"Work it out, you Goddamned slut! Work for that fuckin' cum!" Hank bellowed, his eyes wide as he stared at the helpless woman.

Cries of lust were strangled in Sharon's throat as she wagged her hips from side to side. Cunt juice oozed out from under the stretched elastic bands of her panties. Oh, how good it was to feel the slippery slide of her pussy walls against one another and her clit as her mother whimpered and thrashed before her!


Through her drooping eyelashes, she watched her mother hover there, a second away from madness. Then that moment passed and Janice was crazy, gone mad with smothered yelping fits of joy. Sharon cried out again and again. It was good, too good. The teenager knew she should stop, but how natural it seemed with her thighs drawn tightly together. She dipped and plunged and wiggled her ass, moving so fast that her feet slipped on the damp ground beneath her. She felt a strange kind of hot dampness under each tit while a new rush of heat scorched her cunt. Sounds and lights exploded all around her as jolts of climax cut through her like the rusty blades of an old saw. Cum. Cum. It was such a beautiful word. Her knees gave way as a pounding rage of wild lust raced through her. A fire storm exploded over her body as the young girl climaxed, sliding to the ground.

When she finally opened her eyes, Sharon realized she had twisted herself half into the bushes. Small, prickly branches scratched her face and arms. She lay there, a weak smile on her face as a comforting glow washed over her flesh. And then Sharon realized what had happened, what she had witnessed through that window!

"Ohh… my… God!" she moaned.

Moving was so painful, almost against her will as she tucked one leg under her ass and drew herself up against the house.

"Enjoyed it, didn't you, Jan? Yeah, you liked havin' me play rough with you. Figured you would."

He was still talking. Sharon drew one hand over her mouth, closing her eyes and inhaling the cool outside air slowly to settle her nerves. She still felt her cunt shuddering with excitement as she stole up to the window and peered once more into her mother's bedroom. Hank was bending over her, undoing the double knot that fastened her legs to her arms. The jockstrap had been pulled from her mouth, tangles of her damp hair still clinging to her cheeks and forehead.

"Don't ever come back here again," Janice said, her wrists finally untied. The woman rubbed them together, a look of pain on her face. "Don't ever come back here again to me. I never should have… have encouraged you in the first place. You're a married man with a family. I…"

"Shaddup that crap about me and my old lady and son," he snarled. "What the shit you know about that kinda crap, havin' that little cunt in tow all the time? The way she suns herself out there wearin' hardly anything on, it's a surprise my kid ain't raped her already. Tommy's her age and he's already sniffin' up skirts. You better keep her under wraps, you don't want her fucked by me or the kid. And as for you…"

Hank didn't have to say any more. He was holding her mother by the jaw with one hand, his fingers tightening so hard that Janice began to whimper. She drew her hands to her face, struggling to knock him away. He only laughed at her vain attempt.

"I'm gonna come over here and fuck you when ever I wanna. You don't want that little slut to know what's goin' on between you and me, that's your business. You keep the bitch outta the way."

"No, don't touch her! Oh, my God, yes, I'll do anything you say, but don't touch Sharon," Janice sobbed, her voice registering her defeat.

Sharon had heard enough. The girl felt pain and confusion as she threaded her way through the bushes, stumbling down the cracked driveway onto the sidewalk in front of her house. It all seemed so… so normal. The lights blazed on in the living room, while somewhere nearby she heard a dog barking. Someone was playing jazz in one of the homes across the street. Oh, God, it was so normal, and yet what a scene she had witnessed there between her mother and Hank!

"Must get out of here… must…"

Sharon pressed her fingertips against her lips as she walked half in a daze down the street toward the shopping center three blocks to the south. Reaching the corner of her street and Glendale Boulevard, the young, attractive teen stopped. Headlights passing in front of her from the cars blurred before her tears. She could hardly stand as the throbbing kept up in her cunt. Oh, it was so strong, sapping all her energy! And what she had seen! Even now she could picture her mother bound like that, slapped from one end of the bed to the other, then roped like some low-life animal. And how she loved it! Oh, yes, Sharon could see that in her mother's eyes! Janice loved it, in spite of her protests and screams. How she came, jerking and bucking like that while Hank Harrington filled her cunt with shots of scalding cum.


Sharon leaned heavily against a lamp post, her fingers clawing at the rough bark while her heart pounded hard! Yes, there were moments when she wished she could have taken her mother's place, seconds when she could almost feel the big man's hands pawing her, pulling at her flesh, tugging her hair, slapping her across the face and ass to increase her excitement!

"God, what… what must I be thinking of?"

Sharon shook her head violently as if she could knock those obscene thoughts away. Pushing herself from the pole, the young teen stumbled down the brightly lit boulevard, blind to the curious stares of passersby. She couldn't go home, not yet, not until she was certain that terrible man had left. After all, Hank had threatened to attack her, to fuck her!


Sharon whispered that forbidden word, her flesh crawling again with excitement as she thought of the big stud and what he would do to her. Would he tie her up as he'd done to her mother, then fuck her brains out? What would it feel like to have a man on top of her, holding her down while he stuck his big prick into her cunt? These were questions the perky, blonde teen had asked herself again and again. But never before had she asked them with such urgency.

An hour passed by as she wandered through the shopping center, looking at displays and wondering what her mother was doing at home. At nine-thirty, Sharon mustered what courage she had and walked back through the dark side street to her home. Through the living room gauze curtains she could see movement. Her mother? Another instant passed when she thought about running. No, she had to get home.

"Oh, Sharon! You startled me," Janice cried as her daughter slammed the door shut.

"Sorry," the girl muttered, smoothing her fingers nervously down the front of her short dress. Everything was normal, or so it seemed. Her mom was sitting there on the living room sofa thumbing through some dumb magazine, again wearing the light-blue cotton dress she had on when Sharon had gone to the movies. Yes, it all seemed so normal. But hell went on over there in the bedroom. Sharon knew it. She had knelt there under her mother's bedroom and watched that awful man rope Janice, beat her half senseless, then turn her over and fuck out her brains. Sharon wanted to shout this out. Instead, she frowned, turning and heading for the stairs. She hoped to God her mother wouldn't question her mood.

"Didn't you have a good time, dear? You didn't have another fight with Anna, did you?"

Anna was the girl she was supposed to have gone to the movies with.

"No, it's okay, Mom. I'm just feeling a little tired, that's all. Guess this summer vacation's getting to me," Sharon lied, passing one hand over her forehead as she began climbing the stairs.

"Well, you take care of yourself," Janice called up from below as the teen reached the top landing and shuffled along the dark corridor to her bedroom.

How could her mother act so naturally? Sharon kept asking herself this as she slipped into her small room, then bolted the door shut behind her. Yes, she was exhausted, tired and dismayed by what she had seen this evening. Throwing herself backward onto the bed, Sharon stared unblinkingly at the ceiling. Closing her eyes finally, she heard that same dog barking in the distance, the wooshing sound of a car creeping along the street. How was she supposed to go on as if everything were normal when it wasn't? That awful animal living next door! How could she even look at him.

"Ohhhhh, God!"

Covering her face with both hands, the young girl rolled over, pressing one of her burning cheeks into the pillow. And how her pussy burned! It was on fire as she thought of the way her mother had looked tied up that way, the silken bonds cutting into her flesh while Hank laughed at her wild attempts to wriggle free! There was something about it, something about the helplessness of it all, the brutishness of the next-door neighbor that sent thrills of unspeakable lust racing up and down her spine.


What was happening to her? What on earth was happening to make her think this way? Sharon chewed the pillow and pushed her trembling fingers deep into the soft material as images of Hank's sneering flare flashed through his mind. What was she doing? Oh, God, she was pulling her skirt up, raising her hips slightly and shoving her ass in the air so she could push down her panties. Yes, she was going to touch herself, touch her cunt and think about that animal living next door and what he'd threatened to do to her.

With one hand, Sharon found herself peeling the outer lips of her cunt back while she massaged the slick fluid flowing from her pussy back into the steamy crack. Oh, yes she was quite used to doing this, especially during those warm nights when she couldn't sleep as she thought about guys.

What a big cock Hank Harrington had dangling there between his legs! Oh, God, even now Sharon mentally measured its size, then spread her fingers apart and pressed them against her belly, seeing just how far that thing would go! God! It would almost take her over!

Sharon began letting out shivery groans, her legs jerking up, snapping together, then sliding back down to the bed. Oh, how those hot folds pulsing against her finger made her feel so good and hot and sexy inside! She was still a virgin. So were a lot of girls in her school, although lots didn't like to admit it. The sexual revolution had come and gone, as far, as Sharon was concerned. Most of the guys were pretty dumb about things, knowing more about how to change spark plugs than kissing a girl. But Hank Harrington knew everything, she bet, everything the girls whispered about in the johns, and probably a whole lot more!

"Ummmmmm," she moaned.

Sharon rolled to one side, curling up her feet and pressing her knees against her tits. She liked lying in the fetal position as she fingered herself, her ass prancing there in the air, pressing back while her hand roamed up and down her thighs and cunt.


Sharon found her special spot once more. Electricity seeped from her tiny clit as the girl straightened her legs and rolled slowly back onto her ass. How the room spun around and around as she searched out that odd little flap of wet flesh again and again. How her breathing changed, became shallow, almost raspy. Yes, that's how her mother had sounded when Hank began tying her up, then fucking her! Closing her glazed eyes, the blonde teen thought of that more and more, thought of her raped mother, of that hairy stud on top of her, working his fingers around his cock while his paw-like hand slapped her into submission. She could almost feel him doing the same thing to her. Sharon jerked spasmodically as if someone had hit her, feeling her tits jiggling in the confines of her bra. Yes, she wanted that man on her, wanted him tying her up, exciting her until she thought she would die. And then… then he could pop her cherry, fuck her. Sharon was sure being a virgin would be a big plus for someone like Hank and his son. Yes, his son, probably a chip right off the old block!

"Ohhhhh," she groaned.

Sharon's skirt had roped around her waist now, and her panties dangled loosely around one ankle. Her thighs were ridged with tensed muscles while she pointed her toes out against the mattress. Oh, yes, it was wonderful to think of Hank and his son, think of what they would do to her. Her breathing quickened again as she moved her fingers faster and faster along the split of her cuntlips. Two fingers shined with slickness there in the semidarkness. How swollen, red and itchy her pussy was as Sharon kept dipping her fingers in and out, in and out, fucking herself while her plump asscheeks pumped up and down faster and faster.

"Oh God… God!"

It was wild, incredible! Yes, Hank would discipline her, make her learn, teach her all the fine details about fucking while he rodded her mercilessly! Sharon rocked her body from left to right, her head rolling over the mattress as tangles of hairs stuck to her cheeks and forehead. Yes, she was as much of a slut as her mother! It must have been something that ran in the family, a kind of sexual curse that made their cunts stimulated by such awful, sadistic thoughts!

Sharon was pumping her ass up and down harder, letting her fingertips just graze the tiny bulge of her clit now to tease herself. There was another rush of thrills making her head swim. It felt as if she were on some wild kind of drug or something. Her thighs felt as if they were on fire and the flesh between her toes itched. Sharon shut her eyes a third time, feeling the coverlet under her jiggling asscheeks wrinkle up. She was spreading her legs, too, bending them at the knees, letting them fall apart as if Hank were there to fuck her, to take her as his own.

"Ohhh, wow… wowowowowow!"

Could her mother hear? No, she was still downstairs, pretending as if nothing had happened. And then her legs began flopping loosely down once more as she dug at the mattress with her heels. Her straight blonde hair splashed over the pillow, tangling wetly at the corners of her mouth. No, she didn't care about her mother and what she thought. That wild, hot, itchy feeling was becoming more and more concentrated, something close to pain, yet something so wonderful, so very, very delightful! Cumming! Oh, yes, a climax that would blow her out the side of the wall. Again, Sharon thought of Hank, thought of the ropes, of the way Janice had looked hog tied there on her king-sized bed. Her entire body felt hot and buzzy.


With a sharp cry, Sharon rolled onto her belly, shoving her face into the pillow and breathing with coughing gasps. Her fingers still squished wetly between her tightening cuntlips. Oh yes, it was happening! She pumped her ass up and down in a fucking motion, a motion she wished could have had a guy helping her with. Her shoulders started jerking while a violent vibration shook her from head to toe. With another groan, the girl grabbed a pillow in wild haste and jammed it between her thighs. She clamped it hard, pumping her ass crazily now. That pillow became Hank for an instant as she gouged against it harder and harder. Brilliant lights flashed in front of her now, those same lights that had carried her away there under her mother's bedroom window earlier, and that had probably carried away her mother.

"Ohhhhh," she whimpered.

And then it was, over. She calmed down now, moving her body like a serpent, rubbing her tits, belly and thighs as she rolled back onto her ass. How her clothes stuck to her! Yes, she needed a shower, something to wash away the dirt and perspiration she had gathered after spying on her mother and then doing this.

"My God…"

It had been a busy day, that was for certain. She swung her legs off the bed, searching for her panties that had come off earlier. Cracking the door open, she saw a bright shaft of light coming up from the stairs and partially illuminating the long corridor. Sharon could now hear the steady drone of the television. Yes, that was it, watch t.v. as if that would somehow make everything right.

Holding tightly onto her panties Sharon tiptoed down the hall, still feeling high and flushed from her exciting cum. The juicy heat in her pussy was still there, still making her cunt walls feel so sexy and itchy as she walked the short distance to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, Sharon undressed quickly, stepping into the shower and letting a cool spray wash over her tense, eager young body. How good it felt, almost making her forget what had happened. But then thoughts of Hank and her mother crept back in, and the girl stopped toweling herself off for a moment in the small, steamy room and wondering what was going to happen next. Dear God, what next?
