HE DIALED AND LISTENED TO THE PHONE RING at the other end, tapping his fingers.

“FCI-Otisville. How may I direct your call?”

“Extension 6239.”

“One moment, please.”

He lit a cigarette while he waited.

“Inmate Records, Grasso speaking.”

“Sal. Hey, brother, how’s the Harley?”

“Oh, it’s you. What’s up?”

“You got that stuff we talked about?”

“You still at that same number?”


“Call you back in ten minutes from another phone.”



“It’s me,” Grasso said.

“That wasn’t no ten minutes, pal.”

“Hey, I’m doing you a fucking favor here!”

“Not like you’re not getting paid.”

“With what you’re paying me, I’m not risking my job, understand? Now, you want it or not?”

“Depends. Is it anything good? I’m not interested in hearing Diaz jack off for an hour while he talks to some bimbo.”

“Hey, don’t knock it till you try it. You wouldn’t believe some of the shit I hear. Girls moaning and shit, talking dirty. Real graphic. It’s like calling a 900 number, except free.”

“Ah, you’re all fucking perverts up there.”

“Okay, so how’m I gonna get the disk to you? I ain’t e-mailing it ’cause that leaves a trail.”

“Like I said, what is it first?”

“Nah, it’s real good. Diaz called a female prosecutor, I forget her name-”

“Melanie Vargas?”

“Yeah, that’s it. Says he got some hot information about a murder, and she better come visit right away. But get this: ‘The people around you are dirty,’ he says, ‘so watch out.’”

“Huh. He said that?”


He paused, thinking.

“Hello?” Grasso said.

“Yeah, I’m still here. Do we know if she visited him yet?”

“Didn’t get a chance to check the log.”

“Well, do that. Right away. I need to know. It makes a difference.”

“Okay, but there’s gonna be an extra charge for that.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll get compensated. Hey, listen, I got another proposition for you. It requires a little more risk on your part, but the payoff is that much bigger.”

“Like, how much you talking?”

“Substantial. Could go into the five figures, depending on the service performed.”

“Huh, sounds very interesting. You got my full attention.”

“Okay, here it is. What are my options if I want to make this cocksucker Diaz disappear?”
