Blackstone stood on the bridge of the Mako Shark and screamed, “What the fuck just happened?”

“We’ve lost contact, sir,” the first officer said in a less than enthusiastic tone.

“You mean lost contact as in it’s still on target but you aren’t receiving telemetry, or you’ve lost control the missile?”

Before the first officer could answer, the fire control officer’s voice came through the intercom speaker. “Guidance, Conn.”

Blackstone pressed a button on the speaker housing. “Conn here. What the hell’s going on?”

“Captain, the missile exploded as it came out of sub-orbit. The warhead detonated a few milliseconds later.”

Blackstone rubbed his face. “How could that happen?”

There was a long pause. “Sir, someone synchronized our guidance control system with the one on the Tiger Shark.”


“They inputted the missile destruct code. Before we realized what happened and tried to override, it was too late.”

“Then get us out of here fast before they find us.”

The speaker box buzzed. “Conn, Sonar. High-speed screws, sir! Torpedoes in the water!”

“How many?”

“Two, sir. No wait. Three — now I count four.”

“Crash dive!” Blackstone ordered. “Put us on the bottom. And start counter measures.”

“More high-speed screws, sir!” The operator’s voice cracked and wavered. “Two more torpedoes. They’re from a second submarine.”

Ping… ping… ping

“Son of a bitch!” Blackstone grabbed a railing as the deck pitched forward.

“They’ve acquired us, captain!”

“Tell me something I don’t know,” Blackstone yelled back.

“One thousand yards and closing fast, sir.”

“Brace for impact!” Blackstone announced through the PA system.

The Mako Shark shuddered as it raced downward.

“Can we outrun the torpedoes?” the first officer asked.

Blackstone smiled. “Not a chance.”
