Sorry this report Stanton wanted is late. I don’t like writing things down, so cross out what you want and get it to him. Make sure Stanton destroys it. I know he thinks the Agency will go along with what we’re doing 100% somewhere down the line, but that might be a long time.

1.-My Klan workers finished up the dock and the speedboat launch-site. Blessington’s now 100% operational.

2.-Dougie Frank Lockhart is solid. He’s got the usual crazy ideas that guys in his line of work have, but that’s just the way things are amp; I don’t think it’s too bad if it doesn’t interfere with his job. His FBI contact was pissed that he won’t be snitching those rival KKX’s in Louisiana, but he changed his tune when Lockhart told him you were heading up the operation. My guess is that he checked with Hoover, who told him you have carte blanche. Lockhart has done a good job so far. I got some $ from Trafficante for him amp; he’s used- it to start up his own Klan outside Blessington. He handed out signing bonuses and all the local Klan guys quit their old Klans to sign on with Dougie Frank. I’ve told him you want no lynchings, church bombings or beatings. He’s disappointed, but going along. Lockhart gets along with Cubans amp; has told his Klan guys not to stir up any racial trouble with the Cadre or our trainees. So far, the guys have gone along with his orders.

3.-Our Miami business is good and getting better. Last month’s gross at the Booker T. Washington Housing Project was 14% higher than the Trafficante organization’s best month ever. The October gross at the George Washington Carver Project was 9% higher than ST’s best. Chuck Rogers says the men at the Mexican ranch are solid. They set up a deal where he can fly in amp; out without filing flight logs with the Mex. State Police. We’ve got a landing strip at Blessington now, so Chuck can make the pick-up runs that much safer. I’ve been driving the split money to ST in Tampa every week. He’s pleased with his profits and has been dishing out bonus $ to the Cadre regularly. He’s been kicking back 15% directly to me to funnel into the Cause and 5% to a gun fund that Guy Banister has set up in New Orleans. So far, Fulo, Chuck, Paez, Obregon, Delsol amp; Gutierrez have been completely honest. There have been no shortages of merchandise or $.

4.-Stanton wanted fitness reports on the men. My feeling is that until somebody steals merchandise or $ or punks out on a job they all deserve A+ ratings. Obregon’s a little gunshy about speedboat runs into Cuba amp; his cousin Delsol is a little shifty, but so far this is just minor stuff. What matters is that these are pro-U.S., antiCastro diehards who don’t steal from Trafficante. I say let them bootjack fares at the cabstand and blow off steam with booze and whores. I say you can’t snap their-leashes too hard or they’ll get antsy.

5.-As recruiters, they’re not bad. We’ve got 44 bunks at Blessington amp; they’ve been keeping them filled up. Chuck, Fulo, Lockhart amp; me have been training the men in 18 day cycles. We teach small arms, riflery, hand-to-hand combat amp; speedboat sabotage techniques, then funnel the men to Miami with job leads. The men recruit there amp; send their own prospects to a case officer codenamed BK/Cougar, who sends them to one of the Agcy-backed resident training camps according to bunk-availabIlity. If this invasion you told me about ever comes off we should have a surplus of well-trained soldiers to pick from.

6.-Paez, Obregon, Delsol, Gutierrez, Fulo amp; me have all made night speedboat runs into Cuba. We’ve dropped off merchandise with our on-island contacts amp; gunned down some militia patrol boats. Fulo amp; Gutierrez made a run amp; saw some militiamen sleeping on the beach. They killed all 30 with Tommy guns. Fulo scalped the ranking officer amp; now flies the scalp on the radio antenna of our lead boat.

7.-Like you wanted, I’m spreading myself between Blessington, our Miami business amp; the cabstand. Jimmy Hoffa is sort of pissed that you’re pals with the Kennedys, but he’s pleased with the lease deal, amp; the more Cuban immigrants that hit Miami the more $ Tiger Kab makes. And thanks for the merchandise you gave me for H.H. Since I’m in Florida all the time I guess that that stuff is what’s keeping me on his payroll. I’d quit, but I know you want to cultivate some kind of Agcy. connection with him. I call him once a week to keep my hand in. H.H. says he’s got Mormons looking after him now. They’re helping him dodge the TWA process servers amp; doing the work I used to, except for procuring merchandise. I think that as long as I can supply that I’ll draw an L.A. paycheck.

8.-Lenny Sands is editing Hush-Hush singlehandedly. I thought that quban piece he wrote was pretty good amp; got some good plugs in for the Cause.

That’s it. I don’t like writing things down, so tell Stanton to destroy this.

Viva La Causa!
