Paul Gable
Mother and daughter in bondage


"Take this cock in your mouth, you dumb bitch, and suck hard. Do it, or I'll break your fuckin' neck!"

"Oh, please Hank, don't… don't make me do it."

"I said get your lips down on it and blow, woman!"

The six-foot-two stud reached down from his kneeling position on the bed, and he curled his fingers in Janice Urban's long blonde hair, snagging it under his jagged nails. The attractive thirty-six-year-old woman cried out, her eyelids fluttering while her jaw slackened from the pain. He was yanking her up from the mattress, jerking her head up and shoving her face against his hairy groin.

"Oh, my God!"

Just six feet away, crouching in the soft, damp dirt beneath the window was Janice's teenaged daughter, Sharon. She knew something like this had been going on. She just knew it. Her mother had been acting strangely lately, disappearing certain nights, trying to get her out of the house on others. No, things just hadn't been the same lately, especially after the Harringtons had moved in next door three weeks ago.

And there her mother was now, crouched naked on the bed. Above the woman, his cock sticking straight out from between his thick muscled legs, was Mr. Hank Harrington. He looked so mean, yet so sexy with his long black hair hanging rakishly over one eye. How long had they been doing this horrible act? How long had they been… fucking?

"Oh, please, no… I never did this sort of thing," her mother begged, her blue eyes wide with horror as she stared at his ten-inch cunt splitter.

Sharon trembled, rubbing her fingers briskly over her upper arms as a soft breeze from the north rustled the leaves of the bushes surrounding her. She repositioned herself, feeling a cramp beginning in her calf as the girl pressed her nose against the window pane and watched her mother perform. It was like watching a person she had never met, never known. Rarely in her young life had Sharon thought of her mother as a sexual object. When her father died, Sharon depended more and more on her mother for guidance, feeling that life would just go on pretty much as it had without her father. How wrong she had been!

"Uhhhhhh…" the woman moaned.

Mr. Harrington was pulling on her mother's hair harder now, twisting it in his fingers while Janice struggled helplessly under his grasp. Sharon watched as her mother beat his chest with her small fists, prancing her naked, jiggling asscheeks over the large mattress. Something slick was on her thighs, something… oh, good God, cuntjuice! Her mother was wetting herself, actually wetting herself with pussyjuice!

Sharon let out another shuddering groan, criss-crossing her arms and hugging her body. She had heard some of the girls talking about getting wet after their boyfriends touched them in certain ways. Just listening to some of her friends made Sharon kind of squeaky hot down there between her white shivering legs. Time and time again, alone at night, she had drawn her fingers over her naked little cunt and felt a buzzing heat radiate through her. But she had never felt that wetness the others had talked about.


Dear God, what was Mr. Harrington forcing her to do? Sharon's eyes widened, and her fingers clawed at the chipping paint on the wood outside while she watched that awful man holding her mother that way. His fingers were locked behind the blonde's head.

"No, oh, God, don't… don't make me do this!"

Janice's legs jerked up, then flopped back down on the mattress while her head was tilted all the way back. Hank was growling something Sharon couldn't make out through the barely opened bedroom window. The young girl peered nervously over one shoulder again, making sure no one heard or saw her as she spied on her mother and her S amp;M lover.

"Take it all, bitch. You're gonna swallow that thing 'til it comes outta your cunt."

He was pressing her mother's face against his groin, rubbing her cheeks against his crotch hair while his prick rubbed up and down against the side of Janice's face. And then he had pulled the older woman back, tugged on her hair again until she was frantic with pain, her eyes rounded with sheer terror.

"Take it!"

Janice had no choice. With a groan of defeat, she opened her mouth, letting Hank slide his cock halfway in before he stopped. Sharon let out a little gasp, feeling her throat constrict as she watched Mr. Harrington's prick disappear slowly between her mother's stretched lips. It was so odd to watch the scene. There was her mother, her legs sprawled out in front of her while that man held her head up from the bed with both hands. And all the while, he was towering over her, overpowering her by sticking his cock in her mouth! Janice's long blonde hair dangled behind her in matted tangles while her face flushed red from the effort of taking all that prickmeat. And he was shoving more into her mouth, actually sliding more of his horrible shaft into her mother's throat! Sharon instinctively put one hand at the base of her neck, swallowing hard as she watched her mother's cheeks puff out.

"Ohhh, yeah, yeah, good head, good head, that's the way," Mr. Harrington moaned, letting his eyes close while his head tilted back. Whatever her mother was doing, it must have been right. She watched with growing fascination as the big man started tensing his thighs, pumping his hips buck back and forth. Each time he drew back, her mother's cheeks sucked in, making her look so thin. And then, when he stopped and shoved forward, they puffed out again. Frothy spittle oozed from the corners of her lips and trickled down the sides of her neck.


"Oh, yeah, bitch, go for it, man, go for that prick! Always thought you was eyein' me for my cockmeat, and now you got it good and thick and hot between your motherfuckin' lips."

The things he was saying to her mother! It made Sharon blush violently just to hear them through the crack between the pane and the window. Another breeze rustled the leaves around her, and the young blonde trembled with fear of discovery. Again peering over one shoulder, she looked through the magnolia bushes behind her across the next yard to the Harringtons' house. The lights were still on in the kitchen and living room. What on earth was Mrs. Harrington like? What was she doing now, while Hank Harrington was here, fucking her mother in the mouth?


Another sobbing cry from her mother. Sharon grasped the edge of the window with her trembling, slender fingers, as Janice moaned hotly. Her mother's eyes were wide, glazed over while… oh, God, while that man had shoved all his cock down her throat! Yes, yes, her mother had it all, all ten inches of it in her mouth. Sharon's nostrils flared, her throat tightened again, and a strange kind of tension rippled through her belly and chest. She could see a funny kind of bulge just at the top of her mother's throat. Mr. Harrington's cock. Yes, it was his prick down there, throbbing and jerking against Janice's throat while his hairy groin rubbed back and forth against the older woman's flattened nose.

"Man, oh, man, ain't had head like this for a long time. Jesus Christ, woman, you sure know how to move that fuckin' tongue around. And you're tellin' me you ain't never given some skull?" Harrington laughed, his fingers tightening around the back of her head. "Man, if you didn't, you're sure a quick study."

Sharon felt another blush of shame, as if he had been insulting her. That was her mother, the woman who had raised her. And there she was, naked, hot, doing things to a man she hardly knew!

"No, please, no more… I can't take any more," Janice panted as Hank finally let her lips slip off his throbbing cock.

"Yeah, no more. You want this bad, baby, real bad," he said, wrapping his fingers now around the full length and thickness of his prick. Sharon watched as his fingers slipped back to his balls, making his furry, leathery sac swing and jiggle with his subtle movements. The spittle from her mother's mouth had made his prick glisten so wetly under the lamp.

"No, no, my daughter; my daughter's coming home soon and… and she can't find us like this," Janice said more evenly, running her fingers through her hair while looking up imploringly at Hank.

The big stud paused for a second, his eyes narrowing, while a sly smile crept over his sensuous lips. He laughed, spreading his fingers over his crotch and drawing them through the matted hairs.

"Your daughter, huh? That little piece of ass I've seen jiggling around in her bikini? Yeah, nice ass, nice set of tits," he breathed, watching Janice's look of repulsion with amusement.

"Don't… don't talk about my daughter like that," she snapped, a look of anger replacing the one of heat.

"I'll talk about that little slut anyway I like that's the way I'm used to doin' it, baby, and you'd better get to know that!"


Sharon watched with mounting fear as her mother began to slide off the bed. She had just slipped both legs over the side and was about to get up when Hank Harrington raised his right arm over his head, bringing down the back of his hand against her mother's left cheek. There was a loud smacking sound. The young teen watched in disbelief as her mother's head snapped violently to one side, her long blonde hair splashing out in all directions while her body slumped back to the bed. Mr. Harrington turned his hand around and examined his knuckles to see if there was any damage to them.


Janice lay flat on the bed, her head twisted to one side on the pillow behind her while stray strands of her blonde hair covered her injured face. She drew one hand slowly over the large red mark his knuckles had made on her cheek, rubbing it while stifling the sobs rising in her throat.

"You… you animal," she whispered between her clenched teeth, cringing back from him when he raised his right hand a second time.

"You can call me anything you want, bitch," he growled back, a nasty smile on his handsome face. "I've been called a lot worse by better 'n you. But remember, you're the one who asked for more, right? You've been the one waggin' that ass of yours around the neighborhood, tryin' to pick me up. You wanted that prick up your cunt, right?" he sneered, pointing an accusing finger at her.

"Oh, God, God, but I never… never thought it would end like this," Janice sobbed, covering her flushed face with both hands and sobbing freely.

Hank let her cry for a minute as he jerked his fingers back and forth over his blood swollen prick. Then he snorted, shaking his head like an impatient stallion ready to mount his mare.

"Sure, you never thought it'd end like this," he said, mocking her. "You been wantin' it to go this way, but you ain't had the guts to admit it!"

"That's not true!" Janice shot back.


Sharon let out another cry, about to get up and run for the police when Hank slapped her mother a second time. But something kept her glued to the window, her fingers still chipping at the loose paint of the frame as that big man tormented her mother.


He kept slapping Janice, his fingers snapping over the woman's chin, then reversing his blows so that his knuckles slammed against her cheeks, making her body roll from side to side, her tits jiggling like mounds of pudding. The frantic woman tried to protect herself, jerking her hands up to cover her face while those ham like hands flailed away at her. Finally exhausted, she rolled onto her belly, pushing her hands into the pillow and screaming for him to stop. Hank paused, sweat streaking his face, his chest heaving mightily as he sucked in lungfuls of air.

"Damn it, bitch! You're makin' me fuckin' hot with all your Goddamned yellin'!"

Sharon watched with a growing tingle in her cunt! Oh, oh, it was getting worse. What on earth was happening to her? It was just like when she was in bed, that awful electric tingle beginning along her inner thighs then radiating up to her pussy and asshole. Oh, but that was when she was playing with herself, doing all those things her mother had told her were bad. But this… this was different. She was watching some man beating her mother, shouting at her, telling her all sorts of awful, perverted things about herself while having forced her to suck his prick!

"Stop it… just stop it and go away from here," Janice heard her mother cry in muffled tones.

"Ain't no way, baby. Ain't no way I'm gonna leave you here with that hot cunt. You been hot for me all this time and, shit, you practically cried the last time I stuck it in you," Hank said, wiping his mouth with the back of one hand.

"No, that's not true!" Janice cried, turning her tear-stained face and staring angrily at the big man behind her.

"Yeah, sure, you practically pissed on the bed when I fucked you. Your old man have to put up with that? No wonder he kicked over. Couldn't keep up with you," Hank said, laughing cruelly in her face.

Janice's face paled, her forehead wrinkling up while she rolled back on her ass and began pummeling her neighbor with her fists.

"He was a good man, a good man," she cried hysterically, her screams bouncing off the bedroom wall.

"Yeah, good for nothin'," Hank countered, keeping his head well away from the screaming woman while he grabbed both her wrists.

"Ohhhh, you're… hurting me," Janice wailed, twisting around, to her side while her face became red and pinched with pain. Hank was twisting her wrists around so much that Sharon could almost hear the tiny bones cracking from the force.

"Not as much as I'd like."

With that, he let her go, backhanding her once more to knock her back on the bed. "Uhhhhhh."

Janice lay, semi-conscious, stretched out on the mattress, one leg folded over the other while her arms reached to either side of her, crucifixion style. She breathed evenly as Hank slipped off the bed, then began rummaging through the dresser. Sharon watched with curiosity as her mother's underthings erupted from under his searching fingers.

"This ought ta keep you quiet while I fuck the shit outta you."

Sharon saw him holding a pair of pantyhose and a silk belt from her father's old bathrobe. She trembled, feeling another electric shock ripple through her thighs. The heavy swing of his cock reminded her of a tree limb in the wind. And his balls! The whole set looked like it should be hanging from between the hindquarters of a horse or donkey, not from between a man's legs!

"Wh… what are you doing?"

Janice's voice was soft, broken as she pushed strands of her blonde hair from her eyes and looked up from the bed.

"You'll find out."

As Hank bent over her with the silk belt, Janice watched the big man's balls swing out, heavy with cum. His balls were all wrinkly and pressed up against his groin with excitement while he was tying up her mother.

"Ohhhh… you don't know what you're doing to me! Oh, God, God," Janice sobbed, her head rolling from side to side, strands of her hair sticking to the damp corners of her mouth.

"I know just what I'm doin', bitch. You're hotter 'n a Goddamned stove. And this is gonna warm you up some more."

Sharon watched with fascination. She had never head of people doing this kind of thing before. Oh, there was all that nonsense in the movies, stories about women being tied up in chains and ropes and all that kind of silly stuff. But they never seemed to enjoy it. But her mother… well, those sobs and cries were turning into something else. Sharon wasn't sure, but she could hear a change in the tone of her mother's voice. The pain and fear were still there. But there was something else, something that had been there all the time, something that had kept the excited teen from rushing out into the streets and shouting for the police.


"Get your hands over here and put 'em together, slut."

Janice did as she was told, blinking away the tears and taking deep, calming breaths. Hank used the silk belt to wrap around her wrists, folding it over several times before securing it tightly with a double slipknot. Janice's face blanched then reddened again as the soft material bit into her flesh. Sucking in her lower lip, she chewed down, her forehead wrinkling once more with growing apprehension… and excitement!

"Yeah, a nice, hot cock for a good, hot pussy. That's what it's all about, ain't it? That's why you been trottin' over to my place in that Goddamned skimpy outfit, wagging your tits and ass at me, hopin' I'd come over. That's what you were askin' for, that's what you got… in spades."


Sharon swallowed another lump of excitement, wondering where this would all end… for her as well as her mother.
