Skyler, Gates and Dr. Thorpe squeezed in the missile guidance control room of the Tiger Shark as the Marine colonel brought in Captain Schafer.

“Good to see you again, Schafer,” Skyler said.

“I wish I could say the same.” Schafer was shoved into the tight compartment. “I can’t imagine what you would want with me. I’m already your prisoner and you control my submarine.”

“What we want should be easy for you,” Skyler said. “Sit here.” He patted the back of the fire control operator’s chair. “I need you to synchronize this guidance system with the one on the Mako Shark.”

Schafer’s expression gave away that he realized what Skyler was going to attempt. “That’s impossible. They’re two separate systems, independent of each other.”

“Not true,” Skyler said. “Dr. Thorpe has assured me your boss requested redundant systems.”

Schafer shot Thorpe a hard stare. “So much for loyalty among thieves.”

“I owe my loyalty to no one,” Thorpe said. “At least not anymore.”

“Enough chitchat,” Skyler said. “Captain, sit!”

Schafer took the fire-officer’s chair, but remained stoic. “And if I refuse?”

Skyler motioned to the Marine’s sidearm. The colonel slid the Beretta M9 from his holster and handed it over. Skyler pulled the slide back then placed the barrel’s tip at the base of Schafer’s’ skull. “Then we’ll have to wash your brains off the console before we find someone else to do the job.” He hoped Schafer fell for his bluff — the sub’s fire control office was already transported to the deck of the Iwo Jima.

Schafer glared at Skyler. “I should have had you shot when you dove off my deck.” Then he slowly extended his hands over the keyboard. “I expect to be treated fairly for assisting you.”

“Not my call,” Skyler said. “But I hear Guantanamo Bay is lovely this time of year.”

Schafer grunted, then began typing, causing the console to light up.

Skyler turned to Thorpe and motioned for the scientist to keep watch over the captain’s shoulder. A monochrome CRT monitor displayed scrolling text that reminded Skyler of the old DOS commands from back in the day.

After what seemed like enough time for the captain to write a novel, he paused and leaned back in the chair. “The guidance control systems are in sync.” He turned to face the small group. “But it appears you are too late.”

Skyler yanked Schafer to his feet and shoved him toward the Marine. Then he turned to Thorpe. “You’re up.”
