There could be only one spectator of our charms apart from Pearl, and he-being my uncle-rose to view them.
“Oh, no, for I wish to bathe!” declared Elaine, all of a dither at the prospect. The hour was but five-thirty of the afternoon. The sunlight glowed pleasurably through the windows which, being French, were large and imposing. In a society which normally takes tea at four and dinner much later, it is a pleasant hour, whether in summer or by the early light of a coal fire in a dusk-laden bedroom in winter. I have frequently flirted with a cock-as oftimes a woman's lips as well-at such times, then rose refreshed to enjoy yet others later. Such is my nature. It may not be that of others.
Having already received Phillippe's penis in my bottom, I was stirred for further adventures and had no doubt that the advancing night would be a meritorious one. Perhaps my eyes spoke of this to Pearl, for she smiled and gave me a little nod. Elaine curled herself up in her chair, undecided whether to rise or not.
“We have no drawers on. Will it not be unseemly?” I asked. I could not prevent myself from saying such. I provoked. I had the devil in me. Fully prepared to indulge me, Pearl responded in kind.
“In the best bedrooms in Paris, young ladies do not wear drawers. They make themselves ever ready for what might befall, Arabella. As to your both having no drawers n that will provide an even more piquant pleasure. You wish me to speak more frankly? There are no other gentlemen here save your uncle, by whose grace we are present.”
“Oh! we must not talk like this in front of Papa. You shame me!” burst out my cousin.
At this Pearl compressed her lips. She was clearly not in a mood to be crossed.
“My dear, you have much to learn,” she replied coldly, bringing my uncle's eyes and my own to bear upon her. “You think yourselves perfect little adventuresses, do you not? Well, it has yet to be seen if you are or aren't.”(I knew myself to be included in this remark more as a courtesy to Elaine rather than as a rebuff to myself.) “There will be entertainments tonight, Elaine, in which we will all make free to join. You will be bereft of your drawers then. Why dither now?”
At that, Elaine uttered a little cry, rose up from her chair and was gone. The door slammed. I heard the adjoining one of our own suite open and close. My uncle assumed a mournful visage.
“You put too much upon her, I fear,” he remarked to Pearl who in quite a boisterous manner then got up and opened another bottle of champagne with a very loud explosion as if it helped to give vent to her feelings.
“Nonsense, Harold, she is younger than Arabella here, yet puts airs upon herself when it comes to matters of tingling pleasure. We know we have come here to enjoy ourselves and I for one make no bones about the matter. What say you, Arabella? Come, sit on your uncle's lap and give him a kiss or we shall all be forlorn.”
I laughed and did so. My bottom moulded warmly into his lap. Having kissed quite demurely I accepted a proffered glass, as my uncle did, while Pearl seated herself on the arm of our chair. Reaching one hand down she toyed her fingers lightly about my breasts, so encouraging him to in turn caress my thighs.
“Perhaps you were too hard on her, though,” I murmured, albeit without reproof. The champagne was but a preliminary to our adjourning to the bedroom, as I knew. The thought enervated me. A cock in my bottom frequently now makes me want another in the more conventional manner, and vice versa. My uncle's was not slow in making itself felt under the roundness of my derriere. I wriggled upon it until the crest was nicely settled between my cheeks.
“Do you think so? You know I was not,” Pearl said teasingly. “The Comte has a taste for birching, you know. It would do no harm for Elaine to be warmed-up to the proceedings once we are gathered again.”
“Oh, you would not do that!” I exclaimed, though I must confess that the idea caused me a certain inner merriment.
“Be sure that I will if she displays such awkwardness as she had just exhibited. Harold, you should have seen to her bottom ere this!”
“True!” groaned my uncle with some feeling which was in great part impelled by the subtle movements of my own upon his rod. “My dear wife, though, would have misunderstood the matter.”
“Well, she is not here now,” said Pearl with great practicality and then smiled and said, “Come!”
Bound for pleasure, we made into the boudoir. The large bed lay covered in a grey silk eiderdown. The long velvet curtains were half drawn, veiling all in a pale light. Their tassels hung limp in marked contrast to my uncle's prick which stood as firm as a pole. In a trice he was naked, I in my corset and Pearl similarly attired. Standing upon the thick carpet by the bed, our clothes tumbled carelessly upon it, he embraced us both fervently. We sought to massage his prick together. The carefree atmosphere of the moment was delightful.
Even as he palmed our bottoms, Pearl wriggled and laughed.
“I must pee first,” she declared and drew a gold-rimmed chamberpot from under the bed. Thereupon my uncle drew me upon the cover beside him, murmuring much of my beauty and the charm of my guepiere. I clasped his rigid shaft, we kissed. Together then we looked down at Pearl who had half squatted over the pot so that her bottom and her hairy lovepurse hovered over the receptacle. Her mouth opened, her eyes half closed. A beauteous smile appeared upon her lips.
“He likes to watch. All men do,” she whispered and thereupon released a fierce rain of golden urine that splashed down heavily into the china pot and all but gurgled as it settled, only to be rained upon again as her stream continued. Feeling then my uncle's balls which seemed to swell at the spectacle, I observed the flushed excitement in his face as Pearl's lovelips continued to gush their offering. I frigged him. Our mouths meshed wildly, then we looked again to see Pearl rising.
The sight made my belly sparkle. I wriggled.
“She wants to as well,” laughed Pearl, and indeed I did. I had no need to contain myself. She indeed helped draw me off the bed, saying she had a splendid idea. I was soon to know what it was. Her ingenuity is ever great. “This is called 'feeding the little girl',” she said and brought me to squat over the chamberpot as she had done save that, arranging herself behind me and bending to hold me beneath my armpits, I was more comfortably accommodated, as in a sling. “Wait, darling, do not piss yet. Harold, put your cock to her mouth!”
I could not resist. My uncle was off the bed in a flash. He had not even to bend. Mouth open, I received the plum of his knob over my tongue. His penis slid in a full four inches, causing me for a moment to choke until I had accommodated myself to the fleshy shaft. At that, Pearl cupped my breasts. My back rested against her. I held myself in, as I sensed was required.
“Piss now,” she murmured, “ah, we should have made Elaine do this.”
The words excited all. My uncle's cock began moving sturdily but cautiously in and out between my lips. In such matters he was ever a gentleman. By leaning forward he was able to engage his mouth with Pearl's. I began to suck. The sensation was delicious, coming as it did as my rain splashed in turn. Electric sparks seemed to explode in my belly. I was beginning to learn the true nature of sensuousness. I pissed more vigourously. His tool throbbed violently in my mouth.
“Come, darling, come-let her have the taste of it,” I heard Pearl mouth.
He groaned. I cupped his balls and was allowed to sink down fully on to the pot. The two, following my movements, bent the more. I sucked the harder and persuaded another inch of his divine shaft into my mouth. All visions and sensations of wickedness were mine. I heard his anguished puffing, the liquid sounds of their mouths and tongues. The pulsing of his veins increased. The first jet of his sperm hit the back of my throat in a cannonade that was soon enough followed by its eager fellows. In a trice my mouth frothed with his gruelly substance. I found the taste to my liking. A sense of power possessed me. I would have sucked him dry had he not withdrawn it, declaring that he wished to put it in my cunt. Few men could have sustained himself as he, for with those very words I found myself upon the bed, wet as I was withal. Falling heavily upon me, his spouting cock plunged in. I held him quivering. Pearl's cries of pleasure at the spectacle seemed as my own. One single divine shudder and we were done. The last shoots and pearls of come spattered my cunny within. I clasped him tightly, quivering in our bliss. I knew no greater heights of pleasure.
All being done and to our immense satisfaction, the limp worm of his penis slipped regretfully from within my velvet sheath. Rolling upon his back and quite depleted, he thus permitted Pearl to come upon me in turn. Between my open thighs she lay, rubbing her cunny madly to mine and exchanging such a torrent of erotic phrases as I returned in full.
More sensuously than can any male, she squirmed upon me, full knowing that I was ready as never before to spill my excitement anew. In this she was right. The rubbing of our lovelips and our pubic curls made me soar again to heaven. Blind in our hungers we mouthed and tongued. I felt her wetness. Yet again she trilled out her sparkling juices as did I until the hairs of our cunts meshed oiled and wet together. Uncaring of the condition of the eiderdown which would betray our pleasures we then lay still as might two babes. Murmuring gently we exchanged kisses as soft as doves.
“Ah, you are well fitted for it,” Pearl sighed. A laugh escaped her as then my uncle stirred and came upon her, thus bearing his weight upon us both. Few things stir a man so much as the sight of two lovely women at play, as I have long learned. His cock, stiffening again, moved in the furrow of her bottom. Her belly bumped to mine. I was all but squashed beneath them.
“Let him put it in you,” I murmured to her.
“The beast, I cannot stop him-oh, he is getting it in!”
I felt indeed that he was. Albeit that he was not then fully erect, his knob found its path between her lovelips. The rolling of Pearl's eyes and the movements of her lips upon mine told me that it had. I raised my legs the better to allow them to proceed. With quite a jolt he was full in her and there stiffened completely, a most pleasant sensation, as I was myself to learn later, for the male member swells up between the walls of the vagina which by their subtle clenching and sucking motions encourage the affair.
Pearl clearly wanted it badly, for she began to puff and moan, her face full flushed. By devious struggles I got out from beneath them. I wished to watch; Drawing up her hips and bottom, my uncle began to plug her in earnest while her face buried itself in the pillow. His face had a sheen of lust upon it. The vision of his big male shaft easing back and forth between her pouting lips quite mesmerised me, though I did not but stroke her sleek back gently, as if I were needed there to encourage her lewd-ness. Her hips strove, working back and forth, her elbows bent so that her forearms were placed flat on the bed. I have seen many photographic likenesses of such since, but none to rival the reality. Her tits swung with every inward thrust of him. Of a sudden I rose, mounted her back and-facing my uncle with my legs straddled on either side of her waist-afforded him my lips and tongue while rubbing my quim along her spine. I was careful not to put too much weight upon her and did so by placing my hands on his shoulders.
His movements quickened, making her bottom slap and smack to his belly. In his second course, as he was, his ejaculation took longer. “Oh! oh!” Pearl gasped in pleasure beneath us. I felt proud of my initiative, which had come by instinct.
“Fuck her, fuck her, fuck her!” I babbled to his lips.
“Yes! Oh, what pleasures!” he groaned. Hearing the words from my lips brought him on. He clenched her hips the tighter and gushed, as well I could tell by all the signs of both. Ramming her to the full, he expelled his sperm while I received his tongue, his groans, his cries.
All then was peaceful. For the nonce we had taken our full. Our stallion had proven worthy of the event. His cock, thick and heavy, spumed its last as we lay down. Being between them, I rubbed my thighs sensuously against theirs. Moving our fingers across to one another, Pearl and I twiddled each other's spermy split. Not a word was said. We lay in such beatitude as follows a fair and lusty bout, our breathing coming softly.
Visions of Elaine danced through my mind. Most oddly I felt a certain guilt that she had not been there, or-if not that-then that I was. How strangely the mind works in such moments. Yet I did not care. The haze of satisfaction was upon me. I could have taken another prick and another, and knew it well. Pearl stirred and pushed the covers down with her feet. Her movements were charmingly petulant and almost sleepy. Being then of one mind we all ruffled ourselves between the sheets and slept the sleep of love. A full hour passed before we stirred. I awoke to find myself pressed between them, my uncle's penis rampant against the hot cheeks of my bottom. Feeling around me by instinct for it, Pearl laughed as though to admonish me.
“He must conserve his forces. Oh, my mouth is dry. Let us get up and call for some lemonade,” she decreed. This we did, staring at each other's unclothed bodies with a certain curiosity. My uncle's balls were full and pendant. They promised well for the night.
Having dressed-which was a simple enough matter for I wore only a silk chemise and gown over my corset-I fretted anew about Elaine and said that I had best go and see to her. I saw then to my hair, as did Pearl.
“Oh, she will come to it soon enough,” said Pearl, adding that we were to the Comte's house after dinner and that Elaine would not be permitted any hesitations there. Even so, I could not leave her in isolation and so excused myself, this being done as politely as if we had been upon any normal social occasion. Such niceties ever please me. Pearl was clearly delighted with my comportment.
Elaine I found huddled up on the bed, as I expected to.
“Oh, what have you been at?” she asked crossly. Evidently she had slept, for her hair was all array and her skirt up. I suspected something of that and, before she could rise, threw myself merrily upon her and reached my hand so far up her thighs until I could feel her quim. There was such a stickiness there that I knew well what she had been about.
“You have enjoyed yourself,” said I.
“But not as much as you, I am sure,” she replied pettishly. Blushing deeply, she pushed my hand away, got off the bed and went to her dressing table. Determined to break her mood, I bent over her from behind and, sliding my arms beneath hers, cupped her breasts.
“What naughty thoughts did you have?” I asked, whereat she had the grace to giggle.
“None-and you have not told me what you were doing. I suppose you were conversing again,” she said sarcastically. I turned her face-moving my free hand all about over and beneath her proud titties-and kissed her. She felt my fervour, my affection. Her lips returned the compliment.
“Yes, it may be called that,” I murmured. I had no cause to blush, nor she. “It was nice to have it in your bottom, was it not?” I asked", my lips continuing to brush her own while her neck was turned about to me.
“No,” she said softly, but I knew the word not to be taken at its face value nor indeed any value. I told her then what I had heard the Madame say to Pearl before we were put over the bars. At that, Elaine's hand clutched mine and held it over her left breast.
“Is that really true?” she asked.
“Of course. Why else do you think it was done? Phillippe's prick was divinely formed to open up our furrows so that the larger ones might follow. It tingled me at first, but it was nice. I am sure you felt the same.”
“Oh, then have you…?”she asked, referring of course to my absence and well imagining, I am sure, that her Papa had breached the same route.
“You have not told me whether you liked it or not,” I countered. At that I raised my head and pressed her face to my breasts while feeling for the little velvet buttons of the front of her dress.
“Yes, all right, I did, though not at first. I wished he had kept it in longer. You had the best of it,” Elaine confessed.
Little by little I had freed her breasts as she spoke. My fingers roamed now over their glossy swollen surfaces. Her nipples, quickly risen, stubbed against my fingertips.
A little awkwardly I drew her up, but she following easily, we moved sideways together back cross the room and fell pellmell upon the bed. Her mouth was moist and hungry. Licking at her nipples while she sighed and let her arms loll above her head, I raised her skirt and dwelt my eyes with pleasure upon her mount. The dark hairs were crisp and well-fluffed up. The lips were oily with the excited thoughts she had apparently sustained. Working my tongue into the whorl of her navel, I caused her to giggle and double up her legs. Upon her doing this, and having her bottom half hanging over the edge of the bed, I dropped to my knees and-holding her without resistance, plunged my pointed tongue back and forth in her pussy.
Elaine squirmed and moaned, but pressed into me, quite mushing me with her pubic hairs.
“Did he fuck you? Tell me, oh tell me,” she quivered.
“Of course-as he will you tonight.”
She hid her face, enjoying my tongue muchly as the sly movements of her bottom showed. Rolling her upon her back and forcing her thighs askew, I plunged my mouth in deeper. She was on the point of coming as I could tell by all the little febrile movements of her body. Her stockinged legs stirred passionately, waving this way and that. The slurping of my tongue sounded.
“Oh, no, I cannot!” she moaned.
Gliding my luring tongue without, I rubbed my chin all around her clitoris, this coming as an inspiration to me and proving most effective, for she bucked the more and let me feel her tricklings.
“You silly, you must, for else you will be birched and your hot bottom put up to them one by one. Many a girl is so treated at the Comte's, I hear.”
“Oh-woh!” Elaine's knees spread themselves over my shoulders, the heels of her shoes digging between my shoulder blades. Her back arched. She came again, this time in a fiercer spurting whose fine rain spattered against my chin. Her legs slumped down either side of me and remained open. Her eyes stared at the ceiling. I was upon her like a tigress. Our stocking tops rubbed together.
“Say yes, for I would not have you birched,” I begged.
Whether she even heard herself speak, I know not. She kissed divinely. Our quims rubbed together as sensitively as the strings of violins. So wriggling and squirming together we released our juices which mingled in the oiling of our thighs. Quiescent then in the pale mists of fulfilment, we lay panting. Moving half off of her I toyed with her slit. My left leg lay across hers.
The night would soon enough come upon us. I whispered to her of what must come to pass. She hugged me, answering me not, her eyelashes fluttering against my cheek.