[2/5/2012 11:13:34 AM]
ZetaTalk: During 2003
military assigned to keep mass civilians quiet, such as in tent cities surrounding collapse cities. When the military
discovers that something they had not been informed of is in process, then they do not stand their posts. Thus vacated,
true migration by the populace and the military occurs, all running in any and every direction. If no one knows what is
safe, they run from where they are, to anything else. Thus bridges will become clogged by cars moving in both directions, both in and out of cities, for instance, and abandoned by those in panic who can no longer sit in stalled cars.
This situation is described by us in detail, in the Countdown Signs, in the Most Terrible Day, and other ZetaTalk pages already provided.
But imagine that this situation can occur before the week of rotation stoppage if the situation in a local warrants. Thus, signs to watch for, that your locale, your country or city, your government, is about to go into these final hour stances, are important, as you may find yourself locked into panic tides early, depending upon where you live and work. If your government is increasingly unwilling to speak to the media, about significant catastrophes happening within the
country, this is a warning sign. If your government has assigned military to dislocated citizens, to prevent looting and
keep the peace, and the military in these areas is looking distressed, uneasy, this is a warning sign. Thus, we repeat our
advise that those wanting to survive, who have established the locations and life style they think fits this outcome,
should not tarry, holding onto comfortable lifestyles or endless denial. What have you got to lost by relocating early?
Only money and status. What have you got to lose by delaying? Your life, your health, and that of your loved ones
who are depending upon you to make the proper decision.
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:13:34 AM]
ZetaTalk: Safe Havens
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ZetaTalk: Safe Havens
Note: written Oct 15, 2001
Where we have mentioned that increasing polarization will occur, between those in the Service-to-Other and Service-
to-Self orientation, this will become noticeable and even publicly announced during 2002. The population of the Earth,
to the extent that it could travel and move about or establish economic interests in a country of choice, has been
polarizing for some decades, such that the Scandinavian countries have become supportive social democracies and the
entire continent of Africa has been enslaved or brutalized for economic reasons. On a local level, communities living
almost within shouting distance of each other have likewise polarized, families choosing to move or maintain
friendships based on their orientation. Thus, within a city, one suburb may be strongly Service-to-Other in their
support of community needs while another is filled with self focused individuals ignoring each other and intent on
personal agendas. So how does a community announce that it is of a certain orientation, if this is to occur?
Sensing that troubled times are soon at hand, many strongly in the Service-to-Self will attempt to line up a soft life for
themselves, where they can be in control of others and dictate the daily events. This takes the form of attempts at
leadership, and offering a safe haven to desperate people unable to do anything but grab a life-line. These safe havens,
of course, will be anything but that, and are in essence slavery and abuse. Such offers, to the public at large or to
selected groups recently made desperate by disasters in their communities, take the form of offers of assisted
relocation, guaranteed work, loans with easy payment terms, and joining a community of supportive individuals. A
quick determination of the sincerity of such offers can be done by gauging the longevity of the organization. How long
have they been in business? If new, why have they not formed earlier when human suffering is not new?
Organizations offering self-help, where those in need are empowered with no strings attached, are relatively safe.
Organizations which would put the individual or family in a potentially stranded situation are highly suspect.
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ZetaTalk: Individual Preparations
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ZetaTalk: Individual Preparations
Note: written Oct 15, 2001
On an individual basis, the subliminal mental and emotional preparations done by many who have sensed that
something momentous is about to occur, will move into the overt. Individuals who have been watching the news,
seeing the erratic weather and the increasing inability of scientists to explain the changes and the impotence of
governments to address the obvious implications for their citizens, will decide to take action. In the main, these
individuals are not contactees, though many are as they have given The Call due to their concerns. The steps that an
individual takes will differ, depending upon the individual’s spiritual orientation.
Those in the Service-to-Other have considered changes in light of family needs, such as the need for children to
receive the best education, or the need for a particular family member to receive expert medical attention, or the need
for employment to support the family at a comfortable level, or the need for able-bodied members of the family to be
close to those needing physical assistance. Often these individuals have lined up an alternative site as a vacation home
or second home, or made contacts during business trips so as to be able to move if the need arises. Those in urban
areas are most likely to be struggling for alternative living, as well publicized riots in heavily populated areas have
brought home the danger when times turn ugly. Those living along coastal areas subject to tearing tides or on fault
lines subject to increasing quakes likewise increasingly consider their alternatives. The Service-to-Other guided
individual or family will make their move not when the opportunity arises, but when the advantages to moving offset
the advantages to staying. This varies, and can be no more a trigger than the loss or threat of loss of a job, or the end
of a school year, or the failure of a family garden.
Those in the Service-to-Self are looking to either perpetuate their life style and control over others, or in some cases to
take full advantage of the distress that many will be under to create an essential kingdom for themselves. Those
attached to a spouse or co-worker or friend who is a giving individual in the Service-to-Others will try to tighten the
noose, either by increasing demands or enticements. This will be accompanied by a requirement that the person being
clung to report frequently on their whereabouts or intentions, so the clinging Service-to-Self individual can ensure no
escape. Those attempting to setup a kingdom for themselves attempt to parlay any semblance of leadership they may
have effected in their life into group formation, becoming a leader in a survival community espousing a safe haven for
all comers. Here one need look no further than the individual’s past history to discern their intent. What have they
done for others in the past? These would-be kings will cast their nets far and wide, seeking the gullible who can be
either enslaved by the arrangements offered to them or at the very least fleeced of all their goods and money.
Those in the majority, the undecided, will take many routes depending more upon their immediate vicinity and the
influences in their life than upon any self-initiated urge. If living in comfortable circumstances, young and with money
and opportunities for amusement, they may just remain in their setting until surprised by the week of rotation stoppage
going into the shift. They will be joined by those in the Service-to-Self who were unable to make safe arrangements
for themselves, and will party, hard, into the end. If living in supported circumstances such as government housing or
government employment or institutional living, it is likely that whining demands will increase. The throng of
undecideds, who have migrated to supported living due to their passive personalities or lack of strong personal drive,
will encourage each other until any but a whine is drowned out. Those in the Service-to-Other serving in such
circumstances will be exhausted and weary, and the lot will go down as time passes due to the death of these
individuals, leaving the undecided to wander off looking for other caretakers. Thus, the steps toward preparation that
the undecided make, in the main, are not preparation but merely reaction.
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ZetaTalk: Personal Decisions
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ZetaTalk: Personal Decisions
Note: written Mar 15, 2002
We have predicted that mankind in the main will go into the pole shift unaware. Most of the world has no access to the
media, or the Internet, and relies on the senses of seers within their culture or their own intuition. As prophets have
emerged over the years, warning of the coming earth changes, other cultures such as Africa have also been rich in their
own folklore, though the West has been unaware of this. The indians of South American, the tribes of Borneo, the
Australian Aborigines, all have their seers and prophets of old. You are aware of the Hopi warnings, the Red Sky story,
but this is just a small part of the underground lore among the American Indian. Most hearing at this time, or even in
the recent past, about the coming changes are not planning any action at all. As astonishing as this may seem, this is
because of a predictable set of steps the thinking process goes through.
1. The first thought is that action should be taken. This requires health, resources, and teammates. Should the
individuals have this, in youth, energy, the ability to travel, and others of like mind, they make plans. Should the
individual not have this, in that they are in poor health, old and tired, or blocked from travel due to finances or
responsibilities, they move to the next step.
2. The next thought is what to do in the event the warnings are true. For those trapped, by either inability to move
or finances, the conclusion is either death or slow debility. Should the individual be strong enough to consider
the warnings affecting their immediate locale, and concluding that life would be horrendous afterwards, they
subconsciously decide to allow death to overtake them and their loved ones. This is no different than the
decision that those beset with cancer or the final stages of a debilitating disease make - they go with the flow.
Should the individual be weak, frightened at the thought, they move to the next step.
3. The next step is denial, and this takes many forms. Denial is usually loudly shouting down the offending
message, or ignoring it. In any case, it is put aside. Once put aside, the individual moves to the next step.
4. Distraction is the final and lingering step that those in denial take. Work, play, overeating, overexercising, or
getting drunk or dopey. Taking up religions, deciding that saving the local song-birds is the most important thing
that one could be involved in, whatever can consume the consciousness.
If a quiet resignation to death is not taken, will a frantic running about after false promises occur? This is unlikely to
happen, in spite of the plans of the Hazelwood crowd who hoped to reap millions if not billions from the public due to
their panic. Those in step 1 who have funds will make their own plans, and if they have no funds, will be of no interest to the ilk of Hazelwood. Those in step 2, who have decided that nothing much can be done and they must resign
themselves to the inevitable, will not send Hazelwood funds. Nor will they run into the arms of strangers. They will, if
they have religion or poetry in their lives, rely on this heavily. Music and poetry may have a renaissance, an upsurge,
as adoption of orphans and the underprivileged. Love may have a blooming going into the shift, as it ought, those with
great love in their hearts responding to the realization that little else matters.
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ZetaTalk: Best Case
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ZetaTalk: Best Case
Note: written Nov 15, 1999.
Best case predictions are usually based on a wish that mankind will rise to the challenge that the coming pole shift
presents, putting aside petty preoccupation. The opposite usually occurs, as during times of increasing difficulties all
but those individuals with a strong sense of service toward others look inward to their own needs when feeling
anxious. Best case predictions are also based on the assumption that the means exists to rescue mankind, that
governments or wealthy benefactors are holding back and could and would do more if the circumstances were extreme.
Are not starving children and the spread of disease a calamity, today, and just as worthy of such gestures?
The much publicized rescue operations portrayed in the media after natural disasters are conducted as a reassurance as
much as a rescue, to placate the working man and to meet agreements on mutual support between countries. Would the
working man pay taxes and abide by laws if his life was treated with such disdain? When matters become so grim that
rescue is no longer possible, the reaction will be less publicity, so that the failure of governments and private
philanthropy is not exposed. As with individuals, during times of increasing difficulties governments and philanthropic
organizations focus inward, concerned with their own survival. Thus, social services will be less accessible and
responsive, the doors shut and the phones unanswered.
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ZetaTalk: Worst Case
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ZetaTalk: Worst Case
Note: written Nov 15, 1999.
In worst case predictions, there is the assumption that all care of others will cease, and all laws except the rule of the strong and ruthless will be ignored. The populace sees looting after natural disasters, and assumes that such behavior
would go on endlessly if a disaster were large enough, long lasting and global. Looting is an immediate response to an
opportunity, store doors left open and the shop keepers distracted. Where shops and homes have been left empty
during the weeks preceding and following the pole shift, they will surely be looted, but grab-and-run is not the mode
when goods are looked after and not abandoned. Bartering will become the mode, with life-styles becoming
increasingly simple and plain as goods become scarce.
Predictions that martial law will be imposed, world wide or in this or that country, are likewise based on projecting a
single response of the military to the ultimate extreme, without considering the balancing forces. How will such
martial law be maintained when the troops cannot be fed, and the foot soldier is intensely worried about his family
back at home? Military campaigns, and repression, are maintained only where the resources to feed and reward an
army exist. When food stores and the promise of continuing job security become empty, the generals and politicians
wanting to rule will find themselves abandoned, and without the means to chase and punish their wayward soldiers
there will be little threat to prevent this trend. Once the rulers have been ignored, without punishment or repercussions,
martial law is over. Knowing these facts, most counties will not attempt martial law, and where this is imposed such
campaigns will be short lived.
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ZetaTalk: Likely Reality
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ZetaTalk: Likely Reality
Note: written Nov 15, 1999.
Predictions on what will happen in human society as the cataclysms approach and become increasingly clear, even
shrill, in their warnings vary from the best case to the worst, and neither are correct. Between the best and worst case
predictions lie reality, where families will increasingly be forced to rely upon themselves and the community they live
in. The responses to increased hardship and food shortages will depend upon the community, the quality of
commitment to others that the community maintains. Increasing polarity toward Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self
will intensify, such that some communities share and support each other more, while others close their doors to each
other with brutal indifference.
Governments, barely able to address the needs of their populace today, will become increasingly irrelevant. This fact
will slowly dawn upon the government workers who have always assumed their jobs secure and their place in society
assured. As government workers become disillusioned, the quality of their service will drop, so that support from one’s
government becomes increasingly unlikely. To prepare, families and individual must look to themselves.
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ZetaTalk: Until the Last Days
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ZetaTalk: Until the Last Days
written Mar 24, 2006
I really wonder what this world would be like if people knew what is about to happen. To me, it would
become Mad Max, total chaos, anarchy quickly being the order of the day. With or without Martial Law,
people would generally act like cornered animals - anything goes. Very few would prepare orderly.
We have stated that when the pole shift hits, the majority of the worlds population will not have been warned, and that
even among those warned denial will be high. We have stated that among those hearing the warning and taking it
seriously, the reaction may be to party to the end, rather than take steps for safety or prepare for a life after the shift.
Given that the cover-up may crack, and certainly will crack when the presence of Planet X coming toward the Earth
from the direction of the Sun is evident to all, how will this play out? This is unlikely to ever reach the point of
certainty until the last weeks, when the Earth rolls its N Pole away into 3 days of darkness for the Northern
Hemisphere. Planet X and its moon swirls and immense dust cloud will become increasingly obvious in the sky, but
the establishment plans to claim this is an early solar maximum, plasma balls from the Sun and the like, thus the
populace will be encouraged to discount these signs. Nevertheless, even with the cover-up firmly in place, there will be
increasing talk of the many signs that the end times are upon mankind. Even in those countries isolated from
mainstream media, the local version of the end times prophecies will be much discussed. Once certainty has been
reached, panic or stunned denial or a final move to safety will certainly occur. But what of the months leading up to
this point?
Those of good heart, sensing change and taking the Earth changes seriously, and able to face the threat without
retreating into denial, will make plans and act upon them as they are able. For most, due to their circumstances,
this will result in a plan to dash to safety at the last minute. This is because most of humanity lives hand to
mouth, living day to day, so that a move to a safer location is physically and financially impossible. Even those
who could effect such a move may find themselves in a bind with other family members, or feeling a sense of
responsibility to remain where they are, so their plan likewise is to react at the last minute. Whether moving to a
safe location with a survival mindset early or at the last minute, these individuals will be found at their jobs up
until the last days, regardless of how strong the signs become. The signs will strengthen their resolve, but not
cause them to bolt or panic.
Those given to selfish reactions, sensing the change and taking the Earth changes seriously, have been plotting
how to take advantage of the circumstances. They have been hoarding, buying land in safe locations where they
can act as kings or lords over those whom they anticipate will straggle in, desperate, in the last weeks. Prices
will be sky high for any goods they have to offer, and enslavement the agreement for a meal and a bed. If
working for the government, they are planning work camps and confiscation. As the signs increase and shortages
develop, these individuals begin to savage each other, fearing takeover, so that by the time the last weeks arrive,
their noisy warfare has revealed their intent. If not able to compete in this manner, selfish individuals will either
try to attach themselves like lampreys to the good hearted or simply plan to party hard until the end, living for
the moment. In either case, they will be predictably in place, scheming or partying, until the last days.
Those in hard denial will get more hardened, attacking the messengers, refusing to contemplate the news, getting
more red faced and angry as the facts press in. This group will likewise be in place, going through their daily
routine, unlikely to change even when the last weeks show the pole shift to be inevitable. Even when the sun
refuses to rise past mid-morning, they will go through their routines, as the routine comforts. Given that the
majority of mankind will be in this category, government operations will in the main continue apace, up to and
including the hour of the shift. Those of good heart who have prepared will leave in the last weeks to take their
loved ones to safety. Those self serving will likewise devote themselves to their schemes or good times. So the[2/5/2012 11:13:38 AM]
ZetaTalk: Until the Last Days
ranks will be diminished, but government offices will still be trying to function, staffed by those in denial or
those with a mission to either help or take advantage of others. Government services will, thus, likely be
available until the last weeks, deteriorating rapidly into the shift.
Opportunistic looting will of course occur as it does today. Looting occurs after fires or quakes or when rioting
overwhelms the police system. Camps to take in refugees from quake ravaged cities or drought or flood ravaged
regions will be on the increase, with food shortages affecting these camps and riots breaking out. These will be
handled in the same manner as today, with riot suppression and allowing those outside the camps to simply die of
hunger and exposure. This goes on today, in Afghanistan, in the Sudan, in Korea, and among the homeless in
American cities. The wealthy will increase their defenses, hiring patrols and building fences. Cities will become more
dangerous, those with criminal tendencies seizing opportunities. Reaction to any gangs that form, intent on preying on
others, will include not only the police and military assigned to keep order, but militias determined to defend their
communities. This will occur in any case after the shift, so is a prelude to life after the shift.
When the last weeks arrive and the monster is writhing in the skies and the N Pole of Earth tips away into 3 days of
darkness, the Earth changes will increase dramatically. Renting quakes, collapsing cities, monstrous tidal waves, and
disruption of services - power, gas, water, and phone. Bridges will be down, roadways torn, the atmosphere so volatile
that planes cannot be safely lofted. The drama then switches to the local arena, which depending upon the polarization
that occurred may be good hearted or self serving or full of panic stricken people who neither planned nor plotted
ahead of time. Those in hard denial will continue to plod through their life as though nothing were happening, walking
like automatons amid the din and the melee. Insanity will take a sharp up-tick, with many losing touch with reality,
sitting in stunned silence or preaching their version of reality. The last weeks will in essence be an exacerbation of the
behavior each has assumed months before hand, those preparing taking their final steps, those taking advantage seeking
to reap riches and control from others, those uncertain before in panic, and those in hard denial shrill and insulated.
We have predicted that
As the pole shift approaches
In spite of denial and
mankind in the main will go
and the earth changes
suppression of talk about the
into the pole shift unaware.
heralding the shift can no
approaching cataclysms, when
Most of the world has no
longer be ignored, the peoples the earth slows and then stops
access to the media, or the
of the world will find
in its rotation the truth will be
Internet, and relies on the
themselves at varying levels of known. There will be in general
senses of seers within their
preparation for the coming
two responses in those
culture or their own intuition. horror. In most cases, the
previously unaware or in denial
Most hearing about the
populace will find themselves
- flight and paralysis. If they
coming changes are not
barely able to get past a
have been informed, but
planning any action at all. The stunned awareness that life as scoffed, they may know what to
first thought is that action
they have known it will not
do and where to go, and
should be taken. The next step continue. Where an individual attempt to do so in great haste.
is denial. Distraction is the
has taken the warnings
If they have not been informed
final and lingering step that
seriously during the months
they will attempt to flee
those in denial take. Work,
and weeks leading up to the
anyway, going in all directions.
play, overeating,
shift, there will be a grim
ZetaTalk: Last Minute
overexercising, or getting
enactment of a plan.
drunk or dopey.
ZetaTalk: Level of
written Aug 15, 1995
ZetaTalk: Personal
written Aug 15, 2000
Our prediction that quakes
written Mar 15, 2002
would increase in both Richter
What will happen in human
and frequency, in a linear
If living in comfortable
society as the cataclysms
manner, has been proven true.
circumstances, young and with approach and become
It is at the moment of passage
money and opportunities for
increasingly clear, even shrill, that the Earth most reacts, and
amusement, they may just
in their warnings? Families
prior to this, it is twitching, so
remain in their setting until
will increasingly be forced to
to speak. Until the planet hoves
surprised by the week of
rely upon themselves and the
into view, is approaching so[2/5/2012 11:13:38 AM]
ZetaTalk: Until the Last Days
rotation stoppage going into
community they live in.
rapidly that the earth is slowing
the shift. They will party,
Increasingly polarity will
by minutes and then hours a
hard, into the end. Whining
intensify, such that some
day, and then stops in rotation,
demands will increase. The
communities share and
there will not be any more than
steps toward preparation, in
support each other more,
linear increases.
the main, are not preparation while others close their doors
ZetaTalk: Certainty,
but merely reaction.
to each other with brutal
written Dec 7, 2002
ZetaTalk: Individual
ZetaTalk: Likely
written Oct 15, 2001
written Nov 15, 1999[2/5/2012 11:13:38 AM]
ZetaTalk: Rescue Expectations
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ZetaTalk: Rescue Expectations
Note: written Feb 15, 2001
As the cataclysms draw near, those who have taken the ZetaTalk message about the coming pole shift seriously will
make their plans. For many, when these plans fall short of their expectations for a standard of living, or comfort, or
security - the gap is filled in with their rescue expectations. Perhaps they live in an urban setting where they have
never had to scrape for food or bother to think about anything more than going shopping. Perhaps they have a high
tech standard of living and can’t imagine being without what technology provides in communication and entertainment
and labor saving devices. Perhaps they are indolent and want someone else to provide the missing pieces, to provide
security and comfort and by all means a good meal at least once a day!
As concern that the ZetaTalk message might be true, to distress when the predictions seem to be occurring in the time
frame predicted, to anxiety that their personal plans will not meet their expectations, rescue expectations, a form of
denial, rise up. What are these expectations, and how likely is rescue going into or during the pole shift, or shortly after
in the Aftertime?
The Lift
Having read that those who are categorized as future residents of the Earth, those firmly in the
Service-to-Other, have been offered a lift during the pole shift if they desire to live through the
shift, many assume this rescue has been offered, or will be offered to them. And by the way, can
they be dropped back onto a safe place, into a good-hearted community waiting with open arms for
them. Surely they are Service-to-Other. They are always polite and never try to offend, don’t rob
banks or enjoy sadistic games, so surely this means they are of the Service-to-Other orientation! As
we have with great detail explained, this cannot be superficially determined by the actions a human
may take to avoid trouble with society or the police, or the posturing a human may assume, or any
title they may place upon themselves! Simply stated, if one is looking to the Lift for salvation, they
are not of the Service-to-Other orientation - so don’t count on this as a rescue.
Government Operations
In countries where social services exist, those desperate for a rescue will begin to assume that the
government will act, perhaps at the last minute but in time to rescue them. Announcements will be
made to peacefully evacuate cities and coastlines, tents will be erected, and the populace resettled
after it is all over with the worst of it the beans and rice endlessly served for supper. The military,
politicians, and those holding stakes in the cities and coastlines being deserted will put selfish
interests aside and become humanitarians, in the end. For those clinging to this hope for rescue, we
would only point out that the governments today do not act in this manner, but leave many starving
children and injustices in their wake, daily. Stressful times will not create heroes, it will create
slamming doors. Simply stated, if any are looking to the governments to rescue them, and move
close to government operations in the hopes this will occur, they will not only be disappointed, they
will become slaves or worse at the hands of those determined to remain in control during the
Space Brothers
A theme of many discussions on the role aliens are playing, during visitations, is rescue. They are
benign space brothers, here to rescue mankind from destruction from atomic bombs, pollution of the
environment, or whatever. Surely, in the face of something as devastating as a pole shift caused by a
passing planet, steps could be taken! Divert the course of this planet! Carry mankind away in space
ships to temporary safety! For those entertaining such an appeal, we would point out that most of[2/5/2012 11:13:39 AM]
ZetaTalk: Rescue Expectations
mankind is starving, today, and disease and hardship abound. Rescue is not occurring today, for the
simple reason that life on Earth is a learning experience for growing souls, as we have explained,
and the passage of the 12th Planet is considered a natural occurrence not unlike hurricanes or
tornadoes or disease. Simply stated, humans are to rise to the occasion, and help each other, during
these times. Outside of the help given as a result of a truly Service-to-Other call to help another, no
help will be given. In these cases, another, not the self, is assisted.
Right Neighbors
Since our descriptions of the Transformation include humans and hybrids living near each other,
such that the human communities can benefit from alien high technology - those desperate for
rescue assume they can move in with the right group, and shortly after the distress of the pole shift
find themselves better off than ever! It is a characteristic of the Service-to-Other orientation that no
steps would be taken that would harm others, grossly, so that seeking out the right community that
would make oneself comfortable while deserting those who are currently neighbors would not be a
Service-to-Other goal. Simply stated, those who are shopping around for the right community,
hoping to migrate into a high-tech/alien-assisted life, will in fact doom any community they attach
themselves to rather than find themselves so assisted. Communities that advertise themselves as
Service-to-Other are invariably not that, and would be adoptees loudly proclaiming they are Service-
to-Other while they are trying to insert themselves into communities are likewise suspect.
So what is an anxious human to do? Since the soul lives on, while the human body dies, the spiritual aspects of
survival and life during troubling times is more important than any physical comfort. Look to those around you, for the
sense of peace and acceptance they may have in place of desperation and panic. Look to those you are responsible for,
to see how you can make their transition - to the Aftertime or their next incarnation - done with a sense of teamwork
and caring. Look to a simple existence, with a minimum of comforts, during any transition, rather than demanding a
high tech existence or special attention. These attitudes, and this caring orientation, will ensure you more than any
actions you might otherwise take, in arriving at a place where personal comforts and security will once again be an
everyday assumption. Put aside desperation and casting about for rescue, and think of how you can help others. This is
your ticket to better times!
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ZetaTalk: Twisted Logic
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ZetaTalk: Twisted Logic
Note: written Mar 15, 2002
Self Preservation = Service-to-Others
To those thinking of moving, leaving family behind, and wondering if this is a Service-to-Other decision, this is
a decision that bears on the following: If the family refuses to address the possibility of a shift, in spite of all the
evidence, and the individual finds they would die with those in denial if not leaving them, then the answer is
clear. Leave. If the individual finds they are leaving family that is aware, but unable to move, or children and the
sick, then the issue resolves around whether they are needed to help others in the new camp, or more needed at
home. This puts the issue into saving oneself over caring for others, a common 3rd Density decision issue. This
decision is up to you to deal with. If the individual is taking others, children and others unable to live on their
own, with them, and this is a strong factor in their reason for moving, then the answer is clear. Move. Thus,
where strongly driven by Service-to-Others desires, this should sort out easily, but where a desire to save the
self only, or heavily mixed in this direction, it is a 3rd Density orientation decision of which we cannot be part.
It is your decision.
Service-to-Other = Rug Mat
Our words about Service-to-Other are often interpreted by those looking for rescue as a life line, meaning that
we, the Zetas, or anyone taking our words seriously should give up all and rescue them. This is the same
argument used on those running soup kitchens or administering welfare funding - give us whatever we want, as
you must else you are not doing your duty. Of course, this is a twisted interpretation, as the soup kitchen is
handing out sustenance to those starving, not serving meals at their demand, and the welfare office is on a
budget with rules. So why the loud clamor? These individuals seek to bog ZetaTalk and Troubled Times or
whatever group trying to get the message out boggled in demands and chores, thus ineffective. A second motive
is based on a sense that the current human administration system, the governments of the worlds, are already
puling back and seeking self-protection vs. taking care of the citizenry. They sense the Transformation in effect,
and are trying to line up in the new welfare lines.
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:13:40 AM]
ZetaTalk: Contradictory
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ZetaTalk: Contradictory
Note: written Mar 15, 2000.
Going into the new millennium, the American farmer was not told that the coming crop shortages will be a problem. In
fact, they will be an acute problem. The American farmer is even being told to put much of their acreage to sleep, a
contradiction it would seem given that stores in the US are not high. This contradiction can be explained by opposing
forces, with those in power positions wining the wrestling game. At one side are those who would inform the public,
allowing more families to start gardening and to change their diet or spending practices. Those of good heart want this
approach. They are countered, as they have been all along, by those who fear panic in the public and the disruption this
will cause in their own pampered lives. This faction wants the public blind to what is coming as much as possible. The
employment is kept high by pumping money into the economy, the public told a boom is going on. In fact, this is a
facade, as other indicators are screaming that erosion of true wealth is occurring, but those who want panic dampened
are wining the arguments at this time, and we expect this to occur at least for the rest of this year.
To keep stores in the US grocery shelves, and keep the prices down, shipments to help other countries are being cut
back drastically. This creates a temporary glut, and thus the farmers are told to cut back on their planted acreage.
However, we anticipate that the crop shortages this year will be so severe that this ploy will come back on the
manipulators, and they will find prices rising in spite of all attempts to hold the prices down. The move by the
government to put in price freezes will not happen during 2,000, in all likelihood, as it would mean explaining too
much to the public. We expect ZetaTalk to be allowed to increase its influence, as the coming shortages will be viewed
with alarm, and the message to the little guy to prepare by gardening and learning to grow and eat earthworms will be
viewed as a salve on an open wound.
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ZetaTalk: Little Man
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ZetaTalk: Little Man
Note: written during the March 16, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Up until the banking system is in a steady slip toward a crash, the facade that money can be provided to bail out
bankrupt countries will be maintained. The banking industry relies so heavily on confidence, as does the Stock
Markets, that even when a slide is well in place they will deny. When the slide is accelerating, they will disappear into
"no comment" and be out of the public eye. The exact time and date of an economic crash is something we are
frequently asked about. This is in the hands of man, in the main, and could be delayed by months past a predicted
point based on newscasts, and the sacrifice of various wealthy individuals willing to dispel some of their fortunes
toward this end. Then there is the issue of erroneous reporting, as today, where crops shortages are simply not
reported, and weather changes and the rising seas swallowing islands in the Pacific are simply not reported. If an
economic crash is well in process, but the news does not report it, then to you, this is not yet occurring.
Thus, unless one has inside information, and knows what signs to look for, the slide will not be evident. Our best
advice to the public, anxious to make best use of their funds, is to not invest in the Stock Market, not hold back from buying solid material items that can help them, such as seeds or camping gear or tools. How can you go wrong in
learning to garden, or planning to get close to nature? These are in any case good investments, not so much to make
money as to improve your life! Spend time with your children in the woods, learn simply survival techniques like
eating weeds and fishing under primitive circumstances. This is a better vacation, a better use of your time and funds, than sitting on the sofa and counting riches you probably don't have today! Paper money, and stocks, give a false sense
of security, as history tells you. Get real!
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:13:41 AM]
ZetaTalk: Establishment Reaction
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ZetaTalk: Establishment Reaction
Note: written during the July 2001 sci.astro debates. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Over the past 50 years, during the time that a small group of individuals within the US government and NASA were
aware of our warning of a pending pole shift in 2003, their stance has changed. At first, there was incredulous
disbelief, and the argument that we must be lying to them for all manner of dark reasons. Due in no small part to the
predictable and measureable slowing rate of the Earth, which we predicted at the start of our dialog with this group, we
gained credibility. The sighting of the inbound Planet X by the IRAS team in 1983, at our very coordinates, clinched
this. At this point, this group's reaction turned primarily from discussions on whether it could be so, to be
predominantly what to do about it.
1. The first reaction was to save their own skins. This had been a theme all along, but reached a fever pitch. Going
to Mars to escape the carnage and return when the dust had settled is a highly visible escape plan, as it requires
public funding for the mission, though the sponsors are trawling about among the rich, feverishly. This plan is so
fraught with risk that has never been the main trust for those determined to save their own skins at all costs, and
to hell with the general public. Underground complexes developed during the cold war were more seriously
considered, as they were in existence, secret, well stocked, and under the control of those who were aware of the
inbound Planet X's existence. But in view of the severe earthquakes that will accompany the passage, this escape
plan also carries risk. The caverns could become tombs, burying those seeking shelter there alive.
2. The second reaction was to divert or destroy the inbound Planet X. Nuke it. Push it. Perhaps even move the
Earth out of the way. The public face of this plan is the Star Wars press and movies such as Deep Impact and
Asteroid and Armageddon, wherein NASA et all save the day. If the White House is casual about Global
Warming, supposedly causing all the weather irregularities, they are intense about Star Wars, risking a breach
with other major powers to push this forward. They have no workable plan, nor will any succeed, but they want
the infrastructure in place as an option anyway.
3. A third reaction, given the failure of an viable escape from or diversion of Planet X, is to remain on top during
any survival, to rule as kings in the forthcoming era. This requires that the public consider the government as
leaders, information sources, caretakers, and responsible. If the government is seen as lying to them on many
fronts, the opposite will occur. In that the alien presence is increasingly becoming accepted by the general
public, though mass sightings and open discussions the government and major media have no control over, they
determined they should stop lying so broadly about this issue. In that Planet X is now visible by observatories, as
an object now lacking in the star charts, and will soon be visible to the general public, the cover-up on Planet X
is not only due to fall apart, it will prove to be a reason to distrust the government.
Thus, the public is being treated to an expedited education on matters the elite have been aware of for some time.
Intelligent life exists elsewhere in the Universe. Many lifebearing planets exist, and nearby. Traveling planets such as
Planet X, and smoldering brown dwarfs, are possible. Stay tuned, as more deliberate leaks bring you closer to what the
major powers and elite have known for some time!
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ZetaTalk: Nervous Establishment
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ZetaTalk: Nervous Establishment
Dated March 23, 2000
It is becoming increasingly apparent that blaming the sun or blaming global warming as distractions and
disinformation to confuse the populace as to the changes that the Earth is undergoing is not going to last much longer.
It may be that odd weather can be explained away, or an occasional satellite malfunction can be explained away, but
when it gets 20 times worse for the next 3 years running, exponential increases to some extent, how it this going to be
explained? The government is going to be wrong, and people are going to begin to discount the government.
Therefore, a more honest statement about certain factors is the only thing that is going to keep some governments
holding the confidence of the populace. In shrill backroom arguments, statements are made that unless a government is
more honest about these factors that people are just going to discount the government and listen to it at all, and then
it’s an unpredictable sea of chaos and change.
Those who go into government service and the military are not that dissimilar from those who go into religious
institutions because they want to be in control and want consistency and sameness and absolute security. They fear, to
almost an irrational degree, the chaos and unpredictability that can occur if the public loses confidence and then leaves
the church or loses confidence in the government. This is almost akin to throwing oneself into the nethers and not
knowing what’s to come. At all costs, they deem this a situation that needs to be prevented. Things are at the point
where they feel they need to give the public more straight answers in order to retain the confidence of the populace.
Predictions need to be more well grounded. There needs to be more honesty about what the world is facing. In order to
remain in control in a leadership position, one must lead and not always try to blind those who are to follow.
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ZetaTalk: More Honesty
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ZetaTalk: More Honesty
Dated March 23, 2000
There has been a great deal of wrestling around during the past year in pointing to Orion where Planet X was reputed
to be coming from. The Planet X discussion, in fact, re-emerged from Britain in spite of the discounting that NASA
and JPL have done for more than a decade, for some 15-20 years - “It didn’t exist, was never found, was all a
mistake”. Suddenly astronomers are discussing whether Nibiru or Planet X or such a thing is inbound and might exist.
How was that discussion allowed to emerge? Because it is an alternative explanation for the changes that are occurring
and something that the intelligent and informed public could grip and adjust to and thus not completely stop their
continued support of the government. In the main it is the educated individuals in industrial countries that politicians
rely upon. Where they need the voting support of those who are kept dumb and down on the farm, the educated elite
are the ones who can create almost a counter-coup in the media or though communication sources and create a sway
that is feared. So more honesty can be expected.
Look what has happened over the past year regarding the alien presence. France has come out and stated that it has
determined that the US government has been in contact with aliens and has denied this. The vast proportion of
Americans in polls state that they believe that aliens exist. This is running away. The populace of the world in general
feels that aliens are real and not to be feared and any statements to the opposite are absurd. So the governments of the
world have been banding together on this matter. Leaks have occurred. Semi-truths such as Corso’s Roswell have
come out. More and more the public sees aliens in advertisements and movies such that it has become so commonplace
that the public almost feels they are having them at the dinner table. Likewise with the cataclysmic changes that are
occurring, where the magnetism in the core of the Earth is diminished so that it is almost common knowledge to the
public. Whales and dolphins are beaching themselves and birds that use magnetism are totally confused and even
planes can no longer rely on their compasses. These kinds of geological changes have become evident. Announcements
as to the reason for such changes will be made if only in subtle degrees.
Governments fear riots and coups and having the intelligentsia turn against them. They fear becoming irrelevant. And
therefore they will release information to the degree that they must in order to remain relevant.
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ZetaTalk: Belated Admissions
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ZetaTalk: Belated Admissions
Dated March 23, 2000
The religious institutions are considered a controlling establishment, and as such are very closely allied with many
political establishments around the world, to the extent that many political establishments and churches are wedded
and are almost one and the same. Look to the Philippines and the Catholic church to see how closely allied they can
be. Look to the Catholic church in Europe in the past to see how closely they can be allied. It is not uncommon in
some Asian countries for Buddhism, for instance, to be so closely tied to a political structure that they almost appear to
be one and the same. Therefore the religious institutions can be expected to be alerted, to have an inside track well
ahead of what the general populace would hear. Consequently, the church has gotten wind that announcements are
going to be made to the public.
Hearing this, the church, not wanting to become completely irreverent and determined to skew itself ahead of any such
announcements in such a way that it would be seen as a leader rather than something rigid dragged along at the rear of
the buggy, in the dust, always pulled along and never at the fore. They want to create the illusion of leadership, and
hopefully retain some of the respect they now hold. They want to forge ahead prior to any official announcements
from governments, and make their own announcements. Thus, the public can anticipate the church to almost be a
harbinger of future government announcements. When you see a frantic papacy come forth with pronouncements that
seem totally out of keeping with its past, look behind it to what it is actually running from, which is the inside track on
announcements that are to be made.
For instance, the Catholic church is now alluding to the reality of aliens which certain portions of the US government
has denied for years. Now the church comes, saying “Oh, by the way, aliens are real”. Are they leading, or are they
coming in as a Johnny-come-lately hoping that the public will not notice how slow they have been with these
statements. We hear from the Catholic church that Mary’s message is being decoded or being leaked to the public. Just
why does the Catholic faithful have to wait until the Pope decides it is time for them to hear about these messages?
Why should they be a secret? Why should they be retained only by the elite? If they come late with these messages,
what does that say about the church’s respect for the faithful, those who send in their money and support the church
and its hierarchy? Why are they now doing this? If the public finds they are the last to know, this will be highly
You can anticipate that the Catholic church will come forth with announcements and revelations that have been known
to the Catholic church for its entire history only after the governments of the world have become increasingly honest
with their populace. They do this to gain enough respect to retain control and be maintained in their positions. As the
church begins to see governments assume a trend that becomes more than just talk but become action, and information
is being relayed to people increasingly such as the renewed discussion about Planet X coming out of Britain, the
church will begin to bend and say “Oh, we’re giving you information because we are leading the flock”. They are not
leading. They are frantically running ahead of the truth that is being revealed to people, to appear to be leaders. But in
this regard they are revealing what the backroom discussions of those in the power positions, the establishment, are
saying - the back room discussions the public is not privy to.
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ZetaTalk: Pope's Appology
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ZetaTalk: Pope's Appology
Dated March 23, 2000
The church deems itself a leader, when in fact it is being dragged to this apology by many factors and forces. Given its
own time schedule, and when in the driver’s seat, the church appreciates rigidity, consistency and structure. It’s very
hierarchical. It’s members are drawn to it by the hope and the assurance that life when they enter the order will be the
same in the order when they leave - consistency, things remaining the same, security - the ultimate social security
system. Those entering the order expect that one’s title can bring prestige and honor or at least polite treatment.
Therefore the Catholic church, like many religious institutions but in particular the Catholic church, is noted for
rigidity. Even if a statement or a posture is absurd they adhere to it simply for the sake of rigidity and consistency until
their faces are red and they must cease preaching on the issue. But nevertheless, in the back corridors and in the inner
chambers, the rigid, ridiculous statements are adhered to.
So why would such an institution come forth and say “We were wrong”? What is the impetus? For centuries they have
taken the most absurd steps, assumed the most absurd postures, and never admitted fault. The illusion of being
infallible is a cornerstone in the sense of security that those who go into the order achieve. Somehow they can do no
wrong. Somehow there is a godliness that dribbles down over the members of the order so that they can never be held
accountable and they can do no wrong. And thus they go to bed smug. How would such a group of people suddenly
decide that they had blood on their hands, that they had erred, and that they needed to announce this in front of the
people they are regularly posturing in front of as being infallible? It is a contradiction in and of itself.
Look to the circumstances that would cause the Catholic church to make such an apology. They are, as we have stated,
losing membership. They are no longer attracting people to the order, such that their priests and nuns are diminishing
in number, growing old and not being replaced by young blood. They are losing respect in educated countries such as
the US and in other countries not so educated, not through knowledge of any factors that would contradict the church’s
statements, but just due to a general psychic awareness of the populace who then turn away from the church.
Membership is diminishing. Funds are diminishing. The papal hierarchy in Rome is desperately concerned and has
been for decades about the diminished power of the church, though they do not admit this situation at all. Nevertheless,
they thrash about. What is to come during the next 3 years? What is to become of a church that does not lead and does
not even shelter it’s populace going into horrendous changes in their lives where people will die and have desperate
circumstances to deal with. The public will certainly not turn around and give to the church. They will certainly not
cling to priests or sermons that not only do not lead, they do not even comfort.
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ZetaTalk: Lack of Leadership
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ZetaTalk: Lack of Leadership
Note: written August 26, 2001
The populace has increasingly become aware that changes in the weather patterns, which affect storms and the ability
of a country to harvest crops, are not temporary swings but moving in a direction, with no end in sight. The inability of
their leaders to do anything other than huddle and discuss global warming corrections has stunned those who naively
look to their government or church or international corporate giants for rescue. Can nothing be done? And where will
this end? Contradictions such as the reluctance of the US to join the Kyoto Agreement on global warming and chirpy
talk of economic recoveries in the face of a worldwide recession have likewise left the populace hollow. Is no one
addressing the issues? Is there no intelligent hand at the helm? There are thresholds in the cooperation the populace
grants their leaders, who most often are not chosen by the populace but foisted upon them, even in democracies where
the leadership is chosen by election.
When times are good, the populace ignores the leadership, in the main content to let things cook along as they
are. The feeling is that the boat should not be rocked, let well enough alone, and let’s see how we can take
advantage of the good times to prosper and develop our business interests. Debates among politicians are
watched in the same manner as sports, as an entertainment rather than a tense outcome to be agonized over. It
hardly matters who is at the helm, as things are going as well as can be expected.
When economies are faltering, the populace wants action or change, knowing how quickly economic depressions
can settle on a country or region like a dark blanket of gloom. Government tinkering with economic dials, such
as lowering interest rates or lifting import/export restrictions, has likewise created an expectation that something
can be done. If no action is taken, the mood changes from watchful worry to an angry sense that the leadership
should be tossed out.
When intractable disasters occur, such as massive earthquakes or hurricanes or floods, the populace affected is
often too busy simply surviving to address leadership issues, but afterwards is left stunned with a pervading
sense of abandonment if the expected steps are not taken. Where was the mustering of aid, given in the past
during such times? Where is the offer of interest free loans, to rebuild? Why are the insurance companies
allowed to stall, endlessly, or change their policies, where in the past this has resulted in government takeovers
or the firm hand of the law insuring consistency?
When the populace has noted that no one seems to be in control, and all leadership is avoiding issues and
pretending that obvious problems don’t exist, they begin to emotionally dismiss their leadership. Heads of
government are treated like noise in the background - irrelevant. Most importantly, people begin to make their
own plans, which do not include meshing with any plans the government may have announced. In this
environment, government and church leaders find no amount of pleading or fanfare brings about enthusiasm or
attention from the populace, which has tuned them out. It is too late.
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ZetaTalk: Bush Administration
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ZetaTalk: Bush Administration
Note: written during the March 16, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Recently, the Bush Administration has gotten harsh, in their rhetoric, in their policy toward Palestinians vs. Israel
support, in their intent to take on Iraq after all these years. They have imposed trade embargoes, in essence, on steel, an
insult to their Russian partners. After providing barbecue to Putin, they pushed a mud pie in his face by announcing
that Star Wars missile tests would continue, only throwing a bone Putin's way by agreeing to reduce nuclear war heads
overall. One would think that the Bush Administration was on top, the economy going well, but lets look at the facts!
Enron is so sticky close to the Bush Administration they will not scrape it away, as they are well aware.
The economy, in spite of loud nightly news casts pronouncing a short recession on the wan, is floundering, as
the little man knows looking about him and at his paycheck. To help shore up the US economy, trade embargoes
will be put into place, an isolationist practice that comes naturally to the Bush Administration. This is another
stop gap attempt to keep the inevitable from happening, a total economic crash, but will only go so far.
The countries of the world are becoming desperate, so to keep those countries that might attempt to make a plea,
a demand, or even threaten the US in some way to force a giving hand, the US is saber rattling with nuclear tests
and missile tests. This is to keep other countries nervous, so they do not attempt to pressure the US toward truth
or sharing precious resources such as food stuffs.
The starving of the world are only fed when it is obvious to the US public that starvation is occurring, such as in
Afghanistan. Here stick babies lying along the trails were in the news, so some meals were sent in. Of course,
this starvation had been going on and will continue, henceforth, when the news stops.
The War on Terrorism is a loss, Bin Laden not only not dead but his network hardly damaged, as renewed
activity on the terrorists part will soon reveal.
European allies are disgusted with the rhetoric against Iraq, so long left in place by the senior Bush President
when Iraq could have been cleaned up at the time of the Gulf War. Allies will fail, increasingly, to cooperate
with a US gone insane, in their view.
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ZetaTalk: Other Explanations
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ZetaTalk: Other Explanations
Note: written August 26, 2001
Extremes in weather or periodic disasters are tolerated by the public when they can see that history is repeating itself.
Being part of history, they can also anticipate good times to return. So much of life is taken as something one must
bear, can do nothing about, and where grieving afterwards or bracing preparations are done, the fact that such disasters
do descend is seldom given a thought. Aging, illness, and birth defects occur. Accidents and injury, loss of a spouse or partner, and infertility occur. Hurricanes and tornadoes are anticipated, occasional droughts or floods, and swarms of
insects devouring crops are known to occur. But when weather patterns change, steadily, bringing deluges and
droughts outside of the usual patterns, and the sea starts to rise, swallowing islands and coastlines without explanation
- alarm sets in.
The debate over global warming is confusing to the populace, as if this were truly the cause of the increasing disasters, then swift and firm action should be expected from the governments of the major powers in the world. Improvements
are always expected to lag behind corrections, years and perhaps decades of time required for the trends to turn about
and return to normal, and every day or month allowed to pass while the problem continues to build considered
intolerable. Yet the US government waves its hand dismissively at the Kyoto Agreement and states that corporate
rights take precedence, as though the taxpayer were not being drown or baked by the weather, forced into bankruptcy
by job and crop losses, with no change in sight. The sense is that global warming, or any corrections ensuing, will not
correct the increasing disasters, and the casual attitude of the US leadership means, in fact, that this is most likely not
the cause of the disastrous trends.
In primitive cultures, where concepts such as earthquake plates clashing and sliding against each other or a molten
core forcing lava up through volcanoes or the Jet Stream affecting weather are not known, disasters are taken to be the
hand of some irate god and sacrifices or steps taken to placate the god made accordingly. Where a wider view of the
world is taught to the populace, in schools or via the availability of information, concepts of cause and effect supplant
the religious. Germs cause infection and can be countered by antibiotics. Pesticides can counter plagues of insects and
fungicides can make black mold disappear. There are reasons for disasters, and steps can be taken to counter them or
at least prepare for them. Thus, the utter lack of reasons for the current weather trends, earthquake and volcano
upticks, and rising seas have left the populace stunned, the more so because there does not appear to even be a debate
on the matter.
This results in a conclusion that the real reason is being withheld, that those in the know are not including the
populace, and this message imparts a sense that a disaster of immense proportions is pending. It is the lack of
discussion on cause and effect, the lack of concern expressed by the leadership, and the lack of rationale in any reason tossed to the increasingly frantic public that imparts this message. Thus, discussion on the record the Earth presents, the
periodic cataclysms and wandering poles, gain credence, as at least this is an explanation.
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ZetaTalk: Discomfiting
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ZetaTalk: Discomfiting
Note: written Jan 15, 2002
Many humans are clearly aware of what is coming, in their subconscious, all the while denying this on the surface in
their conscious. There is a great gap between what the common man senses, and sees about him, and what the
government is willing to talk about. As the weather changes, there is less talk of the extreme nature of the weather
patterns and where this might be leading. Summer in winter and winter in summer? There is only discussion about
variations from the past, as though this were just another day, not an extreme pattern. The seas rising on the
coastlines? There is no talk of how much property will shortly be swallowed up, and what the insurance companies
will do when they go bankrupt. Melting poles and glaciers? This is talked about as though just another odd aspect in
the weather pattern, not projected as to where this might be leading nor to cause. Meanwhile, as during past years
when the media could only talk about a Presidents Oval Office escapade, we are now treated only to nightly coverage
of where Bin Laden might be hiding.
Thus, the public becomes increasingly uneasy, as they sense something larger than the weather or melting polar ice.
They sense a cover-up, and are thinking, at least subconsciously, of what this might mean. They are dealing with life
as many contactees must, daily. Living two lives, and trying to act as though this were normal. If they share their
concerns, they fear being called odd, so stay silent. Worries not shared are increasingly distracting, and lead one to
make mistakes on the job or elsewhere. Thus, accidents, bloopers, slips of the tongue, and absentmindedness are on the
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ZetaTalk: Proof
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ZetaTalk: Proof
Note: written during the August 10, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
In 1995, when ZetaTalk began, we stated that weather changes, increasing earthquakes, and an almost imperceptible
slowing of the Earth were signs the passage was approaching. As the Weather in those days was debatable, although showing up in charts done by dedicated Troubled Times members during the years leading up to the Year 2000, and
Earthquakes likewise have been blurred by underreporting of quake magnitude and incidence, the slowing rotation is a sure sign. During this past year, on sci.astro debates and ensuing research, it became evident to those looking for
evidence that the US Navy was well aware, in some circles, that the Earth would be slowing, and had planned to blur
this from public view as early as 1994. This is well documented in the Slowing TOPIC of Troubled Times, where the Moon cycles were pre-adjusted so that calendars reporting Moon phases would not allow the public to become aware
that the Earth was moving more slowly, in relationship to the Earth, than before. These graphs, of the Navy's hand, is
proof that the elite, in power, in the US and other areas where atomic clocks are maintained, knew that this would
occur. Few hands were in this, and the Navy maintains the master clock by which all sync, so this conspiracy was
In these days, the signs that the passage is approaching are many, more than were listed by ourselves in 1995. If one
looks to the behavior of the Bush Administration and their cronies, as an example, one can see an almost careless
disregard for the future. Supposedly the weather is caused by Global Warming, but they care less about reducing
pollution in the nation most creating this pollution. Clearly the Stock Market is teetering, inflated with hot air and false reports, but they still espouse letting the little man put his Social Security funds into the market. This allows the rich to
run off with funds and maintain their status longer, but in future years would doom the Republican party! They clearly
think there will be no future elections. Beyond the geological changes, political actions and the actions of those in
power are showing you that the passage is imminent. This will soon be replaced by the most convincing evidence, a
moving reddish object in the skies, which will have faint explanation that stands before a questioning mind.
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ZetaTalk: Changing Captains
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ZetaTalk: Changing Captains
written July 11, 2003
July 9, 2003 ABC News Poll, 16,781 polled:
- think war was good idea: NO 48% YES 41% (n/a 11%)
- think there should be consequences for lying about WMD: YES 69% NO 28% (n/a 13%)
- is it worthwhile for US to stay in IRAQ? YES 18% NO 79% (n/a 3%)
July 10, 2003 CNN Poll, 21.269 polled:
- Did Bush make an honest mistake, or deliberately mislead the American public about Iraq?
What might the public expect as the cover-up over Planet X unravels? How will the elite react? In simple conspiracies,
when there is danger in being discovered, scapegoats are targeted, evidence is destroyed in great haste, and those in the
know eliminated so there is no chance they will talk. This is the mode when there will be another, and another, chance
to gain what the conspiracy was all about. Given that Planet X is looming literally at Earth’s doorstep, there is no time
to retool and regroup and start over. They must make the grab for world power, the kingship of Earth, and protection
of the elite during the coming times work, now.
The Fist
The original plan assumed control of the worlds major military powers, which were secured when
the White House was taken by political appointment, not popular vote, in the 2000 Presidential
Election. Thus, losing control of the good ship USS United States is not in any reworked plan. They
want continuing control of the White House because the US Military has been built up to be a
power greater than the combined power of all other countries.
The Counter
Because the pole shift has been delayed long past our staunchly predicted date of May 15 or shortly
thereafter, the US Military has lost respect, utterly, for the Commander in Chief. The military was
reluctant to go into Iraq, its advice ignored and its leadership treated like robots expected to follow
orders without question. Rebellion, at the highest levels, is seething just under the surface.
The Energy
The original plan assumed that enemies could be eliminated, resistance intimidated, the weak bribed,
and the media controlled. This has proved to be the case, with resistance under reported, Congress
in the US and Parliament in the UK becoming sheep barely bleating a complaint and rubber
stamping Iraq invasion despite the warning signs. The power grab for Middle East oil was
considered a success.
The Counter
The original plan assumed an ability to plant evidence, and here they have hit a snag. Imagine a
world where Weapons of Mass Destruction had been found in Iraq as predicted? Imagine a world
where repeated terrorist attacks on the US had occurred. Instead the raw hand of greed reaching for
the major oil fields of the Middle East, Iraq and the Saudi fields, stands exposed.
The Economy
The original plan assumed that in any economic hardship, corporations could be propped up and
would hold, so that leading in to the cataclysms the elite would still be comfortably perched on the
top of the pile, and workers in general tied to their jobs and not interested in an early escape to safe
locations. This original plan assumed respect for the worlds financial institutions, which the elite are
so closely allied with. Had the Bush Plan to pour workers Social Security funds into Wall Street
succeeded, this might be today a reality.[2/5/2012 11:13:48 AM]
ZetaTalk: Changing Captains
The Counter
Enron corruption, Wall Street collusion, a buried GAO report on the US being bankrupt, and once
again the emerging evidence, the truth, preventing success. How could Congress approve a plan to
pour diminishing Social Security funds into such an obvious cesspool? Thus the plan to hold the
economy steady has been gutted by the reality of the depth of the economic depression that has
gripped the world, sending all but a frantically propped DOW to depths not seen since the Great
The Respect
The original plan was to have the traditional leadership in the world, elected politicians, the church,
and corporate leadership, lead the common man, in blinders, to remain calm and complacent up until
the last days before the coming cataclysms. The early polls showed high approval ratings for Bush
and Blair after the Iraq war. Where false, a lie, they were considered by the elite to be close to
where they could push it when planted evidence emerged.
The Counter
A runaway expose on pedophilia in the Catholic Church, Enron and Wall Street corruption and the
close ties of the Bush Administration to Enron and Haliburton and Harken Energy corruption and
you have a tangle of lies bringing down respect in all quarters. Clearly the peoples of the world
have lost respect for leadership that insists on invading other countries at will, continuing to lay land
mines and build nuclear arms, adding to Global Warming pollution, exempting itself from the World
Courts, and treating the UN as irrelevant. Thus, a leadership vacuum exists.
On the eve of the Pole Shift, when global devastation of such proportions will occur going into rotation stoppage that
even a cohesive and focused leadership would be hard pressed to deal with it, the elite are in the process of changing
captains. They are about to lose the US Military to its internal leadership, so that it could not be counted upon to guard
the elite, first and foremost, shooting down civilian populations that threaten the enclaves of the elite. They are about to lose the stronghold they thought they had secured in the Middle East, in Iraq, from whence they planned to grab the
Saudi fields, as the Iraqi people as a whole are about to rise up and depose the US occupation trapped in the center of their country. They are about to see the frantically propped up DOW take a steep plunge, the bottom nowhere in sight,
when matters reach the point where each financial institution or investor starts going for themselves and no longer
following the plan, as when the ship is obviously sinking, every rat leaving the sinking ship wants to be first. They are casting about for leadership within the White House that would impress the US Military, which would then recover a
demoralized Iraq, which would then reinstate public confidence so the markets continue to cling to the cliff. Does such
leadership exist?[2/5/2012 11:13:48 AM]
ZetaTalk: Sudden Death
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ZetaTalk: Sudden Death
written March 29, 2008 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.
For the 10 races ahead, 566 pledged delegates remain. Say these are divided 50/50 giving each 283
though Obama is favored for all but PA and many states are still allocating based on past primary
elections or a caucus. There are only about 334 supers remaining to be allocated. Say these are divided
50/50 giving each 167. This puts Obama over the top, Clinton 100 delegates behind. Does Pelosi know
what the uncommitted supers are thinking? She apparently does, saying it will be decided before Denver.
Obama 1414 P + 283 More + 213 S + 167 More = 2077
Clinton 1246 P + 283 More + 248 S + 167 More = 1944
There is rampant speculation among the pundits about the Democratic primary, whether this will run all the way to the
Denver convention with the two contenders exchanging barbs so they destroy each other and the Democratic party's
chances in 2008 in the process. Obama is clearly in the lead, by all counts, and as he generates enthusiasm in the young
and independents, the Democratic party finds registration in the Democratic party has expanded to new members. Two
to three times the usual number have shown up for the primary, boding well for the general election. Obama also leads
Clinton in the polls, and beats McCain by a wider margin than Clinton in the polls. Thus, the party elders and most
super delegates can see the writing on the wall. Obama would favor "down-ticket" candidates during the general
election, increasing the percentage of Democrats in the House and Senate. Obama would bring independents and cross-
over Republicans over, so they could not vote for McCain, where Clinton would not do this. This is the source of why
McCain invariably beats Clinton in the polls, where Obama invariably beats McCain in the polls.
What is holding the super delegates back from frankly endorsing Obama then? Fear of Clinton rage, which has shown
itself recently when Richardson endorsed Obama and when Pelosi dared to suggest that the will of the people should
prevail. Pelosi was threatened by Clinton's principal backers, who in essence stated that their money should call the
shots. Bill Clinton has played the race card repeatedly, and both Bill and Hillary have implied that McCain would be a
better Commander-in-Chief than Obama. They have shown that they would conduct a scorched earth campaign, if they
were not to emerge as the winner. The party elders have decided on a path that will limit the Clinton rage. Obama is
not likely to win Pennsylvania but will diminish Clinton's win there. Obama will win big in North Carolina and
Oregon, is likely to win in Indiana, and the rest of the states are a tossup. Thus, he will hold his delegate and popular
vote lead, and will continue to rack up delegates from the caucus states as they continue to allocate delegates at the
state level. The Clintons are expected to hold to their argument that Hillary wins among Democrats in the big blue
states, and insist that Michigan and Florida be allowed to be seated as is from the January illicit primaries.
It is then that the boom will be lowered. The party elders, including Pelosi, Gore, and Dean are aware of which
direction the supposedly undecided super delegates are leaning. Pelosi, as head of the House, listens to their hand
wringing all the time, and as the chair of the upcoming Denver convention gets phone calls from super delegates not in
Washingon DC. She has the counts, and has advised those worried about the Clinton wrath to hold off so they can all
endorse as a block. Rumors of such a block of perhaps 50 or 80 super delegates have emerged in the past, but the
numbers are much higher, the majority of those remaining to commit. When it is clear that Obama has won more
states, won more pledged delegates, and won more of the popular vote, then the super delegates as a block will put him
over the top. Dean has called for an essential super delegate election by asking all to publicly announce by July 1.
Once Obama has more than the 2025 needed, seating Michigan and Florida are a moot point, and arguing who the
nominee should be is also a moot point. With great fanfare the Democratic party can begin promoting Obama and
turning their backs on the Clintons, who will be left talking to themselves, ignored. This will be sudden death for the
Clinton ambitions.[2/5/2012 11:13:48 AM]
ZetaTalk: Common Good
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ZetaTalk: Common Good
written Oct 11, 2003
Politics aside, what should those who took an oath to defend the common good do as Planet X hooves increasingly
near? As with the meeting of heads of state in France, where the excuse was to discuss Iraq and mend fences, the
meeting of defense departments in Colorado used the excuse of NATO war games. In both cases, it should be noted,
discussions were not electronically transmitted, potentially to be tapped, but were done face-to-face. The choices are to
explain all, explain nothing, to leak the truth in driblets, to give fictional explanations, or to provide the truth in part.
Any announcement that would tell the public all, admitting the cover-up lo these many decades, and confessing
the failure to divert the path of Planet X, was deemed to tie up their resources in public meetings and
explanations for actions almost wholly not of their doing. Those in charge of perpetrating the cover-up should do
the explaining, and any plan for the common good should include this as an outcome.
To participate in the current cover-up, where rising seas and increasing earthquakes and meteor showers and the
presence of a second sun are suppressed in the media, was universally decried as the problem, not the solution.
If those charged with the defense of the common good were not in control of the media, they could at least not
participate in the cover-up. No comment would be the stance, so that once again those continuing the cover-up
would be facing an angry public, as it should be.
In that leaks had occurred, and were anticipated to increase, the decision was made to foster, rather than
suppress or punish, leaks. When asked to confirm any leaks, a shrug of the shoulder, no comment, would be the
stance, leaving the pubic and the press to hound the source of the leak for more information, once again diverting
distraction from this group concerned about the common good.
Fictional explanations, perpetrated during the cover-up, were deemed an exercise counter to the intent of the
group. Endlessly posturing the current global changes in the light of Global Warming, Solar Flares, or
unexplained cyclical climate changes were to be left to those groups tasked with this cover-up. Already under
attack, asked to explain the discrepancies in the data and obvious cases of doctored data, these groups would
then find their mission come home to their doorstep, appropriately.
What was to be admitted was ongoing earth changes, major quakes, broken cities, flood tides and super storms,
and the visibility of something next to the Sun, flinging meteors and dust toward Earth. This stance allows this
group to react to disasters on Earth without the need to defend or continue a cover-up. This stance provides for a
disaster of a pole shift or a passage with no harm, encompassing both scenarios. This stance puts those charged
with defense of the common good in the same shoes as the common man, aware of earth changes as they occur,
not in the shoes of NASA or the elite, aware for decades of the path and approach of Planet X.[2/5/2012 11:13:49 AM]
ZetaTalk: Greater Need
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ZetaTalk: Greater Need
written Oct 11, 2003
The US Military, in particular, has been used not for the defense of the common good but to procure corporate
interests, and is deeply resentful of this. Hardly in defense of freedom and democracy, the last several wars have been
to secure lands or defend existing holdings, using the US Military like a private army. The war games discussed during
the NATO exercises included disasters equivalent to those we have predicted for the pole shift, immense devastation
sparing none. In the event that such a scenario ensues, increasing volcanic eruption, quake torn roads and crumbling
cities, mass populations homeless and roving the countryside, how should treaties installing the US Military in bases
around the world be viewed? All countries would be affected, all armies devastated and occupied with such an
emergency, and no borders of concern when sheer survival is the only concern. In the event of such earth changes,
troops would be brought home, under stealth and with little fanfare, to the respective homelands, leaving at most a
skeleton crew at the bases. The excuse would be the greater need at home.[2/5/2012 11:13:50 AM]
ZetaTalk: Not Politics
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ZetaTalk: Not Politics
written Oct 11, 2003
At Schreiver Air Force Base [in Colorado Springs] as military and civilian leaders from all
the NATO nations engaged in a study seminar ... NATO has decided to mount a new NATO
Response Force, composed of about 20,000 personnel, that can respond instantly to
asymmetric threats ... Wednesday’s war game, the centerpiece of a two-day gathering of
NATO defense secretaries and chiefs of staff, was designed to get the member nations thinking
about how to react in such cases.
NATO Conducts Rapid-Reaction War Game
Washington Post, Oct 8
Given the increasingly obvious fact that Planet X is in the vicinity and not going away before trashing the
neighborhood, and the decision and actions taken last August by the US Military to supplant the White House as
Commander in Chief with their own internal leadership, how should the meeting of NATO commanders for supposed
war games be viewed? Would not war games be better played in Europe, where most participants reside? As NATO is
a North Atlantic defense alliance, is not the western portion of the continental US an inappropriate setting? And where
are the politicians, strutting about on the stage and explaining the situation to the public? Compare this meeting to one
some months ago in France, where heads of state from all over the world met supposedly to discuss Iraq and mend
fences, a representation of the worlds countries that rivaled meetings at the UN. The NATO meeting was unannounced,
where in France much fanfare preceded and accompanied the meeting. The NATO meeting is nonpolitical, down to
business, and exclusively involves those arms of the countries represented involved in defense of their individual
What is to be made of the lack of politicians and politics as usual, given the failure of the recent attempt to alter the
path of Planet X with nukes under cover of Galileo’s death via a plunge into Jupiter, so that planning for disasters on Earth is the only plan to be made? In France, when the White House ruled the world it seemed, invading what
countries it wished, and thus threatening those counties that could not be bribed, the heads of state were told that an
errant planet was within the solar system, but would pass through and move on, so that the most important focus
should be preventing awareness and panic in the public. Pressure, pain, payment, whatever was required was applied
until all agreed to follow the White House and the major powers in this matter, no public statements to be made until
the all-clear signal had been given. Part of this plan was to alter the path of Planet X, with nukes, and so sure were the arrogant hands at NASA that this would work that promises made in the event this path change did not work were
made dismissively, an event that was not expected to happen. When the time came to honor those promises, paralysis
set in.
Those with real estate interests along coastlines, retail businesses likely to be looted, ownership of corporations
providing services likely to fail in times of panic among the workers, financial institutions relying on respect for the
dollar for survival, wealth composed of paper such as stocks and bonds, or whose livelihood required the steady state
of the economy argued loudly that any announcement about a new rogue planet in the neighborhood was irresponsible.
Politicians who never expected to be required to do anything other than make an appearance after a local disaster,
swapping resources from one part of their domain to another while acting the hero, paled when faced with the prospect
of having to face the public with no resources to be allocated, and nothing but demands. In particular, those who would be king of the new world, orchestrating an oil grab in Iraq under the guise of fighting terrorism and manipulating the
electoral process into their continued dictatorship, insisted that distracting the public with the truth not be done.
In short, the US Military, the Defense Department, and their counterparts in other countries, were faced with a
decision - to allow politics and corporate and personal interests to rule, or to honor their oath to protect and defend the[2/5/2012 11:13:51 AM]
ZetaTalk: Not Politics
people of their respective countries.[2/5/2012 11:13:51 AM]
ZetaTalk: The Scapegoat
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ZetaTalk: The Scapegoat
written Jan 5, 2004
Throughout 2003, cooperation among world leaders was garnered by a promise that the passage of Planet X would
occur with little more than minor earthquakes and tides and meteor showers, and the admonition that the greater threat
was panic among the masses who would desert their jobs to loot and pillage and make unreasonable demands on their
leadership. The leaders agreed, especially since they were bribed and threatened to encourage them to do so. That odd
meeting in France, over a year ago, where all heads of state were in attendance to ostensibly talk about Iraq and
mending fences, had a different agenda indeed. Now that earthquake damage has become a daily affair, along with
exploding gas lines and fields, plumbing water main breaks, dropping structures and bridges, and high tides washing
inland even when the land there is not sinking, all this cooperation is weakening. What can be expected?
The Plan
The wealthy elite have almost single handedly managed the cover-up because they control the media
as well as those currently in possession of the White House and its perks. This includes controlling
major media outlets both TV and printed matter, NASA and the observatories they in essence
control, and any threats of invasion or retaliation the US could bring to bear. Their goals were to
avoid panic up until the end days, and to murder hundreds of millions around the world in coastal
and river basin cities by trapping them under the auspices of Martial Law so as to reduce the rioting
hungry. Survivors inland who presumably had more useful labor skills than soft city dwellers would
be forced into labor camps because the elite would have food stores, and thus become slaves.
The Muscle
This plan required the primary military might, the US Military, to be firmly in hand and obedient,
but by August 2003 revolt was irrevocably in process. Thus, the motive for the wealthy elite to
support the White House crowd has evaporated. Since the Federal Reserve is almost exclusively
funded by a single wealthy family, the House of Rothchild, they have paid for the sustained DOW
by stock manipulation and propped up the failing US economy by an almost zero interest rate to US
banks. Now that the US Military will not support the conquest of oil fields around the world, nor be
used as a private militia for the wealthy, the House of Rothchild will look to itself, as other houses
of wealth around the world are doing.
The Scapegoat
This withdrawal will result in a collapse in the US markets, already bankrupt but swaggering and
making claims to the contrary. A further assault on the leadership of the Bush/Blair alliance will be
the intentional scapegoating of NASA and its handlers when emerging evidence of the Planet X
complex can no longer be denied. NASA knew all along, had a firm hold on information because it
was deemed a national security issue, and their masters, the White House, was holding the line. A
scapegoat is deemed necessary to focus the inevitable anger, but also to allow a quick cut to the
The wealthy elite, who in essence have run the world by virtue of their immense wealth and what it could buy or bully,
have resigned themselves to failure to escape the Earth for the upcoming cataclysms. They were promised an escape to
Mars or the dark side of the Moon, by Service-to-Self aliens who lied about their intentions, as by the rules only those
humans in the Service-to-Other orientation are offered any kind of lift. Stuck on Earth, with increasing evidence that
underground caverns are not safe, they are now keenly interested in pockets of survival groups that they can rely upon
in the Aftertime as a starting base for a new economy. The target are those intelligent enough to understand the
explanations of the upcoming shift, resourceful enough to arrange survival, and skillful enough to establish thriving[2/5/2012 11:13:51 AM]
ZetaTalk: The Scapegoat
communities after the shift. This requires media exposure, previously heavily suppressed, akin to the recent New
Zealand TV clip which was well received by the public. How to get past the blame game and into survival discussion?
Burn NASA, burn the White House, and move on.[2/5/2012 11:13:51 AM]
ZetaTalk: Walk-In President
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ZetaTalk: Walk-In President
Note: written during the Jan 25, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Ruth Montgomery is a valid channel but is in touch with entities other than ourselves. Thus, to dissect her channeled
reports is to step in and speak for these entities, who would understandably resent this. Any channeled work done in
the past is also subject to change, when the actions are in the hands of man, as we have repeatedly stressed.
It is a logical, and predictable, assumption that given the polarization to Service-to-Self the Senior Bush as President
had, and the behind the scenes maneuvers, the extremely harsh treatment of Clinton during his era, that Service-to-Self
humans would attempt to take over the Presidency of the US going into the shift. 40 million dollars was spent on
finding criminal actions of Clinton re 40 thousand dollars, yet the Enron connection to the current President, his
criminal accounting during Harken Energy, Chenny's criminal accounting during Haliburton, are all excused. This is
an example of the determination of the Service-to-Self humans currently in charge of the White House to gain power,
and their intense resentment that Clinton withstood them as long as he did. Pollution is on the upswing, forgiven to a
horrific degree by the former Governor who had the largest polluting record, over Texas, of any other state, but this is overlooked and never mentioned by the media. More homeless, in states strapped for funds to feed them, while the
Military is being beefed up so the Bush family and cohorts can gain control of Iraq oil, and no one mentions this in the
media. Now, given such a mind set in control, why would a walk-in occur?
Those choosing the Service-to-Self orientation are not strong types, they are the typical bully who is endlessly cruel as
long as they are on top, but who whimper and plead the moment the tables are turned. Cowards, at their base,
pandering to their comforts and changing loyalties freely. Given the situation where a President, predictably Service-
to-Self at the time Ruth's prediction was made, would be faced with maintaining a public face to a hostile public, what
is to be expected? This is tense, the public face needing to be empathic yet maintaining the lie, the demands from
various Service-to-Self advisers and handlers in conflict, all demanding cooperation. There is no one boss in this
matter, so dissension is rift, yet grabbing the bottle or snorting cocaine is not allowed! This type of situation is
something a highly Service-to-Other person could and does frequently tolerate, in order to achieve a mission, but the
Service-to-Self are a different lot.
They want quick gratification, and go for it, and when these maneuvers don't win, they show their resentment. When
they present their irritation, this is counter to their handlers demands, as they are expected to pretend they are empathic to the lot of the public. Thus, this is stressful on an Service-to-Self puppet, such as the current President, the Junior Bush, represents. Given that the spirit can decide to leave the body, and have a conference with their Spirit Guides on
this matter quite outside of the awareness of human handlers present, an exit can occur. If the body is void of an
incarnating spirit, it is open to volunteers, and since the Service-to-Self spirits would be loathe to enter into this
situation, painful for an Service-to-Self spirit, it is an opportunity. Whether such an exit and potential walk-in occurs
is in the hands of man, or certainly in the spirit incarnated in the Junior Bush and his henchman Chenny, so is not
something we care to predict.
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:13:52 AM]
ZetaTalk: Explanations
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ZetaTalk: Explanations
Note: written during the August 3, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
When Planet X becomes visible in the Fall leading into 2003, to amateurs, it will be called alternatively noise, a
fleeting comet, a fleeting nova, or a delusion. Only images can register something, and few amateurs have the
equipment to register an infrared object. Also, the bending of red light, which allow the amateur to find the object
when he/she looks around the spot, will continue to support ridicule so that it is stated that different objects are being sighted. But as Planet X becomes visible in the skies to amateurs during the Fall leading into 2003, and increasing in
size so that those without the aid of scopes can see it by Spring of 2003, and as the weather extremes increase to the
point of making the general populace frantic, demanding explanations from scientists, and as earthquakes increase in
frequency, destroying cities, and bridges and rail lines continue to fault, without explanation of the human scientists
who are at a loss for why this is occurring now, the establishment will increasingly look to explanations to give to the populace that will placate them.
In a Christian nation, such as the US presumes to be by its controlling ultra right political structure, this will be
that the End Times are upon mankind. The hope here is to drive the public into their churches to pester their
leadership, and the answers predictable. Pray. Australia will do a dance similar to the US, in refusing to address
any discussion of Planet X officially, which throwing the public to the Aborigine stories. The US will deny, but
push Troubled Times and sites like this to address the panic of the public, and hopes the public rushes to the
Churches during what they take to be the End Times. Australia will likewise refuse to explain to their citizenry
the real causes of Earth changes, but will publicize Aborigine myths, and folklore. Those in the know will go
into the elite enclaves, the rest of the populace be damned and can go to the Aborigine to be taken care of. Such
is the mindset of the ultra right.
For those logical thinkers, educated and reading broadly in the news and on the Internet, other explanations will
be given. A current theory, only somewhat in the press, is that there are periodic climate changes, cycles, and
this is one of them. Data will be dredged forth, newly interpreted, supporting this, with the reassurance that these
times will pass as they have in the past.
In tightly controlled countries like China, where the populace is intelligent but access to news around the world
limited to what the government wants the populace to know, each local is to believe that their local is afflicted,
as occurs during normal times, and the big picture will elude the poor citizenry until the last moments.
Countries that care for their citizenry, in general, will find heavy discussion in the news, the talk shows, where
many elements are brought to the discussion table and many theories presented. What this is to show the
populace is that their establishment cares, is seeking answers, but has none. This is reassuring to the populace in
that they see the pain in the faces around the table, and themselves cannot come up with the answer. Will the
coming passage, with our predictions, be presented? Only occasionally, but the ZetaTalk explanation, along with
countering information such as Sitchin's way-out-there dates and scientists stating that an inbound brown dwarf
could simply not travel fast enough to support a 2003 passage. Thus, these countries will provide their citizenry
with information, and allow them to make up their own minds. We anticipate Scandinavian countries, in
particular Sweden, will be open. Surprisingly, Italy, the home of the Pope. And New Zealand, and certainly
France, the rebel country.
This is our current assessment of the establishment approach to explanations, beyond what is currently being
presented, i.e. Global Warming. As the Earth changes become intense, and the populace frantic and their governments
drunk with confusion and fear, other approaches may emerge, we predict. Leaks will come out as to the real cause,
and the devastation to expect. Given greater information in the public's hands, sites such as Troubled Times, as we[2/5/2012 11:13:53 AM]
ZetaTalk: Explanations
have predicted, will find themselves suddenly inundated with mass interest. Get ready!
All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:13:53 AM]
ZetaTalk: Around the Globe
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ZetaTalk: Around the Globe
Note: written during the Apr 13, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
The issues facing the Bush Administration are not unlike those facing all other governments, except for certain
awareness of the coming event. With or without the inside track on Planet X and the potential of a coming pole shift,
all governments are faced with the following concerns:
When to tell.
This involves determining with some degree of certainty that a pole shift, or even a close passage, will occur. In
that those countries, which are few, and in that those individuals in those countries aware, which are likewise a
close group of small numbers, are not the majority of countries, most countries are hesitant to say anything. Even in those countries where the leadership is aware, and watching the inbound planet increase in size in accordance
with our predictions, they hesitate for the following reasons.
1. The orbit and path and speed of the inbound planet, per ourselves, the Zetas, are so outside of
human understanding of astrophysics.
2. The argument that a wrong warning can do more damage than waiting, keeps those who would issue
a warning in check.
What to tell.
The issue of what a crust shift would mean, what direction, what speed, what impact on coast lines, is so much
in doubt among scientists discussing this that the political leadership hardly knows what to say. Should they just
relay what ZetaTalk states? This results in so much heated debate that it never moves forward. Since the
leadership does not know what to say, in explaining what they expect to happen, they cannot move forward and
fall mum.
What to advise.
Even should the leadership of a country decide that they must say something in warning, and at least can explain
the various theories about potential impact, they are left with the issue of what to advise. Even good hearted
leadership might be stymied if there is nothing the populace can do, in the main, to save itself.
What would the leadership of India say, for instance? You could leave the country but no one will
take you, so prepare to die? They feel their countrymen are already in this position, so why repeat
the message.
What would the leadership of European countries say? Invade your neighbor in the highlands? This
would be considered inciting war, or riot, and if the pole shift did not occur the person would have
many regrets. The bottom line is that unless a country has options, and feels they might be able to
support their citizens, they are unlikely to speak out at all. In countries where the citizenship is
sparsely aware of the outside world, little will thus be said. Droughts or deluges, starvation, all will
be treated as episodes have in the past, acts of God or Nature or whatever.
In Africa, starvation and dictators and savage competition for leadership will continue up to and
through the shift. After this, as we have predicted, decimation will occur due to the continual drizzle
creating a climate suitable for the Ebola type viruses, which live in swamps. This will create such
massive dieoff in Africa that in future, several decades forward, survivors wandering into this area
or migrating there will think this a virgin land.
In South America, there are countries ruled by elite who scarcely care for their populace, and these[2/5/2012 11:13:54 AM]
ZetaTalk: Around the Globe
will gradually change over death of those inclined toward Service-to-Self and increasing incarnation
of Service-to-Other oriented spirits. In contrast to the elite, most often from European and Nazi
heritage, there are the local Indian cultures, which will grow in influence. Thus, several decades in
the future, a new visitor to this continent will find the Indian cultures dominant, with tales of the
prior savage leadership only a tale to be told.
In Australia, a similar progression will occur. Today, the ultra-right elite in England and Australia
are planning survival at the expense of the common man. These enclaves will gradually lose power,
if not overtaken and decimated by internal wars, with those among the commoners prevailing over
time in concert with the native Aborigines, who are mainly Service-to-Other oriented. Thus, a
traveler to Australia in future decades will find a delightful mix of Aborigines and those of
European or Asian descent, living in Service-to-Other communities.
In the Muslim countries which stretch out from India toward Africa, the descending cold will create
great loss of life. In the struggle for survival, the Muslim culture, in being male dominant and caring
little for the children among them and into warring lately, will decimate the groups further. In the
end, unless a group from this culture escapes, in essence, they will not survive. If Service-to-Other
oriented, they must separate from the main populace, which will end up with only a few men with
guns, the lone survivors. In that the land will support little, they will migrate toward more tropical
areas, and integrate. In the main, we expect those Muslim groups to end up in Africa, some decades
hence, a direction we have advised.
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ZetaTalk: Repressive Regimes
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ZetaTalk: Repressive Regimes
Note: written May 15, 2002
When it becomes apparent to the hands of power in countries currently ruling with repression that violent earth
changes are close at hand, they will do more than simply suppress news of coming changes and seek a timely escape to
safe places for themselves, they will also prevent escape for their populace to the extent this disrupts their own plans.
The regimes likely to take these steps, and their responses and reasons for taking these steps, vary:
Indonesia has been much in the news in past years for its severe repression, to the point of brutal slaughter, of its
populace. East Timor has only recently won the right as a country, not in Indonesia to be free of utter brutality at
the hands of the Indonesian military. The rules of war, where a country to be invaded is treated as a combatant
and civilians treated under different rules than combatants were not even considered. Genocide, of the weak and
helpless first, was the rule. How will such a dictatorship, with such a military in command, react when it
becomes evident that Earth changes in keeping with our predictions are eminent? The wealthy and powerful will
have already lined up an escape to safer lands, or will already be there. As we have predicted this will be toward
Australia, to the degree that this country allows such immigration, and in that Australia is already putting up
blocks to immigration by the common man, it can be expected that a quid pro quo will be asked of the
Indonesian elite - you may enter, but only if you block the human tide expected to follow you. Thus, in
Indonesia, the populace will be locked from boats in the harbors, blocked from airports, and even blocked from escape into their highlands! The goal will be to not only prevent the populace from invading Australia, but to
create as massive a dieoff as possible, so that survivors do not go afloat in boats and land on the shores of
Australia as flotsam, afterwards. Soldiers unaware of what is coming can be expected to comply with these
orders, but when it becomes apparent, such as during the rotation stoppage, that they will be impacted likewise,
they will leave their posts and join the masses seeking escape of some kind.
Currently under the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussain, well known for his tendencies to allow his entire
populace to suffer under starvation and preventable health problems in order to play cards that would lift his
stature even an inch, Iraq can expect more of the same as the time of the shift approaches. In that Iraq is
landlocked, no escape for the suffering populace is possible unless passage through another country is allowed.
Saddam will gauge his chances as the time gets near, and seeing the discombobulation in the leadership of other
countries, will attempt, we predict, to extend his dominion by inciting his starving populace to invade
neighboring countries. He is unlikely to move his palace, or migrate elsewhere where he personally would be
more vulnerable. When the shift hits, he like others will be stunned at the extent of damage, and being unable to
feed his militia, will find himself hiding, in his own country, pretending to be a commoner, and fearing
discovery by the majority of his populace, who would relish the opportunity for vengeance.
Noted for its brutal repression of democratic sentiment during the Pinochet era, where citizens were kidnapped
and tortured for the mere offense of thinking about fair play or appearing likely to even have such thoughts,
Chile has not made much progress in the intervening years. The military, the guilty, are still protected, forgiven
by a court system in sympathy with past oppression and new governance fearful of a return to these times when
the strong arm ruled without restraint. Many Nazi escaped to South America when WW II turned the tide for
them, and this tenor of elitism still reigns in the halls of power in there, though not openly expressed. One can
see the role Chile will play in Margaret Thacher’s forgiveness of Pinochet when he was captured while in
Europe for heath care. As we have mentioned, the elite in Britain plan to vacate their country, going to Australia,
prior to the shift, but a card that might be played is an exodus to Chile, and thus she was carefully retaining her[2/5/2012 11:13:54 AM]
ZetaTalk: Repressive Regimes
options. These countries will find bridges and transportation broken utterly, after the shift, all on foot or
horseback and not able to travel far. Thus, the elite will soon find themselves starving, but unable to raid more
than the immediate area. This will create infighting, as we have described, with the strong and brutal toying with
and eliminating those who thought they were in power. Money will mean nothing, and threats of court action or
imprisonment for defying orders likewise meaningless. Thus, these pockets of elitism will become decimated,
going the way of thugs locked into interaction with each other, usually a short and brutal existence.
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ZetaTalk: Reddish Cross
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ZetaTalk: Reddish Cross
Note: written Dec 15, 2000. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Various analogies have been presented to explain the appearance of the 12th Planet in the skies in the weeks just ahead
of the shift. We have stated at the turn of the millennium that the 12th Planet appears smaller than Pluto, as it is more
distant though larger, and less bright as it is not reflecting the Sun’s light. We have also stated that the 12th Planet will
be visible to the common man some 7 weeks prior to the shift [Note: see 2003 Date explanation, although this 7 week prophecy may still be relevant], without the use of telescopes, and that the 12th Planet zooms through the solar system during that time,
from one side to the other, in 3 short months, a period of 12 weeks. Thus, it becomes visible when out on the outer
edge of the solar system, and will gain in size and brightness as it comes closer. Just what is it that the human eye will
see, then, during that 7 week approach?
While out in space, at a distance
that precludes much light from
reflecting sunlight, the 12th Planet
has a dim reddish glow, so small
that it can be assumed to be a
fading nova far, far away. As the
ancients have recorded, the 12th
Planet is visible as a cross in the skies, prior to it’s passage between the Sun and the Earth. Why a cross? Many stars
assume this shape, with light rays appearing to shoot in four directions, when the human eye gazes at them through the
haze of the atmosphere. Of course, the stars themselves do not have such an emanation, and it is the eye and the
atmosphere which controls this appearance. Suffice it to say, without elaborate explanation of this phenomenon, that
the 12th Planet, like stars or bright lights seen from afar, will take on a four-cornered appearance of a cross, a reddish
cross, in the sky. At first, this reddish cross will be a curiosity, to those not in the know about the coming passage. It
will be most visible at night, when not diluted by sunlight, and will have many explanations depending upon the
culture viewing it’s approach. A warning, a sign, an approaching demon, an approaching angel, or, if the folk are
listening to scientists intent upon giving scientific explanations to null the alarm of the populace, all manner of
astronomical occurrences. But it grows larger, and brighter, weekly. Ah, but novas do likewise, so this will be the
explanation of choice among those distracting and placating a nervous populace. When it becomes apparent that there
is motion in this reddish cross, and novas do not move in the skies, there will be no comment from the scientific
establishment, but by then it will be almost too late for the public to react.
How large, and how bright, will the cross become? Not as large as the Moon, and also not as bright, as the Moon’s
brightness is reflected sunlight from an object very close to the Earth, and the 12th Planet will be some distance until the last days. It is the motion of this object that will most disturb those watching it carefully and thoughtfully, not its
size or brightness. This, combined with the almost violent reactions of the earth upon it’s approach. Volcanic activity,
earthquakes to the extent than almost constant tremors are experienced, and a heat upon the Earth quite outside of any
seasonal variation, will add to the sense that something terrible is upon the Earth, which it is!
Note: below added during the Mar 1, 2003 Live ZeatTalk IRC Session. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
When a reddish complex is seen in the sky, during the 7 weeks before passage [Note: see 2003 Date explanation, although this 7
week prophecy may still be relevant] when this will be visible, mankind will be in the main distracted by so many problems
they will hardly notice. At first, they will assume this to be a comet or something innocent, as it will be small, barely
visible due to size. As it moves toward being visible in the daytime, when more are awake, or during the evening when
many relax in the moments before sleep, gazing at the sky, they will start to wonder. At this time, for the unaware,
there will have been increasing earthquakes, increasingly erratic weather such that all are wondering whether crops[2/5/2012 11:13:55 AM]
ZetaTalk: Reddish Cross
planted will harvest or starvation will afflict them. Stories in the news will be about crashed cities, broken bridges,
derailed trains, and flooded rivers washing towns away. The economy, now so devastated that all employed workers,
even those who assumed their jobs for life, are holding their breath as the choice of their employers is to either declare
the company bankrupt or to lay more employed off.
These worries are more immediate, so until the very weeks before the shift, when the reddish complex is so huge that it cannot be missed even if one is not prone to looking at the sky, that any thought will be given to it by the average
human struggling with many worries, on Earth. It is when the earth stops rotation, a week before the shift, that all this
will correlate, and humans not going insane or in hard denial will talk among themselves. It is then that prophecy will
be relayed, from human to human as many forms of electronic communication will be malfunctioning to
worthlessness. Thus, except for those aware of the times, aware of the prophecies and the news, with insight into the lies the media is telling, primarily by not reporting the news the public will be oblivious of the reddish cross in the
skies, until the very end!
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ZetaTalk: Alerted Populace
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ZetaTalk: Alerted Populace
Note: written Dec 15, 2000
In that amateur astronomers will be able to discern, some weeks before the passage, that the 12th Planet seen visibly in
the skies as a redish cross is not either a fading nova or an aberation of filtered lights in the atmosphere (caused by
volcanic ash or upper atmosphere weather extremes or whatever other excuse the establishment may float out to the
populace), how will the establishment react to a populace armed with the truth? Silence, which is the mode of choice
when a lie can be challenged. Look to the past, when the US government was questioned on the death of JFK, for
instance. Few individuals looking at the facts believed that a single bullet did all the damage claimed, or that a single
individual was involved, but the formal pronouncement by the government stands today as the explanation - Oswald as
a single shooter and a single bullet making contortions and emerging almost intact! The lies put forth during Iran
Contra were only shown as lies because of a break in the armor, but if such a break does not occur, then the lie stands
as the only explanation the public gets.
Those who piece together the puzzle themselves, and share this information with others, will not be allowed media
attention or even be allowed to make extensive phone calls if they are too aggressive in trying to reach others with the
truth. Thus, spreading the word will be limited to an arms reach, spread from person to person as time and access to
contacting others allows. As anyone noting how fact information can spread on the Internet knows, this person to
person contact can be like a wildfire, but unless an announcement is make on major media, most of the populace will
not believe it. In addition, any story that threatens to create a panic, or a demand that official inform the public or
provide a solution to the anticipated problems of homelessness and starvation, will be countered. Disinformation will
rise in proportion to the spread of facts and truth. Discrediting the source is a time honored method of keeping the
public confused and in the dark. Only those who think the facts through, and have a questioning mind to begin with,
will discern the truth.
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ZetaTalk: France Riots
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ZetaTalk: France Riots
written Nov 9, 2005
Do the zetas have any insight on the France riots? Is this another preview for what will be happening all
over the world in the aftertime or perhaps even before the cataclysm?
We have stated since the start of ZetaTalk that as the cataclysms approached there would be crop shortages due to
erratic weather and a worldwide economic depression. This is in place today, though denied in the media. The wealthy
elite shore up the markets, the media parrots whatever statistics they are given, and the world is told that all is well.
The common man, of course, knows otherwise. They lose their jobs, are faced with inflation eating into their buying
power, find the issues imperative to their survival such as health insurance or housing or the ability to go to bed
without a gnawing hunger night after night ignored by those in power. Instead, there is news of increasing desire on the
part of those in power to take away freedoms, to consider any protest an excuse to impose martial law. So the pot is
not only about to boil because of frustration, the lid is capped tight due to the heavy hand, and all this leads to
This is the great fear of the elite, that the masses will start to riot and refuse to be compliant, refuse to quietly go to
their jobs like robots. For all their preparations to enclose themselves into enclaves, well supplied and well guarded,
they do not wish to do this early. They wish to have their current lifestyles up until the last weeks, and do not want to
show their hands until that time. Riots push their plans into the open, forcing them to show their hand. Why would
riots emerge in France, as a leading country in this regard? France is not only tolerant of immigrants seeking jobs, it is
also tolerant of public expression, rioting included. This is not to say that live is worse in France, as it most certainly is not worse there than elsewhere. This is to say that the heavy hand of repression is not as heavy there, thus the lid
blows off the pot sooner than in those places around the world where more boiling and stewing will occur before the
lid blows off, with a larger explosion.
What does this bode, for the world? Obviously, as insurance companies go belly up, as disasters increase, as
emergency services are stretched beyond being able to respond to calls for help, tensions everywhere will increase. As
corporations are unable to continue in the economic climate, go bankrupt, layoff employees, and default on their
pensions, tensions will increase. Governments will print money to support their functions, going the way of banana
republics on the slow slide into default, but governments can only do so much in the face of these stresses. Can a
government produce food in the midst of food shortages? They can release the stores, but the stores are already empty,
in the main. Can a government clone emergency services workers, who are trained and have skills such that replacing
them is not an easy task? Injuries will go unattended, rescue undone, starvation not only continued but increased, and
frustrated, those who feel that things could change will riot.
Has the common man been told the true state of affairs? They've been told a falsehood, that all is well, the economy
growing, the food reserves stuffed full, the insurance companies healthy, the confidence of the populace in their
leaders high. Thus, personally frustrated, they assume that for their life to be better, the only issue is securing a larger piece of the pie. This is not possible, because the pie has shrunk, even the wealthy feeling the squeeze financially so
their own lifestyles have been affected, but the populace is not told the truth about any of this. What happens when
everyone is being squeezed, feels the squeeze so that their life is affected negatively, from where it was before? What
happens when most of those being squeezed do not realize that the pie has shrunk? Fighting all around, as everyone
presses for their piece of the pie to be returned to its former size. Since rioting is counterproductive and short lived, the
rioters seeing that nothing positive came of it, and in fact prison terms and burned homes and bruises come of it, this
will seldom result in riots.
More likely, as long as the reality of the coming pole shift is not explained to the populace, it will result in nervous[2/5/2012 11:13:56 AM]
ZetaTalk: France Riots
tension, anger and snarling, sulking and demands, and personal explosions within the workplace or home. More
bankruptcies, more homelessness, more burglaries and embezzlement, more families moving in together with
consequent clashing agendas, more suicides and lawsuits, but unlikely to be more riots.[2/5/2012 11:13:56 AM]
ZetaTalk: Conflict Zones
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ZetaTalk: Conflict Zones
written Nov 25, 2003
The situation in Iraq has become obvious, where citizens now drag US Military from their vehicles and kill them with
their bare hands. Such is the degree to which the Bush/Blair coalition have won the hearts and minds of the people
there. How might this conflict zone, and others around the world, move as the pole shift precursors overtake them,
quakes tumbling the cities and tearing up the roadways, gas and oil lines rupturing and becoming infernos, and
communications virtually worthless with satellites lost and sudden power outages?
Where conflict zones are composed of a strong arm repressing a restless people, the results are predictable. The
people will take advantage of a disrupted and confused strong arm to tear their oppressor to bits. In the case such
as Iraq or Palestine, where the people are enraged and brutalized, it is likely that when the dust from an
earthquake settles, only bloody bodies of the oppressors will be found, killed to the last one. Because pole shift
precursor quakes and damage are likely to be widespread in an area, this is likely to become a wildfire, with a
whole occupation, an entire city and its environs, savaged in this manner. Human history has these stories
among its tales.
Where conflict zones have been imposed by the leadership of bordering countries, such as in North and South
Korea or Tibet and China, the people simply stop listening to the blustering leaders demanding subservience
despite catastrophe, and become neighbors again. Leadership that demands only that it be served, in times when
it cannot provide for the people, is ignored, and this is assisted when roadways and communications are
inoperable, the military so disoriented they no longer respond to commands, and the political leadership merely a
red faced blustering has-been.
Where conflict exists because of cultural differences, such as religion or race or culture from differing
backgrounds, the resolution is not violence but indifference. India has this conflict within it and along its
borders, the Americas between the original peoples and the many immigrants that settled these lands en mass
centuries ago, Africa between its people and those who came to plunder its resources, and cities around the
world rivaling the United Nations in their diversity. In times of hardship, people cling to the known, ignoring
others, in the main, so those outside the group are left injured and starving, as though not of the same human
race.[2/5/2012 11:13:57 AM]
ZetaTalk: Banned Message
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ZetaTalk: Banned Message
Note: written Jul 15, 2000. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
The simple message of ZetaTalk - that the Earth indeed has visitors from other worlds, that cover-ups of this fact and
the desire of some in the US Military to gain their technology, that the Earth periodically undergoes cataclysms during
the passage of the 12th Planet and certain elite in power positions are aware of the next pending passage in 2003 [Note:
see 2003 Date explanation] - has not been considered a threat up until and even past the millennium. The reason for this was also simple - ZetaTalk contained no truth, or made no statements, that could be verified. Predictions were made, about
weather changes and crop failures and earthquake trends, and matters were veering in this direction, but still the
weight of ridicule vs. substantiation was on the side of those who would keep the public unaware and placid until the
last days before the pole shift. This weight has recently, in mid-2000, shifted to substantiation of ZetaTalk, thus
making it for the first time a threat, rather than a worry.
What substantiation has occurred, by mid-2000? As has been carefully documented by our emissary, Nancy, in her
ZetaTalk What’s New pages and on the Troubled Times pages by her fans, ZetaTalk has been highly accurate in predicting:
the weather changes, hotter winters and colder summers, alternating deluge and drought
the effect of these changes on harvests worldwide, to the year that shortages would occur
the continuing heating up of the core and its effect on volcanoes
the remarkable effect that locked plates have on earthquakes, such that they domino, and the year this would
higher tides, unaccompanied by and thus unexplained by earthquakes or storms
migration of peoples uneasy, at a subconscious level, with what they sense is coming
increased illness among animals and humans alike
an increase in albinos, such that the White Buffalo would not stand alone in its appearance
ZetaTalk is due to come under increased attention, due to the accuracy of these predictions. Questions will be raised to
those in power, who are ill prepared to answer them honestly. In those countries where the flow of information is
tightly controlled, the media well in hand and the populace used to having their lives controlled on many fronts, the
reaction will be suppression of the message. In those countries where there has been a decision to allow the ZetaTalk
message, and its accompanying Troubled Times information, to receive additional attention, there will be no change, as
all preparations for the increased attention have preceded the arrival of ZetaTalk prediction substantiation. The reaction of the public has been gauged, measured, and the answers to be given to the public well rehearsed - a clever call, a
remarkable woman tapping many great minds with her psychic ability, predictable from the trends, luck, or whatever.
Ridicule is not anticipated, as those in power in these countries, who control the media and have agents everywhere
ready to weigh in on any Internet discussions, have determined that the populace is best prepared by hearing the
message of ZetaTalk and the simple solutions that have been so thoroughly documented on troubled Times.
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ZetaTalk: Targeted Message
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ZetaTalk: Targeted Message
Note: written during the Aug 24, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
What is the glue between the various Sources targeting ZetaTalk, all claiming that ZetaTalk is wrong, or claiming it is right but having some lack of integrity factor that one can see is to rub off on Nancy and ZetaTalk. Glue is often hard
to discern, and most often is not what one would assume.
In the case of Hazlewood on Art Bell, it is not Art at all that is being manipulated, but friends in the music field
who then lean on Art. Don't those in the media have friends, family, and those they socialize with? Mark
Hazlewood is the son of a famous musician, Lee Hazlewood, known personally to Art Bell, and thus, this string
is pulled easily.
Sitchin as we have stated from the beginning of ZetaTalk has personal reluctance to realize the horror will occur
in his lifetime, the not-in-my-lifetime response. Thus, any fact in the confusing mix will be used to assure him
that it will not come in his lifetime. He additionally does not want to be the bearer of bad tidings, and even when
convinced he has been wrong, will not say so, leaving this to others. Thus, pressing him to state 2003 or not has not been hard, as when pressed he would, of course, say not. His preference was, obviously, no comment, but he
was not allowed this option by those who knew which way he would jump. Carrying great weight, his words are
hoped to weight in among the crowd of lesser folk, discrediting ZetaTalk or at least discouraging the public from
taking it seriously.
Jason Martell has long lectured about Planet X to MUFON, and has been long respected for his web site on
Nibiru. Since he claims that Sitchin is the authority, would he be expected to say otherwise? Sitchin is pressed,
Martell follows along, and all this is predictable.
McCanny, long in the science field, is more manipulated by his desire to be center stage, the important one, than
any deception. He is sitting on the fence, hoping to be right, to be able to claim so, no matter which way the
outcome. Thus, when the weight of evidence leaned against 2003, he stated this, but when earth changes started
weighing in, he dithered, and one can expect him to dither back but eventually to support ZetaTalk and claim he
said so all along when the time comes. Thankfully, he is on film on the Planet X Video, stating 2003 will not
occur, so he himself can be discredited, by his own words.
NASA has long been so tight in their Planet X cover-up that they can hardly reverse, but are doing so in the
kiddy corner. Talking to kids, who talk to their parents, is allowed. They will claim it is the Sun, a comet, a
nova, until the Spring of 2003 when another excuse will be generated. To shelter the elite in bunkers, they may
claim an aggressive asteroid, outgassing and moving directly toward Earth, or a close passage. This would allow
all manner of movement of military and the power mongers in Washington DC, as well as those in Russia to
move to the Urals, the Brits to Australia, and the wealthy to their spots, without delay. NASA is only addressing
the issue in the kiddy corner, to have a place to direct those asking, just as the elite are expected to direct the
desperate to Troubled Times and ZetaTalk when asked what they, their governments, are going to do to protect
and help them during these times.
The Norlock claim is obvious. It appears, on its face, to substantiate ZetaTalk, and should Nancy claim it, she
would have egg on her face. Expected to be too bloody from the beating to notice, she was expected to embrace
it, which she did not. Thus, this so-called-friend came cloaked poorly, and did not succeed.
The media can be expected to report stories as provided, as they do today. Does anyone think that the mix being
presented by the major media, anywhere in the world, is a fair reporting of what is relevant? Where the press is
not suppressed, it is burdened with reporting the irrelevant, and this is not specific to any country, but is a factor[2/5/2012 11:13:58 AM]
ZetaTalk: Targeted Message
of existing politics and control.
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ZetaTalk: Campaigns
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ZetaTalk: Campaigns
Note: written during the Aug 24, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Campaigns to discredit ZetaTalk can be easily discerned when we step out of the dance, but the dance goes on
anyway. An example of that is the Hazlewood campaign to discredit ZetaTalk by association with money scams,
claiming that the whole Planet X issue is to scarf up money by inciting panic. Nancy effectively sidestepped this by
calling Hazlewood what he is, at the start, getting him kicked out of Troubled Times for soliciting funds as he was
doing, and by being broke and living in poverty. When it was time for this campaign to culminate, Hazlewood went
onto Art Bell, Rense declared it a fraud, and Sarah MacIntyre and others on sci.astro began loud claims that Nancy was getting rich. Sarah MacIntyre is still at it, not having realized that her barbs are utterly pointless. Hazlewood did
not succeed in getting rich, as his promoters turned their backs on him when this campaign failed, but he continues
still, hoping for another opportunity. Had Nancy joined in the money games, or allowed them, this campaign would
have stuck, and afforded those who would discredit her a time of calm, not fear, from the ZetaTalk message.
The Summer of 2002 was deemed another opportunity for the disinfo crowd. They know that the Spring of 2003 [Note:
see 2003 Date explanation] will see a strong red cross in the sky, visible to all during the daylight hours, coming from beneath the Sun toward them, increasing in size. Plans for these days are much under discussion, but all the elite are
grim about these times, knowing them to be virtually unexplainable to the general public. The Winter preceding this
Spring is expected to be handled by creating distractions, such as police actions in Iraq, staged terrorism which may
not be real at all, but claimed to be such, and claims that what is being sighted in the sky is a comet of sorts, or a
nova, or any number of such things. The fact that it will be exactly where we have predicted since 1995 is hoped to be
overlooked, by a prolonged discrediting campaign against ZetaTalk. This is the campaign you see now, from various
sources, all seemingly independent but not so. This type of response could be expected during the Planet X awakening,
with a push back commensurate with a push forward. For every coup by Nancy or other truth sayers, there will be a disinfo campaign, louder depending upon the public reaction. Thus, we often cause Nancy to appear to limp, as this
sets back the force of disinfo, and then suddenly and unexpectedly, a success, and thus truth is promoted.
The trends noted where 2003 is loudly pronounced not to be the year, and ZetaTalk a pile of poop, is related to the
campaign which was supposed to be supported by ZetaTalk coordinates, which Open Minded and others on sci.astro
could use to claim not there! When ZetaTalk refused to provide the coordinates, Open Minded went to the dance
alone, dancing with himself, showing the campaign for what it was. Why would he loudly state not there, when
pointing to spots he had conjured up? Because, like Sarah MacIntyre's claims that Nancy was getting rich, it was time,
and he was doing what was planned, on schedule. Thus, one can look beyond any behavior of ZetaTalk to see what is
behind the trends, and what the establishment hopes to accomplish. Once again, by appearing to be in the game, then
stepping out, ZetaTalk shows those who would point mankind in the wrong directions, taking from them their right to
know, revealed for what they are. They go to the dance, even without the partner expected, dancing alone, causing all
to point and ask "why"?
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ZetaTalk: Monitored
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ZetaTalk: Monitored
Note: written during the Feb 8, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
The ZetaTalk message is popular on the Internet, worldwide, mentioned in printed matter such as magazines and
newspapers, and has a broad reach. Despite attempts to utterly discredit it, Nancy and ourselves have managed to
dance through the maze, and arrived at a position of influence. As mentioned previously, they cannot, despite their
numerous attempts, kill certain influential individuals, due to our protection, so the dance was an attempt to increase
the reach of the message, while convincing the distressed power mad that they had won the battle. Refer to the
information we gave some months earlier, about Nancy being allowed to stumble, re this. Thus, ZetaTalk has arrived at
the last hour, fully known worldwide, widely respected, increasing in influence enormously even should it stop being
accessible, because of the many who have followed it over the years, and the many personal copies of the message that
have been made.
In short, the word is out, and therefore simply trying to stop the message creates a greater problem, as this would be
taken as a sign that a cover-up was in effect, proof of the validity of the message. Thus, those who would prevent the
common man from knowing what is happening, today, are stuck. They cannot simply stop ZetaTalk, as this would be
as bad as allowing it to continue full force. They cannot counter the highlights of the message, ie the inbound planet
becoming visible 7 weeks before passage [Note: see 2003 Date explanation], as any attempt to offer a countering explanation would be suspect. They have thus decided to ignore the message, pretend what is being imaged at our coordinates is
not there, and having increasingly prestigious personages mutter disparaging remarks about Nancy and ZetaTalk.
But in the back rooms, in private discussions among themselves, the elite, the mongers of death and agony to the
common man, pour over new ZetaTalk with increasing anxiety. Their best laid plans are not working out, the attempts
to spread the US military worldwide to enforce the wishes of the elite is meeting with problems as the military is
taking sick, being spread too thin, and not being allowed to overtake their objectives promptly so that Iraq falls, Saudi
Arabia falls, and the rest of the world be damned. They see their prized plans, to escape to Mars, dashed most
embarrassingly with the recent Shuttle disaster. They see their attempts to maintain the markets, with false value
assigned to stock becoming rapidly worthless, slipping from their fingers daily. And they read with horror the ZetaTalk
that is allowed to emerge because to prevent this, to insert their control, creates an even greater aura of truth to the ZetaTalk message, as this weeks problems with the #poleshiftdiscussion chat will demonstrate.
Do we have White House members, assigned to attend the chats? Absolutely. Does Putin monitor ZetaTalk, the Brits?
Most definitely. Putin monitors, the Brits have long been among the disrupters, and other countries reach, long reach,
to attend, to stay abreast of the latest bombs before they hit the streets.
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ZetaTalk: Future Visions
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ZetaTalk: Future Visions
Note: written Sep 15, 1995.
Many contactees speak with great emotion of visions they have been given, often of a devastated Earth. These are
understood by the contactee to be visions of the future, and many come away confused as to whether the vision is the
future or might be the future. We will reiterate here that the future is not written, and such visions are always just
possible scenarios. One reason for confusion is that the visions seem so very real. Humans are used to the movies, in
the main, where however engrossing the story, told with sight and sound, one is always cognizant of the viewers
seated nearby, munching popcorn - a reality check.
When visions are given to contactees it is by a machine to brain method that most closely approximates your new
virtual reality devices. All the senses are engaged, in the brain. The contactee is not at all being presented with a
reality. They are being presented with a story. Why is this done? Humans are altogether too complacent about the
fragility of their world. They merrily pollute and deplete their ecosystem without a thought. They in the main will
march into the coming cataclysms with no preparation whatsoever, becoming, all of them, disaster victims who will
then look to one another for help. We are simply making these contactees think. Think!
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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Precursors
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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Precursors
Note: written Sep 15, 1996.
Leading up to the pole shift in the year 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation], human society will be forced to deal with the pole shift precursors, some of which will be devastating. Earthquakes will increase in frequency and strength,
volcanoes will continue to spring to life with little warning, and the weather will become ever more erratic with
intractable droughts followed by endless deluges. Beyond that, there will not be any particular occurrences on any
particular date, nor will any particular region be unduly affected. An alarmed populace, seeing the crescendo, will
increasingly attempt to explain the situation, and to alleviate their anxiety and gain control of the situation by
forecasting occurrences based on the explanation. The planets are lining up, global warming has the weather in a tizzy,
the Sun is going through a violent sunspot cycle - any explanation is preferable to the real explanation, which is too
horrific to entertain.
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ZetaTalk: Rapid Change
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ZetaTalk: Rapid Change
Note: written during the Jan 11, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Many normal weather, disease, or animal behavior is noted during rapid change, and attributed to some exceptional
cause. This has occurred during the past few years in regard to weather, in a reverse fashion, as the establishment is
quick to point out that at sometime in the past there was such a drought, such a storm, or such a warm day in winter or
a cold day in summer. They are, in this, seeking to diminish the reaction among the populace that weather has gotten
extreme, which it has, even within the memory of man. Should patterns showing the switching about, from deluge to
drought, or the extremes reached in both directions, this would not be a part of previously known patterns. In illness,
we are frequently asked if this or that seeming epidemic is manmade, or bio-terrorism, when it is just existing germs
affecting those with reduced immune systems, or existing germs in new places, or unknown germs now becoming
Nevertheless, these germs are not new, even if unknown, and the increased illness is due to dropping immune systems,
migrating germs, and opportunistic germs. Animal behavior also has been noted as almost crazed, where animals
normally passive and seeking to avoid confrontation will attack with provocation, or fly in the wrong direction during
migration. This is due to signals the animals or insects get from the core of the Earth, signals not known to man, but
nontheless there. Humans are also affected by the core emanations, but not to any degree that would be noted in the
populace at large. One affect is a decreased immune system, but this is to a larger extent cause by depression over
changed events than core emanations. A second effect manifests in being distracted, not thinking clearly, but this is to
a larger extent caused by being subconsciously upset over the manner in which the establishment is addressing the
problems, the cover-ups increasingly obvious. Thus, unlike spiders who weave acres of webs, or migrating birds going
in the wrong directions, there is little that is evident in man that can be accounted for as core emanations.
Spiders weaving webs to an extreme so that acres are covered under webs, get noted, but the base behavior is normal
for a spider. When earthquakes start to affect populated areas, they will be called rogue quakes, as they will occur in
places not experiencing them previously, or occur in unusual manners. Perhaps the quake will be a sudden and singular
jolt, no precursors or aftershocks, or jolt upward where the region usually experiences sideslip quakes. This does not
mean anything has changed, just that the familiar patterns is now new. The Earth has experienced such prolonged
droughts, in areas such as Australian and sub-Sahara Africa, that behavior unknown to the inhabitants may occur.
Rock, dried beyond dry, will crack or settle in manners not known to the residents. Fires, where they start and
normally flow forwards toward the source of fuel, may find all vegetation in its path so dry that it burns hot, driving the air away from the fire in a draft. Water logged soil may slide in areas not used to land slides, or even cause
hillsides to move sideways due to the lift that water tables can give it. Thus, we are telling you that just because a
phenomena is unusual for an area, does not make it unusual for life on Earth in general! Expect the unexpected!
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ZetaTalk: Societal Disruption
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ZetaTalk: Societal Disruption
Note: written Oct 15, 1998.
Many humans, when observing rapid changes in the weather or in satellite reception are concerned that the coming
cataclysms will likewise produce rapid societal disruption well before the week of the pole shift. They worry about
how to anticipate these changes, not only the ones ensuing from nature but also from a more unpredictable source -
human society. Will the banks collapse? Will the grocery shelves be bare? Will the militia march down the streets of
their peaceful neighborhood? What should they be braced for? Where we can predict conditions in nature, those rooted
in human society such as potential violence or potential peaceful enclaves, we cannot predict. These are in the hands
of man.
However, there is unlikely to be violent, rapid changes until it is close to the time when it will be quite clear to all of
mankind that their world, as they know it, is not going to continue beyond the next few weeks or months. Humankind,
wishes to believe that the future will be as the past has been - predictable, Sun rising, crops drawn in, occasional
floods, occasional droughts, unpredictable health problems such as cancer and heart attack, babies being born, and the
renewal of life. They cling to this. Until it is absolutely clear that this will not continue, human society will not
collapse. They will cling to the belief that this will continue because the heart wants to believe this.
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ZetaTalk: 2 Camps
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ZetaTalk: 2 Camps
Note: written Feb 15, 1998.
As the years leading up to the pole shift pass, a dichotomy of attitudes will develop among those with the capacity to
examine the facts. By far the larger segment of humanity will be too busy to notice, as their lives are filled with
desperation as it is. Those who have the time to ponder issues and access to the news will fall into two camps.
Those who are courageous and have a logical mind will note the holes in the explanations they are given,
discarding Global Warming explanations when they can see that satellites are recording colder air masses and
warmer oceans, and discarding Sun Spot explanations when they find their instruments working as before. These
individuals will note that with increasing cohesiveness the facts point to an approaching pole shift, and that the
only explanation that fits that is a wandering planet making a periodic passage. Thus, a certain percentage of the
earth's populace will become aware and allow themselves to contemplate the situations, regardless of what story
the establishment tries to feed them. This percentage will increase sharply in the weeks leading into the pole
A far larger group will hear the facts and discard them, with any number of excuses. As the time of the shift
nears and the facts even more impelling, they will become more shrill, refusing to deal with the facts or even
contemplate them, but rather attacking the messengers. At the same time, these individuals will increasingly
cling to what seems to make them secure, whether this be more solid stocks and bonds, more material items, or
increasing the use of religious rituals in the hopes that a God will save them. Where their sense of doom is not
relieved in this manner, these individuals may turn to drugs and alcohol, sex, distraction in adventure or
exhausting sports, or living in the fantasy world that the movies or soap operas on TV provide.
These camps will not be able to communicate with each other, and will find increasingly that they ignore each other.
The first camp will find kindred souls to discuss the issues and formulate solutions, dropping the endless arguments
that ensue when those in denial are pressed with the facts. The second camp will ridicule the first, as their sober talk
and laying out of facts only tends to make them anxious. The two camps will come together only during the last week,
when the rotation stops and the constant presence of a reddish object in the sky, rapidly enlarging as the days pass, has
made talk of the end of the world a daily conversation. At this point, the first camp will find the second at their
doorstep, demanding to be taken in.
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ZetaTalk: Contact Groups
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ZetaTalk: Contact Groups
Note: written Sep 15, 1995.
Group interactions validate experiences. The individual, finding their night clothes on backwards, knows there has been
a visitation, but secretly wonders if perhaps their memory might be failing. In a group of contactees a synergy takes
place, first one and then another realizing, as others tell their tales, that they are not alone in their experiences. Within
the contact group details are shared that have not appeared in print, could not therefore be faked, and are told with
much emotion and conviction. When these details, told by another, match the listener's story - more than sharing takes
place, and more than an Awakening takes place. A Transformation takes place. The Contact Group is now a group of
humans who are no longer toying with an idea, no longer arguing with each other, but are facing the reality of the
Transformation calmly, with open eyes and open minds and most often with open hearts. Thereafter, walking among
others out in society, everything looks different. The frantic push to live better than the Jones, the focus on the World
Series, the chatter about the SETI project - all are put into a different perspective.
It is as though all of humanity were in a trench and could not look out except for a few who stand tall. Those too short
to see behave as though all that matters takes place in the trench, in their own little world. Those few tall enough to be
glimpsing beyond know better, but can do little more than look at each other and smile at the ignorance and short
sightedness around them. Such it is with members of Contact Groups, who find they can only talk honestly among
There is a Transformation going on, a personal Transformation, but no less important in the scheme of things. Great
dunes are built from many grains of sand, and eventually the collective consciousness is such that this transformative
momentum begins to affect society. Ideas presented at the table receive support rather than argument. Programs that
affect the public are slanted toward the broader view in subtle ways. The little grains of sand are making mounds,
where no one has noticed, as the wind blew them just a few at a time.
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ZetaTalk: Life Changes
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ZetaTalk: Life Changes
Note: written Oct 15, 1995.
Contactees who have become comfortable with their understanding of the alien presence and any role they have
volunteered to perform during the Transformation are seldom passive. They reflect this in their daily life, as is
inevitable following any overreaching concept grasped or heavy commitment. Just as the decision to settle down into
married life can often be read by others, as perhaps taking up cooking or giving up singles parties, likewise the
awakened contactee can often be recognized. The signs are subtle and in the normal course of human events would
leave no mark, in that the alien presence is seldom discussed. But the awakened contactee changes, in not so subtle
ways, the whole course of their life. The impact can be equated to joining the priesthood or the peace corps or the
military. The contactee's whole life is affected.
As the Transformation is now, if the awakened contactee has chosen a role they seldom delay. Those in Service-to-
Others, of whom we are speaking, want to assist with preparations for the cataclysms or helping mankind understand
what is to befall them and its import. Frequently these contactees are already in responsible roles, acting, as Service-
to-Others do, as a mainstay for others. Stepping up to larger responsibilities does not concern them, but those who
have come to rely on the contactee are frequently alarmed. Life changes are planned and enacted by the contactee, who
often is grimly determined and turns a deaf ear to complaints. Not infrequently a well paying job is dropped so that
more time can be spent on the pressing tasks at hand which the contactee is eager to take up. A spouse or children who
have to curtail their standard of living or move to more modest quarters are often furious. Family and friends are sent
to argue with the contactee, who is, in their eyes, failing to listen to reason. What's gotten into him? Mental illness is
suspected but discarded when none of the classic symptoms show up. Sometimes divorce or alienation from the family
results. Often old friends who fail to understand are dropped and new friendships are developed among those of a like
Contactees thus awakened and mobilized find each other, in some small part as we guide them to do so in response to
their call to us. They take up work with each other, forming teams, and fill their hearts and minds with the satisfaction
that results, as a salve for the concurrent pain of loss they often must bear.
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ZetaTalk: Unsure
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ZetaTalk: Unsure
Note: written Jan 15, 1999.
Any role that any human has is self chosen, not assigned. Thus, any contactee feeling uncertain about a role they might
have chosen during the Transformation, has not decided what to do. This information is within them. Many humans are
undecided or unsure, not because the role has not been assigned to them or the opportunity not been made available,
but because they themselves are uncertain as to whether or not they wish to step into a certain role. Vacillation.
Many roles during this forthcoming time, as anyone who seriously thinks about it knows, represents hardship,
argument, hostility thrown their way, changes in a lifestyle, and this is not easily contemplated. Individuals frequently
decide to do something, and then they start thinking of the consequences and vacillate. So if it is unclear, it’s because
they have not firmly decided to do what they think they ought to do. If humans wants clarity, they should think
seriously about what their roles might be, about what they may have decided to do, about what the blockades are, the
repercussions, and consider this to be a conversation with themselves. Of course, if they are wishing to discuss these
matters, they have given The Call and it will be answered. But nevertheless, this is their decision, and within their
power to arrive at an answer.
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ZetaTalk: Timed Release
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ZetaTalk: Timed Release
Note: written Dec 15, 1996.
Many contactees express a feeling that they are aware of things that are likely to occur in the future, are emotionally
ready for these occurrences, but are consciously unaware of what they may be. Of course, in human society, those who
prepare too soon for the coming cataclysms will be viewed as odd and consequently laughed at or harassed for
sounding an alarm unduly. When life today seems much like the life of yesterday, the average human in any society on
Earth today will not listen to a message about coming cataclysms with much patience. However, contactees who have
been open to the message that Service-to-Other aliens have been willing to give know that the Earth will receive
renting changes soon, and are subconsciously prepared.
The schism in thinking leads many to believe that this knowledge is encoded with some kind of timed release, where
the knowledge is not truly available to humans until scant months or even days prior to the cataclysms. This timing
may in fact be correct, but the contactees are fully aware of the circumstances. They are simply choosing to be
unaware during their day to day existence in human society. When the time is right, they will get in contact with their
subconscious knowledge. For many, the conflicts that early conscious awareness would present are best left alone. For
A mother has a handicapped child, one who requires medical attention in order to survive. She knows that this
child will not live beyond a week after medical attentions ceases, and that she will bury this child shortly after
the cataclysms bring down bridges and rent the telephone lines from their poles. Were she to be consciously
aware of what was coming, would she encourage this handicapped child to learn to read and write at the present
moment? Such encouragement strengthens the spirit of both mother and child, and is worthwhile for this reason
alone. The mother chooses to be unaware.
A young businessman in a small town employs several individuals who are considered marginal employees by
most employers as they are under-educated, semi-skilled, and often speak in broken English. During their
employment the young businessman is able to encourage them to self-sufficiency, and finds his employees
growing gardens and repairing mechanical devices under his tutelage. Were he to be consciously aware of the
coming cataclysms, his attention to the needs of the business would falter and his business might fail to prosper.
Consequently, he would be less able to nurture others in preparation. He chooses to be unaware.
A military man is in a position to influence the messages that the general population receive from headquarters.
These messages can subtly awaken or can suppress the Awakening, just by their tone and the bits of information
they deliver. Working in rigid surroundings, the military man must be careful not to express resentment, which
would be interpreted an insubordination and result in his removal from his influential position. Were he to be
consciously aware of the coming cataclysms and the alien presence all around, he would find adherence to silly
rules and regulations increasingly annoying and might express this at a moment when his guard was down. He
chooses to be unaware.
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ZetaTalk: Roles
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ZetaTalk: Roles
Note: written during the Jan 11, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Many contactees, most of whom do not even know they are contactees, sense they have a role to play soon. We have
referred to the subconscious knowledge of this, where the role might be in conflict with the contactees existing life, as
timed-release information. One day, the contactee notes a news cast, or hears comments made by friends, or sees the
weather turn suddenly unseasonably warm, and the trigger has been switched to on. The contactee may go home and
pack and take off for another country or province or state, with barely a notice given to employer or family or friends.
A contactee may decide that now is the time for that vacation, long put off, and make these arrangements putting all
other priorities aside. It is unlikely that a contactee would suddenly decide they need to develop a skill set, such as
working with manual tools, or gardening, as if this was sensed as part of their role they would have been able to
integrate this into their lifestyle earlier.
The changes we are talking about are abrupt, and disruptive, and thus have been put off. This would include divorce, or separation, from a spouse that had been convenient during the life lived prior to the trigger being switched, but
which was known would not be possible during the Aftertime. An example is a marriage where the wife is petulant,
given to pampering herself with luxuries, and would not leave a setting where these luxuries were abundant even when
faced with sudden death. The husband, in this marriage the strong person, a parent to the wife in essence, determines
he has a role to play in helping survivors, and leaves the wife rather than die with her, as he knows he cannot force her to move to safety. This of course might be on the other foot, with a caring and strongly Service-to-Other wife taking
the children to safety a few weeks ahead of the shift, and simply refusing to return, giving the shocked husband
divorce notice from afar. He then has the choice of leaving the golf course, the executive club, his mistress, or
whatever else holds him to his place, or staying. He would in any case have to make this choice, but the wife has made
her choice for herself and the children.
Where a role is not in conflict with the person's existing life, it is likely to be expressed early, as soon as realized.
Where in conflict, such as a military person who has determined to prevent blockades, keeping the poor or minority
populations trapped in cities during the last hours, realization of their role might come at the very last minute. The
reasons are obvious: if the military individual were to consciously realize this earlier, he or she would give their plans away, and prevent the role from happening! Thus, those in such double identity binds often have a hard denial of their
contactee role. Thus, there is no simply statement that can be made about contactee roles, and when the contactee will
become aware of their chosen role. It depends: on the contactee, their life situation, the culture they live in, and an
endless number of factors.
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ZetaTalk: Change Agent
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ZetaTalk: Change Agent
written Nov 4, 2004
Raised to follow the rules or face the consequences, most humans in all cultures worldwide do so in adulthood without
stepping outside the bounds. For Islamic cultures, woman adjust to being draped head to toe when outside the home,
the horrific example of rebels stoned and raped ever on their minds. Stop at the red light or be fined, regardless of
whether cross traffic exists at the time or not. Pay your bills or lose your possessions and credit rating. Mind the
corporate policies and nod approvingly at the dictates of the boss or lose your job. Go through the motions with the
spouse even though love has long gone, as this is the only approved sexual outlet and divorce makes one an outcast,
socially. Rules, regulations, confining expectations, so much a part of life that other than a quiet seething anger adults
are not aware of these invisible ties that bind them to walk in prescribed ruts.
What happens, then, to create a rebel, one who openly rebels against the rules and antagonizes those enforcing them?
Anger that has boiled over and cannot be contained, once expressed often puts the rebel into a mode where he cannot
go back, and thus in an almost suicidal plunge, he moves forward, free at last to express his resentment. For every
rebel that flashes defiance, there are thousands in a quiet revolt, a personal revolution building and waiting for an
opportunity. There is the building process, then the opportunity where the threshold drops temporarily, and another
rebel is born.
The Muslim woman, long resentful but feeling her situation hopeless, finds during warfare and upheaval in her
country that she can dress as a man, take up a weapon, and move about the streets freely, her bravery part of her
disguise - the warfare spilling into her village the opportunity. Once having stepped out of her bonds, she plots
another course for her life, freed of her invisible bonds. When the women in the village find themselves trapped