I am forever grateful to the three people who took this novel from a glimmer in my eye to a reality:

My husband, Jeffrey, who had endless faith in me and supported this project in more ways than I can recount;

My wonderful agent and good friend, Meg Ruley, who made it all happen; and

My amazing editor, Carolyn Marino, who believed in an unknown and guided me with the greatest skill and insight.

I am also indebted to the following: Kara Cesare, Peggy Gordijn, Jennifer Civiletto, Martha Hughes, Randy Dwenger, Triss Stein, Nicole Gruenstein, Annelise Robey, Donald Cleary, and Andrea Cirillo, for their advice and support; Amy Mundorff of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of New York City and Lynn Sullivan, M.D., for vetting the gory details; and my son, Jack, for his boundless enthusiasm for this book and killer title suggestions (The Mystery Bad Guy being my all-time favorite).
