* * *

"Was he serious?" Trey asks through the phone.

Staring at the blank TV in my office, I don't answer. On-screen, all I see is my reflection.

"Michael, I asked you a question: Was Adenauer serious?"


"Was he--"

"I-I think so," I finally say. "I mean, since when does the FBI make empty threats?"

Trey takes a second to answer. He knows what I'm going through, but that doesn't mean he's going to hold back. "This isn't just a bad hair day," he warns. "If even a hint of what happened gets out . . ."

"I know, Trey. Believe me, I know--you read me the polls every morning--but what am I supposed to do? Yesterday you're telling me to turn myself in so Nora doesn't bury me; today, you're crying that if anything gets out, I single-handedly wreck the presidency. The only thing that's consistent is that either way I'm screwed."

"I didn't mean to--"

"All I can do is go for the truth--find Vaughn and figure out if he's got some insight into what really happened. If that doesn't work . . ." I stop, unable to finish the sentence.

He gives me a few seconds to calm down. "What about Simon's financial disclosure forms?" he eventually asks, still determined to help. "I thought we were going to look through those to see where he got the money."

"According to Adenauer, there's nothing in his bank accounts."

"And you're going to take his word for it?"

"What else you want me to do? I put the request in over a week ago--it should be here any day."

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but any day's not gonna cut it. You've only got three days left. If I were you, I'd put on my nice-guy voice and have a long overdue talk with Nora."

Silently, I once again stare at the TV, rolling the option around my brain. He has a point. Still, if Vaughn comes through . . . if he's also been screwed by Simon . . . That's the door to a brand-new reality. Maybe Vaughn was the one Simon met in the bar. Simon could've been borrowing the cash. Maybe that's why there was nothing in his bank accounts.

"So whattya say?" Trey asks.

I shake my head even though he can't see it. "Tomorrow's my meeting with Vaughn," I say hesitantly. "After that, I can always talk to Nora."

By the long pause, I can tell Trey disagrees.

"What?" I ask. "I thought you wanted me to meet with Vaughn?"

"I do."

"So what's the problem?"

Again, there's a pause. "I know it's hard for you to accept this, Michael, but just remember that, sometimes, you should be looking out for yourself."
