DOCUMENT INSERT: 2/9/61. Memorandum: John Stanton to Kemper Boyd. Marked: CONFIDENTIAL/HAND POUCH DELIVER.


I received your memo. Things sound excellent, although I wish Big Brother wasn’t waffling. I’ve developed some new additions to our basic Blessington Invasion Plan. Will you tell me what you think when we meet at the inspection?

1.-I’ve assigned Pete Bondurant and Chuck Rogers to coordinate on-site Blessington security and communications between Blessington and other launch sites in Nicaragua and Guatemala. Rogers can fly between sites, and I think Pete will be especially effective as a rover-peacekeeper.

2.-Teo Paez has brought In a new recruit: Nйstor Javier Chasco, DOB 4/12/23. Teo knew the man in Havana when he was running a string of informants for United Fruit. Chasco infiltrated numerous left-wing groups and once foiled an assassination attempt on a UP executive.

When Castro took over, Chasco infiltrated Raul Castro’s on-island heroin operation and siphoned dope to anti-Castro rebels, who of course sold it and used the money to purchase weapons. Chasco is an experienced dope trafficker, an expert interrogator, and a Cuban Army-trained sharpshooter lent out by President Batista to various South American government leaders. Teo says that Chasco assassinated no less than fourteen leftist insurgents between the years 1951 and 1958.

Chasco, who had been supporting himself by selling marijuana, escaped Cuba by speedboat last month. He contacted Paez in Miami and begged him to find him pro-Cause work. Teo introduced him to Pete Bondurant and later described the meeting to me as “Love at first sight.”

You were unreachable, so Pete contacted me and recommended Nйstor Chasco for immediate Blessington and Cadre employment. I met Chasco and was very impressed. I hired the man immediately and had Pete introduce him to the other Cadre members. Paez told me that the meetings were amicable. Chasco is learning the Cadre business ropes and doubling as a Blessington drill instructor. He’ll be shuffling between Blessington, Miami and our formal facilities in Guatemala and Nicaragua-a case officer passing through Blessington noted his training skills and put in an expedite personnel request directly to Mr. Bissell.

You’ll meet Chasco at the inspection. I think you’ll be impressed, too.

3.-During the actual invasion time frame, I want you and Chasco to patrol the Cadre’s Miami business sites. Our on-island sources expect some invasion plan intelligence to leak to Cuba, and I want to make sure that local pro-Castro groups don’t try to hit us when they think we’re focusing solely on invasion logistics. It should be easy for you to get away. Miami is Annistonaccessible and you can tell Little Brother that Mr. H. sent you in to monitor pro-Castro activity.

I’ll close with an embarrassing request.

Carlos M. gave Guy Banister an additional $300,000 gun money. The man is a great friend to the Cause, and he has some very great (and I think justified) fears regarding Little Brother. Can you find out what Bobby’s plans are regarding Carlos?

Thanks in advance for considering this. See you tomorrow in Blessington.

