As might be imagined, I dreamed much that night of what had passed and became restless for more. My cream puff had been well filled, but sought extra dosages. I was not to be lacking in them, as will be seen-nor was Elaine. That which we immediately ventured upon was wicked in the extreme and I doubt not that had I demurred in the linen room and been of lesser daring, my Uncle would have sought some excuse not to take us, for it was apparent to me that he saw in his daughter a mischievous but innocent girl who knew as little as I had seemed to him to do about the ways of the world.

Time floats and passes, however, and soon enough the hour was upon us, I affecting a dark red dress and Elaine a blue one. Our stockings matched our gowns, for we had decided upon that in terms of appearance, were we to be disrobed. I had no doubt now that we were to be and told my cousin so.

“What will you do, then, if your Papa sees you without any drawers on?” I asked. I had not forgotten what she had said about his implement and was still very curious about it.

“Well, he must not, for you must divert him,” she answered and I am sure quite believed herself. “Besides, Arabella, I am sure that there will be quite a crowd there and in all the bustle and gaiety no one will notice what others are at. If Papa does see my bottom I shall be careful to keep my face hid and he will know not who it belongs to, for I swear I will not dance about without any clothes on – and neither must you,” she added with remarkable solemnity.

“Oh, as to that, I am sure excitement will overtake us if it is all that you say, but what a lark it will be if all is rumour and nothing happens!”

“You silly, of course it will, as soon as everyone is in their cups. Be sure that you see to Papa if anyone lifts my skirts.”

“Of course,” I replied demurely, though it seemed to me even then that Elaine was containing herself too much and I already thinking ahead of her. It was scarcely to be imagined that the three of us could attend such a rumbustious event without several untoward events occurring. As I had learned even briefly in the linen room, the fevered imagination quickly rises to a pitch at which all things are possible. In the immediate aftermath they drain away and become dissolved, for there is a momentary peace and a delicious sense of floating. Soon enough however the imagination soars again and no bars are to be put then upon such enticements as enter the mind. Thus I thought and most curiously in so doing was a step ahead of my cousin who but hours before had been my mentor. A desire arose in me to see her being exercised, as we were prone to call it. Had her Papa not weakly conceded to her wishes then all would have been different and mayhap fewer opportunities would have arisen to put her philosophy to the test.

We affected no gaiety upon our departure at eight of the evening in question, for it was to be seen by my aunt that we were upon solemn business. By good fortune she was a rather vague lady and would no doubt have forgotten by the morrow what the purpose of our outing had been.

The house of the Rt. Hon. Edward Eastwood and his family was one of the grandest in the neighbourhood. It was said often enough in joke that all looked up to them, for their mansion stood upon a slow rise among many rolling acres. The jogging of the carriage as we made our way there did nothing but encourage my now passionate temperament, for my bottom bounced up and down all the while as did Elaine's. It being dusk already we could see little enough of her father who accommodated himself on the seat opposite, but I did not doubt that his thoughts of the advancing night were as much as mine.

The house was well lit as our carriage at last approached the entrance. But a single aged servant appeared to be about the place, though the reason for this soon struck me. All others had been dismissed for the night, perhaps locked in their rooms with their supper or packed off to an inn. Thus there were to be no witnesses as to what followed other than the assembled gentry.

As Elaine and I had already surmised, they were not many. I counted as many ladies as gentlemen and found the score not greater than fourteen. Among the former were several beauties of local distinction. By good fortune I knew none of them. All were perfectly polite and utterly discreet, as I discovered. Mrs. Eastwood was a lady of remarkable charm, approaching then her fortieth year, who herself met us in the hall and took our cloaks without the faintest hint of embarrassment.

“You have come well provided for,” she said with a laugh to my uncle while gazing both Elaine and I up and down most approvingly. “You have advised them well, Harold, I trust, for there are to be no understandings.”

Such boldness took me as equally by surprise as it did my cousin. We exchanged the most furtive glances. A purplish hue spread meanwhile over my uncle's features. The doors to the drawing room being closed, we all stood alone.

“Ah, as to that, perhaps we might converse privately,” he said. His voice sounded exceedingly strained. I stared at my feet as did Elaine.

Mrs. Eastwood shrugged in a languid manner. “If you wish ” she declared and led him into a small side room, though leaving the door ajar of a purpose, as I surmised. A muttering came to our ears and then a faint laugh from our hostess.

“My dear Harold, discretion is all here. You above all should know that. I make no demur myself about the presence of Elaine and nor will anyone else. What? I cannot hear what you say, and really I cannot keep the others waiting. She must be put up to the gentlemen as needs be, as we all are. That is the sport of it. You had no need to bring her, my pet. Let me speak with her for I do not wish her to enter upon the proceedings in total innocence, though should she wish to make play upon struggling a little that will be all the more fun. As to the other very pretty young lady who accompanies you, I will have her no more in the dark than Elaine.”

“Oh, I say! But Mavis…”

All was lost, or all was gained, depending upon one's philosophy, for my uncle's interruption was itself interrupted by the emergence of our hostess who clearly was determined to have no break in her evidently smooth affairs.

“Elaine, my dear, there will be much pleasantry tonight for which you must forgive us, as I am sure that- Arabella, is it not?-will also. Within half an hour or so when all have been well warmed with wine we shall call upon the ladies to present themselves, by which I mean you will doff as gracefully as possible such outer attire as you have, including of course your drawers.”

A gurgling sound came from behind her as these words were spoken. My uncle stood in the doorway of the side room as might have Hamlet or Macbeth. No sooner had this sound struck softly upon us than Mrs. Eastwood, persuading herself between us, took us both by the elbows and steered us towards the drawing room, talking as merrily meanwhile as if we had been attending a fete.

Within was such a bubbling of voices and laughter as immediately warms the senses. Though the hall had been well lit, the drawing room was otherwise. A single chandelier had been lit in the centre of the ceiling, the gas mantles being dimmed so that while the middle of the room was sufficiently illumined, pools of shadow lay all about around the sides which gave a cosy atmosphere. The room was naturally commodious, there being some five large sofas and divans placed about the walls for such comfort as would be required. A huge sideboard accommodated piles of tiny sandwiches and canapes together with an impressive number of bottles and glasses.

“You, my dear, are one out, for we have an equal number of ladies and gentlemen, but as such you make a piquant addition to our party. You will not be put out if you are attended to simultaneously by a lady and gentleman? Of course, you will not, for there are many couples here who like to dally with a young woman together before disporting themselves,” our hostess said calmly enough to Elaine.

Before Elaine could gather herself to reply-though I know not what she would have said-we were surrounded by admirers of both sexes and drinks placed in our hands.

“All are known by names other than their own, of course, so you may use any pseudonym that you wish,” remarked Mrs. Eastwood helpfully and then disappeared to the other side of the room the while that my uncle made his hesitant entrance and stood regarding me. I moved towards him upon instinct and stood by his side. Elaine, throwing me a somewhat frantic glance, found herself sandwiched between a gentleman of some forty years and a young woman scarce older than herself. Even as we watched I heard the girl declare, “Let me kiss you, for you have such lovely lips.”

At that, and while others watched the trio as fondly as might parents observing their children at play, Elaine was embraced by the looping of the girl's arms about her neck. I believe she might have started back, but all happened so quickly that there was naught for her to do but surrender to the moment. As if to encourage them a beautifully attired couple standing by merged to one another as if they had waited long for this moment and exchanged the most lascivious kisses which all then fell to partaking of save for my uncle and I who stood apart as two who enter a room and see no one but strangers before them.

As may be thought, this state of immobility lasted not long. Moving swiftly behind Elaine, the gentleman whose female partner was impressing ever more passionate kisses upon her lips, raised her skirt so quickly that she had not time to retreat-nor any space to do it in-before her shapely legs were fully bared and her proudly-filled drawers were displayed to all. Giving her no time to wriggle from between them, he then fumbled his trousers and thrust his erect penis between her thighs just above her stocking tops.

“Down with their drawers!” a voice cried, whereat several of the ladies made great play of shrieking and endeavouring to run all about, though not with such energy that they were not quickly made as captive as my cousin who could be seen moving her face agitatedly from side to side while the gentleman into whose stomach her bottom was pressed, held her waist tightly and so allowed his companion to further her endeavours by unfastening Elaine's corsage. Isolated in a corner as I seemed to be with my uncle, I could but watch dry-mouthed as my cousin's lustrous firm titties were brought into view while the gentleman's sturdy penis moved to and fro between the backs of her bared thighs.

All was now as a scene painted in one's own erotic dreams. All about were to be seen suspendered stockings, corsets, arid emerging breasts and bottoms as the females everywhere were being disrobed. Some fumbled for their partner's cocks at the same time while others pretended a ridiculous coyness which however did not abate the strip-pings. A cry from Elaine announced that her own drawers were being descended. Quite without thinking I sank down upon a sofa in company with my uncle whose arm stole about my shoulders. I turned my flushed face to his. Our mouths met in the wildest of kisses. Scarce knowing what I was at, I felt for his prick which stood as a bar of iron under the fine dark cloth of his breeches.

Moans, cries, laughter, squeals, came to our ears while blindly our tongues met and whirled. Feverishly he fondled my breasts and then, dipping one hand into my corsage, sleeked his palm over the silky swollen surfaces to taunt my stiffening nipples. I fell back, encouraged by the seeking of our hands, unbuttoning him as I did so. The long thick prong of his penis came into my hand. I was as one possessed. Forgetful that he thought of me as naught but a novice, I rubbed the great shaft fervently. His hands sought my gown and threw it up, tearing at the waistband of my drawers.

“Let me kiss her. How pretty she is!” a voice sounded dimly from above. My uncle moved from me, allowing me to see who had spoken. Above us, legs astride and with a well-puffed mount displayed, stood a beautiful woman of about thirty whose attire consisted solely of a fetching black waist corset, stockings and shoes. Lying half beneath my uncle as I was, I had not time to stir nor rise before she lay down alongside me and captured my lips in a breathless kiss. Therewith my uncle stirred and must have slid to his knees so that he knelt beside the sofa and, pressing back my legs, applied his mouth to the succulent haven of my cunny.

“What is your name?” she asked amid fervent tonguings.

“Rose,” I gasped for want of anything else to reply, while her hand dipped as freely in my gown as my uncle's had. My bottom being cupped and slightly lifted now on his broad hands, I wriggled madly at the invasion of his tongue between my lovelips.

“Harold, let us have her things off,” the unknown murmured, causing me to feel somewhat like a piece of property, though all was such and I so feverish by now in my responses that I made no demur as I was drawn up between them and quickly bereft of all save my shoes and stockings. My titties, bottom, thighs and cunny all being caressed the while, I was in a perfect fever to be fucked as was evident in the way I rejoined our triple embrace once more upon the sofa. Even so, I had not failed to glimpse Elaine and neither, from the rubicond hue on his face had my uncle. Having surrendered to the opportunities of the moment as quickly as I, she was upon her hands and knees on the floor receiving a sturdy penis from the rear. All about us indeed were such scenes of libertine delights, the gentlemen being by then in as great a state of nudity as the ladies and all cocks rampant.

“I adore kissing young girls while they are being fucked,” my female companion declared, and so it seemed, for while we pecked amourously at each other's lips and caressed each other's breasts, my uncle made ready so swiftly that his bulky, naked form pressed against my quite tingling nipples, Davina-as she appeared to be called-breathed teasing words into my mouth even as the lusty shaft drove up into my cunny.

“Is he your first, or have you been a truly naughty girl?”

“My f…f…first,” I stammered. All my senses reeled. The selfsame cock that I had but once enjoyed now plugged me again to the full. I felt the brushing of our pubic hairs together. Our three tongues joined. My legs being drawn up, I wrapped them about his waist. We jogged, we writhed. His prick sluiced in and out, causing me the most exquisite raptures which were all the more enlivened by the caresses that Davina and I lavished upon one another. The triple kisses in the very midst of being so manfully pleasured added to our bliss.

“She is coming,” breathed Davina who with seeking fingers could feel the rippling in my belly. Her tongue plunged into my mouth anew. My uncle's fingers sought her bottom, causing her to churn her hips, bending as she was then with one knee on the edge of the seat. I came, I sprinkled, I melted, I urged his thrusts with sensuous movements of my bottom. Our moans resounded, mingling with those all about us, though in my lowly posture I could see naught.

Frothing then all within me and labouring like a shire horse, my uncle offered me in turn his libation which pulsed jet upon jet within me while Davina announced her own delirious pleasure by tonguing our mouths in turn. Febrile quivers shook us. My tight cunny seemed to suck upon his embedded penis, imploring every spurt and drop until, in withdrawing at last, his well-soaked knob smeared my thighs with our mingled juices. I floated. Warmth and satisfaction spread in easy waves throughout my uttered charms. With a soft gurgle, Davina eased herself off of my uncle's probing finger and sat up languidly to look all about.

“Ah, Elaine is having her dosage,” she declared to my full surprise at having so casually uttered my cousin's name. With something of a satisfied grunt my uncle removed his heavy weight from my body. I drew up my knees and swivelled on to one hip, leaning into a corner of the sofa. My uncle's thick pendant cock oozed its last pearl. His eyes were transfixed as were my own for a moment on Elaine who now lay with her head and shoulders beneath a large oak table, couched beneath a second stallion whose balls swung under her bottom, her ankles crossed about his waist.

“How well she takes him,” Davina murmured, having seated herself on the other side of my uncle so that he was between us. Her hand stroked his trunklike thigh. His eyes appeared glazed. Kneeling beside Elaine was the young woman who had first kissed her and who was now entertaining a rigid penis in her bottom. But a few feet away-and all at the centre of other heaving couples- our hostess was being steadily fucked.

The scene blurred, came clear, and then blurred again before my eyes. Stealing my right hand sideways I mischievously stroked my uncle's prick the while that Davina dandled his huge balls. His cock stirred almost immediately, thickening to my touch.

“See how she wriggles her bottom,” Davina said of Elaine who, while she could not possibly have heard and indeed must have been utterly lost in her sensations, appeared at that moment to twist her lovely face all about and gaze directly at us across the carpet. At that my uncle's jaw literally gaped for he sensed that their eyes were locked even though I felt certain Elaine would have seen nothing but a swirling of bodies and faces. Rock-hard as it now became, his re-erected penis stuck up in the half encirclement of my fingers. Elaine opened her legs wider by letting her feet slip to the floor. A species of snorting moan escaped my uncle. The man's cock was clearly to be seen pistoning in and out between the lips of her love dell whose well-furred fringe looked utterly enticing.

“Oh pray, Uncle, dear Elaine will be much confounded at your seeing her,” I uttered. The words seemed to bring him to himself.

“Shush, Rose, for we may all do as we wish-do not spoil the sport,” enjoined Davina who obviously knew clearly enough my cousin's identity yet batted not an eyelid about the matter while all about us bodies slapped together, tongues writhed, and pricks worked steadily in such orifices as were freely offered to them.

“No, no-oh, do not look!” I burst, for while I knew the situation to be truly bizarre yet I feared lest Elaine might think I had turned traitor to her. Rising and throwing myself against him between his legs so that the crest of his tool rubbed against my bush, I pretended even greater alarm than I felt and urged that he must carry me out. Momentarily embarrassed perhaps at all that was about-though I confess to knowing less about human nature than I do now-I was borne in a moment from the room into a smaller reception room where with scarcely a word I was fucked again upon the floor as lustily mayhap as I have ever been.

“The naughty girl, ah the naughty girl!” he groaned with every stroke, yet I will pass over now the fevers of the rest of that night which in many senses were but a preamble to all that followed. Others entered upon us once we had spilled our liquid pleasures. My uncle took himself upon Davina while I, mounted successively by two gentlemen, could do naught but swim in lost passions until my cunny literally bubbled with sperm.

By midnight all were as exhausted as could be. A strange quiet fell as various assortments of clothing were recovered and the ladies made haste to dress even before the gentlemen. A little simpering, some final kisses, and all was concluded. I, entering not upon the main scene until caution apprised me of the right moment, found Elaine huddled in a corner, fully dressed.

“Oh, I cannot face Papa!” she entreated as quietly as possible.

“What nonsense, he has seen nothing, we were in the other room,” I said.

Her relief was evident, asking me again and again if it were true. Most tactfully he was nowhere to be seen. With furtive mien and not a little blushing she made her way out with me into the hall where my uncle was bidding adieu to our hostess. Impeccable and unsullied as she again looked, we might well have been leaving the most sedate of gatherings.

“You will come again? I trust you will for it has been most pleasant,” she murmured as though to all three of us at once. Seeing that neither Elaine nor her Papa appeared ready to answer, I gave a polite nod of my head. Despite my relative youth and the positive whirlwind I had been through, I found to my pleasure that I was perfectly in control of myself-admiring also as I did the exquisitely civilised manner of our hostess.

“I doubt it not,” I replied and shook her hand. From the expression in her eyes I gathered that her interest in me had increased threefold. A few more polite murmurs and we went out upon the dark drive to the carriage where my uncle had to shake the coachman to awaken him, poor fellow. Then within did we settle ourselves. In a way, all had been briefer than I thought it might. Had it not been for the presence of Elaine, we might have greeted the dawn there.

Moving into a corner seat, Elaine sat constrained, peering out upon the dark. My uncle perched opposite, coughed several times, but said nothing. Utterly dark as it was in the lanes through which we drove that we could barely see one another. The silence irritated me, however. Elaine had clearly got what she wished, as I had, but evidently regretted it in the aftermath. I twirled my fingers in my gloves and gazed at her huddled form.

Matters could not be left like this.
