layla’s epiphany

Sunday, March 21, 7:00 p.m.

I can’t wait to see Jamie. He’s funny and sweet and smart and passionate, and he organizes book drives.

I pull my car into my underground parking spot and take a deep breath.

Jamie’s the one.

He’s perfect for me. He gets me. I don’t know how I didn’t realize this before. As soon as I see him, I’m going to tell him. No, I’m going to throw my arms around him and show him. Unless he’s still in love with Kimmy.

How silly of me, encouraging him to go for Kimmy when he’s so perfect for me.

I shift the gear into Park, grab my bag and lock the door. If only the Zoo had a valet. Or a doorman. This is taking too long! I have to know if he feels the same way I do.

I sprint out of the garage, into the Zoo and up the stairs, run right to his room and pound on the door. “Jamie! It’s me! Open up! I have something to ask you!”

From behind the door I hear, “You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth.” He’s watching A Few Good Men. I love that movie. See? We’re made for each other.

He opens the door and I throw my arms around him.

“Hello to you, too,” he says, looking vaguely flabbergasted by my greeting.

“Are you still in love with Kimmy?”

He snorts. “Noooo. Why?”

Before he can say anything else I tilt my head down and kiss him hard on the mouth.

He just stands there.

Oh, no.

He doesn’t want me. What did I do? I didn’t even stop to think, I just did it and…wait a sec. He’s kissing me back. Yes! He’s kissing me back! His tongue explores my lips, my mouth, my tongue. Tingles explode down my face and neck and chest and arms. He tastes sweet, like ice cream.

It’s a perfect kiss. I knew it. I am so clever. I pull away and smile.

He looks shell-shocked. “If that’s how you say hello after a week apart, what will you do after summer vacation?”

“I have no intention of keeping you in suspense,” I say.
