Plotting Revenge

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Joint Chinese / Japanese Naval Headquarters

The remnants of Admiral Tomohisa Kawano’s fleet had limped into port alongside their PLAN counterparts two weeks ago. By the time their engineers and computer specialists could get their power and engine systems operational again, the Americans had nearly wiped them out. Admiral Kawano was able to escape with just two of his five carriers and about a quarter of his support ships. The battle had been a bloody disaster; not since the battle of Midway had the Japanese lost so many ships and sailors in a single battle.

After the battle, Admiral Xi had been recalled to China and replaced by Admiral Ye Shengli, a young, energetic naval officer who was eager to prove his mettle against the Americans. When Admiral Kawano explained the missile swarm plan, Admiral Shengli had become extremely excited to move forward with the attack. After nearly a week of preparation, both fleets had been refitted with anti-ship cruise missiles, and their drones and fighters had received anti-ship missiles as well. It was now time to launch the next assault against the American fleet and return control of the Pacific back to China and Japan.

While the two fleets had been regrouping and preparing themselves, the American fleet had moved up the West Coast and caused complete havoc. Many of the transports bringing troops and supplies to the ground forces had to be rerouted back to Hawaii until the sea lanes could be secured. The situation on the ground for their troops was becoming increasingly perilous as they ran through supplies and failed to bring in more troops. The American Third Army had now surrounded the three invasion sites and was slowly tightening the noose. The Japanese and Chinese needed to regain control of the sea or their invasion force would be doomed.

With little time to spare, the combined fleet left Hawaii and embarked on what they hoped would be the final battle for the Pacific.
