Two days had passed… two long days, as far as Sharon was concerned. She watched her mother closely, leaning out the window as Janice pruned the small rose garden out back. Through the bushes, she could hear Hank Harrington's voice booming over the sound of his large Chevy pickup truck. Janice pretended not to notice. But Sharon knew her mother's heart was jumping. Would she be pushed out the next time, rushed from the house on some dumb errand?

Oh, it was maddening. And the rising August temperatures here in Glendale didn't help, either. Sharon wanted to go to the beach to cool off. But that would give her mother the opportunity to do those things again. Sharon felt she had to get to the bottom of this somehow. But what was she supposed to do?

On the late afternoon of the second day, Janice went shopping, calling out to her daughter who lay in the backyard that she would be gone for at least two hours. As the big blue-and-white car pulled from the drive, Sharon felt an odd kind of excitement rushing through her mind and body. Getting up from the lounge, Sharon pulled her sunglasses from her face, blinked in the bright light and squinted into the bushes. She could see movement behind them. Tommy? His dad? Sharon hesitated for a moment, shaking several loose strands of hair from her face. Smoothing her fingers over the oil still glistening on her flesh, she swung her legs over and stood up, pushing the sunglasses back on her head. Sharon knew it was dangerous to go over there, especially with what she knew about that family. But maybe she could yell out for Mrs. Harrington if things became too carried away.

Stepping through a small break in the bushes, Sharon found herself coming suddenly upon a slightly smaller version of Hank Harrington. Young Tommy was standing there leaning against the fender of his dark-red '68 Mustang convertible, his arms folded over his chest, his eyes focused on the dash where several loose wires dangled. At first he didn't notice her, his mind apparently lost in thought about something in the car. Sharon's first reaction was to step back into the bushes and disappear. After all, no one had spotted her, and this was a dumb idea in the first place. Idea? She didn't have an idea, a plan. She just wanted to get over here to find out what the family was really like.

Too late. Tommy had spotted her, his eyes rounding in pleased surprise.

"Hi… I'm Sharon Urban… from next door," the girl said a little uneasily, tilting her chin up at a provocative angle while shaking more loose hair from her face.

Tommy Harrington was certainly good looking enough. She had seen him once or twice from the kitchen window. But up close, his looks improved. Black-haired and blue-eyed, the tall teenager obviously enjoyed working out, his firm muscles rippling under the greasy, sweat-stained cotton T-shirt.

"Tommy… Tommy Harrington."

Sharon could see the sheen of perspiration on his arms, and she felt her heart quicken.

"Yeah, I know… funny we haven't met, or anything like that," Sharon said, swallowing a large lump of excitement.

"Been busy with this," Tommy said, moving his eyes back over to his car.

"Oh, yeah, a real classic," Sharon purred, feeling some of the former uneasiness and fear disappear. He seemed far less threatening than his father. Maybe he didn't even know what his dad was doing.

"My dad got it for me a while ago. Been fixin' it up since."

They talked idly for a few seconds. Sharon was glad to see that Tommy had noticed her body. In spite of the fear about his father and what he said about her, Sharon was still feeling a little excited about being over there.

"It must take an awful lot of work and time," she cooed, smoothing her fingers over the lustrous red finish.

She saw that he could hardly keep his eyes off the smooth, lightly tanned area of her flat belly. Enticing men was still something new to her, especially enticing someone like Tommy Harrington. The back door suddenly slammed, making Sharon jump. Tommy laughed at her reaction.

"It's okay. Just my mom," he said, nodding in the direction of an older woman with unkempt hair, a dressing gown wrapped tightly around her body. "She's been here for a long time."

"Oh," Sharon responded, studying the woman analytically as she examined a few flowers growing around the rear stoop. Had Hank Harrington driven her into that state? It was an interesting question.

They talked for a few more moments, Tommy growing more and more interested in her as time went by. Apparently his father was gone, something the girl found appealing.

"I've gotta get going on this thing," Tommy finally said after a pause, glancing down at his wristwatch. He made a move toward the garage and Sharon followed, folding her hands behind her back and letting her feet glide over the warm concrete. She thought she could see a faint smile over his lips as he strolled inside, one hand barely touching a greasy rope attached to the overhead door. When Sharon stepped in, bending her neck a little so as not to hit her head on the door, she heard a loud groaning sound. The light began dimming quickly. Turning around she saw the door folding down quickly, thudding to a shut position with a loud bang.


Her pulse leaped at her throat. Tommy was there, behind her, breathing heavily as he shut the door.

"No, what?"

"It's just that… that I don't like being shut in and… and things like that," Sharon said uneasily, drawing her hands protectively in front of her while shrugging her shoulders. Maybe she could still talk her way out of this one. Oh, she had been so stupid to come over here like this, especially after what she knew about the father.

"Won't be too long. And I think you're gonna enjoy it, anyway. Won't even notice a thing, after a while," Tommy said, his sensuous lips curling into a smile.

It was the same sadistic smile his father had. Oh, God, it was like reliving a nightmare! Pivoting around, Sharon rushed for the door, curling her fingers into two tight fists and beating on the rotting wood with all her might. "Help! Mrs. Harrington, help!" she cried, her eyes wide with fright. "No you don't!"

"Help. Helmmmfmfffff!"

Tommy had rushed behind her, cupping his greasy hand over her mouth and pressing in so hard that the inside of her upper lip cut against her teeth. He was dragging her back with the other hand, her feet scraping painfully over the cold, cracked concrete garage floor. The smell of gasoline and oil invaded her nostrils, making her head throb, while the touch of his hot body against her bare back, both thrilled and terrified the captive teen.


She had broken away once, twisting her head from his grip and letting out another shout of dismay. Tommy wheeled her around as if she were a piece of paper, slapping her once with his open palm, then backhanding her with his knuckles.

"Ohhhh," she moaned.

Her head snapped to the right, then the left, the cutting, sharp blows stunning her into submission. As her hair whipped over her face, Sharon collapsed onto Tommy, her world having suddenly shattered.

"Goddamned little slut… prancin' that ass around here and pretendin' that you don't know what the fuck you're doin'," Tommy muttered, dragging the half-conscious, moaning teen away from the door.

"Don't… don't hurt me."

Sharon's head was clearing. She felt him pulling her over to an old, dusty couch shoved against one end of the garage. He dragged her up to the edge and threw her down, pouncing on her before she had a chance to escape.

"No, don't, Tommy… please…"

Sharon whimpered, fighting him off as best she could with vain, futile frailings of her arms. The big stud let her carry on for a moment, finally slapping her hands away and slipping his fingers in her halter. Sharon gasped, her eyes widening as she felt his fingers pressing against her high-riding tits. No one had touched her there before, no one. And here was this complete stranger blocking her escape, touching her tits. And then he pulled outward, tearing the halter in two, ripping the material. Her full, round tits came tumbling out as the bikini top fell away. Her white flesh gleamed in the darkness as she beat her legs against the front edge of the couch, still trying to push her way past the big teen and get away.

"Get… back!"

He slapped her again with the back of his hand, the knuckles bruising her chin and cheek and sending Sharon reeling. Next she felt Tommy's hand jamming between her thighs, rubbing her silky bikini into her pussy. The feeling was shockingly exciting. But fear for her safety made the girl shout out again for help.

"You yell one more time and I'm gonna punch you 'til your jaw breaks," he growled.

Sharon remembered Hank. He had threatened her mother several times and, when Janice hadn't listened, he had carried out those threats. There was no reason to believe Tommy wouldn't try the same thing.

"Uhhhhh, no, don't…"

"Don't wanna get fucked, huh? Man, with that hot little pussy waggin' around here, you can't tell me that," Tommy sneered, crossing his arms and pulling his dirty T-shirt.

Sharon gasped at his muscular body; it was smoother than his father's, but well developed. It was just as she had fantasized up there in her bedroom. But it was just fantasy, not the real thing. Fear made her brain whirl about as the young boy began fiddling with his belt, pulling open his pants.

"No… I… I never did this kind of thing before. Don't…"

Sharon felt her cheeks redden as another cruel smile crossed Tommy's lips.

"A fuckin' virgin, huh?" The smile turned into a sneer. "Don't believe it. And even if you was, that'd be one hell of a trip for me. Poppin' cherries is what I'm good at."

"Oh, no, no!"

Tommy was on top of her, forcing her to lie on the couch, pushing her head down into the dirty, dusty cushions while forcing her legs apart with his knees. He was kissing her roughly, biting her throat, nearly breaking the skin of her neck while his fingers pinched and slapped her bruised tits cruelly.

"Uhhh… ooohhhhh."

Sharon moved her ass from side to side, her fingers curled, clawing the backs of Tommy's broad shoulders. He didn't seem to mind, and even appreciated her spunk as he kept hitting her and pinching her and biting her Sharon thought she was going to faint.

"Keep moanin', bitch. But you ain't gonna stop this from happenin'. Virgin or not, you're gonna get fucked, and ain't nobody gonna help you."

Tommy was squeezing her asscheeks, digging his fingers hard into her flesh. And then he was pulling down at her bikini bottoms, tugging them off her ankles and throwing them down on the greasy garage floor. She was stark naked now, stripped with that awful boy on top of her. It was the realization of her dreams, of the fears she'd had days ago. Sharon had wondered what her mother had felt while getting fucked and beaten. She was about to find out first-hand.


Tommy had slowed down a bit, his hands coursing over the smooth curves of her naked body. She shuddered, feeling his callused fingers tracing along her slim thighs, up to her ribcage, then over to her full tits and erect nipples. When he touched her like that, the girl felt something else other than sheer terror. There was that hot, itchy feeling taking over her cunt again, taking away the will to fight as his body pressed hard and hot against hers.

He was playing games with her, teasing her by kneading her white titflesh into tight little ridges, pressing them hard in his rough fists. He pinched her soft inner thighs, making her squeal again, making her legs kick out. And then he was back to rubbing her ass, shoving his hands down beneath her asscheeks, rubbing them until she could feel his jagged nails searching back, back into her dark sweaty asscrack. What was he doing?

"Uhhh… noooooo!"

Sharon tried to twist away, raising her legs higher and beating at the young animal with the balls of her feet. He was touching her shitter, scraping his fingernails along the pink, wrinkled flesh with one hand while pinching her asscheeks with the other.

"Yeah, nice, huh?"

"Uhhh… no, no, awful… awful animal, stop it!" she cried, pressing her chin down against his shoulder and trying to squirm away from Tommy's hard, muscular grip. It was impossible. The more Sharon struggled, the more she seemed to work her way into his grip.

"Nice, nice piece of ass you're gonna be." As if to emphasize that point, Tommy stiffened his offending finger, then shoved down hard and fast.

"Uhhhh… oooohhhh."

Sharon thought that the world had blown apart right then and there! She felt him spearing her ass, wriggling his horrible finger down into her asshole and working it around and around, his fingernail scraping her bowel lining! Shocks of strange heat raced up and down her spine, making her clit stand up and tremble strangely while Tommy kept shoving his finger in deeper.

"Oh, no, don't… oh, God, why are you doing this to me?" she sobbed.

"'Cause you're a hot little pussy, and hot cunts gotta have pricks to make 'em feel real good. That's what's gonna happen here."

He fucked her faster and faster with his terrible little finger, slipping in a second when she thought she had become accustomed to the first. Letting out another shout, Sharon gritted her teeth and felt them chatter from the pain and heat his two ass-fucking fingers were creating.

"Oh, yeah, nothin' like a tight ass to match a tight pussy. You got one of them, too, right?" Tommy whispered, biting on her earlobe.

"Stop this… stop!"

Tommy tried kissing her, driving his tongue deep in her throat. The girl grimaced, twisting her head away and spitting onto the pillow. All Sharon received as a reward for defending her honor was a hard slap across the cheek, the force nearly throwing her neck but of whack.

"I was gonna be nice and gentle. Guess you don't appreciate that. Okay, bitch, you'll get it in spades," Tommy threatened.

There was more movement. Then she felt his hand slip down between their sweating, grinding, naked bellies. Tommy's hand was at her crotch now, pinching her cunt mound, pulling out some of her pussy hairs by the roots. He laughed when she arched her spine, wallowed her shoulders against the couch and shouted in agony. Either no one could hear, or Tommy just didn't care. Then his fingers were back into her cuntslit again, the thumb driving in. Her cunt was hot and wet, convincing Tommy that the girl was enjoying this, no matter what she cried.

"Help, huh? Man, you don't need help with the juice comin' outta you this way," he grunted, laughing at all her sobbing cries. "You want this bad, baby. The more I knock you around, the more you dig it. Yeah, that's what I like about you."

"No, no, that's not true! That's a lie," Sharon shot back.

Tommy laughed at her denials, shaving his terrible thumb in harder. And then the girl felt pain as she had never felt before in her life! It was a sharp, concentrated kind of agony that made her snap her head from side to side and cry out. It was her cherry. Yes, it was her cherry, that thin, tiny membrane which stood guard between childhood and maturity.


She fought again, beating her fists against the young man, trying to kick him away with her feet. But he was far too strong for her. Twisting his thumb around and around in motion while pushing in, Tommy managed to tear her tiny membrane with a single push.


Flashing lights and roaring thunder filled her brain as she screamed and shouted, the pain becoming beyond excruciating. The girl shook violently, her body beating up against Tommy's again and again while he kept his fingers wedged there between her swollen cuntlips.

"Damn, you was a virgin!"

"Oh, oh, ohhhh…"

There would be more, much more, Sharon realized in her hazed brain, to overwhelm her this afternoon in the hot, little garage.
