Skyler removed the gag from Candice’s mouth along with the ropes that bound her, and helped her to her feet. He took her into his arms.

“How did you get here?” he asked, then smothered her face with kissed.

“I thought I would never see you again, Sky.” She returned his hugs and kisses. “They kidnapped me from my photo shoot in Arizona and flew me to someplace in the mountains of Colombia, then to here.”

“Who are they?”

“His men. That drug lord. Escandoza.”

“He’s here on the island?”

“I am.”

Skyler turned to see a silhouette framed in the narrow entrance to the temple. Behind him stood a female dressed in military camouflage and six armed guards.

“Welcome to Isla de Sangre, Mr. Skyler. I am your host, Pablo Escandoza. This is my corporate consultant, Teresa Castillo and a few of my loyal soldiers.”

“What the hell’s going on here,” Skyler said. “Why did you kidnap Candice?”

Escandoza pointed a pistol at Skyler. “Ms. Stevens was to be my bait that at some point would draw you to me. I had hoped that you and I could negotiate an arrangement whereby you would work for my organization. You have proved very resourceful, and you could have been a great asset. If you had accepted my offer, then Ms. Stevens would go on taking beautiful pictures of beautiful models. That all changes now that I can no longer return to my Lake Guatavita headquarters thanks to your friend Gates and the Army Rangers.”

“First I’ve heard of it. But if anyone can bring down the house, it would be Mick.”

The drug lord laughed. “A loyal friend. Now you get to pay the price of his actions.”

“So you hold a grudge?” Skyler maneuvered Candice to stand behind him.

Escandoza swept the hair from his eyes. “Someone must be punished. I’ve lost something dear to me, now you get to lose something, too. The sacred well is about to accept two more sacrifices. First, you get to watch Ms. Stevens die. Then you go next. Only this time, you won’t be climbing out. With chains binding your ankles, you and your lady friend will join those going before you thousands of years ago. Better practice holding your breath.” Escandoza spoke a command in Spanish. The guards moved into the ancient temple and took hold of Skyler and Candice. Their hands were bound behind them, then the men pushed them out of the temple toward the path to the cenote.

As he and Candice worked their way down the stone steps, Skyler said, “You realize it’s only a matter of time before they find this island and the korium lab.”

Escandoza and Castillo walked a few steps behind them while three guards led the group and three trailed behind. One held two pair of leg irons. “They may find this place, Mr. Skyler, but they will not attack. You see, there is one thing I haven’t told you. My ace in the hole — isn’t that what you Americans like to say? It will be a big surprise for your military and your country.”

“And what is that?”

“An extra Candle. An assault on this island will result in the destruction of one of your major cities.”

Skyler glanced at Candice. This was not good news. The lab was set up to manufacture additional Candles for sale to terrorists around the globe. But because of the lack of korium before finding the Arctic Air Cargo shipment, he never anticipated there was an additional device already in existence. Escandoza was right. If he threated the U.S. with an attack, the President would never risk a loss of life. There would have to be a different way to stop this madman.

Skyler saw the rim of the cenote come into view. Seconds later, he and Candice stood at the lip of the sacrificial well.

“I’m sorry it must come to this,” Escandoza said, “but someone has to always pay a price. You two now, and your friend Gates when he realizes you are no more.” He motioned to the guard to secure their ankles with the leg irons.

That was when the jungle started shaking. A rapid, thunderous drumming grew into a roar.

“Earthquake?” Candice asked Skyler.

“No,” he said. “The cavalry.”

Candice screamed as Castillo reached out and pushed her into the cenote. A second later, she pushed Skyler.
