* * *

As I step into Simon's office, I expect to find the meeting already in progress. Instead, I see most of the staff swapping stories and sharing gossip. The empty chair at the head of the table tells me why.

I take a quick look around and notice Pam in her now regular spot on the couch. Ever since she's moved up, she's practically disappeared. "You're a real honcho now, aren't you?"

"What do you mean?" she asks, feigning innocence. It's a classic White House power-move: Never acknowledge advantages.

Shaking my head, I make my way to an open seat in the back. "I see right through you, woman--you're not fooling anyone."

"I'm fooling you," she calls out. Her downplaying days are over.

I'm about to shout something back when the door to the room opens. The whole place goes silent, then picks up again. It's not Simon--just another associate--a WASPy, expensive-shoes, Yale-tie-clip-guy who just came over after clerking at the Supreme Court. I hate him. Pam said he's been nice.

As he steps inside, the office is packed. The only open seat is the one next to mine. He takes a quick recon, looking right at me. I move my chair over to make sure he has room. But as he heads toward the back, he passes right by me, continues toward the corner, and leans up against one of the bookcases. He'd rather stand. I glance over at Pam, but she's caught up with her new pals on the couch. No one likes a sinking ship.

With no one to talk to, I sit and wait until the door once again swings open. Simon enters the room and everyone's quiet. As soon as we make eye contact, I look away. He doesn't. Instead, he heads straight toward me and smacks a thick file folder against my chest. "Welcome back," he growls.

I look down at the folder, then back at everyone else in the room. Something's wrong. He's too smart to lose his temper in front of a crowd.

"You whined for it; you got it," he adds.

"I don't even know who--"

He turns and walks away. "They're voting on it Wednesday. Enjoy."

Confused, I read the tab on the folder: "Roving Wiretaps." Inside, I see all my old research. I don't believe it--I'm back on the case.

Looking up, I search for a friendly face to share the news with, but there's only one person looking my way. The person who walked in right behind Simon. Lawrence Lamb. He offers a warm smile and soft nod. That's all he needs to say. Chalk one up for Nora.
