipating that this would be of

any practical use to man nor help explain to the average person why their world worked as it did. He did not give his

theories to mankind in anticipation of general acceptance, for this reason. They simply do not apply to the world that

man lives in, day to day. His theories are still considered just that, today, by mankind, as so little of them can be put to

the test, and the results arguable even today. He was, in his efforts, pointing man to the horizons, asking them to raise

their eyes and think afresh, again and again. Thus, a practical application of his theories to everyday matters that affect

even scientists in their labs is simply not possible.

Einstein was more than a genius, he was also on a very determined mission, as a Star Child incarnated by an advanced

entity from a higher density. His mission was never achieved, nor was it even begun, as the parameters necessary to

support what he was to initiate were never properly in place. This is a common outcome for mercy missions on 3rd

Density worlds, one which the Einstein entity had encountered before, and he wasted no effort on grieving. Einstein

was prepared for his mission by his place of birth - brains, education, and the warm support of family - the typical

Jewish cradle. This was not a missing parameter. Einstein gained fame for his radical postures, disturbing in their logic.

He was respected and feared by opponents clinging to comfortable old explanations, and was certainly well positioned

to disseminate new concepts. This also was not a missing parameter.

What was missing was the readiness of the educational establishment to adopt, rather than ridicule, concepts he was

prepared to present. These concepts dealt with slicing, rather than splitting, the atom, which would have made virtual

alchemy out of intractable power source problems that face mankind today. Splitting the atom was the concept behind

the atom bomb, a runaway process resulting in uncontrollable heat and expansion - an explosion. Slicing is cold

fission, which with proper know-how can transform base elements into their components and take advantage of their

remarriage at a later point. Slicing is also the correct method of dispelling radioactivity, where the process is stopped

after the slice, skipping the remarriage. Einstein knew that the blockade against these concepts reached outside of

academia, as the energy cartels are some of the most powerful. Concepts threatening wealthy cartels invoke

government as well as industry response. The bribe or threat is ever present, and takes many forms.

Worse than an idea not born or promulgated is an idea countered, as countering does not simply deny, it constructs and

preaches an alternative theory, which must then be overcome. Better to have the field free for the child to ponder, so

that the next Einstein can emerge, as emerge he did. This time around the route was not on the international stage of academia and debate. This time around the bearer of this gift was a quiet man, also of Jewish heritage, a simple

plumber and self-taught genius who nicely delivered the goods. As more progress has been made by avoiding the

stage, his name and product will not be identified here in ZetaTalk.

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ZetaTalk: Buckminster Fuller

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ZetaTalk: Buckminster Fuller

Note: written Dec 15, 1996.

Few men have made as much impact with a simple design as Bucky Fuller, who espoused and popularized the

Geodesic Dome - the Bucky Ball. This design allows one to build massive domes in tiny steps, so they can rise from the edges, pushed from the ground up as row upon row of triangles are fitted into place. Large or small domes can be

constructed using the same simple construction techniques. Bucky Fuller's gift to mankind came at the time it did due

to the coming cataclysms, where mankind will dearly need spacious enclosed places to escape the gloom and drizzle

that will be the daily weather for decades. Domes do not by their nature appeal to man, who goes indoors only to

escape inclement weather and even then wishes to look out upon the world. Bucky's gift has been popularized by his

personality as much as by their shape, so the Geodesic Dome is broadly known throughout the world. Thus, when the

time comes, this simple design will be called upon to help the survivors of the coming cataclysms make cheerful and

roomy enclaves.

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ZetaTalk: Soul Mates

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ZetaTalk: Soul Mates

Note: written Jun 15, 1996.

Many lovers, when first meeting their beloved, are instantly attracted in a strange way. This isn't based on appearance,

as rather than good looking the newly met attraction most often is plain or even physically flawed in some way.

Aphrodisiac qualities such as great wealth or the hero stature temporarily assigned to a rescuer are not factors. Yet the

lovers are fascinated with one another, want to pass the time with no others, and can think of no one else when apart.

If lust were a factor then such attractions would only exist where sex is hot and the best in memory, but these

attractions exist even when sex is not possible or is tepid or a disappointment. These matches, known in every human

society, are sometimes referred to as soul mates, a term more apt than not, and are on the increase during the


Spirits who have known each other in past lives frankly arrange to meet again. Of all the millions of liaisons possible

between entities, these partnerships stand out as special, a lasting friendship or love affair as it were. In particular,

where one of the entities is facing a difficult life lesson, they may wish for an old friend to hold their hand. These

desires are known and taken into account before birth, the incarnations structured so that the two can find each other.

Life circumstances may make this difficult or even impossible, so that one of the other of the entities goes through the

entire incarnation with a vague sense of longing, a sense that they have not yet met the love of their life. However, in

most cases the search is rewarded, with the entities speaking to each other like voices through the fog. Here I am, over

here. Look for me in the book store. Look for me at the beach. Did you want to buy a puppy? I'm going to the pet store

on Sunday. They make spiritual dates, and when encountering one another at last there is that instant attraction. Soul

mates, together at last.

Note: added during Jan 25, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Humans often encounter what is termed soul mates, or souls they have dealt with before. That this could happen,

given the numbers and likelihood by chance, seems unlikely. Indeed, such encounters are guided, both souls desiring

this encounter, and the Spirit Guides allowing this. Often, if a soul has a particularly difficult task, or will be

undertaking a particularly significant task that is of importance for its growth, having old and familiar companions is

deemed an assist. However, this is the exception, less than 1% of incarnations including such encounters or

arrangements. There are souls that tend to limit the numbers of other entities they can deal with, such that Service-to-

Other is interpreted as concern for the group, not the larger Universe. The group, thus, is variously defined. A group might be no more than the extended family, during an incarnation, or the local community, or the country or those

sharing the religious beliefs. This type of limitation is the norm, even for highly experienced Service-to-Other entities who would most definitely be considered old souls. But there are others, an example Nancy and ourselves, the team of

Zetas talking to you here, who consider the larger scope. At a minimum, we include the population of the Earth, and

include in our concerns all visitors from anywhere in the Service-to-Other orientation who are interacting on Earth, or

will be. Thus, this is a decision, or perhaps a limitation, of the entity, whether to cling to small and familiar groups or

be expansive and explorative.

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ZetaTalk: Sociopathic Gangs

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ZetaTalk: Sociopathic Gangs

Note: written Mar 15, 1996.

Increasingly, among certain sectors of the populace or in certain locales, violence is on the increase. The argument that

a deprived or poverty stricken upbringing should be taken into account is wearing thin on citizens finding the crimes

they are reading about inexcusable. Savagery, without any remorse, and among younger and younger perpetrators.

What is occurring is not that society has failed, or that the jails are inadequate, or that the poor are despairing, or that the schools are lacking in opportunities for all. Look to the past, when conditions were so much worse on all counts.

What is happening is the increasing dichotomy of society, with the Service-to-Self oriented being placed with each

other by the birthing envoys. Those granted a last incarnation in order to make a final decision are frequently placed in

a setting not unlike the Service-to-Self culture they would end up in - a sociopathic gang.

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ZetaTalk: New Age Trends

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ZetaTalk: New Age Trends

Note: written Jul 15, 1996.

Where the ideas expressed by New Agers are not all that new, having been present in many oriental philosophies and a

cornerstone of the Hindu beliefs, their upsurgence and universal application is new. Those espousing what is termed

New Age philosophies come in for a lot of abuse because many fear the trend. New Age philosophies are quite the

opposite of those espoused by the New World Order crowd, but both will sharpen and escalate in their attempts to

influence mankind as the Transformation progresses. Where the New World Order crowd wishes mankind to see itself

allied only with humans, and in particular only with those in control of human society, New Age viewpoints stress a

universal alliance. Concern for the ecology and recycling efforts are also characteristic of New Age groups, who stress

living in harmony with nature rather than brutalizing it. The New World Order crowd has disdain for such concerns,

treating ecological concerns as an imposition. It is no coincidence that then President George Bush, a strong advocate

of the New World Order, held back committing the US during the most important ecological conference of the

century. The battle has commenced, and during the Transformation it is a fight to the finish!

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ZetaTalk: Thug Control

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ZetaTalk: Thug Control

written July 3, 2004

Does the Sudan sound like a microcosm of what the Zetas said the elite had in their plans for selective

groups? For those who don't believe it could happen today, this should serve as a warning that the right

circumstances merely need to be present for it to happen anywhere.

We have stated that the Sudan would degenerates into territorial battles among the starving, after the pole shift, and

due to the lack of media attention paid to the starving in the Sudan, this situation has emerged early. Given that

starvation will be rampant after the shift, is this a scenario that will be repeated around the world, the strong starving

the weak? There are significant differences in the support a bully gets in the present day to what will be available after

the shift, in this scenario as well as others.

We have stated that one reason Service-to-Self groups loot until they deplete supplies and then die out is that they fail

to plan, fail to cooperate with each other, and require continuing supplies to feed their gangs. What will happen after

the shift, and how does this differ from today in, for instance, the Sudan. Today, deliberate genocide, death by

starvation with outright theft of livestock, is being done, but what does this require from the outside world? Guns,

ammunition, and food aid that can be stolen. The gangs are sustained by mountains of food stuffs delivered to the area,

and via bribery or coercion, landing in the hands of the thugs rather than the starving. Not a new story. After the shift,

no such deliveries will be made, and ammunition runs out. The Service-to-Self are known to demand immediate

satisfaction of their wants, and plan and cooperate poorly, thus will eat the livestock stolen so the stock is not available

to breed, and then turn on each other. Where travel is difficult, as it will be everywhere after the shift, isolated villages

will not be raided, and the thugs, likewise isolated, decimate themselves, each trying to be the survivor at the expense

of the others. In the Sudan, without sacks of grain and regular deliveries of ammunition, the villages would turn on

their oppressors.

Brutality, genocide, and virtual slavery in economically depressed areas - all exist today because somewhere in the

world food is being grown, products are being manufactured, and commerce flows. The pole shift brings an abrupt halt

to that. All travel is impeded, fuel runs short so that even a means as flexible as the helicopter comes to a halt.

Manufactured parts for maintenance are lacking, and the broken link effect sets in, machinery abandoned and rusting

in disuse. What is missing from the picture also is the big fist, the arm of the oppressor that comes in with the big guns

to establish control. Africa before colonization was tribal, and feuds were balanced. The Americas before immigration

to the new world was likewise tribal, minor feuds the only issues. What Africa and the Americas experienced was the

big fist from Europe, machine guns, cannons, conscripts required to fight or be shot so the big fist included armies and

navies that had no choice but to be brutal, upon command. Remove the big fist, and oppressed people soon set matters

right. The oppressor is killed in the night, savagery returned in kind, Iraq with the rage against the occupation an

example of the seething that turns savage with opportunity. When weapons, ammunition, supper, and backup called in

readily are missing, the bullies, the oppressors, are slaughtered. This also is a story that is not new.

Eventually, survivor groups that remain are hard at work, all growing or catching their food and cooperating heavily

with each other. The occasional lone thug is encountered and either runs for his life to live in the woods on his own,

with survival very iffy, or is killed attempting to loot the hard working group. A group that is keeping starvation at bay

by intense cooperation and careful planning recognizes instantly those that are doing likewise, and also recognizes

instantly a group that has survived by looting. There are a thousand clues. Since the looters are increasingly finding

themselves without and turning on each other, they are themselves malnourished, poorly coordinated and weakened,

and blinded by rage over not having what they want, when they want it. In a battle with survivor groups that look out

for each other, the thugs are easily picked off, and decimated further. In today's world, such vigilante justice brings

harsh penalties, imprisonment, due to laws designed to keep the thugs off the streets but also due to the fear among[2/5/2012 11:14:13 AM]

ZetaTalk: Thug Control

those in control that their slave class, the working class, might rebel. But after the shift, with police and the military

absent, phones dead, and determination of who the criminal and the victim are clear, standing back and letting the

criminal have his way is not the option that is taken. Imagine trials where the victims of crimes determine the sentence,

and you see the future of Service-to-Self gangs looting survivor groups.

In Sudan, Death and Denial

June 26, 2004

There is farmable land outside the camp, but food

cannot be gathered because militiamen on

horseback, clad in government uniforms, roam the

scrubby landscape. Assault rifles are balanced on

their laps, and whips hang from their belt loops.

More than a million people live in the camps,

many of which lack water, supplies and sanitation,

and operate without any feeding centers. Tensions

have simmered since the 1970s, when drought and

competition over scarce resources sparked clashes

between largely nomadic cattle and camel herders. Human rights and aid groups accuse the

government of carrying out an ethnic cleansing campaign. Aid workers predict that many more

people will die, and that the U.N. World Food Program will be able to reach only 800,000 of the 1.2

million displaced people because of continuing violence. The government has also restricted access

to humanitarian workers and journalists, granting travel permits infrequently and allowing only a

small part of the affected areas to be visited. A trip down a dirt track road exposed a war zone

where gunmen roamed. Sun-burned men rode on camels, guns saddled on their laps, just steps from

Mornay camp. One held a whip. Others herded hundreds of sheep, cattle and camels, smiling and

waving as visitors passed, animals that aid workers and the displaced people in the camp said were

stolen. Rapes and attacks continue around the edges of the camp every night, women there said, as

they rocked sickly babies with hollow eyes.[2/5/2012 11:14:13 AM]

ZetaTalk: Clean Slate

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ZetaTalk: Clean Slate

Note: written May 15, 1997.

Reactions to word of the coming cataclysms and Earth Transformation are always mixed, even within the same

individual. Few view the thought of their comfortable living arrangements disappearing with joy, even if they consider

their current life a burden. Dinner on the table and a roof over their heads during the rainy season is no small thing,

and contemplating the alternatives - huddled shivering and wet under a tree or scrounging for insect larva in a rotting

log - is seldom comforting. But as if often the case, the outcome is romanticized so that these discomforts are put to

the rear, and the advantages of an upheaval brought forward. Psychologists are aware that the more remote a situation,

the less intense the person’s response. Thus push-push or pull-pull conflicts can develop, with a perpetual dither

between the two choices.

Extreme upheavals, where one imagines that the mundane job, the nagging wife, the annoying neighbor, and the lack

of opportunity to change one’s lifestyle are not only possible but probable, offer a chance to cast all these annoyances and burdens aside. The discomforts that the upheaval would bring are at a distance, thus less intense, but the

disgruntlements of everyday life are up close and personal, and very intense. Thus, the upheaval is seen as

advantageous, overall. In reality, the clean slate that the cataclysms will bring will carry forward, for most humans, the

same baggage they carried going into the pole shift. This baggage is attached to the human themselves, and thus in all

likelihood the same relationships will develop, the same commitments promised, the same avoidance of responsibility,

the same conflicts with leadership, the same sexual inhibitions - all the old problems will establish themselves in a new


Where a clean slate will make a difference is not in personal settings but in societal settings, as here the direction of human lives is driven quite outside of each human’s personal agenda. A man may have chosen his wife and job, to a

great extent, and the commitments and obligations he has allowed to encumber him, but where this has been virtually

dictated by the community he lives in, these bonds will be broken during the coming upheaval. If he and his wife

would divorce were it not for the alimony issue, the utter lack of a paycheck or perhaps the death of the wife changes

that equation. If he would spend his time wood-working and building furniture, his favorite hobby, were it not for the

time demands of the job that pays the mortgage, this requirement goes out the door when the employer no longer is

functioning, the paychecks stopped, and the mortgage a bad dream as the house is destroyed and the banker in any

case never heard from!

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:13 AM]

ZetaTalk: Communications

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ZetaTalk: Communications

Note: written Sep 15, 1995.

Our emissary, Nancy, allowed her brain to be implanted with Zetan genetic material, on more than one occasion, in

preparation for her role as a communicator during the Transformation. Such procedures, done by us, do not put the

contactee at risk of injury or infection. We work in completely sterile environments and through the use of what you

might call a growth hormone, stimulate the body to heal within minutes. Nancy's head was opened - the scalp was

pulled back, a bone plate pulled up on one side, and material implanted into sites deep within her brain by an infusion

technique that works on the molecular level so that no brain cells are damaged during the procedure. As Nancy’s

telepathic communication center was enhanced during her 20’s, she also began to receive more communications from

her fellow humans. As she did not allow herself to realize that she was a contactee until her mid-50's, this put some 3

decades of enhanced telepathic communications with humans into her consciousness, before she realized why this

came about. We will let Nancy tell you the contactee's side of the story.

Begin Nancy's Hypnotic Recall

The first time they picked me up they were checking out the top of my head, bent my head down and looked at the top

of my head. When they put the stuff in my forehead, whatever they did, it hurt. I don't know what they did to the

forehead, but it hurt so that I didn't want to talk about forest and trees and stuff like that any longer. I couldn't

concentrate on those things any longer because it hurt enough that it was distracting me. Dull ache on my forehead. But

they were definitely checking out the top of my head, and they did the same thing at the berry patch. They were

turning my head. If you tipped it back you could see my forehead in the sunlight. But when they first picked me up

they had their hands all over my head, sizing it, was the way I would put it. So, I'm just going to concentrate on my

head, and think if there was anything that was ever done.

I can feel the pain. I can feel the pain right here, and a feeling of pressure on either side. Pressure. Let me think now.

And taking my breath in short breaths, like gasp-a, gasp-a. Like that. Like your chest is tight. A very bright room.

Sitting in something that's more like a reclining lounge chair, maybe like the dentist's chair, that type of thing. I think

that my head was in a brace, around the chin, and my arms were down, sort of into my lap, almost in some kind of

armrest. I think they've got little snap things. They don't completely close, like hand cuffs, but they just partly close.

They're around the bone structure enough that you couldn't pull your arm away. One here by the elbow and one here

down by the wrist, more up on the forearm, maybe another one on the thick of it, up above the elbow, but definitely the

two below. I don't think my feet are restrained at all, but my knees are slightly bent. There wouldn't be much I could

do with them anyway, in that position.

Then someone's saying, "Don't think about it." They're saying, "You won't remember this. You're not supposed to. This is for your own good, so we can talk to you." I'm trying to think how old I am. I keep thinking I'm in my twenties.

"Just lay there now." I think I'm sort of trembling all over, just because it was a very nerve racking experience. This is[2/5/2012 11:14:14 AM]

ZetaTalk: Communications

not like a spasm trembling, just that I'm trembling all over. I feel pale and very shaky. Someone pats me on the hand,

something like that. I'm thinking, "What was that all about?" One of them bends down and is looking at me eye-ball to

eye-ball. The eye contact thing. It's like he's checking out my reactions, my facial reactions, because they're looking at

my eyes. But he seems satisfied at what he sees. I'm not trembling any more now. There seems to be three or four of

them in the room. They're the big ones. I think there's one little one in the room. There's three or four of these larger

guys. They're as big as me or larger than me, not smaller than me. There's a counter around this chair in the center of

this room.

I'm saying, "What was that all about? What was that all about!" I'm slightly angry. I would say, "What was that all about!" That type of thing. They're all sitting and looking at me now, at my face. One of them is kind of sitting on the

edge of this lounge thing, and the other is kind of leaning over. I have three faces looking at me, about a foot and a

half away. They're all just staring at my facial expression, but they don't seem to show any alarm. They're not asking

me how I feel or anything like that. I think one of them says that I should move my arms and legs around, and see if I

can do it OK. I do kind of wiggle things. They ask me if I, "Feel like going to the bathroom," or anything like that, and I say, "No." In other words, do I have an urge, an uncontrollable urge or feel like I'm about to lose it. I know that

means something neurological. "Feel sick to my stomach?" "No." "Hurt any where?" "No."

I say, "What did you do?" I'm getting no comment back. "What was that for?" They're just not communicating

anything. They say something about, "This is so you'll think about the universe more," or something like that, and, "We know you like that. And this is so we can talk to you." I look at their mouths when they say that. I'm thinking, because

you don't talk that way. I guess I say, "So now what." "Now you will be free to think more about the universe," or something like that. I'll be, "More free," I'll feel more inclined and less restrained.

End Nancy's Hypnotic Recall

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:14 AM]

ZetaTalk: Why Nancy?

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ZetaTalk: Why Nancy?

Note: written Jul 15, 1997.

Of course, we and others speak through a number of conduits. Many but not all channels

are valid, and some of these on occasion carry our voice. Nancy edits our words but also

contributes to the content by suggesting points we have failed to cover. Nancy is unique as

to her telepathic communications, though many others, seeing the success of ZetaTalk,

have asked for this. It is not so much her body, or her IQ, or her age or location that

determined our decision to accept Nancy's offer. She has other qualities, missing in others,

and in abundance in Nancy - courage, the ability to stand up to Service-to-Self methods,

absolutely, and a track record in this regard that allowed us to trust her with this mission.

She has more than satisfied our expectations. Nancy is also unique because she has placed

herself at great risk.

Nancy entered into an unlimited engagement with MJ12 in order to further certain goals. It

was her perception that MJ12 was a highly cautious organization, and would not act or move on matters of concern to

her unless they were guaranteed utmost control. She gave them that control by granting them, in essence, the ability to

execute her should they deem that necessary. For those unfamiliar with what an unlimited engagement is, this is

outlined in the Rules section of ZetaTalk where the rules whereby alien groups of different orientations engage. In

essence, it is a no-holds-barred engagement, unlimited, so that such an engagement bound Nancy for life. Of course, it

also bound the old MJ12 for their life, and when this arm of the government ceased to have official status, her

engagement was at an end too. They too, as an organization, could and did die.

Between alien groups of differing orientations, an unlimited engagement means that the groups engaged can savage

each other, without bounds, or manipulate circumstances, without censure, until the matter at issue is settled and

beyond. Such engagements are extremely rare, and normally do not involve groups, but rather individuals or dedicated

teams. Within the Service-to-Other groups, such teams have resigned themselves to death at a minimum, and more

often to experiences worse than death, in order to secure their goal. These are suicide missions, and Nancy understood

the risk she was under when she engaged MJ12. Several other humans had done so, and only one besides Nancy lives

today. The others died at the hands of what was then the predominant CIA influence over MJ12, brutally.

Because we, the Zetas, operate under the Rules of Engagement, we honored the unlimited engagement that Nancy

entered into with MJ12. Thus, if MJ12 wanted to meet with her, she was picked up and delivered to them by us, just as

we would haved delivered one of our own to engage the Service-to-Self they had engaged, even if this meant the

death of a friend and cohort. Nancy survived by her wits and passion for truth and justice, and an almost uncanny

ability to sense those members of MJ12 who are strongly Service-to-Others. She made allies, and swayed agendas, and

argued alternatives, so that many programs operating on automatic came under question and were changed. These are

matters neither she nor ourselves, the Service-to-Other Zetas, can discuss in detail.

Thus, just as we engaged the old MJ12 in a limited engagement in the hope of making alliances for the better, and just

as we gave this old MJ12 a travel service without censure or comment from us in the hope of getting beyond their

deep need for control, just so Nancy went into an unlimited engagement and likewise gave them complete control over

her life, should that be deemed necessary. They did not control Nancy, her thoughts and words and opinions, they

simply held a death sentence they could implement any time they wished, instantly.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:15 AM]

ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Reactions

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ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Reactions

Note: written Jul 15, 1997.

Reactions to ZetaTalk vary:

astonishment at the correlation’s to personal experiences or what the reader takes to be intuitive knowledge

a conclusion that a group of people, not a single woman, must be writing ZetaTalk

a suspicion that the entire work is an elaborate ruse or joke, but with nagging doubts due to personal corollaries

with truth that are encountered while perusing the work

a suspicion that ZetaTalk is a front for the government, especially after reading our rather open admissions about

our relationship with MJ12

a deep feeling of unease, especially if the reader is religious and has encountered our statements on organized


shock, if the reader is versed in one or more of the sciences and encounters not only a grasp of their specialty

but answers that resolve puzzles that dumbfound human scientists

jealousy, if the reader has ambitions to have a popular web site and an avid readership, but has been ignored,

confusion as to why we, the Zetas, would select an unknown middle aged woman to be our emissary

In all cases, the conclusions stem as much from the mind and orientation of the reader as they do from ZetaTalk itself.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:15 AM]

ZetaTalk: Attack the Messenger

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ZetaTalk: Attack the Messenger

Note: written during the Apr 19, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

ZetaTalk has had a tumultuous history, with those embracing it demanding perfection, within the guise of human

understanding, and protection, as though the messenger had responsibility for sanctity from the impact of the message,

and vicious attacks by those not wanting to hear the message in the first place. Thus, friend and foe are hardly

discernible. Human astrophysics states that Planet X could not have an orbit such as we have described, a sling orbit

past two foci, back and forth, rather than round and round. Yet Planet X is approaching dead on toward the Sun during

the reign of ZetaTalk as the prime messenger, exactly as we have described. Human astrophysics also states that the

speed of Planet X during its rapid approach from the mid-point between its two foci until it enters the solar system just months ahead of the passage is not possible. Yet within the reign of ZetaTalk as the prime messenger, this has

occurred exactly as we predicted.

As part of the debunking campaign, it was asserted that since Planet X is a brown dwarf, and human astrophysics only

applies such a term to gaseous planets many times larger than Jupiter, it would be monstrous when within our solar

system. Thus primed, many demand that ZetaTalk explain why it is not filling the skies with its size in the weeks

before the passage. Those embracing ZetaTalk but demanding that the message be rewritten to comply with human

astrophysics or human understanding are not embracing the message or even thinking clearly or for themselves, they

are simply demanding a lack of conflict. "Tell me what to believe, and reconcile every statement with every other statement", they cry, as they cannot or are unwilling to sort the facts out for themselves, being infantile in this regard.

Likewise those demanding protection, rescue, are infantile. The one delivering the message frightened them, so is

responsible for replacing the fear with comfort. Here again the human is not taking responsibility for themselves, but is

stomping their foot like a child, expecting others to rush in and act as a parent. If the weatherman reports a storm, do they call the weather station and demand delivery from the storm? In fact, this is their first impulse, to utter “What are

you going to do about it! ” when bad news is announced, but they have learned by derision to suppress this impulse in

human society. Their prayers are regularly pleas for improvements in their own lives, demands made of God to fix the

dilemma he has placed them in. Since we, the Zetas, are presumed powerful, and interactions with aliens not a settled

matter in human society, they are trying for what they can get.

Those who attack the messenger because the message is uncomfortable are in fact making an understandable, though

primitive, response. The mosquito stings so you slap the mosquito, the apple is sour so you fling it into the bushes,

someone reeks of body odor while attempting to kiss you and you give them a shove. Push it away, the child’s first

response to something offending, with no further thought about repercussions. Adults, in human society, are supposed

to be logical, entertain facts, digest, discuss, and conclude. They most often do none of this, but simply react, as a

child, to the offending substance of message, rejecting it. These are not leaders of men, as this type of reaction makes

them scarcely suitable for any life but swinging from trees, but as Internet access is granted to anyone, they write email

and post their simplistic reactions on message board. “Go away, you’re crazy, I don’t want to hear it”, they cry, and

when the shift occurrs will be found huddled in some corner making these demands still.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:16 AM]

ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Enemies

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ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Enemies

Note: written Aug 15, 1996.

Our message, as you might have gauged, is not popular. We are effective in debate, which offends the stuffy elite of

the scientific establishment who think of themselves as holding the key to knowledge. We abhor scams, especially

when the scam is not innocent and will harm millions of innocents, including the children. Since our emissary, Nancy,

is being protected in ways it would be unwise to divulge, those lying to mankind on the Usenets find themselves with

an adversary they cannot silence! This enrages them. Then there are those who are frightened by the thought that man

is not alone in the Universe as an intelligent species. They target our postings with their hysterical denial. Then there

are those in the establishment who know we exist but want the populace in general to cling to them and continue to

look to them as leaders. They do not want anyone reading our message with an open mind, or even reading it at all,

and do their best to throw mud and distractions in the path of open discussion and debate.

Thus, where we and our emissary, Nancy, are heartened by the progress mankind makes, only a fool would fail to

guard against sabotage as much as possible. What sabotage, you might ask? If our enemies and those who would

silence us cannot do so by killing or maiming or intimidating Nancy, then what avenues might be open to them? Were

it not for the copyright laws, and her legal recourse, ZetaTalk would be posted everywhere, but would not be our

words. Do you not think that such takeovers of established communication channels occur? This is, in fact, a favorite

ploy. Not only do written works get stolen from authors and patented ideas virtually stolen from inventors, when a

communicator has a wide audience, as ZetaTalk does, all manner of attempts are made to bribe or threaten the

communicator to send out a different message.

We have advised our emissary, Nancy, who is almost limitless in her courage, as to what steps to take to avoid traps.

Thus, she applied for and received her Trademark long before she became widely known, received her Internet domain

name before her enemies realized what a strong threat she would be, and there were many, many ploys where the

enemies of ZetaTalk were led to believe that she was under control and was in line to be subverted, when this was not

so. Why was this deception used? It bought time, and created complacency in those who would otherwise have been

in full battle. And these ploys worked!

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:16 AM]

ZetaTalk: IRC Attacks

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ZetaTalk: IRC Attacks

Note: written during the Feb 22, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

The continued attacks on Queen's well disciplined channel is due to her success in having a flowing and Structured

discussion. The debunkers are eliminated, removed promptly as well as any good hearted folk wanting to be chatting

or distracting. She is vicious in her intent to have a discussion continue in spite of all the panic and deliberate

distraction that might ensue during these times. It is not her strong hand that has brought the attacks about, but her

success. Many school marms who are strict are hated, resented, but they succeed in getting the lessons attended to.

Anyone wanting to see a different arena need only compare the #zetatalk channel in the weeks before Queen's channel started to see the chaos. This was what the debunkers wanted, an utter inability of anyone to ask a civil question of the

Zetas. They wanted the right to post their opinions, solely, or in such clutter than a newcomer reading these logs would be drown in disinformation. They wanted to commandeer the stage, have it be their stage.

The resentment, and attacks against Queen, are because she changed this, and #zetatalk has become someone more

controlled in recent weeks only because they are trying to encourage Queen and all who support her to give up! It

would shortly go back to the old days, if she did so. Thus, the minions are out trying to attack this channel, the

#poleshiftdiscussion channel, but hold firm! This will not last, as the Earth Changes have gotten so severe, are already

leaking outside of media control, and will soon have everyone, including the debunkers, so distracted they will have

other matters to attend to. Bear in mind that all humans on Earth, even those expected to be faithful in their duties, are worried about themselves and their families and safety. They do not adhere to their masters, when push comes to

shove, and will falter in their duties increasingly. Thus, consider this a temporary attack, diminishing in intensity, and

likely to disappear within weeks. Treat it like mosquitoes, and swat them and continue!

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:17 AM]

ZetaTalk: 2003 Accuracy

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ZetaTalk: 2003 Accuracy

Note: written during the Mar 22, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session, where aggressive attacks continued over 2 hours in an attempt to prevent

the Session from occurring. These attacks including packet flooding, trying to assume Nancy's identity, filling the session with maximum fake

users, and flooding the log by repeating anything Nancy posted during the session dozens of times by different fake users. None of this


This is a desperate attempt to fatigue the group, as ZetaTalk accuracy has become so pronounced that the debunkers

have been told to try anything, something, just do it. Of course, the attacks come too late, as ZetaTalk is already internationally famous, known, and such attacks only server to prove the truth of the message. Many have wondered

why we allowed Nancy to ‘stumble’, make errors, and we explained this as a means of placating the enemy, as they

thought her weakened and irrelevant. But at the same time, the strength of the overall ZetaTalk message was such that

it spread like a wildfire throughout the world. Via the Internet, by word of mouth, and the ZetaTalk fan club just kept

expanding. It would appear suddenly as a mention in a Australian magazine, in a German magazine, in a Russian

rumor rag. It would by an attempt to discredit it, appear in US news articles. Many wondered why the fervor, for a

false message! The latest was NASA itself, in trying to associate ZetaTalk with the NEAT V1 comment as a false

rumor. Of course, it was the NASA lackey Mitch Battros of Earth Changes TV who started the rumor, but he was

exempt from NASA's scorn. Of course, it was the NASA web site itself that had a false image on its pages for a day or

so, but they excused themselves likewise.

The cat is out of the bag!

Slowing rotation is so pronounced that even those not aware of the prediction are noticing their clocks minutes slow,

on a regular basis, from ‘official’ time. Quakes have increased to the extent that they are occurring, to a noticeable

level, where quakes do not occur. Citizens informed discretely to be prepared for disasters such as quakes or floods

talk, as the weather is so extreme that they sense this is not related to terrorism or normal alerts during saber rattling by this country or that. The economy, worldwide, can no longer be disguised by any, as it has reached the point where

corporations can no longer function, and bankruptcies, layoffs, closures, are on the increase after having been the only

message economically in point of fact for a year. How is it that the US Stock Market is pretending a rally, when the

rest of the world’s markets are at 1/4 to /13 of their worth? If one examines what it takes to maintain a false level for a stock, one sees that few hands can control the price, and the price is what determines the market level. Orders to sell

are suppressed and forbidden, orders to buy any stock offered are given, and the stock appears to be in demand,

falsely. This is a known, and illegal, maneuver, but the fox is watching the hen house these days. Companies that

attempt to disguise their falling value may buy and sell from themselves repeatedly, to maintain the price, an illegal act.

All this is rushing around frantically in an attempt to prevent the inevitable. The inbound Planet X is now increasingly

sighted by those looking, and is so dramatic a sight when first sighted by those who have been told by the officials that nothing is there, that this message will spread like wildfire too!

And what are the officials to do?

Deny that something is there, where ZetaTalk pointed since 1995, to a hair of a degree from where it is appearing now?

Do they not realize that the Path diagram has been out there since early 1997? Do they not realize that the ZetaTalk

message, the site, has been so popular that the world has been talking about it for years? Do they think that a message proven so correct, that it predicted the current weather where no other source did, predicted the current increase in

quakes when no other source did, predicted the increasing illness that is so dramatically expressing around the world

when no other source did, and predicted the exact spot where this inbound complex could be found, at the size and distance it would appear as, and 5+ years before it arrived at the 3/3/2003 spot predicted where it would be found would not be noticed? Is this accuracy or what? Now, to add to the fame of ZetaTalk, it gets IRC attacks! Good, this

just proves the importance of the message, and how much the elite fears it being noticed.[2/5/2012 11:14:18 AM]

ZetaTalk: 2003 Accuracy

Too late! They just confirmed for all those folks about to go out with binoculars, or their unaided eye, and look to the SW in the evening sky, and see for themselves, that it is a true message. So, once again, the debunking team shot

themselves in the foot!

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:18 AM]

ZetaTalk: Source

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ZetaTalk: Source

Note: written Jan 15, 2002

Nancy is frequently asked the source of her information, which is ourselves. This has been explained, repeatedly, and

is well documented on the ZetaTalk web site. Nancy is a contactee, who has volunteered to be a communicator during

these troubled times. She volunteered before birth, her spirit volunteering, and has had no problems during this

incarnation with her mission. To enhance her ability to understand the concepts we are presenting, she allowed herself

to be modified in her late 20's with a bit of our brain tissue, DNA compatible with hers, which allows her to better

receive our telepathic communications. The portion of her brain thus modified affects only telepathic communications,

so Nancy is otherwise herself. Thus, the source of her information is, truly, us, none other.

As her source, we have provided what soon became known as ZetaTalk, of world renown. The information relayed by

us is sometimes foreign to Nancy, sometimes familiar. She was introduced to the concept of radical Earth changes, but

not the date. This was revealed to her during ZetaTalk, as 2003, [Note: see 2003 Date explanation] a surprise to her as well as others. We kept this as a surprise to her so that she could function normally in the world she had to live in until her

mid-50's. ZetaTalk Accuracy is also something not planned by Nancy, as she simply relays what we communicate and,

as she says, "jumps off the cliff". She has no way of knowing if this is correct or not, and having put her life and

livelihood at risk, she just trusts.

Why should humans trust ZetaTalk, when so many other channels or claims are speaking at odds with it? Nancy is not

religious in her trust, or ours in hers. We have known each other for many incarnations, and have a long track record

with each other. Religions ask for faith without any basis, demand it, often, and thus have less basis for trust than

between team members. We predict, and our predictions can be tracked. Sources that do not so predict cannot be

determined to be anything but disinformation or hot air. Are we the Devil, leading you astray? Is your best friend

doing so, or your mother, or your government? How do you determine that? You balance what is being said against

what you know, and make a determination. In the case of ourselves, via ZetaTalk, you must do the same.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:18 AM]

ZetaTalk: Stumble

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ZetaTalk: Stumble

Note: written during the Sep 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

We allowed Nancy to answer the question about the Beatles according to her understanding of the question, to demonstrate the limits of the vehicle. In fact, if she is not on the same page, understanding the setting, understanding the context of the question, she cannot put words to our concepts correctly. This is akin to a Greek translator being

asked to interpret French. Hearing English, the Greek translator interprets correctly. Hearing French, almost any idea

may pop into the head of the translator, and the answer following down wrong paths accordingly. It does matter what

is in the translators head, such that an Aboriginal hearing an English mathematician describe the orbits of the planets

would explain this to the tribe in a manner the Englishman would find absurd. Likewise, the Englishman hearing the

Aboriginal describe migrations of the wildlife, and the reasons for variations, would leave the Aboriginal bent over in

laughter. There are, in fact, words missing from one language, inherent in another, due to these concept synching


Thus, in the past, when Nancy was asked to speak in math, and did so poorly, this demonstrated our refusal, and hers,

to do this. This has for a long time been the rule, and the public forgets. Thus, choosing a silly subject, the Beatles, unimportant in the main line issues of today, we allowed this to proceed. Nancy is not a Beatle fan, never has been,

and thus hears these names only in the distance on the news, in the background. She was aware of a recent death,

cancer, someone who did good work around the globe and was beloved, and assumed this to be the person asked

about, especially in the Context of being protected by Service-to-Other aliens due to the human's mission. We do not expect this to be believed, but for those looking for a reason for this catastrophic blooper, this is it!

Note: Below added during Nov 16, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Early in ZetaTalk, there was high alarm that we, the Zetas, were out there in the world telling all, telling the truth, and gripping the public with the scope and depth of Nancy's postings that we were fast gaining international aclaim. We

have stated before, that depending upon the success of ZetaTalk, as perceived by the establishement, push-back occurs.

If Nancy is viewed as being perceived as accurate, believable, then a hundred times more disinfo sites and agents

would be sent forth to counter this than have actually been dispatched. Thus, it is a clever maneuver, on our part, and

with Nancy's cooperation, to do a Columbo, act befuddled, appear to make a slip, on occasion. These slips are carefully

placed so as to placate the establishment, but not confuse the readership who is reading with broad interest, and

looking at the overall trends. The establishement is in general either wealthy, used to wielding power only because of

their wealth, or those in power who rely on the wealthy. Thus, for an aging woman, who has worked all her life and

must work to eat on a weekly basis, to have an impact in the world is inconcievable to them


Early in the game the Hale-Bopp ploy was used, and in truth Nancy was under the impression until late in the

game that there was no comet! Our words, as recorded by Nancy, however, told a different story. We relayed

that Hale-Bopp in 1995, within a month after Hale-Bopp was announced, was not a comet, but a nova, and the ESO confirmed this in the Fall of 1995. After that, as JPL and NASA dotted an orbit across the sky, where no

comet was tracking, to meet the plotted orbit of a real comet the NEAT program that watches dark asteroids had

detected, we reported these orbit aberations. The orbit of Hale-Bopp plotted by JPL leap away from Jupiter upon

passage, perturbed away, and all of this per reports by JPL of actual and recent sightings! The group wanting to

have the public look in the opposite direction of Orion was placated, however, as Nancy steadfastly maintained,

in NancyTalk, that there was no Hale-Bopp comet. Then in 1996, we slipped in a warning in ZetaTalk that they

were lining the false/fake orbit up with the orbit of a real comet, and when this emerged in 1997, we, the Zetas, were not wrong. Nancy was a bit miffed at having been used in this manner, but the benefit soon dawned upon

her.[2/5/2012 11:14:19 AM]

ZetaTalk: Stumble

Magnitude 2.0

In like manner, in the early days of Planet X sightings, we laid out trip points to placate the establishement. It

was a Mag 2, and at the time when ZetaTalk was building international acclaim due to its utter accuracy on all

other issues, this simple point placated NASA and the arrogant elite. And how would Nancy and ZetaTalk ever

recover from this? They presumed this a fatal error. When the sightings began in early 2001, this was the cry,

the Magnitude issue, and our explanations that our eyes could see it and our equipment register it as a Mag 2

deemed inadequate. However, like a giant mushroom growing in the dark, ZetaTalk grew, internationally, and in

the underground of the Internet. Nancy's appearances on radio or TV or in articles were considered no more

threatening than other New Age claimants, but the readership caught the truth and relevance of our words and

checked into the web site.


Even Nancy's poverty level is a ploy, though real, in that the Hazlewood plot was to assocate Nancy with money

scams, which she avoided by working and being broke, as she has been most of her life. The establishment was

placated at their loss of taking her down in this manner because she was broke, and struggling, and none of them

could immagine having an impact in the world from such a position. Now, going into the final months, the

establishment will be so overwhelmed that they care not, will go into increasing isolation, into their bunkers, at

least into a bunker mentality, and Nancy and ZetaTalk the least of their worries.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:19 AM]

ZetaTalk: Direct Line

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ZetaTalk: Direct Line

Note: written Jul 15, 1997.

Frustrated with the need to decipher channeled work or go through intermediaries, many pressing forward with their

personal Awakening are puzzled as to why a direct line cannot be established. Why the need for channels or telepaths.

Wouldn’t a direct question and answer connection work more effectively? The answer is that this would not be more

effective, nor would it even be possible. Humans who want direct contact with aliens are getting that, regularly, as a

result of their having given The Call. They are often only vaguely aware of the result, consciously, and thus long for

something akin to what the channel seems to have - a direct line.

True channels, and these are in the minority of those claiming to channel, have rare qualities not found in most

humans. They are almost to a one of the highest integrity, dedicated to a high level of Service to Others. They have

rare physical capabilities that stem from having been born in the right genetic line, and often from having been

tinkered with a bit upon their request. A channel is allowing another entity to enter the body for the moment, and use

the body and mental pathways of the channel as an instrument. This is not a direct line, this is a temporary takeover!

Those contactees who feel they are in telepathic contact with their visitors are only recalling a recent visit, the content

playing out in their mind like a conversation, step by step.

Thus, until aliens can be face to face with humans, which will most certainly occur within the lifetime of many in the

readership, there cannot be a direct line for most.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:19 AM]

ZetaTalk: Live ZetaTalk

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ZetaTalk: Live ZetaTalk

Note: written Feb 15, 2002

With all of ZetaTalk we jointly decide matters. Nancy suffers from various health problems, is not a young person,

works extraordinarily hard, and is carrying a huge workload. Thus, we must consider her needs [re the Live ZetaTalk

IRC Sessions]. As a team, we were also looking for a time when the world as a whole could participate. Nancy posted

suggestions, and this time was not objected to much, so is currently the time [for the sessions]. It is possible to have

more, other times, but for now this seems to be sufficing. We are not allowed to warn of Earth changes other than the

broad message of the coming shift, for instance, in response to the Call. To alert that there is a likely quake due in this

or that part of the world is considered interference, parenting, and not allowed. To step in and attempt a warning would

send us packing! So, we hold our breath and say nothing.

As with all of ZetaTalk, teams are assembled based on the expected questions. We indeed know who will be attending,

who plans to ask what, and sense new questions arising before they are voiced. In that we are highly telepathic and can

assemble a team in an instant, this is not problem to change the participant mixture. We have a broader range of

specialties than humans imagine, as we come from many different worlds, and have lived more lifetimes, in a more

technological society. We are multi-faceted, but as most humans have discovered, they can contribute more with some

specializing. Are we physically present? No, we stay at our tasks, perhaps taking a break in part to participate.

Telepathic brain waves go long distances, are highly tuned as to frequency, and we are all participating as though

picking up a phone! Thus, we are ahead of you, at all times.

Will Live ZetaTalk continue after the shift? Where will Nancy be? Will she be connected via the Internet? Short wave,

as we have mentioned, is the best means of humans to contact one another. For those Service-to-Other communities

that will setup with this means, inability to link due to a hilltop missing an antenna will not be a problem. They will

find this network intact! Angels at work. We mentioned during a prior chat that Nancy has been invited to live with us,

in hybrid communities. Those humans invited into these communities know who they are, and have either declined or

quietly accepted. This is not necessarily an easy life, as we bustle. There is not an idle moment, in spite of fatigue, and

no quarter given to weakness such as the need for a good cry or a distraction. Thus, as hard as Nancy works, she can

expect to work harder, experience more grief, in her old age. The means of communication is being deliberately

withheld at this moment, for obvious reasons. The self centered, the power hungry, the elite desperate to continue their

grip, are trying to position for the future. More as the hour of the shift approaches.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:20 AM]

ZetaTalk: Sudden Silence

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ZetaTalk: Sudden Silence

Note: written during the Apr 26, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

With the approach of the coming pole shift, many who have come to the ZetaTalk site, to the chats, or anxiously

checked for new ZetaTalk on matters they seek answers to, are distressed at the though of a cutoff at the pole shift.

The Internet will not be functional, with the lack of electrical power, broken servers, and the broken link rule

functioning. Short-wave will function, but this will be primarily voice, and on occasion a primitive graphic or text

email send in desperation to a loved one missing. Other than voice, short-wave will be highly spotty in any other

packet relay mode. Even PC copies of the ZetaTalk web site will be unlikely to be accessible, as PC's will be damaged

during the dashing of the Richter 9 quakes, will require repair and electric power, and once again the broken link rule

applies. Chat will be at a dead stop, as they require a network of servers even today prone to netsplits or disruptions.

They are more fragile than the Internet at large, which is a multiple roadway and detour setup. Thus, for those hungry

for guidance, to get their questions answered, for dialog with others of a like mind, there will be a sudden silence!

What will this mean for those who find themselves in survival spots, making do and on occasion having a migrating

visitor at their bean pot sharing news from elsewhere? The news will not be a surprise, for those who understood what

would happen to the world, globally, both geologically and politically. Some surprises may ensue, based on who

survived, what strong arm tactics are used and lose favor, or what illness may be feared or prevail. But in the main, the

news will be predictable, almost boring. The injured will either recover or die, those old and ill to begin with, or reliant

on medication no longer available, will die. Survivors will form new marital relationships, new family groups, and

share knowledge on how to do the chores necessary for a primitive life style. Music and song will fill the hours,

particularly as the hours are long and gloomy, and story telling and skits must appreciated as will any good cooks in

the group. A quite life will prevail!

Then one day there will be unexpected visitors, odd looking, or humans who could not have arrived on their own. This

will be the contact that will open doors, and eventually provide a route into cities or communities where high tech

communications are far superior to the old Internet and phone lines and postal service. Thus, for those anxious about

being cut off from information, from chats, we suggest that the answer lies in attention to the Service-to-Other

lifestyle! It is this that is your ticket!

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:20 AM]

ZetaTalk: After the Cataclysm

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ZetaTalk: After the Cataclysm

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Each human life lives out its term, with the entity incarnated growing with the opportunities presented, or shrinking

from them. Those humans remaining alive after the pole shift will reform into small groups, leaning toward this

orientation or another, Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self, or being composed of the same mix that human society has

today. Where the trauma of the cataclysms will have been great, those who undergo a natural cataclysm often find this

easier to accept than the steady grind of manmade hardships. For the vast majority of those killed during the

cataclysms, death will have been so quick as to be unexpected and unfelt. No anxiety and no pain. This knowledge

will assuage the grief of the survivors. After the cataclysms the hardships will not be unlike those experienced by

humanity during prior centuries, where severe weather or drought or disease created hardship for the populace. It is

only recently that human society, in the developed world, has come to expect that life should be otherwise.

Note: below added during the July 27, 2002 Live Zetatalk IRC Session.

The US government will be diminished, as will all governments, to a very small locale. Someone landing on the planet

5 years after the shift would be hard pressed to even find their enclave, and this will be true of Australia, Russia, and China. The enclaves will be locale, within walking distance only, yet will be filled with the arrogance of continuing

power, such plans. Like the Pope and his entourage, a small group convinced the world is waiting for them, ready to

follow, a myth that will be a shock to them when they spread out and find no one cares nor listens.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:21 AM]

ZetaTalk: Natural Resources

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ZetaTalk: Natural Resources

Note: written Aug 15, 1995.

Given man's rapacious nature, at the current rate of population explosion, most of the Earth's biological resources

would be exterminated within decades. Those that remained, beyond cultivated crops and animals, would be deep

within the sea or in barren cold places where pollution had not spread because man did not choose to live there. The

cataclysms, of course, will change all that, more than evening the odds between man and nature. But were it not for the

cataclysms, mankind would utterly destroy the biological diversity of this world, plundering the seas until chain

reactions set in to decimate populations not even targeted by man. Penguins, who eat fish, cannot migrate to warmer

climates if the fish decline - they can only weaken and succumb to the cold. Kelp beds, the great oxygen machine of

the Earth, are already damaged by the harsh rays of the Sun which the depleted ozone layer is failing to filter. The kelp

beds stand at the base of the food chain for many thousands of life forms, in one form or another. For instance, some

life forms require the kelp beds for protection, shelter. On land man's senseless greed has left so many scars we need

not retell the tragedy.

Where ecological battles are sometimes won, the line held, the steady press of teeming masses of humans would soon

turn the tide. Everything would be sacrificed, as has always been the case. Except for isolated instances of land

purchased for parks, or set aside for wild life, when has man not simply rolled over the landscape like a horde of

locusts, leaving in its wake dead waters reeking of noxious chemicals, top soil blown to the winds, forests clear cut for

the convenience of greedy operators, and wildlife out in the open and without protection hunted to extinction for sport.

Will these trends continue after the Transformation? They will, but due to setbacks during the cataclysms, they will

essentially stop, and as attitudes will change during the Transformation, raping the Earth will cease. The Earth's natural

bounty will be allowed to renew, the new race of man living in harmony, not clashing, with nature.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:21 AM]

ZetaTalk: Great Opportunities

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ZetaTalk: Great Opportunities

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

What the civilization of the future will be is open, depending on the free will and motivation of those who can guide

its progress. It would be unfair to those who will be in a position to affect this to speculate. This picture is to be

painted by the artists. The time after the cataclysms, what is termed the Aftertime, will be a time of great opportunity.

Where all the foundations of the past have been shattered, and all is to be rebuilt, there is almost endless opportunity.

The creative nature relishes such times. The courageous will find a bountiful return for their efforts. It will be a time

when the capacities of each can be stretched to their limits, and entities can learn of strengths and talents within

themselves they had not imagined.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:22 AM]

ZetaTalk: Green Movement

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ZetaTalk: Green Movement

Note: written Sep 15, 1996.

One of the trends that will become increasingly evident as the Transformation proceeds is what is termed the Green

Movement, ecology minded groups or individuals that espouse and take action to increase and preserve the Earth's

forests and wetlands. Our concern for the environment has been steadfast during the entire history of our visitation.

Those humans who love the environment and see it as a treasure to be passed forward, have given The Call to those of

like mind like ourselves, and we indeed visit and plot a course as to how that individual human can make a difference.

Man is rapacious. Were the Transformation not around the corner so this would run its course, you would find a

terribly decimated and devastated world. It would not be completely unable to sustain life, but you would live with

much grief over what you had destroyed and destroyed permanently. Raping the Earth is not occurring because

multinational corporate leaders are aware of the coming cataclysms and are trying to get what they can while they

have time. Primarily this activity is progressing because of a press of population, not because of a knowledge that a

pole shift is around the corner. If one looks back in human history, there was such rape of land occurring at other

times. Why is the Yellow River in China so clogged with silt? Where did those trees go? Where did the vegetation go?

There was poor treatment of the environment in the past, also.

Preserves are not only important for the world today, they are vital for the Earth of the future. Without a strong stock

of fauna and flora, in a lattice of preserves that allow seeds and creatures to flow from one preserve to another, many

species will become extinct before their name can ever be uttered in a courtroom. It is not enough to have a single

preserve, as disease or inbreeding can destroy a species therein. A connecting network of preserves is required, in

close enough proximity that seeds blowing in the wind or transported by carrier creatures can reach another preserve,

and close enough that creatures can move across land or along waterways to reach another preserve.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:22 AM]

ZetaTalk: Ruined Worlds

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ZetaTalk: Ruined Worlds

Note: written Dec 15, 1999. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

Were it not for the convulsions the Earth is about to go through, the coming cataclysms, a mere 100 years in the future

the Earth would be dying. Reactions in plants and animals, starting in the very low level plankton and bacteria begin to

affect wildlife and domesticated animals, and creep up through the soil and waterways, disrupting things so badly that

nature cannot flurish. Where man maintains fields and herds and flocks to sustain human society, this is at its base

nature, and where this gets disrupted all is affected. Enzymes that are necessary in order to get crops to come to fruit or

to bear, and where these get disrupted, mankind would die rapidly. In an effort to prevent that from happening,

mankind is likely to move sharply in the wrong direction, as he has in the past - more fertilizer, more plowing, level

the hills and cut the trees - making all the wrong steps and thus creating the dominoe effect more rapidly.

Fully a quarter of all 3rd Density worlds require cleanup during their transformation, having polluted their worlds in

this way or having disrupted their ecosystem to the point of devastation, so that by the time of their transformation

they are a mess. A full 5% frankly destroy their worlds before their transformation. The ones that do not impact their

ecosystems are ones where the intelligent species on them cannot control their ecosystem. Most worlds are water

worlds. Creatures that swim and paddle about can't really affect their ecosystems. They are at the mercy of their

ecosystems. When 3rd Density worlds are populated by hominoids or land based creatures or for whatever reason they

are able to manipulate their environment, they ruin it. This is a factor of intelligence. It's the child in the nuclear

armaments. It's the child in the cockpit of the jet plane. It's almost inevitable that it will happen. It's not the exception

that mankind is destroying his environment, it's more the rule.

Those who set forth to most aggressively change nature and the ecosystem care not about the outcome. In fact, they

get a kick out of making it rough for others, that they can make it rough for others. The fact that this is a horror to

others or would cause endless grief and agony and that there might be a great societal push against an action is exactly

what the sadistic or power hungry individual finds exciting. They have a surge of a sense of power and control, that

they can get away with this and make this happen. There are nuclear tests going on today for no other reason than that

they know that the majority of the world is agast. They are negatively impacting the genetic structure of humans that

are born in the area. They feel powerful that they can do this, hold life and death in their hands, and they walk about

feeling smug.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:23 AM]

ZetaTalk: Cleanup

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ZetaTalk: Cleanup

Note: written Dec 15, 1999. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

We, the Zetas, destroyed our 3rd Density world through biological warfare which got out of control and therefore as

3rd Density entities we went underground because the surface was swarming with germs that would rapidly kill us off.

One of your science fiction movies, the worst horror, with which you entertain yourselves, was a reality for us. We

lived underground in protected environments that were sterilized and we had sealed doorways. On occasion we would

send forth a genetically engineered volunteer who would attempt to live on the surface and either make it for awhile or

not make it at all, as who wants to live in a cave where they can't see the stars or listen to the breeze. What happened

when our world moved to 4th Density? As we have detailed, when the Earth moves to 4th Density we will be leaving

behind tapeworms and mosquitoes and many pests that are simply parasitic and have no place in a normal life cycle of

any other creature. Not only are they a pest for mankind and the new hybrids, they are also an unnecessary pest

affecting the quality of life for less intelligent lifeforms - birds and mammals and the like who suffer needlessly

because of these pests.

So if we can do this, can we straighten out polution? Yes. This is in the main done even before the transformation to

4th Density. We are already affecting the planet Earth, as we are resident on Earth and intended to be future residents,

ourselves and our hybrids are counted in decisions on whether we can affect our future home. This is not a black and

white matter where mankind has complete control and can run the Earth into a sewer and we have to stand back and

agonize. This is a complicated calculation. There are some areas where we can step in, where we are not going past the

element of doubt and can influence the setting in which mankind is deliberating his orientation choice. We can

certainly after the cataclysms go into a cess pool of chemicals where there may have been a chemical plant, and with

just a dab here and there change the chemical nature of that volatile soup to be something benign rather than


Likewise, we can affect nuclear explosions and nuclear messes. We can leave behind radioactive material, and take

only that which is not. This of course leaves the 3rd Density world left behind a rather unpleasant place, but the 3rd

Density world is not intended to be a world that supports life. We can also simply alter radioactivity. Man tends to

think of this as something that takes thousands, perhaps millions of years in half life spans to affect radioactivity, but

what causes radioactivity is the structure of the atom and the nucleus, and this can be altered by chemistry just as the

nature of hydrogen and oxygen forming water is an alteration. All atoms are affected by what they come in contact

with. None stand alone. All of them are affected. Can we stop nuclear explosions? Can we do so today? Yes and no,

depending upon whether this is interfering with orientation decisions of the 3rd Density humans on Earth. This is why

we have made the statement that man would be allowed to destroy his world in a nuclear war, but likewise we can

interfere with other steps that are being taken and can influence the state of the world. Basically, we can't interfere

with the lesson, and where the lesson won't be interfered with we have the right to do so as future residents.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:24 AM]

ZetaTalk: Precious Possessions

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ZetaTalk: Precious Possessions

Note: written Aug 15, 1996.

During the Transformation, human society will not only find their moorings lost, they will also find their priorities

changed and their sense of what is considered to be a precious possession drastically altered. During stable times,

civilizations build on the past, the past dragged forward as welcome or unwelcome baggage. The past is intrusive,

something the young and old are constantly reminded of, and serves as models for the young, rules to be guided by,

and social norms for the newborn to adapt to. During tumultuous times the grip that the past has on society is broken,

and priorities are reassessed. What are termed great works of art by humans are considered valuable only because they

came from the past and carry a long list of credits. Each new admirer is thus bolstered and each potential critic is thus

intimidated. Even frankly ugly works are thus floated forward, gaining in price. Possessions such as houses or land

carry value as they are assumed to be permanent, the house standing until deliberately torn down and the land

maintaining its view or agricultural productivity on into the future.

After the coming pole shift surviving humans will be starving, broken, frightened, and will find that the price of a meal

is nothing so worthless as a painting or statue from the past. A sharp knife, a sewing needle and thread, some seeds,

these things will become the precious possessions.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:24 AM]

ZetaTalk: Social Services

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ZetaTalk: Social Services

Note: written Dec 15, 1995.

After the cataclysms the snug blanket of protection that many have taken for granted will be gone - no Social Security

checks, no home deliveries, no 911 emergency service, no free medical services, and no welfare checks. For those not

relying on those services the shock will be as great, as with home, job, and service providers gone they will be just as

destitute and bereft. In essence, humans will be relying on one another, and not on an infrastructure. What will this

mean? In most societies there are rules about who should live and who should die, even when these rules are not

articulated. Many American Indians let their old choose the time of their departure, a spiritual and poignant moment

for all, as the old were a burden on the young that all agreed could not be borne. In some cultures malformed infants

are not nourished, and all cultures push what they consider their undesirables to the periphery, to wither and perchance

to die.

After the cataclysms new rules will spring up, depending on the desperation of the community and whether a Service-

to-Self or Service-to-Other orientation prevails. In Service-to-Self groups the strong will prey upon or ignore the weak

until a homeostasis is established. What this means is that injured or frail humans will be ignored, not fed or assisted,

and they will die. If they refuse to go quietly they will be killed, and if food is short they will be killed and eaten in

any case. Eventually the group reaches a point where there are no young, old, or injured and the pecking order among

the remainder is well established. In Service-to-Other groups, those hopelessly maimed or chronically in pain will be

allowed to choose suicide, and birth control will be used to limit the demands on scarce resources, if need be. All who

wish to live will be fed and cared for, sharing equally among all. In crisis mode, when overwhelmed by large numbers

of injured members in great pain, Service-to-Other groups usually end up prioritizing care in the following manner:

Where the injury is clearly life threatening and the outcome inevitable, making the injured comfortable is the

only treatment given. This should be explained firmly and kindly to the injured, as a choice between treating

those who could benefit or wasting effort on one who could not benefit. If the injured is in pain, this means pain

medication to the point of stupor or, if no medication exists and the pain is extreme, assisted suicide. Contrary to

what humans may have been led to believe, individuals in severe, chronic, and hopelessly painful situations

invariably request to be allowed to die. They beg for this, in fact.

Where the injured still outnumber the capacity of the caregivers, quality of life next enters the equation. Will a

life be saved only to live in pain or in a diminished capacity, or will a life be saved and restored to full

faculties? In this determination full faculties does not mean the blind or amputee should be neglected. Full

faculties means reasonable mental faculties, the ability to eat and eliminate without humiliation, the ability to

live without being perpetually hooked up to machines, in short, a life one could tolerate rather than a life one

would dread. Here again the decision should be explained to the injured, who may exhort the caregivers to

reconsider if they don't agree with the decision. Be firm, as vacillation only tortures the injured who should be

allowed to come to terms with the situation. Remind the injured of the others who also cry for help.

If the injured still overwhelm the caregiver's capacities, choices fall along lines familiar to humans. Treatment

quickly given, such as a tourniquet to prevent the injured from bleeding to death, is chosen over treatments that

would take more time, such as surgery to stop internal bleeding. Lavage of poisons eating at skin takes

precedence over removing a splinter piercing an eye or a limb. Preventing shock takes precedence over setting a

broken bone. The caregivers should be firm and committed during such a process, and not expend precious time

arguing with those in pain and frantic with anxiety over their injuries.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:25 AM]

ZetaTalk: Barter System

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ZetaTalk: Barter System

Note: written Dec 15, 2001

We predict that long before the shift, a barter system will be replacing the current paper money system. The value of

the dollar, in all countries, will be falling, such that in any transaction one or both parties will feel they are getting a fair deal only if a thing, not a representation, is given or received. This is a common practice in countries where the dollar is falling, and a natural migration as the thought occurs readily to mankind, the barter system being recent in

their cultural evolution. What will this mean for the common man, and what will it mean for the rich? The common

man will find they are pleased with themselves if they have had the foresight to secure goods of value, such as seeds or

tools or dried food. The value of appliances that are dead and not able to run, even of cars unable to run over broken

roads, will be zero. The value of items that can increase worth, such as a needle and thread which can repair clothing

otherwise worthless, or a shovel that can create a garden otherwise a weed patch, will balloon.

The rich will of course whine endlessly, and try to convince anyone who will listen that their goods will return in

value, which it will not. Moneys will be used as a medium of exchange, as will jewels and art, in some settings, for a

brief period of time. This will occur until those being offered these at bargain prices realize the shift has happened

worldwide, and rescue and a return to civilization as they knew it will not occur. Perhaps months, but more likely

weeks, and only in limited settings. We advise the common man, as we have in the past, to relieve themselves of stock

and jewels and paper money that will fall in value, perhaps suddenly and without warning. Better to stock up on things

that will have value, candles and matches, school books and a guitar, than what the rich treasure.

In that one's skill sets can be considered a bartering item, one should examine their own skill set by the following

exam. If you were in the middle of a wilderness, alone, what steps would you take to survive? What is the first skill that you would need, and not have? Whom do you know that you would wish about you, in such as circumstance?

What is that skill that they possess, that you perhaps could develop? Imagine a group in such a setting, having arrived

at a land dump where various pieces of junk are about and could provide mechanical devices or shelter, if utilized

creatively and resourcefully. How would you go about creating a comfortable home for yourself, and others, in such as

situation? If you are clueless on how to use junk to structure a home, recycle and hook up, then perhaps you should

work with a junk man, in his yard, and take lessons! What we are telling you is that you should mentally put yourself

in this setting, and you will have no difficulty determining what is useless or most worthwhile, in a skill set. If you are

an accountant, and cannot translate this skill into becoming a tailor or herdsman or cook, your skill is useless!

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:25 AM]

ZetaTalk: Hoarding

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ZetaTalk: Hoarding

Note: written Nov 15, 1999.

Many people view with alarm the thought of food shortages and struggling with other people to wrest away a loaf of

bread or fist fights over a bag of flour or rice. They view with alarm such thoughts, and their first thoughts are to stock

up, to buy many of these items. A case in point is the scare just years ago over toilet paper, where there was purported

to be a shortage of toilet paper. Suddenly all the toilet paper on the shelves had been bought up. This is the first

response to worry about shortages, but there are many problems with this reaction.

Because the desire to hoard and stock up is anticipated by the authorities, this is the first trend that will be watched and

guarded against. Hoarding cannot be disguised. The grocer knows who bought a large stock of food, and neighbors can

see who carried many groceries into a house. Those places that sell large quantities of food such as rice or wheat or

beans have the person who made the purchase on record. One cannot hide a stock. The police can come door-to-door,

open the doors, and see a stock of food and this stock can be confiscated. These stocks will be confiscated as food

shortages occur and hoarding is to be discouraged, so that fighting and arguments and theft do not happen. The police

will go door-to-door and those people who have hoarded will have it taken from them, and this will be distributed to

others. Therefore, not only will they lose what they have tried to gathered, they will be penalized. They will be fined,

punished, maybe put in jail, and certainly be scorned by their neighbors.

Of course, there should be some stock for those times when there is nothing to eat, but a very small amount. Don’t

purchase in large quantities. A purchase in large quantities is a signal, and there are records being kept even today of

who it is that purchases in large quantities. Those people are being marked to have their goods confiscated in the

future. They are not being told this. They may even be encouraged to stock up because later someone can come and

take these stores from them. It is a cruel game of those in control, to encourage stocking while knowing that these

goods will be taken later. But those who wish to remain in control, who use such power plays, think not of their

cruelty but only of their ability to get through hard times, and will manipulate whomever stands in their path to

regaining their power. Even through what we are telling you is known and can be logically surmised, nevertheless

warnings about punishing those who hoard are not going out, and people will not be alerted to the dangers of hoarding

or stocking up until they have had the tables turned on them and all their saving put into rice and beans is gone. No

one will tell them that this is to happen and no one will warn them.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:26 AM]

ZetaTalk: Growing Food

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ZetaTalk: Growing Food

Note: written Nov 15, 1999.

Anyone who has a stock of food who does not find themselves at odds with the authorities will still be subject to theft

from gangs or hungry neighbors. In fact, it is as dangerous to stock up and be traced as holding a hoard of food as it is

for a rich man to walk with gold jewelry down a dark path known to harbor thieves in the bushes. It is almost a

welcome sign, saying come take this from me. The word would go out that this person or that person has a stock of

food. Windows will be broken and people will ccome in with bags over their heads so one doesn’t know who is taking

the food stores away, and the person who has a lot of stock will find it has been stolen from them. So, in the end,

hording is not a solution, even for those people who think they are clever and have very carefully hidden their food.

People who are starving and frightened will aggressively attempt to find where the food has been buried.

It is much safer to be able to produce food on a regular basis. Those people who have seed, or who know how to and

are growing algae in water, for instance, will find this cannot be readily taken or carried away. Growing plants, algae

or fish, cannot be carted away as easily as grabbing a bag of rice or cans of food. Such food stuffs will spoil, is hard to

catch, is wet, smelly, and takes time. Those who are frightened or those who would steal and rob are not inclined to

spend the time to harvest. So somebody with algae in a fish tank or gardens in their basement will find that it is not as

worthwhile for a thug or a hungry person to break into the basement to take a tomato as it is to break into a garage

where someone has stored many sacks of flour or potatoes, something that is dry, compact, and easy to carry away.

In addition, the person who is growing their own food regularly will find that even should they be attacked by hungry

people, that they will be able to recover. Even should their hydroponics beds be ripped out and run off with, with

someone grabbing their carrots or tomatoes or cabbage or green peppers or the fish in the tanks, they will have baby

fish on the side to restart their fish tanks and seed and to restart their gardens. The person who has just stored food

cannot recover, and their food is usually gone. Therefore, we recommend the capability of growing food, in many and

varied ways to where the cycle of life is at hand and a temporary disruption of a garden is not a devastation. These

people will not be raided. It will be the hoards that will be raided. Therefore, we have encouraged growing seed and

helping people learn to grow, and helping people understand the simple things about them with which they can feed

themselves, such as insects and the foods found in nature, the minimum that they need to survive. This kind of

knowledge is more valuable than bags of potatoes or barrels of wheat in the garage, because knowledge cannot be

taken from a person, and it is therefore more valuable.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:27 AM]

ZetaTalk: Food Riots

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ZetaTalk: Food Riots

written April 5, 2008

Rice Jumps as Africa Joins Race for Supplies [Apr 4] Rice prices rose more than 10 per cent on Friday to a fresh all-time high as African countries joined south-east Asian importers

in the race to head off social unrest by securing supplies from the handful of exporters still selling the

grain in the international market. The rise in prices - 50 per cent in two weeks - threatens upheaval and

has resulted in riots and soldiers overseeing supplies in some emerging countries, where the grain is a

staple food for about 3bn people. India's trade minister, said the government would crack down on

hoarding of essential commodities to keep a lid on food prices. [and from another] City Dwellers Priced

Out of the Market [Apr 4] Yeshi Degefu stopped eating meat about a year ago.

Vegetables followed soon and, more recently, chickpeas and lentils. Today, Mrs Yeshi, 50, of Addis Ababa,

queues for subsidised wheat, the only food she can still afford. Mrs Yeshi is caught up in a food crisis that

is hitting the urban population rather than the rural poor, the group that has in the past faced the greatest

threat of hunger. This time, the problem is not a shortage of food but its price. Urban populations are

more likely to protest, triggering riots which in Africa have already hit Burkina Faso and Senegal.

Acute food shortages are in the news, as are the rising prices that accompany shortages. We have predicted that in the

years leading into the pole shift that crop shortages would occur, worldwide. Where this became evident in the year 2000, as documented by Nancy in her Shortage TOPIC within Troubled Times, these shortages did not make major

headlines because stocks of grain and other staples were on hand. Now, the stocks are depleted, or nearly so. Where

the price of wheat, corn, and soybeans has been rising in step with shortfalls, riots did not occur until shortages and

price increases for rice occurred. Rice is a staple for half the world's population, primarily the poorest half, and thus

this shortage is touching desperation. Rice was one of the cheapest foods for this populace, and now must be replaced

by more expensive items or starvation looms.

The reaction of various governments to their starving populace is varied. Some are buying what stocks of rice they can

secure and forcing price controls among the merchants distributing these stocks. Others are merely reacting to riots

with traditional riot control. The poor in many of these countries have always suffered at near starvation levels, with

little sympathy from the authorities who expect the starving to fade away quietly and not make a fuss. Malnutrition

affects such a populace before birth, creating mental retardation and a poor start in life for the newborn. Malnutrition

among the young stunts growth, particularly growth of the brain, exacerbating mental retardation. Thus deprived of an

ability to earn a good living except by manual labor, which their stunted bodies can scarcely enable, those affected by

chronic starvation hardly notice when their poor diet is diminished further.

It is the reasonably well fed who are being heard from during the recent food riots. Those who are not retarded or

stunted, and have been able to enjoy a varied diet previously. The first reaction to rising food prices is to carve

expensive treats from the menu. The second reaction is to alter the daily fare to emphasize inexpensive staples - a diet

more dull but affordable. When inexpensive staples like rice rise or double in price these households must trim other

expenses from their budget - less travel, clothing, and entertainment. In many cases, the household moves from being

economically viable and in the black to running in the red, running into debt. Arguments ensue, and demands that the

government do something about the situation is part of the argument. Tempers are at the trigger point, so that some

trivial argument at the food market can spark a riot. This class of citizen - the formerly well fed - does not slide

quietly or quickly into the stance of their chronically starved neighbors. They know about the underclass, the

chronically underfed, but have never imagined themselves forced into these straits. In horror, they see themselves

unable to afford enough food for good health, despite cutting back all budgetary items possible, so panic is just under

the surface and explodes into hysteria with every rise in food prices.[2/5/2012 11:14:28 AM]

ZetaTalk: Food Riots

What are governments to do when a formerly quiet portion of the populace becomes noisy and hysterical? Price

controls are one avenue, but even with price controls the shortages will continue and increase due to the worsening

weather extremes we have so long predicted. In the US, soup kitchens are threatened as the US government cuts back

on handouts of surplus food items. There are no surplus items, or they are fast disappearing. New rules are likely to be instituted everywhere. Those who are obese will be encouraged to diet, perhaps given only vitamin pills and minimum

protein such as a few boiled eggs per day. Grains fed to cattle will be diverted to human consumption. All idle fields

will be put into production. And of course price control instituted to prevent panic among those who can no longer

afford to buy food. But in those countries where such measures cannot be instituted because there simply is not

enough food to go around, riot control will be used. Those who ignored their chronically underfed neighbors, the

underclass they took for granted were always beneath them, will now join them, a type of karma, so to speak.[2/5/2012 11:14:28 AM]

ZetaTalk: Aftertime Religions

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ZetaTalk: Aftertime Religions

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

After the cataclysms, religions of the world will enjoy both an increase and decrease in popularity. Some humans,

bewildered by what has happened, will cling to their religions. Some humans will assume that human actions have

caused the shift, which they will interpret as a punishment. Scapegoats will be selected from their midst, and

sacrificed. Other humans will attempt to modify their behavior, to placate what they assume to be angry gods. In the

main, these practices will occur among ignorant or weak peoples, and in truth these practices occur today. Regarding

religion, whatever trend was occurring within a given human will continue, or exacerbate. Those humans who today

think for themselves will move more in that direction, finding that their religion does not give guidance and is not

coming to grips with the situation.

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ZetaTalk: Aftertime Raids

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ZetaTalk: Aftertime Raids

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding attacks on Service-to-Other groups by Service-to-Self groups in the Aftertime. Of course, this will be their

first thought. Conscientious groups of Service-to-Other humans, having prepared, will have food and shelter. There

will be laughter coming from their midst, as they find life goes on and the good things they held precious are still in

their lives. The young will grow and be curious and educated. Music still comforts and scientific discoveries still

intrigue. The Service-to-Self, having not bothered to prepare, will look to these communities as a place to raid. This

will be a decreasing problem, as time goes on. We have stated that the Service-to-Self humans will die out on Earth,

and this is in part because they do not nurture their young, but primarily because those prone to this orientation will

not reincarnate here. This is not a matter in their control, over which they have a choice.

But what about the interim, when various humans of mixed orientation or distinct Service-to-Self orientation look to

the Service-to-Other communities and consider a raid. There will be assistance in these matters, from ourselves and

others. Primarily this assistance will be in the form of blockage, where the Service-to-Self humans either cannot find

the communities, cannot see them, or are distracted in some way. In this regard we advise these communities to be

remote and not advertise themselves. Those who are to find you will do so, as they will be guided to your location.

Secondarily, this assistance will come in the form of active repelling, where the Service-to-Self will find their blows or

missiles do not land as expected, but turn somehow upon themselves, perhaps blowing up prior to being launched or

the like. It is best, therefore, for these communities to focus on survival, and life after, and minimally on self defense.

The best defense is a well chosen location.

It is also advisable to be selective on who is allowed into the community. Where the community is truly Service-to-

Other, there should be only periodic encounters with the Service-to-Self orientation to deal with. Remember, the

Service-to-Self will not be in close communication with each other. Cooperation is not normal among those in this

orientation. Where frustrated, they will turn and look elsewhere. They will attack each other more often, as they

themselves are the type to horde. Should the Service-to-Other communities be of soft heart and allow into their midst

great numbers of humans who have not yet chosen their orientation, they will find they have brought the problem into

their midst. The soft hearted should share knowledge of their techniques in growing food, but send the spiritually

immature to live in their own groups. Thus the Service-to-Other communities will not be destroyed, and the separation

will be sped along on its course, which is inevitable in any case.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:29 AM]

ZetaTalk: Prison Gangs

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ZetaTalk: Prison Gangs

Note: written Mar 15, 2002

Prison populations are well know to the public, who hears the horror stories of activities both by the guards and

prisoners, in the news and in the movies. The guards are scarcely better than the inmates, being inclined to sadism and

lording it over others when in control. During the shift, prisons will spill out and prisoners escape. These will as

expected become the primary Service-to-Self gangs in operation after the shift. However, less the public expect

Ghengis Khan to reincarnate in essence, the opposite will occur. Such gangs require a continuous supply of food and

goods to continue a looting and savaging campaign. After the shift, supplies will run out quickly, and dead people

offer no satisfaction to these marauders. They will quickly, as we have stated earlier, find themselves without the

means to keep warm until the morning, and without anything but each other to eat. Weakened, and decimated by

infighting, they will succumb to disease and defense by Service-to-Other communities who will give in return the

aggression they sense in their attackers.

In the US, Texas was to become a prison state so that Bush Sr. could have his hordes in the Aftertime. Bush Sr. was

aware of the Zeta predictions, but being highly Service-to-Self listened to these aliens voices instead. They are

interested in agony, great despair, and raising hopes and then dashing them achieves this end. Likewise, the Texas

trend to house prisoners and mistreat them, has a Service-to-Self base. Rather than cost cutting, Bush Sr. intended to

have them released, escape, and be his savaging horde overtaking survivors in the US. Do you think it an accident that

so many prison escapes occur, in Texas? This is by plan, occurring earlier than expected. This was setup during the

time when Houston also was established as the best stop for a carryon government, in underground bunkers. Bush Sr.

and his Service-to-Self advisers were scarcely listening to any advice we gave, and thus discounting, omitted to be

concerned about flooding in Texas, which will be overrun with a flood tide. Thus, prisoners locked in prisons will

drown, and those escaping will likely meet this fate, except for a few like wet rats crawling onto shore, alone.

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ZetaTalk: Hybrid Homes

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ZetaTalk: Hybrid Homes

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Will our hybrids take up residence on Earth, after the cataclysms? But of course, in Service-to-Other communities.

This will be selective and cautious, and in most cases human societies, as much as they can function after the

cataclysms, will be unaware. Some of our hybrids will live alone, or with us, the full- blood Zetas, and in some cases

will live also with humans. The standard of living in these communities will be much higher than you now enjoy - very

high tech, as you say. The hybrids will expect to live as they now live, with automated food production and controlled

temperature and light. Science is advanced, and exploration in the sciences is an occupation of almost everyone. The

forms of energy and travel will approximate those we, the Zeta, and the hybrids enjoy today.

The Service-to-Others hybrids and Zetas will adopt Service-to-Other humans into our midst, to some degree. Where

there are communities of humans, only, who are living in the Service-to-Other orientation, these technologies will be

given as a gift. Communication, or the sharing of news, is complete and without censorship. Community activities are

determined by vote, much as we have described how the Council of Worlds now polls the opinions of people on Earth.

Each has a voice, and there is no need to rush to the poles.

Most human societies, even when operating under the Service-to-Other orientation after the pole shift, will remain

strictly human. Some communities solely composed of our hybrids will spring up on Earth after the shift, in areas

greatly devastated or on new, uninhabited, ground. As our hybrids are not entirely unknown, today, to some humans,

there will also be mixed communities. In these it is expected that humans will share the technologies enjoyed by our

hybrids, thus essentially being adopted. Of the whole, these communities will not be that numerous. Recall also that the

humans adopted will have undergone a great devastation, and be essentially homeless. Where humans have prepared

for the cataclysms, and are operational afterwards, direct adoption by our hybrid communities is not likely.

Humans desiring to form Service-to-Others communities in preparation for the cataclysms should not concern

themselves about physical proximity to the Zetan hybrid communities. We will find you. We do not have our future

locations picked out, as this will be dependent on many things. The free will of humans, who will make many changes

between now and then, affects the result. Your focus should be on your convenience, and being able to achieve your

goals, which will not be all that easy. Convincing humans to give up many conveniences, to live in a more primitive

state, just in case, is not all that easy a matter. Many will resist your suggestions, and proof of the comet's existence

and path will come late in the game. Focus on what you can achieve, and we will be in touch. We will come to you.

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ZetaTalk: Perpetual Power Pack

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ZetaTalk: Perpetual Power Pack

Note: written May 15, 1996.

For centuries man has chased the elusive goal of a clean, portable, never-ending power pack. In some eras this was

termed the perpetual motion machine, as energy in those days was mechanical - windmills, water wheels, or various

springs wound up by cranking devices. In the era of the atomic bomb the elusive goal became cold fusion, and during

the current era of increasingly more efficient and long-lasting batteries it became the perpetual power pack. It is not

simply wishful thinking that drives this search, it is in the collective conscious that such things exist, as exist they do.

Over the eons humans have been in contact with alien visitors surrounded with devices that don't need to be plugged

in, cranked up, or replaced. What makes them run? The search has been on ever since, but during a 3rd Density

existence technology and intelligence are limited to what is appropriate for a spiritual nursery. Will man be introduced

to a perpetual power pack during the Transformation? During the Aftertime, those groups operating firmly in the

Service-to-Others orientation will find that in addition to encountering aliens walking openly among them and

discovering hybrid communities as their neighbors, that they will also be handed portable perpetual power packs. In

view of the circumstances, they will scarcely take note.

Industrialized countries, used to many electrical appliances and vehicles to take them anywhere they desire, will be

distressed after the shift due to what they will term a setback. This is to say, they will feel they have lost over a

century of progress, no longer having their labor saving devices, their conveniences, or their toys. This does not affect

their ability to live, except in those cases where life is being maintained with artificial supports, such as breathing

machines or kidney dialysis. A century ago, industrialized countries were much as Third World countries today, most

of the population busy growing or gathering food, with a few in the trades or professions. Energy was secured from

burning wood, coal, and oils from animals or vegetation, or falling water or the blowing wind. Expectations were low,

so life was not unbearable due to acute frustration. After the shift, acute frustration among those who have lived a soft

life while merrily polluting the globe, will be short lived. They will either learn to live with the situation, or blow a

fuse, or be put out of their misery by others around them tired of hearing the whining.

We have stated that Service-to-Other groups, where isolated from the possibility of takeover by Service-to-Self

groups, will receive technology assistance from ourselves and other visitors participating in the Transformation. How

can a surviving group, intent on being Service-to-Other and perhaps functioning in the main in that orientation, link up

with this?

1. If a group has as their mission to assist the general population, saving whom they can from the devastated cities,

or working in camps that the rich may put up to garner slaves, this technology will not be provided. Where this

might seem cruel or insensitive, this does not assist the Transformation, but becomes a slow death for the

turnover of the planet to those in the Service-to-Others. Ultimately, more pain and suffering result, as those in

the Service-to-Self would use any technology to the worse ends.

2. If a group is living in an area which in general is Service-to-Other, or isolated by natural barrier such as water

or mountains or deserts such that travel to the local is limited or virtually impossible by migrating survivors,

they are highly likely to be guided to where and when they can receive assistance. They should listen to their

inner voice, their subconscious, and follow this, when unlikely suggestions are received. Be open to change, as

moving the group may be required.

3. If a group is open to communication with aliens, visitors from other worlds, and hybrids, and would not

experience high anxiety, they are likewise more likely to receive interaction. It is possible to simply find a black

box battery, unopenably, on your door step, without this open attitude. However, no technology will be given if

anxiety and fear will be greatly increased by this, so having an open heart and mind, not being fearful, is

likewise key.

4. Our technology to assist power needs will likely be in the form of a battery. Thus, where a group has all but the[2/5/2012 11:14:32 AM]

ZetaTalk: Perpetual Power Pack

power input, this can be hooked up and away they go, off and running. Thus, you should concentrate most on a

setup that could run from a strong battery bank, and worry less about the lack of input when you are off the grid.

This is not to say that you should not be concerned about putting up a windmill or water wheel, as you may in

fact have to operate with that setup, perhaps for the rest of your life. This is to say that the technology piece we

would be providing would be an perpetual battery pack, so plan to plug into this, when the time comes.

Assume each battery to be equivalent to what you use in a car or golf cart or other such portable battery. By this we

mean that it would put out the power you assume now from your fresh car or cart or boat battery, no more no less. It

simply will not run out, or need maintenance. We have adjusted our devices such that most groups can utilize them

directly. Should they be like high voltage grids, few would be able to use them, and they might cause serious injury.

Thus, to plug into your most likely survival group technology, we have structured our gifts in this way. There is

another reason for not providing intense energy in a single box. Should the unlikely event happen, against all

precautions, that a Service-to-Self use be made of these battery packs, the result is not as devastating. Likewise, we

this technology will be a secret, the black box unable to be opened, and just how these batteries work is not for you to know.

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ZetaTalk: Other Worlds

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ZetaTalk: Other Worlds

There are entities from Zeta Reticuli who are incarnated into human form. Indeed, there are many of these at the

current time, with an increasing number as we approach the Transformation. This is also true of entities from many

other parts of the Universe. Being in human form at this time allows these entities to assist, most directly, with the


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ZetaTalk: Culture Differences

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ZetaTalk: Culture Differences

Note: written Aug 15, 1995.

Human cultures have much in common with other 3rd Density hominoid cultures, but have less in common, as one

would expect, with 3rd Density cultures where the intelligent life form is amphibious, lays eggs, has no limbs, or flies.

Culture is a factor of the concerns of the life form, and of the environment the life form finds itself in. For instance, on

a planet with little water and searing sun at midday, it would be an unthinkable crime to bar one's door to a stranger

needing shelter. An open door philosophy would become part of the culture, else the struggling members find

themselves decimated due to being fried, literally, due to lack of civility. Because humans have evolved on a world

with large carnivores, human cultures are notable, through not unique, for violent tendencies. You kill, maim, and

brutalize each other to a degree which would never even be imagined on other 3rd Density worlds, and think not much

of it. This violence, and it's acceptance, creeps through your culture, so that teachers punishing small children with a

slap, or fist fights among small boys, are considered normal. During future galactic encounters, this will be put into a

different perspective.

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ZetaTalk: Cultural Exchange

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ZetaTalk: Cultural Exchange

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Whenever one encounters a new culture, there is interchange, whether this is consciously done or not. Have humans

absorbed culture from Zetas and the other way around? Of course! One effect of cultural exchange we have noted in

humans is in attitudes toward priorities, what is important to hold to first and foremost. Human priorities in our

contactees usually take a shift toward greater ecology concerns and a sense of caring for the larger family of man. And

how have humans influenced us? Primarily in the area of allowance for emotion. Emotion in humans is very gripping -

strong grief, protective instincts, desire to reach out and comfort. When a human moves to place themselves in danger

to protect another, it is without thought, an absolute act of sacrifice quickly and unhesitatingly done. We admire that,

as our acts of sacrifice can be just as devastating to the self, but take more deliberation.

Have there been any particular humans who have influenced us most? We will name a few well known to mankind,

else our statements will be meaningless to the reader, though greater influence has come from those little know to the

populace - our good hearted contactees working quietly behind the scenes. Abraham Lincoln, who anguished and

deliberated over mankind's acts, yet engaged the political arena fully to right these wrongs. He took action to help

others in the face of stiff opposition. Dr. Jonas Salk, who discovered the Salk vaccine against polio, for his

determination and fortitude to alleviate the suffering among others that he himself had suffered. Little known is that he

experienced a form of polio in his youth, and knew its terror. He was tenacious in his resolve to help others. Albert

Schweitzer, for his reverence for life and the method he used to relay this philosophy to others. He lived his

philosophy, walked the talk as they say, though this made his life a hardship throughout. These examples all show how

strong emotion can be harnessed for good, and it is this characteristic that has impressed and influenced us.

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ZetaTalk: Meaning of Life

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ZetaTalk: Meaning of Life

Note: written Oct 15, 1995.

Humans, unsure of an afterlife and without proof that reincarnation exists, often wonder what the point of it all is. Why

struggle to be good when good guys seem to finish last. Why work to build an empire when disaster can strike and

bring it to ruin. They look around and ask, is this all there is? They wonder if there is a God, or if there is why

atrocities are allowed to occur. It all boils down to the question - what is the Meaning of Life?

Confusion is deliberate during 3rd Density, a relatively short density, as the single lesson to be learned comes to a

focus fastest when the eye cannot see past the horizon. Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other is the decision to be made,

but as this is an emotional and moral decision, rather than an intellectual decision, not knowing the outcome of this

decision keeps the action going in the proper arena. Imagine if youngsters in school were given no descriptions on the

outcome of their curricular decisions. This is a trendy idea which is scarcely followed, as parents and teachers and

family and the media all influence youngsters by pointed references and applause or punishment if not by outright

demands. The youngsters might be entranced by building things with blocks but be told that will only lead to a dirty

job working with one's hands, or be gifted at music and be enthralled in composing music to the exclusion of all other

activities but be reminded just as constantly that performers don't have the lifestyle that white collar professionals can

look to. The youngster's choices, in short, are not made based on their inclinations in the main.

During 3rd Density the spiritual choices to be made crystallize quickest when no influences are allowed to interfere.

Being aware of the outcome during the learning incarnations slows the process because intellectual decisions are made

that are contrary to the emotional and moral leaning, so backsliding and vacillation set in. In situations where 3rd

Density entities are told the outcome of their decisions they almost invariably announce they are Service-to-Other,

when in fact they are dithering between the orientations and haven't decided. Then hypocrisy sets in as self-centered

motives are masked, and when the entity cannot deny to themselves that they are acting with self-centered motives

they may abandon the effort altogether in self-defeating rebellion. When unaware, they are more honest with

themselves, ponder the results of actions and how they feel about this more openly, try various alternatives more

playfully, and in general proceed with the business at hand in a more genuine manner.

During the Transformation few entities complete their 3rd Density lesson under the duress of the rapid pace of change.

Some entities leaning toward the Service-to-Other rise to the opportunities presented to do greater acts of service.

Many entities leaning strongly toward the Service-to-Self act out their orientation choice without hesitation, practicing

for the life they are sensing awaits them, where the spoils go to the strongest and boldest. Those entities who are

incarnated undecided into the Transformation, which is now, almost invariably remain in that state, as the increasing

polarization in the world around them detracts from, rather than adds to, their own introspective search.

Thus, the Meaning of Life during 3rd Density is to determine your spiritual orientation, which we can tell you now as

we are well within the Transformation.

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ZetaTalk: Misinterpreted Messages

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ZetaTalk: Misinterpreted Messages

Note: written Nov 15, 1995.

Many efforts have been made in the past to prepare the people of Earth for the coming cataclysms and the spiritual

Transformation that will follow. These efforts are reflected in the general perception that the approaching millennium

will bring great change, perhaps the End of the World, perhaps a Rapture into a state of bliss, a Heaven on Earth,

perhaps the appearance of an Antichrist, a nuclear holocaust, or all of these possibilities at once. As with most serious

messages given to those who can only partially understand, the messages were misinterpreted - partly understood,

partly misunderstood, partly skipped altogether, and partly generated by the listener to fill in the blanks. Most serious

efforts to impart information about the coming pole shift and spiritual Transformation to follow have included the


Death and destruction of massive proportions with whole cities destroyed utterly [End of the World].

An increasing polarization of the orientations with an aggressive last-minute effort by the Service-to-Self to

influence potential converts [Antichrist].

Rescuing the Service-to-Others oriented from the cataclysms, briefly, and then returning them to a world

scheduled to become a home for the Service-to-Others [Rapture].

The Transformation of human society to Service-to-Other communities as only the Service-to- Others are

allowed to incarnate on Earth [Heaven on Earth].

Where the above parallels the Christian understanding of the coming millennium, other cultures and religions will

likewise have parallel myths and prophecies. If one reads them with insight they almost make sense.

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ZetaTalk: Who to Believe

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ZetaTalk: Who to Believe

Note: written Aug 15, 1996.

We have explained that many channels are false, claiming to channel either for personal glory and attention or to

deliberately disinform, and that true channels often speak poetically in metaphors and analogies or become so

fascinated with a concept that they give it undue emphasis. We have also explained that many prophecies become

misinterpreted messages due to the ear of the listener wishing to hear what they want to believe. Thus, the brief rescue

that those firmly in the Service-to-Other orientation have been offered during the worst moments of the pole shift has

been interpreted as the Ascension by Christians. We have also explained that the exact year of the pole shift is

erroneously reported by many true channels, either because the human channel wants to deny what is in their future or

because the aliens themselves are reluctant to give humans such terrifying news when there is little that most can do

about it, and where dates have been reported in antiquity the measures by which the prophecy can be determined as a

present date are not accurate.

Thus, humans receive many conflicting messages. Who to believe?

This situation of mixed or conflicting messages is certainly not new to humans, who deal with such elements in every

aspect of their lives. Lovers say the three little words - I love you - but may be speaking of sexual desire or the need for affiliation or protection. Political promises are rife with conflicting statements, to say nothing of false intent. Both

employer and employee misstate their qualifications and ability to deliver, the employer promising an exciting and

educational environment and the prospective employee claiming competence to do the job. Product advertisement is so

overstated that whole sections of the government are tasked with being watchdogs of such behavior. Criminal and civil

prosecution find both sides giving conflicting claims of guilt or innocence and following up these claims with elaborate

explanations and evidence. So why is it that humans expect to find absolute precision and truthfulness regarding the

millennium prophecies and channeled claims?

As with all of life, you must think for yourself and make your own determinations.

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ZetaTalk: Belief Systems

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ZetaTalk: Belief Systems

Note: written Sep 15, 1995.

During the Transformation some things line up nicely and undergo change smoothly and other things are on a collision

course. Where people hold belief systems that stand at odds to information increasingly accepted by the populace as

fact - a crisis is in the making. As with the crisis a round Earth presented to those convinced the Earth was flat, or the

crisis the bones of Early Man presented to those convinced man was formed in a day - the alien presence presents a

crisis to those convinced that man is the only intelligent species in the Universe or was brought forth by God in his

likeness. This crisis is not peculiar to the highly religious, but as the precepts of many religions align with such

concepts, the devout are prone to find themselves in this position.

On the first point, that man is the only intelligent species, the belief system is assaulted on all sides. Space ships

indicating interstellar travel, feats such as rapid travel or disappearance, reports from contactees of medical miracles or

genetic engineering feats, the ability to levitate objects - all point to a higher intelligence than Homo Sapiens

possesses. Those resisting this fact must either capitulate and admit what their senses and logic are telling them or turn

the other way and refuse to even contemplate the onslaught of information. These people are not hard to identify. They

turn red in the face and start shouting their beliefs when presented with facts that challenge those beliefs, as though the

argument were to be settled by volume.

On the second point, that man was made in God's image, the belief system places the individual in the position of

having to choose. Either the belief can be broadened to include all life as being in God's image, placing Homo Sapiens

in a peer relationship with other intelligent life forms, or the belief system holds and the alien visitors are held to be

ungodly - demons. Here too the individual rigidly clinging to a belief system at odds with the facts can be recognized.

As more and more information on the variety of intelligent life forms is made available, this individual turns away

from the discussion with a dark face, muttering warnings.

How should those eager for the Transformation and comfortable with the new concepts being presented deal with those

so rigidly caught in inappropriate belief systems? Pressing the facts on them does little good, as resistance only

increases under pressure. In fact, the opposite approach works best. Make a casual comment now and then, but back

off the subject. Do not confront. Let the facts work their magic, as they often do.

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ZetaTalk: Judgment Day

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ZetaTalk: Judgment Day

Note: written Aug 15, 1995.

The millennium, with its transformative aspects, has been colored in many ways by many religions. The Christian

religion paints this as the day of judgment, which in some respects it is! During the Transformation, those souls who

have been practicing a true Service-to-Others orientation, where they care for others as much as the self, will get their

reward, in a manner of speaking, by being allowed to incarnate again on Earth for what they would consider better

times - life with others of the same orientation, or a Heaven on Earth. Likewise, those souls who have been practicing

a determined Service- to-Self orientation, where they care for themselves 95% of the time and scarcely ever think of

others, will find they are destined to what most would call a Hell - life with others like themselves!

Will the graves open and the dead walk again? In that all spirits who have been incarnating on Earth will be sorted out

during the same general time period, this story has a relationship to the facts. Jesus did not mean that he himself,

personally, would be returning to act as judge and jury, but that he and his group, along with others, would be involved

with the Earth at this time.

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ZetaTalk: Second Coming

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ZetaTalk: Second Coming

Note: written Aug 15, 1995.

Regarding the return of Jesus, much ballyhoo is spread about this possibility, especially among fundamental Christians,

who see this as the reward for any hardship they endure. Like most of the Bible, this has been misunderstood, and the

intended message got skewered. The predictions of Moses should not be taken literally, as he spoke in allegory and

from hope. The intended message relates to the Transformation, where the Earth will become a home for those in the

Service-to-Others orientation. Jesus was saying, at that time the Earth will be like a home to me, where I and others

operating in the Service- to-Others orientation will feel comfortable and at home. When he was understood to be

saying that he would return, he was in fact using the royal we, referring to all those in the Service-to- Others orientation. In this regard, the efforts by various Service-to-Others groups such as the Nordics, Pleiadeans, and

ourselves can be seen as having a mission similar to that of Jesus.

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ZetaTalk: Ascension

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ZetaTalk: Ascension

Note: written Jan 15, 1996.

Learning of the Transformation, humans almost invariably put their own spin on it. Those humans who are operating

solidly in the Service-to-Other orientation will be given the option to be lifted to safety, briefly, during the coming

pole shift. This has long been imparted to mankind, as almost all 3rd Density worlds have voted to become Service-to-

Other during their Transformation, and this temporary lift is simply a means of transporting them into their future

home, the Earth. This message has been twisted, for comfort and gain. In particular, the Christian religion has used the

concept of an ascension to encourage obedience in the flock and support of the religious elite. Follow the rules and you

will be saved. There is no group or religion that is scheduled for ascension, no ritual or bartering that will improve

one's chances, no practice or lifestyle that will pave the way - there is only the quiet decision, reflected in genuine

action, on one's orientation to be Service-to-Other. This decision cannot be faked or taught or expedited by dogma. It

involves the individual, solely.

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ZetaTalk: The Lift

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ZetaTalk: The Lift

Note: written Oct 15, 1996.

What has been interpreted by Christian fundamentalists as the rapture and by some New Agers as salvation at the

hands of their space brothers is what we have described as the lift, a temporary removal of those humans staunchly in

the Service-to-Others orientation from the effects of the cataclysms. Hearing in this prophecy or that of this offer to be

made to those in the Service-to-Others, the message quickly got skewed to include the listener. If the message was

heard by a Christian fundamentalist while reading the Bible, then those to be saved during Armageddon were

Christians. If the message was heard by humanitarian New Agers reading and interpreting ancient prophecies, then

clearly this rescue at the dawn of a new age was the rescue of all of mankind by the wisdom and intervention of

friendly aliens. At no time was the listener left behind. What in fact is to happen during the most terrible hour of that

most terrible day?

Those staunchly in the Service-to-Other orientation are increasingly becoming contactees, whether aware of that status

or not. The Transformation is more and more in the minds of those in the Service-to-Others, and thus the mass

consciousness of those who think along like lines informs those humans who are not contactees of what the others are

experiencing. It is a wake-up call. Thus alerted to momentous changes ahead, The Call is given and yet another

Service-to-Other human has become a contactee. There is much confusion about the Lift, its purpose and execution.

This is greatly mixed up, in human minds, with the parental image, someone taking care of them. This is likewise

mixed up, in human minds, with the general government assurance that they will take care of you. For instance, if the

government comes to lift you, via helicopter, from the flood plains, then they don't drop you back into the mess, they

take you to a safe place where you get soup and blankets. The Lift is not intended to take a Service-to-Other person to

safety, it is intended to prevent them from dying, as they wish to continue their incarnation and do work toward the

good in the Aftertime. As conscious encounters with aliens will occur only as the general populace in an area is ready

for this, en mass, giving someone the Lift is not to give them a solid clue that aliens exist!

1. the rules that an Element of Doubt must exist, until the person and his associates are ready for full conscious

encounters, must be adhered to.

2. the rule of Non Interference, beyond simply saving the Service-to-Other person from destruction so they can

continue their incarnation, must be adhered to.

Thus, we do not rescue humans, we simply permit their incarnation to continue. The lift will be facilitated by what the

Bible refers to as the mark of God, what the Oasphe referred to as a mark in the forehead, and what contactee support

groups commonly refer to as an implant. Implants are simply locating devices that help visitors and their contactees

come into contact quickly. The contactee may give mental directions, but there is nothing like a homing device to make

contact fast. During the cataclysms, when the Earth's crust has shifted and stopped, a great many humans will need to[2/5/2012 11:14:38 AM]

ZetaTalk: The Lift

be located and lifted, simultaneously. As we have stated, most in the Service-to-Others have declined this offer so as

to be with their loved ones during the time of greatest need. But likewise, many have determined they can best serve

by being whole to help pick up the pieces. A busy time, when implants long used to bring visitor and contactee

together will be used as emergency devices.

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ZetaTalk: Future Pole Shifts

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ZetaTalk: Future Pole Shifts

Note: written Feb 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

As we have explained, the 12th Planet won't move to 4th Density when the Earth moves, as the hominoids on that

planet are not due for a Transformation until sometime in the future. The Earth is in her transformative period,

although the actual switch to physical 4th Density will not occur for some decades. But what will occur when the 12th

Planet hominoids are ready to be harvested? Will their planet move to a physical 4th Density, and will this not

reinstate the periodic pole shifts that the Earth experiences today? This would indeed be the case if the 12th Planet

were planned to be moved, but not all life bearing planets become a home for entities in a 4th Density spiritual

existence. Some remain permanently a home for 3rd Density entities, forming entities in the first step in spiritual life.

Harvests occur periodically on 3rd Density worlds, and occur without a Transformation. A Transformation only

happens when the physical world is destined to become a home for entities living in physical 4th Density. A

Transformation thus encompasses a vote of the current native entities, those who formed on that planet, as to their

orientation. Once the vote has been taken, as it was in the case of the Earth just prior to the mid-century point some 50

years ago, then the orientation of the future 4th Density planet is established. In the case of the Earth, as we have

explained, this future orientation was determined to be Service-to-Other. As a result of the vote, incarnations onto the

transforming world are in accordance with the future orientation. For the Earth, this means that Service-to-Other

entities are reincarnating at the present time.

A harvest on a 3rd Density world results in mature Service-to-Other and Service-to-Self entities being removed, upon

the physical death of the life form their current incarnation occurred in, to another world, a 4th Density world both

spiritually and physically. Thus, the future Earth will be the recipient of many entities from other worlds who have

matured to the point of being 50/50 concerned for others as much as concerned for self. These entities will incarnate

into the hybrid life form we are producing. Some of these entities could conceivably be from the 12th Planet, former

giant hominoids from the planet that ravaged the Earth periodically during its passage through the Solar System. The

12th Planet will continue as a 3rd Density existence planet, forming entities in the giant hominoids who were seeded to

be native to that planet.

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ZetaTalk: Scheduled Events

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ZetaTalk: Scheduled Events

Note: written Sep 15, 1995.

Periodically humans anxious about all the changes coming about hope for something solid. Something akin to when

the President calls a press conference and at last explains. Something akin to when a dying man comes clean and

hands his diary over to an investigative reporter. Some breakthrough. Mankind these days is dealing with general

uneasiness about the millennium, which is supposed to be the end of the world or at least catastrophic, the alien

presence, which they are told may or may not be true but which is constantly in the news in some manner or another,

and their sense of weather pattern changes that seem only partly explained by the Greenhouse effect. Many people are

telepathic, and listen to each other when they share anxieties. If more than one thinks something is going to happen on

a particular date, it is because they are telling this to each other.

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ZetaTalk: Blue Star

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ZetaTalk: Blue Star

Note: written Nov 15, 1995.

The coming Transformation propagates so many expectations that it is no surprise that stories abound. Some of the

favorites involve being transformed by light, a take-off from the notion that entities evolve toward existing only in

light form and the awareness that contactees have that highly evolved entities visit them in light form. Along those

lines is a fanciful story that a Blue Star will arrive during the Transformation to bathe the Earth in healing rays. There

is no such Blue Star nor is the Transformation to occur in this manner. The Transformation looks inward, to the hearts

and minds of Earthlings. It is here where the healing light, so to speak, comes from, not some magical saving ray from

outer space. Humans looking for salvation must look to themselves, and this is one of the lessons to be learned. Only

spiritual infants look to others for salvation, as the infant looks to its parents.

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Document Outline

ZetaTalk: Transformation

ZetaTalk: Transformation

ZetaTalk: Oahspe

ZetaTalk: Harvest

ZetaTalk: Hindu Yugas

ZetaTalk: Foreknowledge

ZetaTalk: Understated

ZetaTalk: Growth Rates

ZetaTalk: Gradual Change

ZetaTalk: Mixed Groups

ZetaTalk: Separate

ZetaTalk: Breakaway Consternation

ZetaTalk: Sudden Philanthropy

ZetaTalk: Avoided

ZetaTalk: Expose's

ZetaTalk: Enron

ZetaTalk: Worldcom

ZetaTalk: Repressive Control

ZetaTalk: Colonialialism

ZetaTalk: Bunker Mentality

ZetaTalk: Travel Restrictions

ZetaTalk: Lesser Evil

ZetaTalk: Clash of Agendas

ZetaTalk: Broken Link

ZetaTalk: Dictatorships

ZetaTalk: Che Lives!

ZetaTalk: Leadership Styles

ZetaTalk: Likely Outcome

ZetaTalk: When Lies Fail

ZetaTalk: Facilitate Discussion

ZetaTalk: Which Way

ZetaTalk: Chupacabras

ZetaTalk: Massing Troops

ZetaTalk: Soul of a Continent

ZetaTalk: Brazilian Roswell

ZetaTalk: Chupacabra Remnants

ZetaTalk: Science Fiction

ZetaTalk: The Dead

ZetaTalk: Crossing Over

ZetaTalk: Take Sick

ZetaTalk: Asian Flu Epidemic

ZetaTalk: Emanation Illness

ZetaTalk: Morgellons

ZetaTalk: Death Rate

ZetaTalk: Death Wish

ZetaTalk: Bill Gates

ZetaTalk: The Internet

ZetaTalk: Melting Pot

ZetaTalk: Imaging

ZetaTalk: Star Charts

ZetaTalk: Converging Signs

ZetaTalk: Uneasy Public

ZetaTalk: Vapid Media

ZetaTalk: Survived

ZetaTalk: 2002 Trends

ZetaTalk: 2002 Quickening

ZetaTalk: 2003 Approach

ZetaTalk: Debunking Failures

ZetaTalk: Sighting Shock

ZetaTalk: Debate

ZetaTalk: Disclosure

ZetaTalk: Russia

ZetaTalk: Catholic Church

ZetaTalk: Border Conflicts

ZetaTalk: End Game Postures

ZetaTalk: Last Year

ZetaTalk: Organized Religion

ZetaTalk: Wealthy Elite

ZetaTalk: Paper Promise

ZetaTalk: Economic Collapse

ZetaTalk: Market Crash


ZetaTalk: New World Order

ZetaTalk: World Government

ZetaTalk: TWA 800

ZetaTalk: Swissair 111

ZetaTalk: Year 2000

ZetaTalk: Other Explanations

ZetaTalk: Self Sufficient

ZetaTalk: High Tech

ZetaTalk: Characteristics

ZetaTalk: Government

ZetaTalk: Next 3 1/2 Years

ZetaTalk: During 2000

ZetaTalk: During 2001

ZetaTalk: During 2002

ZetaTalk: During 2003

ZetaTalk: Safe Havens

ZetaTalk: Individual Preparations

ZetaTalk: Personal Decisions

ZetaTalk: Best Case

ZetaTalk: Worst Case

ZetaTalk: Likely Reality

ZetaTalk: Until the Last Days

ZetaTalk: Rescue Expectations

ZetaTalk: Twisted Logic

ZetaTalk: Contradictory

ZetaTalk: Little Man

ZetaTalk: Establishment Reaction

ZetaTalk: Nervous Establishment

ZetaTalk: More Honesty

ZetaTalk: Belated Admissions

ZetaTalk: Pope's Appology

ZetaTalk: Lack of Leadership

ZetaTalk: Bush Administration

ZetaTalk: Other Explanations

ZetaTalk: Discomfiting

ZetaTalk: Proof

ZetaTalk: Changing Captains

ZetaTalk: Sudden Death

ZetaTalk: Common Good

ZetaTalk: Greater Need

ZetaTalk: Not Politics

ZetaTalk: The Scapegoat

ZetaTalk: Walk-In President

ZetaTalk: Explanations

ZetaTalk: Around the Globe

ZetaTalk: Repressive Regimes

ZetaTalk: Reddish Cross

ZetaTalk: Alerted Populace

ZetaTalk: France Riots

ZetaTalk: Conflict Zones

ZetaTalk: Banned Message

ZetaTalk: Targeted Message

ZetaTalk: Campaigns

ZetaTalk: Monitored

ZetaTalk: Future Visions

ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Precursors

ZetaTalk: Rapid Change

ZetaTalk: Societal Disruption

ZetaTalk: 2 Camps

ZetaTalk: Contact Groups

ZetaTalk: Life Changes

ZetaTalk: Unsure

ZetaTalk: Timed Release

ZetaTalk: Roles

ZetaTalk: Change Agent

ZetaTalk: Led by Children

ZetaTalk: Creating One's Destiny

ZetaTalk: Make a Difference

ZetaTalk: Coordination

ZetaTalk: Transformation Activities

ZetaTalk: Incarnated Helpers

ZetaTalk: In Attendance

ZetaTalk: Einstein

ZetaTalk: Buckminster Fuller

ZetaTalk: Soul Mates

ZetaTalk: Sociopathic Gangs

ZetaTalk: New Age Trends

ZetaTalk: Thug Control

ZetaTalk: Clean Slate

ZetaTalk: Communications

ZetaTalk: Why Nancy?

ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Reactions

ZetaTalk: Attack the Messenger

ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Enemies

ZetaTalk: IRC Attacks

ZetaTalk: 2003 Accuracy

ZetaTalk: Source

ZetaTalk: Stumble

ZetaTalk: Direct Line

ZetaTalk: Live ZetaTalk

ZetaTalk: Sudden Silence

ZetaTalk: After the Cataclysm

ZetaTalk: Natural Resources

ZetaTalk: Great Opportunities

ZetaTalk: Green Movement

ZetaTalk: Ruined Worlds

ZetaTalk: Cleanup

ZetaTalk: Precious Possessions

ZetaTalk: Social Services

ZetaTalk: Barter System

ZetaTalk: Hoarding

ZetaTalk: Growing Food

ZetaTalk: Food Riots

ZetaTalk: Aftertime Religions

ZetaTalk: Aftertime Raids

ZetaTalk: Prison Gangs

ZetaTalk: Hybrid Homes

ZetaTalk: Perpetual Power Pack

ZetaTalk: Other Worlds

ZetaTalk: Culture Differences

ZetaTalk: Cultural Exchange

ZetaTalk: Meaning of Life

ZetaTalk: Misinterpreted Messages

ZetaTalk: Who to Believe

ZetaTalk: Belief Systems

ZetaTalk: Judgment Day

ZetaTalk: Second Coming

ZetaTalk: Ascension

ZetaTalk: The Lift

ZetaTalk: Future Pole Shifts

ZetaTalk: Scheduled Events

ZetaTalk: Blue Star
