Detective Brogan knocked on the door of the commissioner’s office and walked in. Dino’s secretary had already announced him.
Dino waved him over to the desk. “You got something, Detective?”
“Yes, sir. You wanted everything you could get on Donnie Dressler.”
“You got something new?”
“I got something that isn’t on the rap sheet.”
“His last two convictions he was suspected of working with an unnamed accomplice. The accomplice wasn’t charged because he didn’t give her up. He didn’t need to give her up because he’d already rolled on somebody else. In one instance, Fred Walsh, in the other, Paul Peretti. In both cases the, quote, co-conspirator, unquote, claimed to barely know Donald Dressler, though each was alleged to be helping to fence stolen goods and caught with some of the contraband. Both said he was reputed to have worked with an attractive young lady who hooked the victims before Dressler ripped them off.”
“I don’t suppose you got a name?”
“They didn’t have a name, and it probably wouldn’t be hers.”
“Young, baby-faced blonde.”
“You speak to these guys?”
“No, just the ADAs in charge.”
“Where are they now?”
“In jail. Which tells you something, huh? Principal walks and they’re in jail. Twice, for Christ’s sakes. For two separate crimes. You’d think they’d be pretty pissed.”
“Talk to them, will you? Get more on Dressler, and more on the girl. Show them a picture of Yvette Walker while you’re at it.”
“You think it’s her?”
“Be nice if something in this damn case added up.”