"No, oh, no, what… what are you doing to me?"

Hank said nothing as he held the thirty-inch length of half-inch rope in one hand and doubled it to check its strength. He had already done enough.

Chains and cuffs! This was something straight out of a medieval castle! When she had walked into the garage, Hank had subdued her quickly, pulling off her shorts and blouse, panties and bra, then shoving her toward the center of the building. At first, Janice had thought he was going to fuck her right then and there on the greasy floor. But the big stud had other, more spirited plans for Janice. Struggling against his big, restraining hands, the young woman had found herself being jerked under the support beam overhead. Only then did she realize a set of newly polished silver chains hung from the wood, attached to the beam by two half-inch eye screws. At the far end of the chain supports were two leather cuffs of about two inches in length, a square silver buckle sewn to them. With little coaxing, he forced the terrified woman to raise her hands and slip her wrists into those cuffs, buckling them tightly, then adjusting the overhead chains until Janice's toes swung at least three inches from the floor.

"Ohhhhh," she gasped.

How her muscles and tendons stretched, pulled taut by the weight of her own twisting body! She let her head fall back, feeling the ticklish sweep of her long blonde hair over her ass as the muscles in her shoulders pulled and ached. Fanning her toes, Janice looked around and saw Hank still examining that rope.

"I been shoppin' around these past few days… down in West Hollywood, at a place called the Pleasure Chest," he began, his voice low, steady. Glancing up at the hanging blonde, he smiled in a strange way, a way that made Janice shiver. "You'd be amazed at all the shit they got down there… all kinds of things you'd dig, I think."

"No, no," Janice whispered, denying more to herself than to Hank.

"Maybe not," he said, shrugging, then straightening the rope. "But I sure found a lotta stuff… and I'm gonna try it out on you, baby."

"You don't know what you're saying," she gasped, eyeing him with growing fear.

Hank only laughed, tossing the rope to the ground, then walking over to a series of brown paper bags lined up against his workbench. Janice followed him with a fear-stricken gaze, watching as he dived into one bag, then pulled out what appeared to be clothespins. They were metal clamps of some sort, clamps with wire attachments dangling from one end.

"This little gem… well, you'll find out," he said, his eyes narrowing as he approached the hanging woman.

"No, no, don't…"

Janice screamed, snapping her head back, curling her fingers until her nails dug into her palms. Tiny shocks of pain coursed over her flesh while she bent her knees and kicked out against Hank, the movement making her body swing violently in the clattering chains, stretching her aching shoulder muscles even more.

The woman let out another scream. Oh, God, what was he thinking of doing to her nipples? There was a sudden shock of pain, a feeling as if he had pierced one with a scalpel! Letting her head roll forward, Janice saw that Hank had clamped one of those awful things on her right nipple. The saw-toothed clamp was biting into her sensitive flesh, nearly breaking the skin as it hung there. Gritting her teeth together, letting a low groan escape from her throat, Janice watched as Hank took the other clamp and did the same thing.

"Oooowwwwwww!" the blonde screamed, her body snapping and writhing like a pinned serpent while her legs shot out in either direction. Her tits jiggled heavily against her chest as more and more choked cries escaped from her lips. The pain shot into her brain, knifing deep in her skull. And those clamps, the teeth, how they bit into her nipples. Janice was certain that they were drawing blood! She thought of herself as being martyred here in the garage, crucified on Hank Harrington's sadistic perversions! The chains rattled maddeningly around her as she twisted again, something popping in her shoulders from the bobbing, jerking motions.


Hank was humming some country and western tune as he fished around in the bags once more, coming up with several lengths of red and blue wire. These he twisted around the leads coming from the clamps, letting them fall against Janice's sides. The woman stopped her moaning, becoming more and more used to the stinging pain around her nipples. What was he doing? Why was he attaching the wires to the clamps biting down so painfully on her nipples?

Then he pulled something else out of the bag. It was long, silvery and round. A dildo! It had to be at least twelve inches long, much longer and fatter than the cock he had dangling from his legs.

"Nice little gem, huh? The guy said this kinda thing drives women nuts once it gets goin'. It makes 'em all soft and wet inside," Hank commented, studying the dildo, then he looked up with some amusement in his eyes at the terrified, wired blonde in front of him.

"Wh… what are you going to do with that thing?" Janice stammered, instinctively closing her legs together protectively.

"Don't worry. It ain't gonna go up your cunt, though you might wish it had."

Moving over to the workbench, Hank opened a dirty can of axle grease, slicked down the dildo, then moved up behind the woman and began spreading her asscheeks with one hand.

"Oh no, no, noooooo!"

She knew immediately what he was going to do and struggled with every inch of her will to escape it. Tensing her muscles, Janice threw her hips in one direction, then the other. Her eyes were wide with terror, her nostrils flaring while horrified sobs and screams escaped from her lips. She kicked and howled while Hank patiently waited, then, slapped her, finally cuffing the back of her head and knocking her senseless for a moment or two. That was all he needed. Janice groaned, her head having fallen forward. Yes, he was doing it, fucking her ass, shoving that metal, thing into her asshole. She groaned, feeling as if she were going to heave if he pushed any more of that dildo in her ass! Shoving back with her ass, the woman felt a growing, aching pain radiate out from the base of her spine to all parts of her body.

"Yagggghghhhhh!" she screamed at the sensation.

The grease helped some as Hank twisted four inches of that awful thing in her shitter before backing away. Oh, it was like having her body torn in two! Tears of shame and pain rushed down her flushed cheeks. This was horrible, awful. Nothing like it in the world had ever happened to her before!

"Now for something to make that all worth while," Hank said.

More wire, more attachments. She was starting to feel like one of those victims in a science fiction movie. Hank was screwing more wire, this time onto a hook at the base of the dildo. Then he was back to the bags, back to the clamps, fishing them out, and now moving up toward her cuntlips.

"No, oh, no, don't… not there, don't scar me there!" Janice cried, her eyes rounded with terror as she watched Hank open one of those clamps and move up toward her pussy. She jerked her thighs back shyly, folding one leg over the other and nearly pissing on herself from the rising excitement and horror.

"Come on, baby, it's gonna be one of the best feelings you ever had in your whole life," Hank said mockingly, reaching forward and curling his fist into her pussy hairs. He laughed one more time, then pulled out a handful of her blonde curls with one yank.

"Yaggghghhhhh!" the woman shrieked, her head snapping back while the pain shot through her like a thousand firecrackers exploding between her legs! Needles of incredible pain pricked every nerve ending in her pussy as the big stud snatched yet another fistful of her cunthairs. The big muscles in her ass and thighs cramped as the chains rattled around her head.

"Gonna be better now? Ain't gonna gimme any lip?"

"Ohhhhhhh, please, please."

Janice could say no more. She sobbed quietly, the big, hot tears rolling from her eyes and off her chin as she hung there like a slab of beef. Her nipples were blushing darkly, actually thickening and stiffening under the cruel bite of those clamps. He let her get used to the damps and dildo for a moment before opening a third clamp, then sliding it up over one cuntlip. The woman cringed, a hissing, shuddering breath escaping from her lips. She tensed, the cords sticking out from her neck while her fingers began tightening around the clanking chains. She could feel it, feel the metal rubbing against the wet warmth of her right cuntlip! No, he wouldn't, he couldn't touch her there, clamp that awful thing on her pussy the way he had clamped her tits!

But Hank did. Opening the small clamp all the way, he twisted it around, letting the tiny teeth snap shut slowly on her swelling right cuntlip. Moving quickly, the big stud did the same thing with a second clamp, letting it bite down into the warm, fleshy fold of her left cuntlip. Then there were more wires attached to more clamps until Hank declared he was through.

"Ohhhhh," she moaned.

"Like the Bride of Frankenstein… or somethin' like that," he muttered, admiring his handiwork.

Janice's body swung slowly from side to side, twisting in the drafts while the wires hung down at her sides. What was he going to attach them to? Was he going to attach them to anything, or was this just a ploy, something to terrify her with?

"Now, for the fun, man. I been thinkin' about this ever since I read some shit in a fuck book about it. It sounded real good… like somethin' I could fix up in my garage. See, I did!"

Janice watched as he walked back to his workbench, smoothing his fingers through his black hair, then bending halfway down. He was reaching into a cabinet at the bottom, pulling out something that made a heavy, scraping sound. Narrowing her eyes, fighting down the pain so she could concentrate a bit, Janice saw it was a round compact object with some kind of wheel to one side. On closer examination the woman realized to her horror that it was a portable generator, the kind her husband used to use whenever the power went out in their garage.

"The juice… the stuff that's gonna be your lover… at least for tonight," Hank explained, holding the piece of equipment in both hands, then walking over to a small table to one side. He cradled the generator almost lovingly, examining the various parts while Janice hung there helplessly.

If he would rape her again, if he would beat her again, she could understand that. That was something in the male, something that came out again and again. Even with her husband, Jack, Janice had noticed that caveman approach every now and then, the desire to hurt before satisfying himself in the sex act. But this… this was something straight out of some Nazi concentration camp, something out of the Dark Ages. And Hank was excited. Yes, she could see that, see that in his face, in the way he moved, in the fact that his cock was tenting up the front of his faded. Levi's!

"Yeah, everything's in workin' order," he pronounced, backing away and blowing off some dust that had gathered around the top. Eyeing the chained woman with another mirthless smile, Hank looked back at the small generator. "Bought this thing five years ago and used it only a couple of times. Never thought about usin' the Goddamned thing for something like this, though."

"Oh, no, no, nooo!"

Again Janice struggled, twisting her wrists in the leather cuffs, feeling the material chafing her bound flesh. She was only hurting herself, making things worse for herself. But what else could she do, hang there like a lamb willingly being led to the slaughter block?

Hank worked slowly, still humming that awful little tune while he twisted the various wires hanging from her tits, her ass and her cunt together, then joined them to the lead wire from the small generator to his right. Janice stopped her twisting movements, feeling her heart beating harder and faster while a fine coating of sweat broke out over her flesh, making her skin appear smooth as velvet. The clamps were like tiny shark's teeth tearing into her flesh! Even the subtle, slight additional weight of the wires made the pain so much worse.

"This here's an experiment, bitch," Hank said, attaching the final wire and going back to the small generator. "I ain't done nothin' like this before, though I read lots about it."

"Read? Oh, God, no, don't do it! Oh, please, you'll kill me… kill me if you turn that thing on," Janice begged.

He would electrocute her with that generator. Already, the terrified woman could feel the electricity coursing through her veins, frying up her flesh, turning her blue. And there would be nothing she could do about it. He must have soundproofed the walls or something, because all her sobbing, terrified cries brought no response… not even a responding bark from a nearby dog.

"Ain't that much power in here to do that I think."

He thought? Again, Janice jerked her body from side to side, thinking for a moment that she could tear those chains away from their overhead anchorage. But her fears proved only too true. As the night before, Hank had fastened her tightly in her bonds. The more she jerked and twisted, the more agony she caused herself. Defeated, Janice hung from her chains, waiting for the first jolting spark of electricity from the generator.

There was a sharp clicking sound, followed by a steady hum. Yes, it was that generator, the tiny wheel whirling around and around to let them know it was working. Janice focused her eyes on Hank, then on the generator. It seemed so dream-like, just as it had the other night when he had roped her into that awkward, obscene position before taping her. And now she had to admit that those, horrible little pincers were exciting her. After the initial shock and resulting pain came this… excitement, these tight, little hot feelings in the spots where those clamps were biting. She trembled, her ass tight while her asscheeks danced and her tits jiggled. How her shitter muscles cramped around that dildo, now warmed to the temperature of her body. No longer was there the pain she had felt earlier. Now there was only that filled feeling, an almost delightful stuffed feeling that somehow increased the heat developing in her cunt. What horror, what a terrible thing Janice was slowly discovering about herself. She, like Hank, seemed to have no limits. The more he pushed her, the more she moved along.


"Want that first jolt, baby? Wanna feel the electricity shootin' through your body?"

Another attack of lust spasmed through her mind and body. Janice couldn't speak, didn't dare tell him her true feelings. Let him guess. Let that damned animal try to think of what she was feeling as she hung from the rafters, her body wired to that humming generator.

Hank only laughed again, reaching down and squeezing the head of his hard, thick cock. Janice's eyes were glazed, a hot, tight feeling developing in the pit of her stomach and shooting down to her clit. Yes, that right clamp was only an inch away from her sex center, its teeth soaked with her flowing juices now. Janice wriggled her head from side to side, knocking away stray strands of her blonde hair. When would he throw the switch?

He was twisting one small dial with chipped, white numbers painted all around the edges. The humming increased, the pitch going a little higher. Janice found herself bracing for the ordeal, her fingers tightening again around the chains while her toes curled until they cramped. A strange kind of warming sensation began radiating through the clamps, making her clit throb in time with the pulsing electricity rushing through the wires. And that dildo up her ass! It seemed to be growing as electricity flowed through the shaft and into her intestines. Janice raised her knees slowly, doubling up with something halfway between pain and pleasure as her body shuddered under the electrical attack.

"Yeah, you like it, huh? I can see that, man, see it real good," Hank muttered, his hand twisting the dial back to off.


Her legs straightened once more, her fingers loosening around the chains holding her to the rafters. Janice bit down on her lower lip. That little rush of electricity in her cunt, her asshole and her nipples had stimulated her almost as much as several minutes of hard fucking. She had jerked, had felt something pleasurable dousing her body, raising gooseflesh. There was more, she was certain, coming for her.

"Glad you liked the overture," Hank said, his fingers tensing around the dial. "'Cause here comes the main work."

Janice readied herself as best she could.
