Poor Elaine-she was the subject of my mischief that night, but it could not be helped. Her benefits, however, were considerable and so mollified the wrath she might other wise have poured upon me.

We have argued about it since. “You were sulking,” I have said. “Oh, you story, I was resting,” would come her reply, though said with a smile she could not conceal.

Had we been in less civilised company, our host might have demanded or at least enquired why my cousin was not party to our merriment. Being of great experience, he knew her predicament to be one of seeming shyness which, like an egg, but waits to be cracked open. It was for me to spring the hare, so to speak, and this I duly did since all were again ready for the fray. All eyes then being fixed upon the reclining beauty, I rose and tiptoed across to her, quite certain that she had absorbed every word and was as ready for her dosages as I. Placing my hand under her bottom, which she had left uncovered, I whispered to her that she must now take her choice of the men's pricks.

“I want to go home!” she whined, this being heard by Pearl who hastened across.

“What nonsense is this?” she demanded merrily. Then, giving me a wink, she reached beneath the divan and drew out a small birch, the bound handle of which was prettily decorated with a blue silk ribbon. “This young lady must be warmed for the feast, and who else to give her bottom pleasure but her Papa? Come, Harold-to your duty.”

“No!” shrieked Elaine, becoming thereupon quite lively, though at the sight of her father rising and advancing with his cock waggling eagerly, she sat up and hid her face. “Oh, Papa, you would not!” she implored, by which time however he had reached one arm beneath her knees and the other under her armpits, so lifting her that Elaine uttered a wild cry and appeared to faint. That she did so was partly to her undoing for she was carried easily enough to a convenient table, at the sight of which she abandoned pretence of swooning and sobbed and kicked to such effect that my uncle, all but persuaded by her, would have put her down had it not been for Pearl.

“None of this, now-put her over!” she cried whereupon the Comte proved his worth yet again by demonstrating that the table was designed for such recalcitrants. Positioning himself to the side of the table as Elaine was lowered from her father's arms, he took one of her wrists and so drew on her arm that she was bent over the further edge, screeching the while that a strap-fitted to the underside-was snapped about her wrist, Roald, acting as his accomplice-saw to the other so that my cousin was as well secured as could be with her toes just touching the floor and her bottom perfectly poised for action.

“No, Papa, no!” Elaine squealed unendingly until Pearl- securing my cousin's gown well up above her hips-afforded her such a resounding smack on her pert nether cheeks as made her howl with outrage and then sob more quietly. Flushed with pleasure, anticipation-and doubtless many other emotions-my uncle then took the little birch from Pearl's hand while we, easing away from the table became enraptured spectators of what was to follow. Save, that is, for a piece of advice that the Comte thought fit to offer.

“Monsieur, if I may so suggest, a dozen firm strokes would be most fitting upon this occasion-the first to be applied from the right-sweeping right across her bottom, the second to be given from the left, and the third coursing a little more lightly up under her bulge. Spare her not, for she will best be brought on to your cock in this way.”

“And time it is for her indeed to be,” murmured Pearl who then began massaging his cock while I attended to Roald's, the pair of them holding us about our waists while we leaned against them and Elaine's sobs and cries of despair echoed all about.

“Oh, Papa, you shame me, you shame me!”

“Take no notice, Harold-the little minx's quim will pout even more appealingly once you have warmed her bottom,” chuckled Pearl. “Let us take to the divans, Arabella, for if we kneel upon them on either side of the table we can then receive our partners' cocks from the rear at the very moment that your uncle presents himself to her.”

“Oh-ho-ho-NO!” sobbed Elaine who looked perfectly adorable, I thought, for her enforced posture showed well the curving lines of her stockinged legs, the pale orb of her bottom, and the coy peeping of her slit beneath.

The marvel was that my uncle did not breach his daughter's offering then and there, for his knob was but twelve inches from it and Elaine's cunny was most succulently poised to receive it. What her real state of mind then was, I would love to have known, for her outward protests counted as nothing to me.

Having taken up postillion at our rears upon the two divans, as Pearl suggested, and all being comfortably if teasingly placed, the feting of Elaine's bottom began the while that the crest of Roald's tool waited menacingly poised towards the cheeks of my derriere.

Tentative in the raising of the birch as my uncle appeared to be, yet the determined first swish that he rained across Elaine's out-thrust orb seemed to presage all the earlier frustrations he had doubtless felt.

“Yooooh!” my cousin screeched. Her hips waggled wildly, her feet teetering this way and that as the spraying twigs sparkled their points of fire into her globe. I was yet to know-though much later-the sensation myself. It burn, it stings., it taunts, causing the bottom to rotate and so offer itself ever more invitingly to the male prong. Should it belay the bottom too hard, then the very purpose is lost, for one cannot sustain too deep a stinging and pleasure at the same time. Of this I thought little at the time, for the pink streaks that began to appear in contrasting hue upon the pale bulb of Elaine's bottom were exciting in the extreme. Twice, thrice, and four times did she howl to the searing strokes, the third of which- coming up beneath her bottom in accordance with the Comte's instructions-caused her to reach beguilingly up on her toes.

“NOOO-NOOO-NOOO, Papa!” screeched my cousin whose wild entreaties appeared to soften his heart, for with that he began to belabour her much more lightly and by instinct appeared to begin to know what might draw her on and what might not. The gritting cries that had sped from her mouth then began as if by magic to diminish.

“Ah, superb-magnifique!-he has learned the trick of it,” murmured the Comte who I swear would rather have birched her himself.

“OOOOH-HAAAR!” came then from Elaine, the pink of her bottom now assuming a slightly deeper hue that made me wonder muchly at the streaks of fire that must be coursing through her. Swish-swish-swish! sounded the birch again, though ever still as light in its application as my uncle had adapted himself to. Afterwards he said that in truth he could not at first bear to birch her bare bottom, but then taking a liking for the sport vowed to himself that it would not be Elaine's last.

Such noises Elaine continued to make as I never could interpret. At one moment she emitted a long hissing sound such as might be expressed by “WHEEEEEE!” At another a bubbling sob would ripple up from her throat, her smooth belly pressing into the edge of the table as the twigs impressed their urging fire into her every crevice. Whether my uncle was counting the dozen she was to receive mattered little to us all, save perhaps my cousin whose cheeks were well pearled with her tears which trickled saltily down to the corners of her mouth.

A surging of remorse that was yet mingled with an excitement of pleasure coursed through me, for I sensed her well to be at the gateway to uncountable desires that the thought of her Papa's rigid cock and swinging balls could not help but evoke.

“NEEE-YNNNNG! Oh, oh, oh, Papa!” she gritted. The sound merged with a sob of waiting pleasure that rose from myself as Roald-who sensed that the divine denouement was at hand-eased apart the springy halfmoons of my derriere and poised the knob of his pestle full against my rosette. I cringed a little. He felt the movement. He grasped my hips, my lips parted in a pretty cry. He was already entering. That which I sustained then was the sensation of a huge piston of rigid flesh and muscle urging itself remorselessly into my bottom. For a moment then I lost view of Elaine for I dropped my head, allowing my somewhat tousled hair to fall in part over my eyes. I gritted out a moan. I tensed my knees, feeling as I did as though all the air were being driven from my lungs as inch by inch he probed within.

“WHOOOO!” I gasped even as Elaine was doing. Afterwards she said that she heard me, yet thought it was but an echo of her own cries. Endeavouring to resist a little, I drew my hips forward only to have them rammed back.

“Arabella! come-you must take it! What a divine bottom you have-what warmth-what tightness! Say I am the first!”

“Ah, yes!” I lied. “Oh, but you must not put it right in!” I moaned, though all by then was lost, or gained. Another thrust of his powerful loins and I received a full five inches of his jouster which throbbed exceedingly in my hot orifice. “HAAAAR!” I heard from Pearl at the same time, for the Comte was putting himself to her in the same wise. The room bleared before my eyes, entertaining as I was the first full manly prick in my bottom. Every vein seemed to impress itself against the sleek walls of my channel. The knob appeared bigger than it had done in my cunny, though doubtless my fevered squeezing made it so. I gritted my teeth. I wanted him.

The knob urged more. I had come to full womanhood, as then seemed to me. The sensation of complete submission to the lusting male was quite delirious. My moans echoed in my ears even as did Roald's, for with yet another tender push he had me to the full, my bottom balling into his belly. I was corked. I felt the nudging of his balls beneath my quim which added exquisitely to the curious yet divinely enervating sensation. No doubt the brushing of my curls there excited him equally, though all was contained in the delicious feeling of being fully sheathed and held, as might be any female animal.

But a minute or two had passed since my cry had merged with Elaine's. She it was now who was to receive her bounty, though instead of putting her forthwith to her Papa's cock as I had anticipated, he loosed first her wriststraps, wherewith she would have slumped backwards to the floor had he not lifted her bodily and laid her accommodatingly upon cushions.

“Oh-woh-woh!” Elaine blubbered, feeling her hot bottom laid to momentary rest upon the downy supports. Her arms flailed, her stockinged legs endeavoured to close, but clearly my uncle would have no more of her hesitations. With a growl he was upon her, so levering her thighs apart that he was able to couch himself upon her belly and keep her legs apart by the doughty intervention of his own. Therewith at last I saw his cock throbbing upon her belly, the while that Elaine twisted her face from side to side.

“I shall tell…I shall tell Mama!” she blathered, but then-taking both her wrists and laying her hands above her head- he so held her, each tremulous jerking of her belly almost causing him to come no doubt, for her navel wriggled bewitchingly under the crest of his weapon. “OOOOH! HAAAAR!” Elaine choked. Her torso twisted, furthering his excitement.

Therewith Roald began to move his cock in me with a gentleness of purpose that betrayed well his desire to please me.

“Watch them as I bugger you, my pet,” he husked.

“Yeh-eh-esss!” I moaned. I could do no other, nor sought to. Elaine lay full before me on the carpet, but a yard or two away. Her tremulous struggles appeared to be weakening. Her knees skewed sideways and relaxed, allowing Papa's balls to couch themselves lewdly against her nest. His lips flourished all about her ever-twisting face, flushed and tear-streaked as it was. Her bubbling cries diminished. In a moment her lips had merged beneath his own. Held by the wrists still in a position of utter submission, her hands opened and closed several times and then lay lax.

“Hold still, Elaine,” he murmured.

“Oh, Papa!”

“Come-your legs wider. By heavens, I should have threaded you long ere this and well you know it.”

“My b…b…bottom burns, Papa!”

“And the more it shall, my pet, if you move your hands when I release them, for I shall put you to the birch again and cork your bottom first, as I mean to before the night is out. Still now, you little devil! Lift your bottom a trifle that I might cup it and so bring your nest to part its lips to my knob. A little more-there, so!”

For a moment Elaine appeared dazed. Her hands remained limp where he had left them, one above each shoulder. The protrusion of her nipples from her white, swollen titties where her gown was opened was delicious in the extreme. Biting her lip, she raised her bottom a full two inches so that his hands, gliding beneath, allowed it to throb upon his palms. Withdrawing a trifle, he allowed his eager knob to oppose its lusting bulb against the pouting lips of her cunny.

My bottom moved more easily now upon Roald's shaft. Some subtle lubrication seemed to have eased his passage. My senses swam. Poised over me, he palmed my breasts, needing no longer to hold me for his game. I was accomplice to the art. The itching and burning sensations thrilled me to the core.

“Go faster!” I urged and then broke from me a further cry that no power could have stilled-“h, Uncle, fuck her!”

A moan from Elaine and he had already sunk in, a full four inches of his cock already being embedded. Victorious in that moment he raised himself above her. How moist and sticky her quim was I could only guess. For a moment her back arched as if she would dismount him, then with a frail bubbling cry she was submerged beneath him, her legs kicking mutinously until he was full within.

“NOOOOO!” she choked, but it was her last such dying cry to be. His lips settled upon her risen nipples, sucking at them strongly the while that she bucked.

“Yes, Elaine! Ah, what delights! Take him-take your Papa's cock!” I cried.

His balls swung heavily and he began to joust her. No longer then did she resist, though twisting her face to one side so that her mouth could scarce be taken, she allowed him to ream her, her bottom writhing ardently upon his palms as the spell of it took her. His prick shunted, thrust-emerged and then thrust in again. I saw the lips of her cunny distinctly swell and grip around it. Their breaths panted together. In a moment they were in full flight. Spreading her legs wider, he encountered no resistance now, smacking his receptacles against the underswell of her bottom until with a moan of frenetic desire Elaine offered her lips to his and both made a merry dance with their tongues.

“Let me come in you, my darling!”

“HA! OOOOH! Yes, Papa, yes! Work your cock in me- how big it is!”

All blurred. The divine vision exceeded all my imaginations. Thrice and I come and now a fourth time spattered. Our cries resounded. Roald's panting grew louder.

“I must!” he cried.

“My love, yes, do it in my bottom-come!” I exhorted. Beside us, Pearl and the Comte threshed equally. The wicked orgy was nearing its peak. In but seconds I received the hot splashing of Roald's come, deep up my orifice, while in turn both Pearl and Elaine received their manly tributes until all lay soaking in the aftermath which so stirs the mind with pleasantries that might yet be to follow. Casting myself lazily forward at last, I so disengaged myself and lay with my face a little shyly hidden at our shamelessness.

Such was not to be for long, however. Pearl would not have it so and brought us all soon enough to the wine again. Elaine, having by then been divested of her gown, sat naked to her corsets, stockings and shoes, as did I. One arm around her, my uncle played with her titties which he weighed fondly. A tiredness that had entered upon our champions made itself known by the doleful limpness of their pricks, about which I much teased them, they taking it in good part.

“Let us all lie down, for all then shall be soon restored,” countered Pearl who took herself to Roald and I to my uncle, while Elaine was made to lay with the Comte.

Pleasant indeed are such moments when an amourous langour is upon one, for the discourses flow softly and while many libertine suggestions are made, there is no hurry upon the matter. I have read long since many meretricious works- these being all however of fiction-in which the males have a nonsensical vigour and ever-readiness of purpose which in real life few if any attain. A woman may be fucked a dozen times in a night, yet a single male may be able to attend to her only thrice or four times while others take the saddle in his place. Enough however of the fooleries of itinerant male scribes who allow their imaginations to become overheated by vision of that which I doubt they would ever experience, having neither the time, the opportunities nor the wealth. Nor, I should say, the wit, for despite all the lasciviousness of our intent and our succeeding actions, scarce a crude word passed between our lips when discoursing in relative peace of such matters.

True it is that the French language softens much. Little by little Elaine and I were to learn such terms and phrases in that delicate tongue as were needful to us. Frequently also, to our vast amusement, we were able to employ them in the company of the less informed who had no idea, for instance, that pine means “prick” and les fesses the “bottom.” Numerous were the ladies of our acquaintance who had learned only “polite French” and little enough of that. We were to play many merry japes by virtue thereof, though afterwards pretending with affected coyness and even dismay that we had been mistaken completely as to the true meaning of the words.

From Pearl on this memorable night I learned, too, the value of discretion, for while the Comte regaled us with such wicked tales as would have allowed him to compile his own Thousand and One Nights, she remained charmingly evasive as to her own. Thus one is most subtly portrayed as having less experience than others which, in the eyes of many males-as also not a few females-renders one the more desirable. A whore is not sought after unless by those who pathetically jingle sovereigns in their pockets for a mean two minutes pleasure.

An hour passed before we returned to play the game which Rabelais rather crudely described as that of the “two-backed beast.” Elaine was to receive her Papa's accolade in her bottom, as had been promised, while I was to attend to both the Comte and Roald-the latter to put his penis to my lips while our host, having me kneeling before him, gave my cunny a fresh injection. Pearl, as she proclaimed, was to be the ring-mistress and to this end first made great play of drawing my cousin to the selfsame table over which she had been birched. No such punishment being due this time, however, Pearl placed a small blue velvet cushion upon the edge of it, upon which Elaine was to rest her tummy.

Her legs being well-spread and her bottom showing a perfect cleft orb, her Papa then toyed with her gently, bidding her be still and obedient in future as was his wish. To this Elaine gave no reply, affecting as ever some would-be shy confusion as first he eased his fingertips about her cuntlips, the better to moisten and excite her. I, being uncertain again as to whether in the final event she would endeavour to spring up again, held back my stallions until his rod had sought the tightness of her hole. Placing one hand in the small of her back and urging her gently to keep her bottom well poised, he oiled his fingers from a phial that waited accommodatingly for the purpose and caused her to wriggle much and to sigh and to moan as he then lubricated her puckered rosette.

“She has taken a young man's cock up there this very day and may now enjoy the paternal one,” said Pearl who much enjoyed ordering young ladies about. So saying, she clamped her hand firmly upon the back of Elaine's neck and-bidding my uncle step back a little-began to massage and finger her all about her bottom and beneath while whispering to her what I had no doubt were all sorts of erotic fancies.

Breathing softly and keeping her face hidden in the crook of her arms which were folded upon the surface of the table, Elaine commenced rotating her bottom lasciviously while her Papa waited with urgently strumming cock to take his prize.

He was not long about it, for being “finger-dipped”-as Pearl called it-which is to say that she began working her forefinger in and out of Elaine's rosehole, the maiden's cleft was soon taken by her father's prick which rammed slowly into her until her quivering shoulders and whimpering sounds told of her pleasure. Not until his penis had all but emerged and then had sheathed itself again did I resort to my pair. At one end I sucked greedily upon Roald's prick with my mouth while my lovelips pouted equally upon the Comte's stiff tool. Thus with many wracking cries-my own being entirely muffled-did we all glide down the hill of bliss.

Finishing his course first, my uncle withdrew his steaming weapon with an audible plop which left Elaine's bottom as well-creamed as I have ever seen one. Being not long in following, I loosed Roald's cock from my mouth for just sufficient time to call upon both to lather me equally which they did with more vigour than even I had hoped.

Thus wearied of our games, all finally dispersed to bed. It being well and tactfully understood that the men would require their rest, I took to the sheets with Elaine who had been too well pleasured for her now to deny it.

“I told you that Papa had a big one,” she murmured triumphantly, as if all had come about by her own endeavours rather than by the urgings we had found it necessary to employ.

“As to that, you have neither seen nor felt the last of it,” I replied, though cuddling her to me warmly. Our fingers sought each other's dells, for to reminisce about such without accompanying titillation would be as to eating strawberries without cream.

“What then of yours, for you have not been so venturesome as I,” she declared as one might who has earlier lost much ground and will now recover it by whatever means possible.

“Papa?” I exclaimed in astonishment, for though it would not be entirely truthful to say that the idea had by now not crossed my mind, I had truly not given much account to it. “That is different, for I am younger than you,” I replied with a remarkable lack of logic that caused me to smile in the darkness.

“We shall see, for what I have received you must also, else I shall be cheated upon. Come, say that you will be as bold as I.”

I would not. I giggled and evaded her questions. Even so, the very thought of it made me part my thighs more eagerly to her caresses.
