The President along with his national security team watched the large, high resolution monitor in the basement of the West Wing of the White House. Dr. Dolen, Professor Reynolds and Colonel Argentine were there as well. Everyone was focused on the monitor. It displayed the confirmation of an SLBM launch from approximately 1600 kilometers off the California coast. The projected course and target indicated Los Angeles.

“This is beyond belief,” the President said. “General Greer, are we still at DEFCOM 3 from the first Candle launch?”

“Yes, sir,” said the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“Take us to DEFCOM 2 and be ready to go to one in the event this attack opens a window of opportunity to others to strike at us.”

Greer motioned to one of his aides who began nodding as he listened to the general’s orders and inputted the info into a tablet.

The President turned to the three members of the Deep Scan team. “I thought you guys assured me that they had used up all their korium. That there couldn’t be another Candle beyond the one they detonated over Hawaii.”

“I’m afraid we got our estimates wrong,” Dolen said.

“Not in how much korium was left, Mr. President,” Reynolds said, “but in how little it takes to produce a fusion device.”

“Its capacity to create energy is still being evaluated,” Argentine added.

“Can’t we shoot it down?” the President asked no one in particular.

“The interceptor missiles at Vandenberg are being readied, sir,” Greer said. “But they can’t be launched until the incoming warhead is in sight of the interceptor’s associated radar.”

“They better get ready fast.” the President said. “That thing is already halfway to—”

“What the hell?” Alan Grant said as he got to his feet.

“What just happened?” The President’s eyes stayed glued to the launch telemetry and projected path of the missile which seem to come to a grinding halt.

“It just… disappeared.” Reynolds said.

“Maybe it exploded,” Grant added.

“Is that possible?” the President asked.

No one answered for a moment.

Dean Clancy ended a call. “I have confirmation, Mr. President. The Candle blew up approximately three hundred miles off the California coast. Something caused the warhead to detonate during reentry into the lower atmosphere. The explosion was bright enough to be seen from as far away as our stations in Alaska.”

The President stood. “General, launch your counter measures.”
