The maison of the Comte was luxurious in the extreme, as might have been expected. Gildings, decorations and large mirrors were all about. A huge winding staircase gave promise of what was to follow above. That we were to stay the night was tacitly understood. At dinner the Comte arraigned himself at my side-his companion acting as escort to Elaine while my uncle sat with Pearl. All looked most seemly. Waiters whose quietness would have flattered the Savoy in London went back and forth with an endless array of dishes. The wines were so numerous that I almost lost count of them.

“We will, with your permission ladies, take liqueurs at table,” the Comte announced at the end of our repast. The' suggestion was curious, but in a moment I saw the reason for it. The doors opened and a most divine young maid appeared, bearing glasses and bottles upon a silver tray. These attracted our attention but little however in comparison with her attire which was such as a Greek princess might have worn in olden times.

Her sole garment was a robe of white which, being translucent, allowed one to see the proud orbing of her breasts, the dark circles which surmounted them and-below-where the material wafted out with every step, the brazen triangle of her bush.

Her limbs were slender, her hips finely curving, and the rondeur of her marbled bottom announcing itself boldly beneath the white mist. Being tallish, she carried herself regally, her feet shod in silver slippers whose heels gave perfect rise to her legs. Unblushingly and with her long dark hair moving easily about her shoulders, she served us one by one, my uncle being sufficiently discreet and well-schooled not to appear to take overmuch notice of the pendant breasts which nudged his shoulder as his glass was filled.

The liqueur was Benedictine-one that is ever my favourite. It has a perfect bite to it yet is smooth as velvet and does not clog the throat. Its headiness is insidious but pleasing. One becomes not so much tipsy from it as floating around it.

Expecting as I did, the young beauty then to retire, I was duly astonished to see her place her tray quietly down upon a side table and then with feline grace slink down upon her knees and disappear beneath the table. The purpose of this however soon became clear to me. A faint gasp came from Pearl but then was hushed. Simultaneously my uncle spluttered for a moment into his glass but then was quiet in turn.

The Comte turned not a hair but continued conversing with us, asking me whether I did not like the paintings of Renoir whose delineation of females was, he said, the finest ever to be viewed.

“No, for I think Renoir's ladies are too fat,” I replied to his amusement, keeping as I did one eye upon Pearl and my uncle who were moving about most curiously and for good reason since the maid, having plunged her face up between the lady's thighs, was also attending to my uncle's prick with her hand. Their expressions were amusing, for each strove to act as if nothing at all were happening and indeed might well not have been so far as the Comte was concerned. Both drank more quickly than they would otherwise have done and 'twas my uncle who reached for the bottle and refilled their glasses, which I considered quite a feat considering the trembling of his hand.

The pair having thus been lubriciously readied, the maid most obviously turned her attention next to Elaine whose mouth opened in a wide aperture of surprise while a blush flooded her from neck to forehead.

“Are you not well, my dear?” the Comte asked, feeling well up my thigh as he did beneath my gown. I stirred and assisted his endeavours, being not uneager to taste the maid's tongue myself, or rather to afford her a taste of my cunny, for I thought her tongue to be well coated already.

Elaine bubbled. I can only describe it as that. Raised as it had been to her mouth, her glass chattered against her teeth and then dropped limply to the table, almost causing the precious liqueur to be spilled. Pearl was meanwhile smiling and more at her ease, having-as I was afterwards to know-my uncle's prick in her hand beneath the tablecloth while he prettied his fingers about her bush. Elaine's companion, Roald, was doubtless suffering a similar assault, for he rolled his eyes and worked his body, the two appearing to perform St. Vitus' Dance.

“HAAAAR!” gasped my cousin-most indiscreetly, for I was yet awaiting my turn, though I needed it less now that the Comte's fingers were at me. Having parted my thighs well and shifted my bottom forward on my chair, he was enabled to tease me to distraction by turning his wrist about and playing with my clitoris.

“She should be upon the table, for she has been but lightly seen to today,” then said Pearl who clearly wished to hasten matters and, I have little doubt, had been primed to do so by the Comte.

“Indeed, has such a delicious young lady then been so neglected?” inquired our host in the most courteous manner. Gurgling all the more and with her head hung back, Elaine was meanwhile being even more closely attended to. I knew then how little all had been arranged, but sensed that what was to follow did not come about by accident or the mere fervour of the moment. Clapping his hands, the Comte then caused the door to open and a seeming twin of the Grecian maid to appear. Wafting across the room silently while her robe billowed out to display the delectable nudity beneath-she moved immediately behind Elaine's chair and to only the feeblest beating of hands of my cousin all by ripped the front of her gown open so that the milky gourds of her breasts were fully displayed. Reaching then beneath Elaine's armpits, she drew her up and sideways so that her chair faltered and fell.

All was then to be seen-her open legs, the lower fringe of her black corset, the muff of her quim, her silky thighs whose whiteness was made all the more sensuous by the black of her stockings. Therewith also the first maid slithered from beneath the table and grasped the ankles of Elaine who squealed and cried out much as any virgin might who was displayed to the assembled company.

“Come, we shall take our pleasure now,” called the Comte who rose with his penis as well displayed as did Roald and my uncle. I being drawn up with him allowed myself to be fondled warmly twixt my thighs while Elaine, being carried bodily into an adjoining room wailed her protests.

“Yes, let us to cocks and cunts,” laughed Pearl, “for each of us is to be threaded and your balls had best be full for the task.”

Such a bussing and rumpling then occurred in all the heat of passion that in no time were she and I down to our corsets, shoes and stockings, and the men naked for the battle, their prongs well upstanding. Elaine's moans being heard, though now more muffled, we followed in, Pearl holding my uncle's cock and I the proud possessor of both Roald's and the Comte's. The room was one we had not entered before but was clearly furnished and designed for the sport. All about were broad divans covered in black or crimson velvet. Brocaded cushions of silk were strewn discreetly so that any who wished might fall upon them.

Two chandeliers glittered their greeting discreetly. Upon a sideboard glasses and bottles awaited the moment when we might require rejuvenation. Most remarkable of all was the further wall to which long mirrors were affixed, side by side, so that all that occurred, whether upon the divans or the floor, was faithfully reflected.

Feeling the twin throbbing of my companions' penises, I saw then to what delights Elaine was being treated. Her gown was thrust up to her waist and her corsage, as I have said, fully opened. Laid upon a black velvet divan which complemented the dazzling whiteness of her skin, though at the same time echoing the hue of her stockings and the dark bush of her quim, her legs were splayed to the tongue-twirling of the second maid while the first massaged and sucked at her swollen titties.

Whether she saw us enter or not, I do not know, for my cousin's eyes alternately opened and closed, her mouth grimacing in pleasure.

“Let us observe. It is a pretty sight indeed,” murmured the Comte who, having advanced closer under my excited guidance, could not resist fondling the bottom of the nipple-sucking maid.

I rubbed him but gently, as I did Roald, well knowing that either might come before their time was due. Elaine puffed, snorted and moaned alternately. Unable to resist, I bent and kissed her mouth, so quietening her a little while, with my arms stretched back I continued to hold what I might call the horny reins of my steeds. I wanted both, I was greedy, yet no more so than to see Elaine at pleasure.

Taking advantage then of my position, the Comte neatly drew his penis from my grasp and, taking hold of my hips and bending me further over my cousin, deftly inserted his knob at the portals of my lovepot. I wriggled. Two inches slipped within. Holding Elaine's chin I drove my tongue in her mouth. All three of us were now at her and the rising delirium of her pleasure was obvious from the excited stabbing of her tongue around mine.

Sheathing himself fully, the Comte took full possession of me, bringing my bottom to mound into his belly while his balls hung beneath.

“Elaine! He is f…f…fucking me,” I moaned. My legs straightened, my back dipped. I knew well how to present myself to such a lubricious assault. His cock tingled in my velvety depths, clamped as firmly as in a baby's mouth, as afterwards he was at flowery pains to tell me. He worked himself-I moved my hips in response. Roald, having been released from my hungry clasp, fell to having his cock sucked by Pearl who-bending forward for the task-then received my uncle's prick in her cunt.

Thus were we arranged, in as lewd a tableau as might be imagined. Naught sounded but the soft hissing of our breaths and the combined smacking of our bodies. Spreading his legs and with his balls swinging gently, Roald made the fullest of offerings to the mouth of Pearl who was not loathe to take advantage of her double offering. I, who had thought to do the same thing, raised my mouth from Elaine's and watched the pair through bleary eyes while the Comte pumped me sturdily. His hands held my hips in a manful grip which I liked, occasionally descending to caress my thighs or titillate my clitoris.

In the very midst of our transports, however, a new fancy took him. That he was so in command of his senses to effect it, I much admired. Withdrawing his steaming prong but briefly from my dell, he motioned the maids aside and set me astride Elaine in such fashion that my cunny came over her mouth, though an inch or two above it.

My cousin stirred not, nor could. Gazing down into her hot eyes, I smiled, though my expression was not long held for the Comte then inserted his penis again so that Elaine was brought to suffer its contact with her mouth. Surging into me as it did, not much was then left of it for her to attend to, wherewith the Comte gruffly commanded her to lick his balls.

Whether or not she did, I know not for I was then bent further forward until my hands came at the end of the divan. Truly I could feel movements beneath me, but by then our course was already almost run, as were those of the other combatants. I had come already several times and well splashed the Comte's balls with my offerings. Now, with a satisfied groan, he afforded me his due. Pressing the warm orb of my bottom back into him so that we seemed as if glued together, I received every long shooting of his sperm in the selfsame moment that Pearl was inundated front and back. Therewith I seemed to feel Elaine's tongue gently licking, but my sensations were too overwhelming for me to judge. The lips of my cunt oozed along the steaming tool of the Comte as he injected me thrice and fourfold until the bubblings of our liquid treasures merged and I turned my neck about to meet his mouth.

The last quiverings seized us. I balled my bottom deeper and absorbed the finer spurts of his sperm which then as always I was greedy to receive. So enraptured we stayed with our warm, pulsing bodies close-pressed until the gradual weakening of his tool in my grotto announced the regretted finale. In withdrawing he spilled his pearls upon Elaine's chin, as I also doubtless did, though so heady was the scent of sperm and the finer feminine odours in the room that it mattered not.

Being drawn off of my cousin, I took to the cushions on the floor and lay there as might any Eastern princess. For such I felt, well knowing that I was to receive two more libations at the very least. About us flitted the two maids. Wine glugged into glasses and was well received. Elaine lay as one who cannot help be perceived but who wishes not to be. Of a sudden she curled up and turned over upon her hip to the wall, so presenting an ardent bottom to view.

I knew her well by then. She was “presenting,” as we say, though would have denied it. Being flaccid of organs, the men said little save by way of desultory conversation that was but lightly sprinkled with lewdness. We were not, after all, whores, but ladies with gentlemen. The two maids, having seemingly performed all their duties, went out and closed the door upon us-perhaps regretfully, as I thought, though in aftermath I realised that they were the fortunate participants at many such entertainments, as Pearl was always pleased to call them.

Elaine, as I say, lay as if upon a soft platform, for we were all by then seated at our ease amid the cushions-or rather, lolling upon them. Most hopefully Pearl and I both kept our legs open. For what we were about to receive we would be duly thankful. The night had but begun.

“Recount us your adventures, for you must have many in this very room,” invited Pearl of our host. So began our first session of “Parisian Nights,” for that was the name I gave to them and how I duly recorded them in my diaries and notebooks. In vividness of narrative, the Comte was never failing, for this was one of several evenings we were to pass there during our sojourn in Paris. He spoke of virgins and cocottes, of mature ladies and of younger ones. The pleasures of the birch came readily to his lips for he avowed that a sweeping of green twigs across a recalcitrant bottom was the finest method by which to prepare a maiden for the cock's entry.

Much was the badinage that occurred of course during his discourse, and not few the questions on my part, he delighting occasionally in what he deemed my naivety, though much complimenting me on the sweet way that I interjected.

The birch, I suggested, was a fearful instrument. This I announced for the ears of Elaine who lay still and was mainly disregarded by us, though her round bottom and the partly-offered fig. of her slit looked most toothsome, being well seen from our lower vantage point.

“Ah, but the English have not the art of it,” the Comte replied, “they think to birch their girls into submission whereas we perform the finer arts of inducing their bottoms to rise to the occasion by the more gentle but insistent sweeping of the twigs which naturally must be well softened for their task. Thus is heat slowly induced, causing the hips to wriggle not so much evasively but in full concord with the tingling which is induced.”

“Is that not also done to males and would it not have similar effect then?” I made bold to ask.

“Why indeed that is so with some men, though I would say few. It depends, I believe, on the subtle conformation of the nerves beneath the skin. In rampant youth the effect is more marked and many a boy's pego has been made to stiffen agreeably when under the maternal hand. Thus does he learn to grope while being spanked and is perhaps smacked the harder thereby. However, this little game continuing and the promise of his stiffened penis being felt upon the maternal thighs, the spanking eventually becomes other than a disciplining and resolves to more licentious acts, as also occurs with young ladies whose drawers are down.”

Seeing the twinkle in his eye, I laughed, for he would have me confess-I knew-that I had both suffered and enjoyed such, but I was loathe to make up stories of that nature for Papa had never put his hand to my bottom nor indeed any other part of my person.

These discourses having lasted some forty minutes or more, the arousal of the males again became evident. In some part this was secured by Pearl and I asking ever more licentious questions which caused the Comte to expand upon every detail of events that had occurred in the mirrored room.

“Would you then force a young maiden to take the cock?” I asked, fingering his own rising tool as I spoke.

“If I know she will be the better for it, yes. There are many signs to be followed in such circumstances, for their eyes are to be watched more than their lips should be listened to. A young girl say of fifteen or sixteen is often more easily brought to it, however, than a spinster whose longing for the manly prick has become too well submerged in false shyness.”

I raised my eyebrows and asked whether a spinster might be sufficiently attractive to warrant such attentions.

“A few. They are rare and yet as jewels, for if well-formed of figure their bodies are exceedingly ripe for it. The ladies take as much pleasure in converting them as do the males. I might instance, for example, the daughter of a cure-a vicar, as I believe you say. She was in her thirtieth year and deemed by many to be as warm-bottomed in bed as any, though that exceedingly attractive part of her anatomy had until then encountered naught but her own hand. Being brought here, she was duly courted and flattered, much to her surprise, I might say. The wine then took effect on her-unfairly perhaps, though she was put to her trials more fully the next day when out of her cups. Even so, it took much to encourage her to raise her dress so that, as was said, her legs might be admired. At first she would display only her knees, but then by persuasion conceded to mid-thigh. Her legs were superbly fashioned-even as are your own,” the Comte said gallantly. “Several other ladies then showed their garters and invited comparison with hers. I fear I bore you with such a recital, but being slowly enacted and with much deliberation, all proved most exciting. Her drawers and a finely-curved belly were seen at last. Assistance was then given, if I might so put it, to holding up her dress, while she continued to tipple. At what was deemed the right moment, her drawers were then descended. Being a trifle inebriated-which I regretted, for a woman must know what she is about-she was then laid back upon the table and fucked by several of the gentlemen. Each she received dumbly, as if it were a great surprise-which I am sure it was. I then saw her put to bed, my maids acting as chaperones.”

I guessed in what wise the two delightful girls had “chaperoned”- no doubt having kept the tempted lady busy thereafter.

“You spoke of the morrow,” I said. His penis was now fine and glowing. I bent and gently sucked the knob for a moment.

“A lust had come over me for her-I scarce know why, save that she had one of the finest figures I have ever seen, firm and round in all its aspects. Having been bathed and breakfasted in her room, I had her brought to me. She was dressed but without drawers, for they had been confiscated. In my nightshirt, I lay upon the bed and spoke to her gently, holding her wrist the while. I spoke to her of pleasures. She listened for a moment, but then would have tugged away. I grasped her more firmly. I know well how a woman who has been in lust succumbs to the lure of erotic words that are not too crudely spoken. I apprised her of what I intended-that my prick was to enter her bottom. She cried out at that, but knew in her heart that I would have her, or so I do believe. The maids entered and the birch was brought. I had little doubt that her Papa had oftimes basted her bottom, if only to see her knickers.

“So it proved, for though her struggles were at first gallant, she yielded finally. Held by the two maids as she was, I brought her bottom to a fine glow, having cast up her dress. Her squeals and cries were at first loud, but she finally settled, as I knew she would. I twitched the twigs more gently, noting every movement of her hips and every tightening of her bottom cheeks. She should have been finished off long before this and perhaps knew it. Her bottom yearned for the final assault that I afforded it. Parting the richly-fleshed cheeks, I inserted my knob in her orifice, telling then the maids to release her. She beat then at the counterpane and moaned, but made no attempt to delay my entry which was slow and deep. Within the passing of a minute she was fully cleft. Her bottom worked to me-she sought the forward movements of my prick. I said naught, but continued working her, causing her buttocks to urge back and forth against me. Her effusions wettened the bed long before I came. The sleek interior of her rosehole sucked my sperm in. All was well and all was done. Twice more I had her that day before she departed, laden with gifts and more glowing of visage than she had been for years.”

“This then you called bringing her to her trials?” I asked, moving my hand gently up and down his shaft as Pearl was doing to my uncle and Roald, for they had listened as entranced as I.

“Why, mon chou, I believe it to be a useful phrase and in many respects a correct one,” he replied. “Why do you ask?”

My gaze wandered across to Elaine who seemed to have huddled up ever more tightly.

“There is one here who has not yet been put to her trials,” I said. “Or, at least, not in that respect,” I added with a smile.
