SARAH WONDERED WHAT HE’D DO IF SHE JUST got up and ran. There were people in the office, after all. He couldn’t stop her. She wasn’t a prisoner here. She could go call that prosecutor right now and offer to testify. They’d lock Dodo up. That was probably the smartest move at this point, she realized. He was entirely capable of killing her. She knew that. Not that the thought didn’t turn her on.

“I’m waiting,” he said in that quiet, evil tone. It sent a tiny thrill right through her.

“Hey,” she said, “remember that time we did it on your desk while those people from Hudson and Fisher were standing right outside?”

She hadn’t been trying to distract him; it was just what popped into her mind. She knew there was no way to get out of this one in any event.

He came around the desk, looming over her chair. She turned her head away, and he leaned down and grabbed her viciously by the chin, forcing her to look at him.

He spoke in a whisper through clenched teeth. “Where are the fucking tapes you made?”

“What tapes?”

He raised his hand to strike her across the face, then hesitated, thinking better of it. She smiled, seeing that she would win this round. He wouldn’t do anything to her. Not here in the office, with people nearby. She could get away with taunting him.

“What, don’t like the idea of your disgusting fetishes broadcast on the six o’clock news, Dodo? You should see the ones where I paddle your droopy old ass while you beg for mercy. You look completely pathetic. Those were Jed’s favorites, you know.”

The murderous look on his face made her think she’d miscalculated. She stood up and backed toward the door, breathing rapidly. She’d scream if he tried to stop her. But he didn’t. He kept his eyes fixed on her but made no move. She got to the door and stopped, hand on the knob.

“You had him killed, didn’t you?” she asked, more curious than desperate. “Jed threatened you with the tapes, and you had him killed?”

He slumped, grabbing onto the chair she’d just vacated for support.

“Why, Sarah?” he asked, his face old and haggard. “Why’d you do it?”

“Oh, please, as if you’re all pure and I’m the bad one! You knew what I was like, Dodo. It’s why you picked me to work on Securilex in the first place. You knew you could trust me not to blab. Hell, you knew I’d even find clever new ways to dummy up the documents. You love how bad I am, Dodo.”

“You betrayed me!” Sweat stood out on his shiny forehead.

“You’re taking this way too personally,” she said nonchalantly. “Chill the fuck out, why don’t you. It was just a game. I thought you liked games.”

He sat down clumsily, his face an odd shade of purple. She wondered if he was having a heart attack. Wouldn’t be the worst thing that could happen. But she didn’t want to witness it and get mixed up in calling 911.

“Look, Dodo, I need some space,” she said, turning the knob. “Okay? So don’t call me. I’ll call you.”
