Mario Payday acted as if the postman had mislaid the mail. “This is most distressing.”

“I know,” Carlo said.

“He’s not at court, and he isn’t home.”

“No, and he’s not in jail. He’s been released.”

“So what is the point of putting pressure on an individual if the person in question can’t be found? Kind of a waste of effort if you ask me.”

“There’s a bench warrant out for his arrest.”

“I thought he was arrested.”

“That was for murder. This is for failure to appear in court.”

“The gentleman has no end of trouble. Which does not mean I intend to stand at the back of the line.”

“Trust me, we’re on it. The minute he surfaces, he’s yours.”

“You just can’t tell me when that will be. Well, I suppose it was too much to ask.” Mario waggled his cigar, blew a smoke ring. “I’m famished. Let’s see how things look after lunch.”
